Specifications Project 2023-32 - Addendum 1
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TO: All Prospective Bidders and Plan Holders
FROM: Ubaldo Ayón Jr., Assistant Construction Manager
DATE: June 10, 2024
SUBJECT: Project No. 2023-32, City Hall Roof Repair Project
The following shall be considered as incorporated into the project plans and specifications for the above referenced
project. Portions of plans and specifications not specifically mentioned in this Addendum remain in force.
Entire Bid Document:
At all locations within the bid documents - #40 underlayment is replaced with #30 underlayment.
Section 1210:
Section 1210 is replaced; the following is a summary of the changes:
• Item 4 quantity for “Furnish New Roofing Tiles” changed from 100 EA to 200 EA
• Item 6 is added for “Furnish New Bird Stop Tiles”
Section 4000:
Sheet 4000-2, Section 6: Tile Roof Repair, Replace the first paragraph with the following:
As Reads:
The contractor shall remove, salvage and replace all roof tile (to be reinstalled after repairs have been
completed). The contractor will remove and dispose of the underlayment. The contractor and City shall
perform a site investigation to determine if any of the sheathing will require removal and replacement. If
required, then the contractor will proceed with the removal of the sheathing and any damaged or missing
flashing; the contractor shall install new double layer #40 felt underlayment, that meets or exceeds ASTM
2626-04; and then reinstall the salvaged tiles replacing any damaged ones with new ones.
Is Amended to Read:
The contractor shall remove, salvage and replace all roof tile (to be reinstalled after repairs have been
completed). The contractor shall assume the replacement of all hip/ridge/rake/trim tile since it is mortared.
There is an existing tie wire system that the contractor shall replace in kind. The wire is galvanized. The
contractor will remove and dispose of all debris. The contractor will remove and dispose of the
underlayment. The contractor and City shall perform a site investigation to determine if any of the sheathing
will require removal and replacement. If required, then the contractor will proceed with the removal of the
sheathing and any damaged or missing flashing; the contractor shall install new double layer #30 felt
underlayment, that meets or exceeds ASTM 2626-04; and then reinstall the salvaged tiles replacing any
damaged ones with new ones. The hip/ridge/rake/trim tile is considered new and is included in this item of
work, furnished and installed by contractor.
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Sheet 4000-2, Section 7: Furnish New Roofing Tiles, Replace the first and second paragraph with the
As Reads:
The contractor shall furnish to the project 100 new roof tiles (To replace any damaged tiles that may have
occurred during the removal and reinstallation of the existing tiles).
The contract unit price paid for “Bid Item No. 4 Furnish New Roofing Tiles” shall include the per Each unit
price to include furnishing 100 new roof tiles and as directed by the Engineer. The cost for the installation
will be considered as part of Item No. 3. No additional compensation will be provided.
Is Amended to Read:
The contractor shall furnish to the project both new roof tiles and bird stops per the bid schedule (To replace
any damaged tiles that may have occurred during the removal and reinstallation of the existing tiles). The
hip/ridge/rake/trim tile is considered as paid for under “Tile Roof Repair.”
The contract unit price paid for “Bid Item No. 4 Furnish New Roofing Tiles / Bid Item No. 6 Furnish New
Bird Stop Tiles” shall include the per Each unit price to include furnishing new roof tiles and as directed by
the Engineer. The cost for the installation will be considered as part of associated bid item. No additional
compensation will be provided.
The Contractor is hereby notified; Addendum No. 1 must be acknowledged and initialed as stipulated
under the instructions to Bidders and submitted as part of the Bid. Failure to do so shall result in the City
designating said bid as "Non-Responsive."
Ubaldo Ayón Jr.
Assistant Construction Manager
Attachments: 1. Bid Schedule Dated 6/10/2024
2. Photos
ADDENDUM 01 – 6/10/2024
Bid Schedule 1210-1
PROJECT NO. 2023-32
City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Invitation to Bid, and in accordance with the provisions therein stated, the
undersigned hereby proposes and agrees that on award by the City under this Bid, to execute a
Contract, with necessary bonds, to furnish and install any and all labor, materials, transportation
and services for Project No. 2023-32, City Hall Roof Repair Project, in accordance with the
plans and specifications therefore adopted and on file with the City within the time hereinafter set
forth and at the prices named in this Bid. It is understood that the basis of award shall be the
lowest total price of the Base Bid Area.
Unit prices in each and every case represent the true unit price used in preparing the bid schedule
totals (Bid Form). Unit prices listed herein include material, installation and appurtenant work as is
necessary to have the item complete and in place meeting the full intent of the plans and
specifications. We acknowledge that unbalanced unit prices shall be sufficient cause for the
rejection of our bid.
ADDENDUM 01 – 6/10/2024
Bid Schedule 1210-2
Item Description
Unit Price
(in figures)
Item Total
(in figures)
1 Mobilization 1 LS $ $
2 Site Control 1 LS $ $
3 Tile Roof Repair 1 LS $ $
4 Furnish New Roofing Tiles 200 EA $ $
5 Remove and Replace Damaged
Sheathing 300 SF $ $
6 Furnish New Bird Stop Tiles 100 EA $ $
Total Amount of Bid Items 1 – 6 $
Bid Amount of each of the above Bid Items must be filled in and completed. It is understood that
the quantities shown hereon are but estimates and the bidder is responsible to verify quantities
prior to submitting a bid. Final payment will be based upon actual work performed, subject to
such adjustments and alterations as elsewhere provided herein.
Signature of Bidder (Ink)
Name of Bidder (Printed or Typed)
Bidder Telephone Number
Bidder Email Address
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 1: Mortar for Ridge/Trim/Hip/Rake
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 2: Mortar for Ridge/Trim/Hip/Rake
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 3: Mortar for Ridge/Trim/Hip/Rake
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 4: Mortar for Ridge/Trim/Hip/Rake
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 5: Bird Stops
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 6: Wire System
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 7: Wire System
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 8: Wire System
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 9: Wire System
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 10: Wire System
Attachment 2 - Additional Existing Field Photos
Figure 11 : Wire System