2024-25 CVAG Reimbursement Agmt ATP Amendment 4 - Avenue 48 Art & Music Line Design Proj. 2020-08MEMORANDUM DATE: June 19, 2024 TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager FROM: Carley Escarrega, Administrative Technician W �W U]I ORN1.1 RE: CVAG - Amendment 4 to Reimbursement agreement Art & Music Line Project 2020-08 Please list the Contracting Party / Vendor Name, type of agreement to be executed, including any change orders or amendments, and the type of services to be provided. Make sure to list any related Project No. and Project Name. Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: JVJ_ Approved by City Council on .June 18, 2024 Consent Item No. 11 .Q City Manager's signing authority provided under the City's Purchasing Policy [Resolution No. 2023-008] for budget expenditures of $50,000 or less. Department Director's or Manager's signing authority provided under the City's Purchasing Policy [Resolution No. 2023-008] for budget expenditures of $15,000 and $5,000, respectively, or less. Procurement Method (one must apply): .Q Bid ❑ RFP 0 RFQ _❑. 3 written informal bids QSole Source F] Select Source 1-1 Cooperative Procurement Reauestina deuartment shall check and attach the items below as auurouriate: 7 Agreement payment will be charged to Account No.: 401-0000-60188-202008-D ✓� Agreement term: Start Date 12/04/2023 _ End Date 12/31/2025 ✓Q Amount of Agreement, Amendment, Change Order, etc.: $ 139,660 REMINDER: Signing authorities listed above are applicable on the aggregate Agreement amount, not individual Amendments or Change Orders! FV—/1 Insurance certificates as required by the Agreement for Risk Manager approval Approved by: N/A Date: aBonds (originals) as required by the Agreement (Performance, Payment, etc.) Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from Consultant(s) NOTE: Review the "Form 700 Disclosure for Consultants" guidance to determine if a Form 700 is required pursuant FPPC regulation 18701(2) _a Business License No. N/A Expires: .Q Requisition for a Purchase Order has been prepared (Agreements over $5,000) Contract No. CVAG-20-018-04 Project: ATP — Arts and Music Line AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR TO THE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN CVAG AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR THE ATP — ARTS AND MUSIC LINE This AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR is made and entered into this 29th day of April 2024, by and between the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, a California joint powers agency (CVAG), the City of La Quinta (Agency) and is made with reference to the following background facts and circumstances. All other terms and conditions shall remain the same as stated in the original agreement dated March 18, 2020 for the ATP — Arts and Music Line Project. 1. This Amendment Number Four authorizes the additional scope of services in accordance with the attached Albert A. Webb Associates letter dated March 11, 2024 for the not -to -exceed amount of $2,234,565. The total amount payable shall not exceed $6,026,462. 2. This Amendment Number Four increases CVAG's Regional Share to $5,640,394, and the Local Share to $1,880,131. 3. This Amendment Number Four authorizes CVAG to amend the cost-sharing agreements between CVAG and the Cities of La Quinta, Indio and Coachella for design costs related to the ATP - Arts and Music Line, by adding $2,234,565 to the total costs for a revised total of $7,520,525 which represents an additional $1,675,924 totaling $5,640,394 for the 75 percent CVAG share and an additional $558,641 totaling $1,880,131 for the 25 percent local share. Based on the revised additional $558,641 to the local share, the revised 25 percent local share, totals $1,880,131 per this amendment, which will be split between the cities of La Quinta, Coachella and Indio as follows: La Quinta CVAG Approval Date Amendment Amount Regional Share (75%) Local Share (25%) Original Contract March 18, 2020 $2,731,897 $2,048,923 $682,974 Amendment Number One February 28, 2022 No Cost $0 $0 Amendment Number Two December 5, 2022 $1,060,000 $795,000 $265,000 Amendment Number Three December 4, 2023 $1,494,063 $1,120,547 $373,516 Amendment Number Four April 29, 2024 $2,234,565 $1,675,924 $558,641 Total Contract not -to -exceed $7,520,525 $5,640,394 $1,880,131 Based on the revised additional $558,641 to the local share, the revised 25 percent local share, totals $1,880,131 per this amendment, which will be split between the cities of La Quinta, Coachella and Indio as follows: La Quinta Indio Coachella Total Local Share 25% $470,033 $1,259,688 $150,410 $1,880,131 (25%) (67%) (8%) (100%) SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE Contract No. CVAG-20-018-04 Project: ATP - Arts and Music Line The parties hereto have caused this Amendment Number Four to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the above -reference date. ATTEST CITY OF LA QUINTA By:'t y By: Monika Radeva, City Clerk�on McMillen, City Manager ATTEST AUen MCA114en Allen McMillen (Jul 11, 202419:48 PDT) By: COACHELLA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS In Tom Kirk (Jul 11, 202418:44 MDT) Allen McMillen, Contracts Analyst II Tom Kirk, CVAG Executive Director Contract No. CVAG-20-018-04 Project: ATP - Arts and