Travertine - Notice of Availability (NOA) of Draft EIR 2023-10-27 CA + RIVCOState of California - Department of Fish and Wildlife 2023 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT FILING FEE CASH RECEIPT DFW 753.5a (REV. 01/01/23) Previously DFG 753.5a SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY. RECEIPT NUMBER: 23-302285 STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NUMBER (If applicable) 2018011023 LEAD AGENCY CITY OF LA QUINTA LEADAGENCY EMAIL TFLORES@LAQUINTACA.GOV DATE 10/30/2023 COUNTY/STATE AGENCY OF FILING RIVERSIDE DOCUMENT NUMBER E-202301152 PROJECT TITLE TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT PROJECT APPLICANT NAME TRG LAND, INC PROJECT APPLICANT ADDRESS 898 PRODUCTION PLACE, PROJECT APPLICANT EMAIL MCHO@TRGLAND.COM PHONE NUMBER (949) 722-0634 PROJECT APPLICANT (Check appropriate box) ❑ Local Public Agency CITY NEWPORT BEACH STATE :ZIP CODE CA 92663 0 School District ❑ Other Special Distnct ❑ State Agency ® Private Entity CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: ❑ Environmental Impact Report (EIR) $3,839.25 $ ❑ Mitigated/Negative Declaration (MND)(ND) $2,764.00 $ ❑ Certified Regulatory Program (CRP) document - payment due directly to CDFW $1,305.25 $ ❑ Exempt from fee ❑ Notice of Exemption (attach) ❑ CDFW No Effect Determination (attach) ❑ Fee previously paid (attach previously issued cash receipt copy) ❑ Water Right Application or Petition Fee (State Water Resources Control Board only) $850.00 $ ❑ County documentary handling fee $ $0.00 ❑ Other $ PAYMENT METHOD: ❑ Cash 0 Credit 0 Check ® Other TOTAL RECEIVED $ $0.00 SIGNATURE x P,203A-1-96iP2a AGENCY OF FILING PRINTED NAME AND TITLE Deputy Irma Rodriguez ORIGINAL - PROJECT APPLICANT COPY -CDFWIASB COPY -LEAD AGENCY COPY - COUNTY CLERK DFW 753.59 (Rev 0110112023) Lead Agency: CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTN: CHERI FLORES, PLANNING MANAGER Address: 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 FILED /POSTE D County of Riverside Peter Aldana Assessor -County Clerk -Recorder E-202301152 10/30/2023 08:00 ASI Fee: $ 0.00 Page 1 of 3 Removed 121142023 By 4 ?...° 1111 K I' , illial4� Ifillity 1 Project Title TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT Filing Type n Environmental Impact Report ❑ Mitigated/Negative Declaration ❑ Notice of Exemption VI Other: NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY Notes ACR 323 (Est. 01/2021) Available in Alternate Formats 4 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA a NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TRAVERTINE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT SCH# 2018011023 - — GEM ofthe DESERT — In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of La Quinta (City), as Lead Agency, has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Travertine Specific Plan Amendment Project ("Project") (SCH# 2018011023). This notice briefly describes the Project and its location, lists the Project's significant effects on the environment, which are addressed in detail in the Draft EIR, states where the Draft EIR and all documents that are referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public review, and provides the timeframe for submitting comments on , the Draft EIR. Please note that comments must be .1 : submitted in writing according to the directions provided cc below. 5,1 . �,, Avenue 60 Project Location: The Project site encompasses an area of approximately 855 acres in the southeastern portion of the City of La Quinta, bounded by Coral Mountain on the northwest, Avenue 60 to the north, and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation dike No. 4 on the east. The Project is located in Section 33, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, and Sections 3 through 5 in Township 7 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base Line and Meridian, Martinez Mountain and Valerie 7.5 -minute quadrangles; and at Latitude 33° 35' 53" N Longitude 116° 15' 33" W (approximate geographic center of the property). Project Site 1-r-\__ 62nd Ave j5r Off-site utility infrastructure that would be needed to serve the Project at full buildout (an Imperial Irrigation District substation and Coachella Valley Water District water wells) is proposed to be located east and northeast of the Project property, generally between Avenue 58 on the north, Avenue 62 on the south, Calhoun Street on the east, and Almonte Drive and Monroe Street on the west. Project Description: The Project would amend the adopted Travertine Specific Plan to provide for the development of a mix of uses including up to 1,200 dwelling units of varying residential product types and two community parks (east and west) on 378.8 acres; a 38.3 -acre resort/spa facility with a 45,000 -square -foot boutique hotel with a 175 -seat restaurant, 97,500 square feet of resort villas, and 8,700 square feet of spa and wellness center; a 46.2 - acre resort/golf facility with a 5,500 -square -foot golf academy, a 1,000 -square -foot clubhouse, and 10,000 -square -foot banquet restaurant (500 -seat capacity). The Project also proposes on-site and off-site drainage infrastructure, and recreational open space consisting of a 5 -mile public trail system, staging