2024 06 18 CC Minutes174 oF TO' CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, and Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Councilmember McGarrey said she will recuse herself and abstain from discussion and vote on Consent Calendar Item No. 22 due to a potential conflict of interest stemming from a business relationship, i.e., her employer, Southern California Gas Company, is listed on the Demand Register, and requested that the item be pulled for a separate vote. City Clerk Radeva said City Attorney Ihrke will make verbal announcements on Consent Calendar Item Nos. 18 and 19 regarding the salaries and fringe benefits of the City's executive employees pursuant to the Brown Act [Government Code Section 54953(c)(3)]. Mayor Evans said she will comment on Consent Calendar Item Nos. 13, 14, 15, and 16, related to various contracts for landscaping, lighting, and maintenance services citywide. Council concurred. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6; CITY DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: CARLA TRIPLETT, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER; AND EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION, AND UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:03 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:03 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported the following pursuant to Government Code section 54950 et seq. (Brown Act): • CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 — labor negotiations have concluded; the items considered under Government Code Section 54957.6 included the Classification Plan and Salary Schedule/Plan for represented and unrepresented employees; and Council will consider these matters during the Open Session portion of the meeting under Consent Calendar Item Nos. 18 and 19 on tonight's agenda. • CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 2 — no actions were taken that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Evans led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. LIFT TO RISE 2024-2026 ACTION PLAN REGARDING REGIONAL HOUSING AFFORDABILITY EFFORTS PRESENTATION BY SENIOR POLICY ANALYST JESSIKA POLLARD AND DIRECTOR OF DATA, POLICY AND PLANNING IAN GABRIEL Director of Data, Policy and Planning Ian Gabriel and Senior Policy Analyst Jessika Pollard with Lift to Rise provided a detailed presentation regarding the agency's 2024- 2026 Action Plan including goals and strategies of focus for regional housing affordability efforts in the Coachella Valley (CV). Council discussed credit on Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) numbers for affordable housing built within a city; "We Lift: The Coachella Valley Housing Catalyst Fund" loan program for affordable housing projects and timing of making loan funds available to developers; current Catalyst Fund balance; proposal to increase Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) by one percent (1%) in some cities to fund affordable housing; the nearly $4 million in rental assistance distributed to La Quinta residents; letter/petition campaign for a significant increase in minimum wage in the CV; obtaining RHNA credit for affordable housing built in other regions with funds contributed by CV cities; funding ($5 million) expected from Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG); and summary of the affordable housing in La Quinta, and funding challenges. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 Mayor Evans said WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were received from the following individuals, listed in alphabetical order, in support of Lift to Rise, which were distributed to Council, made public, published on the City's website, and included in the public record of this meeting: • Alejandro Meza Aguilar, Coachella, representing the Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice, San Bernardino • Ismael Cruz, TODEC Legal Center Inc. ("Training Occupational Development Educating Communities"), Coachella • Stephanie Juarez, Inland Congregations United for Change (ICUC) CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 21, 2024 2. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MARKETING MANAGER TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA TRAVEL ASSOCIATION SUMMIT 2024 IN OCEANSIDE CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2024 3. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MAYOR, FOUR COUNCILMEMBERS, CITY MANAGER, AND ONE DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 16-18, 2024 4. EXCUSE ABSENCE OF COMMISSIONER GUERRERO FROM THE JUNE 11, 2024, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 5. ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 INVESTMENT POLICY [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-024] 6. APPROVE AGREEMENTS FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH LOZANO'S PAINTING, INC. AND COLOR NEW CO FOR ON-CALL PAINTING AND REFINISHING SERVICES 7. APPROVE AGREEMENTS FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH HR GREEN PACIFIC AND NV5, INC. FOR ON-CALL PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT PLAN CHECK SERVICES 8. APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH TERRA NOVA PLANNING AND RESEARCH, INC. FOR ON-CALL PLANNING SERVICES 9. APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH NAI CONSULTING, INC. FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 10. APPROVE CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ALPHA MEDIA FOR MARKETING SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 11. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FOR AVENUE 48 ARTS AND MUSIC LINE PROJECT NO. 2020-08 12. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH HGA TO ALLOCATE FUNDING FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR CULTURAL CAMPUS PROJECT NO. 2019-01 13. AWARD CONTRACT TO DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE WITHIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1, PROJECT NO. 2023-28; AND AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUCTION, INC. AS A SELECT SOURCE FOR EXTRA WORK AND ON-CALL MAINTENANCE SERVICES 14. AWARD CONTRACT TO HORIZON LIGHTING, INC. FOR CITYWIDE LIGHTING MAINTENANCE WITHIN THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1, PROJECT NO. 2023-29; AND AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE HORIZON LIGHTING, INC. AS A SELECT SOURCE FOR EXTRA WORK AND ON-CALL ELECTRICAL SERVICES 15. AWARD CONTRACT TO DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR PARK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE, PROJECT NO. 2023-30; AND AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUCTION, INC. AS A SELECT SOURCE FOR EXTRA WORK AND ON-CALL MAINTENANCE SERVICES 16. AWARD CONTRACT TO VINTAGE ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR SILVERROCK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE, PROJECT NO. 2023-31; AND AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE VINTAGE ASSOCIATES, INC. AS A SINGLE SOURCE FOR EXTRA WORK AND ON-CALL MAINTENANCE SERVICES 17. ALLOCATE FUNDING AND AWARD CONTRACT TO SUPERIOR ROOFING FOR THE CITY HALL ROOF REPAIR PROJECT NO. 2023-32, LOCATED AT THE CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY HALL 18. ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-025] 19. ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING BENEFIT, CLASSIFICATION, AND SALARY PLAN/SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-026] CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 20. ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY'S PROJECT LIST FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 FOR SENATE BILL 1 — ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT 2017 FUNDING [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-027] 21. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED MAY 31, AND JUNE 7, 2024 22. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY DATED APRIL 12, MAY 10 AND 31, 2024 CONSENT CALENDAR COMMENTS AND VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENT ITEMS NOS. 18 AND 19 — City Attorney Verbal Announcement: City Attorney Ihrke reported, pursuant to the Brown Act [Government Code Section 54953, subdivision (c)(3)], prior to taking final action, the legislative body shall verbally report a summary of a recommendation for a final action on the salaries, salary schedules or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of any local agency executive, as defined by Government Code Section 3511.1, subdivision (d), during the open meeting in which the final action is to be taken. ITEM NO. 18 — City Attorney Verbal Announcement The recommendations are to approve Amendment No. 2 to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta City Employee Association (LQCEA), which includes approval of classification and salary plan/schedule for fiscal year 2024/25, effective July 1, 2024, as follows: • Fiscal year 2024/25 Salary Schedule will adopt: a. Citywide adjustment reflecting a 2.8% World at Work salary structure adjustment b. Reduction of the number of steps of compensation from 10 to 8 for Decision Bands A and B, and from 14 to 10 for Decision Bands C and D The fringe benefits previously approved under the MOU include: • Citywide health benefits cap of $2,272 per month, per employee; • A $200 annual Wellness Dollar benefit per fiscal year, per employee • Deferred Compensation Program $50 match per pay period, per employee ITEM NO. 19 — City Attorney Verbal Announcement The recommendations include approval of the classification and salary plan/schedule for fiscal year 2024/25, effective July 1, 2024: • Fiscal year 2024/25 Salary Schedule : a. Citywide adjustment reflecting a 2.8% World at Work salary structure adjustment b. Reduction of the number of steps of compensation from 10 to 8 for Decision Bands A and B, and from 14 to 10 for Decision Bands C and D The salaries for the nine management employee positions, or "local agency executives," as defined, effective July 1, 2024, are as follows: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 Position Proposed Salary Fiscal Year 2024/2025 City Manager $283,341.70 City Clerk $175,988.83 Community Services Deputy Director $159,495.51 Design & Development Director $208,248.12 Director (Business Unit/Housing Development) $175,988.83 Finance Director $175,988.83 Human Resources Deputy Director $132,714.05 Public Safety Deputy Director $159,495.51 Public Works Director/City Engineer $200,183.30 The fringe benefits previously approved under the MOU include: • Citywide health benefits cap of $2,272 per month, per employee; • A $200 annual Wellness Dollar benefit per fiscal year, per employee • Deferred Compensation Program $50 match per pay period, per employee ITEM NOS. 18 and 19 — Council Comments: Mayor Evans expressed her gratitude to the team for the collaboration on Amendment 2 to the MOU between the City and the LQCEA, and the World at Work salary structure adjustment. ITEM NOS. 8 and 9 — Council Comments: Mayor Evans commended the work of Terra Nova Planning and Research, Inc., and NAI Consulting, particularly the City's consultants for each, Nicole Criste and Lorissa Gruehl, respectively. ITEM NOS. 13, 14, 15, and 16 — Council Comments: Mayor Evans requested that future agreements with on-call components include a defined amount for on-call work, or a separate agreement for the on-call work. Councilmember Fitzpatrick requested a quarterly report on any changes to existing contracts. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1-21 as presented, with Item Nos. 5, 18, 19, and 20 adopting Resolution Nos. 2024-024, 2024-025, 2024-026, and 2024-027, respectively. Motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL COMMENT ITEM NO. 22 COUNCILMEMBER McGARREY RECUSED HERSELF, AND SAID SHE WILL ABSTAIN FROM THE DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON CONSENT CALENDAR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 ITEM NO. 22 DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST STEMMING FROM A BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP WITH HER EMPLOYER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 22 as presented. Motion passed: ayes — 4, noes — 0, abstain — 1 (McGarrey), absent — 0. BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FOR LIBRARY, MUSEUM, AND MAKERSPACE MANAGEMENT Management Analyst Calderon presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. PRESENTER VIA TELECONFERENCE: Mike Franklin — Deputy Director, Riverside County Office of Economic Development expressed his gratitude to be able to partner with the City; and he looks forward to continuing to serve the La Quinta community. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/McGarrey to approve a five-year Memorandum of Understanding with County of Riverside for Library, Museum, and Makerspace management, effective fiscal year 2024/25, as presented. Motion passed unanimously. 2. APPROVE COMMUNITY AWARDS PROGRAM CRITERIA AND APPLICATIONS Management Analyst Calderon presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council commended the Arts and Community Services Commission for their time and efforts to revamp the City's awards program. Council discussed modifying the criteria for the Distinguished Citizen and Community Service awards, to allow non-residents to be recognized if they served La Quinta for a minimum of two or three years; status of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) through Riverside County Office of Aging; reasoning for some awards being awarded by the Arts and Community Services Commission (ACSC) and some awarded by Council; frequency of issuing the awards during the year; benefit of recipients being recognized at a City Council meeting; eligibility of deceased and/or former residents; adding Pillars of the Community names to an existing panel in the Civic Center Park; ability to use the GEM magazine for nominations; plans for logo; posting award applications on website; discontinuing the practice of recipients of the County's Senior Inspiration Award automatically becoming La Quinta Pillars of the Community; and establishing a check-in process at public events for award recipients to be recognized. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 Council reached a consensus to amend the community awards program criteria and applications as follows: 1. The ACSC shall recommend nominees to Council. 2. Council shall bestow awards in all four categories — Pillar of the Community, Junior Inspiration and Youth Achievement, Distinguished Citizen, and Community Service. 3. Deceased residents shall be eligible for Pillars of the Community, Distinguished Citizen, and Community Service awards. 4. Non-residents shall be eligible for the Distinguished Citizen and Community Service awards provided they have served the La Quinta community for a minimum of three years. 5. Pillars of the Community must be La Quinta residents. 6. Recipients of the County's Senior Inspiration Award shall automatically become eligible nominees for any of the City's awards, but shall not automatically become a Pillar of the Community for La Quinta. 7. Pillars of the Community shall be added to one of the exterior monuments in the Civic Center Park. 8. A check-in process shall be established for all award recipients to be recognized at City public events. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to approve Community Awards Program criteria and applications as amended in the discussion above. Motion passed unanimously. 3. INTRODUCE FOR FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 11.82 TO TITLE 11 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PROHIBITING THE UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF CATALYTIC CONVERTER(S) [ORDINANCE NO. 614] Management Analyst Chastain introduced Lieutenant Frank Velasco with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, who presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed restitution fees imposed by Riverside County Court system to individuals convicted of this crime; penalties and fines the City is able to impose; law enforcement's ability to recover catalytic converters at traffic stops; etching vehicle identification numbers (VIN) on converters; manufacturers serializing catalytic converters in the future; other car parts expected to be the focus of theft; aftermarket sale of catalytic converters and the requirements of junkyards; the process Riverside County Sheriff Deputies follow when they recover stolen catalytic converters; Riverside County Sheriff policy for evidence protocol for unclaimed catalytic converters; how the City imposes and collects fines for misdemeanor offenses; the ripple effect of this crime on victims; and the mere possession of a converter without proof of ownership is the crime, whether a victim is found or not. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 PUBLIC SPEAKER: Daryl Terrell, La Quinta — spoke of his two-year effort urging Riverside County and County cities to adopt similar ordinances. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Sanchez/Fitzpatrick to take up Ordinance No. 614 by title and number only and waive further reading adding Chapter 11.82 to Title 11 of the La Quinta Municipal Code establishing regulations prohibiting the unlawful possession of catalytic converters as presented. Motion passed unanimously. City Clerk Radeva read the following title of Ordinance No. 614 into the record: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 11.82 TO TITLE 11 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PROHIBITING THE UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF CATALYTIC CONVERTER(S) MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Sanchez/Fitzpatrick to introduce at first reading Ordinance No. 614 as presented. Motion passed unanimously. 4. ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 BUDGET AND ESTABLISH THE CITY'S APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-028] Finance Director Martinez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed the City's outstanding pension obligation; criteria for spending Measure G "General Fund" revenue; increasing the use of Measure G funding for capital improvement projects; and the improved clarity of the budget report. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Sanchez/Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 2024-028 to approve the Fiscal Year 2024/25 Budget and establish the City's appropriations limit as presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 Motion passed unanimously. MAYOR EVANS CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 6:04 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE COUNCIL MEETING AT 6:19 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT STUDY SESSION — None CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING FISCAL YEARS 2024/25 THROUGH 2028/29 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-029] Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney and Assistant Construction Manager Ayon presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed its desire for a list of storm and drainage -related improvements completed since 2014, and improvements yet to be completed, including the increased amount of preventative maintenance over the years; status of reimbursement from FEMA for storm -related expenditures; and anticipated future use of City reserve funds. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 6:32 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: None Mayor Evans acknowledged a WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT received from La Quinta resident Alena Callimanis in opposition of the proposed budget item related to a traffic study on the Jefferson Street at Avenue 52 roundabout, which was distributed to Council, made public, published on the City's website, and included in the public record of this meeting. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:32 P.M. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/McGarrey to adopt Resolution No. 2024-029 to approve fiscal years 2024/25 through 2028/29 Capital Improvement Program as presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024/2025 THROUGH 2028/2029 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Motion passed unanimously. 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT AND DISTRICT DIAGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-030] Maintenance and Operations Superintendent Hansen presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 6:40 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: None Council discussed the growing amount needed to subsidize the landscape and lighting annual maintenance and projects to keep La Quinta beautiful. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:41 P.M. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 2024-030 confirming the assessment and district diagram for the Landscape and Lighting Assessment District 89-1 for fiscal year 2024/25, pursuant to the Engineer's report as presented: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/2025 LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 (PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972) Motion passed unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS — All reports are on file in the City Clerk's Office. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Mayor Evans reported on her attendance at the Cancer Survivors' Retreat; presenting a proclamation to Mary Perry, retiring Public Information Officer for Desert Sands Unified School District; Luna Grill ribbon cutting; Rotary meeting where Councilmember McGarrey was honored as Rotarian of the Month; and the Emmy Awards. Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her and Councilmember McGarrey's attendance at the Chuckwalla National Monument public meeting. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta's representative for 2024, Mayor Evans reported on her participation in the following organizations' meetings: • CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION • CVAG ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE • VISIT GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS' BUREAU La Quinta's representative for 2024, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organization's meeting: • RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION La Quinta's representative for 2024, Councilmember McGarrey reported on her participation in the following organizations' meetings: • IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE • LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES — RIVERSIDE COUNTY DIVISION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE La Quinta's representative for 2024, Mayor Pro Tem Pena reported on his participation in the following organizations' meetings: • CV MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024 • CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE • CVAG HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE La Quinta's representative for 2024, Councilmember Sanchez reported on his participation in the following organization's meeting: • SO. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS REGIONAL COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers McGarrey/Fitzpatrick to adjourn at 7:09 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, • ,11h' ' - (} MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 12 JUNE 18, 2024