Music Line Attachment A-1 Albert A. Webb Associates - Arts & Music Line Amendment No. 3 Additional Scope of Services and Compensation Please refer to the following Albert A. Webb Associates letter dated March 11, 2024 A L 6 E R T A. March 11, 2024 A 5 5 0 C I A T E S Corporate Headquarters Mr. Randy Bowman 3788 McCrayStreet Program Manager - Transportation Riverside, CA 92506 951.686.1070 Coachella Valley Association of Governments 74-199 EI Paseo, Suite 100 Murrieta Office Palm Desert, CA 92260 41879 Kalmia Street 4150 Murrieta, CA 92562 RE: CVAG' s Arts & Music Line Contract Amendment T: 951.686.1076 Dear Randy: Albert A. Webb Associates (WEBB) is requesting a budget amendment for Arts & Music Line to provide additional professional services related to additional engineering and additional environmental documentation according to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Scope of Services is described in Exhibit A, and the Compensation for Additional Work is described in Exhibit B. We look forward to continuing to work with CVAG on this project. Sincerely, Albert A. Webb Associates Dilesh Sheth, PE, TE Senior Vice President yyy� � .W®IO0 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Addimonal2er�ces 20s. 24 m 03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1 - Additional NEPA Services NEPA Technical Studies Additional effort associated with the Caltrans NEPA document coordination and technical studies. HRER /E will prepare an Historic Resource Evaluation Report (HRER) to the standards outlined in Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER), Volume 2, Cultural Resources. /E will include additional time for Caltrans' second review of the Historic Properties Survey Report (HPSR) packet to accommodate two rounds of comments for the HRER. WEBB will include additional time for Caltrans review and coordination. La Quinta Evacuation Channel East Bank Address the change in project design from the west to the east bank of the channel: • /E will conduct a pedestrian spot-check survey of the east side of the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. • /E will update the HRER, Archaeological Survey Report (ASR), Area of Potential Effects (APE) map, and HPSR with the revised project description and survey results. • /E will include additional time for a third round of review and comments of the HPSR packet by Caltrans. • WSP will conduct a site visit of east bank and prepare a memorandum for Caltrans review and approval to supplement the approved Natural Environment Study - Minimal Impacts (NES -MI) and Jurisdictional Delineation. • WEBB will include additional time for Caltrans review and coordination. Water Quality Technical Memorandum • WEBB will address the comments from Caltrans requesting additional detail in the Water Quality Technical Memorandum (WQTM). • A Risk Level Assessment will be conducted and requested calculations of disturbed surface will be provided for the entire project and the east bank alignment change. • WEBB will include additional time for Caltrans review and coordination. Traffic Study Analyze additional intersections for traffic signal warrants. • Youngs Lane & Avenue 48 • Solano Avenue/Sundial Street & Avenue 48 • Oasis Street & Avenue 48 • Rancho Las Flores Park Driveway & Van Buren Street • Van Buren Street with an RRFB or Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon at Martin Van Buren Elementary • Avenue 49 and Braley Court, a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Page 2 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT Task 2 - Geotechnical and Drainage Analyses for the Bike Barrier Mitigations Avenue 48 within the boundaries of the City of Indio and the City of Coachella currently does not have the Master Drainage System in place. Consequently, it frequently experiences significant water accumulation on the street during rainstorms. In response to this issue, both cities have sought drainage solutions to address the reduced capacity resulting from the proposed bike barrier on the street's north side. As part of our inquiry, we have pinpointed medians near Solano Avenue as potential locations for implementing underground storm drain systems. Our scope of service is as follows: • We will prepare drainage analysis to determine the loss of capacity due to bike barriers along Avenue 48 between Washington Street and Dillon Road. • We will prepare drainage analysis to determine the mitigation stormwater volume at the downstream end of Avenue 48 to keep the flow depth to the previous condition. • We will prepare drainage analysis to determine the underground drainage system needed to mitigate the additional flow. • We will perform hand excavation of four percolation borings to depths up to 10 feet below the ground surface. Collect soil samples for grain size analyses. Set percolation pipe in the percolation borings and pre -saturate the test locations. • We will perform percolation testing in accordance with the Riverside County Handbook. Upon test completion, we will pull the percolation pipe and loosely backfill the borings with native soil. • We will perform laboratory testing, which is anticipated to include grain size analyses. The final laboratory test program will depend on the soil conditions encountered during the investigation. • We will prepare