2024-25 GHD, Inc Amendment 7 - Hwy 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Project 2019-05MEMORANDUM DATE: August 1, 2024 TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager FROM: Carley Escarrega, Admin Technician c4a 0"&(V CALIFORNIA RE: GHD, Inc Amendment No 7 - Highway 111 Corridor Form Based Code Planning & Engineering Services Project No. 2019-05 Please list the Contracting Party / Vendor Name, any change orders or amendments, and the type of services to be provided. Make sure to list any related Project No. and Project Name. 7 Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: Approved by City Council on September 15, 2020 Business Item No. 1 City Manager's signing authority provided under the City's Purchasing & Contracting Policy [Resolution No. 2023-008] for budget expenditures of $50,000 or less. City Manager's signing authority provided under the City's Personnel Policy Section 3.2 for temporary employment positions. Department Director's or Manager's signing authority provided under the City's Purchasing Policy [Resolution No. 2023-0081 for budget expenditures of $15,000 and $5,000, respectively, or less. Procurement Method (one must apply): Bid ❑ RFP ❑ RFQ ❑ 3 written informal bids Sole Source ❑✓ Select Source ❑✓ Cooperative Procurement Requesting department shall check and attach the items below as appropriate, Agreement payment will be charged to Account No.: 401-0000-60185-201905D Agreement term: Start Date July 1, 2024 End Date June 30, 2025 Amount of Agreement, Amendment, Change Order, etc.: $ 1 11 REMINDER: Signing authorities listed above are applicable on the aggregate Agreement amount, not individual Amendments or Change Orders! W1 NOTE: Insurance certificates as required by the Agreement for Risk Manager approval Approved by: Oscar MojICa Date: 8/2/2024 Bonds (originals) as required by the Agreement (Performance, Payment, etc.) Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from Consultant(s) Review the "Form 700 Disclosure for Consultants" guidance to determine if a Form 700 is required pursuant FPPC regulation 18701(2) Business License No. LIC -767986 Expires: 6/30/2025 Requisition for a Purchase Order has been prepared (Agreements over $5,000) AMENDMENT NO. 7 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH GHD, INC. This Amendment No. 7 ("Amendment No. 7") to Agreement for Contract Services ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 11th day of July 2024 ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA ("City"), a California municipal corporation and GHD, Inc., a Corporation ("Contracting Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about September 16, 2020, the City and Contracting Party entered into an Agreement to provide those services related to Highway 111 Corridor Form Based Code Planning and Engineering services, Project No. 2019-05, for the City. Total compensation to be paid to Contracting Party was not to exceed $885,228 dollars. The term of the Agreement expires on June 30, 2023; and WHEREAS, on or about March 22, 2021, the City and Contracting Party executed Amendment No. 1 and mutually agreed to amend the following sections of the Agreement • Section 1.1 Scope of Services — to obtain and analyze Street Light Data; • Section 2.1 Contract Sum — increasing the contract amount by $11,760, resulting in a new total not to exceed the amount of $896,988 (this compensation increase was pursuant to Section 2.3 Compensation for Additional Services amounting to not more than 5% of the Contract Sum and authorized by the Contract Officer as noted above under Section 1.1); and WHEREAS, on or about April 22, 2021, the City and Contracting Party executed Amendment No. 2 and mutually agreed to amend Section 2.1 Contract Sum "Time and Materials" assignment and cost allocation, by Task, of Compensation for Services only, without increasing the not to exceed amount of $896,988; and WHEREAS, on or about May 21, 2021, the City and Contracting Party mutually agreed to exercise Section 2.3 Compensation for Additional Services of the Agreement and include additional property owners and developers meeting services related to the Highway 111 Corridor project for an additional $4,272 in compensation in fiscal year 2020/21, amounting to 5% or less of the Contract Sum, resulting in a new total not to exceed the amount of $901,260; and WHEREAS, on or about December 22, 2021, the City and Contracting Party executed Amendment No. 3 and mutually agreed to amend the following sections of the Agreement: • Section 1.1 Scope of Services- removed Task 3.4, adjusted the number of hours in Task 0.4, and updated Task 4, including 