Appendix F - Supplemental Energy MemoAppendix F Supplemental Energy Memo MSA Consulting, 2022 Travertine SPA Draft EIR SCH# 201811023 Technical Appendices October 2023 LII June 28, 2022 MSA :ONSULTING, I \C. PLANNING > CIVIL ENGINEERING a LAND SURVEYING Supplemental Energy Memo for the Travertine Development Project This Supplemental Energy Memo has been prepared by MSA Consulting, Inc. to provide additional context, calculations, and formulas used within Section 4.6, Energy Resources, of this Draft EIR. The calculations provided herein utilized the output figures from the California Emissions Estimator Model (CaIEEMod) Version 2016.3.2 Modeling Data, provided by Urban Crossroads, Inc. in their Greenhouse Gas Analysis (Appendix H). CaIEEMod is a Statewide land use emissions computer model designed to provide a uniform platform to quantify potential criteria pollutant and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with both construction and operations from land use projects. CaIEEMod was used to determine the energy consumed via, electricity, natural gas, and petroleum during construction and operation of the proposed project using the GHG emission values. CaIEEMod Version 2016.3.2 was utilized in the Greenhouse Gas Analysis because it was the most current version of the software at the time the report was written in January 2022. However, in May 2022, the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) in conjunction with other California air districts, including the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), released the latest version of the CaIEEMod: Version 2022.1. The Greenhouse Gas Analysis provided by Urban Crossroads was prepared before the release of the 2022.1 version. Accordingly, the latest version of CaIEEMod was used to determine project operational emissions. The findings of the new CaIEEMod outputs are included in Urban Crossroad's Operational Memo (Appendix C.2). The analysis below includes the original CaIEEMod Version 2016.3.2 output to analyze project construction energy use, and the updated CaIEEMod Version 2022.1 output to analyze project operational energy use. Construction Energy resources consumed during construction of the project site includes electricity and petroleum. Natural gas is not anticipated to be required during construction of the project. During grading and construction of the proposed project, electricity would be consumed to supply and convey water for dust control and, on a limited basis, may be used to power lighting, and electronic equipment. Electricity consumed for onsite construction trailers, which are used by managerial staff during the hours of construction activities and other construction activities necessitating electrical power would be provided by IID. 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGING,COM Travertine Supplemental Energy Memo Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendix F Electricity consumption during project construction was determined using the following formula: Days Grading x Acres (acres disturbed during grading) x 3,020 gallons per acre per day x 0.009727 kWh/gallons = Electricity Consumed kWh This is based on the water for dust control, which is calculated from the total days of grading, the acreage disturbed on the project site along with water usage factor per day (based on the Air and Waste Management Association, 1992), and a supply water electricity intensity factor (CaIEEMod default for the Salton Sea Air Basin). The electricity consumed was calculated for each site preparation and grading phase of the project. See Table 1 below. Table 1 Summary of Electricity Use During Construction Phase Subphase Days Grading Acres Graded (per day) Total Acres Graded Electricity Consumed (kWh)* Phase A Grading Activities Grading & Water Tank Grading 521 5 2605 76,523.3 Well Construction Well #1 through 9 Site Preparation 10** 1** 10** 1,469*** Substation Construction Substation Grading 90 1 90 2,643.8 Phase B Grading Activities Grading Grading 522 5 2610 76,670.2 Physical Construction Phase 1 (2026-2029) Site Preparation 50 5 250 7,343.9 Grading 50 5 250 7,343.9 Phase 2 (2029-2031) Site Preparation 30 5 150 