a limited percolation test report for the project, including a discussion of the soil types encountered, grain size analyses test results, percolation test data with calculated infiltration rates, and a figure depicting the percolation test locations. Task 3 - La Quinta Evacuation Channel Connector (LQEC Connector) Technical Memorandum, Alignment and Design Changes Assess five potential alignment options for the LQEC connector and draft a technical memorandum outlining the rationale behind selecting the preferred option. In response to a request from CVWD staff during the December 18th meeting, relocate the LQEC Connector to the east bank and ensure the Channel Connector remains outside of a 100 -year flood zone. Our scope of service includes: We will prepare preliminary alignment and profile for the east bank LQEC Connector. Prepare preliminary retaining wall profile to keep the 100 -year flood. Prepare preliminary drainage analysis for before and after conditions. Page 3 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT • We will provide coordination with the CVWD and their consultant for preliminary design and drainage analysis approval. • We will prepare the final alignment and profile for the east bank LQEC Connector. Prepare the final retaining wall profile design to keep the 100 -year flood. Prepare final drainage analysis for before and after conditions. Prepare scour analysis per CVWD requirements. • We will prepare a structural design for the retaining wall and the LQEC Connector. • We will prepare electrical design alternatives and final electrical design plans. • We will prepare plans for the safety features (phone booth, surveillance camera, and sensors). • We will coordinate with the CVWD and their consultant to approve the final design, drainage, and scour analysis. Task 4 - Hjorth Street Alignment Extension to Avenue 50 The Mountain Vista Elementary School (School) is located between Avenue 49 and Avenue 50 on Hjorth Street. To enhance student benefits, CVAG has chosen to extend the Arts and Music Line to connect with the school. Our scope of service is outlined as follows: Collect traffic and parking data at the school site. • We will prepare school connector alternatives with Class IV, Class III, and Class II bike facilities, as well as different parking configurations, and provide traffic calming features. • We wil coordinate with the City of Indio and obtain approval for preferred alternatives. • We will prepare final street improvement and signing & striping plans Task 5 - Prepare Improvement Plans for New Traffic Signals As listed within the NEPA traffic study, additional intersections are supported for traffic signal warrant analysis, including pedestrian bicycle treatments. Our scope of service includes the final design of the following intersections: • Youngs Lane & Avenue 48 • Solano Avenue/Sundial Street & Avenue 48 • Oasis Street & Avenue 48 • Rancho Las Flores Park Driveway & Van Buren Street • Van Buren Street with an RRFB or Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon at Martin Van Buren Elementary • Avenue 49 and Braley Court, a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Page 4 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT Task 6 - Revise Signing and Striping Plans Due to the modifications of the traffic study operational analysis and civil adjustments of curb and gutter, several iterations impacted the final design elements of the signing and striping layouts at the proximity of the intersections and transitions to and from existing conditions. Our scope of service is outlined as follows: • We will utilize traffic simulation tools to evaluate the impact of proposed signing and identified areas for enhancement or revision. • Local, regional, and state regulations from the CA-MUTCD had been updated during the design process. The team will implement modifications to account for design impacts. • We will modify sight lines and placement of signs to minimize overlapping. • We will determine appropriate signage placement and types, considering factors such as visibility, readability, and driver comprehension. Task 7 - Prepare Signing, Striping, and Pavement Marking Plans for the School Connector Spurs • We reviewed inventory of existing bike signing, striping, and markings along the school connector spurs. • We reviewed the City of Indio's grind and overlay project signing & striping plans. • We provided recommendations for improvements based on existing and after grind and overlay project completion. • We Prepared signing, striping, and marking improvement plans for the following roadways. o Avenue 46 from Shields Road to Clinton Street o Madison Street from Avenue 48 to Avenue 46 o Monroe Street from Avenue 48 to Dr. Carreon Boulevard o Jackson Street from Jackson Street to Highway 111 o Dr. Carreon Boulevard from Jackson Street to Calhoun Street o Moon River Drive from Avenue 50 to La Quinta Middle School Task 8 - Additional Effort for the Project Lighting Connector Mock Up • We will coordinate Mockups with the consultant team and agencies to provide location and costs for Mockup Demo of lighting fixtures. • We will coordination with Manufacturers for product costs and delivery Page 5 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT • We wil coordinate with the controls