2024 06 26 CC & HA Special Joint Mtg B/C Interviews4 aide/ GEM of the DESERT — NOTICE OF SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY, AND TO THE CITY CLERK/AUTHORITY SECRETARY: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Joint Meeting of the La Quinta City Council and Housing Authority is hereby called to be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, starting at 3:30 p.m.; at La Quinta City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 for the following purpose: BUSINESS SESSION 1. INTERVIEW AND APPOINT RESIDENTS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES Dated: June 21, 2024 /s/ linda Evans LINDA EVANS, Mayor Attest: Is' rKat Ceen Fitzpatrick KATHLEEN FITZPATRICK, Chairperson MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk/Authority Secretary DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk/Authority Secretary, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the Special Joint Meeting of the La Quinta City Council and Housing Authority of June 26, 2024, was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on June 21, 2024. DATED: June 21, 2024 Monika Radeva, City Clerk/Authority Secretary CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 1 of 1 JUNE 26, 2024 40alittai GEM of the DESERT — City Council / Housing Authority agendas and staff reports are available on the City's web page: www.LaQuintaCA._gov AGENDA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2024, AT 3:30 P.M. Members of the public may listen to this meeting by tuning -in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live. CALL TO ORDER — CITY COUNCIL ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, and Mayor Evans CALL TO ORDER — HOUSING AUTHORITY ROLL CALL: Authority Members: Evans, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, and Chairperson Fitzpatrick VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENT — AB 23 [AUTHORITY SECRETARY] PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council and/or Housing Authority on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed at the end of the agenda. The City Council/Housing Authority values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AGENDA Page 1 of 4 JUNE 26, 2024 BUSINESS SESSION 1. INTERVIEW AND APPOINT RESIDENTS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES A. ARTS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION 11 B. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION 63 C. HOUSING COMMISSION 81 D. PLANNING COMMISSION 105 E. PALM SPRINGS AIRPORT COMMISSION 151 F. COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION — TRAILS 173 MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE G. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 181 PAGE 7 COUNCIL AND AUTHORITY MEMBERS' ITEMS ADJOURNMENT ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council and Housing Authority will be held on July 16, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk/Authority Secretary of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on June 21, 2024. DATED: June 21, 2024 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk/Authority Secretary City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • Agenda packet materials are available for public inspection: 1) at the Clerk's Office at La Quinta City Hall, located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253; and 2) on the City's website at www.laquintaca.gov/councilagendas, in accordance with the Brown Act [Government Code § 54957.5; AB 2647 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 971)]. CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AGENDA Page 2 of 4 JUNE 26, 2024 • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at (760) 777- 7123, 24 -hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If background material is to be presented to the City Council/Housing Authority during a City Council/Housing Authority meeting, please be advised that 15 copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk/Authority Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS - INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the City Council/Housing Authority on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in-person during the meeting by submitting 15 copies to the City Clerk/Authority Secretary, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to CityClerkMail(a)LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to Council/Housing Authority, made public, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor/Chairperson, a brief summary of public comments is asked to be reported. If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state "Written Comments" and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter. VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in-person during the meeting by completing a "Request to Speak" form and submitting it to the City Clerk/Authority Secretary; it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). Members of the public shall be called upon to speak by the Mayor/Chairperson. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-027, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the City Clerk/Authority Secretary by completing a "Request to Speak" form noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers' own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Mayor/Chairperson. Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; 15 copies of such printed materials shall be provided to the City Clerk/Authority Secretary to be disseminated to the City Council/Housing Authority, made public, and incorporated CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AGENDA Page 3 of 4 JUNE 26, 2024 into the public record of the meeting; it is requested that the printed materials are provided prior to the beginning of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Mayor/Chairperson. All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City's Internet Web site and any other Internet Web -based platform or other Web -based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 7920.000 et seq.]. TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY — INSTRUCTIONS Teleconference accessibility may be triggered in accordance with AB 2449 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 285), codified in the Brown Act [Government Code § 54953], if a member of the City Council/Housing Authority requests to attend and participate in this meeting remotely due to "just cause" or "emergency circumstances," as defined, and only if the request is approved. In such instances, remote public accessibility and participation will be facilitated via Zoom Webinar as detailed at the end of this Agenda. *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES — PURSUANT TO AB 2449*** APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY IS IN EFFECT Verbal public comments via Teleconference — members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the "raise your hand" feature when public comments are prompted by the Mayor/Chairperson; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the City Council/Housing Authority and general public and allow him/her/them to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note — members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Mayor/Chairperson, in order to become audible to the City Council/Housing Authority and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Mayor/Chairperson. ZOOM LINK: Meeting ID: Or join by phone: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82540879912 825 4087 9912 (253) 215 — 8782 Written public comments — can be provided in person during the meeting or emailed to the City Clerk's Office at CityClerkMail(c�LaQuintaCA.gov any time prior to the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the City Council/Authority, made public, incorporated into the public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor/Chairperson, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk's Office can accommodate such request. CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AGENDA Page 4 of 4 JUNE 26, 2024 BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta JOINT CITY COUNCIL/HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING DATE: June 26, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: INTERVIEW AND APPOINT RESIDENTS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITEES RECOMMENDATION Make appointments to fill existing and upcoming vacancies on City Boards, Commissions, and Committees. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Public participation and membership is required for City -established and regional boards, commissions, and committees. • The City advertised the existing and upcoming vacancies on the City website, social media, the Gem magazine, and the Desert Sun newspaper; 38 applications were received (Attachment 1). • Council and Housing Authority (Authority) will interview and appoint applicants to fill the vacancies by ballot. FISCAL IMPACT Fiscal year 2024-25 budget includes funds for the following Council -approved amounts (per member, per meeting attended) approved by Resolution No. 2024-013, adopted on April 2, 2024, and established by La Quinta Municipal Code section 2.80.050 — Compensation for the Housing Commission: Arts and Community Services Commission $ 75 Construction Board of Appeals $ 0 Finance Advisory Commission $ 75 Housing Commission $ 50 Palm Springs Airport Commission $ 75 Planning Commission $100 Trails Management Subcommittee $ 0 7 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Council/Authority established boards, commissions, and committees to facilitate broader participation in City governance, to solicit a broad range of opinions on City issues, and to introduce citizens to the municipal government process. Council also appoints resident representatives to serve on a number of outside agencies' boards, commissions, and committees, to attend the meetings, represent the City, and report back to Council. The City advertised the existing and upcoming vacancies on the City website and social media from April through June 2024; in the May and June 2024 issues of The Gem magazine; and the Desert Sun newspaper on April 12, 2024. The City accepts applications throughout the year and applications are held as pending until a recruitment is conducted. Pending applicants as well as applicants from prior recruitments who were not appointed were notified of existing and upcoming annual vacancies. Current Commissions' members whose terms will expire June 30, 2024, can also reapply. Section 2.06.040 — Qualifications, subsection A, of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC) states that "... all members of boards and commissions of the city shall serve on only one (1) board or commission at any given time in order to avoid simultaneous memberships." One applicant has submitted applications and a request to serve on two commissions simultaneously, the Financial Advisory Commission, which is advisory to the Council and the Palm Springs Airport Commission, which is advisory to the Palm Springs City Council, and as such, the restrictions imposed by the LQMC section noted above would not apply. Section 2.06.030 — Term and term rotation, subsection E, of the LQMC, states that "After serving two (2) consecutive three (3) -year terms, or a total of six (6) consecutive years, on a specific board or commission, that member shall rotate out of that board or commission and shall not be considered for reappointment to that specific board or commission until one (1) year has elapsed." However, Council/Authority may extend the service term limitation in accordance with LQMC Section 2.06.030, subsection H, which states that "Any term for a board, commission, or committee may be extended by action of the city council ,or the establishing body." Section 2.80.030 — Qualifications of members of the LQMC, in compliance with California Health and Safety Code Section 34290, requires the Housing Commission membership to be comprised of one (1) tenant of the Authority, one (1) tenant who is also 62 years of age, and the remaining three (3) members to be city residents. Both tenant positions are up for reappointment and there is only one (1) applicant qualified as tenant. The Authority may make an "interim" appointment to avoid having a vacancy on the commission, until the City receives an application from a candidate that meets the tenant and age qualifications. 8 A total of 38 applications were received from the residents listed below in alphabetical order; incumbent are identified by an asterisk (*): ARTS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION — advisory to Council 10 applications; Open: 3 vacancies for full 3 -year terms 1. Cristina Acosta (withdrawn 6/26/2024) 2. Cynthia Beesemyer 3. Mary Anne Brower 4. Deanna Dreweatt (withdrawn 6/25/2024) 5. Marshall Forster (withdrawn 6/26/2024) 6. Tracy Phillip) (withdrawn 6/26/2024) 7. Alex Sheafe (absent 6/26/2024) 8. Jeffrey Shore 9. Sean Webb 10. Robert Weston FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION — advisory to Council 5 applications; Open: 4 vacancies for full 3 -year terms 1. Brian Anderson* 2. Keith Dorsey* 3. Geoffrey Kiehl* 4. David Lee 5. Mark Sussman HOUSING COMMISSION — advisory to Authority 7 applications; Open: 4 total: 2 non -tenant vacancies for full 3 -year terms; 1 tenant vacancy for a full 3 -year term; 1 tenant & 62+ vacancy for a full 3 -year term 1. Christa Christopherson 2. Veronica Gaeta-Mejia* (Tenant) 3. Heather Horning 4. Priscilla Paltin* 5. Mark Sussman (absent 6/26/2024) 6. Samuel Turley 7. Alex Vasquez PLANNING COMMISSION — advisory to Council 10 applications; Open: 3 vacancies for full 3 -year terms 1. Linda Bohlinger 2. Steven Cherry 3. Michael Curry 4. John Henry Garcia (withdrawn 6/26/2024) 5. Elisa Guerrero* 6. Shayra Hernandez 9 7. Kevin Hundt 8. Vincent Lopez (withdrawn 6/26/2024) 9. Dale Tyerman* 10. Art Valdez (changed to CBA 6/25/2024) PALM SPRINGS AIRPORT COMMISSION — advisory to the Palm Springs City Council 4 applications; Open: 1 vacancy for full 3 -year term 1. Steven Cherry 2. Wilson (Wil) Ficldhousc (withdrawn 6/24/2024) 3. Geoffrey Kiehl 4. Thomas Thetford (absent 6/26/2024) COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION - TRAILS MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE — advisory to the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission 1 application; Open: 2 vacancies — NO TERM LIMIT 1. De Karlen CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS — advisory to Council 2 applications; Open: 1 vacancy — NO TERM LIMIT 1. Stephen Olson 2. Art Valdez (changed from PC 6/25/2024) ALTERNATIVES The Council/Authority may decide to fill some or no vacancies, re -advertise, and set another date for Council/Authority interviews and appointments. Prepared by: Approved by: Lori Lorett, Senior Permit Technician Monika Radeva, City Clerk Attachment: 1. Applications 10 ATTACHMENT 1 ARTS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2024 APPLICATIONS 1. Chrisina Acosta (withdrawn 6/26/2024) 2. Cynthia Beesemyer 3. Mary Anne Brower 4. Deanna Dreweatt (withdrawn 6/25/2024) 5. Marshall Corder (withdrawn 6/26/2024) 6. Tracy Phillips 7. Ale., Sheafe (absent 6/26/2024) 8. Jeffrey Shore 9. Sean Webb 10. Robert Weston 11 4 aiitrai GEM of the DESERT Date: April 16, 2024 4/16/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Cristina Acosta HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) same (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Self Employed Cristina Acosta Art & Design Capitis Real Estate, La Quinta BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 6 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Arts & Community Services Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes: Re the Wave Pool and During Voting to experience each Candidate in person. 12 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Arts entrepreneur, published author, educator and exhibiting visual artist for over four decades. Sold my art and design products in the local, state, and national markets for many years. Formal Education includes: UCR Master Gardener cert. Yoga 200 RYT College of the Desert BFA University Oregon, AA Central Oregon Community College, Please see attached resume for details. Page 2 of 3 13 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. To promote support, participation and understanding of the arts in the community, thus Strengthening both the individual community makers and viewers alongside the community as a whole. To maintain and implement the art in public places program and to advise re community needs for public art, recreation, community programs and more. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUED OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUED OR PROBLEMS? The City of La Quinta has branded itself for decades as an arts central community -- through the use of the city name in National art shows; Continuing and expanding upon the brand potential whle including the broadest and most diverse of community members is crucial for future growth. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? As an artist/entrepreneur with forty years of work experience in both the individual, corporate and institutional realms„ I bring openness, grit and creativity to all of my endeavors. In my former town of Bend, Oregon, where I lived for 30 years, I was very involved in the years of community effort to transform a failing mill -town into a thriving hip and groovy town. (See resume) IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 14 Cristina Acosta — Resume and Bio, March 2024 www. c:ristIna Hcos ta.com, https://www.instagram.com/cristinapacosta/ https://www.facebook.com/CristinaAcostaArtAndDesign/ Born: Los Angeles, California, 1959 Resides: Greater Palm Springs area, California BIO Artist, author, designer, and entrepreneur, Cristina Acosta creates environments and artistry for the contemporary client. Cristina works as a visual two and three dimensional artist and designer in a variety of mediums. A professional colorist and classically trained in the craft of painting, attention to detail and process are the hallmarks of Cristina's creative work. RESUME Related Arts Employment Cristina Acosta Arts & Design Ilc: 1984 - present • Fine Artist: Paintings for galleries and exhibits nationwide. 1984 - present. • Architectural Color Consulting Specialist: Residential, commercial, institutional. 1998 - present. • Landscape Design: residential and light commercial - 2010 - present • Cristina Acosta Signature Decor (Ceramic Tile Business): - Designed, manufactured, marketed, sold the Cristina Acosta Signature Line of ceramic tile. 1991— 2001. National distribution - Ann Sacks Tile & Stone, Home Depot, etc. Acosta transitioned her six year artisan art tile process into a manufacturing process and aligned with Westminster Tile, in California, for production and fulfillment. Together they developed successful productions methods that converted her hand painted ceramics into serigraph/hand painted ceramics. Acosta created and managed national distribution of her signature tile line: 1998-2002 • Licensed Art Images - Images for greeting cards and home decor items; floor mats, greeting cards, etc: 1993 — 2000. • Author and writer and illustrator- Wrote and illustrated, Paint Happy. • Columnist for Latina Style magazine's design column, "Su Casa". Contributor to various books, blogs and periodicals over the years: 1991 -present. • Sign and mural painter — Holiday and promotional non -permanent signs on store windows. Central Oregon, Springfield, and Eugene, Oregon: 1984 —1994. • Consistently exhibited fine art in juried and invitational shows: 1984 -present. • UCR University California Riverside - Usher program: Drawing Meditation classes taught on Zoom per COVID pandemic. Fall 2021 15 • Central Oregon Community College -Adjunct Art Instructor, Bend, Oregon: Figure Drawing, Drawing, Painting. Sept. 1990 -1995. • Billboard Lettering and Mural artist — Outdoor advertising billboard painter, Carlson Sign Company, Bend, Oregon 1988 -1990. • Lettering artist - Safeway Stores, Bend, Eugene, Oregon — show card and display signs. Taught sign makers 1987, 1988. Community Positions: • UO University of Oregon School of Architecture and Allied Arts: Board of Visitors - Member 2008-2011 • Assorted years of board and membership activity in various Bend, Oregon, community ventures including: Central Oregon Arts Association, Atelier 6000, etc. 1998 - 2013. Selected Exhibits & Gallery Representation — 2004 to Present • Wild Coyote Gallery, Big Bear Lake, California. Nov. 2023 to Present. • Edward Dean Art Museum Riverside County Arts Inaugural Event, March 2, 2024. • The High Desert Museum - Art in The West juried fundraiser. Bend, OR. Summer 2023. • Eadington Gallery, Tahoe City, CA - Gallery artist 2020 - Present. • Gallery 5830, Truckee, CA - Gallery artist 2016 - Present. • Intersect 2023 Palm Springs - Juried painting in Intersect booth via Desert Open Studios, February 2023 • Northwest by Northwest Gallery, Cannon Beach, Oregon - Gallery artist 2016 - 2020 • The Grand, Jackson, WY - Gallery Artist 2016-2019 • Terzian Gallery, Park City, UT - Gallery Artist 2016-2018 • Martis Camp, Family Barn, Truckee, CA solo exhibit, 2018 summer • Alpine Home Gallery, Tahoe City, CA- Gallery artist 2016-2017 Various art festival exhibits: 2013-2022 including (selected):South Lake Tahoe, La Quinta, Palm Springs, Indian Wells, CA • Art on Main Street, La Quinta, CA 2018-2021 intermittently. • Old Town San Diego Art Festival — Oct. 2012, San Diego, CA • Balloon Fiesta and Rio Grande Arts Festival — Oct. 2011 , Albuquerque, New Mexico Tahoe Arts Council — July 2011, 16 • Art in the Park, Lake Tahoe, California • Westfest Art Fair – March 2011, Palm Springs, • California High Desert Gallery, Bend, Sisters and Redmond, OR – 2008 - 2010 Gallery Representation. • Chimaya Gallery – Los Angeles, CA 2009-2010. • Portland City Hall, Latino Latina American Heritage Exhibit, Portland, OR – Sept./Oct. 2008. • Jacobs Gallery, Hult Center, Eugene, OR –April/May 2008. Latino Visions. • Hood River Arts Association, Hood River, OR, Oct. 2005 – • Invitational Group Exhibit. includes Artist Talk Mirror Pond Art Gallery – Bend, OR, Celebracion! Invitational exhibit of Latino artists. May 2005 • Belinki & Duprey Gallery -- Portland, OR: Arte Vivo –12 regional Latino artists. Oct 2004 • Larson Gallery -- Yakima Community College, Yakima, WA. Sept. 12, 2004 -Oct. 9,2004. "Artistas de La Raza Cosmica. 30 National Latino artists. Five oils. • Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, Summer, 2004, Portland, OR. Paintings Selected Listings: Instructor – Speaker – Curator — Artist in Residence Artist in Residence: • 2019 Tallac Historic Site, South Lake Tahoe, CA., Painter in the historic Pope Studio -- 3 months, July, Aug, Sept. • 2018 Tallac Historic Site, South Lake Tahoe, CA., Painter in Residence 6 weeks, July -Sept. nstructor: • College, Museum, Library and School courses - Art Workshops: nationwide. Available at Present. • Oregon Historical Society, Oregon Folklife Program, Las Artes Tradicionales en las Comunidad, 4 week class: Retablos Ex-votos, a traditional Latino arts March 2002. • Central Oregon Community College, Bend,OR: Figure Drawing, Drawing, Painting. Sept. 1990 -1995. • The High Desert Museum, Central OR Community College, painting. Bend Metro Parks & Recreation; 1995-2005 occasionally - painting and drawing classes. • Central Oregon Arts Assoc. -- Occasional classes 1988 to 2013. • Oregon Historical Society, Oregon Folklife Program, Las Artes Tradicionales en las Comunidad, 4 week class: Retablos Ex-votos, a traditional Latino art form. March 2002. 17 Speaker: Library, Education and Gallery Talks. • Including: Central Oregon Community College, Bend, OR. Nordstrom Store, Salem, OR. Yakima Allied Arts Gallery, Yakima, WA. • Female Spirituality Conference. Forest Grove, OR, Pacific University, Feminist Studies Program & Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ • Curator: Mirror Pond Art Gallery — Bend, OR, Celebracion! Invitational exhibit of Latino artists. Books -- Authored • Paint Happy, authored and paintings by Cristina Acosta. Published, North Light Books, F&W Publications, Cincinnati, Ohio. August, 2002, reprinted Sept. 2004. 119 page art book. ISBN 1-58180-118-1 Books -- Illustrated • Inlay with Nacre - The Names of Forgotten Women, by Cindy Williams Gutierrez. Willow Books, Detroit, Michigan. ISBN 978-1-7322091-1-4 ©2019. Cover art of Acosta's ex-voto retablo, La Sirena / The Green Mermaid. • Jane and the Giant Poop, written by Steve Hodges, M.D., and Suzanne Schlosberg, illustrated by Cristina Acosta. O'Reagan Press, 2019. • Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault, written by Steve Hodges, M.D., and Suzanne Schlosberg, illustrated by Cristina Acosta. O'Reagan Press, 2015. • When Woman Became the Sea, illustrated by Cristina Acosta, written by Susan Strauss, published Beyond Words Publishing, Portland, Oregon, ©1998. 32 page children's picture book. Books -- Contributed • La Conquistadora, The Virgin Mary at War and Peace in the Old and New Worlds, by Amy G Remensnyder. Oxford University Press, 2014. Page 367 photo of Cristina's La Conquistadora/Puebloan Corn Maiden, Dene Spider Woman retablo. • Triumph of Our Communities — Four Decades of Mexican American Art, by Gary D. Keller and Amy Phillips, Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingue, Arizona State University. ISBN -13 : 978-1931010344 Page 16 featuring Acosta's paintings. 2005. • Finding Your Visual Voice: A Painter's Guide to Developing an Artistic Style, by Dakota Mitchell and Lee Haroun, North Light Books, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA 978-1581808070. Feb. 2007, featuring four of Cristina's images. • When Woman Became the Sea, illustrated by Cristina Acosta, written by Susan Strauss, Beyond Words Publishing, Portland, Oregon. ©1998. 32 page children's picture book. • Ceramic Art Tile for the Home, by Debora Goletz, Shiffer Books, ISBN 978-0764312977. Tile and ceramic wares; the foreword pages 6 and 7, and three other pages in the book. ©2001 18 • The Clay Lover's Guide to Making Molds, by Pierce Clayton, Lark Books Div. Altamont Press, Asheville, NC, ©1997. ISBN 9781579900229. Page 52, picture of Cristina's three mosaic lamps, Page 117, ceramic teapot, attributions. • Handbuilt Ceramics, by Kathy Triplett, Lark Books, Asheville, NC, USA. ISBN 978-1887374293. ©1997, page 27, Picture of ceramic pitchers, attribution. • The Clay Lover's Guide to Making Molds, by Pierce Clatyon, Lark Books Div. Altamont Press, Asheville, NC, USA ©1997. Page 52, picture of Cristina's three mosaic lamps, Page 117, ceramic teapot, attributions. • Tile, by Jill Herbers. Photographer Roy Wright. Artisan Books, New York, USA. ©1996, ISBN 978-1885183293, page 80. Picture of Crane Kitchen, Beverly Hills, Calif. Brief description and appendices. Selected Print Interviews • The Desert Sun - Palm Springs, CA 2016. Interview print and video. • The Oregonian – Portland, OR, Dec. 22, 2005. Home & Garden insert. Cover, 4 p. interview, p. 7-10 • El Hispanic News -- Oregon and Southwest WA Bilingual Newspaper, August 11,205, Vol. XXIV No. 32. Interview and Cover of "Mas" insert • Paint Decor -- Better Homes and Gardens Special Interest Publication, Winter Issue October 2004 to Jan 18, 2005, pages 20 through 31. – For the Fun of It! Artist Cristina Acosta offers a fairy-tale guide to painting ceramics "as if you own the paint store." Feature article showcasing Acosta's designs on tableware. • Good Housekeeping – Do it Yourself, Winter 2002, page 65. "Contain Yourself – Create a fiesta of living color by growing your plants in containers". Article featured 5 pages of Cristina's mosaic pots. • Decorate with Paint, Country Sampler Decorating Ideas, Nov. 2002, page 45, "Waves of Inspiration". Eleven page interview with pictures of my home. Describing the painted walls of artist's home and pictures of fine art paintings. • Good Housekeeping Do it Yourself, Fall 1998, Hearst Publications. "Tips from a tile artist," by Allison Kyle Leopold. Page 14,15,105. Three page interview , pictures of paintings and ceramics. • Latina Magazine, "lo nuevo/news" dept. "Tiles with style." Short interview and pictures .Page 35, December/January 1997. • Grants Pass Daily Courier, "Balance A Credit To Exhibit - Happy-go-lucky pups to glowing lakesides — museum has a rounded Show," by Edith Decker. Section B - Entertainment Section Cover article. April 6, 1995. Grants Pass Art Museum review of Acosta's oil paintings. Two -person show. Reviews Paint Happy • Artist's Sketchbook, "Brain Food" on page 54, April, 2003 issue. 19 • The Artist's Magazine, December 2002, "Season's Readings", page 55, by Allison Rost. • Today's Books, "Best Reads", Public News Service, November 11, 2002. • Orange County Home, "The Bookshelf", October, 2002. page 30 When Woman Became the Sea: Reviews of Cristina's illustrations in children's picture book: • Bookman's Weekly, November 1998 • Booklist, October 1998 • Kirkus Reviews, September 1998 • School Library Journal, February 1998 Awards • Habitat for Humanity - Bend, OR Branch: 2004/05/06 Garnered $20,000. Grant from Benjamin Moore Corporate for paint for Silverlake subdivision Habitat clients to be used for paint product. Donated consulting services to the clients over 2 years. • Latina Magazine annual award listing: February 2004, "What We Love: 47 People, Places, & Cositas every mujer must know." Page 105, #33 • ASW- Art Supply Warehouse "cover contest", $1,000. Prize plus featured cover artist "Winter Sale" catalog. The painting — "Juggling Stars". Feb 2003. Solo Exhibits • Angela Ivy Gallery, Big Bear Lake, CA- Painting, May/June 2023. • St. Charles Hospital, Bend, OR — Paintings, Spring 2008. • Onda Arte Latina, Portland, OR — Paintings, June 2006. • Pettibone Art Gallery, Bend, OR — Paintings, April 2006. • University of Washington, Vancouver, WA — Library Exhibit. May 2005 — Oct. 2005. Artist Talk. • The Welcome Center — Bend, Oregon. Paintings. July/August 1992. • Sunriver Lodge, Upper Gallery — Sunriver, Oregon. Paintings. Oct/Nov. 1992. • Central Oregon Community College, Pinkney Gallery, Bend, Oregon. Paintings, drawings, 1987. Museum Exhibits • Arizona State University Museum of Anthropology, Tucson, AZ, October 2008 -Jan 2009, 9th Annual Dia de los Muertos Festival (Day of the Dead). 20 • High Desert Museum, Bend, Oregon — Hispanic Culture Celebration —April 2006 • Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, WA — People, Places and Perceptions: A Look at Contemporary Latino Art in the Northwest, July — Nov. 2005. • Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, WA— Dia de los Muertos event, October 2004, 2005. • Grants Pass Museum of Art, Grants Pass, Oregon —Solo exhibit, North Gallery. April 1995. Education • May 2024 College of the Desert, Palm Desert, California: Graduate - May 2024 Yoga RYT200 Certificate. • 2020 UC Riverside County Master Gardener Program • 1988 University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon -- BFA, Painting • 1984 Central Oregon Community College, Bend, Oregon -- AA, Fine Arts Matriculated: San Bernardino Valley College 1976-1979 Palomar Junior College 1978-1979 Victor Valley Community College 1981-1982 * * * 21 4 aiitrai GEM of the DESERT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Cynthia Beesemyer HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: President of The Brand Initiative LLC. Currently part time. BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: almost 6 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Community Services Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, I attended all the Community Services Commission meetings and almost all of the City Council meetings in 2023, and as many as possible in 2024 depending on my volunteering schedule. If selected for the Community Services Commission, I will still attend the City Council meetings as I think it would help to better serve the Commission. 