4,406.3 Grading 30 5 150 4,406.3 Phase 3 (2031-2033) Site Preparation 35 5 175 5,140.7 Grading 35 5 175 5,140.7 Total Electricity Consumed 191,088.1 Note: Electricity Consumed is determined by: Days Grading x Acres (acres disturbed during grading) x 3,020 gallons per acre per day (Air and Waste Management Association, 1992) x 0.009727 kWh/gallons (CaIEEMod default for Salton Sea Air Basin). *Numbers are rounded. **Timing and grading acreage for each well. ***Each well site would consume 293.8 kWh. Multiplied by 5 (the number of wells proposed) is 1,469 kWh. For petroleum consumption during construction of the project, the CaIEEMod values for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions during each construction phase were converted to kilograms/CO2 per gallon by multiplying the CO2 emissions by 1,000. Then kilograms/CO2/gallon was divided by 8.89 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGINC.COM Travertine Supplemental Energy Memo Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendix F kg/CO2 for gasoline consumption (worker demand), or 10.18 kg/CO2 for diesel consumption (vendor or equipment demand) to calculate gallons consumed during project construction. (x) MT CO2e/year x 1,000 = (y) kg/CO2/gallon (y) kg/CO2/gallon - 8.89 kg/CO2 = Construction Worker Gasoline Demand (y) kg/CO2/gallon =10.18 kg/CO2 = Vendor/Equipment Vehicle Diesel Demand 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGINC.COM Travertine Supplemental Energy Memo Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendix F Table 2 Construction Worker Gasoline Demand Phase Subphase Days Trips Miles Kg/CO2/Gallon Gallons Phase A Grading Activities Grading & Water Tank Demolition 390 3 11 3,548.7 399.2 Grading 521 20 11 30,897.8 3,475.6 Well Construction Well #1 through 9 Site Preparation 10 23 11 597.2* 67.2** Trenching 41 18 11 1,911.1* 215.0** Building Const. 15 4 11 155.7* 17.5** Substation Construction Substation Demolition 15 43 11 1,932.5 217.4 Grading 90 83 11 22,380.4 2,517.5 Building Const. 287 21 11 17,729.8 1,994.4 Phase B Grading Activities Grading Demolition 585 3 11 4890.6 550.1 Grading 522 20 11 28,452.7 3,200.5 Physical Construction Phase 1 (2026-2029) Site Preparation 50 18 11 2,588.5 291.2 Grading 50 20 11 2,876.1 323.5 Building Const. 800 271 11 583,751.9 65,663.9 Arch. Coating 330 54 11 46,681.4 5,251.0 Paving 55 15 11 2,144.3 241.2 Phase 2 (2029-2031) Site Preparation 30 18 11 1,365.7 153.6 Grading 30 20 11 1,517.4 170.7 Building Const. 450 169 11 189,740.3 21,343.1 Arch. Coating 175 34 11 14,681.4 1,651.5 Paving 35 15 11 1,295.4 145.7 Phase 3 (2031-2033) Site Preparation 35 18 11 1,527.0 171.8 Grading 35 20 11 1,696.7 190.9 Building Const. 450 288 11 310,614.0 34,939.7 Arch. Coating 200 58 11 27,570.1 3,101.2 Paving 40 15 11 1426.0 160.4 Total Construction Worker Gasoline Consumed 147,652.6*** *Kg/CO2/Gallons were calculated by taking the average of the Kg/CO2/Gallons of each well site as calculated in the GHG Analysis. **Gallons were calculated by taking the Kg/CO2/Gallon calculated and then divided by 10.18. ***This number does not equal the sum of the numbers in the "Gallons" column. This is because the well sites 1 through 9, occupies one set (site prep., grading, and building construction) of rows. The gallons number in the well site row was multiplied by 5 (the number of well sites that will be developed) to get 1,498.5 gallons. This number was added to the other rows to get a total of 147,652.6 gallons of gasoline consumed during the construction of the project. 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGINC.COM Travertine Supplemental Energy Memo Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendix F Table 3 Construction Vendor Diesel Fuel Demand Phase Subphase Days Trips miles Kg/CO2/Gallon Gallons Well Construction Well #1 through 9 Building Const. 15 2 5.40 290.4* 28.5** Substation Construction Substation Building Const. 287 8 5.40 22,670.4 2,226.9 Physical Construction Phase 1 (2026-2029) Building Const. 800 75 5.40 583,566.5 7,324.8 Phase 2 (2029-2031) Building Const. 450 33 5.40 142,752.6 14,022.9 Phase 3 (2031-2033) Building Const. 