areas, gathering areas, and passive and active spaces on approximately 55.9 acres. Natural open space land uses are proposed on approximately 301.2 acres on the southern portion of the Project property for conservation and preservation purposes. General public access to the Project would be provided by a southerly extension of Jefferson Street and a westerly extension of Avenue 62. These roadways will extend into the Project site and create a spine roadway that will provide access to the neighborhood communities. An emergency vehicle access road will be provided along the unimproved portion of Madison Street. At full buildout, Project utility demand would be offset by a new electrical substation and up to five Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) wells. The Project proponent is seeking the following entitlements from the City of La Quinta: General Plan Amendment (GPA 2017-0002), Zone Change (ZC 2017-0002), Specific Plan Amendment (SP 2017-0004), Tentative Tract Map (TTM 2017-0008), and Development Agreement (DA 2021-0001). Significant Effects Discussed in the Draft EIR: The Draft EIR concludes that the Project will result in less than significant environmental impacts to the following resource areas: Agricultural Resources and Forestry Resources, Energy, Land Use and Planning, Population and Housing, Recreation, and Wildfire Risk. The Draft EIR concludes that the Project may result in potentially significant but mitigable, impacts to the following resource areas: Aesthetics, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Noise, Public Services, Transportation, Tribal Cultural Resources, and Utilities. The Draft EIR further concludes that the Project may result in potentially significant and unavoidable impacts to the following resource areas: Greenhouse Gasses and Transportation (vehicle miles traveled). This Draft EIR is available for a 45 -day public review period beginning on October 27, 2023 and ending on December 11, 2023. The Draft EIR and all documents that are referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public review at the La Quinta City Hall, located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. In addition, an electronic version of the Draft EIR is available on the City's website at https://www.laquintaca.gov/travertine. Comments on the Draft EIR may be provided in writing by December 11, 2023 to: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager, City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253, or clfloresAlaquintaca.gov. Please note "Travertine SPA DEIR" in the subject line. Please include your name, address, and other contact information in your submission. Further information about the proposed Project are available at https://www.laquintaca.gov/travertine. Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal Mail to: State Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 3044, Sacramento, CA 95812-3044 (916) 445-0613 For Hand Delivery/Street Address: 1400 Tenth Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Project Title: Travertine Specific Plan Amendment Appendix C SCH # 2018011023 Lead Agency: City of La Quinta Mailing Address: 78495 Calle Tampico City: La Quinta Zip: 92253 Contact Person: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager Phone: 760-777-7067 County: Riverside Project Location: County: Riverside Cross Streets: Avenue 62 and Madison Street City/Nearest Community La Quinta Longitude/Latitude (degrees, minutes and seconds): 33 Assessor's Parcel No.: See project description below for APN °35 ' 50 "N/ 116 ° 15 '39 Within 2 Miles: State Hwy #: N/A Airports: N/A Section: 3-5 Waterways: N/A Twp.: 7S " W Total Acres: Range: 7E Zip Code: 92253 855 Base: SBBM Railways: N/A Schools: CVUSD/DSUSD Document Type: CEQA: 0 NOP ❑ Early Cons 0 Neg Dec ❑ Mit Neg Dec ❑■ Draft EIR ❑ Supplement/Subsequent EIR (Prior SCH No.) Other: NEPA: ❑ NOI Other: ❑ EA ❑ Draft EIS ❑ FONSI ❑ Joint Document ❑ Final Document ❑ Other: Local Action Type: LI General Plan Update ❑■ General Plan Amendment ❑ General Plan Element ❑ Community Plan ❑■ Specific Plan ❑ Master Plan ❑ Planned Unit Development ❑■ Site Plan ❑■ Rezone ❑ Prezone 111 Use Permit ❑■ Land Division (Subdivision, etc.) ❑ Annexation ❑ Redevelopment ❑ Coastal Permit ❑ Other: Development Type: ❑■ Residential: Units ❑ Office: Sq.ft. ❑■ Commercial:Sq.ft. ❑ Industrial: Sq.ft. ❑ Educational: 1,200 151,200 Acres 378.8 Acres Employees ❑ Transportation: Type Acres 38.3 Employees 370 ❑ Mining: Mineral Acres Employees ❑ Power: Type ❑ Waste Treatment: Type ❑ Hazardous Waste:Type MGD ❑ Other: Open Space 357.1 acres ❑■ Recreational: 15,600 sq.ft.; 46.2 acres; Employees 80 ❑ Water Facilities:Type MW MGD Project Issues Discussed in Document: ❑■ AestheticNisual ❑■ Agricultural Land ❑■ Air Quality ❑■ Archeological/Historical ❑■ Biological Resources ❑ Coastal Zone ❑■ Drainage/Absorption ❑ Economic/Jobs ❑ Fiscal ['Flood Plain/Flooding ❑■ Forest Land/Fire Hazard ❑■ Geologic/Seismic ❑ Minerals ['Noise ❑■ Population/Housing Balance ❑■ Public Services/Facilities ❑ Recreation/Parks ❑ Schools/Universities ❑ Septic Systems ❑■ Sewer Capacity ❑■ Soil Erosion/Compaction/Grading ❑■ Solid Waste ❑■ Toxic/Hazardous ❑■ Traffic/Circulation ❑ Vegetation • Water Quality ['Water Supply/Groundwater ❑ Wetland/Riparian ❑ Growth Inducement ❑■ Land Use ❑■ Cumulative Effects 111 Other: Present Land Use/Zoning/General Plan Designation: Low Density Residential, Medium/High Density Residential, General Commercial, Tourist Commercial, Major Community Facilities, Open Space Recreation and Open Space Natural Project Description: (please use a separate page if necessary) The project consists of the following entitlement applications: a General Plan Amendment (GPA 2017-0002), a Zone Change (ZC 2017-002), a Specific Plan Amendment (SP 2017-0004), a Tentative Tract Map (TTM 2017-0004), and a Development Agreement (DA 2021-0001). The proposed Project includes development of a mix of uses including up to 1,200 dwelling units of varying residential product types and two community parks (east and west) on 378.8 acres; a 38.3 -acre resort/spa facility with a 45,000 -square -foot boutique hotel with a 175 -seat restaurant, 97,500 square feet of resort villas, and 8,700 square feet of spa and wellness center, as well as yoga and tennis courts; a 46.2 -acre resort/golf facility with a 5,500 -square -foot golf academy, a 1,000 -square -foot clubhouse, and 10,000 -square -foot banquet restaurant (500 -seat capacity). The Project also proposes recreational open space consisting of a 5 -mile public trail system, staging areas, gathering areas, and passive and active spaces on approximately 55.9 acres. Natural open space land uses are proposed to occur on approximately 301.2 acres on the southern portion of the Project property for conservation and preservation purposes. The Project also proposes off-site utility improvements located east and northeast of the Project. The project occupies APNs: 766-110-003, -004, -007, and -009; 766-120-001, -002, -003, -006, -015, -016, -018, -021, and -023 753-040-014, 016, and -017, 753-050-007, and -029; 753-060-003, 764-280-057 and -059, and 764-028-061. Existing Zoning: RL, RMH, CN, CT, GS, OS. Note: The State Clearinghouse will assign identification numbers for all new projects. If a SCH number already exists for a project (e.g. Notice of Preparation or previous draft document) please fill in. Revised 2010 Reviewing Agencies Checklist Lead Agencies may recommend State Clearinghouse distribution by marking agencies below with and "X". If you have already sent your document to the agency please denote that with an "S". X Air Resources Board Boating & Waterways, Department of California Emergency Management Agency California Highway Patrol Caltrans District # Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Caltrans Planning Central Valley Flood Protection Board Coachella Valley Mtns. Conservancy Coastal Commission Colorado River Board Conservation, Department of Corrections, Department of Delta Protection Commission Education, Department of Energy Commission x Fish & Game Region # 6 Food & Agriculture, Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of General Services, Department of Health Services, Department of X Other: Bureau of Land Management & Bureau of Reclamation X Office of Historic Preservation Office of Public School Construction Parks & Recreation, Department of Pesticide Regulation, Department of Public Utilities Commission X Regional WQCB # 7 Resources Agency Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of S.F. Bay Conservation & Development Comm. San Gabriel & Lower L.A. Rivers & Mtns. Conservancy San Joaquin River Conservancy Santa Monica Mtns. Conservancy State Lands Commission SWRCB: Clean Water Grants SWRCB: Water Quality SWRCB: Water Rights Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Toxic Substances Control, Department of Water Resources, Department of Housing & Community Development X Native American Heritage Commission X Other: US Fish and Wildlife Service Local Public Review Period (to be filled in by lead agency) Starting Date October XX, 2023 Ending Date December XX, 2023 Lead Agency (Complete if applicable): Consulting Firm: MSA Consulting, Inc. Address: 34200 Bob Hope Dr. City/State/Zip: Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Contact: Asia Lee Phone: 760-320-9811 Applicant: Hofmann Land Development Company Address: P.O. Box 907 City/State/Zip: Concord, CA 94522 Phone: Signature of Lead Agency Representative: Authority cited: Section 21083, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 21161, Public Resources Code. Date: Revised 2010 Summary Form for Electronic Document Submittal Print From Form F Lead agencies may include 15 hardcopies of this document when submitting electronic copies of Environmental Impact Reports, Negative Declarations, Mitigated Negative Declarations, or Notices of Preparation to the State Clearinghouse (SCH). The SCH also accepts other summaries, such as EIR Executive Summaries prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15123. Please include one copy of the Notice of Completion Form (NOC) with your submission and attach the summary to each electronic copy of the document. SCH #: 2018011023 Project Title. Travertine Specific Plan Amendment Lead Agency City of La Quinta Contact Name: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager Email: clflores@laquintaca.gov Project Location La Quinta, Riverside County City Phone