22 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. The first part of my career was concentrated in the Arts and not -for -profits. My BS was in Art Education with a minor in Parks and Recreation, plus 2 graduate degrees in the Arts and Humanities -- all disciplines that would be helpful if selected for this Commission. I also worked for the City of Harrisburg PA, helping to coordinate their Community Arts program and teaching art to Seniors. I taught high school art in NC; and I taught photography at the college level while working on my doctorate. I was even the PR Manager for the The Girl Scouts for a year! After working on my dissertation, I spent 2 years in Paris as a photographer and had my work shown in 2 galleries in the 8th arrondissement. Once I moved to California 35 years ago, I worked in the business sector -- more specifically, in Global Marketing. I was the Director/VP of Marketing for companies such as Neutrogena/J&J, Dermalogica and Jafra/Gillette. I then started my own consulting firm working with companies from Colgate Palmolive to numerous start-ups. My work includes strategic business planning, marketing, brand development, publicity, event planning, PR, social media and promotion -- skillsets that could also benefit the Commission. In addition while in LA, I volunteered for the Cancer Society, Spondylitis Association and Operation Gratitude which sends care packages to veterans. Since moving to the Coachella Valley, I help teach art every week for Old Town Artisan Studio at the YMCA and Boys & Girls Club. and now serve on the OTAS Board of Directors. I volunteer every Tuesday in the office of FIND Food Bank, plus I am a mentor for The Ophelia Project at the Indio Middle School My husband and I also belong to La Quinta Wellness Center and attend classes there. Page 2 of 3 23 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. My understanding of the Commission when I first applied was taken from the playbook: making recommendations to City Council and promoting recreation and social programs, making recommendations on community issues, reviewing park maintenance standards, and fostering understanding of racial, religious, cultural and nationality groups. Having attended the meetings, my understanding has changed somewhat in that much of the work has been in recommending artwork for the City of La Quinta, expanding the number of bike racks, revising the community service awards, attending city events, and reviewing proposed improvements to Fitz Burns Park and the Cultural Campus -- all of which were commendable actions. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I think one issue is the community's (and visitors) lack of knowledge about the amazing community services La Quinta has like the art, parks and events. Perhaps this is a Chamber of Commerce issue, but I think the Commission could work hand in hand to facilitate this as part of their charter to promote recreation and social programs. Having been visiting La Quinta for 20+ years, I have been impressed with the art installations and city events, but would have loved to have known more about them --and still feel this way having lived here nearly 6 years. Last year, I discussed better promotion of the art installations with Phil LaGreca through tours (city-wide not just City Hall), more informative plaques on the art (which may be underway already), expanding the LaQ /Art pocket book, more online information, etc. This could help promote tourism and business in La Quinta. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? My education and experience in the arts and in art education would lend itself to the discovery & recommendation of artwork for La Quinta; while my work for the City of Harrisburg helps me in understanding a city's framework, budget constraints, needs and expectations for parks and recreational efforts. I also have over 30 years professional experience in marketing, promotion, PR, publicity, event planning, and brand development -- which would facilitate both the review, and the promotion of recreation and social programs to better engage the community. Finally, I have a long history of involvement with, and support for not -for -profits which offers insight to my desire to work for a city commission on the improvement and implementation of all the relevant programs La Quinta offers its residents and visitors. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 24 Date: 6,-10rtkb, ea &Kra -- GEM of the DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: \ `t -i A riti1&D*1Je HOME ADDRESS; MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX; TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITIONS) YOU HOLD: 5 BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE; LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: AcC uN'T` IRVtcE HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? No 25 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATiON BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. arc\ caezy. 31-o-Alake wiTh 0, 40406k rria'-yr 461 d. i ei l Crf- Tritiaclk Seinobl , u ancl. J S 141 p ed,e5-f 1 .411[ 1 �--� d . U i er m 4.iretiA4- e 1 f 4. to 6+ / IU..#*r,4c !L. • .1464—. sa i� + U. WI Or) • t I' ►.1,�. •� *i I!. ILA { J A 1 �r J L 1 - a cue. I hlO. 1au o u 6 afboQf f 4-4:,intni have_ have l on hogs -55i Inw t Page 2of3 26 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? ffea+ t d --6-- WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? all IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 I FAX; (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAILC LAQUINTACA.GCV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCALGOVERNMENT! Page 3of3 27 Date: Tifqz, 13)&24 aidai - GEM of the DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: :Deanna_ Dreifigisuif HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: C5artle. oL (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: ! FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) WA (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EV4PLOYEII AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: ire. -readier BUSINESS ADDRESS: jgA BUSINESS TELEPHONE: NA LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: , yefLrI ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yg 1 64-e r ed Ar- i arvi c,e s CommissioniJ N - nr _rag Zo DZ ani a� t Council �, on 2 �o 41= 28 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. 29 y&1r5.I r.e_csiy-ed m MA in gRading and Lcuiiiva � � Arks -from Cirra UFS;uersi4 Crdinahr 4f& Tedium Th4r'e, Scrice.._ fair Crdin&4cr. arid Grade. Lvf Ldr In I fi+hand Jciena 1-14-ciSchoci �,�-liYals 0_5 \deli its Art Exh�bi�s-Gr children .ard 'lies. k .scs „s in e:ect cri ,r ' 1 and sci encs \NielcJ. l as van' p u s Aar+ c I& is e Fir-hriwre, , tliive_ texfherienc-ed wri4in ard reLeiviri cor +kg. Gild Town Arfi • • • . 19 a_nci 42e.1'1 S Page 2 of 3 29 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE PPLYING FOR. olaervg. cS a. JiLUSOfl rI1i. 4116, c -t R cconci d ' Jig • . ' ld Al J4 I I " d r 1 a! /i1 ' !*Si 0 4 ■4 • • ! 1 P /I 1 p • / 1L1 ) i t, !l. I • A N/ ` 11 + 1' WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUED OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS • ARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS IQ ADDRESS THE ISUp ORIPROBLEMS1 rtess clear QGL _aftO� •�C-�7i1� S' r. (Plan o c4i ►s l o ,ecic {cininni,ssioner 4-13 r , , P • s S 4191.e. Iiave - C. •! Lai v �yr la O. a A■I./ art. !.1t tiOr? 6/1 GL inc. a1 ar-h � . s, • + r Cr o on. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, 'SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD/ M I SION, OR COMMITT 7 IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 30 Deanna Dreweatt Educator SKILLS I have exceptional verbal and written communication skills_ I also have experience with grant writing. As an educator. I have been involved In readership roles both at school and within my community. As a collaborator,1 have heEped facilitate several programs and special community events throughout my career. EXPERIENCE Ben Franklin Elementary, La Ouinta-Teacher 2017-2420 • fst Grade • Aesthetic Education Coordinator John Adams Elementary, La Ouinta-Teacher 2010- 2017 • K - 5th Grade • Aesthetic Education Coordinator • Science Fair Coordinator • Indian Wells Grant Recipient James Madison Elementary, Indio -Teacher 2004.2017 • 3rd - 5th Grade • Aesthetic Education Coordinator • Science Fair Coordinator • GATE Program Coordinator • Grade Level Leader 31 Saul Martinez Elementary, Mecca -Teacher 1999.2004 • 3rd Grade • Aesthetic Education Coordinator • Nell Soto Home Visit Grant Recipient Mecca Elementary, Mecca -Teacher 1997-1999 • 4th Grade • Aesthetic Education Coordinator EDUCATION California State University San Bernardino MA Readsng and Language Arts -2002 BA Reading and Language Arts -2000 College &f the Desert, Palm Desert AA Liberal Studies -1998 AWARDS 2018 'One Class ata Time" $500 Award-KESQ/Waiter Clark 2012 Teacher of the Year -John Adams Elementary 2009 Teacher of the Year-Jarnes Madison Elementary SPECIAL EVENTS 2011 Kandinsky Art Exhibit 2005 Saul Martinez Art Farr 32 ARTISAN o � � 4 O � ;Uric 3, 2024 Dear Members of ale La Quinta City Board and Commissions, am I4riting to offer m} highest recommendation for Deanna Oreweart, who is applying fora position in the Arts and Cornntuuity Services Commission. Deanna has been a dedicated and invaluable volunteer with our non-profit organization, and I am confidant that her contributions and enthusiasm for the arts +vu1d make her atremendotts asset to your team. Deanna continues to expand her artistic knowledge by taking classes at OM Town Artisan Studios. showcasing her commitment to personal growth and excellence in art -making. Her background in teaching, combined with her extensive experience in various art forms, allows her to engage with and inspire others in meaningful ways_ Throughout her time Wah us, Deanna teas assisted with a variety of projects and events_ Shc has volunteered in our gaster egg painting event at the La Quinta Resort. the Indian Wells Art Festival, and most recently at the La Quinta City Picnic and 42nd Birthday celebration, where she confidently shared information and resources to those interested in the arts. Additionally, Deanna contributes her time and skills to assemble An2Go kits that aro distributed to local underserved groups, non -profits, and partners_ including the City of La Quinta for their Easter Eggstravaganza and Tree Lighting ccremon}, Dcanna's impact ex -tends bcsond these. events. She regularly helps patrons during school field trips to our art campus, community events; and currently serves as a classroom aide in our Summer Art Camp for kids and teens. Her ability to connect with people °fall ages and her willingness to sham her talents have Made a significant difference in the lies of many. Deanna embodies our mission to provide positive art experiences to all, acrd her dedication is evident in ever} interaction Her unwti avenng passion for the arts and her commitment to serving others make her a ,wonderful ambassador for our non-profit_ Deanna's contributions have not only cariehed our programs but also fostered a greater appreciation for the arts within our community. l wholeheartedly endorse Deanna Drcweatt for a position ww ith the Arts & Community Services Commission. I -kr exceptional skills, dedication, and passion for the arts u, i1I undoubtedly benefit your team and tho corn rnuttit . of La Quinta. `thank you for cn,tsidering her application. Please feel frx to contact me ifvou require any further information. Sincerely. lvanna Hansen Director of Marketing & Volunteers Gid Tvwnx Artisan Studios Ivanna oldtownartisanshintios.org OLD TOWN ARTISAN STUDIOS 78046 Calle Barcelona, La Quinta CA 92253. 760.777.1444 33 McCALLUM THEATRE ■ EDUCATION AR7S I INQUIRY 1 IMAGINATION To Whorl It May Concern, I am writing this letter to offer my highest recommendation for Deanna Dreweatt to become a member of the Arts & Community Services Commission for the City of La Quinta, have known Deanna since 1998 and I have enjoyed working with her extensively over the years in her roles as classroom educator and school coordinator at various schools under the umbrella of NlcCallurn's Aesthetic Education Program_ Early on in her partnership with us, Deanna took on added responsibilities and spearheaded collaboration and partnering with fellow teachers, students, and the community in order to provide both visual and performing arts opportunities to various schoots throughout the Coachella Valley, including in the City of La Quinta. In addition, Deanna has been instrumental in grant writing and fundraising opportunities in order to help fund the McCallum partnership at her school sites. She's a problem - solver and brings extensive art experience. I confidently recommend Deanna for the position with the Arts and Community Services Commission based on her knowledge, experience, and her enthusiasm to keep the arts alive within her community. In addition, Deanna is a great collaborator and communicator and has been appreciated by all on the McCallum team — artists, teaching artists, educators and staff - that has had the privilege to work with her_ if you have any questions regarding this letter, please don't hesitate to reach out. Sincerely, Ka " a uresson-Frary VP — Education KJsatfrnccallurn-theatre.or_g 760-776-6160 McCallum Theatre, 73000 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, CA 02260 r vi vrw.mccallumtheatre,org 34 May 19, 2024 Arts & Community Services Commission City of La Quinta To Whom It May Concern: 1 am pleased to offer this tetter of recommendation for Deanna Dreweatt in consideration of her application to be a member of the Arts & Community Services Commission. have enjoyed working with Deanna as an educator, active participant, and advocate for the arts. She believes that art experiences in our communities are vital. Her sincere and genuine interest in supporting the local arts community is evident through her dedicated volunteerism. She would be a great addition to the Commission_ If I can further assist or provide you with any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 861-6479 or email at karen@scrapgaltery.org. scrapgaltery.org. Sincerely, Karen Ritey Executive Director 3 IN, galierri Orr Muse;,m 35 4 aiitrai GEM of the DESERT Date: 5/20/2024 5/21/2024: RECEIVED BY CLERK'S DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Marshall Forster HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 10Years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Arts & Community Services Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? I attended several City Cponcil meeting when consideration was given to the wave park and short term rental proposal at Ave 58 and Madison 36 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. My name is Marshall Forster, I am 67 years old and have been retired for 3 years. I am a thirty five year veteran of the Home Entertainment industry and had responsibility for sales, sales planning, business development, retail marketing and distribution of feature films through both traditional packaged media and innovative content -delivery methods. For more than 5 years I have served as a consultant for CBS Films and various independent film distributors, including Lionsgate Films providing advice regarding sales, business development, marketing and distribution strategies. I have also been responsibile for sales, business development for the home entertainment division of a major studio (Sony Pictures). I mobtained my undergraduate degree in Political Science from Mcgill University in Montreal, Canada. Between 1992 and 2010, I held a number of senior positions at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, including as Senior Executive Vice President, North America at the time of my departure. My work experience is included in the attached resume. I am currently involved with the Education Fund for employees and their children that work in my community (Andalusia Country Club) and serve as a Committee member. I served as a board member of the Digital Entertainment Group ("DEG") a non profit , independE body that represents the the home entertainment industry. Between 1997-1999 I served as Chairman of the Home Video Board of the Candian Mc Association. I am also a musician and have been involved with several bands as drummer and manager. Page 2 of 3 37 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. I have limited knowledge of the functions, regulations and procedures of the board, but I have alot of experience working on boards that were industry related representing all parties. I volunteered for these postions without compensation. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUED OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUED OR PROBLEMS? I am not aware of any specific issues and would welcome information pertaining to the Committee for review. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I managed a division of Sony which had 200 employes and 7 direct reports. I have taken management courses supplied by Sony to better understand how large organizations function, how to motivate people, and techniques to measure the effectiveness of our policies. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 38 Marshall Forster MARKETING, SALES AND OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE A results oriented leader with proven success managing a $2 billion North American Home Entertainment business, responsible for year -over -year, double-digit sales growth and expansion of customer base. Expertise in: • Strategic Planning & Implementation • Sales & Marketing • Financial Forecasting and Budgeting • New Business Development • Contract Negotiations • Operations Management • Employee Training and Development • Expense Reduction • Product Development • Sales Forecasting • Digital Content Distribution • Supply Chain Analysis CAREER ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Generated double-digit increases in year -over -year sales. • Achieved billion dollar, stretch sales goal in 2002 and succeeding years. • Attracted and negotiated with 3rd Party product lines such as Discovery and Lion's Gate generating incremental revenues annually. • Recipient of numerous retail and industry recognition awards for excellence (Wal-Mart Vendor of the Year). • Overhauled American Sales and Operational structures and strategies to align with emerging market trends. Resulting changes led to organizational redesigns enhanced by streamlined processes and reduced costs as well as spearheading the implementation of new Sales & Marketing productivity tools including; Data Warehouse Management, Trade Spend and Sales Estimate systems. • Successfully launched new entertainment formats such as DVD and Blu-Ray. • Reduced controllable expenses by over 60% during first year of tenure with SPHE. • Implemented Vendor Managed Inventory program for major retailers such as Wal-Mart and Best Buy. • Initiated margin -based Sales Incentive Program which elevated profit margins by 7%. • Maximized library sales. Attained #2 market share for 3 consecutive years consistently outperforming market trends. • First mover architect of several, multimillion dollar output deals with prominent partners including; Netflix, Redbox & Blockbuster. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE MARSHALL FORSTER CONSULTING 2010 - Oct 2020 Home Entertainment Consultant CBS Films • Provide subject matter expertise on all matters related to Packaged Media, IVOD, EST and Cable VOD for all New Release and Catalog Films. • Oversee key studio partnerships - CBS Films and Lionsgate Films for all New releases - CBS Films library through Sony Pictures Home Ent. • Review ultimates and assist in the establishment of goals. • Determine strategies for optimal release date planning. • Establish wholesale price points for all platforms. • Contribute to Internet sales data analysis to determine future price movements. • Analyzing future acquisitions. Big Air Studios • Consultation on all matters related to content acquisition, distribution and strategy (Physical & Digital). • Contract negotiation and relationship management with 3rd party sales and supply chain partner. • Intermediary for content license deals with all streaming partners. Sony Playstation 39 Resume - Marshall Forster • Created and wrote deal with studios including P&L analysis that led to several licensing agreements. Lionsgate • Analyzed home entertainment and digital operations and recommended changes to consolidate DVD and Digital Divisions • Catalogue Business: Assessed operation, identified best market performers and recommended changes in acquisition strategy • Conceived and closed partnership deal with Sony Playstation which generated almost $1 million net profit. SONY PICTURES HOME ENTERTAINMENT, Los Angeles, California 1999 —2010 Senior Executive Vice President, North America 2006-2010 Responsible for SPHE business development strategies, Sales, Sales Planning and Reporting, Research, Merchandising, and Retail Marketing for the North American sell -through and rental markets. • Achieved catalog market share increase of 50%. • Expanded and enhanced Scan Based Trading program that created direct selling relationships with non- traditional Home Entertainment Retailers such as grocery and drug that resulted in an additional 10,000 direct- to- store relationships. • Contracts with major retailers such as NetFlix, Best Buy, Blockbuster and Amazon Executive Vice President, North America 2001-2006 Responsible for sales growth and expansion initiatives, day-to-day sales guidance on marketing strategies, programs and activities, strategic planning and day-to-day operations. Led North American Sales and Operations divisions. Senior Vice President, Sales, North America 1999-2001 Responsible for sales growth and expansion initiatives, day-to-day sales activities, providing guidance to marketing department on marketing programs and activities. Restructured and led North American Sales division. COLUMBIA TRISTAR HOME VIDEO, Toronto, Ontario A Sony Pictures Entertainment Company Senior Vice President, Operations, Canada 1997-1999 Vice President, Operations, Canada 1992-1997 1992-1999 • Responsible for the day-to-day management of the Canadian arm of Columbia TriStar, including oversight of all marketing, sales, operations, customer service and administrative activities. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOVA HOME VIDEO, Toronto, Ontario President • Marketing, administration and sales for all Canadian video and pay / free TV markets. NEW WORLD VIDEO, Toronto, Ontario Vice President and General Manager • Marketing, administration and sales for all Canadian video and pay / free TV markets. 40 Resume - Marshall Forster MCA TV, Toronto, Ontario Syndicated Sales Executive • Responsible for all free TV program sales to syndicated market in Canada and the Caribbean. ASTRAL VIDEO, Toronto, Ontario Sales Director • Sales and marketing of video product in Canada. AFFILIATIONS Digital Entertainment Group 2000 - 2009 Board Member Canadian Motion Pictures Association - Home Video Board, Toronto, Ontario 1997 -1999 Chairman • Key player in the creation of the Canadian home video rating system. • Maintenance of an active working relationship with federal and provincial government departments and ministries. • Identification of ways and means to reinforce expansion of video industry. • Direction of anti -piracy program to protect members' films. EDUCATION BA- Political Science, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec 41 4 aiitrai GEM of the DESERT Date: 06/15/2024 06/17/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Tracy Phillips HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Cofounder and COO, CodeSubmit LLC BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 6 months ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Arts and Community Service Comittee HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Not yet 42 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I hold a B.S. in Urban and Regional Planning from Texas A&M, a M.S. in Life Science Economics and Policy, and a M.A. in Responsible Science, Engineering, and Technology from the Technological University of Munich, Germany. For the last 5 years, I have founded and operated a technology startup alongside my husband. We purchased our home in La Quinta last summer and moved here full-time in December, 2023. We have a three month old son, and we are very invested in this community, planning to stay for many years to come. I am currently on the board of directors for our HOA. I am used to collaborating with others and driving high -impact projects, thanks to my years as a tech executive. I am also familiar with different trade offs and the importance of community input when it comes to city -driven initiatives. In college, I designed and led a project to erect a memorial for the community's veterans in Eunice, New Mexico. The memorial still stands as a symbol of their sacrifice. I believe I would provide a unique and perhaps underrepresented perspective to this commission, representing young families and supporting the city's goals with my executive experience. Page 2 of 3 43 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. The ACSC supports the city's efforts to deliver enriching programming to our community through the arts, events, and recreation. The committee may ensure that our parks and shared spaces are well maintained and usable, that public art is selected so that it is appropriate and meaningful, and that our annual and special community events are successful, fun, and go off without a hitch! WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I imagine that funding is often a consideration with any initiative. Finding the budget and prioritizing initatives is something I do in my own work daily. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I have already touched on my skills and expertise, but attitude is also very important. When I join a new group, my first priority is to listen and learn. Incumbent members of this commission provide critical context and best -practices for achieving the goals of the commission, and my priority will be to serve and be helpful in whatever ways I can. It is not my interest to assert my own will on the commission, but rather to collaborate and offer my perspective. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 44 4 aiitrai GEM of the DESERT Date: 6/17/2024 06/17/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Alex Sheafe HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Self -Long Term Care Insurance Agent BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 35 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Arts& Community Services HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? I just became aware of this in the La Quinta paper. 45 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. BA Boston University- Public Relations & Government Captain US Army Counter Intelligence Russian Desk, Paris France Actor stage, TV, Film--NYC-Hollywood Producer with Academy Award nominated film directors John Frankenheimer and Richard Rush Co-owner of Public Relations firm, Hollywood Hypnotherapist Long Term Care Insurance Agent While in Paris, France I was involved with the Paris Art World. I mounted LeRoy Neiman's first show at the Gallery 0. Bosc owned by Paul Patredis who discovered and represented Maurice Utrillow. I was associated with the following: Jacques Lipshitz, Mark Chagall, Sigismond Kolos-Vary, Bernard Buffet, Fugita, Salvador Dali, and my neighbor Andrey Mason. think that I could bring an experienced eye to the Arts Festival. Page 2 of 3 46 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. None as yet but i am a quick study. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? To find additional uses for the central park other than the Arts Festival. By doing so we can incresase the City budget. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I bring a varied backgrond of experience of thinking out of the box. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 47 Date: 6.03.24 4 Ottatrai — GEM of rhe DESERT — 6/3/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Jeffrey Shore HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (HOME) N/A FAX: (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 2 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Arts and Community Services Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Only one. I attended the Arts and Community Services Special Meeting on May 20th. 48 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I am a semi -retired media executive (I am still attached to the company (Spectrum) as a consultant until August); I am also passionate about the arts, and I am looking to be involved with my new community. The experience I bring to this position is that I have, for some 35 years, successfully straddled the creative/business worlds; specifically, I have worked with artists of many disciplines (writers, actors, editors, digital artists, etc.) as well as corporate business executives (lawyers, financial officers, tech executives). I believe that the position on the Arts and Community Services Commission calls for someone who understands the creative arts, but also understands the budgetary/legal/community standards that must be upheld. My skills would be helpful, for example, in working on projects like the Cultural Campus. Page 2 of 3 49 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. Other than a basic understanding of parlimentary rules, i have no specific knowledge. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? don't know of any specific issues or problems, but I would imagine that the art, and the services, that the commission oversees have to be handled deftly, considering the inherently subjective nature of both. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? am a mature, level-headed person with both a creative and management background. More specifically, I have participated in the creation of art (my own art, and in my career, the creation of tv programs), the management of art and artists, the budgetary/legal oversight of artists, artist management and in the presentation --and discussion --of creative issues with the public. In addition, in regard to the services, I have an extensive background in promoting projects to the public, which is equally important, i.e. making the citizens aware of the Community Awards project. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 I FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 50 JEFFREY SHORE cell: e-mail: BACKGROUND: 35+ years experience as a media executive at COMCAST (E!), MADISON SQUARE GARDEN MEDIA (FUSE NETWORK), CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS (SPECTRUM); created, developed, produced and led award-winning creative divisions, including news, live events, reality television, biographical series, political programming, etc., on digital and linear platforms. Executive Vice President, COMCAST (E!) Led E! Studios. Areas of oversight included E! News with Ryan Seacrest and Giuliana Rancic; "The Daily Ten" (creator) with Sal Masakela, E! Live at the Red Carpet, E! True Hollywood Story (creator, Exec. Prod.); "Talk Soup", "Fashion Police", E! Reality programming, including the "Anna Nicole Show" (creator), "Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane", "Nearly Famous: Las Vegas Showgirls", the "Howard Stern Show, "Celebrity Uncensored" (creator), "Love Chain" (creator) etc. Responsible for all creative, budgetary and personnel issues. Senior Vice President, Madison Square Garden Media (fuse Network) Head of internal production division (both linear and digital news/programming). Areas of oversight included fuse News with Ashanti, Matt Babel, Alexa Chung and Jack Osbourne; fuse Digital news, (and the news gathering team); network television/digital show development; internal programming production. The division produced over 200 hours (annually) of programming for the linear network (Fuse TV), the website (Fuse.TV), and the Fuse YouTube channel. Shows included "Trending Ten", "Billy on the Street" and the "Insane Clown Posse Theater". Music Production: produced, for both the digital and linear networks, programming from various festivals (SXSW, ACL, Bonnaroo, Lollapollooza, Voodoo, and others). Concerts:Produced 5-7 concerts a year that were streamed on the linear and/or digital platforms, i.e.performances/concerts with The Wanted, Ed Sheerin, Macklemore, Lady Gaga at SXSW, New Direction Director, Programming, Charter Communications (Spectrum) Executive Producer of political programming. Including current Spectrum Programs "In Focus", "Inside the Issues" with Alex Cohen (creator)/ Amrit Singh; executive in charge of production: "Owning a Piece of America with Faith Bautista. 51 Executive Producer/Producer Fox Television Stations Productions: Creator, Executive Producer of "Pump It Up", half hour music video show. Paramount Television: Hard Copy Columbia Pictures Television: promo division. Access Hollywood Awards, Honors Local Emmy, three National Emmy Nominations, LA Press Club Award, Gracie Award, President's Club/Distinguished Alumni Award, Bowling Green State University. Writer (three produced plays); Feature Writer (L.A. Weekly. Article "Bouncin' At the Whisky published in the anthology "Unknown California") Screenwriter ("Heart Stopper", Warner Bros.); blogger, podcast (Old People This Week with Mike Proctor); artist (mixed media collages), photographer. 