450 74 5.40 319,774.5 31,412.0 Total Construction Vendor Diesel Consumed 55,129.1*** *Kg/CO2/Gallons were calculated by taking the average of the Kg/CO2/Gallons of each well site as calculated in the GHG Analysis. **Gallons were calculated by taking the Kg/CO2/Gallon calculated and then divided by 10.18. This number will be multiplied by 5 (the number of well sites proposed) to get the sum of the construction vendor diesel demand. ***This number does not equal the sum of the numbers in the "Gallons" column. This is because the well sites 1 though 9, occupies one set (site prep., grading, and building construction) of rows. The gallons number in the well site row was multiplied by 5 (the number of well sites that will be developed) to get 11,134.5 gallons. This number was added to the other rows to get a total of 55,129.1 gallons of diesel consumed during the building construction phase of the project due to vendor trips. 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGINC.COM Travertine Supplemental Energy Memo Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendix F Table 4 Construction Equipment Diesel Fuel Demand Phase Subphase Days Equipment Units Kg/CO2/Gallon Gallons Phase A Grading Activities Grading & Water Tank Demolition 390 1 484,508.2 47,594.1 Grading 521 8 1,649,195 162,003.4 Well Construction Well #1 through 9 Site Preparation 10 9 48,500.9* 4,764.3** Trenching 41 7 284,174.5* 27,915.0** Building Const. 15 15 183,524.6* 18,027.9** Substation Construction Substation Demolition 15 17 131,091.1 12,877.3 Grading 90 33 1,571,063.0 154,328.4 Building Const. 287 54 6,466,378.0 635,204.1 Phase B Grading Activities Grading Demolition 585 1 726,719.5 71,387.0 Grading 522 8 1,651,899 162,269.1 Physical Construction Phase 1 (2026-2029) Site Preparation 50 7 126,065.4 12,383.6 Grading 50 8 158,227.9 15,547.9 Building Const. 800 9 11,500,775 1,129,742.0 Arch. Coating 330 1 56,248.1 5,525.4 Paving 55 6 55,498 5,451.7 Phase 2 (2029-2031) Site Preparation 30 7 75,639.2 7,430.2 Grading 30 8 94,936.7 9,325.8 Building Const. 450 9 917,289.1 90,107.0 Arch. Coating 175 1 29,818.1 1,919.1 Paving 35 6 42,223.5 4,147.7 Phase 3 (2031-2033) Site Preparation 35 7 105,308.0 10,344.6 Grading 35 8 132,235.8 12,989.8 Building Const. 450 9 976,300.4 95,903.8 Arch. Coating 200 1 34,077.8 3,347.5 Paving 40 6 48,255.5 4,740.2 Total Construction Worker Gasoline Consumed 2,908,105.7*** *Kg/CO2/Gallons were calculated by taking the average of the Kg/CO2/Gallons of each well site as calculated in the GHG Analysis. **Gallons were calculated by taking the Kg/CO2/Gallon calculated and then divided by 10.18. This number will be multiplied by 5 (the number of well sites proposed) to get the sum of the construction equipment diesel demand. ***This number does not equal the sum of the numbers in the "Gallons" column. This is because the well sites 1 through 9, occupies one set (site prep., grading, and building construction) of rows. The gallons number in the well site row was multiplied by 5 (the number of well sites that will be developed) to get 253,536 gallons. This number was added to the other rows to get a total of 2,908,105.7 gallons of diesel consumed during the use of construction equipment during development of the project. 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGINC.COM Travertine Supplemental Energy Memo Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendix F Operation For operation of the proposed project, CaIEEMod calculates the electricity and natural gas consumption based on project features including land uses, building square footages, modeling default inputs, and specific user inputs (if any). As stated above, CaIEEMod Version 2022.1 was used to determine project -related operational energy use. Table 5 Project Electricity Demand CaIEEMod Version 2022.1 Land Use Electricity Use kWh/yr Apartments Low Rise 3,026,281 Hotel 2,882,475 Golf Course 0 Single Family Housing 7,079,147 Other Asphalt Surfaces 0 Total Demand (kWh/yr) 12,987,903 Table 6 Proposed Project Operational Natural Gas Demand CaIEEMod Version 2022.1 Land Use Natural Gas Use kBTU/yr Apartments Low Rise 7,500,838 Hotel 9,015,851 Single Family Housing 26,957,750 Golf Course 0 Other Asphalt Surfaces 