team to run night-time demonstrations of the color - changing capabilities of proposed light fixtures. • We will coordinate for a power source to run proposed light fixtures. Connector Lighting Consultation Revisions • We will provide a new lighting scheme along Dillon Rd. from Ave 48 to Cabazon Rd. Lighting shall be incorporated into the raised concrete barrier. Coordinate pricing and cost estimate updates with BABA -compliant lighting fixtures. Lighting designs shall be a collaborative effort between lighting designer, civil engineer, and project artist. • We will provide a new lighting scheme along Hjorth St. from Avenue 48 to Avenue 49, on Van Buren St. from Avenue 48 to the project boundary, and along Dillion Rd. from Cabazon to the freeway overpass. Lighting shall be incorporated into the concrete path per Circular Dimensions request. Coordinate pricing and cost estimate updates. Lighting designs shall be a collaborative effort between the lighting designer, civil engineer, and artist. Provide a new lighting scheme along the channel connector to the project boundary/CV link connection bridge. Lighting shall be incorporated per the direction of Circular Dimensions. Coordinate pricing and cost estimate updates. Lighting designs shall be a collaborative effort between the lighting designer, civil engineer, and artist. • Additional team meetings for lighting design coordination with artist and agencies. Connector Electrical Construction Document Revisions • We will update existing electrical construction documents to include the new lighting designs along Dillon Rd. from Ave 48 to Cabazon Rd., along Hjorth St. from Ave 48 to Avenue 49, on Van Buren St. from Avenue 48 to the project boundary, along Dillion Rd. from Cabazon to the freeway overpass and along the channel connector to the project boundary/CV link connection bridge. Provide electrical engineering services for additional electrical systems and lighting controls for new lights, modify panel schedules, details, and fixture schedules, and coordinate drafting services. • We will have additional coordination with the team for an additional electrical meter pedestal and lighting control cabinet. Three (3) anticipated. • We will Provide CSI `Book' specifications for all light fixtures. Connector Baba Compliance coordination • We will provide consultation and coordination to provide alternate BABA -compliant light fixtures per CVAG request. Lighting concepts and budgets were established before BABA compliance requirements. Page 6 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT • Before the construction, WEBB will organize a lighting demonstration event for the project. This is to ensure that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the proposed lighting solutions. Connector Fiber Connection Coordination/Plan Revisions. • We will provide coordination and design changes to the electrical documents, including fiber drops into the lighting control cabinets. Additional coordination with the lighting commissioning team is needed to determine the fiber switch interface with lighting control equipment. • We will have additional team meetings for control cabinet locations and lighting control requirements. Task 9 - Coordination with the CV Sync Project CVAG is implementing Phase 2 of the CV Sync project along Avenue 48, spanning from Washington Street to Dillon Road. The construction of the CV Sync project will precede Arts and Music Line. It's imperative to coordinate efforts with the CV Sync project to reduce the need for reconstructing the CV Sync facility and to ensure its compatibility as communication infrastructure for the Arts and Music Line. Task 10 - Revise Street Improvements and Intersection Improvement Plans • We will prepare street improvement plans for the Dr. Carreon segment from Jackson St to Calhoun St in Indio. • We will update the intersection of Washington Street and Avenue 48 to minimize the reconstruction and acquisition of additional right-of-way. • We will update street improvement plans for bike barrier saw -cut lines. • We will update ramps around adjusted traffic signal poles to meet ADA guidelines. • We will update Van Buren street improvements to accommodate IID pole relocation requirements. Task 11 - Revise Art Treatment Plans • WEBB will revise art treatment plans to reduce the color concrete. Task 12 - Research and Recommend Cost Effective Alternate to the Color Concrete WEBB will conduct a thorough analysis of costs associated with alternative pavement coating options, providing stakeholders with insights into the financial/ maintenance and constructability implications. Additionally, a memorandum will outline the advantages and disadvantages of using alternative coating pavement compared to the originally proposed Page 7 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT colored concrete, facilitating informed decision-making. Task 13 - Additional Graphics, Animation, and Presentation Preparation Services • We obtained drone footage for the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. • We Prepared three animations (at -grade, undercrossing, and overcrossing for the LQEC west bank connector. • We Prepared two animations for the LQEC east bank connector with different lighting options. • We will prepare and assist with presentations