Appendix N.2 - Water Supply Assessment Verification LetterAppendix N.2 Water Supply Assessment Verification Letter CVWD, 2021 Travertine SPA Draft EIR SCH# 201811023 Technical Appendices October 2023 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Established in 1918 as a public agency GENERAL MANAGER Jim Barrett CLERK OF THE BOARD Sylvia Bermudez June 24, 2021 Mark Rodgers Principal TRG Land Inc. 898 Production Place Newport, CA 92663 ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER Robert Cheng ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER Dan Charlton Dear Mr. Rodgers: Subject: Water Supply Assessment/Water Supply Verification, Travertine Specific Plan Project The subject Water Supply Assessment and Water Supply Verification (WSA/WSV) for the Travertine Specific Plan Project (Project) provided an assessment of the Project's anticipated water demand and verification of the availability of sufficient water supplies during nonnal, single -dry, and multiple -dry years over a 20 -year projection, considering existing and planned future water demands of the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). The CVWD Board of Directors approved this WSA/WSV in its regular meeting of November 22, 2006, and an update on March 13, 2018. TRG Land Inc. submitted a letter dated June 16, 2021, which detailed a proposed amendment to the Project, provided water demand estimates for the Project with the proposed amendment, and requested that the 2018 WSA/WSV remain valid given that the amended Project will reduce water supply needed from the previously approved assessment of 2018 (2018 WSA/WSV, Table 10). According to the June 16 letter (attached) and the associated water demand estimates provided therein, the Project reduced the area of disturbance and the amendment will reduce the land use of the commercial elements of the Project (indoor uses and irrigated outdoor uses) from 7,759,391 square feet to 1,087,355 square feet. The 2018 WSA/WSV estimated a total Project water demand of 1,225.13 acre-feet per year (AFY). The June 16 letter included an updated estimate of the water demand for the Project with the proposed amendment of 867.47 AFY. Based on the estimates provided, the proposed amendment will reduce the Project's water demand by approximately 357.66 AFY. CVWD staff has reviewed the 2018 WSA/WSV and the provided water demand estimates, and determined that the Project's overall water demand is decreasing. Sufficient water supplies exist, or will exist based on current water planning assumptions, to meet the projected demands of the Project. Based on this review and assessment, an update of the approved WSA/WSV is not required and the 2018 WSA/WSV is hereby extended through June 24, 2026. Coachella Valley Water District P.O. Box 1058 Coachella, CA 92236 Phone (760) 398-2651 Fax (760) 398-3711 www.cvwd.org an Equal Opportunity Employer Mark Rodgers June 24, 2021 Page 2 The WSA/WSV will be reviewed every five years, or in the event that water planning assumptions have changed, until the Project completes construction to ensure it remains accurate and no significant changes to either the Project or available water supplies have occurred. The Project applicant shall notify CVWD when construction begins. If neither the Project applicant nor the lead agency contact CVWD within five years of this extension of the WSA/WSV, CVWD will assume that the Project no longer exists and the WSA/WSV will become invalid. Approval of the WSA/WSV does not constitute an approval of the Project or relieve the Project from complying with all applicable existing and future state, county, city, and local ordinances or regulations including, but not limited to, the City of La Quinta and CVWD landscape ordinances, and indoor water use performance standards provided in the California Water Code. Sincerely, Steve Bigley Director of Environmental Services Enclosure/1/as cc: Cheri L. Flores Planning Manger City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 cflores( 1aquintaca.gov Danny Castro Design and Development Director City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 dcastro@laquintaca.gov IR:sI\Env\WtiRes\2021\June\Travertine Project Amendment WSA Ltr File No: 0421.2, 0483.05 Coachella Valley Water District P0. Box 1058 Coachella, CA 92236 Phone (760) 398-2651 Fax (760) 398-3711 www.cvwd.org an Equal Opportunity Employer TRG A& land., Melanie Garcia Water Resources Associate Coachella Valley Water District June 16, 2021 Travertine Water Supply Assessment Dear Melanie, This letter is to explain the changes that have been made to the Travertine project since the approval of the Water Supply Assessment in 2018 and to request that this report will serve to retain that approval. The project includes basically the same project components; however, the area of disturbance has been reduced. The number of proposed residential units remains the same, 442 Medium Density Units and 758 Single Family Units with a maximum of 1,200 units. The tourist commercial elements have been updated in the following manner: Approved Plan Indoor Uses Square Feet Proposed Plan Indoor Square Feet Boutique Hotel — 75 Rooms and Restaurant 40,058 Boutique Hotel (0 Rooms) and Restaurant 45,000 Resort Villas — 25 Villas 52,500 Resort Villas — 100 Villas 97,500 Spa and Wellness 11,654 Spa and Wellness 8,700 Golf Clubhouse/Restaurant, Pro Shop, Cart Barn and Banquet Facilities 64,782 Golf Clubhouse, Golf Academy, Bar and Restaurant, Driving Range Pro Shop and Tracking Bays and Banquet Facility 37,000 Irrigated Approved Plan Outdoor Uses Irrigated Proposed Plan Outdoor Uses Boutique Hotel, Villas and Spa Landscape 908,293 Boutique Hotel, Villas and Spa Landscape 223,421 Golf Course Links Irrigated 1,770,731 Irrigated golf training facility & driving range area 286,656 Golf Irrigated Xeriscape 4,911,373 Golf Irrigated Xeriscape 389,078 Projected Total Water Usage Annual Demand (AF) 1225.13 867.47 898 Production Place, Newport Beach, CA 92663 1 P: 949.722.0634 1 TRGIand.com We hope this letter will satisfy CVWD that the current project will reduce the water supply needed from the previously approved assessment of 2018. Best regards, Mark Rogers TRG Land, Principal