0 Total Demand (kBTU/yr) 43,474,439 Note: 43,474,439 kBTU/yr is approximately 114,858.3 cf/day per the 1 cf to 1.037 kBTU conversion and 365 days a year. For operational petroleum use, project -related gasoline and diesel consumption was calculated using the VMTs from the Project -specific VMT Evaluation provided by Urban Crossroads (Appendix M.2) and the total mobile source emission value generated by CaIEEMod modeling (Appendix H). Similar to the petroleum consumption methodology used for project construction, for operational petroleum consumption the total mobile CO2 emissions was converted to kilograms/CO2 per gallon by multiplying the CO2 emissions by 1,000. This value was then divided 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGINC.COM Travertine Supplemental Energy Memo Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendix F by 8.89 kg/CO2 for gasoline consumption (approximately 92.5% of VMT burned), or 10.18 kg/CO2 for diesel consumption (approximately 7.5% of VMT burned). This provides the gallons of gasoline and diesel consumed during project operation. Operational Gasoline Demand: (x) MT CO2e/year x 92.5% = (y) MT/CO2e/year Gasoline Demand (y) MT/CO2e/year x 1,000 = (z) kg/CO2/gallon (z) kg/CO2/gallon - 8.89 kg/CO2 = Construction Worker Gasoline Demand Operational Diesel Demand: (x) MT CO2e/year x 92.5% = (y) MT/CO2e/year Diesel Demand (y) MT/CO2e/year x 1,000 = (z) kg/CO2/gallon (z) kg/CO2/gallon =10.18 kg/CO2 = Vendor/Equipment Vehicle Diesel Demand Table 7 Proposed Project Operational VMT Land Use Annual VMT (Project Buildout) Residential 17,710,712.5 Employee 1,967,350 Total Annual VMT 19,678,062.5 Note: Project Buildout is the cumulative annual VMT value assuming total project buildout. Table 8 Proposed Project Operational Annual Petroleum Additional Notes Number of Well Sites analyzed in the GHG Analysis and the Energy Section: On October 26, 2017, CVWD produced a Preliminary Hydraulic Model for providing domestic water to the project. At that time, the gross project acreage of 878 acres was used to determine that 9 well sites were required for the development. (Section 5.6.1, Well Sites of the CVWD Development Design Manual, requires 1 well site per 100 acres or major portion thereof, major portion being 50 or more acres.) In 2021, an update to the Hydraulic Model was recommended by CVWD due to the project's revised phasing. In a letter from CVWD, dated February 8, 2021, the project description identified that a portion of the previously analyzed gross acreage included open space and the analysis of 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGINC.COM Annual VMT KgCO2e Kg/CO2/Gallon Annual Gallons Gasoline 18,202,207.8 11,270,000 8.89 1,267,716.5 Diesel 1,475,854.7 918,750 10.18 90,250.5 Total Annual Petroleum 1,357,967 Additional Notes Number of Well Sites analyzed in the GHG Analysis and the Energy Section: On October 26, 2017, CVWD produced a Preliminary Hydraulic Model for providing domestic water to the project. At that time, the gross project acreage of 878 acres was used to determine that 9 well sites were required for the development. (Section 5.6.1, Well Sites of the CVWD Development Design Manual, requires 1 well site per 100 acres or major portion thereof, major portion being 50 or more acres.) In 2021, an update to the Hydraulic Model was recommended by CVWD due to the project's revised phasing. In a letter from CVWD, dated February 8, 2021, the project description identified that a portion of the previously analyzed gross acreage included open space and the analysis of 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGINC.COM Travertine Supplemental Energy Memo Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendix F domestic water facilities was based on the net developed acreage of 478 acres. This letter identified that the project would require 5 well sites, 2 of which would be required with Phase I of the project. Therefore, the project's analysis of energy consumed during construction of the nine well sites is conservative, since the project would be developing five well sites. 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.320.9811 MSACONSULTINGINC.COM