for CVWD, Safety Personnel, and the school district. Task 14 - Prepare Tree Planting Exhibit for the Urban Greening Program Grant WEBB assisted the CVAG with preparing an exhibit for tree -planting along the Arts and Music alignment. WEBB reviewed existing landscaping, trees, opportunities, and constraints along the corridor and recommended the proposed trees. Task 15 - Prepare Additional Legal and Plats and Provide Additional Right -of -Way Effort We have estimated that approximately 15 legal and plats are needed for the project. After 65% plan preparation, it is determined that an additional 35 legal and plats are required. We will prepare additional legal and plats. WEBB will provide additional appraisals, acquisitions, negotiations, and escrow coordination services. Task 16 - Utility Potholing and Utility Relocation • We estimated approximately 20 potholes are needed for the project. After 65% plan preparation, it is determined that an additional 30 potholes are needed for the project. • We will coordinate with IID to relocate power poles along Van Buren. • We will coordinate with the Valley Sanitary District for manholes located within the bike barrier. Task 17 - Additional Field Survey • WEBB conducted further research on ROW and titles for the existing easements along Ave 48, including locations at Adams St, Endless Sky, Dune Palms Rd, Miraflores Blvd, Bougainvillea St, Jefferson St, Hjorth St, Calle Conejo, Coronado Dr, Desert Grove Dr, Arabia St, Oasis St, and intersections at Ave 49/Hjorth St, Ave 49/Braley Ct, Van Buren St, Las Flores Park, as well as along Dillon Rd. • WEBB conducted additional field topo and ROW delineation research at Solano Ave and the parkway spanning between Monroe St and Arabia St, to facilitate the installation of a new signal location and for drainage mitigation purposes. Page 8 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT • WEBB also conducted extra field topo at intersections along Ave 48, including Jackson St, Madison St, Monroe St, Outdoor Resort, Shields Ave, and Youngs Ln, to ensure compliance with ADA curb ramp designs. • Furthermore, WEBB will conduct field topo and ROW research along the Dr. Carreon segment between Jackson St and Mangrove St. This is intended to support roadway widening efforts aimed at accommodating buffered Class II bike lanes at this segment. Task 18 - Wayfinding Signages and Bike Amenities Hubs Wayfinding Signages & Project Specific Signs • As part of enhancing accessibility and navigation within the project area, WEBB will prepare the wayfinding signage plan. This plan will optimize the placement and design of signages to facilitate smooth movement for bicyclists along the corridor. • WEBB will design the street name signs explicitly tailored for the project, contributing to a cohesive and visually appealing streetscape that enhances the overall aesthetics and functionality of the project. Bicycle Amenities Data Review and Design • We will review the project bike amenities matrix at 9 locations and make recommendations on needed improvements. The recommendations will take into account the condition of each amenity type, required maintenance, needed utility infrastructure, or other specifics. • The team will develop a memorandum that reflects the specifications for each amenity type, inventory results, recommendations to be shown at the 9 locations (amenities layouts), and submit the results for CVAG acceptance. • We will develop a layout and submittal for each of the nine locations including specific location for each amentity type. • Results for the task will be presented via a virtual meeting and the task assumes one round of revisions. Attend up to two (2) meetings with the project team. • WEBB will provide the landscape themed plan sheets for the proposed bike amenities locations. Task 19 - Additional Project Management and Coordination WEBB will provide additional project management and coordination. WEBB will schedule, chair, and prepare meeting agendas and meeting minutes. WEBB will collaborate closely with Golden Voice and the School District to facilitate and design the connection between Ave 49 and 50. Page 9 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT Task 20 - Additional Specification and Cost Estimate WEBB will provide project specifications and cost estimates, including various options like colored concrete or pavement coating alternative for the bike pathway, as well as alternatives for the raised bike barrier. Page 10 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx CVAG' S ARTS & MUSIC LINE CONTRACT AMENDMENT EXHIBIT B - COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SCOPE OF SERVICES Services described in our Scope of Work (Exhibit "A") shall be provided on a time and material basis not to exceed $2,234,565. Comaensation Breakdown Task 1 -Additional NEPA Effort $ 87,441 Task 2 -Geotechnical and Drainage Analyses for the Bike Barrier $ 28,457 Mitigation Task 3 -La Quinta Evacuation Channel Connector (LQEC Connector) $ 358,989 Task 4-Hjorth Street Alignment Extension to Ave 50 $ 47,000 Task 5 -Prepare Improvement Plans for New Traffic Signal $ 203,500 Task 6 -Revise Signing and Striping Plans $ 165,000 Task 7 -Prepare Signing, Striping, and Pavement Marking Plans for $ 25,000 the School Connector Spur Task 8- Additional Effort