2024-08-02 City - CMG - Term Sheet & Ltr of Intent re: TALUS - SRR Interim Agr for Transfer of Dev Obligationsta, athitai
August 2, 2024
Christopher M. George
3160 Crow Canyon Road, Suite 400
San Ramon, California 94583
Email: cgeorge@cmgfi.com
Re: Term Sheet and Letter of Intent
Interim Agreement for Transfer of Developer Rights and Obligations
Dear Mr. George:
As public records reflect, the City of La Quinta ("City") and SilverRock Development
Company, LLC ("SDC"), entered into a Purchase, Sale, and Development Agreement on
or about November 19, 2014 ("Original PSDA"), as amended by that certain Amendment
No. 1 dated on or about October 29, 2015 ("Amendment No. 1"), that certain Amendment
No. 2 dated on or about April 18, 2017 ("Amendment No. 2"), that certain Amendment
No. 3 dated on or about November 28, 2018 ("Amendment No. 3"), that certain
Amendment No. 4 dated on or about October 12, 2021 ("Amendment No. 4"), and that
certain Amendment No. 5 dated on or about November 16, 2023 ("Amendment No. 5" and
collectively referred to as the"PSDA") for the SilverRock Resort Project, renamed Talus
project (the "Project"). Under Amendments Nos. 4 and 5, SDC and the City memorialized
the then City -approved Revised Capitalization that was presented to the City by SDC.
Pursuant to letters from the City to SDC, dated July 1 and August 1, 2024, respectively,
the City declared that SDC is in full breach of the PSDA and that SDC no longer has any
rights as "Developer" under the PSDA for failure to timely cure, and inability to ever cure,
the Defaults identified in those letters (copies of which are attached for reference).
Furthermore, as explained in the City's August 1, 2024 letter, the City identified a material
misstatement made by SDC by promulgating SDC has the authority to determine whether
CMG, one of multiple parties to the MOU (as defined therein) "has no further rights,
liabilities, or obligations under the MOU or the PSDA or in connection with the Developer -
Held Properties." To the contrary, as explained by the City, SDC failed to perform under
the MOU, willfully took actions to frustrate the ability for CMG and other parties to perform
under the MOU, and no longer has any rights as the "Developer" under the PSDA.
T8495 Calie Tampico 1 La Ruinta, California 922531760.171.I{IBC 1 www.laquintaca.goy
In this regard, the City sends this Term Sheet and Letter of Intent tooutl he efforts by
the City to continue with effectuating the transactions that were set forth in the MOU,
given the frustration of purpose and bad faith actions taken by SDC. Please be reminded
that this letter is an outline, albeit delivered to be as informative as possible, and any and
all actions described below are and will be subject to final review and approval by the City
Council and memorialized in a binding, written agreement (for reference, described as the
"Interim Agreement").
Term Sheet/Statement of Terms
With those provisions, the City sets forth the following terms and conditions ("Term
Sheet"), with details and implementing provisions to be more fully developed and agreed
upon in the Interim Agreement, to proceed with having CMG assume and become the
"Developer" for the Project under the PSDA:
1. Parties to the Interim Agreement are proposed to be same parties as in the MOU,
except SDC and the SDC -affiliated entities. Upon mutual agreement of the City and CMG,
other parties may be added to the Interim Agreement.