4.0 through 4.8, as outlined in detail in Exhibit A of Amendment No. 3; and • Section 2.1 Contract Sum — increase compensation by $545,523 for the additional Scope of Services listed above, for a revised total not to exceed amount of $1,446,783, as outlined in detail in Exhibit B of Amendment No. 3; and • Section 3.2 Schedule of Performance — amended as outlined in detail in the project schedule of Exhibit C of Amendment No. 3; and WHEREAS, on or about July 18, 2022, the City and Contracting Party executed Amendment No. 4 and mutually agreed to amend the following sections of the Agreement: • Section 1.1 Scope of Services — to include additional services as outlined in detail in Exhibit A of Amendment No. 4 • Section 2.1 Contract Sum — there is no increase in compensation for the additional services under Amendment No. 4 due to available hours within the existing scope of work. Thus, the total not to exceed amount remained at $1,446,783, as outlined in detail in Exhibit B of Amendment No. 4; and WHEREAS, on or about May 2, 2023, the City and Contracting Party executed Amendment No. 5 and mutually agree to amend the following sections of the Agreement: • Section 1.1 — Scope of Services of the Agreement, to add Task 6, Botanist Surveys, as outlined in detail in enclosed Exhibit A to Amendment No. 5; and • Section 2.1 — Contract Sum of the Agreement shall be amended as detailed in Exhibit B of Amendment No. 5 to include compensation for the additional Scope of Services in the amount of $15,142. For a revised total not to exceed amount of $1,461,925 for the term of the Agreement, encompassing any Initial and Extended Terms; and • Section 3.4 — Term of the Agreement to extend the contract term through June 30, 2024, "Extended Term;" and WHEREAS, on or about June 14, 2024, the City and Contracting Party executed Amendment No. 6 and mutually agree to amend Section 3.4 Term Agreement to extend the contract term through June 30, 2025, "Extended Term," and WHEREAS, the City and Contracting Party mutually agree to amend Section 1.1 — Scope of services of the Agreement to replace Task 3, ATP Grant Application and Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate (PS&E), with Task 3, Adams Street Corridor Feasibility Study as outlined in detail in enclosed Exhibit A to Amendment No. 7; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1 Contract Sum of the Agreement shall be amended as detailed in Exhibit B, incorporated herewith by this reference, reallocating compensation for tasks and noting that there is no additional compensation for the changes in the Scope of Work pursuant to Amendment No. 7, and the total not to exceed amount remains $1,461,925. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant herein contained, the parties agree as follows: AMENDMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1.1 Scope of Service is amended to replace Task 3, ATP Grant Application and PS&E, with Task 3, Adams Street Corridor Feasibility Study, as identified in the attached "Exhibit A," incorporated herewith by this reference. 2. Section 2.1 Compensation is amended as outlined in the attached "Exhibit B," incorporated herewith by this reference, reallocating compensation for tasks and noting that there is no additional compensation for the changes in the Scope of Work, and the total not to exceed amount remains at $1,461,925 for the Term of the Agreement, encompassing any Initial and Extended Terms. In all other respects, the original Agreement shall remain in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Consultant have executed Amendment No. 7 to the Agreement on the respective dates set forth below. CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation JON,U,cILLEN, City Manager ity of La Quinta, California Dated: 0 Z� ATTEST: MONIKA RADE A, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California GHD, Inc. Corporation Todd tr6i genza Senior Project Manager Dated: 8/1/2024 Exhibit A Scope of Services Task 3 Adams Street Corridor Feasibility Study The original agreement between GHD and the City of La Quinta included a Task 3 for a total fee of $304720_ This task was originally anticipated to include support for an Active Transportation Planning Grant application and PS&E for a demonstration project along the Highway f 11 corridor. This task had been understood to be subject to refinement and modification based on the course of the preceding tasks. Since the initiation of the project, several developments have occurred that lead to the proposed change in scope for Task 3 presented in this ASA #6_ In developing Task 2, the Corridor design Project, concepts for a northJsouth