2024 08 13 PCeiCal Otilitra - — GEM of the DESERT — Planning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: www.lapuintaca._gov PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2024, AT 5:00 P.M. *NEW LINK!!* Members of the public may listen to this meeting by tuning -in live via www.laquintaca.gov/livemeetings . CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Commissioners: Guerrero, Hernandez, Hundt, McCune, Nieto, Tyerman, and Chair Hassett PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed at the end of the agenda. The Commission values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None CONSENT CALENDAR 1 APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED MAY 28, 2024 2. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED JUNE 11, 2024 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 1 of 5 AUGUST 13, 2024 PAGE 6 13 PUBLIC HEARINGS — 5:00 p.m. or thereafter For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Commission Secretary prior to consideration of that item; comments are limited to three (3) minutes (approximately 350 words). Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission prior to the public hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project(s) at the time of the public hearing. If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at or prior to the public hearing. 1 CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY (MONOEUCALYPTUS); CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303, NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES; LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS BETWEEN CALLE ENSENADA AND CALLE NOGALES, WITHIN TRADITION GOLF CLUB BUSINESS SESSION — NONE COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS STAFF ITEMS ADJOURNMENT ********************************* The next regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission will be held on August 27, 2024, commencing at 5:00 p.m. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Tania Flores, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the Commission meeting of August 13, 2024, was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on August 8, 2024. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 2 of 5 AUGUST 13, 2024 PAGE DATED: August 8, 2024 Tania Flores, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • Agenda packet materials are available for public inspection: 1) at the Clerk's Office at La Quinta City Hall, located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253; and 2) on the City's website at https://www.laquintaca.gov/business/boards-and- commissions/planninq-commission, in accordance with the Brown Act [Government Code § 54957.5; AB 2647 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 971)]. • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please contact Commission Secretary at (760) 777-7023, 24 -hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Commission meeting, please be advised that 10 copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Commission Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS — INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the Commission on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in-person during the meeting by submitting 10 copies to the Commission Secretary, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to TFloresLaQuintaCA.qov, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to the Commission, made public, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chair, a brief summary of public comments is asked to be reported. If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state "Written Comments" and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 3 of 5 AUGUST 13, 2024 VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in-person during the meeting by completing a "Request to Speak" form and submitting it to the Commission Secretary; it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). Members of the public shall be called upon to speak by the Chair. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-028, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the Commission Secretary by completing a "Request to Speak" form noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers' own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Chair. Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; 10 copies of such printed materials shall be provided to the Commission Secretary to be disseminated to the Commission, made public, and incorporated into the public record of the meeting; it is requested that the printed materials are provided prior to the beginning of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Chair. All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City's Internet website and any other Internet Web -based platform or other Web -based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 7920.000 et seq.]. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 4 of 5 AUGUST 13, 2024 TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY — INSTRUCTIONS Teleconference accessibility may be triggered in accordance with AB 2449 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 285), codified in the Brown Act [Government Code § 54953], if a member of the Commission requests to attend and participate in this meeting remotely due to `just cause" or "emergency circumstances," as defined, and only if the request is approved. In such instances, remote public accessibility and participation will be facilitated via Zoom Webinar as detailed at the end of this Agenda. *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES — PURSUANT TO AB 2449*** APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY IS IN EFFECT Verbal public comments via Teleconference — members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the "raise your hand" feature when public comments are prompted by the Chair; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the Commission and general public and allow him/her/they to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note — members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Chair, in order to become audible to the Commission and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Chair. ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82853067939 Meeting ID: 828 5306 7939 Or join by phone: (253) 215 — 8782 Written public comments — can be provided in person during the meeting or emailed to TFlores(a�LaQuintaCA.gov any time prior to the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the Commission, made public, incorporated into the public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chair, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the Committee can accommodate such request. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 5 of 5 AUGUST 13, 2024 CALL TO ORDER CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2024 A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission (Commission) was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by Chairperson Nieto. PRESENT: Commissioners Guerrero, Hassett, Hernandez, McCune, Tyerman, and Chairperson Nieto ABSENT: Commissioner Caldwell STAFF PRESENT: Design and Development Director Danny Castro, Public Works Director/City Engineer Bryan McKinney, Planning Manager Cheri Flores, Senior Planner Scott Nespor, Deputy City Attorney Jessica Sanders, and Commission Secretary Tania Flores PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner McCune led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Hassett/Guerrero to confirm the agenda as published. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, absent — 1 (Caldwell), abstain — 0. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED MARCH 12, 2024 2. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED MARCH 26, 2024 3. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2019-0001 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2024-0002) AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2019-0004 (SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2024-0005) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 27,334 SQUARE FOOT EXPANSION OF EXISTING ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH CAMPUS BUILDINGS; LOCATION: 47225 WASHINGTON STREET PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 1 of 7 MAY 28, 2024 6 PUBLIC SPEAKER: Philip Bettencourt, La Quinta — expressed support for Consent Calendar Item No. 3 regarding the extension of time for St. Francis of Assisi church expansion. Planning Commissioner Hernandez stated that he would abstain from voting on Consent Calendar No. 1 due to his absence from the March 12, 2024, meeting and asked that the item be pulled for a separate vote. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Chairperson Nieto/Commissioner Guerrero to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 2 and 3 as published. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, absent — 1 (Caldwell), abstain — 0. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Guerrero/Tyerman to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 1 as published. Motion passed: ayes — 5, noes — 0, absent — 1 (Caldwell), abstain — 1 (Hernandez). BUSINESS SESSION — None. STUDY SESSION — None. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2023- 1000 FOR A NEW 2,082 SQUARE FOOT BARN STRUCTURE; CEQA: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303(e) NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES; LOCATION: 50275 VISTA MONTANA, LOT 3 OF TM 14104 DECLARATIONS OF COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACT OR CONFLICTS — Commissioner McCune stated that he was familiar with the landscape architect for the project but not in regard to the project under consideration. Senior Planner Nespor presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff answered questions regarding noticing procedures and public comments received on the project; the current status of the property; and building permits for the residence proposed on the project site. CHAIRPERSON NIETO DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 5:15 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Steven Platt, owner of Steven Platt Architect and Architect for the project, provided a brief history of the project and property owner; and answered PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 of 7 MAY 28, 2024 7 questions regarding fire suppression, alarm, and ventilation systems within the barn structure; and flooring material and drainage. CHAIRPERSON NIETO DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 5:19 P.M. Commission expressed a general consensus for approval of the project. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Guerrero/Hassett to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 2024-006 approving Site Development Permit 2023-1000 subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as presented, and find the project exempt from CEQA: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW 2,082 SQUARE FOOT ACCESSORY BARN STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 50275 VISTA MONTANA AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2023-1000 PROJECT: MUNOZ BARN STRUCTURE APPLICANT: GABRIEL AND KARINA MUNOZ Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, absent — 1 (Caldwell), abstain — 0. 2. CONSIDER RESOLUTIONS RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL CERTIFY AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EA2017-0008, SCH# 2018011023) AND DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE FINDINGS AND A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS AND APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2017-0002, ZONE CHANGE 2017-0002, SPECIFIC PLAN 2017-0004, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2017-0008 (TTM 37387) AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 2021-0001 FOR THE TRAVERTINE PROJECT CONSISTING OF 1,200 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, 45,000 SQUARE FOOT HOTEL WITH 100 VILLAS, SPA AND WELLNESS CENTER AND OTHER COMMERCIAL AND RECREATIONAL USES; CEQA: AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EA2017-0008, SCH# 2018011023) HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT; LOCATION: SOUTH OF AVENUE 60, WEST OF MADISON STREET, AND NORTH OF AVENUE 64 DECLARATIONS OF COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACT OR CONFLICTS — Commissioner Tyerman stated that he had attended a site tour with the applicant; Commissioners Guerrero and McCune both stated that they had attended a project presentation and a site tour with the applicant; and Chairperson Nieto said that he attended a project presentation with the applicant and was familiar with the project. Planning Manager Flores presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff answered questions regarding approval process for the project and agreements with outside agencies such as Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), and Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD); whether the visibility of a roadway PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 of 7 MAY 28, 2024 8 and/or vehicles on a roadway would be considered a significant impact based on CEQA review and guidelines, noise studies, standards, contours, and mitigation identified in the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR); SB330 and CEQA implications; land use definitions; Madison Street gas line location and emergency access road and access restrictions; Mello Roos definition, requirements, intent, and status of any current Mello Roos agreements within the City; short-term vacation rental (STVR) eligibility, possible cap on allowable permits, permit approval process, and property and guest management; Imperial Irrigation District (IID) substation location, visibility, and implications of the impending expiration of IID's agreement with CVWD to provide electrical supply and services for the Coachella Valley; location of proposed future fire station; flood control and drainage, retention basins and recharge ponds, and future maintenance responsibilities; electric vehicle charging station requirements; location of proposed future fire station; water fountains along proposed trails; water pressure from proposed water tanks; phasing of the development and roadways including Jefferson Street extension and signalization; and ownership of specific parcels outside the project and BLM access. CHAIRPERSON NIETO DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 6:21 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mark Rogers, Applicant and representative of TRG Land, introduced Lisa Hoffman -Morgan, daughter of original land owner, Ken Hoffman, and provided a project overview detailing changes to the currently approved project being proposed which includes increasing the open space land and trail systems; project boundary changes; elements to reduce environmental impacts; modified roadways and circulation of public and private roads; project phasing; zoning and land uses; resort and golf training facilities; recreation facilities and trail network components; fencing and barriers for bighorn sheep conservation and flood waters; collaboration with Desert Recreation District (DRD) for trail management; project land sloping; housing product array and segmentation; public benefit programs including land preservation and bighorn sheep protections, Development Impact Fees (DIF), Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP), Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (CVCC) loan and endowments, two major water tanks, two master planned highway projects for expansion to the east, CVWD flood protections and upgrades, a new local fire station and IID substation. Mr. Rogers answered Commission questions regarding STVR allowances within the proposed project; project lighting; retention basins, drainage, and hydrology within and outside of the project; electric vehicle charging stations; fire station and DIF fees; water pressure availability; phasing of Jefferson Street extension; and Lexan panel description and uses. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Liz Klebaner, CEQA and land use attorney with Nossaman LLP, provided additional information and answered Commission questions regarding CEQA analysis related to construction and operation noise and aesthetic impacts, standards, and thresholds; undergrounding of gas lines, and location and aesthetic impacts of the proposed IID substation; and the noise and traffic studies. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 4 of 7 MAY 28, 2024 9 PUBLIC SPEAKER: Michelle Witherspoon, Director of Environmental Services with MSA Consulting, Inc., and Environmental Consultant for the project, answered questions regarding noise study and traffic noise standards and thresholds, mitigation of noise, noise changes in relation to an elevated roadway, large truck traffic times and estimates, and vehicle trips per day identified in the Draft EIR. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Marlie Whiteman, Senior Associate with Urban Crossroads, and Traffic Consultant for the project, provided additional details regarding the traffic study performed including trip generation summary and large truck trips generated. Mr. Rogers answered additional questions regarding NAP (area not a part of the project) depicted on the project maps and easements for property access to said properties; location of Sections 5 and 33 as identified on the maps; definition of the noise contours; traffic study and analysis of vehicle trips at Avenue 62; phasing and possible traffic alleviation of Jefferson Street extension and traffic patterns at build -out; STVR permit eligibility, benefits of STVRs to the City, management, and possibly capping the number of STVR permits; location and use of Lexan barriers for aesthetics, pool safety, noise mitigation, and bighorn sheep protection and natural area conservation, and the material durability; bighorn sheep barriers at perimeter of the project; Joint Project Reviews (JPR) and consultations with CVCC, U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Department of Fish and Wildlife; fire line score of the project, not in high fire hazard area; height of abutment on western and southern edges; and water tank camouflaging and water pressure produced. PUBLIC SPEAKER: John McCarthy, Principal Engineer with Q3 Consulting and Hydrology Consultant for the project, provided additional information regarding Devil's Canyon stormwater flow path, improvements planned for the Guadalupe dikes, which are required in the Conditions of Approval; construction responsibility and future maintenance responsibility of the dikes; flood control designs after Jefferson Street extension; and spill over area at future Coral Canyon site. CHAIRPERSON NIETO CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 7:46 P.M. CHAIRPERSON NIETO RECONVENED THE COMMISSION MEETING AT 8:00 P.M. WITH COMMISSIONERS GUERRERO, HASSETT, HERNANDEZ, McCUNE, AND TYERMAN PRESENT PUBLIC SPEAKER: Timothy Kraushaar, La Quinta — representative for NAP property owner and other properties in and around the project site asked for assurance that the easements provided by the project would be adequate for any future development of his properties. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta (received donated time from Judith Viera) — provided a presentation expressing opposition to the project due to the negative visual and aesthetic impacts of the elevated roadway of Avenue 62 over Dike No. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 5 of 7 MAY 28, 2024 10 PUBLIC SPEAKER: Derek Wong, La Quinta — opposed the project due to negative noise impacts due to increased traffic and elevated roadway at Avenue 62; disputes the validity of the noise study as it did not evaluate noise impacts at the top of the berm of Dike No. 4. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Judy Hovjacky, La Quinta — opposed to the project due to negative air quality impacts from traffic; states the environmental study doesn't consider the elevated roadway at Avenue 62 over Dike No. 4. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Rachel Luiz, La Quinta (received donated time from Carolyn Winnor) — read into the record a letter from resident Bob Lasser, which opposed the project due to the elevated roadway at Avenue 62 over Dike No. 4 creating excessive noise; incompatibility of the surround community; and inconsistency with the General Plan. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sheila Warren, La Quinta — opposed the project due to the Draft EIR not including the comments submitted during the public review period and responses and requested the Planning Commission continue the public hearing to allow time for the public and Commission to review these items. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Maria Allgood, La Quinta — half property owner of the NAP area of the project expressed concerns over the project's effects on the property value and marketability of her property and the limitations of the 24 -foot access easement; the proximity of the Jefferson Street extension after reconfiguration; allowable and prospective business intended for the tourist commercial area of the project; and the proximity and intent of the interconnector trail surrounding her property. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sal Amezquita, representing Western States Regional Council of Carpenters — requested that the Commission require the developer to use contractors that hire locally, pay prevailing wages, and utilize apprentices from state certified apprentice programs when developing this project to help mitigate additional vehicle miles traveled when contractors use workers from out of the area. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta — requested additional time to speak (received donated time from Brian Levy) — expressed concerns about the lack of noise study conducted at the top of the proposed berm for the elevated roadway at Avenue 62 over Dike No. 4. Staff answered questions regarding the public noticing requirements for development projects such as Travertine and the CEQA requirements for addressing public comments on the proposed Draft EIR. Mr. Rogers answered questions regarding easements for ingress and egress to the NAP property; and requested a continuance of this meeting to allow time to address the questions regarding the noise study and return with the Noise Consultant present to provide additional information as needed. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 6 of 7 MAY 28, 2024 11 CHAIRPERSON NIETO DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:47 P.M. The commission expressed a consensus to allow the continuance per the applicant's request and directed the applicant to provide additional information regarding the traffic analysis, noise and visibility impacts, and easements required for the NAP property. Staff answered additional questions regarding the majority of the proposed project being under the jurisdiction of the Coachella Valley School District and a small portion under the jurisdiction of Desert Sands Unified School District and noted that busing considerations are not within the City's purview of approval. CHAIRPERSON NIETO DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING RE -OPENED AT 8:56 P.M. The Commission discussed continuing consideration of the project to a date certain with the applicant. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Chairperson Nieto/Commissioner Guerrero to continue the public hearing regarding the proposed Travertine project to a date certain of June 25, 2024, as requested by the applicant. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, absent — 1 (Caldwell), abstain — 0. COMMISSIONER ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Guerrero/Hassett to adjourn this meeting at 9:00 p.m. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, absent — 1 (Caldwell), abstain — 0. Respectfully submitted, TANIA FLORES, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 7 of 7 MAY 28, 2024 12 CALL TO ORDER CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2024 A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission (Commission) was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Nieto. PRESENT: Commissioners Caldwell, Hassett, Hernandez, McCune, Tyerman, and Chairperson Nieto ABSENT: Commissioner Guerrero STAFF PRESENT: Design and Development Director Danny Castro, Public Works Director Bryan McKinney, Planning Manager Cheri Flores, Senior Planner Scott Nespor, and Commission Secretary Tania Flores PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Hassett led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Philip Bettencourt, La Quinta — expressed appreciation for the Commissioners and City staff who participated in the Vista Santa Rosa community briefing regarding the City's sphere of influence. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta — said she supports the proposed Travertine development; however, she opposes the proposed elevated Avenue 62 roadway over the dike; provided corrected information regarding the dates of completion of the dike that was mentioned at the May 28, 2024, Commission meeting; and provided a handout of Council Resolution No. 2022 — 028 and requested permission from Chair Nieto to provide a visual presentation using the Chamber's audiovisual equipment at the June 25, 2024, Commission meeting during consideration of the Travertine project. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Hassett/Caldwell to confirm the agenda as published. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, absent — 1 (Guerrero), abstain — 0. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None. CONSENT CALENDAR — None. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 1 of 3 JUNE 11, 2024 13 BUSINESS SESSION — None. STUDY SESSION — None. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-013 FOR THREE 2,839 SQUARE FOOT MIXED USE BUILDINGS; CEQA: THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WHICH WAS PREPARED FOR THE VILLAGE BUILD -OUT PLAN (EA2016-0012); LOCATION 78059 CALLE ESTADO Senior Planner Nespor presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff answered questions regarding parking requirements for commercial and residential uses; allowable on -street and reduced parking in mixed-use and Village build -out areas; parking in -lieu fees; allowable building height for the site and zoning; utility undergrounding requirements; sign program approval process; development and architectural standards; elevators and rooftop patio; and zero lot lines for Village build- out area. CHAIRPERSON NIETO DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 5:30 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Juan Fransisco Flores, designer and architect for the project — answered questions regarding lot ownership; phasing of individual buildings; architecture and aesthetics; building materials, rooftop parapets, and color palette; intended uses and connectivity of bottom floor commercial space; long-term, short-term, and management of residential units; rooftop uses, flooring, coverings, and security access; upper and lower storage spaces; architectural features of the rear elevation; windows and privacy for residential units; electrical supply to the project; bike racks and alternative transportation storage; ADA accessibility; waste management; lighting plan; and proposed construction start dates. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta — asked questions regarding electric vehicle charging stations and visibility of commercial units in the alleyway; and expressed concerns about limited parking in the Village area. CHAIRPERSON NIETO DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 5:57 P.M. Commission discussion followed regarding zero lot lines in the Village Commercial zoning area; importance of security, pedestrian safety, and landscape lighting for visibility; trash disposal; project site layout and creative uses; parking limitations; rooftop deck space; the need for additional architectural design features for aesthetic purposes; and continuation of the item to a date certain to allow the applicant additional time to make architectural and lighting changes per the Commission's comments. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 of 3 JUNE 11, 2024 14 CHAIRPERSON NIETO DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 6:18 P.M. Mr. Flores provided additional information regarding lighting, architecture, and landscaping; privacy and views; and a desire to condition the item with direction from the Commission rather than continue the item. Commission discussion continued to provide direction for modifications to landscape and building lighting; architectural and design changes including materials, color palettes, railings, and windows; and recommended the item be continued to a date certain. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Chairperson Nieto/Commissioner Hassett to continue the public hearing for Site Development Permit 2022-013 regarding the proposed Calle Estado Mixed Use project to a date certain of July 9, 2024, to allow the applicant time to revise the development plans per the Commission's comments noted in the discussion above. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, absent — 1 (Guerrero), abstain — 0. COMMISSIONER ITEMS The Commission discussed its summer schedule, including the direction not to preemptively cancel any dates in August, as is customary, to allow flexibility in meetings should any pending application need to be brought forth for Commission review and consideration. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Caldwell/Chairperson Nieto to adjourn this meeting at 6:48 p.m. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, absent — 1 (Guerrero), abstain — 0. Respectfully submitted, TANIA FLORES, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 of 3 JUNE 11, 2024 15 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 City of La Qu i nta PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: August 13, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY (MONOEUCALYPTUS); CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303, NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES; LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS BETWEEN CALLE ENSENADAAND CALLE NOGALES, WITHIN TRADITION GOLF CLUB RECOMMENDATION Consider adopting a resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 2023-0001 and find the project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Smartlink, on behalf of AT&T, requests approval of a 60 -foot monoeucalyptus wireless telecommunication facility located at Avenida Bermudas between Calle Ensenada and Calle Nogales (Attachments 1 and 2). • Findings related to consistency with General Plan, Zoning, CEQA, and surrounding uses are required to be made by the Planning Commission (Attachment 3). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The applicant proposes the construction of a 60 -foot monoeucalyptus and associated equipment constructed within a 675 square -foot enclosure designed to be integrated into the Tradition Golf Club perimeter wall. The monoeucalyptus will include multiple panel antennae and microwave antennae. The proposed antennas will propagate AT&T wireless coverage into areas not sufficiently covered, as shown in the coverage maps provided in Attachment 4. The area is currently turf and landscaping. Two new Eucalyptus trees and three Indian Laurel Fig trees, each 24 feet in height, will be installed outside of the monoeucalyptus enclosure wall. As shown in Attachment 5 and in the photo simulations in Attachment 6, the leaves extend above and beyond the antennae face to provide screening. The proposed equipment enclosure wall is at a height of 10 feet, 8 inches to be integrated with the existing 6 feet, 6 -inch tall Tradition Golf Club perimeter wall, with access on its 16 north side facing away from the street. The enclosure walls will be at a height to obscure the associated equipment fixtures and the wall colors will match the existing perimeter wall. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review This request was sent to all applicable City departments. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Jublic Notice The public hearing notice was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on August 2, 2024, and was sent to property owners and occupants within a 500 -foot radius of the project site. As of this writing, no comments have been received. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303 (Class 3) of the California Environmental Quality Act for new construction or conversion of small structures since the monoeucalyptus and associated ground -mounted equipment are contained within a small footprint. Prepared by: Approved by: Attachments: Scott Nespor, Associate Planner Danny Castro, Design and Development Director 1. Project Information 2. Vicinity Map 3. CUP Findings 4. Coverage Maps/Justification 5. Plan Set 6. Photo Simulations 17 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2024 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MONOEUCALYPTUS WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY LOCATED AT AVENIDA BERMUDAS BETWEEN CALLE ENSENADA AND CALLE NOGALES AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303, NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK/AT&T WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on August 13, 2024, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Smartlink, on behalf of AT&T, for approval of a wireless telecommunication monoeucalyptus tower and mechanical equipment, generally located at Avenida Bermudas between Calle Ensenada and Calle Nogales, more particularly described as: APN: 770-290-020 52661 Avenida Bermudas WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on August 2, 2024, as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.170.090 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan The design of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, insofar as the applicant has demonstrated the need for the facility, which supports the General Plan's policies that utilities and communication facilities be available, adequate, and convenient for all residents. The monoeucalyptus is located on a parcel designated Low -Density Residential. The facility complies with General Plan policies for compatibility 18 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK/ATT ADOPTED: PAGE 2 OF 3 with surrounding residential development as the facility is disguised as a monoeucalyptus within the adjacent parkway landscaping. 2. Public Welfare The proposed wireless facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to -public health, safety, and general welfare. The facility will provide service in an area of the City that needs additional coverage, and the equipment and facilities will be screened or within enclosed structures and provide separation from other uses. The wireless facility is required to comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions to ensure the antennae will not interfere with the surrounding land uses. 3. Visual Impacts The project implements the City's required "stealth" standards and proposes antennae that will be screened from view. The antennas will be painted green and covered with Eucalyptus leaf socks. The location within an existing landscaped parkway, along with the installation of two new eucalyptus trees and three Indian laurel fig trees, will also help reduce visual impacts. The equipment enclosure has been incorporated into the existing Tradition Golf Club perimeter wall and will match the existing blocks of the wall with the new construction. 4. Tower Design The tower is designed at the minimum height required to provide service and will be screened by synthetic eucalyptus branches with leaf bunches. The additional eucalyptus trees will help camouflage the monoeucalyptus. 5. Justification The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant's radio-frequency maps and justification, to continue and improve community access to wireless service from the project site. Therefore, this facility is necessary to improve community access to wireless services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the Planning Commission to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines for new 19 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK/ATT ADOPTED: PAGE 3 OF 3 construction or conversion of small structures since the monoeucalyptus and associated ground -mounted equipment contain a small footprint. SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2023-0001, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval [Exhibit A]. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on August 13, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DOUG HASSETT, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: DANNY CASTRO, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta, California 20 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2024 -XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK/AT&T ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 6 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. This Conditional Use Permit shall comply with the requirements and standards of Section 9.170 and Section 9.210.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code ("LQMC"). The City of La Quinta's Municipal Code can be accessed on the City's website at www.laquintaca.gov. 3. This Conditional Use Permit shall expire on October 13, 2026, and shall become null and void in accordance with Municipal Code Section 9.200.080 unless the use has been established. 4. Any expansion or substantial modifications to the approved plan shall require an amendment of this Conditional Use Permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 5. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Development Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Exemption Form — Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Building and Safety Division for Building Permits • La Quinta Planning Division • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency 21 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2024 -XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK/AT&T ADOPTED: PAGE 2 OF 6 • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley • Federal Communication Commission • Federal Aviation Administration The applicant is responsible for all requirements for the permits and/or clearances from the above -listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvement plans for City approval. 6. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate, and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 7. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect" refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 8. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 9. The submitted preliminary plans appear to propose no or minimal grading and may not require a grading permit (see exceptions in Municipal Code Section 8.80.040). If a grading permit is required, a precise grading plan prepared by a Civil Engineer registered in California and a Soils Report prepared by a professional registered in California must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the commencement of grading. 22 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2024 -XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK/AT&T ADOPTED: PAGE 3 OF 6 Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. "On -Site Precise Grading" plans shall normally include all on-site surface improvements, including but not necessarily limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, parking lot improvements, and accessibility requirements. Building plans and structural calculations shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building and Safety Division. PRECISE GRADING 10. If a grading permit is required, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 8.80 (Grading). 11. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by a qualified engineer, All grading shall conform to the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report and shall be certified as being adequate by a soils engineer or by an engineering geologist. The applicant shall furnish security in a form acceptable to the City and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. UTILITIES 12. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 13. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit and the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines and structures within the City's right-of-way. 14. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlaying the hardscape. For the installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements as required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. 23 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2024 -XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK/AT&T ADOPTED: PAGE 4 OF 6 BUILDING 15. A permit is required for the erection of the tower structure and other site facilities, engineered calculations shall be provided for each item, including designs for equipment and generator anchorage, and the block wall enclosure. Plans shall be prepared to the applicable code at the time of submittal for building permit. Currently the 2022 California Building Codes. 16. Based on the proposed construction a new site address is required to be assigned, please specify whether access will be from the Tradition Golf Club side or Avenida Bermudas, an address will be assigned accordingly. MAINTENANCE 17. The applicant shall protect existing hardscape along the proposed construction area to include but not be limited to garden walls, landscaping, irrigation systems, curb and gutter, sidewalk and pavement, and existing building structures. Restoration to any damaged hardscape shall be to the satisfaction of the City of La Quinta. Any disturbed areas, including landscaping, shall be replaced in-kind. FEES AND DEPOSITS 18. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes an application for plan checks and permits. PLANNING 19. The proposed telecommunication facility shall comply with all federal and state statutes, including, but not limited to, FCC licensing, NIER levels, and FAA requirements. No wireless telecommunication facility or combination of facilities shall produce, at any time, power densities that exceed current FCC -adopted standards for human exposure to RF (Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Standards) fields. Failure to comply with FCC Standards will result in the immediate cessation of operation of the wireless telecommunication facility. 20. All wireless telecommunication facilities shall be installed and maintained in compliance with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, National Electrical Code, the City's noise ordinance, and other applicable codes, as well as other restrictions specified in the permit and the La Quinta Municipal Code. The facility operator and the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the facility in good condition, which shall include, but not be limited to, regular cleaning, painting, 24 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2024 -XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK/AT&T ADOPTED: PAGE 5 OF 6 and general upkeep and maintenance of the site consistent with the facility's original approval. 21. The panel antennas shall be mounted securely to the monoeucalyptus tower. 22. The proposed monoeucalyptus shall be approved at the height of 60 feet. 23. Antennas, equipment, and all ancillary components shall be stealth to the maximum extent feasible. Antenna panels and all mounted equipment shall be painted the same color as the synthetic foliage to camouflage their appearance. Synthetic Eucalyptus branches and bunches of leaves are required to screen all antennae. The branches shall extend beyond the antenna panels, and the finished product shall have a natural appearance. This includes branch density, distance of branches beyond the antennas, and other screening standards. 24. Two Eucalyptus trees and three Indian Laurel Fig trees, each 24 feet in height, shall be planted near the monoeucalyptus tower to help reduce visual impacts. 25. The applicant shall negotiate in good faith for shared use by third parties; an owner generally will negotiate in the order in which requests for information are received, except an owner generally will negotiate with a party who has received an FCC license or permit before doing so with other parties. 26. AT&T, or successor, shall have a continuing obligation to respond to and resolve any and all complaints associated with any potential interference with frequencies related to residential and/or life safety communications and operations. A response shall be within 48 hours of receipt of notice of any such complaints. 27. AT&T, or successor, shall provide the Planning Division with the name and contact information of the maintenance representative, who shall be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to receive calls regarding facility maintenance. A response shall be within 48 hours on weekdays and within 72 hours on weekends/holidays of receipt of such notice of complaints. 