Number 760-777-7067 Project Description (Proposed actions, location, and/or consequences). County The Project consists of the following entitlement applications: a General Plan Amendment (GPA 2017-0002), a Zone Change (ZC 2017-002), a Specific Plan Amendment (SP 2017-0004), a Tentative Tract Map (TTM 2017-0004), and a Development Agreement (DA 2021-0001). The proposed Project includes development of a mix of uses consisting of up to 1,200 dwelling units of varying residential product types and two community parks (east and west) on 378.8 acres; a 38.3 -acre resort/spa facility with a 45,000 -square -foot boutique hotel with a 175 -seat restaurant, 97,500 square feet of resort villas, and 8,700 square feet of spa and wellness center, as well as yoga and tennis courts; a 46.2 -acre resort/golf facility with a 5,500 -square -foot golf academy, a 1,000 -square -foot clubhouse, and 10,000 -square -foot banquet restaurant (500 -seat capacity). The Project also proposes recreational open space consisting of a 5 -mile public trail system, staging areas, gathering areas, and passive and active spaces on approximately 55.9 acres. Natural open space land uses are proposed to occur on approximately 301.2 acres on the southern portion of the Project property for conservation and preservation purposes. The Project also proposes off-site utility improvements located east/northeast. Identify the project's significant or potentially significant effects and briefly describe any proposed mitigation measures that would reduce or avoid that effect. The Project will result in significant impacts to aesthetics, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, noise, and public services. However, these impacts can be reduced to less than significant levels with the implementation of mitigation measures (see Table 1-3 in DEIR). Project impacts to Air Quality (limited to volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions) and related conflicts with the Eastern Coachella Valley Community Emissions Reduction Plan during operation of Phases 2 and 3; Greenhouse Gas Emissions due to the Project's exceedance of quantitative significance thresholds; and Transportation associated with residential vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) will be significant and unavoidable even with the implementation of all feasible mitigation measures recommended in the EIR. Accordingly, Findings a Statement of Overriding Considerations will be prepared. The draft statement will set forth information, considerations and findings that are supportive of the goals and benefits of the Project as a whole. Revised September 2011 continued If applicable, describe any of the project's areas of controversy known to the Lead Agency, including issues raised by agencies and the public. Comment letters received from public agencies during the circulation period raised issues regarding air quality, biological resources, electric facilities, and water quality permits and consultations. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) required that air quality be analyzed utilizing CaIEEMod to determine the air quality impacts of the Project, specifically through mobile sources (via vehicular trips, heavy-duty diesel -fueled vehicles). This is analyzed in Section 4.3, Air Quality, and the Project -specific Air Quality Impact Analysis (Appendix C.1 of DEIR). The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) highlighted concerns regarding biological resources in the local habitat, and species potentially impacted by the Project. Project -related impacts to biological resources are analyzed in Section 4.4, Biological Resources, and associated biological resources reports and jurisdictional delineation (Appendix D.1, D.2, D.3 and D.4 of the DEIR). Imperial Irrigation District (IID), in their comment letter, addressed the need for a new substation and IID easements required to serve the site. As discussed above, the EIR analyzes the substation at a programmatic level. The Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District required that the Project DEIR analyze the need for a NPDES permit, a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and Letter of Map Revision (LOMAR), and consultation with CDFW, Army Corps of Engineers and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. These are discussed in Section 4.10, Hydrology and Water Quality, of the DEIR. The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) requested that the Project's consistency within the context of regional goals and policies as set forth in SCAG's 2016 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy be analyzed in the Draft EIR. The Project's consistency (whether applicable or nonapplicable) is discussed in Section 4.11, Land Use and Planning, and Section 4.16, Transportation, of the DEIR. The NOP comment letters received during the public comment period are included in Appendix A to the DEIR. Provide a list of the responsible or trustee agencies for the project. California Department of Fish and Wildlife State Water Resources Control Board Colorado River Basin Region (Region 7) Coachella Valley Water District South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Imperial Irrigation District