active transportation corridor along Adams Street have been developed that include a reduction i n travel lanes that is supported by roundabouts at Corporate Center Drive and Avenue 47. This is consistent with the road diet implemented an Adams Street north of Miles Avenue, which allowed the installation of generously buffered bicycle lanes_ The selection of the Adams Street corridor as an active transportation corridor is further bolstered by the fact that it will connect planned easthNest active transportation corridors along the CV Link and Arts & Music Line_ Without a northfsouth connection between Avenue 48 and Mile Avenue, it would be challenging for residents and visitors to navigate between these planned facilities. Furthermore, the planned addition of new residents along Corporate Center Drive, based on the work prepared in Task 4, means new demand for crossings to schools north of the Whitewater River_ Most recently, in a presentation by GHD to City Council, City Council expressed an interest in additional study for the proposed road diet and roundabouts along Adapts Street_ However, Council direction was also to prepare a Scope of Work for Adams Street from M ilea Avenue down to Avenue 48 to complete these connections_ As such, we propose the folk3wi ng Scope of Work to replace Task 0.3 (management task for Task 3 ) and the entirety of Task 3 in the oNinal agreement: 1. Project Management, Initiation and Coordination GHD will serve as the primary paint of contact and overall Project Manager for all tasks included in this Scope of services. We will work closely with City project manager and the Project Development Team (PDT). tt is anticipated that the PDT will include representatives from other departments at the City and any other relevant public agency stakeholders. 1.1 Project Management f Documentation GHD's project management responsibilities include: ■ Facilitate project ki ck-off meeting; ■ Coordinate, schedule and participate in project meetings: ■ Prepare and keep master project schedule, ■ Project coordination with partner agencies; ■ Quality assurance and quality control on project deliverables; ■ Monthly progress reports to accompany invoices, and, ■ scheduling, coordination, and materials production for all project meetings ■ Work Products: On-going Project Management and Coordination 1.2 Kick-off Meeting GHD shall help facilitate a kick-off meeting with the City and the local agency :stakeholders_ Among the purposes of this meeting will be to ensure mutual understanding of the intended process, its objectives, milestones, and products, and to refine the work program and project schedule_ Another purpose of this meeting will be to identify the potential PDT team members. ■ Work Products: Kick-off Meeting Record, Final Work Program and Project Schedule 1.3 Project Development Team (PDT) Meetings Up to three (3) PDT meetings (not including the kick-off meeting) are assumed through final acceptance of the Feasibility Study. GHI] will parti cipate at each of these meetings and will provide all PDT meeting coordination and oversight including the preparation of meeting minutes summarizing actions taken, actions to be taken, responsible party and resolution clate- ■ Work Products: PDT Meeting Coordination, Agendas and Records 1.4 Quality Assurance GHD will maintain a quality assurance process forthe life of the project, ensuring all analysis and documentation is checked and meets the requirements of the Adams Street Corridor Feasibility Study - Work Products: Quality Assurance . Background information 2.1 Preliminary Research Under this sub -task, existing data and information for the project a nd project area will be assembled and reviewed- The types of information that will be reviewed will include (but not be limited to) GIS data, existing planning studies, Regional Transportation Plans, City General flans, bicycle master plans, transit master plans, traffic forecasts, existing mapping, as built plans, record improvement drawings and reports and existing data including City accident data, right way information, utility information, etc. • Work Products: Assemble and Review Avai lable Study Area GIS Data, Studies, Plans, Maps and As-builts. 