for the Project Lighting $ 88,705 Task 9 -Coordination with the CV Sync Project $ 10,000 Task 10-Resive Street Improvement & Intersection Improvement $ 250,000 Plans Task 11 -Revise Art Treatment Plans $ 25,000 Task 12 -Research & Recommend Alternate for Color Concrete $ 20,000 Task 13 -Additional Graphics, Animation & Presentation Preparation $ 87,660 Task 14 -Prepare Tree Planting Exhibit for Urban Greening Grant $ 12,000 Task 15 -Prepare Additional Legal & Plats & Additional ROW $ 320,643 Task 16 -Utility Potholing and Utility Relocation $ 189,670 Task 17 -Additional Field Survey $ 30,000 Task 18-Wayfinding Signage and Bike Amenities Hubs $ 80,000 Task 19 -Additional Project Management and Coordination $ 163,500 Task 20 -Specifications and Cost Estimate $ 42,000 $ 2,234,565 Page 11 H:\2020\20-0003\Proposals, Contracts, & Change Orders\CO_2024-03\20-0003_Additional Services_2024-03.docx City of La Quinta CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 11 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 18, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDP TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FOR AVENUE 48 ARTS AND MUSIC LINE PROJECT NO. 2020-08 RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment No. 4 to the Reimbursement Agreement with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments for the Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line Project No. 2020-08; and authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) is the lead agency for the Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line project improvements and has contracted Webb and Associates to design the project (Attachment 1). • In March 2020 the City approved a reimbursement agreement with CVAG along with the Cities of Coachella and Indio. The participating cities' local share of the design cost is determined by their respective linear mileage of the project. • CVAG was successful in receiving an Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant in the amount of $36.483 million for the construction. • Amendment No. 1 updated the cost share associated with the design, Amendment No. 2 added additional design to the agreement, and Amendment No. 3 incorporated construction management costs and added the non -infrastructure services to the agreement. • Amendment No. 4 authorizes additional scope of services for Albert A. Webb Associates for the design of the project. FISCAL IMPACT Amendment No. 4 will revise CVAG's 75% total regional share under the agreement to $5,640,394, and the 25% local share to $1,881,131. The total project cost is allocated as follows: 267 The 25%, or $1,880,131, local share is divided between the Cities of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella based on their respective linear mileage of the project; each city's share is detailed in the table below. The City's total share of the 25% is $470,033, which includes an additional $139,660 for Amendment No. 4. There is sufficient funding in the project budget (401-0000-60188-202008-D) for the additional cost to the City. La Quinta Executed Amendment Amount Regional Share Local Share Original Contract March 18, 2020 $2,731,897 $2,048,923 $682,974 Amendment No. 1 February 28, 2022 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Amendment No. 2 December 5, 2022 $1,060,000 $795,000 $265,000 Amendment No. 3 December 4, 2023 $1,494,063 $1,120,547 $373,516 Amendment No. 4 April 29, 2024 $2,234,565 $1,675,924 $558,641 Total Contract not - to -exceed $7,520,525 $5,640,394 $1,880,131 The 25%, or $1,880,131, local share is divided between the Cities of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella based on their respective linear mileage of the project; each city's share is detailed in the table below. The City's total share of the 25% is $470,033, which includes an additional $139,660 for Amendment No. 4. There is sufficient funding in the project budget (401-0000-60188-202008-D) for the additional cost to the City. La Quinta Indio Coachella Total Local Share 25% $470,033 (25%) $1,259,688 (67%) $150,410 (8%) $1,880,131 (100%) BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS CVAG coordinated with the cities of La Quinta, Coachella, Indio, and Riverside County to develop the 10 -mile project. The Arts and Music Line is a community connector to the CV Link that's located primarily along Avenue 48 between Highway 86 and Washington Street. The eastern end will extend along Dillon Road to the Spotlight 29 Casino. The western end will extend southward along Washington Street and then further west and south along Eisenhower Drive, connecting to the Bear Creek Trailhead at the western terminus of Calle Tampico. The project's design will incorporate both light and sound, and provide pedestrians and cyclists safe access to the music and art festivals at the Empire Polo Grounds. Partnerships with two school districts and Golden Voice, provides an opportunity to feature students' art and music along the route. In March 2020, the City executed a reimbursement agreement with CVAG and the cities of Indio and Coachella for the design of the project. The Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line is a priority identified in CVAG's Transportation Project Prioritization Study (TPPS) and was therefore eligible for regional transportation funding. By designing this project, CVAG was able to secure a $36.483M ATP grant for construction. Amendment No. 1, executed February 2022, revised the cost share after a portion of the La Quinta improvements was removed to improve the chances of receiving ATP grant funding. Amendment No. 2, executed December 2022, included additional design costs. 