2. If CMG acquires by foreclosure sale the real property covering the secured interest
described in the Second Deed of Trust with Cypress Point Holdings ("Cypress") as named
beneficiary, County Recorder Doc. No. 2022-0486431 ("Cypress Deed of Trust"), which
real property is referred to in this Term Sheet as the "Core Project Components Property,"
and as a result of the foreclosure sale the fee interest in the Core Project Components
Property vests with CMG, then the City will approve CMG as the "Developer" for the
Project and will accept CMG's assumption of the rights and obligations under the PSDA for
the Core Project Components Property. The City and CMG will then negotiate and amend
the PSDA (or enter into another agreement as mutually agreeable to the City and CMG),
to memorialize the mutually agreed-upon modifications to the PSDA with CMG proceeding
as the "Developer" of the Project, and in connection therewith, the City will want to
address the following:
a. The daily reduction in rebates based on TOT receipts for the Luxury and Lifestyle
Hotels, as described in Section 6 of Amendment No. 5, will need to have revised
the completion dates of the two hotels. New dates will be mutually agreed upon
by City and CMG, and these will become the new dates for calculating any
reductions. In explanation of this, if the hotels are completed on schedule per a
new amendment to the PSDA (for reference, "Amendment No. 6"), then there
will be no reductions to the TOT rebate. Currently, the TOT rebate has 90%
T8495 Calie Tampico 1 La Ruinta, California 922531 160.171 TM 1 www.laquintaca.goy
available for first 10 years, and 70% for the remaining 5 years, of a tob al— 5= -
year rebate term.
b. The Schedule of Performance will need to be adjusted based on new schedules
provided by the general contractor, with an added contingency for minor delays,
and will include force majeure provisions to be approved by City Manager and
CMG. This new Schedule of Performance will be incorporated into Amendment
No. 6.
c. The Purchase Price for the Future Resort Property (as defined in the PSDA) will
be Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000) as identified in
Amendment No. 4, and will not be subject to the "Financial Incentive
Reductions" incurred by SDC, as the previous "Developer."
3. If CMG acquires the Core Project Components Property, then the City will exercise
its rights under the PSDA and respective repurchase Option Agreements (County Recorder
Doc. Nos. 2018-0464676 and 2018-0464677, and referred to as the "Repurchase Option
Agreements"), as applicable for the repurchase of the property constituting the Luxury
Branded Residential Project Component (formerly Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 37207 and
subdivided as Tract Map No. 37730 [Lots 1-29 & Lots A -L], and referred to as the "Luxury
Branded Residences Property") and the undeveloped land consisting of Planning Areas 7,
8, and 9 (Parcels 10, 11, and 12 of Parcel Map 37207, and referred to as the "PA7,8,9
Property") (collectively, the Luxury Branded Residences Property and the PA7,8,9 Property
is referred to as the "Repurchase Options Properties"). The City will assign all of its rights
and obligations under the Repurchase Option Agreements to CMG, and CMG will assume
all rights and obligations under the Repurchase Option Agreements. The City will also
exercise its right under the PSDA to acquire from SDC all "Plans" related to the Project
(such as blueprints, drawings, studies, and other work product relating to the construction
of the Project). The City will assign to CMG all of its rights acquire the Plans, and CMG will
assume all rights and obligations to acquire the Plans.
4. If CMG acquires the Core Project Components Property, then CMG must acquire the
fee interest in the Luxury Branded Residences Property either by foreclosure sale or grant
deed executed by SDC to CMG through the Repurchase Option Agreement process, and
CMG must acquire the fee interest in the PA7,8,9 Property either by foreclosure sale or
grant deed executed by SDC to CMG through the Repurchase Option Agreement process.
5. If CMG acquires the Core Project Components Property, then CMG must: (a) pay-off
(or assume on restructured terms) all debts owed by SDC to Poppy Bank ("Poppy"), which
debt is secured by that certain Deed of Trust with Poppy as named beneficiary (County
T8495 Calie Tampico 1 La Ruinta, California 922531 160.171 TM 1 www.laquintaca.goy
eiCa adgrai
Recorder Doc. No. 2021-0628130, and referred to as the "Poppy Deed of Trust"), so that
the recorded documents relating to the Poppy foreclosure sale are removed from title; and
(b) pay-off all debts owed by SDC to RD Olson Construction, Inc. ("Olson") and its
respective subcontractors, and Granite Construction Company ("Granite"), in the
respective amount stipulated or agreed between SDC and such contractor/subcontractor,
including all stipulated or agreed interest accrued through payment date, in satisfaction of
SDC's contractual obligations and all mechanic's liens that have been recorded against the
SDC -held properties relating to Olson's (and Olson's subcontractors') and Granite's
completed work and said claims filed in Riverside County Superior Court.