2.2 Traffic Data Collection Under this sub -task, new peak hour intersection and daily roadway traffic counts would be collected at the fol lowing locations. Intersection Count Locations (AM and Mid -Day peak hours) 1. Adams and Miles 2. Adams and Blackhawk 3. Adams and Corporate Center 4. Adants and Highway 111 5. Adams and Avenue 47 Roadway Segment Count Locations (7 -day directional with vehicle classifications) 1. Adams Street south of Blackhawk Way 2. Adams Street south of Highway 111 ■ Work Products: New Intersection and Roadway Traffic Count Data 2.3 Base Mapping Base mapping encompassing the project study area will be prepared using available sources of data: Assessor Parcel Base Map - The existing GIS Assessors Base Map will be utilitized for the initial project base map. Assessor parcel numbers, street names will be added to the base map. Aerial Photo — Any current aerials available from the City will be used as the mapping background to give the visual detail of the land use, and other physical features. Any available Topography - We will obtain any relevant Topographic information along this corridor that the City may have Other GI91pertinent information —We will obtain any relevant GIS, utility and other relevant information along this corridor that the City may have Land Use, Demographic, and Environmental Conditions - GHD will perform a site visit to document and map risible constraints, iz ;u es, and opportunities along the corridor. Final Project Base Map - GHD will assemble all available barye mapping from the City in GIS format, including topography, land use and zoning, parcel boundaries, proposed developments, environmental screens, and rights-of-way_ These data will be used to compile a project base map to in developing and illustrating improvement concepts. Online mapping tools like the California Healthy Places Index and Caltrans Vulnerability Assessment Map will be reviewed. To the extent useful for future implementation and funding consideration, maps indicating area characteristics useful to inform competitive grant application metrics, such as demographics or points-oNnterest, will be assembled. GHD will compile the parcel mapping, aerial mapping, and available topographic elevations together into one digital file for final submittal_ EXCLUSIONS: 1. No new surveys are included in this task. ■ Work Products: Project Study Area Base Map 2.4 Develop Traffic Forecasts For this study, GHD will obtain the most current version of the relevant Travel Demand model. GHD will review the current and future land use assumptions, both within the project area. Additionally, GHD will verify the highway network coding within the project study area for the existing and future year networks to ensure that they are consistent with future year circulation and land development assumptions_ Traffic forecasts will be developed after making any adjustments as noted above_ ■ Work Products: Study Area Traffic Forecast 2.5 Baseline Corridor Conditions Working Paper GHDwill prepare a Baseline Corridor Conditions working paper based on the data, research and evaluations competed in Task 2_ The worki ng paper wil I summarize existing traffic counts, preliminary research, base mapping, and baseline forecasts. The working paper will be provided to the PDT for review. ■ Work Products: Baseline Corridor Conditions Working Paper . Transportation System Deficiencies Analysis GHD will prepare a Transportation System Deficiencies working paper based on the data, research and evaluations completed in Task 2 and the study area transportation system analysis that will be conducted in Task 3. The working paper will identify current and projected transportation deficiencies within the study area for the ° No Build' cond iWn_ The working paper will be provided to the PDT for review. 3.1 Transportation System Deficiencies Working Paper GHD will use a combination of field data collection and past document review to better understand issues related to active transportation along the curidor_ Maps showing existing and proposed classification maps for the street, bicycling, and pedestrian networks will be assembled. GHI7 also maintains access to the Replica platform, which provides derived mobility information such as travel origins and destinations, trip purposes, and trip modes from anonymrzed mobile sources. This information will be available to enhance field -collected information and outputs from the available travel demand models with "big picture' real-world travel information_ Traffic operations will be performed for all modes of travel for the Era ing and 'No -Build' conditions. Although Highway Capacity Manual 6f�l Editavt provides multimodal level -of -service (MMLDS) methodologies, the analysis steps are relatively data -intensive and may yield counterintuitive resufts. GHIJ proposes the Plan instead focus on assessing level of traffic stress (LTS). LTS, as developed by the Mineta Transp4artatlon Institute and Sar: "ase Stale University, quantifies the level of discomfort experience by bicyclists based on the speed and volume