268 Amendment No. 3 extended the term of the agreement through December 31, 2025, incorporated the costs associated with pre -construction and construction management services per CVAG's agreements with Anser Advisory Management, LLC and T.Y. Lin International, and added non -infrastructure services per CVAG's agreement with Chen Ryan Associates. Proposed Amendment No. 4 authorizes the additional scope of services in accordance with the attached Albert A. Webb Associates letter dated March 11, 2024, for the not -to - exceed amount of $2,234,565. The total amount payable shall not exceed $7,520,525. AL i tRNA i ivts Council may elect not to approve this amendment. Prepared by: Carley Escarrega, Administrative Technician Approved by: Bryan McKinney, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachments: 1. Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line Project Map 2. Amendment No. 4 to Reimbursement Agreement With CVAG 269 •�wr .Dw 8,600 Feet sz 46 CVAG ABIs aird Music Llxr Adwe T". aborlahow Program Cyde G Grain Apbb alml r ATTACHMENT 1 �~fa ODUNIY, CAPON) 1 � 1 Legend Proposed Improvements R Arts and Music Line and School Connection Spurs < rz> Connection to CV Link Existing/ Planned Conditions CV Link Bicycle Lanes Sear Creek Trail Sc•hooh Palo Ficlds/Local Event Venue jurisdictions �. w Coachella r., rr, we Indio La Quinta Unincorporated Riverside County Project Location Map 270 ITEM 8C Coachella Valley Association of Governments Executive Committee April 29, 2024 STAFF REPORT Subject: Next Steps for the Arts and Music Line Project Contact: Randy Bowman, Transportation Program Manager (rbowman(@cvaq.orq) Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director to take the following actions for the Arts & Music Line project: 1. Execute Amendment No. 3 to the agreement with Albert A. Webb Associates to extend the term to December 31, 2025, for an additional not -to -exceed amount of $2,234,565; and authorize the Executive Director and/or Legal Counsel to make clarifying changes/revisions before execution; and 2. Negotiate and execute amendments to existing reimbursement agreements with the Cities of Coachella, Indio and La Quinta to adjust the local share of pre -construction services Transportation Committee: Concurred (Meeting of April 1) Background: In December 2022, the Executive Committee, at the recommendation of the Transportation Committee, authorized the Executive Director to take the necessary steps to accept $36.483 million in Active Transportation Program (ATP) funding for the Arts and Music Line (AML project). This innovative multi -modal project will provide nearly nine miles of protected bicycle facilities (Class 1 and Class 4) along Avenue 48, Van Buren Street, Hjorth Street, the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, and Dillon Road in the Cities of La Quinta, Indio and Coachella. It will also provide more than six miles of new or upgraded Class 2 and Class 3 bikeways that directly connect the project to 11 disadvantaged schools. The project scope includes branded elements like colored concrete, special markings and signage, lighting, two bridge under -crossings, traffic signal construction, paving, concrete channel modifications as well as connections to the CV Link and to the polo grounds, which is home to the world-renowned Coachella and Stagecoach art and music festivals. It also features innovative safety features including bicycle signals with fully protected bicycle movements, raised and/or recessed bike/pedestrian crossings, and bicycle signal indicators to alert cyclists that they have been detected by the traffic signal. CVAG's work with the project design team — Webb and Associates — predates the ATP award and their work helped to secure the outside funding. The contract was authorized by the Executive Committee on September 30, 2019 and has been amended twice since then. The Executive Director executed a no -cost time extension on September 30, 2021. On December 5, 2022, the Executive Committee authorized Amendment No. 2, which further extended the design contract term and added additional budget to incorporate the required National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process, and the design changes proposed in the ATP grant application. Staff is now recommending Amendment No. 3 to cover additional project coordination needed to complete the environmental review and get the project construction -ready. Since December 2022, Webb has brought the project design to 90 percent complete, extensively engaging with the partnering cities, Tribal government staff, Caltrans, Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), and other utilities. Substantial, additional project coordination and design effort have been required to get the plans to this current status, which has depleted the contract balance sooner than expected. Additional project coordination and design efforts have also been needed to