52 Date: June 13, 2024 Otiiitra GEM of the DESERT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Sean Webb HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Riverside County Office of Education, Director I, Literacy Outreach as the Executive Director of Read With Me Volunteer Programs BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 10 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Arts and Community Services Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? No 53 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. 1 have been an active member in the Coachella Valley community since moving to the desert in 2001. I moved here to take a position as a teacher. For my entire desert life, I have worked in the education field as a teacher, site and district administrator, and now currently a Director with the Riverside County Office of Education as the Excutive Director of a local non profit called Read With Me Volunteer Programs. Currently as a resident of La Quinta, my family and I attend many of the city community events. have enclosed a copy of my resume for you to further review. Page 2 of 3 54 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. It's my understanding that we will work with city staff in the areas of art recommendations, community events and recreation activities/events for the city. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I look forward to contributing to my community in this role. I do not have any suggestions at this time. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I was a class or two short at the University at Buffalo in earning a minor in Art History. I took many classes during my undergrad emphasizing art. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 55 Sean M. Webb EXPERIENCE Riverside County Office of Education Director I, Literacy Outreach Executive Director, Read With Me Volunteer Programs • Oversee day-to-day operations for the non-profit. • Represent Riverside County Office of Education and Read With Me at county community events and functions. • Collaborate with 7 staff members and 11 Read With Me board members to execute the mission of RWM • Facilitate 600 volunteers to 20 Coachella Valley Elementary school sites to tutor students how to read 2023- Present Desert Sands Unified School District 2005-2023 Director of Community Engagement and Educational Foundation 2019 — 2023 • Collaborate with local businesses and leaders to enhance learning opportunities for DSUSD students • Promote all DSUSD community activities and events at community events and on social media • Represent DSUSD at Coachella Valley community events and functions • Have secured over $50,000 in grants to enhance learning opportunities for students in the past 2 years from various organizations • Have secured over $500,000 in donations and in kind services since 2019 for DSUSD and DSEF • Developed marquee events for DSEF including yearly gala, golf tournament, and progressive party • Created the Hunter Lopez Memorial Scholarship with DSEF, to date over $64,000 has been donated by the local community • Manager\Creator of the DSUSD employee recognition program, since its inception in July 2019, over 3,000 staff members have been recognized • Co -Host of the district and foundation community engagement social media show, Classroom Conversations. • Manager\creator\editor of all Desert Sands Educational Foundation Board packets, brochures, and webpage • Participate in monthly meetings with Non Profit Centric, local chamber of commerces, Leadership Coachella Valley and Old Town Artisan Studios as a board member Assistant Principal Palm Desert High School 2018-2019 La Quinta High School 2011-2018 Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School 2007-2011 • Oversaw all Career Technical Education programs (2015-2018) • Coordinate community/business partnerships (2015-2018) • Point person for arranging speakers for community speaker series (2015-2019) • Chairperson for three LQ PTO Spring Social fundraisers (2016-2018) 56 • Member of California Gold Ribbon Schools application team (2015) • School site director of security, coordinate evacuation drills and procedures (2011-2015, 2018-2019) • Member of WASC committee, 6 year clear recommendation (2012, 2018) • Member of Leadership team, previous member of School Site Council, ELAC, and LAT team (2011-2018) • Coordinated middle to high school transition meetings, registration, and school visitations (2007-2019) • Member of California Distinguished School application team (2011) • Evaluated Teachers, Para -educators, office clerks, and security agents (2007-2019) • Oversaw all student discipline, including hearing panels, expulsions, and SARBS (2007-2015) • Managed all afterschool activities, clubs, sporting events, and school facilities (2007-2015, 2018-2019) CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE Teacher, Palm Desert High School 2005-2007 • Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) coordinator and elective teacher • World Cultures teacher and member of Social Science Professional Learning Community • Head Football and Softball coach at Freshman and Junior Varsity level Coachella Valley Unified School District 2002-2005 Teacher, Desert Mirage High School 2005 • World History, Geography, English I course taught in summer session • History department chair • Developed program for and Head Coach of the freshman/sophomore football team Teacher, Toro Canyon Middle School 2004 • 8th grade US History teacher, History department chair • Developed program for and Head Coach of the freshman/sophomore football team Teacher, Mecca School 2003 • U.S. History and Corrective Reading teacher • Associated Student Body Faculty Advisor, Family Night Coordinator, and Participant in Nell Soto Grant • Assistant Varsity Softball Coach, Assistant Junior Varsity Football Coach, and 6th Grade Basketball Coach EDUCATION 2006 2007 Master of Arts—Educational Administration CSU San Bernardino 2000 - 2001 Master of Science – Secondary Education Credential D'Youville College, New York 1996 - 2000 Bachelor of Arts – U.S. History University of Buffalo, New York CERTIFICATIONS • Academy for Grassroots Grant Writing (2020) • ACSA Principals Academy (2012) • California Clear Admin. Credential (2010) • Cross Language Acquisition Development Certificate (2008) • California Clear Single Subject Credential (2003) 57 VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATIONS 2024 -Present Desert Scholarship Foundation board member 2022 -Present Old Town Artisan Studios Vice Chairman 2022 -Present Leadership Coachella Valley honorary board member 2021-2023 City of Palm Desert Golf cart parade board member 2019-2021 City of Palm Desert Committee for Community Engagement 2019- 2022 Leadership Coachella Valley President/Past President 2017 - 2021 Old Town Artisan Studios Board Member 2016 - 2019 Leadership Coachella Valley Board Member 2016 - 2018 American Cancer Society Gala Chair 2014 — 2016 ACSA Membership Vice President for Region XIX 2014 — 2016 American Diabetes Association Step Out Walk Planning Committee 2013 — 2020 Wedding Warriors, Board Member 2006 — 2012 Coachella Valley Football Officials Association 58 NAME: Date: 011141 - — G EM of the DESERT — tib-/ 9-.9-9 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, 9R COMMITTEE db,Q n fi f . .Q..S- f- v � HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: r (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMP OYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: 1z/ ,WO/pi /1thn;e", BUSINESS ADDRESS: /1, BUSINESS TELEPHONE: 61,91ke '-/l LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: J1f?4 r277p07 ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTJEE APPLYING FOR: NO HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETI G OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? 59 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. fid-_er4z=cszAty-44 __ „fir ram AirA#d id /OP Jim , ., a_' go4v09(0/(007zc,prNi-74-//,s- Ocaefra d 0 fitlice-e fIV 4/ri .0 c57- SairLai-.76 .16r A . Do 001' i iig71-13 d n ' { Y /..,, ,h/ A ie iit / jdOP/Aid • _ - / / 1` . M 1 hoZ,' otam_40Aroo/ifth) Da (i7(0,v44-,i4o-7Le3- fir' aipvq-i-a- + �.�s040-/ i -e 6ossmi".0 � ✓�� �`-Ei/ � it /ge%)'I orie de /41,q9.5 *dam 7,1- ± 4v, rh4 fJs s/ iri 619)ft-1-a_110_ w ogi7 -i:-,€(//rafif/4/ -e<-) 44v Page 2 of 3 60 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE 9fai Jo eW/a2-;th2f.s_cfiv-Fd APPLYING FOR. / WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? 4/0 7L -46 /19ard-Of./hQ1 WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/Ok EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BO RD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE'S h IP. -I- Q p( 01;24 otru____ IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 --- 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKN#AIL LAQUINTACA_GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 61 62 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2024 APPLICATIONS 1. Brian Anderson* 2. Keith Dorsey 3. Geoffrey Kiehl* 4. David Lee 5. Mark Sussman 63 4Quid GEM of the DESERT — 04/17/2024 Date: 4/17/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Brian D Anderson HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: No longer employed, but currently volunteer with the City as FAC Commissioner and as Riverside Elections Officer BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 5 yrs X ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Financial Advisory Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, have attended all but one FAC meeting during my three year period. Also, attend in person or listen to Council meetings periodically during the year. 64 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I fully retired about 3 years ago and now consider myself semi -retired as I stay active with the City's Financial Advisory Commission, their sub -committees, and actively monitor daily/weekly accounting updates, economic news, trends, forecasts, and business technology changes and issues confronting governments. I had a 39 year career in Finance, the last 15 years as a Finance Director. I feel my past experience and knowledge in a variety of functions: Accounting Policy, Special Projects (Company Mergers, Start-ups, Wind -downs, Layoffs, Restructures), Financial Planning & Analysis, Cost/Budgeting, Treasury, Taxation, Enterprise Risk Management, Internal Controls, Internal Audit will help support the goals of the committee and the citizens it represents. My prior role, ethics, & discrimination training, required me to be courteous, professional, inclusive, confront issues as they arise and be accountable for my actions. I have worked cross -functionally over the years, which includes many years with state regulators (i.e. financial exams), state committees, and tax authorities throughout the US. Also, spent much of my life working with financial auditors and partnering with attorneys on projects. I believe my expertise can add value as the Board looks safeguard the assets of the City and protect its financial future to ensure its solvency for generations to come. See my resume for further details as needed. Page 2 of 3 65 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. The purpose of the FAC is to review and annually recommend updates to the City's Investment Policy, to review at least quarterly the Treasury Reports and compliance with policy limits, to assist with the Annual City Budget, to review at least quarterly the Revenue and Expense Reports for anomalies, to review ACFR Audited Statement to review & audit Measure G collections and distributions, and provide ad-hoc recommendations to Council as needed. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUED OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUED OR PROBLEMS? Primary issue for FAC is fully understanding and determining the City's obligations or liabilities into the future and striking a balance between spending those funds in a timely manner while being financial prudent with those funds or reserves to ensure the financial success of the City for future generations. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? My ability to work cross -functionally with other professionals, including attorneys, my expertise around accounting rules, state regulations, contract laws, pensions and modeling activities of actuaries and other long term contracts, understanding of budgeting process and building financial forecasts along with prior auditing experience of financial operations & transactions, and my lengthy work with external auditors should all enhance the FAC's performance. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 66 BRIAN ANDERSON Cell PROFILE Effective leader with financial and operational expertise to guide organizations to deliver on business goals and improved profitability. Successful in building effective trust based cross -functional business relationships at all levels. Extensive knowledge of Financial Services Industry with expertise in Financial Reporting, Finance Operations, and Financial Governance, including over 15 years in management roles. Strengths include: diverse people skills, excellent research and analytical skills, drive projects to completion, self - motivated, problem solver, proven leader and communicator, focus on corporate initiatives and providing accurate and timely results. • Accounting Policy & Procedures • Financial Statement Reporting & Analysis • Internal Audit, Internal Control Framework (SOX), Model Audit Rule • Investment Reporting & Analysis • Strategic Planning/Forecasting • Treasury/Banking • General Expense Budgeting • Tax & Compliance/Regulatory Reporting • Risk -Based Capital • Enterprise Risk Management • Fixed Asset/Capitalization • Workflow Process Improvements • Operational Transformations (Cross Companies) • Relationship Builder • Staff Hiring, Development & Retention • Business Start-ups/Wind-downs PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE City of La Quinta - Financial Advisory Commission, La Quinta, CA (1st Term Appointment) 2021 to 2024 Advisory role providing recommendations and/or guidance over investment & reserve policies, financial budgets, treasury reporting to ensure it is prudent and fiscally responsible to its citizens and continues to thrive as "the GEM of the Desert." Active on sub- committees: Measure G, Annual Budget, Reserve Policy, Outside Auditor (RFP) Selection. ZURICH INSURANCE GROUP - GLOBAL LIFE NO AMERICA (GLNA), Mercer Island, WA 1981 to 2021 A leading insurance -based financial services provider with a global network of subsidiaries and offices in North America and Europe as well as in Asia Pacific, Latin America and other markets and with customers in over 170 countries. Director of Finance, Zurich Global Life No America 2010 to 2021 Accounting Policy, Financial Compliance, & New Product Finance Integration Roles in 3 subsidiaries of Zurich Insurance Group with direct reporting manager and staff. Oversee accounting policy, financial compliance, and new product integration regarding finance matters. This includes providing guidance and support to senior management and finance and actuarial teams on business transactions and for new accounting updates. Work cross -functionally with project management team and business analysts across North America to prepare for new product launches. Support senior management on accounting events relative to outside auditor inquiries. • Direct the development of accounting policy matters for GLNA to ensure compliance with financial accounting and reporting requirements for IFRS, GAAP, and SAP (NAIC) and with regards to state legislative changes. Responsible for monitoring developments and providing impact analysis on new accounting standards and/or amendments. Perform compliance role for changes in accounting policy, finance processes and methodologies working with Senior Management and with outside auditors. • Direct and coordinate financial compliance governance activities to ensure balance sheet accounts are accurate and signed -off by process owners; this includes reconciliation and aging of certain ledger accounts. • Direct and coordinate new product integration for finance processes to ensure compliance with financial accounting and reporting requirements. • Coordinate with cross -company and cross -functional business partners to establish common policies for reporting of certain financial metrics. Assistant Treasurer/Director of Finance, Zurich American Life Ins Co (a/k/a Kemper Investors Life Ins) 2007 to 2010 Director of Finance, Universal Underwriters Life Insurance 2008 to 2010 Roles in 2 subsidiaries of Zurich Insurance Group with assets of $13 billion and $250 million, respectively. Managed a team of 2 managers and 8 employees. Oversaw strategic planning/forecasting, monthly financial reporting and analytics, internal control framework/SOX, expense development and management, banking/treasury, payroll/withholding, accounts payable, financial reconciliations, and employee performance and development. • Directed the development of the annual 3 -year IFRS financial business plan for three reporting units, collaborating with senior management, sales team, and functional officers within the business unit and with global corporate cross -functional teams. • Directed ICF (Internal Control Framework)/SOX and MAR activities for IFRS and Statutory reporting for compliance with established Zurich risk policy and statutory requirements. Performed annual scoping exercise and review of controls 67 (identification of primary and secondary) for existing and new processes. Coordinated with internal and external auditors to maintain accurate and reliable financial records, while reducing audit costs. • Directed the development of the department expense budgets, creating standard templates and procedures for completion by cost center owners, and drove enhancements to the monthly reporting packet allowing for better management tracking and control of expenses. • Subject Matter Expert for FAR CoE (Financial Accounting & Reporting, Center of Excellence), providing key support for the successful establishment of this business operating model, with knowledge expertise provided to support other Zurich led target operating models: Investment, A/P, and Treasury. • Key team member for the closing and transfer of office activities for Kemper from Bellevue to the New York Office. • Drove the establishment of separate cost centers, establishing cross -functional relationships with affiliated entities to improve reporting and management of expenses for a newly created corporate strategic management office in New York, established to support North America and Latin America initiatives. • Direct and provide oversight of Treasury responsibilities, including daily and projected cash needs, monitoring corporate policy related authorized banks, corporate resolutions, and signature cards. • Direct the preparation of the quarterly Finance Board Reports, including Financial Statement and Investment Board Reports and reports for the quarterly ALMIC (asset/liability management & investment) Committee Meeting that support quarterly corporate governance requirements and are used for setting interest rates on retirement products. • Direct and provide internal monthly financial statement variance analytics, including drivers and key metrics to Zurich customers to achieve improved profitability. • Direct and review rating agency materials to support quarterly credit rating reviews that are critical for on-going business concerns. Farmers New World Life Insurance Co. (Subsidiary of Zurich Insurance Group), Mercer Island, WA 1981 to 2007 A subsidiary of Farmers Insurance Group and a leading life and annuity insurer with $6 billion in assets. Accounting/Finance Manager (12 years) Managed a team of up to (8) employees. Drove the establishment of the accounting policy function, providing cross -functional accounting guidance (white paper write-ups with financial statement and disclosure impact analysis) for IFRS, GAAP and Statutory reporting. Managed financial and investment accounting and reporting functions. Led staff training and development (accounting and accounting systems). Key cross -functional liaison for accounting function. • Developed, recommended, and oversaw implementation of changes to accounting procedures ensuring they complied with guidelines. • Directed educational training classes for continued development of accounting and actuarial staff. • Identified key team member for Securitization Project working cross -functionally (Actuarial, Legal, Outside Consultants) to provide financial expertise that allowed the company to have a mechanism for funding increased (triple x reserve) liabilities and improve its profitability, including providing the accounting and business expertise for establishing a new subsidiary legal entity for financing purposes. • Directed and coordinated state financial examinations, and corresponded with financial regulators on compliance issues to provide for expedient audits with reduced findings and costs. • Coordinated various corporate financial transactions (dividends, reinsurance agreements, business agreements, etc...) with legal counsel and corporate legal ensuring the entity made timely filings and was compliant with regulators. • Trusted provider of surplus risk analytics for current and prospective business transactions (REITS, derivative instruments, merger of entities) enabling the company to maintain a strong surplus position. • Coordinated and completed reinsurance treaties between affiliated parties (Modco and Catastrophic Reinsurance Treaty), working closely with internal and external actuaries, accountants, and lawyers that enabled Zurich to achieve its desired financial results. • Drove operational efficiencies, developing, directing, and coordinating state and municipal tax preparation process improvements, including improvements for investment reporting, and for streamlining the GAAP statement reporting process providing the company with more timely financial results (four days earlier) to better manage performance. • Project lead for SAP system conversion, providing sign -off on data; selected for Super -User status, providing training classes for the company (Finance, Actuarial, Audit, Claims, and other functions). • Led improved analysis techniques for more thorough evaluation of financial and investment monthly performance drivers. This included the accounting and management oversight for investment activities for bonds, stocks, real estate, and mortgage loans, including derivatives (call options, swaps). • Prepared and reviewed IFRS, GAAP, and statutory financial reports and managed quarterly and annual reporting. • Prepared and reviewed GAAP income statement budgets, department expense budgets, and cash flow projections. • Developed audit programs for operational and financial audits and performed internal audits of the business, examining internal controls for adherence with corporate policy and accounting standards and provided recommendations for improved operational efficiencies. • Prepared and reviewed rating agency materials for quarterly credit rating meetings to ensure the company maintained a strong rating. EDUCATION BA, Business Administration, Accounting, Seattle University, Seattle, WA AFFILIATIONS Member of Society of Financial Service Professionals Chartered Life Underwriter Fellow, Life Management Institution 68 4 aiitrai GEM of the DESERT Date: 6/4/24 06/05/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Keith D. Dorsey HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: President, Dorsey Management Consulting Managing Partner, Boyden BUSINESS ADDRESS: Same as above BUSINESS TELEPHONE: Same as above LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 6 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Financial Advisory Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, throughout my first term 69 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Dr. Keith D. Dorsey is a researcher, author, advisor, and active board member focused on issues of diversity, governance, and strategic growth for private and public corporate boards. Board Experience and Certification Keith is a National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) Certified Director and was recognized as an honoree of the 2023 NACD Directorship 100TM, an annual recognition of 100 leading corporate directors and corporate governance experts who impact boardroom practices and performance. He serves as a board member at Vimly Benefit Solutions, a private technology and third -party administration company, Pepperdine University's Graziadio Business School, Pacific Crest Trail Association, and the Chair of the City of La Quinta's Financial Advisory Commission. Former Board Member, Orion Talent, a recruitment process outsourcing and talent acquisition firm. Keith is also a member of the Executive Leadership Council (ELC) and a Santa Clara University's Black Corporate Board Readiness program graduate. Corporate Experience Keith is currently a Managing Partner and the U.S. Practice Leader of CEO & Board Services at Boyden, a global executive search firm with 75 offices in 45 countries. His work focuses on helping boards by providing a comprehensive set of board consulting services, including full-scale governance review, board, committee, and director assessments, M&A governance planning, board refreshment, and CEO succession planning. In his former role as President and Executive Advisor for Dorsey Management Consulting, he mentored and advised CxOs on their sales growth and go -to -market strategies, helped businesses align their strategy with sales expectations, aggressively grow their bottom line and shareholder value during significant periods of change, optimize leadership and sales team effectiveness. He has over 25 years of sales leadership experience in the Human Capital Management industry, such as at Alight Solutions (formerly Aon Hewitt and Hewitt Associates), a $2.3B leading provider of human capital solutions where he served as the Executive Vice President, Global Head of Sales responsible for the overall sales growth strategy and execution. Under Keith's executive leadership, his sales teams consistently produced double-digit annual growth. Prior to joining Hewitt Associates, Keith worked with Paychex, Inc., a Fortune 1000 payroll and HR outsourcing company, for 16 years. He was a Zone Sales Manager responsible for the growth and delivery of revenue in their Human Resource Service Division. Before Paychex, Keith spent three years in the insurance industry and five years serving his country in the U.S. Air Force. Education Keith has a Doctor of Education in Organizational Change and Leadership at the University of Southern California. His dissertation research is around the lack of gender and ethnic diversity on corporate boards. He also has an MBA from Pepperdine University and a BS in Business Administration from Charter Oak State College. Page 2 of 3 70 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. 1. Review various monthly, annual, and periodic reports. 2. Serve as a resource for the city treasurer on matters such as proposed investments, internal controls, use of change of financial institutions, custodians, and brokers and dealers. 3. Meet with independent auditor after completion of the annual audit of the city's financial statements, and receive and consider the auditor's comments on auditing procedures, internal controls, and findings for cash and investment activities. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? The commission is well established and supported by outstanding city staff members. I don't have any specific issues or problems to address at this. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? During my first term, I served on many committees and was a Vice Chair and Chair over the past two years. If selected for a second term, I plan to continue to be attentive and add value. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 71 Date: June 8, 2024 4aditta, - GEM of the DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Geoffrey Kiehl HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Retired Director of Finance, Coachella Valley Water District; formerly Director of Finance / Treasurer, City of Palm Springs BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 16 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Financial Advisory Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, all five meetings since I assumed office as a Commissioner in December, 2023. 72 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Arizona State University Masters in International Management, Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, Arizona 37 year California public service career: 2018 - 2022: Coachella Valley Water District, Director of Finance 2008 - 2018: City of Palm Springs, Director of Finance / Treasurer 1985 - 2008: Finance positions at three K-14 school and college districts, last as Associate Superintendent / Chief Business Officer, Fremont Union High School District, Sunnyvale, CA Oversaw various public oversight commissions and committees, including Palm Springs' Measure J Sales Tax Commission, and bond oversight committees for K-14 school districts. Served as a member of College of the Desert's Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee, 2009 - 2015. Serve on Southwest Community Church's Finance Committee, 2008 - present. I was responsible for directly managing the investments and updating the investment policies for the City of Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley Water District, 2008 - 2022. I regularly gave advice to Finance Directors at various cities and special district agencies in the Coachella Valley, 2008 - 2022. Currently serving on the La Quinta Finance Commission since December, 2023. Page 2 of 3 73 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. While serving on the Finance Commission for the last six months I have become aware of it's operations and norms. Also, I have established, administered, and served on various other boards, commissions and committees as discussed previously. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I am not aware of any problems or issues. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I am recently retired from public service employment, but still consider myself to be a seasoned professional who understands the operation and expectation of public oversight bodies, including their members' limitations as defined by the public agency's elected officials who they report to. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 74 4 aiitrai GEM of the DESERT Date: 5/29/2024 5/29/2024: RECEIVED BY CLERK'S DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: David Lee HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: EcoMaster Corporation, CFO BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 5 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Financial Advisory Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? No 75 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I have been a CPA since 1982, practicing in Seattle, Washington as a partner in a CPA Firm until 2018, when my wife and I chose to move to lovely La Quinta after a long search. My CPA practice was as an auditor and financial advisor to smaller privately owned and larger publicly traded companies. I have spent many years as a board member for several non-profit organizations including Special Olympics of Washington (9 year term), 2018 Special Olympics National Games Committee, Big Brothers of Clark County (NV), Big Brothers of King County (WA), Northwest Chamber Orchestra, Community Enterprises of Issaquah. My goal in serving as a non-profit Board Member and Officer was to use my skills to serve the community in which I live. Although I have not participated in community government or civic organizations like this one, I have taken an interest in my communities (from a safe distance). I have also been a college -level adjunt faculty member in Washington and most recently the University of Redlands. At the University of Redlands, I taught the undergraduate Accounting Ethics class. In reading the Functions undertaken by the FAC, I believe I could provide a meaningful contribution, particularly in terms of reviewing financial reporting, interfacing with the independent auditors (my kind of folks...) and the city treasurer, considering internal controls, and working with financial advisors. I might just be interested in taking an interest in my community from a closer distance these days... Page 2 of 3 76 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. I do not have direct experience with this board but I have served municipalities, school districts, and other governmental and quasi -governmental organizations in my career auditor/advisor capacity. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? La Quinta seems to be experiencing growth and the City must address the effective financing of that growth, given some significant portion of the LQ population may well be on a relatively fixed income and resist taxes/fees (more than usual). WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I have worked with many types of individuals in many stressful situations (not the least challenging of which is a homeowners' association). I have been able to generally maintain a calm demeanor and focus on goals from an independent (as non-political as possible) frame of mind (comes from being an independent auditor). IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 77 Date: 05/12/2023 GEM of the DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Mark Sussman HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Retired Commercial Banker and Mergers & Acquisition, Speaker, Author related to Finance. BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 7 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Financial Advisory Commission, Housing Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Most recent attendence was the City Council meeting on Tuesday May 2, 2023. I have attended various City Council and Commissioners meeting over the last 6 years. 78 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Retired National/International Banker: Senior Vice President, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Lending Officer, Director, Board positions. Over 30 years of senior management, administrative, leadership, and consulting experience. (see video-YouTube; Sussman_on_NBC) Expert in most lending programs, residential, commercial, business and large private banking operations. Published author, speaker, consultant on Banking, Finance, Mortgages, Lending Practices, and Foreclosure; expert witness for State of California. Currently President, prior positions; Treasurer, Director of Starlight Dunes HOA in La Quinta, overseeing development responsibilites re finances, infrastructure, legal aspects, neighborhood and community engagement, financial viability. Board member and community involvement for Habitat for Humanity, low income lending through Banks, government on local, national and federal level. Advisor and mentor for First Tee organization, immersed involvement with parents and children. Education: Masters Flnance, BS Biology. Page 2 of 3 79 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. Resident of New York City, New Jersey, San Francisco, Virginia Beach, La Quinta-(primary residence), with ongoing involvment with civic, municipal, and community services. Having attended numerous meetings at above locales, I understand the standards,regulations, public transparency protocols, rules of order, procedures, accountability, and responsibilities. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? Issues and problems to monitor and address: Coachella Valley music festivals, short term rentals, quality of life and city services provided, commercial and residential developments, future community needs, sustained economic stabilty and growth. As a commissioner, one needs to have a bigger perspective while assesing micro and macro components. Liistenng to all stakeholders carefully, without prejudice, collaborate to come up with viable resolutions and productive plans of action. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? In addition to extensive financial expertise, I offer a strong commitment to community and democracy. A sense of responsibility, fair mindness, visionary, tactful, respectful, consensus building and integrity. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 80 HOUSING COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2024 APPLICATIONS 1. Christa Christopherson 2. Vernica Gaeta-Mejia* (Tenant) 3. Heather Horning 4. Priscilla Paltin* 5. Mark -Sus an (absent 6/26/2024) 6. Samuel Turley 7. Alex Vasquez 81 Date: 4-12-2024 4 atigthai GEM of the DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Christa Christopherson HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 6 months ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Housing Commission NO HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? N/A - Watched a few past meetings that were on-line 82 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Master's degree, Clinical Psychology specializing in applied research. In the past I have worked as a case manager and a vocational rehabilitation counselor. In each of these positions I assisted clients to navigate situations with the housing authority. Working with clients with housing inequities for a number of years has made me cognizant of many issues large and small. I have also had many relevant volunteer positions over the years as well with organizations such as the Salvation Army, Mobile Loaves and Fishes, Harvesters. Member of The National Society of Leadership and Success, Psi Chi International Honor Society and the American Psychological Association. Page 2 of 3 83 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. This would be a learning curve, something I would say is that for my position as a State counselor I did have to learn an entire policy manual and I did a pretty good job. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? Having only lived in La Quinta for a short time I am still familiarizing myself with the current issues the city is facing. That being said I am passionate about preserving cultural and historic significance, as well as the natural viability beauty of the surrounding area. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? Skill set of research and unbiased opinion, having recently moved to La Quinta. It has been a dream of mine to live here and I could not be happier to have found such a beautiful area. Something I love is to volunteer my time and this would be a great way to be involved in the community. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 84 4Quid GEM of the DESERT — Date: 5/30/2024 5/30/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Veronica Gaeta-Mejia HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Desert Sands Unified School District/ Para Educator Special Education BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 31 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Housing Authority Commissioner HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, I have been a commissioner for Housing Authority for 6 years now. 85 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I have been a commissionor for 6 years with the Housing Authority. I am a homeowner of a low income house here in the cove. I have an Associates degree in Early Childhood Education and have been a volunteer at St Francis of Assisi church for over 15 years I have also volunteer and worked at the living desert as a zoocamp instructor., been part of the Boys and Girls club here in La Quinta. I have also been invloved in La Quinta AYSO and have been a team mom in support of the team. In Spetember of this year will be my 18 years working for Desert Sands Unfied School Distrcit with the Special Education Department. I just over all just love helping our community. Page 2 of 3 86 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. I have been part of the Houseing Authority as a commissionor for 6 years now. I just enjoy being part of the development in new areas like the Washington St appartments and the new ones where land was purchased on Hwy 111 to develop new multi level development of appartments that will be close to stores and schools for the low income families. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUED OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUED OR PROBLEMS? Problems is in how much will it cost the Housing Authority the new project of the aparment development. How many can be built and when they will be avaliable for the families in need. To also make sure we meet the Reginal Housing needs assisments in our City. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? My family and I are one of the families that recieved the help from the City of La Quinta in being able to be a home owner. I live in the Cove and I am part of the low income housing community. I was one of the 10 families that was able to experiance the wonderful help from the City of La Qunta. I can still remember like if it was yesterday recieving the phone call from Ana on December 25, 1993 and telling me we can go to the office and pick up my keys to our new home and that we can move in. It was such a wonderful feeling. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 87 Date: 6/7/2024 4 a 41'4 tra GEM of the DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Heather Horning HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: ria (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (HOME) nk FAX: n a (CELL) na IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Not currently employed BUSINESS ADDRESS: nk BUSINESS TELEPHONE: n/a LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Approximately 3 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Housing Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? I plan to attend the June meeting in person and I have watched the meeting recordings for the last 24 months. 88 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I have lived in the Coachella Valley for the majority of my life. I attended local schools and earned an associate degree from College of the Desert before transferring to Pepperdine University where I obtained a B.S. Degree in Business Administration. I have owned a home in the City of La Quinta for six years and have resided in the City for 3 years. My work experience is a unique mix of public and private sector positions. I worked for a local bank as a loan officer for over five years where I was able to work on local lending programs targeted for low -to -moderate income and minority individuals and families. After that, I worked for the City of Palm Desert for over five years managing programs in a wide variety of areas, including public works, innovation, sustainability, and homelessness. Prior to working for the City of Palm Desert, I served on its Housing Commission for several years. I have also held Treasurer positions for local non-profit organizations including the Riverside County Childcare Consortium, Eastern Region and PSDC Junior League. Page 2 of 3 89 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. I am familiar with the functions, regulations and procedures of a Housing Commission due to my prior experience working in local government and serving as the Chair and Vice Chair on another local Housing Commission. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? An important issue that faces this Commission is increasing the number of affordable housing units to meet RHNA numbers. After talking with city staff, I understand that they have a few potential affordable housing options to be considered by the City Council. As a Commissioner, I would offer feedback and suggestions on these as they are brought forward by staff. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I have always been a supporter of affordable housing programs and enjoy being involved in them. I believe that my unique experience relating to both affordable housing programs and local government has given me valuable insight that would enhance the Housing Commission. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 I FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 390 Date: 4/9/2023 aditrai GEM of the DESERT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Priscilla F. Paltin HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (HOME) FAX: _ (CELL) same IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Telecare Corp, Registered Nurse, Nursing Supervisor and College of the Desert, Nursing Instructor BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 6 yrs ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: housing commission NO HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, I have attended a meeting and I view the meetings online quarterly. The last housing commission meeting I attended was April 2022. this one meeting had a lasting affect on me. 91 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I am a 6 year resident of La Quinta. I enjoy living here and working nearby. I have been a Registered Nurse at Telecare Corp. for the past 2+ years. And a nursing instructor at college of the desert since 2019. (Although I've been in nursing for a total of 20 years) I have seen first hand the difficulties and struggles of the students as well as seniors and the homeless, veterens, and underserved suffer in my local community. I would like to be a part of an organization that directly impacts housing in my community. I belive I have a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to contribute to the housing commission. When selected I plan to dive right in exploring, sharing insight on housing needs,and offering possible solutions. I navigate efficently with teams as well as independently. Page 2 of 3 92 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. This five member board meets quarterly; in conjuction with the Housing Authority, the commission functions to review and make recommendations on local housing matters. Not including emergency housing. Its an appointed committe regulated by the clerks office. The public has access to the approve minutes of each meeting. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I have reccomendations to adress problems and issuses faced by the housing board, which I believe could use a different perspective. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I bring to the commission a positive perspective and additude toward the issues of the housing committe. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 93 Date: 05/12/2023 GEM of the DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Mark Sussman HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Retired Commercial Banker and Mergers & Acquisition, Speaker, Author related to Finance. BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 7 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Financial Advisory Commission, Housing Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Most recent attendence was the City Council meeting on Tuesday May 2, 2023. I have attended various City Council and Commissioners meeting over the last 6 years. 94 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Retired National/International Banker: Senior Vice President, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Lending Officer, Director, Board positions. Over 30 years of senior management, administrative, leadership, and consulting experience. (see video-YouTube; Sussman_on_NBC) Expert in most lending programs, residential, commercial, business and large private banking operations. Published author, speaker, consultant on Banking, Finance, Mortgages, Lending Practices, and Foreclosure; expert witness for State of California. Currently President, prior positions; Treasurer, Director of Starlight Dunes HOA in La Quinta, overseeing development responsibilites re finances, infrastructure, legal aspects, neighborhood and community engagement, financial viability. Board member and community involvement for Habitat for Humanity, low income lending through Banks, government on local, national and federal level. Advisor and mentor for First Tee organization, immersed involvement with parents and children. Education: Masters Flnance, BS Biology. Page 2 of 3 95 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. Resident of New York City, New Jersey, San Francisco, Virginia Beach, La Quinta-(primary residence), with ongoing involvment with civic, municipal, and community services. Having attended numerous meetings at above locales, I understand the standards,regulations, public transparency protocols, rules of order, procedures, accountability, and responsibilities. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? Issues and problems to monitor and address: Coachella Valley music festivals, short term rentals, quality of life and city services provided, commercial and residential developments, future community needs, sustained economic stabilty and growth. As a commissioner, one needs to have a bigger perspective while assesing micro and macro components. Liistenng to all stakeholders carefully, without prejudice, collaborate to come up with viable resolutions and productive plans of action. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? In addition to extensive financial expertise, I offer a strong commitment to community and democracy. A sense of responsibility, fair mindness, visionary, tactful, respectful, consensus building and integrity. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 96 4Quid GEM of the DESERT — Date: 6/19/2024 06/19/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Samuel Karl Axel Turley HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Political and Civic Engagement Manager, Equality California BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: M ) LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 2 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES x NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Housing Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Virtually - March 13, 2024 & June 12, 2024 97 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I was born and raised in a rural community in Idaho before my family relocated to the Coachella Valley where I would graduate from La Quinta High School. During my time at La Quinta High School I was involved in Public Service Academy and AFJROTC. After high school I attended Community College before ultimately graduating with my BA in Political Science from Long Beach State. During college I interned at various non -profits and government agencies like Long Beach Transit where I served as a Government Relations Intern. As a senior in college I got the privilege to intern in the state capital through the Sacramento Semester Program. I was proud to then be hired as a full time case manager and field representative. In this capacity I helped to resolve over 1000 individual cases. Getting our constituents the hard earned unemployment insurances and rental relief they deserved. During this time I got the opportunity to work closely with the California Department of Housing & Community Development to resolve constituent cases. We successfully connected hundreds of constituents to the department so they could avoid eviction and stay in their homes. Now in my current capacity with Equality California, the nations largest statewide LGBTQ+ Civil Rights Organization, I advocate for a community that is at higher risk for homelessness than the wider population. Specifically, LGBTQ+ youth who make up 40% of unhoused youth, but only represent 7% of the general population. We as a community must prioritize our most vulnerable communities and ensure that they have there basic needs met. Housing affordabilty is a growing issue in our community and by helping our most vulnerable communities we can lower costs for everyone. Page 2 of 3 98 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. The function of the Housing Commission is to review and give advice on matters before the Housing Authority. This can consist of reviewing and recommending approval for the annual budget, site upgrades at city owned sites, approval of funds for programs such as the homelessness prevention program. The board is made up of 5 members and meets quarterly. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? As the state faces a historic budget deficit we are going to need local solutions to combat the rising cost of living. As a commission we can recommend proposals to bridge this gap and find common sense policy proposals to recommend to the Housing Authority. By working with other regional partners in the Coachella Valley, we could combat this issue in a coordinated way to pool our resources and advocate for changes in regulations. Further, we should be advocate for the city to seek a pro -housing designation. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I have always had a passion for public service and a commitment to helping others. It is the reason I first got involved and hope to bring those values to the commission. Further, I have the perspective of being a young working professional who is also a renter. I have seen the challenges of rental affordability and difficulty in the prospect of purchasing a home. With this experience I would hope to bring a sense of what our residents are facing in terms of the cost of living in the city. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 99 Samuel Turley EXPERIENCE Equality California - Political & Civic Engagement Manager May 2024 - Present • Manage all aspects of scheduling, researching and gather information on prospective candidates for the endorsement interview process. • Assist meeting target fundraising goals by reaching out to perspective donors. • Represent the organization at events locally and across the state. Civic Engagement Associate, Palm Springs June 2023 - May 2024 • Assist Programs Department with event research, database management and by directly overseeing board appointment process ensuring timely submission. • Represent, cultivate and develop relationships with local organizations on behalf of Equality California. Regional Field Organizer, Palm Springs July 2022 - May 2023 • Coordinated with regional organizations, including College of the Desert, to organize voter registration drives, registered over 120+ new voters (including over 100 students). • Partnered with local campaigns to plan phone/text banks, recruit volunteers and engage the public. • Worked directly with Campaign staff to train volunteer canvassers, manage volunteer launch events and collaborated on a Phone/Text Bank. • Conducted high quality research while managing multiple projects and events simultaneously. Cottie Petrie -Norris for Assembly 2022 - Campaign Assistant January 2022 - July 2022 • Attend local community events to build a broad coalition of support for the candidate. • Managed all incoming inquiries into the campaign email account to ensure all inquiries were delegated to the responsible staff. California State Assembly, Office of Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie -Norris - Field Representative & Case Manager November 2021 - July 2022 • Oversaw all policy casework in the district related to Recovery Residences by interacting with neighborhood groups, researching local ordinances and drafting high quality policy letters to various state agencies. • Developed educational relationships with local Colleges and Boards including, CSULB, IVC, OCC. • Led meetings with community groups, local organizations and constituents on behalf of the elected official. • Managed all incoming inquiries into the district and delegated issues to appropriate staff. • Assisted in organizing community events, including partnering with the California Student Aid Commission on a workshop to inform students of a program to track their financial aid documents and status. Case Manager June 2021 - October 2021 • Assisted constituents in accessing state benefits by serving as a liaison between them and state agencies such as the EDD, DMV and the HCD. • Managed the Assemblymember's public email, LCMS account and phone system. • Organized, tracked and recorded all casework, successfully resolving 1000+ individual cases. Policy Intern January 2021 - June 2021 • Conducted in-depth research and wrote documents related to outline press releases in support of Communications Assistant. • Drafted policy communications, including legislative fact sheets, op-eds, co-author request letters. • Staffed assigned bills by researching the issue, coordinating with bill sponsors and by drafting member talking points. Long Beach Transit - Government Relations Intern September 2019 - April 2020 • Utilized InDesign to create a short-term handbook for the company's future projects in coordination with multiple departments. • Participated in research and crafting of narrative with the grants department on grant applications. • Attended community meetings to maintain and grow relationships with local groups. EDUCATION California State University, Long Beach - Bachelors of Arts in Political Science August 2019 - May 2021 GPA: 3.83 • Combined: 3.57 Honors: Dean's list - Fall 2019 • Presidents list - Spring & Fall 2020 Associations: Pi Sigma Alpha Honors Society • Transfer Association California State University, Sacramento - Sacramento Semester Program January 2021 - May 2021 100 Cerritos College, Norwalk —Associate of Arts for Transfer in Political Science June 2017 - May 2019 College of the Desert, Palm Desert - General Education August 2016 - May 2017 101 4 aiitrai GEM of the DESERT Date: 6/11/2024 06/19/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Alex Vasquez HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Retired BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: New resident ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES yes NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Housing Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? No I have not 102 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Over 40 years of experince in the Financial Industry All State Insurance-Finance,Sales,Public Affairs,HR Bank of America-Programs,Marketing and Branch Mgt Home Savings and Washington Mutual- LMI and First Time Homeowner Lending Programs. Wells Fargo Mortgage -SVP Mortgage Fullfillment Leader-Conforming,Jumbo,LMI,First Time Homebuyer Mass,Mid and Upscale Markets retired in 2018. Since then I have worked with builders, non -profits and community organization to advance homeownership I have provided training in mortgage knowledge and understanding In my career I have worked with such groups as Habitat for Humanity, Magic Johnson First Time Homeowner Program and Unidos US Increase Latino Homeownership US Bank Builder Expansion in the Cochella Valley Neighborhood Housing Services LA and OC Co's Page 2 of 3 103 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. I see this as an opportunity to lend my overall experience to this commission. My strenghts include communication Which means that I will listen and discuss what are the essential functions of the commision and then work towards what the current and future goals are. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? Again reflecting on my career 1 beleive that clear communication and understanding of what needs to be accomplished can help move towards successful results WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? Overall I see myself as a team player. I will provide a clear perspective. I have learned that you can disagree on a item but be willing to work towards a compromise that will allow the commission or the team move towards accomplishing its goal. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 104 PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2024 APPLICATIONS 1. Linda Bohlinger 2. Steven Cherry 3. Michael Curry 4.John Henry Garcia (withdrawn 6/26/2024) 5. Elisa Guerrero* 6. Shayra Hernandez 7. Kevin Hundt 8. Vin -Gent -L (withdrawn 6/26/2024) 9. Dale Tyerman* 10. Art -Valdez (changed to CBA 6/25/2024) 105 Date June 17, 2024 aditrai -- GEM ofthe DESERT — 06117/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Linda Bohlinger HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENNT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Self-employed wf my firm, Bohlinger Consulting, LLC. I am the Managing Principal and Owner. BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 11 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, Planning Commission on June 11 and June 25, and City Council on June 18. 106 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Linda has over 45 years' experience in the public transportation industry and is nationally recognized for her project development, funding and policy expertise. Private Sector Career: - Managing Principal, Owner, Bohlinger Consulting, LLC - Vice President for strategic planning for two engineering firms: HNTB & WSP USA. Public Sector Career: - CEO, Deputy CEO, Planning Executive and Grants Mgr., Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) - Executive Director, South Florida Tri -County Commuter Rail Authority (Tri -Rail) - Deputy Director, California Transportation Commission - Manager of Planning for Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) - Planner for Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) - English as a Second Language Teacher to Spanish -Speaking migrant farm workers Board & Volunteer Positions: - Ran board meetings as chief executive for LA Metro and Tri -Rail - Serve on various boards:Knitters Haven 501c7 -leases 78111 Calle Estado, Ste.101, LQ; Board Vice President, Woodhaven Women's Golf Club; Board Member, Treasurer, Desert Weavers and Spinners guild; LLC member of mixed use building in Santa Ynez. Education: MPA, Public Administration, University of Southern California, Los Angeles; BA, Spanish, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. (included Education Abroad Program, University of Madrid, Spain & Teachers Credential Prog., Mexico City, Mexico. Page 2 of 3 107 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. The purpose of the Planning Commission is to develop and maintain the City's General Plan consistent with the City and State Planning and Zoning Laws and to serve as an advisory body to the City Council, in coordination with the City's Design and Development Dept. The goal is to make good land use decisions and recommendations to City Council. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUED OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUED OR PROBLEMS? Challenges include consideration & design review of individual developments as well as longer term developments, such as the Highway 111 Plan, the Sphere of Influence Plan and the Village Build Out Plan. Key is a balance of skills & experience on the Commission as well as good staff work and comprehensive and responsive proposals by developers. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? 1. Expertise and experience in Planning, focusing on Public Transportation, including extensive experience with Caltrans and the Riverside County Transportation Commission; 2. Experience in both the public and private sectors and understand the goals of each; 3. Knowledge of La Quinta; 4. Experience both running boards and serving on boards. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 I FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 108 b BOHLINGER CONSULTING, LLC LINDA BOHLINGER, MANAGING PRINCIPAL Linda Bohlinger has more than 45 years' experience in the public transportation industry and is nationally recognized for her project development, funding and policy expertise. She provides a variety of services, including funding strategy plans for major public transportation infrastructure projects, public/private partnership negotiations and other innovative financial strategies. Private Sector Career • Managing Principal and Owner, Bohlinger Consulting, LLC • Vice President for strategic planning for two engineering firms: HNTB and WSP USA. Public Sector Career • CEO, Deputy CEO, Planning Executive and Grants Manager of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) • Executive Director of the South Florida Tri -County Commuter Rail Authority • Deputy Director of the California Transportation Commission • Manager of Planning for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) • Planner for the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). • English as a Second Language Teacher to Spanish - Speaking migrant farm workers. Bohlinger Consulting, LLC, 11/2016 — Current — Managing Principal. Bohlinger Consulting, LLC, was formed by Linda Bohlinger to provide senior level advisory services, strategic planning and grants management to public transportation agencies for their infrastructure projects. Projects include: EDUCATION • MPA/Public Administration/University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA • BA/Spanish/University of California, Santa Barbara, CA — Included Education Abroad Program, University of Madrid, Spain and Teachers Credential Program in Mexico City, Mexico. (Fluent in Spanish) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member, American Public Transportation Association • HNTB, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Metro ExpressLanes Program, funding and financing services. • WSP USA, Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), Transit/Rail Program, Strategic Planning, funding and financing services. • KOA, City of Indio, Multimodal Hub. Lead for future funding opportunities and management plan for the construction and ongoing operations of the "Festival Train" and a Multi -Modal Hub in the City of Indio. WSP USA, 1/2014 — 6/2016 — Vice President, US Advisory Services. Linda provided expertise and experience in the areas of funding strategies, grants, financial planning, alternative delivery, value capture, congestion pricing and other public policy issues to public and private transportation clients. Projects included: • Southern California Regional Rail Authority, Metrolink Strategic Plan and Short -Range Transit Plan. Facilitator for Board workshops regarding the development of the strategic plan for Metrolink and facilitator for the Metrolink Board Governance Ad Hoc Committee regarding institutional structure, dedicated funding sources and long-term operating and capital projects. • Valley Metro, Phoenix, Arizona, Strategic Plan, Development of a Strategic Plan including organizational and risk assessment, Leadership Team and Board workshops on vision, mission, goals, priorities and performance measurements. HNTB Corporation — 2000 — 2013— Vice President, National Management Consulting. Linda's management consulting group provided a variety of services, including funding strategy plans for major public transportation infrastructure projects, joint development projects, public/private partnership negotiations and other innovative financial strategies. Projects included: 109 LINDA BOHLINGER BOHLINGER CONSULTING, LLC • Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA), Linda led the independent Metrolink Commuter Rail Safety Peer Review Panel. She developed and led the panel of commuter rail public and private sector experts to review and recommend short, medium and long-term safety improvements for Metrolink and the SCRRA organization. The final report offered an Enhanced Safety Action Plan with 64 recommendations on eight key issues. • LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency, LOSSAN Corridor Strategic Implementation Plan, Project manager for the Los Angeles -San Diego -San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Corridor Strategic Implementation Plan. This study included a short- and long-term preferred service plan for intercity and commuter train frequencies, reviewed potential governance and administrative management options for the future, and the financial resources available to sustain the service. Linda developed the governance documents for the creation of a new LOSSAN Joint Powers Authority. South Florida Tri -County Commuter Rail Authority — 1998 — 2000 - Executive Director. Linda was responsible for the full operational, construction, planning and fiscal responsibility for South Florida's 71 -mile, 70 employee, and nine -member board commuter rail system. She secured a $327 million Federal Full Funding Grant agreement for Tri -Rail's Double Track program. Led Joint Development efforts. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority —1990 —1997 and 1979 —1985 - Various positions including Planning Executive Officer and Chief Executive Officer (Interim). As CEO, Linda held full operational, construction, planning and fiscal responsibility for this $3.0 billion budget, 8,000 employees, 13 -member board transportation authority. Linda also held positions of Deputy CEO, Executive Officer of Planning and Programming and Deputy Executive Officer, Capital Planning. She led the MTA's countywide, multi -modal rail, bus and highway capital planning, programming, grants management, joint development and Benefit Assessment District program activities and directed the MTA's long-range strategic financial planning activities. 2 Linda secured $2.4 billion in federal New Starts funds for the LA Metro Red Line Segments 2 and 3 and over $2.0 billion for highway projects. California Transportation Commission —1986 —1989 - Deputy Director for Transit Development. Responsible for the State Transportation Improvement Program and state and federal funding for highway and transit projects within the state of California. Sacramento Area Council of Governments, 1985- 1986 — Manager, Transportation Planning. Led the regional transportation planning efforts for SACOG's 28 member cities and counties. Southern California Association of Governments, 1974-1979, Planner for the SCAG regional area, including Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial counties and cities. Salt Lake City School District, 1972- 1974, English as a Second Language Teacher for Spanish-speaking migrant farm workers. Volunteer & Board Positions In addition to running board meetings for Los Angeles Metro and Tri -Rail, and working directly with board members as a consultant, Linda has the following experience as a board member. • 1090 Edison Commercial Building Santa Ynez, CA - LLC member and co-owner, (Recently converted from commercial to mixed use building (1ST floor commercial, 2nd floor short term rental.) Current Board Positions • Board Secretary and Officer, Knitters Haven 501c7 non-profit, 78115 Calle Estado, Ste. 101, La Quinta • Board Vice President, Woodhaven Women's Golf Club • Board Member and Treasurer, Desert Weavers and Spinners guild Previous Board Positions • President, Knitting Guild of the Desert • President, Desert Falls Women's Golf Association • Executive Board Member, American Public Transportation Association (APTA) • Foundation Board President, APTA • Board Member, Women's Transportation Seminar 110 APPLICATION TO... Steven Cherry TELEPHONE (HOME) (CELL) Retired LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA 20 Years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: yes BOARD/COMMISSION... Planning, Airport HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED... Airport - No, Planning - Yes - Coral Mountain Development discussion 111 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH... Planning Commission My direct experience has included planning for and testing of critical ICBM components. Also, detailed review of test results and recommendations of component design to match system requirements. This work has included direction of multi -personnel to achieve requirements. Palm Springs Airport Commission No direct experience. 112 DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE... Airport Commission My attempt to determine the interaction between the commission and the Palm Springs city council was unfulfilled as the then La Quinta member to the commission refused to talk to me. Does the commission make recommendations to the city council or vice versa? WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES... Planning How to reconcile developer features with the city requirements, eg, zoning Airport Commission Increase in passenger throughput will require extensive monetary outlay - how best to proceed? WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES... Planning & Airport Commission My previous experience has resulted in achieving requirements in a timely manner. My positive attitude was credited in part to the successful outcome. RESUME ATTACHED 113 Steven S. Cherry La Quinta, CA 92253 E -Mail: EDUCATION Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering - C.C.N.Y. (1957) Master of Science in Engineering - U.C.L.A. (1964) Two years of PhD classwork - U.S.0 EXPERIENCE Palm Desert (CA) High School and La Quinta High School (November 2014 -January 2015) Volunteer tutor in math and science TASC, Inc. (December 2009 -July 2010) On-call employee supporting the RSLP program out of San Bernardino, CA, with emphasis on government launches from Vandenberg AFB, Kodiak Island, Alaska, and White Sands Missile range in the area of allowable exposure times to environmental conditions. Northrop Grumman, (2005 -December 2009) On-call employee performing technical analyses of PSRE components — valves, engines, helium regulator — in support of resupply program. Including alternate flow liquids to replace Freon. Volt Technical Resources, (2002-2004) Consultant to Northrop Grumman (nee TRW), San Bernardino, CA TRW (1984-2002), Senior Staff Engineer, San Bernardino, CA Project and functional responsibility for thermal and performance analysis of rocket propulsion systems, including Dual Mode Liquid Apogee Engine and Variable Thrust Engine for the TRW/NASA OMV, Minuteman PSRE (liquid propellant post boost vehicle). Similar analyses for the Peacekeeper and Small Missile. Other project responsibilities included the NASA/MSFC Pressure Fed Engine, ERIS, etc. Responsible for subscale engine heatshield material/configuration test program to evaluate candidate heatshield designs for the VTE. Served as Section Head for over two years directing the work of five MTS and several support personnel. These activities were directed at Air Force programs formally administered at the Ballistic Missile Office, Norton AFB, and included test and analytical support for various sounding rocket launch vehicle programs, Peacekeeper basing modes, etc. Most recent liquid propellant experience has been component evaluations of the Minuteman PSRE to determine changes necessary to achieve a 50 -year lifetime. Emphasis on bipropellant thrust chambers and valves for earth storable NTO/MMH propellant system. Developed computer model of propulsion system to determine effect of hardware changes (due to ageing) on engine performance. Thermal analyses of rocket stages to assess response to exposure to various ambient conditions, e.g., solar input, winds, etc., at various launch sites. KVB Inc. (1975-1984), Principal Engineer, Irvine, CA Project responsibility for emission assessments of pulverized -coal-fired utility steam boilers for the U. S. EPA. Responsible for marketing, proposal writing and execution of various work assignments under Contract 68-02-3175. Data reduction computer program development for the Univac 1100 in FORTRAN. Technical report preparation and presentation at national technical symposium. NOx emission assessment and control for petroleum industry under contract to the American 114 Petroleum Institute. Survey and population characteristics of petroleum industry stationary combustion devices utilized in all facets of the industry, i.e., exploration, production, transporting, refining, etc. Interfaced with API NOx Control Subcommittee. Delivered technical presentations at national symposium. Alternate fuels evaluation for Anheuser-Busch Fuels Decision Report. Environmental assessment of alternate fuels including wood and coal for Van Nuys (CA) brewery expansion. Participated in development of fuel supply, process steam boiler characteristics and emission controls. Theoretical development of particulate formation mechanisms in gas-fired glass melting furnaces under contract to the Gas Research Institute. Analysis of particulate formation sensitivity to process modifications. Evaluation of advanced process modifications described in the open literature. Travel to Japan to review their developments in particulate and NOx reduction technologies for glass melting furnaces. Evaluation of utility diesel engine PSD restrictions to remove unrealistic NOx limitation and requirement to perform annual testing. The utility also wanted to use a heavier oil in order to realize a significant economic benefit. This work involved an assessment of diesel engine emissions to demonstrate that new engines could comply with provisions of Federal New Source Performance Standards. Various studies for EPA dealing with industrial combustion equipment, e.g., process heaters and cement kilns, as to characteristics, regional distributions, etc. Work performed to identify equipment for which emission controls need to be developed. McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. (1971-1975) Senior Engineer, Huntington Beach, CA Responsible for rocket engine internal and external flow field analyses in support of Space Shuttle program; impingement effects on Space Shuttle exterior surfaces. Two-phase method of characteristics numerical methods to determine solid particle trajectories in plume. Member of the Joint -Army -Navy -NASA -Air Force (JAN NAF) Performance Standardization Committee to develop standardized procedures to calculate rocket engine performance including two-dimensional flow, kinetic chemistry and boundary layer effects. TRW Systems Group (1965-1971), Member of Technical Staff, Redondo Beach, CA Rocket engine heat transfer and performance analyses, including the Apollo Lunar Excursion Module. Development of nonequilibrium chemical kinetics computer programs. Basic studies of nonequilibrium effects on performance of liquid propellant systems including selection of reaction rate constants; determining performance sensitivity to uncertainties in rate constants. Thermal design and analysis of spacecraft insulation systems; model verification using actual spacecraft measurements. Member of JANNAF Performance Standardization Committee. National Engineering Science Co. (1962-1965), Member of Technical Staff, Pasadena, CA Responsible for calculating supersonic flow fields around reentry bodies for electron density determinations; base recirculation patterns; internal and external flow fields. Ultimate objective was to determine radar cross-sections for novel configurations. Computer program development (FORTRAN) and implementation. Rocketdyne (1957-1962), Senior Engineer, Canoga Park, CA Rocket engine internal heat transfer and performance for advanced designs. 115 4 aiitrai GEM of the DESERT Date: 4/24/2024 4/25/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Michael Curry HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (HOME) FAX: (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Field Representative, Office of Assemblymember Greg Wallis, Assembly District 47 BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 21 Months ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission NO HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? I have not attended a La Quinta Planning commission meeting in person, but I regularly participate by watching through the live stream and reviewing past meetings. 116 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Growing up in Santa Rosa, California, I've always felt a strong inclination to contribute to my community. This led me to develop an interest in local governance and eventually pursue a career focused on community service. Throughout my academic journey, I naturally gravitated towards political science courses, which solidified my commitment to a community -centered path. After graduating from Santa Rosa High School, I continued my education at California State University, Chico, where I chose to major in Political Science. During my time at CSU Chico, I seized opportunities to intern and later work for Congressman Doug LaMalfa, gaining invaluable firsthand experience in both his district and Capitol offices where one of my responsibilities was to watch and report back on local City Council meetings. This experience not only shaped my perspective on local government but also provided me with a nuanced understanding of its inner workings. Seeking to broaden my horizons, I ventured to Orange County to work for the California Republican Party. Here, I collaborated with community leaders to establish coalitions addressing pressing local issues. This experience shed light on the diverse range of opinions within communities and underscored the importance of acknowledging and addressing them. Continuing my journey, I relocated to the Coachella Valley to work with then -candidate Greg Wallis, focusing on community outreach and relationship -building efforts. Following the conclusion of the campaign, I accepted a position in Assemblymember Greg Wallis's district office as a field representative. In this capacity, I engage daily with state, federal, and local leaders to ensure accurate advocacy for the constituents in the state capital. Page 2 of 3 117 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. My experience working for legislative offices has equipped me with an understanding of governmental processes and procedures. I am adept at working within bureaucratic structures, collaborating with diverse stakeholders, and advocating for the interests of constituents. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? The Planning Commission is able to address a need to improve city infrastructure while also increasing the housing supply. Infrastructure improvements are not just necessary to accommodate the current population but also the expected population growth in the coming years. In order to lower the cost of housing we must increase the housing supply while maintaining a similar standard of living as to what the community is used to. We need a multifaceted approach to housing that includes developing low-, middle-, and high-income housing options. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I approach my day-to-day work with an open and collaborative mindset to build networks that advocate on behalf of communities as a whole. The work done by the Planning Commission can make noticeable impact on the lives of residents and I understand the importance of taking a wide range of perspectives on an issue in order to make a decision that accurately addresses the needs of the community. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 I FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 118 Michael Curry EXPERIENCE Assernblymember Greg Wallis, Coachella Valley - Field Representative January 2023 - Current Buil[i and maintain relationships within the district. Represent the Assemblyman at events and community meetings. Identify key issues throughout the district and communicate official responses and actions from our office. Greg Wallis for State Assembly, Coachella Valley - Campaign Manager August 2022 - December 2022 Managed campaign staff and operations_ Filed official documents on behalf of the candidate. Organized a field program and managed day to day operations of a target State House Race. California Republican Party, Orange County, CA - Regional Field Director October 2021 -July 2022 Organized and managed Held and intern program for congressional district 47. Coordinated with congressional, assembly, state senate, and local campaigns to mobilize across the Orange County Coast. Doug LaMalfa for US Representative, Chico, CA - Campaign Office Manager August 2020 - November 2020 Managed voter contact operations, staff, and volunteers. Assisted senior staff with targeted voter outreach. Coordinated with local volunteer organizations, elected officials, and candidates as a representative of the campaign. EDUCATION Santa Rosa High School, Santa Rosa, CA 2013 - 2017 Chic() State, Chico, CA 2017-2022 Political Science major La Quints, CA 92253 SKILLS Writing Press Releases Leading Group Meetings Event Management and Organization Public Speaking Social Media Management Communication Meeting Deadlines Advanced Research AWA R D5 California Republican Party Lorelei Kinder Award Lorenzo Solis Scholarship Recipient LANGUAGES Eluent: English Spanish coursework, 3 years REFERENCES Available upon request 119 ID,: 06/06/2024 GEM of the DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: John Henry Garcia HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: {IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS} EMAIL: Amin, 14 1 FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITIONS) YOU HOLD: Inszone insurance - Insurance Agent BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 20 yrs ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES ACX NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning, or another if needed. HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, probably about 4 during the last two years. 120 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. See attached. Page 2 of 3 121 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. I have been on multiple boards, including trade associations and non -profits. So, I understand Roberts Rules of order and other regulatory requirements assocated with board memberships. As for planning, I have no specific training and would consider another commission if there is a better fit. Basically, looking to be an asset to the City. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I have dealt with problematic board members and others that basically do not attend meetings. Rather than creating dishharmony, I look at ways of encouraging members and getting them involved with their own strengths. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? Basicially the same answer above. When I get involved I am committed. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 122 John Henry Garcia is a seasoned professional with over 30 years of experience in the insurance industry. Previous owner of John Henry Insurance Services in La Quinta and recently merged with Inszone Insurance in Indio, he specializes in group employee benefits, Medicare insurance programs. His career journey includes roles at State Farm in Orange County and Farmers Insurance in San Francisco before returning to the Coachella Valley to establish his own agency. With a degree in Economics from the University of California, Irvine, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the insurance industry. Outside of work, he is deeply involved in the community, serving on various boards and organizations such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Desert, and the First Tee of the Coachella Valley, Board of the Desert Recreation Foundation. He currently serves as President of the Dr. Carreon Foundation and is a Palm Desert Rotarian. John values spending quality time with his family and enjoys outdoor activities. Committed to making La Quinta the Gem of the Desert, he brings a passion for community development and improvement to the city planning commission 123 Date! 06/07/2024 atigtai GEM DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMIE NAME: Elisa Guerrero HOME ADDRESS: - MAILING ADDRESS: (JF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITIONS) YOU HOLD: Berkshire Hathaway HorneSeivioes CA Properties - Office Administrator Village Peddler Bike Rental - Co -Owner BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE; LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Cumulative O er years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes - Current Commissioner 124 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I have been an active member of the community, most recently serving as a member of the Planning Commission since January of 2023. I am a lifelong resident of the desert having lived most of my life in La Quinta. My career has been focused primarily in the real estate industry as an escrow officer and administrative roles in real estate offices, which I was introduced to having grown up in a family of real estate developers, title insurance, appraisal, and other related fields. In 2015 my husband and I launched a new business in La Quinta serving tourists and residents alike with bicycle rentals and repair services. At one point I worked for the Riverside County Sheriffs Department in the 911 Communications department as an emergency dispatcher, serving the desert communities for almost 5 years in that role. Additionally I have served as former chairperson of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce for 18 months during the avid -19 pandemic. It has been my honor to be of service to my community in one way or another as often as possible. Page 2 Of 3 125 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD J COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS) REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSZON, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. As a commission we review and vote on recommendations to the City Counoil for approval or denial of certain projects or other development related applioations such as zone changes. etc. Vie are able to request certain conditions of approval on prjocts based on what is in our citVs code and we look to ensure projects and applications are in line with the general plan and are of benefit to the community_ WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? The city does nol have a kt of developable land left so I believe we wRI soon be looking at annexation in our 501, as well as Looking at ink -fill projects rnore frequer3tty as developers Look at creative ways to develop affordable housing. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I believe I am fair and Logical, and willing to look al multiple views of an issue before making a decision. As a parent of young children I like to take a long range view of bow a project can benefit the community not just in the immediate Mure but for generations to come. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX: OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 -- 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 — 7107 EMAIL! C1TYCLERKMAIL)LAOUINTACA.GOV THANK OU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page of 126 od,e: 06/18/2024 tai Oujda/ GEM of the DESERT — 06/1912024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Shayra Hernandez HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: N/A TELEPHONE: (HOME) ( (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITIONS) YOU HOLD: Office of Congressman Raul Ruiz, D. Position: Director of Stakeholder Engagement BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE iN LA QUINTA: Since 2001 ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, 1 have. 2/28/23, 3128/23, 1/9/24, 3/26124, & 5/28/24, 127 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. have been in the public service since 2017, first as the East Valley Liaison and Agricultural Advisor for Supervisor V. Manuel Perez, and now as the Director of Stakeholder Engagement for Congressman Raul Ruiz. In both of my roles, I have supervised environmental matters concerning zoning issues, CEQA compliance, development projects, and water and energy initiatives. One of my significant responsibilities under Supervisor Perez, was spearheading the planning for the Thermal/Oasis Visioning Planning meetings, which aimed to establish a roadmap of community development based on the desires and needs of these communities. In addition, during my tenure with Supervisor Perez, I facilitated Community Development planning meetings and secured millions in state grants for parks and infrastructure. I collaborated on effective policies, including zoning changes for development and ordinances for mobile home parks, parks, apartments, and retail. I aim to bring this experience to the Planning Commission, promoting sustainable growth and meeting community needs. Page 2 of 3 128 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. My experience has provided me with a strong understanding of the Planning Commission's functions of land use plans and zoning changes. I have participated in public hearing, where I have made recommendation to the planning commissioners based on the public's needs. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? Challenges in balancing growth with sustainahility and ensuring affordable housing while managing infrastructure development. To address these, enhancing community engagement and implementing innovative zoning policies for mixed-use developments are crucial steps toward fostering sustainable and inclusive growth WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? My expertise includes a deep understanding of county, state, and federal procedures in community development and policy implementation, particularly in zoning and environmental regulations. I bring strong communication skills and a strategic approach that will support informed decision-making and foster sustainable growth within the Planning Commission. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 129 Date: _June 18, 2024 GEM of the DESERT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Kevin Hundt HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 4 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES X NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission — Professional Member HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes. Have attended both La Quinta City Council & Planning Commission meetings including post meeting video presentations over the last 6 months + 6/30/2023 Commissions Recruitment Council Meeting. 130 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Relevant Experience: Over 40 years of professional & technical experience in Architectural and Engineering: Pre -Construction Planning, Design & Construction. I'm a licensed PE, EE; Const Class A [specialty construction] & C-10 [electrical contractor] + CA Title 24 [Building Energy Efficiency Stds] + CA Earthquake Regulations + Plan Check Interfacing. Program Manager/Director — Top Tier Multi -Billion $ companies in TX & CA. Understanding of Local Issues: IID is facing several electrical grid challenges, primarily due to the increasing demand for power and the need for grid modernization. Renewable Energy Integration will play a part in meeting those demands [solar, wind, battery storage and clean energy]. That brings up other Issues, Like: Climate Resilience, Balancing Growth and Sustainability, Infrastructure Development, Community Engagement & Economic Development. Commitment to Community: Spans 35 years of coming to the Valley and 4 years ago purchasing a home in Rancho La Quinta Country Club [RLQ]. Previously volunteered as Educational Interpreter at The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach [5yrs]; Undergraduate Mentor @ CSULB [4yrs]; Steering Committee Member for the Sunstone Innovation Challenge @ CSULB & Rice University -Houston Innovation Challenge Coach. Past Chairman of the RLQ Fitness & Exercise Committee Chairman + Volunteer @ The Living Desert, with the Trains Exhibit. Served on HOAArchitectural Committee for Long Beach Bixby Village and HOA Board Member, Bay Harbor in Alamitos Bay, CA Additional Attributes for Q&A: * Objectivity & Fairness, * Analytical Skills, * Decision -Making Skills, and * Team Collaboration. In -closing: In applying for the Planning Commission, I believe these are some of the unique skills and interrelated experiences I bring to the Planning Commission. Page 2 of 3 131 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. Serving on the Planning Commission is a critical role in the city planning and development, acting as an advisory body to the La Quinta City Council on various land use and development issues. My general background follows as it related to the City of Long Beach, CA. Functions: Review and Approval of Development Proposals; Los Cerritos Wetlands Zoning Mitigation; Subsidence Mitigation [Oil Extraction]; Community Planning [SEASP + Coastal Commission + SCAQMD]; Public Hearings. Regulations: Building Rules & NFPA Code Compliance; Title 24 Compliance; Earthquake Upgrade Compliance. Procedures: Public Hearings; Staff Reviews; Application Submissions; Air Quality Reviews. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? La Quinta Planning Commission faces several challenges as it works to manage growth and development in the area. To highlight some key areas: Balancing Growth and Sustainability: The commission must ensure that new developments align with sustainable practices while accommodating population growth [2035 La Quinta General Plan]. i.e. Affordable Housing [RHNA 2022-2029] 110 Grid Reliability and Capacity: Growing emphasis on battery storage at the residential and utility level becomes problematic. Managing Water Resources: Challenges due to climate change. Sustainable water use policies are crucial. Environmental Regulations: Ensure compliance with state and federal environmental regulations, such as CEQA, which adds layers of complexity to planning decisions. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? Serving on the La Quinta Planning Commission requires a combination of Attitudes, Skills, and Interrelated Expertise to effectively manage land use and development issues. These attributes can be expanded as follows. Attitude: Objectivity and Fairness; Public Service Orientation; Openness to Public Input; Open mindedness. Skills: Analytical Skills; Communication Skills; Problem -Solving Skills; Decision -Making Skills. Interrelated Expertise: 35+ years as a Licensed Professional Engineer [EE] and Licensed Contractor [Class A & C-10]; Building Dept Plan Check Requirements; Environmental Science [Title 24]; Architecture Design Standards [Title 24]. I have transferrable Knowledge and Skills that would complement the current committee membership. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: 132 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 133 Contact, (Linkedln) Top Skills Contract Management Budgets Procurement Languages German Publications Cloud Project Management CII Research Team 214 - I e- E"ngineerfng the EPC Process 50% Reduction using Smart P&IDs Kevin Hundt PM, PE EE, Contractor A & C-10 Corporate Mentoring at CSULB, Rice University, and Entrepreneur Futures Network (EFN) La Uuinia. 4:.aiiforria, United [ales Summary Current Profession.: Volunteering and Mentoring Previous Profession; I help companies projects get up and running everyday experience in both Lump Sum/T&M Turnkey EPC protect delivery, project planning, estimating, bidding, negotiation, leadership, and management of complex technology driven projects, managing in their entirety, from the invitation to tender & turn -overt protect close -aut. Prior experience combined with proven ability to manage a variety of projects with varying levels of complexity to successful completion with little or no direct supervision. Client facing subject matter expert with strong verbal and written communications skills to lead clients to the optimum solution based on proven stage gate methodologies_ Directed subordinates with management guidance, training, career development and mentorship. Combine excellence in budget planning, forecasting, and total cost control with insightful, detail -oriented analysis of business processes to uncover hidden profit potential and strearrihine operations_ Specialties: Electrical High/Medium/Low Voltage Infrastructure Project Management Specialist; Expert at Web -centric Proj lvlgrrt (Int€iit-QuickBase); Root Cause Failure Analysis Failure Modes & Effects Analysis; Project Definition Rating Index (PDR]) or Definition Level Completeness Assurance; Construction Readiness Review to Determine Completeness; Work Processes & Risk Management Training by hell/Chevron/BP; Project Management & Leadership Training by Jacobs / Brown & Root f KBR I Shell / BP } Chevron Experience Page 1 cf 6 134 California State University -Long Beach - institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mentor Corporate Mentoring Program (CMP) at CSULE July 2017 - Present (6 years 11 months) Bringing Innovation to Market .., The IIE at CSULB provides programming and mentoring designed to unlock the creative energy of students, faculty, staff and the greater Long Beach community. Primary goal of the institute is to leverage this energy and entrepreneurial capital into driving force for economic development for greater Long Beach. Ase rnentor I support an 11E team comprised of engineering, business, finance and arts, culminating in a pitch presentation suitable for funding and a complete business plan, This is a competition that awards the selected team $25.000 cash and additional $25.000 non-cash support. Aquarium Of The Pacific Educational Volunteer & Exhibit Interpreter April 2015 - Present ( 9 years 2 months) iul Devoting my time to volunteer organizations and charities of choice, while looking for challenging business andfor project management assignments. Entrepreneur Futures Network (EFN) University & Corporate Mentoring Programs February 2020 - Present (4 years 4 months) 4, rum+, rw.,•,i EFN is a non-profit based in the San Francisco Bay Area that is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals worldwide to tap the power of entrepreneurial mentoring. EFN provides entrepreneurial mentoring program development, team -mentor management. training, research and entrepreneurial ecosystem development services_ EFN has served more khan 3.000 entrepreneurs and has over 500 mentors located or every continent. Jacobs Engineering Senior Project Manager f Prograrn Director June 2011 - April 2016 (4 years 11 months) San Francrr,in^ Pay & Las'An, 1= . AJ -en On assignment at ExxonMobil (XOM)-Torrance Refinery as XOM Sr Project Manager for Capital Project Development & Execution in support of the 2015 turnaround which includes pre -turnaround engineering & construction 135 Page 2 cf 6 development activities during 2014. Additionally, responsible for non turnaround projects over the complete lifecycle to final project close-out. XOM Awards: "Shining Star Award" was presented to me in appreciation for PM -E role on ICOM - Torrance Capital Projects. Previous assignment as Sr. Project Manager for 75MW, twin LM5000 Cogeneration Upgrade Protect at RioTinto, Boron, CA, receiving a 97% client satisfaction survey. Previous assignment as Sr Project Manager for the Jacobs/Shell Small Capital Project Group at the Shell Martinez Refinery, CA and Chevron Richmond Ref eery. CA.. KLHundt Consultants Founder & President October 2009 - 2012 (3 years) Intuit QuickBase Solutions Business Consultants for Project Management in the Multi -Office Engineering/Design Industry > Business Analyst & Positioning COO for Sale_ Soffa Electric and RK Controls - Commerce, CA > Business Anlayst & Quickbooks&ACCtivate! Specialist, OnLine Electronics - Costa Mesa. CA > Business Analyst & OuickBase Specialist, Sev-Cal - Santa Ana, CA Brindersan Engineering & Construction Manager of Projects June 2008 - July 2009 (1 year 2 months) EPCm Project Management I Operational Streamlining 1 Training &amp; Development 1Cost Control Managed all aspects of $350M+ annual budget encompassing capital, expense, and maintenance projects from concept to delivery and all aspects of post -completion. Led, mentored, and trained workforce of 75 direct and indirect reports in cutting-edge project management techniques, establishing optimal project controls procedures for enhanced performance and accountability, resulting in "excellent" client satisfaction rating for cost and schedule. Staff included B project managers, 35+ projects executed annually. Page 3 of 6 136 • Spearheaded 50% Project Controls staff reduction white delivering top- quality on -demand reporting. • Enhanced efficiency and reduced workload for Project Management team with total end-to-end streamlining of critical data elements and stakeholder coardirtiatior procedures including data synchronization, tracking and communication through implementation of a web -based project management servics_ • Trained, coachedand mentored existing and new -hire workforce in latest project management techniques_ Jacobs Engineering Manager of Projects ! Project Services Manager May 2007 - July 2009 (2 years 3 months) EPC Joint Venture' Budget Forecasting ( Process Re -Engineering i Staff Management Advanced all aspects of Shell/Jacobs Alliance including engineering, design, procurement, and open shop construction. Directed and lad start-up activities from day one, proactively building, training, and leading a focused. value - driven team of key managers to prepare and implement procedures covering all aspects of execution. procurement. and quality control. Instrumental in effective stewardship of capital, expense, and maintenance expenditure scope of $750 -- and leadership of 3C team members In 45+ projects annually. Following success, transferred to BP/Jacobs Alliance project with 6 direct and 60 indirect reports. • Spearheaded 25'%, reduction in key management personnel with peer-to- peer project management. • Streamlined data gathering, tracking, and communication with web -based project management tools_ • Raised client satisfaction ratings by improving discal performance of Jacobs' Project Control Group_ KBR G&I Middle East & Central Asia Project Controls Mgr January 2006 - April 2007 (1 year 4 months) Team Leadership 1 International Coordination iBudget Preparation iCost Avoidance lEPC Turn Key Page 4 of 6 137 Managed 175+ Projects Control personnel dispersed across 7 high-value countries in the Mid -East and Central Asia, effectively employing $196 budget to plan, implement, and maintain key structures and processes across the rrrission-critical spectrum, including: camp constructionbase camp maintenance, environmental services. laundry operations, rood service, and a range of business support f logistical functions including procurement, materials, accountability, management and administration, • implemented $1COM+ in cost avoidance measures pertaining to awards board fees. • Consolidated all materiels and equipment from 7 countries into 1 web -based maintenance. repair. &amp: operations (MR0) system, achieving dramatically improved efficiency in a record 5 months, with final and complete adoption under 1 year. • Prepared $3.4B+ annual budgets in supervisory role over financial and project services teams, including incisive analysis of monthly trends and cash flows, consistently achieving "superior" rating from ctient. PANTELLOS, Houston Director Business Process Solutions January 1999 - January 2004 (5 years 1 month) Cost Reduction Client Satisfaction i Budget Management /Contingent Workforce Management Expanded market share for hosted software solutions in the $2.5e utility sector by leading and developing a contingent workforce service application to expand and dramatically increase firm's range of billable services with new paperless timesheet and reverse invoice services_ Managed 10 specialists with 1.56 annual spend. • Saved 3 tier -1 utilities a minimum of $1 M+ each in first year, • Drove 2%-5% reduction in contractor direct costs, increasing margins • Closed all major deals related to projects in area of influence. • Handled $200M+ contingent labor for two large tier -1 utility enterprises after 6 month start-up process. KBR ENGINEERING & CONSTRICTION, Houston Senior Program and Project Manager January 1997 - January 1999 (2 years 1 month) Page 5 of 6 138 Team readership 1 International Coordination I Budget Preparation 1 Cost Avoidance I EPC Turn Key Rescued firm from 4 year competitive bidding drought and net losses in all acquired praiscts by leading total overhaul in proposal preparation and bidding strategy. As a member of CII and research team RT -124 (Re -Engineering the EPC Process), used research findings to drive down price with a new conceptual focus on reference plant designs, key deliverables. improving price points and giving accurate, enticing quotes on equipment and materials during bidding phase. ▪ Acquired $M50M contract on polyethylene complex in Qatar due to impact of new initiatives_ • Outperformed rival S50M by using collective team wisdom to manage risk. • Reduced contingency pricing substantially by pre -investing in front-end engineering design. Education California State University, Long Beach EE, Power & Proj Mgmt (1973 - 1974) Pepperdine University MBA. Business Southern Methodist University Certificate, eComrnerce Professional Page 6 of 6 139 t : 1-4-2023 Da -- GEM of thr DESERT — Request to use application on file received 4/22/2024 by City Clerk's Dept. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Vincent Lopez HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITIONS) YOU HOLD: Project Manager - Capital Projects Public Works Department City of Beaumont BUSINESS ADDRESS; 1 BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Over 20 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES Y BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission NO HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? I previously submitted a similar application for a Planning Commission vacancy and interviewed before the City Council. Additionally, I have attended and presented before several committees, commissions, city councils, and boards. Currently, I am responsible for presenting capital project and budget items before the City Council for approval. 140 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. EDUCATION: Certificate, Project Management (2022); UC Berkeley Extension Master of Business Administration (MBA), Finance (2016); University of Redlands Bachelor of Science, Environmental Policy and Management (2011), Kaplan University EXPERIENCE: Project Manager - Capital Projects, City of Beaumont, Beaumont, CA Jan 2024 - Present Development, management, and administration of engineering, utilities, and public works capital improvement projects and activities such as rate studies, emergency efficiency, environmental studies, asset management, and MIS/software projects; coordination of capital project and administrative activities with other City departments, developers, and outside agencies; preparation and review of bid documents, requests for proposals, and contracts; assists in the bid process for services and materials related to capital projects; participate in the selection of contract services and negotiation of contracts; participate in the development and administration of project budgets; monitor approved budgets, approve expenditures; forecast additional funds needed for project implementation; identify external funding sources for capital projects; and, prepare and submit grant applications. Currently managing the PA/ED phase of the SR -10 and Oak Valley Parkway Interchange in coordination with the traffic engineering consultant, Caltrans, RCTC, USFW, USAGE, and other federal agencies; Assisting in the coordination of the PS&E phase of the SR -60 and Portrero Interchange in coordination with the engineering consultant, Caltrans, RCTC, USFW, USACE, and other federal agencies; oversight of the pavement data collection by NCE into StreetSaver as part of the City's Pavement Management Program; and, finalizing the completion of the new Fire Station 106 with the contractor and Cal Fire. Grants and Project Control Manager, Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD), Perris, CA Jun 2021 — Nov 2023 Respons ble for planning, overseeing, and evaluating project control and grant administration programs and processes related to the District's capital improvement program (CIP); monitor performance against the Department's annual budget; prepare annual and biennial departmental budgets; negotiate contracts and agreements for program operations; coordinate the development of proposals with management staff and outside consultants; evaluate and recommend funding sources to senior management by leading District -wide monthly meetings; interact with local government agencies, regulatory bodies, funding agencies, cities, county, and other utilities on program and project status, and agreements to coordinate overall engineering project execution; and, provide support to the Engineering Services and Engineering Departments. Program Administrator- Engineering, City of Cathedral City, Cathedral City, CA Jun 2020 — June 2021 Directed, managed, and coordinated duties related to engineering and public work programs and projects, including consultant contractual work for design, bid document, project execution, coordinate capital, non -capital, and grants to improve projects. Developed various technical agenda reports through extensive research for the city council, commissions, and the committees including compiling historical and statistical data, policy information, city records, and other materials. Created program and project budgets and tracked project performance by monitoring and evaluating project progress. Represented the City as a board member at the American Public Works Association (APWA) Desert Chapter and staff contact at the CVWD Utility Coordination quarterly meetings. Senior Analyst - Engineering, City of Cathedral City, Cathedral City, CA Jul 2017 — Jun 2020 Prepared and submitted agenda reports to city management and council, prepared a multitude of documents including bid specifications, contracts, purchase orders, resolutions, notices, and pay requests. Oversaw project progress and disbursements of payments by organizing and participating in various project meetings. Managed and monitored a variety of program processes, including RMRA/SB-1 program, RCTC Measure A, Pavement Management Program, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs. Community Development Specialist - Engineering, City of Cathedral City, Cathedral City, CA Mar 2014 — Jun 2017 Supported various engineering and public works projects by managing construction budget, as well as, creating robust engineering plans, presented project development strategies according to code compliance permits. Efficiently managed overall factors of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Formulated a multitude of federal -state documents, including reports, applications, public notices, and city staff reports. TECHNICAL PROFICIENCIES: Oracle Primavera P6 1 GIS 1 Accela MinuteTraq 1 Escribe 1 Accela Permits Plus 1 Tyler EnerGov (ERP)I Tyler MUNIS (ERP) 1 SAP (ERP) 1 HUD Integrated Disbursement & Information System (IDIS) 1 HUD Environmental Review Online System (HERDS)1 Microsoft Project 1 Microsoft Office Suite 1 Trimble Total Station (Land Surveying) Page 2 of 3 141 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. The Planning Commission reviews environmental documents, municipal code amendments and specific plan or other policy documents, and makes recommendations to the City Council on issues pertaining to Annexations, General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes and policy issues regarding development. In short, the Planning Commission applies the City's zoning laws, ordinances, design guidelines, rules and regulations to carryout the City's General Plan. Understandably, a Planning Commissioner must have a willingness and ability to research and report on issues, programs and policies related to development issues, committed to attend night meetings on a regular basis, assist in implemen ing projects as decided upon by the City Council, and attend extracurricular meeting and training seminars related to regional planning. Most importan ly, a Planning Commissioner must maintain a harmonious working relationships with Commission members, the City Council, staff, residents, and the community. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I recommend the City Council not only appoint commissioners based on their planning and development background but also their familiarity with City and industry processes. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I feel that my broad experience in local government and public utilities in areas such as engineering, project and construction management, planning and development, finance, grant management and administration, and community engagement and inclusion may be of benefit to the Planning Commission, the City and my community. When working for City of Cathedral City, I help lead efforts with the Desert Healthcare District to develop a place -based initiative in a low -and moderate income area of Cathedral City known as the Dream Homes neighborhood. This collaboration also involves working with Loma Linda University, El Sol Neighborhood Center, and community champions to foster the creation of this place -based initiative to strategically seek health and wellness programs through grant opportunities. In addition to my experience noted above, in 2011, I temporarily worked for Terra Nova Planning and Research, Inc. where I was introduced and gained a better understanding of the planning profession and CEQAMEPA process. While working with Terra Nova, I assisted in the preparation of exemptions, initial studies (IS), mitigated negative declarations (MND) and environmental impact reports (E R) and water supply assessments (WSA). While working part-time at Terra Nova, I was also employed full-time with Imperial Irrigation District (I D). I worked with IID for almost twelve (12) years primarily in the Demand -Side and Energy Management Division administering energy efficiency programs. I also briefly held customer service and operations positions. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 I FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 142 La Quinta, CA- US 1 VINCENT G. LOPEZ IJinkedln URL: Program and Project Management Accomplished management professional with an extensive and solid track record in administering capital, non -capital, and grant - funded programs and projects from planning to execution while tracking performance. * Portfolio, Program & Project lvlanagernent • Engineering& Design • Construction Management Areas of Expertise • Budget & Financial Management • Grant Management$ Compliance ■ Contract & Procurement Management Career Experience • Quantitative & qualitative Analysis • Business Process Improvement ■ Community Engagement &inclusion Protect Manager— Capital Projects, City of Beaumont, Beaumont, CA Jan 2024 - Present Development, management, and administration of engineering, utilities, and public works capital improvement projects and activities such as rate studies, emergency efficiency, environmental studies, asset management, and MIS/software projects; coordination of capita[ projects and administrative activities with other City departments, developers, and outside agencies; assist in the preparation and review of hid documents, requests for proposals, and contracts; assists in the bid process far services and materials related to capital projects; participate in the selection of contract services and negotiation of contracts, participate in the development and administration of project budgets; monitor approved budgets, approve expenditures; forecast additional funds needed for project implementation; identify external funding sources for capital projects; and, prepare and submit grant applications. • Managing the PA/ED phase of the SR -1C and Oak Valley Parkway Interchange in coordination with the traffic engineering wnsultant, Caltrans, RCTC, USFW, U5ACE, and other federal agencies. ▪ Assist in the coordination of the PS&E phase for the 5R -E0 and Potrero Interchange improvements with the traffic engineering consultant, Caltrans, RCTC, USFW, U5ACE, and other federal agencies. 1 Managing the NEPA, final environmental document (FEDI and final design completion of the Second Street Extension Project in coordination with the engineering and environmental consultants, Caltrans, I CTC, USFW, USACE, and otherfedera I agencies_ • Overseeing the pavement data collection and PCI updates by NCE as part of the Oty's Pavement Management Program. • Directing the completion of the new Fire Station 106 with the contractor and Cal Fire. Grants and Project Control Manager, Eastern Municipal Water District ([MWD), Perris, CA Jun 2021— Nov 2023 Planned, organized, evaluated, managed and directed project control processes for water,wastewater, recycling, and development capital projects and grant -administration programs; identified opportunities, developed business cases, and monitored project execution; implemented project management and control for lltstrict-Teed projects requiring the development and conflguratiorr of projeo management software, tracking schedules, budgets, and labor requirements of capital improvement projects; managed and directed the development and administration of the department's annual budget; directed the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, consultants, contractors, equipment, materials, and supplies; directed the monitoring of and approval of expenditures; and, directed necessary adjustments to rrreet operational needs. • Led and strategically coordinated external funding jgrant) opportunities with positive results through constant communication with Executive Managernent at monthly Oistrictwide Grants and Loans Committee Meetings. • Led monthly coordination meetings with Finance, Public and Governmental Affairs, Environmental, field Engineering, and Develaprnent Services Departments regarding water, wastewater., recycling, and development capital projects. • Streamlined portfolio management and project control; on District's Capital improvement Plan (CTP) worth S700 million and lead DistrictwideCIP Quarterly Meeting to present implementation performance and discuss CIP changes -to projects. Program Administrator -Engineering, City of Cathedral City, Cathedral City, CA Jul 2Q20—Jun 2021 Planned, organized, managed, and directed activities related to engineering and public work programs and projects, including consultant contractual work for engineering design, bid document, and project execution; coordinated capital, non -capital, and grants to improve projects; prepared and presented a variety of techntcad agenda/staff reports for the city council, commissions, and t�orttmittees that included historical, analytical, and statistical data, policy information, city records, and other materials, implemented capital program cuntinuc L. 143 budgets and tracked project performance by monitoring and evaluating project progress and disbursement of payments. Prepared and reviewed requests for proposals; advertised and secured bids, reviewed document through the public approval process. • Reviewed various engineering plans and provided necessary comments and edits to plans in adherence to industry, city, and country standards and guidelines. • Improved transparency, community engagement, and inclusion to gain community support of City visions and goals during community events and meetings. • Conducted and evaluated employee performance and hired potential candidates for technical and administrative positions to improve productivity. Senior Analyst - Engineering, City of Cathedral City, Cathedral City, CA Jul 2017 — Jul 2020 Planned, organized, coordinated, directed, and conducted administrative and management studies relating to the capital projects, engineering activities and public works operations; conducted complex surveys, research, and analysis on administrative, fiscal, and operational issues; performed expense and budget analysis, performed data mining and financial modeling; prepared and presented agenda/staff reports to city council, commissions, and committees; prepared a multitude of documents including bid specifications, contracts, purchase orders, resolutions, notices, and pay requests; executed various capital projects through the coordination of engineering plans with consultants, preparation of bid specifications, effective project processes, and recommending contract awards to lowest responsive contractors. • Successfully managed and administered engineering programs including RMRA/SB-1 program, RCTC Measure A, Pavement Management Program, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs. • Forecast capital funds according to the 5 -Year CIP and coordination with the Finance Department. • Effectively executed the Cathedral City Community Amphitheater project in time worth $5.2M. Community Development Specialist - Engineering, City of Cathedral City, Cathedral City, CA Mar 2014 — Jun 2017 Supported various engineering and public works projects by managing construction budget, as well as, creating robust engineering plans, presented project development strategies according to code compliance permits. Efficiently managed overall factors of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Formulated a multitude of federal -state documents, including reports, applications, public notices, and city staff reports. • Led coordination and procurement for installation and construction of park amenities for development of Ocotillo Park. • Performed engineering inspections during all phases of infrastructure and capital improvement construction projects for conformance with approved plans, specifications, contract provisions, environmental approvals, and safe work practices. • City liaison for local Valley meetings such as Desert Task Force (NPDES), Utility Coordinators Meetings (CVWD), Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), County CoC Board of Governance, while organizing meetings to discuss issues and work progress. Education & Credentials Certificate, Project Management, 2022 UC Berkeley Extension, Berkeley, CA Master of Business Administration (MBA), Finance, 2016 University of Redlands, Redlands, CA Bachelor of Science, Environmental Policy and Management, 2011 Kaplan University, Davenport, IA Technical Proficiencies Oracle Primavera P6 1 Hydro Mapper (GIS Mapping Portal) 1 Accela Permits Plus 1 Accela MinuteTraq 1 Escribe 1 Tyler EnerGov 1 Tyler MUNIS 1 Oracle EBS iProcure 1 Monday (Project Management) 1 Blue Beam Revu 1 Trimble (Land Surveying) 1 Microsoft Office 365 144 Date; May 17, 2024 tai Oujda/ GEM of the DESERT — 5/3112024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE E: Dale D. Tyerman NAM HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITIONS) YOU HOLD: Retired BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 18 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO 1107E IN LA QUINTA: YESX NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? I have served as a Planning Commissioner for the last three years. Prier to my appointment I regularly attended and particpated in Commission rneetings. 145 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. My career in a nutshell: 42 years in healthcare sales & marketing to CEO, healthcare services and technologies, medical devices, home health care, imaging and corporate health benefit design. I have served on corporate, industry and non-profit boards and worked with major corporations to start up companies. I serve on the the leadership Committee for Young Life Desert Cites, a not for profit suporting High School and Middle School students across the Coachella Valley. I have served on the charity Board for Trilogy at La Quinta Community Services Association, the Landscape, Communications and Compliance Committees. I created and managed the "Speaker Series" an educational program for residents of Trilogy and La Quinta featuring informative programs on various topics of interest including the Salton Sea,history of La Quinta, Lithium extraction form the geothermal brine, water and agriculture in the Coachella Valley and earthquake faults and preparedness. I have developed and hosted Mayoral and City Council Candidate Forums for Trilogy and our neighboring communities. Working with the City of La Quinta in a variety of unofficial capacities and as a Planning Commissioner has deepened my understanding of the critical role the city plays in working with community residents, businesses and developers. My diverse business experience combined with my volunteer work with non-profit organizations, educators, industry groups, developers and working with city leaders prepares me to serve and contribute value to the Planning Commission and our city. love La Quinta and I am committed to the future of our city and making our GEM of the desert the best city in the valley and one of the best in California and across our country. Page 2 of 3 146 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. As a Planning Commissioner for the last three years I have developed a good understanding of the technical and functional responsibilites of the Planning Commission and their interaction with staff, residents, developers and the City Council. As an active participant in the City of La Quinta I have a strong connection to our residents and businesses, including local developers. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUED OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUED OR PROBLEMS? Managing growth in the city, optimizing the needs of residents, businesses, developers and the City. How to meet the growing demand for affordable housing. Maintaining the quality of life and tourist destination appeal for our City. Meet the need through increased use of multi family and mixed use development. Effective execution of the Hwy 111 Corridor Plan Consideration of annexation of Sphere of Influence to our east. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I work diligently to understand all aspects and implications of proposed projects, issues and opportunities facing our city. I have a track record of asking good questions and listening to responses. My recommendations are always fact based and rooted in the needs of our residents, businesses, developers and our city. I always seek the optimal solution for all stakeholders. I believe I bring a unique perspective to the Commission as resident, citizen advocate working to make sure all voices are heard and achieve the best results. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 147 6-18-2024 Date: acigrai GEM of the DESERT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE Art Valdez NAME: HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: 34 Years LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: X ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes; July 2021 (Water Park), May 2021 (STVR), 2021 (Talus Project), June 2023 (Talus Project Cont.), June 2023 (STVR Cont.) June 2024 (Ave.50/Washington/Downtown Mixed Zoning ). 