of traffic, their separation from vehicles, and frequency of conflict points an roadways and through intersections. The methodology was further refined by Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) toalso include pedestrian LTS. GHD will document bicycle and pedestrian LTS along the corridor, and through each study intersection, before and after improvement. The resulting LTS maps and analysis can be used to evaluate proposed concepts for their ability to improve safe non -motorized access between community points of interests like schools, shops, services, perks, transit, and other important destinations. LTS is an important indicator of how suitable a certain bicycle facility may be given the volume and speed of traffic on the highway overcrossing and elsewhere on the corridor_ • Work Products: Transportation Deficiencies Working Paper 4. Establish Project Purpose and Need and Performance Measures 4.1 Prepare Purpose and Need Statement G H D will prepare a Purpose and Need statement for the Adams Street Corridor project. The Need statement will be developed based on the transportation system deficiencies identified in Task 3 whilethe Purpose statement will identify those actions that would either im prove or correct the identified deficien cies. The Purpose and Need statement will also be developed to be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the City's Regional Transportation Plans, and any other relevant Plans. A memorandum will be prepared that states the projects Purpose and Need and provided to the PDT for review, comment and approval_ • Work Products: Purpose and Need Statement 4.2 Develop Performance Measures Perfom lance measures in which to determine whetherthe project is meeting the identified Purpose and Need are typically defined within the various Purpose statements- Typical statements include: ■ To improve mobility for al I road users; ■ To improve safety and traffic operations ■ To reduce current arid future congestion; and • Improve access Performance metrics will be established with the City and input from the PDT, but are likely to include vehicular level of service (LOS), vehicular queuing, bicycle and pedestrian LTS, safety benefit (number of collisions reduced for a given countermeasure, by severity), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, vehicle miles travelled fa-. mr:asurwf by inriureri hir.Vele mnrfe share) environment f:; meagirri=xf in rriteria air nnilutsintsl nrrier of cost magnitude, and right--of-way impact. These metrics are all informed by outputs oftheabove analyses and useful in assessing alternatives and selecting a preferred plan_ Once a preferred plan is selected, project benefits will be monetized as reduced societal costs using the latest Caltrans economic parameters_ These monetized benefits will be divided by the preferred plan's cost estimate to generate a return on investment value (benefiVcost ratio) that could inform applicable competitive grant programs and assist the City in prioritizing local and regional investment along the condor. GHD will work with the PDT to identify and refine the performance measures that will be used to guide the alternatives identification and evaluation. ■ Work Products: Project Performance Mea sures 5. Corridor Vision and Alternatives Analysis 5.1 Corridor Vision The Corridor Vision will be based on the Existing Conditions, Need and Purpose and stakeholder input. For instance, a priority that may not be found in background data could be the development of walking and bicycling infrastructure for students of the schools located on corridor. Stakeholders may seek to establish policies related to funding mechanisms and provisions for new development. Additianally, PDT input may indicate a need to reduce travel speeds or address perceived safety issues even in the absence of crash history_ For these reasons, the vision will necessarily be based on both quantitative and qualitative data_ ■ Work Products: Corridor Vision Statement 5.2 Alternatives Analysis Under this task, a SIDRA model will be developed to understand the geometric needs of the proposed improvements. Subsequentty, a microsimulation will be performed along the corridor to determine if queues from either intersecliions spill back into the adjacent intersections other, specfically into the roundabout ■ Work Products: Operations A nalysis Memorandum 5.3 Concept Alternatives Development Improvement altematves will be illustrated using AutoCAD. Concepts for roadways and intersection will be illustrated to scale using the base mapping created in Task 2, with crass -sections showing typical segment. ■ Work Products: Preliminary Concepts 5.4 Preferred Plan A preferred set of improvement concepts will be selected, with input from the PDT, and refined. The preferred plan will be prepared and illustrated in AutoCAD for wider stakeholder distribution and review. For the preferred plan, the perlormance metrics included in the alternative analysis. will be LiGedl to generate monetized benefits using Caltrans economic parameters. The high-level opinions of cast will be refined and a life -cycle cost estimate will be prepared_ The resulting benefit! cost ratio will be used, alongside other qualitative and non - monetized stakeholdermetrics, to help prioritize infrastructure investment a long the corridor. ■ Wnrk Prodw-tn: R-F-Finf.A annnent nkin Preliminanr f nst I'Amah RfC Analvsis 6. Feasibility Study This task consists of preparing the draft and final Feasibility Study_ The report preparation sequence would consist of preparing a Draft Feasibility Study (DFS) for review and comment by PDT members_ The Final Feasibility Study (FFS) report will then be prepared once all final review comments have been addresc�&d_ 6.1 Draft Feasibility Study G H D will prepare the DFS for initial review by the PDT. The DFS will, at a minimum, utilize, reference or include all work completed in the previous project tasks_ The DFS will be prepared and provided to the PDT for their review and comment. ■ Work Products: draft Feasibility Study 6.2 Final Feasibility Study Com ments received on the DFS from the PDT will be reviewed and any identified issues or concerns wil I be addressed. GHI] will then prepare the DFFS which incorporates changes resulting from the comments and submit the DFS. ■ Work Products: Final Feasibility Study Task p Ftiojeet 1anaFmrnt 0.1 %erdK&-Mond Fins -1 klee{rysdrtirdneion 02 Phme2 Pmjed Mednp FL D orirn6on 03 Phme 3 Project Mednp FL Coorimbm 0A Phme4 Projed "1)p FL Goorir abon T2#1 Finaaa%ed Cade AasommentfNi2se1) 1.1 Fhomuote7 FxrmBeacd Cade RemAdon 12 Si.mede Aml�pc 5 SpeGfm Fin Eudreton 1.3 Sarroe FomrOmed ucde 1 A D4 Cared 8 Flaring Gommmman Jost Sbd) Saaem 15 Sbkeho4d-r Meeting Ta&2 Candor Des0, Carrecpt "mm 4 2.1 dmerrtk Beed i e Geh 3 Ckw dop Canidv Bmennp 2.2 DetakpdAnes! Frei-i•a+y3NrAw Dog varrsepb 23 Review & CEa151. Pal m fiery Ca Pb 214 Prepare D mll Dardor Ge3g n Gore* 25 Prepare Corridor Gx*o 1 isudiz*m! irW Crno-Erdou 2.6 Prepare Corridor Design Pbmng S hrp4wmgdon Fin 2.7 Prepare Firm CbMAP Ca sig n is noepl Ta>fJATPG=t0R=iiDn6PGM Phase 3p 3.1 Preps re NO ATP Qyd App6_acor 3.2 Review & D6ou MR ATP Gmrt Spplrmbon 3 3 Flepere Find ATF GrrtkppimiP 3.5 GeAed•nFal hwubgakn 3.6 My Goldie 4ix 3.7 M Phre 8 Limb 3,8 FA PRE 39 95%PME 3.10 Fnd Sa Donna* v.1Y F1�ierlics+SbrrrrrehYCe9grr .Yi bmL-.6-o-DzirgOW&q 3.13 Can*vby SW* lf2rt4ligku2y1f 1 Gmri lvrRpeoiic Pbr Puse4 4.1 Phm-4WD:98 Bockgmrrd Deb Coledir 4.14 Sm" PirpeW 4Rebgb! 4.1.5 D!bi-i DevdopmTrl {JmbgF- Fdd'Nwk end 4.2 fss6g Condliam.6rnly! s 431 CrNed Dem dop wd Slr b Fdnkd Reser 8 Dry.Asby 4,3 Pm*rredPhnerd PdigFrmrnoirk dA Ade firer ire DmA Sp!Mr. Plan end Gale 4;5 EmkonrrenW Review! C E CA 4.6 Pulii Reiea Did Spedfc Fla a4d Code 4 63 Deholed DrekVTrerd She leq r Dreg and Fnd Rkpxb C' PuHi FKamrFgDrdlSpe-,-c %nand Cade d,E bion I-Imrigs Ta& 51 Mm Mod Use Project CE4A 5.1 ddrrir Drefi5'.%D 3.1 P ddnir Drs7fASMYC 3.12 di 4Aeey 3.13 BM q,ar'krmurvs 3.14 CaBcd Rrsxvm 3.13 Noiu lid Trec*MMbnWr 5.2 Dreg L41IM 53 Fnd IS IM 5 A SJHIP f MOD Corrtngv y Total Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation TML 1 Project Fbrragenred X47 fA5 O5 L5 . o' W" $15.61 $11:912.53 "a IBM SILM 03 FFme 2 Ned Mminp 8 Gxm aua M% $3 TF 5G $OAn $WA $10) 4 3 Fame 3 Ned Neefnp d Coag aua p3,1dpL0) $OAn $ROG $0.W 0A FFme 4 Pried 6wfnas d Gxrd -aro- iS3.13T Z5i V 7121i5 WATT 123.wm 115.61 16.132-'5 t2 im Ima I ram-eatlL4*Asxeamenttrust 11 $p -pp Ig,3g7_1 $pip P'yp-gp 40.p} $X417im $&a WM SQnn 1.1WroighmXFxm-BamdCOW 3-!snk6on 52150 $11,7p755 SO AU $1,162a0 $0.0 115,wiAp $111)0 1-2 L% m3&Pn2lrsnBSp!ak.P4en=mkiabm $1qNo so AU S14,n20An $111)0 1-3 %Mpl-Fam-B Gode $6wem so DO $ 4 a0 $010 56r,R] ix $111)0 1AGipCoundBPhnmgtanneom.IdtSb* Semim IDD S9 i1) $OAU $d20i0 $0.20 $6,910Ap $111)0 1.5 Ebk&akkir gwbnqj 54�72M $OAU $d20A0 50.1)0 $3,@i2AO $111)0 iaL 2 Corridor B-xp ChnoeA Pae 21 $p 10 $MNAS)LIM $l ilpA5 $711A" $315 k9lip $1WM 54.09 S11DD 71 Aaandc B& -;dm Dab d Dn&V Condor Bexmap M7 i 5d1G 511 Do $F8,215A0 500 23 Reim IS Dhmm Prdmnn Canoeph $3r1n30 so AU $:,DZM Px $910A0 $111)0 ZA 25 Dgmw;iN DMT Cancel CowAw Gaxelt Yardrafio s a rd Grv!& SaAam Cwiingenoy 11111325{'- KIIII-M $1.171,54 Totd $AD6 $1,Ji1,325M 52M.07O30 iiii,M3D $11".1" 43Wj72JM $12AAME5 %BY90.fd $2LIM35