6. If CMG acquires the Core Project Components Property, then CMG must enter into a
binding agreement with Montage North America, LLC ("Montage") to serve as the hotel
operator and manager of the Project Components comprised of the Luxury and Lifestyle
Branded Hotels, and the Luxury and Lifestyle Branded Residences.
7. If CMG acquires the Core Project Components Property, and if the City exercises its
rights under the Repurchase Option Agreements, CMG agrees to deposit into escrow funds
that City and CMG determine to be sufficient to cover 100% of the costs to repurchase
from SDC the Luxury Branded Residences Property and PA7,8,9 Property.
8. If CMG acquires the Core Project Components Property, and if the City exercises its
rights under the Repurchase Option Agreements, then the City agrees that it will continue
to prosecute its civil claims against SDC in Riverside County Superior Court, and CMG
agrees to join in that litigation as a Co -Plaintiff or Plaintiff in Intervention if necessary or
proper to effectuate the statement of terms generally outlined herein and terms and
conditions in the Interim Agreement, once executed by the parties thereto.
9. CMG must provide to the City, for review and approval by the City, CMG's proposed
financing and related agreements, pro -formas, and other documents, for the purpose of
confirming CMG's implementation for remediating the partial improvements on the
properties held by SDC, and remobilizing and completing the construction of the Core
Project Components (as defined in Amendment No. 5, and referred to in the MOU as the
"CMG Proposed Plan"), with the first Project Components to be completed being the
Permanent Golf Clubhouse and Luxury Hotel (as defined in the PSDA).
10. The City will work to have all necessary recorded documents assigned or replaced,
and where necessary, these recorded documents may need to be acknowledged by other
secured interests as having priority if they are replaced instead of assigned.
11 In order for the terms of the PSDA (including amendments thereto) to be effective,
CMG must have ownership of all property currently owned by SDC (or SDC affiliate).
18495 Calle Tampico I La Ouinta, California 92253 1160.111.1000 I www,laquintaca,gov
12. Ultimately, the City Council is required to approve all assignments an amendments
to the PSDA or any new agreements as may be required and described above.
One last advisory note: The real property and property descriptions that are referenced in
this Term Sheet, and that would be included in the Interim Agreement, shall be construed
and interpreted to mean the most -current legal descriptions and boundaries of property
currently held by SDC (or SDC affiliate). In explanation of the foregoing, the MOU
referenced the "Phase 1A Property," "Phase 1B Property," and "City Approved LLAs [Lot
Line Adjustments]"), and defined that as the "Developer -Held Properties." For purposes
of this Term Sheet and the Interim Agreement, the properties discussed in this Term
Sheet are intended to include all of the "Developer -Held Properties" as defined in the MOU
even though different defined terms are used in this Term Sheet for purposes of
sequencing the acquisition of all properties by CGM.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7100.
Jon McMillen, City Manager
cc: Bill Ihrke, City Attorney (via email)
Michelman & Robinson, LLP
10880 Wilshire Blvd.,19t" Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Attn: Edward D. Vaisbort, Esq.
Abbey, Weitzenberg, Warren
& Emery
100 Stony Point Rd, Ste. 200
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Attn: Eric Rans, Esq.
Attn: Mitchell B. Greenberg,
Watt, Tieder, et al., LLP
Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP
4 Park Plaza, Suite 1000
4747 Executive Drive
Irvine, CA 92614
San Diego, CA 92121
Attn: David McPherson
Attn: Andrea L. Petray
Email: dmcpherson@watttieder.com
Email: apetray@ftblaw.com
Rodriguez Wright LLP
Attn: Stephen M. Wright, Esq.
Email: swright@rodriguezwright.com
T8495 Calie Tampico 1 La Ruinta, California 922531 160.171 TM 1 www.laquintaca.goy