148 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I've been a res dent n the C ty of La Qu nta for 34+ years, through the years, I've seen the growth and successes of the city. Currently, I am a retired Deputy Building Official and interested in the privilege to serve the community. In addition, my development and interest in the building industry is not only coincidental but innately. First, from the early years of the 1970's —1980s I joined the carpenter's union while attending College of the Desert in Palm Desert, CA; with courses including architectural, building, mechanical, plumbing and electrical design. Thereafter, from 1980-2018 I provided building and safety services for local city government(s) and acquired several State of California ICBG and ICC certifications. I have served in various building department capacities which entails: permit technician, building inspector supervisor, plans examiner and deputy building official. Next, the cities I've served in the Coachella Valley include: City of Coachella, City of Palm Desert and City of Indio. In addition, the cities I've provided contracted consultant services include: City of Santa Monica (Los Angeles County), City of Pomona (Los Angeles County), City of Yorba Linda (Orange County), City of La Verne (Orange County), and City of Desert Hot Springs (Riverside County). In addition, I've also served 1 term on the planning commission for the City of Coachella, the Rotary Club for the City of Indio and Coachella Valley Housing Coalition (CVHC). Through these years of service, I've managed to coach and volunteered for my 3 sons and various teams with little league baseball and football in the City of La Quinta / Palm Desert, as well as, volunteering for my granddaughter's soccer practices in the City of La Quinta, including, youth and adult sports in Thermal. Currently, since I've been retired, I actively have been consulting on various select projects for architecture, drafting design. Page 2 of 3 149 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. The planning commission is dedicated to study, search and make recommendations based on the general plan's regulations and procedures set by the city council. Also, any amendments considered are citizen based and council approved. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? A current challenge regarding the NE corner of Avenue 50 / Washington St. regarding traffic and surrounding owners' established zoning conditions. One, option/suggestion is to widen this intersection to relieve tra ic and or build a bridge at the wash to alleviate tra ic during stormseason or school goers and estival travelers Another issue the board aces would be the alus development, this is a project that has ongoing challenges or the city and pending solutions to be made WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? With my committed years of experience and service in building and safety department, I would bring value to the public, colleagues, a team player mentality with an ultimate goal to continue to see the city thrive for future generations to come and continue the City of La Quinta's momentum and its well -structured general plan. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 150 PALM SPRINGS AIRPORT COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2024 APPLICATIONS 1. Steven Cherry 2. Wilson (Wil)Fieldhouse (withdrawn 6/24/2024) 3. Geoffrey Kiehl 4. Th rnaS Thetford (absent 6/26/2024) 151 APPLICATION TO... Steven Cherry TELEPHONE (HOME) (CELL) Retired LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA 20 Years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: yes BOARD/COMMISSION... Planning, Airport HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED... Airport - No, Planning - Yes - Coral Mountain Development discussion 152 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH... Planning Commission My direct experience has included planning for and testing of critical ICBM components. Also, detailed review of test results and recommendations of component design to match system requirements. This work has included direction of multi -personnel to achieve requirements. Palm Springs Airport Commission No direct experience. 153 DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE... Airport Commission My attempt to determine the interaction between the commission and the Palm Springs city council was unfulfilled as the then La Quinta member to the commission refused to talk to me. Does the commission make recommendations to the city council or vice versa? WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES... Planning How to reconcile developer features with the city requirements, eg, zoning Airport Commission Increase in passenger throughput will require extensive monetary outlay - how best to proceed? WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES... Planning & Airport Commission My previous experience has resulted in achieving requirements in a timely manner. My positive attitude was credited in part to the successful outcome. RESUME ATTACHED 154 Steven S. Cherry La Quinta, CA 92253 E -Mail: EDUCATION Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering - C.C.N.Y. (1957) Master of Science in Engineering - U.C.L.A. (1964) Two years of PhD classwork - U.S.0 EXPERIENCE Palm Desert (CA) High School and La Quinta High School (November 2014 -January 2015) Volunteer tutor in math and science TASC, Inc. (December 2009 -July 2010) On-call employee supporting the RSLP program out of San Bernardino, CA, with emphasis on government launches from Vandenberg AFB, Kodiak Island, Alaska, and White Sands Missile range in the area of allowable exposure times to environmental conditions. Northrop Grumman, (2005 -December 2009) On-call employee performing technical analyses of PSRE components — valves, engines, helium regulator — in support of resupply program. Including alternate flow liquids to replace Freon. Volt Technical Resources, (2002-2004) Consultant to Northrop Grumman (nee TRW), San Bernardino, CA TRW (1984-2002), Senior Staff Engineer, San Bernardino, CA Project and functional responsibility for thermal and performance analysis of rocket propulsion systems, including Dual Mode Liquid Apogee Engine and Variable Thrust Engine for the TRW/NASA OMV, Minuteman PSRE (liquid propellant post boost vehicle). Similar analyses for the Peacekeeper and Small Missile. Other project responsibilities included the NASA/MSFC Pressure Fed Engine, ERIS, etc. Responsible for subscale engine heatshield material/configuration test program to evaluate candidate heatshield designs for the VTE. Served as Section Head for over two years directing the work of five MTS and several support personnel. These activities were directed at Air Force programs formally administered at the Ballistic Missile Office, Norton AFB, and included test and analytical support for various sounding rocket launch vehicle programs, Peacekeeper basing modes, etc. Most recent liquid propellant experience has been component evaluations of the Minuteman PSRE to determine changes necessary to achieve a 50 -year lifetime. Emphasis on bipropellant thrust chambers and valves for earth storable NTO/MMH propellant system. Developed computer model of propulsion system to determine effect of hardware changes (due to ageing) on engine performance. Thermal analyses of rocket stages to assess response to exposure to various ambient conditions, e.g., solar input, winds, etc., at various launch sites. KVB Inc. (1975-1984), Principal Engineer, Irvine, CA Project responsibility for emission assessments of pulverized -coal-fired utility steam boilers for the U. S. EPA. Responsible for marketing, proposal writing and execution of various work assignments under Contract 68-02-3175. Data reduction computer program development for the Univac 1100 in FORTRAN. Technical report preparation and presentation at national technical symposium. NOx emission assessment and control for petroleum industry under contract to the American 155 Petroleum Institute. Survey and population characteristics of petroleum industry stationary combustion devices utilized in all facets of the industry, i.e., exploration, production, transporting, refining, etc. Interfaced with API NOx Control Subcommittee. Delivered technical presentations at national symposium. Alternate fuels evaluation for Anheuser-Busch Fuels Decision Report. Environmental assessment of alternate fuels including wood and coal for Van Nuys (CA) brewery expansion. Participated in development of fuel supply, process steam boiler characteristics and emission controls. Theoretical development of particulate formation mechanisms in gas-fired glass melting furnaces under contract to the Gas Research Institute. Analysis of particulate formation sensitivity to process modifications. Evaluation of advanced process modifications described in the open literature. Travel to Japan to review their developments in particulate and NOx reduction technologies for glass melting furnaces. Evaluation of utility diesel engine PSD restrictions to remove unrealistic NOx limitation and requirement to perform annual testing. The utility also wanted to use a heavier oil in order to realize a significant economic benefit. This work involved an assessment of diesel engine emissions to demonstrate that new engines could comply with provisions of Federal New Source Performance Standards. Various studies for EPA dealing with industrial combustion equipment, e.g., process heaters and cement kilns, as to characteristics, regional distributions, etc. Work performed to identify equipment for which emission controls need to be developed. McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. (1971-1975) Senior Engineer, Huntington Beach, CA Responsible for rocket engine internal and external flow field analyses in support of Space Shuttle program; impingement effects on Space Shuttle exterior surfaces. Two-phase method of characteristics numerical methods to determine solid particle trajectories in plume. Member of the Joint -Army -Navy -NASA -Air Force (JAN NAF) Performance Standardization Committee to develop standardized procedures to calculate rocket engine performance including two-dimensional flow, kinetic chemistry and boundary layer effects. TRW Systems Group (1965-1971), Member of Technical Staff, Redondo Beach, CA Rocket engine heat transfer and performance analyses, including the Apollo Lunar Excursion Module. Development of nonequilibrium chemical kinetics computer programs. Basic studies of nonequilibrium effects on performance of liquid propellant systems including selection of reaction rate constants; determining performance sensitivity to uncertainties in rate constants. Thermal design and analysis of spacecraft insulation systems; model verification using actual spacecraft measurements. Member of JANNAF Performance Standardization Committee. National Engineering Science Co. (1962-1965), Member of Technical Staff, Pasadena, CA Responsible for calculating supersonic flow fields around reentry bodies for electron density determinations; base recirculation patterns; internal and external flow fields. Ultimate objective was to determine radar cross-sections for novel configurations. Computer program development (FORTRAN) and implementation. Rocketdyne (1957-1962), Senior Engineer, Canoga Park, CA Rocket engine internal heat transfer and performance for advanced designs. 156 6/19/2024 Date: atigrezi GEM of the DESERT — APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE Wilson (Wil) Fieldhouse NAME: HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: General Manager The Chateau at Lake La Quinta BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: 22 years part time, 5 years full time LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: X ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Palm Spring Airport Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? No, but I have frequently attend La Quinta City Council meetings. 157 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I grew up in Chicago. I am a graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder with a BA in History. I have spent my entire adult life working in the hotel business. I am currently the General Manager of boutique property, The Chateau at Lake La Quinta but I have managed 4 -star, 5 -star, and luxury properties in the US as well six countries across Asia. This includes eleven years managing hotels attached to large airports in India and China. In these roles I worked very closely with airport management on a daily basis. Now that I am a full-time resident of La Quinta I am making this my first effort at civic involvement. I am attaching my resume which details my professional experience. Page 2 of 3 158 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. This is my first foray into civic involvement and I need to educate myself more thoroughly on the details and policies involved in the committee. But I am confident I can get up to speed quite quickly. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I feel that the Palm Springs Airport is a great asset to La Quinta and the Coachella Valley. As a gateway to the Valley, and our town, it creates a fine first impression. But the city of Palm Springs is naturally the focus of attention in the arrival and departure experience. La Quinta needs to continue to have a vigorous voice representing our interests. Especially as it relates to our golf and lodging venues. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? Tourism and Hospitality are critically important to the future success of La Quinta. And the Palm Springs Airport is of foundational importance to the success of Tourism and Hospitality in La Quinta and across the Coachella Valley. Having someone with decades of hotel experience representing La Quinta on the airport commission would be hugely beneficial. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 159 Wil Fieldhouse Palm Springs, California, United States Telephone: Email: An experienced and successful hotel leader with a proven track record Professional Profile HOTEL LEADER / EXECUTIVE LEVEL MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL Hospitality Industry Highly motivated, dedicated and performance -driven hotel leader with more than 25 years management experience from working in leading hospitality establishments, including Pullman, Sofitel and Four Seasons. A purpose driven leader with strong reputation of building trust with stakeholders and leading upscale hotel and resort operations both domestic and international. Extensive knowledge of the upscale hotel arena. ■ Strong leadership skills. Self -driven, energetic, and innovative. ■ Skilled business analysis, trouble shooting, and P&L management abilities. ■ Multi -unit, pre -opening, renovation, and expansion experience. ■ Superior business acumen and a focus on operational efficiencies, community engagement, and asset management. ■ Superior interpersonal communication skills. ■ Passionate about the hospitality business. ■ Able to relocate internationally. AREAS OF EXPERTISE AND KEY SKILLS OPERATIONS STAFF DEVELOPMENT ■ Brand Compliance ■ Business Development ■ Revenue Management ■ Asset Management ■ Leadership ■ Training & Hiring ■ Team Building ■ Mentoring LANGUAGES English (mother tongue). CUSTOMER SERVICE ■ Exceed Expectation ■ Quality Oriented ■ Customer Retention ■ Decision Making P&L MANAGEMENT ■ Strategic Planning ■ Budget Management ■ Staff Optimization ■ Cost Control 160 Professional Experience 2020 — Present Key Acomplishments: • Re-engaged with the University of Colorado Boulder to complete Bachelor of Arts degree in History. Graduated December 2021. • Earned Certificate in Hotel Revenue Management from Cornell University, December 2022. • Preparing to sit for Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA) exam. Certificate offered by American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute. Jul 2019 - Interim General Manager Feb 2020 Hyatt Palm Springs — Palm Springs, CA, US Key Responsibilities & Key Achievements: • Contracted to Hyatt's 197 -room property in the heart of Palm Springs. • Responsible for all hotel operations including two restaurants, P&L performance, budget preparation, purchasing, hiring, training, and sales & marketing. • Successful transformation of management style in the hotel according to Hyatt leadership. • Monthly reporting of performance to owners and managing company. • Maintaining excellent relationship with the owning company and asset management. ACCOR HOTELS FEB 1995 — MAY 2019: Jul 2018 - May 2019 Jan 2013 - Dec 2017 Aug 2008 - Dec 2017 General Manager Pullman Bali Legian Beach — Bali, Indonesia Key Responsibilities & Key Achievements: • Secured annual Gross Operating Profit of 49%. • Attained 81% annual occupancy despite challenges that included earthquakes and volcano eruptions. • Led team to employee satisfaction score of 95% with an Executive Committee of ten direct reports. Area General Manager Pullman Brand Southern China —Shanghai, China The Area General Manager role was performed concurrently with responsibilities as General Manager of the Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport (see below). Key Responsibilities & Key Achievements: • Leader of 8 - 12 Accor properties in southern China. • Worked closely with each individual property General Manager and owners in area. • Ensured brand compliance and consistency across all properties in area. • Worked with individual property General Managers and Accor's corporate team to produce Operating Budgets, Sales & Marketing Plans, and monthly Profit and Loss Statements. • Recruited and interviewed General Manager candidates and conducted annual General Manager performance and bonus reviews. General Manager Pullman Hotel Baiyun Airport Guangzhou — Guangzhou, China Key Responsibilities & Key Achievements: • Oversaw new construction and integration of 118 room Pullman Guangzhou Executive Wing from 2013-2015. New wing included 16,000 square foot ballroom. • Executed successful strategy to achieve and retain 5 -star designation for property. 161 • Prepared annual Operating Budget and Sales & Marketing Plan for ten years. • Property averaged annual revenue of $25 - $30 million USD. • Intimately involved in negotiation of ten-year Hotel Management Agreement extension between Accor (hotel management company) and local Chinese government (hotel owner). • Directed re -branding of property from Novotel Guangzhou to Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. Process included complete re -working of all hotel guest services as well as brand identity. 2007 - Pre -Opening General Manager 2008 Novotel Hyderabad Airport — Hyderabad, India Key Responsibilities & Key Achievements: • Recruited and mentored a team of approximately 400 covering all areas of hotel operations. • Oversaw preparation of pre -opening and first year Operating Budgets and Sales & Marketing Plans. 2005 - General Manager 2007 Novotel Hyderabad Convention Centre — Hyderabad, India Key Responsibilities & Key Achievements: • Average room rate increased by 5% and gross operating profit increased by 33% YOY. • Responsible for construction coordination, team selection, sales and marketing launch, finance preparation, furniture, fixtures & equipment budgeting and purchasing. • Established strong relationship with hotel's owning company and local government. • Property is attached to, and built-in partnership with, the Hyderabad International Convention Centre. 2002 - General Manager 2005 Mercure Hotel & Residence Slipi —Jakarta, Indonesia Key Responsibilities & Key Achievements: • Intimately involved in planning major renovation that included all guest rooms, meeting facilities, restaurant and hotel exterior. • Involved in reworking of hotel's security & safety systems. 2000 - General Manager 2002 Sofitel Dalat Palace & Novotel Dalat — Dalat, Vietnam 1999 - General Manager 2000 Mercure Grand Hotel Davao— Davao, Philippines 1997 - General Manager 1999 Embassy Place — Phnom Penh, Cambodia 1995 - Rooms Divisons Manager 1997 Sofitel Dalat Palace & Novotel Dalat — Dalat, Vietnam OTHER NOTABLE EXPERIENCE: Assistant General Manager - Dana Point Resort—Dana Point, CA, USA Pre -Opening Rooms Division Consultant - Shutters on the Beach —Santa Monica, CA, USA Assistant General Manager - Surf & Sand Resort—Laguna Beach, CA, USA Executive Assistant General Manager— U.S. Grant Hotel—San Diego, CA, USA Director of Housekeeping - Four Seasons Dallas & Omni Hotel St Louis, MO, USA Rooms Division Manager - Tremont/Whitehall Hotels Chicago, IL, USA 162 Education & Professional Qualifications Bachelor of Arts in History / University of Colorado / Boulder, CO / December 2021 Certificate in Hotel Revenue Management / Cornell University / December 2022 References Professional and personal references available upon request. 163 Date: June 8, 2024 caCa add& GEM of the DESERT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Geoffrey Kiehl HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: 1 FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Retired Director of Finance, Coachella Valley Water District; formerly Director of Finance / Treasurer, City of Palm Springs BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 16 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: City of Palm Springs Airport Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes, I attended all of the monthly and special meetings of the Airport Commission as a supporting member of the City staff when I served as their Director of Finance / Treasurer from 4/16/2008 until 7/5/2018. There were approximately 100 meetings during this time. 164 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Arizona State University Masters in International Management, Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, Arizona 37 year California public service career: 2018 - 2022: Coachella Valley Water District, Director of Finance 2008 - 2018: City of Palm Springs, Director of Finance / Treasurer 1985 - 2008: Finance positions at three K-14 school and college districts, last as Associate Superintendent / Chief Business Officer, Fremont Union High School District, Sunnyvale, CA Oversaw various public oversight commissions and committees, including Palm Springs' Measure J Sales Tax Commission, and bond oversight committees for K-14 school districts. Served as a member of College of the Desert's Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee, 2009 - 2015. Serve on Southwest Community Church's Finance Committee, 2008 - present. I was responsible for directly managing the investments and updating the investment policies for the City of Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley Water District, 2008 - 2022. I regularly gave advice to Finance Directors at various cities and special district agencies in the Coachella Valley, 2008 - 2022. Currently serving on the La Quinta Finance Commission since December, 2023. Specific to the City of Palm Springs Airport, I was responsible for the preparaton, approval and administration of th Airport's approximately $45 million annual budget. I also was closely involved with the design of the Airport Master Plan, capital project financing, and rate recommendations including the Passenger Facilities Charge (PFC) and Customer Facilities Charge (CFC) which fund said projects. Page 2 of 3 165 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. Having served as a supporting staff member of the Palm Spring Airport Commission for over a decade, I am well aware of it's opertions and norms. I am also of the City of La Quinta City Council's expectation of receiving periodic reports of activity of the Airport Commission. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? Recent reports of a delay of the approval of the proposed Airport Master Plan should be a concern for the entire Coachella Valley, as the Palm Springs Airport is a major driver of economic activity for the region. This is in spite of the fact that the City of La Quinta, nor any of the other cities in the Valley nor Riveride County itself, make any direct financial contributions to the airport. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? My knowledge and expertise regarding the operation of the airport should position me well to compentently and actively participate on the Palm Springs Airport Commission. I am recently retired from public service employment, but still consider myself to be a seasoned professional who understands the operation and expectation of public oversight bodies, including their members' limitations as defined by the public agency's elected officials who they report to. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 166 From: Geoffrey Kiehl < > Sent: Saturday, June 8, 2024 9:38 PM To: Lori Lorett Cc: Monika Radeva; Jessica Delgado Subject: Re: City of La Quinta - Board & Commission Recruitment 2024 - Apply by June 19, 2024 Attachments: B C Application FILLABLE-6 (Geoffrey Kiehl 6-8-2024).pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Lori - Attached is my application for reappointment to the City of La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission. Also, I know that there supposedly is some prohibition against sitting on more than one commission or committee, but I would like to offer my availability regarding a possible exception. The last time I checked with Jessica Delgado, there were no applicants for the City of Palm Springs Airport Commission. Given what is happening with the delay of the implementation of their proposed Master Plan, and considering the impacts of the airport on the entire Coachella Valley, I think it is important for each city to have a voice on that commission - - especially now. Therefore, in addition to serving on the Financial Advisory Commission, I would be willing to serve there, even if on a temporary basis until another qualified representative can be identified and approved. Just as a summary of my qualifications, for the ten years that I served as the Director of Finance / Treasurer for the City of Palm Springs, I gave written and verbal reports to each monthly meeting of the Airport Commission from 2008 to 2018. Also, I worked on the Master Plan which is long overdue for adoption and implementation, and I also worked on the accompanying financing plan for the Master Plan. I have looked for that rule regarding a prohibition for dual service in Ordinance No. 516 and could not find it, but I would note that the Airport Commission is technically not a formal body of the City of La Quinta, but rather is a City of Palm Springs Commission which is established by their ordinances which permits each of the other cities and Riverside County to have an advisory representative on, with city and county proposed representatives needing to be approved by the City of Palm Springs City Council. If there is any interest in having the La Quinta City Council consider this situation for dual service, then I would be happy to complete a second application before the June 19, 2024 deadline for submittal. Thank you, Geoffrey Kiehl On Apr 16, 2024, at 5:23 PM, Lori Lorett <llorett@laquintaca.gov> wrote: <00 B -C Application.pdf> 1 167 atiltrai GEM a rhi D EShk 1' Date: June 8, 2024 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: Thomas C. Thetford HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Retired healthcare executive, part-time substitute teacher 80-90 days per year, Coachella Valley USD, part-time usher supervisor +/- 75 events per year„ Acrisure Arena BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 12 years ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: PSP Airport Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? No CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO 168 INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Resume provided 35 years as hospital and medical group executive as CFO, COO and CEO Served on boards as Member, Finance Chair and Board Chair at Riverside Hospice (8 years), Fair Haven (CT) Community Health Plan (5 years) Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine (3 years) Page 2 of 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. I am an experienced board member with strong abilities in problem solving, strategic planning, community relations, staff development and fiscal oversight. I am a strong voice with exceptional presentation skills and an affable / collegiate nature. I work very well with others as both a team member and committee leader and always serve as a servant leader WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I am interested in serving the interests of the local and surrounding communities as they are benefitted and affected by the present and future plans for PSP. I have flown from and returned to PSP over 300 times and I have flown over 2.1 million miles over the past 50+ years and have flown and jumped from airplanes. I am a decorated U.S. Army veteran (1973-1975) and I consider my political bearing to be fiscally conservative, socially liberal, and growth oriented. 169 WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I am a consensus builder, collaborator, and congenial board member who takes note of all board activity, opening expresses opinions and works to develop coordinated outcomes to best serve the board mission and the served constituency. I do my homework, am always prepared, and am early for every scheduled meeting or appointment. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAILCa�LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 170 THOMAS C. THETFORD, MBA, RCFE SUMMARY Skilled results -oriented healthcare executive with exceptional medical group management and (non-profit & for profit) health facility management experience. Skilled in strategic management, board participation and leadership, team performance optimization, financial reporting, leadership, planning, facility oversight, information technology optimization, corporate compliance, community relations and network development. Daily leadership in staff oversight, HR and resource development; contracting; ethics leadership and compliance assurance (CLIA, MACRA, HRSA, RCFE, MIPS, ACO and CMS), and multi -functional team management & reporting. QUALIFICATIONS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS 30+ year healthcare operations, physician network development, strategic planning, finance / contracting management experience. Successfully built physician networks in hospital, clinical, IPA and reference lab settings. Solid healthcare facility & service management, patient/resident relations, contracting, compliance, and value -building experience. Manage & develop 5 to 20 direct professional reports and facilitating collaboration across all functional areas. Highly evolved sourcing, interviewing, hiring, training and performance management in every position over past 25 years High energy, multi -tasking problem solver helping others excel, creating innovative work processes, setting a positive and professional example for staff, and effectively using information to combat inefficiencies and improve compliance and value. Every workday is 7am to 6pm and weekends on-call. A visionary team leader who builds loyalty by hard work, implements process and compliance improvement initiatives, consistently applies ethics, nurtures a critical thinking environment, and is population health focused. Recognized in every job for leadership & culture building. Maintains a visible, transparent, compliant and effective operational profile through use of superb communication abilities. Superb verbal, face-to-face, written, and overall communication abilities and traits. Outstanding strengths — motivator, teacher, responsible, organized, collaborative, strategic, "today-centered/tomorrow aimed". PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2019 -Present 2015-2019 2011-2015 2005-2011 WESTPAC LABS, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA Vice President Sales & Business Development — Recruited to build corporate sales team for international reference laboratory operator, overseeing 3 sub -markets (Los Angeles, Bakersfield and San Luis Obispo), hiring and training 8 Account Executives and 12 person Account Service team, achieving double digit revenue growth over prior year. QUEST DIAGNOSTICS, WEST HILLS / SACRAMENTO, CA & IRVING, TX Executive Director, Health Systems — Recruited to identify, develop and manage Health Systems Sales Directors across 14 states in western U.S targeting health systems, large employers, ACOS, FQHCs, IPAs and medical groups. Met and exceeded annual new revenue goals in Quest's highest growth market. General management duties included recruitment, development and retention of high performing sales executives; managing key C -suite relationships; developing key strategic B2B partnerships; collaborating with peers across the corporation, and sought out as ACO, FQHC, IPA, medical group, IDN, and academic medical center subject matter expert. YALE UNIVERSITY, NEW HAVEN, CT Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director— Yale -New Haven Community Medical Group, Inc: Recruited to Yale to direct financial, management and business development functions for 405 physician IPA at Yale -New Haven Hospital & across CT. Responsible for contracting, clinical integration, FQHC liaison and leadership and board chairmanship, human resources, strategic planning, interfacing with physicians and allied health professionals, numerous JOCs, community leadership, university liaison, commercial and Medicare ACO development, hospital committee staff services, board reporting and leadership, and building new service line revenue. Expanded physician membership from 405 to 865 and, grew annual IPA revenue from $600k to $3.5M. Guided transition from volume care to value care. CLINICAS DE SALUD DEL PUEBLO (FQHC), INC., BRAWLEY, CA Director of Programs — 2010 to 2011- Reporting to CEO of high volume non-profit FQHC, responsible for securing grants valued at $7 million annually (20% of corporate revenues) for programs in HIV/AIDS surveillance / reporting, Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Migrant Farm Worker Health Services Access, Chronic Pain Management, Home Health Services, Population Health Services in High Risk Population. Organized grant -related programs, assured status reporting and compliance, financial performance, and a member of Group Senior Management Team. Medical Group Administrator / Chief Financial Officer — 2005 to 2010 - Hired to sell medical group for physician owner (Donald M. Ehman, M.D., Inc.) then asked to assume management of group. Recruited new physicians (3) and mid-level providers (2) while growing practice 11 to 19% each year from 2005 to 2010. Duties included business and 171 1999-2005 1994-1999 1984-1994 1975-1984 1973-1975 1972-1973 financial functions of 5 FTE physician OB/GYN practice responsible for financial, systems, business development, electronic medical records, hospital relations, market share growth, new FQHC contracts, and staff of 22. Successfully negotiated sale of corporate assets to and joined FQHC as Director of Programs. HEART HOSPITAL OF THE DESERT, RANCHO MIRAGE, CA Chief Operating Officer / Hospital Administrator 1998-2003 RANCHO MIRAGE CARDIOLOGY & MEDICAL SPECIALISTS, RANCHO MIRAGE, CA Executive Director 1998-2005 - Recruited for a two-year contract to improve operations and sell 8 bed special services acute care (JCAHO) hospital with annual revenues of $34 million and simultaneously manage 18 -physician medical group. Sold the hospital within 20 months of arrival to large community hospital and then focused efforts on developing and implementing strategic plans for medical group including site expansion, contract acquisition, major equipment purchasing, achieving Medicare compliance, establishing new hospital relations, setting up business office, employing staff of 46 FTE employees, initiating human resources policies, and recruiting physicians. Decreased medical group operating expenses by 23% while recruiting new specialty physicians. WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER, SANTA ANA, CA Corporate VP & COO of Clinical / Practice Services - Hired to establish hospital-based MSO, manage 2 in-house IPA's, consolidate numerous business development efforts, and oversee all physician contracting and financial performance. Served as one of 5 senior executives on "A Team", increasing value of 3 campus hospital system by $18 million over 3 years, successfully directing the captive IPA's, opening and managing 20 site MSO with 34 FTE physicians, handling numerous aspects of hospital administration, and worked at Board's request as part of team tasked with selling the $200 million hospital system to Tenet. REDWOOD MEDICAL MANAGEMENT, ORANGE, CA Founder / Owner / Principal Consultant - Appraised 160 medical practices, groups, facilities, surgery centers, and allied health businesses. Hired as financial and valuation consultant to hospitals, groups, agencies, insurance carriers, and practices. Facilitated sale or purchase of 84 practices in California and western U.S. Engaged for numerous practice start-ups and wind -downs for new physicians, dead physicians, and partnership dissolution / formation, and hospital affiliation agreements. CIGNA CORPORATION, PHILADELPHIA, LONDON, BOSTON Analyst, Manager, Director, Regional Vice President - Recruited from business school and promoted 5 times in 9 years in corporate training, product development, human resources systems, hospital administration, financial analysis, international life/health, Hospital Affiliates, Inc. unit, CIGNA Heath Plan, and INTRACORP. U.S. ARMY, VARIOUS ASSIGNMENTS Night Operations NCO, Personnel Specialist - Fulfilled draft obligation, excelled in all assignments, earned numerous decorations and 3 early promotions during 27months active duty. LYNDON STATE COLLEGE, LYNDON, VT Instructor in English / Co -Director Writing Workshop - Recruited as graduating senior to join full time teaching faculty; successfully handling full teaching load of writing, literature, and remedial language arts courses. EDUCATION MONMOUTH UNIVERSITY, WEST LONG BRANCH, NJ, MBA — Finance and Management LYNDON STATE COLLEGE, LYNDON, VT, BA - English PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION / ACTIVITIES / APPOINTMENTS Riverside Hospice — Director / Board Chair (1998-2006) Medical Group Management Assn. — Member (1992-2015) Fellow- American College of Healthcare Executives #887851 (2011-2019) Sacred Heart University — Adjunct Faculty — School of Health Sciences (2014-2019) Yale University — New Medical Student Orientation Team (2011-2014) American Academy of Medical Management — 3 series Fair Haven Health Clinic FQHC (Board VP 2011-2017) (Board Pres 2015/16) California Residential Care Facility Executive CA RCFE Cert 6054096740 exp. 11/21 Saint Francis of Assisi Church — La Quinta, CA Rotary International — Riverside, CA AMA — Annual symposia HFMA — Member (1994-2011) Chambers of Commerce (1996-2015) Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Associate HRSA — Grant Reviewer (2010-2017) Net Haven — Board Member (2011-2013) California Real Estate Sales License Desert Healthcare District Board 172 COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION - TRAILS MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE JUNE 26, 2024 APPLICATIONS 1. De Karlen 4Quid GEM of the DESERT — Date: May 14, 2024 5/15/2024: RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK DEPT. APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE NAME: De Karlen HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (HOME) FAX: (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Currently, finishing Masters of Public Administration degree at California State University, San Bernardino (graduating 8/2024). Prior to taking time off from work to attend graduate school, I worked as a desert hiking and tour guide with Desert Adventures (Colorado BUSINESS ADDRESS: n/a BUSINESS TELEPHONE: n/a LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 13 ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Coachella Valley Conservation Commission: Trails Management Subcommittee HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? No, because La Quinta has, until recently, not had a representative to the Trails Subcommittee for the last few years. 174 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Education: Masters in Public Administration, California State University, San Bernardino - graduating this August 2024 with a Concentration - Nonprofit Leadership; Capstone project - Strategic Planning Oklahoma State University, B.S. in Psychology (minor, Sociology) College of the Desert - numerous environmental -related classes Work Experience: (please see attached resume) Work-related Training: Certified California Naturalist - UC Riverside Master Joshua Tree Naturalist - Desert Institute in JTNP Certified Interpretative Guide - National Association for Interpretation (NAI) Water Academy Certification - sponsored by joint (6) water districts in Coachella Valley Community Emergency Team Certification (CERT) CPR/1st aid - through May 2026 Master Gardener Certification with Madera County (former) - through UC Davis Interpretative Park Ranger, Yosemite NP - numerous training sessions related to the park's cultural and natural resources for program presentations and the multitude of daily visitor contacts in the visitor center and the field. Safety and situational awareness were very important and stressed. Affiliations: Pi Alpha Alpha honor society - California State University, San Bernardino Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) - Cahuilla Chapter Colonial Dames of the Seventeenth Century - Cape Ann Chapter Toastmasters International - completed one year; now periodic Community Involvement: Desert Institute, JTNP - volunteer & paid interpretative hike leader *Desert Art Institute - participating artist (periodic) *Joshua Tree National Park Council for the Arts (Gallery 29) - participating artist (periodic) *Shumway Ranch - 1/2021 to 12/2023; as needed during preparation for the organization's launch * beginning mid -2023, I (respectfully) took a hiatus from community commitments in order to finish the last (hardest) year of grad school Page 2 of 3 175 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. I've hiked many of the trails in Coachella Valley, JTNP, and Big Morongo Canyon. I am familiar with the Multiple Species Habitat Concervation Plan and have been to the fringe -toed lizard's protected home (California Naturalist training), as well as with the Coachella Valley Mountain Conservancy's efforts (Shumway Ranch). I have read the Trails Subcommittee's minutes for 2023-2024 to date. More importantly, i have researched the CVCC's website and read/understand the Trails Subcommitte representative's tasks. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? La Quinta faces the issues most communities are dealing with: engaging a diverse and evolving population, listening and considering varied perspectives, and encouraging citizen participation. One of the appealing aspects of this position is that the Trails representative works with both high level decision -makers, but also engages the public when out in the field, with questions/answers/interpretation of the desert's many resources, while mapping and collecting data relevant to the Subcommittee's work and the Comission's informational needs. Plus, I have a sense of humor; always helpfu WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHICH WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I'm fluent in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Photoshop and tap into those skills for presentations and/or visual aids. I'm a good listener, and consider people/team members' viewpoints. Probably the biggest contribution would be through coursework in the MPA program; it's provided an invaluable skill, knowledge, and abilities skill set from both governmental and nonprofit perspectives: from acquiring resources, to collaboration, to strategic planning, and more. The program has also provided a thoughtful approach to community needs and issues. Finally, I have extensive natural and cultural resource training and experience that could be useful to the Trails Subcommittee. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7123 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 176 De Karlen La Quinta, CA 92253 via email — Lori Lorett, cityclerkmail a@laquintaca.gov May 14, 2024 To Mayor Evans and Council Members: It is with pleasure I submit my application for the CVCC Trails Management Subcommittee. Interestingly, this position was mentioned during my earlier interview for the Community Services Commission. What makes it interesting is that when applying for the CSC, I was more drawn to the Trails Subcommittee, but saw that La Quinta had not had a representative for some years and felt this committee position was no longer available. What a surprise, it is now advertised. So, I have landed on your doorstep once again. As you can see from my application and resume, I have hiked and led interpretative hikes throughout much of the Colorado and Mojave Deserts, not to mention being a former Park Ranger in Yosemite National Park. And, to say the least, I love our deserts' minimalist beauty and their wealth of wildlife and plant communities. I would welcome the opportunity to represent La Quinta on the Trails Management Subcommittee that supports the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission's efforts. For what it is worth, I am familiar with the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (visited fringed -toed lizard preserve with California Naturalist training) and the Coachella Valley Mountain Conservancy's (marginally through Shumway Ranch) collaborative efforts. So, to the end of applying for the Trails Management Subcommittee, attached are my resume and committee application. Sincerely, De Karlen Attachments: CVCC Trails Management Subcommittee application Resume 177 Resume De Karlen • LaQuinta, CA • May 24, 2024 Employment History CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN BERNARDINO — Masters of Public Administration (MPA) program ■ Time off without pay to attend graduate school (1/2021 —graduating 8/2024) DESERT JEEP HIKING/TOUR GUIDE — Desert Adventures (Red Jeeps), Palm Desert, CA (8/2014 — 10/2022) • Lead hiking and guiding tours throughout the Colorado -Sonoran Desert, including tours into Joshua Tree National Park, Indio Hills, Mecca Hills, and Indian Canyons • Trainer (2015 -2022) — for company's guide training classes — wrote manuals for Joshua Tree NP, Indian Canyons, San Andreas Fault, and Painted Canyon/Mecca Hills tours, research/continually updated manuals • Give PowerPoint presentations to public for Desert Adventures & Desert Institute on cultural and natural resources: JTNP and Wilderness • Create & design visual aids for interpretative presentations • Certified California Naturalist — UC Riverside, 2019 • Master Joshua Tree National Park Naturalist — ■ Certified Interpretative Guide NAI, (8/18) HIKING GUIDE & VOLUNTEER — DESERT INSTITUTE — Joshua Tree National Park • Lead interpretative Joshua Tree National Park hikes — easy/moderate, 4-5 hours (paid position) • Volunteer — to help with classes conducted by Desert Institute in Joshua Tree NP • Give PowerPoint presentations to general public on desert natural and cultural resources (1/ 15 to present) PARK RANGER, INTERPRETATIVE — YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK (GS5) (2009 & 2010) • Part of 8 -member interpretative ranger team assigned to Wawona District in Yosemite NP • Developed and lead formal interpretative nature hike programs, human history programs, and campfire programs • Staffed YNP's Visitor Center at Hill's Studio in Wawona • Issued wilderness permits for backpacking; explained wilderness protocol, and Leave No Trace principles • Participated in informal field contacts, answering questions about the Park • Responded to emergencies, requiring dispatch and law enforcement • Represented Yosemite National Park and the National Park System to park's global 4.5 million annual visitors, often requiring patience, diplomacy, and humor HIKING/TOUR GUIDE —YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK — Discover Yosemite (201 1 to 2013) • Hiking and tour guide throughout Yosemite National Park, usually 10+ -hour days • Explained Yosemite's botany, geology, hydrology, archeology, weather, human history, mining, and lost legends • Lead hikes throughout the Park PARK RANGER, INTERPRETATIVE & WILDERNESS - YOSEMITE NP (GS5) (2010 & 2011) • Filled in, as a volunteer, for Wilderness Ranger position in the Wawona Visitor Center (Hill Studio) in YNP 1) Wilderness Ranger - issued wilderness permits for camping in YNP's 1,200 sq. mile backcountry - Counseled re trip & backpacking plans, wilderness protocol, and Leave No Trace protocols - Required knowledge of YNP's 800 miles of trails and trailheads - Monitored weather, trail reports, and animal sitings/contacts within the park DESERT JEEP HIKING/TOUR GUIDE — DESERT ADVENTURES, PALM DESERT, CA • Lead hiking and tours throughout the Colorado -Sonoran Desert • Designed visual aids for interpretative presentations (5/05 to 9/07) Page 1 of 2 178 Education • Master of Public Administration (graduating 8/2024) — California State University, San Bernardino • Bachelor of Science degree, Psychology — Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoman Additional Training/Certification • Certified California Naturalist — UC Riverside, 2019 • Master Joshua Tree National Park Naturalist — Desert Institute • Certified Interpretative Guide - National Association for Interpretation (NAI) • Certified Master Gardener with Madera County — UC Davis, 5 years • Water Academy certification — via joint water districts in Coachella Valley • CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) certified — Office of Emergency Services, Indio, CA • CPR/1st Aid certification — through May 2026 Additional Training • Extensive classes taken throughout Southern California — re Geology, Botany, Rock Art, GPS, and more (relevant to interpretation of the desert's natural and cultural resources) • Toastmasters International — completed one year Computer Literacy • Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Corel Paintern Affiliations • Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) — Cahuilla Chapter, Palm Springs • Colonial Dames of the Seventeenth Century — Cape Ann Chapter • JTNP Council for the Arts/29 Palms Creative Center — participating member, periodic • Desert Art Center (DAC), Palm Springs — participating artist, periodic Current Community Involvement * • Friends of Joshua Tree National Parkn • Yosemite Conservancyn • National Park Association • Nature Conservancy • The Wilderness Society • Sierra Club * Since mid -2023, have taken time off from community commitments to finish graduate school and Capstone project Page 2 of 2 179 180 CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS JUNE 26, 2024 APPLICATIONS 1. Stephen Olson 2. Art Valdez (changed from PC 6/25/2024) 181 NAME: Date: June 18, 2024 4 &trod GEM of the DESERT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE Stephen Olson HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) _ IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 2 years, 7 months ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES x NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Construction Appeals Board HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? No, since I learned of this board position opening approximately 2 months ago, there have not been any meetings of which I am aware. 182 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. Please see attached resume. I am a licensed engineer, contractor and attorney in the State of California. For over 40 years, I have been involved with construction issues involving public entities. As a contractor, I have applied for many permits. I have also constructed many public facilities, including schools and civic centers. As an attorney, I have represented architects and engineers in matters involving public works construction. As an engineer, I have prepared and stamped drawings submitted for approval. Page 2 of 3 183 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. What I have learned about the Construction Board of Appeals, is from reading minutes posted on the website. Applicants for permits denied approval seek to appeal the decision. This often involves type of building materials and their suitability or certification. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? I am not aware of any current problems or issues facing the board. WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? I am approachable, knowledgeable, open minded and fair. I work well with others and I am a team player. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 184 Stephen W. Olson Steve Olson has a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Southern California with an emphasis in Construction Management and is a licensed civil engineer in California. He is also a LEED Accredited Professional. His extensive background in plumbing and HVAC contracting also provides a helpful resource when dealing with the complex mechanical systems often encountered in today's buildings. Steve has extensive and diverse experience in educational, commercial, institutional, health care and public works construction, both new and renovation, with a strong focus on the design -build delivery method. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2023 - 2024 Senior Project Manager Cumming Corp. Cumming Corp. is an international consulting firm which acts as an owners representative on public construction projects. Responsibilities included onsite project manager for a bond modernization program for Hacienda La Puente USD. 2019 - 2022 Senior Project Manager ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc. ACCO Engineered systems is one of the largest mechanical contractors in the United States. Responsibilities included onsite senior project manager on the Grand, a high-rise hotel and residential complex in downtown Los Angeles and onsite senior project manager for mechanical systems for a microchip manufacturing facility in Phoenix. 2017 — 2019 Project Executive JR Abbott Construction, Inc. Abbott Construction is a mid-sized general contractor based on the west coast with headquarters in Seattle and a Los Angeles regional office. Responsibilities include overseeing project teams performing a variety of projects including a 4 MW emergency generator OSHPD design -build project for the County of Los Angeles, miscellaneous projects for a private hospital, design -build institutional project for the County of Los Angeles and an exterior cladding project for a mid -rise office building in Beverly Hills. 2015 - 2017 Project Executive Kemp Bros. Construction, Inc. Kemp Bros. is a mid-sized privately held general contractor focusing on education, health care, transportation, and municipal construction. Responsibilities include managing the startup of Special Projects Group, developing new business opportunities, managing client relations, and overseeing projects including hospital procedure lab construction, public works, historical renovation, and type V condominium construction. Also coordinated closeout of a significantly troubled public works project, including settlement of a $1.5 million extended general conditions claim and assisted with other project related legal issues. 2001 - 2015 Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Earl Corporation Earl Corporation was a mid-sized general contractor constructing public and private projects in Southern California. Responsibilities included managing all construction operations, review of contracts, and 185 Stephen W. Olson Page 2 management of corporate legal affairs including personnel, corporate matters, and litigation. 1996 - 2001 Attorney Collins + Collins, LLP (California); Drage & Olson (Nevada) General litigation practice with emphasis on construction and design professional related matters. Experience includes jury and bench trials, arbitrations, law and motion, written discovery, mediations, percipient and expert depositions, and appellate work. 1979 - 1996 Vice President, Commercial Construction Scott Company Responsibilities included business development, planning, supervision of project managers and estimators; profitability control of division of one of the largest mechanical contractors in the United States; average annual volume of work managed at $15 million. AREAS OF EXPERTISE Construction Project Experience ■ Private & Public College and University Facilities ■ Municipal Buildings ■ Airport Infrastructure Projects ■ Power Generation Facilities ■ Waste Water Treatment Plants ■ Design Build Projects ■ Olympic Pool Complexes Key Areas of Expertise ■ Construction Management ■ Estimating ■ Value Engineering ■ Business Development ■ Preconstruction Services ■ Safety ■ Change Order Pricing and Negotiation ■ Construction Management ■ Contract Development and Negotiation EDUCATION K-12 School Construction Beverage and Food Processing Historical Renovations High Rise Construction Public Transit Facilities Photovoltaic Power Generation Projects Health Care Facilities Subcontractor Management Public Works Bidding Regulations Public Contract Law Mechanics Lien Law and Stop Notices Construction Insurance Bonding and Licensing Water Treatment Litigation Support Green Building 1979 University of Southern California Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering with emphasis in Construction Management 1995 Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University Juris Doctor 186 Stephen W. Olson Page 3 CERTIFICATIONS Licensed Civil Engineer, California ■ Licensed General Contractor (A & B), California ■ Licensed Attorney, California, and Nevada LEED Accredited Professional, USGBC 187 6-18-2024 Date: acigrai GEM of the DESERT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A CITY BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE Art Valdez NAME: HOME ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (IF DIFFERENT THAN HOME ADDRESS) EMAIL: FAX: TELEPHONE: (HOME) (CELL) IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS TELEPHONE: 34 Years LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: X ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE IN LA QUINTA: YES NO BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? IF YES, WHEN AND HOW MANY? Yes; July 2021 (Water Park), May 2021 (STVR), 2021 (Talus Project), June 2023 (Talus Project Cont.), June 2023 (STVR Cont.) June 2024 (Ave.50/Washington/Downtown Mixed Zoning ). 148 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, INCLUDING EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, CIVIC INVOLVEMENT AND OTHER BACKGROUND. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE EXPERIENCES RELEVANT TO DUTIES OF THE POSITION YOU SEEK. I've been a res dent n the C ty of La Qu nta for 34+ years, through the years, I've seen the growth and successes of the city. Currently, I am a retired Deputy Building Official and interested in the privilege to serve the community. In addition, my development and interest in the building industry is not only coincidental but innately. First, from the early years of the 1970's —1980s I joined the carpenter's union while attending College of the Desert in Palm Desert, CA; with courses including architectural, building, mechanical, plumbing and electrical design. Thereafter, from 1980-2018 I provided building and safety services for local city government(s) and acquired several State of California ICBG and ICC certifications. I have served in various building department capacities which entails: permit technician, building inspector supervisor, plans examiner and deputy building official. Next, the cities I've served in the Coachella Valley include: City of Coachella, City of Palm Desert and City of Indio. In addition, the cities I've provided contracted consultant services include: City of Santa Monica (Los Angeles County), City of Pomona (Los Angeles County), City of Yorba Linda (Orange County), City of La Verne (Orange County), and City of Desert Hot Springs (Riverside County). In addition, I've also served 1 term on the planning commission for the City of Coachella, the Rotary Club for the City of Indio and Coachella Valley Housing Coalition (CVHC). Through these years of service, I've managed to coach and volunteered for my 3 sons and various teams with little league baseball and football in the City of La Quinta / Palm Desert, as well as, volunteering for my granddaughter's soccer practices in the City of La Quinta, including, youth and adult sports in Thermal. Currently, since I've been retired, I actively have been consulting on various select projects for architecture, drafting design. Page 2 of 3 149 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARD / COMMISSION / COMMITTEE APPLICATION DESCRIBE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. The planning commission is dedicated to study, search and make recommendations based on the general plan's regulations and procedures set by the city council. Also, any amendments considered are citizen based and council approved. WHAT SPECIFIC ISSUES OR PROBLEMS FACE THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE, AND DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES OR PROBLEMS? A current challenge regarding the NE corner of Avenue 50 / Washington St. regarding traffic and surrounding owners' established zoning conditions. One, option/suggestion is to widen this intersection to relieve tra ic and or build a bridge at the wash to alleviate tra ic during stormseason or school goers and estival travelers Another issue the board aces would be the alus development, this is a project that has ongoing challenges or the city and pending solutions to be made WHAT SPECIFIC ATTITUDES, SKILLS AND/OR EXPERTISE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THAT WOULD ENHANCE THE WORK OF THE BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE? With my committed years of experience and service in building and safety department, I would bring value to the public, colleagues, a team player mentality with an ultimate goal to continue to see the city thrive for future generations to come and continue the City of La Quinta's momentum and its well -structured general plan. IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, YOU MAY ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME IF YOU WISH. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION VIA EMAIL, FAX, OR MAIL AS NOTED BELOW: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TELEPHONE: (760) 777 - 7162 1 FAX: (760) 777 - 7107 EMAIL: CITYCLERKMAIL@LAQUINTACA.GOV THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT! Page 3 of 3 150 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL & HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING JUNE 2652024 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 26, 2024 -WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM RESIDENT ART VALDEZ BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - REQUEST TO CHANGE APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS From: Monika Radeva Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 8:44 PM To: avaldez54@icloud.com Cc: Lori Lorett; Laurie McGinley Subject: CHANGED: Valdez, Art - CBA Application 2024 Good evening Mr. Valdez, your request below to change your application to the Construction Board of Appeals instead of the Planning Commission has been received and will be distributed to Council for consideration, made public, and included in the agenda packet for the 6/26/2024 Special Joint Meeting of the La Quinta City Council and Housing Authority. Please note that interviews are scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, 6/26/2024, at 3:30 p.m. at La Quinta City Hall (78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253). Attendance is required for consideration. Monika Radeva, CMC I City Clerk City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Tel: (760) 777-7035 MRadevaalaauintaca.aov -----Original Message ----- From: Art Valdez <avaldez54@icloud.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 7:25 PM To: Laurie McGinley <Imcginley@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Planning Commission application. Dated 6-18-2024. Applicant name: Art Valdez Hello Laurie McGinley, My name is Art Valdez, I apologize for the late notice. I regret to inform your office to please rescind my application from the Planning Commission scheduled to interview June 27,2024. Due to my typo and intent was to apply for the "Construction Board of Appeals". Therefore, my request is if possible, make the platform change, inform me if I can be added to that platform (i.e. Construction Board of Appeals?) and attend the meeting of 6/27/2024. Or, Wait for the next round in the event the " Construction Board" doesn't fill and I can reapply, Thank you, Please confirm receipt of this notice and let me know on my request and change. Thanks again. Sent from my iPhone