meet new requirements in the federal Build America Buy America Act enacted in October 2023. Additional work also included field survey and utility coordination; additional traffic signal installations; stormwater mitigation design; coordination meetings with the CVAG CV Sync and CV Link projects; incorporating input from the project municipal partners and other stakeholders, and CVWD,; value engineering activities to balance construction and operations and maintenance costs of the project after construction; and additional plan and specification preparations to meet Caltrans requirements. A key element of the project is the extension of a Class 1 shared use path from Avenue 48 along the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, which will connect with the CV Link at Promontory Point north of Highway 111. CVAG has invested approximately $300,000 to date engaging CVWD regarding the design of the path and its crossing through the intersection of Jefferson Street and Highway 111. CVAG anticipates an additional $360,000 is needed to resolve design issues with CVWD before the project plans are completed. Further effort will be needed to complete the plans, acquire additional right-of-way, and provide assistance to respond to technical questions from bidders during the construction bidding stage in 2025. The NEPA approval and 100 percent project plans are scheduled to be complete this summer, followed by limited right-of-way finalization. Construction is anticipated to start in 2025. With this item, staff is recommending Amendment No. 3 to the existing contract with Albert A Webb Associates contract for additional budget to cover the additional project coordination and design effort needed from the designer to get the project to construction contract award. Staff also anticipates returning to the Committee once construction is awarded to consider another amendment with Webb for construction support will be recommended with the construction contract award. In addition to recommending execution of the contract amendment, staff is seeking authorization to negotiate and execute amendments to the cost-sharing agreements that CVAG has with the cities of La Quinta, Indio and Coachella. These recommended actions would also authorize the Executive Director and/or Legal Counsel to make clarifying revisions before execution Fiscal Analysis: The original contract for Webb Associates was for a not -to -exceed amount of $2,731,897 and a contract term of November 18, 2021. Amendment No. 1 extended the contract term to December 31, 2022 at no additional cost. Amendment No. 2 increased the contract amount by an additional $1,060,000 and extended the contract term to December 31, 2024. Amendment No. 3 will increase the contract amount by an additional $2,234,565 and extend the contract term to December 31, 2025. Funding is being split on the 75 percent/25 percent funding formula that is standard for regional projects. Because the Arts and Music Line's local share spans more than one jurisdiction, the approved reimbursement agreements split the 25 percent local share based on the length of the project in each jurisdiction. Consequently, the local share has been split with the City of La Quinta covering 25 percent, City of Indio covering 67 percent, and the City of Coachella covering the remaining 8 percent. CVAG staff will revise the agency reimbursement agreements to account for the additional $2,234,565. With approval of Amendment No. 3, the adjusted local share totals for design services will be as follows: La Quinta Indio Coachella Local Share (25%) $376,654 $1,009,433 $120,529 $1,506,616 25% 67% 8% 100% CVAG staff has coordinated with the staff at these partnering cities about the anticipated cost. Looking ahead, CVAG staff continues to look for additional funding opportunities for the AML. Construction costs continue to rise and are being tracked as the project design continues. Staff will also work with its member jurisdictions to address cost-sharing of the local share of the construction phase, allowing them to budget for future fiscal years. Attachments: 1. Project Location Map 2. Albert A. Webb Associates — Art & Music Line Amendment No. 3 CVAG Reimbursement Agmt Amend 4 Art & Music Line Proj. 2020 -08 -final Final Audit Report Created: 2024-07-11 By: Allen McMillen (amcmillen@cvag.org) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAQ-8g1Q-cesG7by5wg2AGpR5AtdJS7IDr 2024-07-12 "CVAG Reimbursement Agmt Amend 4 Art & Music Line Proj. 2 020 -08 -final" History Document created by Allen McMillen (amcmillen@cvag.org) 2024-07-11 - 10:07:32 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to Tom Kirk (tkirk@cvag.org) for signature 2024-07-11 - 10:09:17 PM GMT Email viewed by Tom Kirk (tkirk@cvag.org) 2024-07-12 - 0:44:23 AM GMT- IP address: G Document e -signed by Tom Kirk (tkirk@cvag.org) Signature Date: 2024-07-12 - 0:44:37 AM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to Allen McMillen (amcmillen@cvag.org) for signature 2024-07-12 - 0:44:38 AM GMT Email viewed by Allen McMillen (amcmillen@cvag.org) 2024-07-12 - 2:45:17 AM GMT- IP address: Document e -signed by Allen McMillen (amcmillen@cvag.org) Signature Date: 2024-07-12 - 2:48:27 AM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2024-07-12 - 2:48:27 AM GMT 0 Adobe Acrobat Sign