28. The placement of the monoeucalyptus shall not interfere with the existing infrastructure and improvements at this location. The pole shall not be placed on a public path of travel. 29. The wireless telecommunication facility operators are required to notify the City of La Quinta's Planning Division within sixty (60) days of any change of ownership of the facility. 25 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2024 -XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK/AT&T ADOPTED: PAGE 6 OF 6 30. The entire facility shall be maintained in a condition consistent with the conditions of this approval, and if the facility is not so maintained, this approval is subject to revocation, or other correcting actions as determined appropriate by the City. 31. No cables, conduit, or other equipment on the monoeucalyptus tower pole shall be visible. All electrical work for the proposed antennas shall be contained within the monoeucalyptus tower cavity. FIRE 32. Prior to installing the aboveground fuel tank, the Office of the Fire Marshal shall review and approve the plan for installation permit. The tank construction standard shall be approved. Normal vents for tanks shall terminate at 12 feet above grade. The tank shall bear a label identifying the material therein with an NFPA 704 placard. CFC 5704.2.3.2, 5704.2.7.3 33. A NO SMOKING sign shall be posted at the location of the tank. CFC 5704.2.3.1 34. A fire extinguisher with a minimum 40BC rating shall be provided within 50 feet of the tank. CFC 906 35. Gates or other barriers across access roadways and at entrances to sites shall provide rapid, reliable access by means of a Knox Box or Knox Padlock in an accessible location to provide immediate access for life safety and/or firefighting purposes. The Knox product and its location shall be approved. CFC 506 26 PROJECT INFORMATION CASE NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING DESIGNATION: SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: ATTACHMENT 1 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0001 SMARTLINK / AT&T CITY OF LA QUINTA CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 60 -FOOT -HIGH TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY (MONOEUCALYPTUS) WITH ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT WITHIN TRADITION GOLF CLUB EAST SIDE OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS BETWEEN CALLE ENSENADA AND CALLE NOGALES LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL GOLF COURSE NORTH: GOLF COURSE/ TRADITION COUNTRY CLUB LANDSCAPED PARKWAY SOUTH: GOLF COURSE / TRADITION COUNTRY CLUB LANDSCAPED PARKWAY EAST: LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL/ TRADITION COUNTRY CLUB RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD WEST: COVE RESIDENTIAL / RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD 27 ATTACHMENT 2 0 Ire W Ci Z W Q CALLEENSENADA CAL ENOS ES VICINITY MAP C U P2023-0001 28 ATTACHMENT 3 FINDINGS 1 Consistency with General Plan The design of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan insofar as the applicant has demonstrated the need for the facility, which supports the General Plan's policies that utilities and communication facilities be available, adequate, and convenient for all residents. The location of the monoeucalyptus is located on a parcel designated Low -Density Residential. The facility complies with General Plan policies for compatibility with surrounding residential development as the facility is disguised as a monoeucalyptus within the adjacent parkway landscaping. 2. Public Welfare The proposed wireless facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to public health, safety, and general welfare. The facility will provide service in an area of the City that needs additional coverage, and the equipment and facilities will be screened or within enclosed structures and provide separation from other uses. The wireless facility is required to comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions to ensure the antennae will not interfere with the surrounding land uses. 3. Visual Impacts The project implements the City's required "stealth" standards and proposes antennae that will be screened from view. The antennas will be painted green and covered with Eucalyptus leaf socks. The location within an existing landscaped parkway, along with the installation of two new eucalyptus trees and three Indian laurel fig trees, will also help reduce visual impacts. The equipment enclosure has been incorporated into the existing Tradition Golf Club perimeter wall and will match the existing blocks of the wall with the new construction. 4. Tower Design The tower is designed at the minimum height required to provide service and will be screened by synthetic eucalyptus branches with leaf bunches. The additional eucalyptus trees will help camouflage the monoeucalyptus. 5. Justification The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant's radio-frequency maps and justification, to continue and improve community access to wireless service from the project site. Therefore, this facility is necessary to improve community access to wireless services. 29 Site Justification Coverage Maps Market Name : Southern California Market Site ID : CSL04877 Site Address : Mear 52650 Del Gato Drive and 52661 Avenida Bermudas, La Quinta, CA 92253 ATOLL Completion Date: May 2, 2024 © 2023 AT&T Intellectual Property. AT&T and globe logo are registered trademarks and service marks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only) - Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written agreement ATTACHMENT 4 ATV Assumptions ••• • •:• Propagation of the Site Coverage Plots are based on our current Atoll RF Design Tool that shows the preferred design of AT&T 4G -LTE Network Coverage. The propagation referenced in this package is based on Existing and Proposed 4G -LTE Coverage of AT&T users in buildings, in vehicles, and outdoors. The threshold for reliable in -building coverage is based on a signal strength necessary to reliably and consistently make voice calls and use applications indoors, taking into consideration the built and natural environment. The threshold for reliable in -vehicle coverage is based on known signal attenuation from an outdoor signal to the inside of a vehicle. The threshold for reliable outdoor coverage is based on a signal strength necessary to reliably and consistently make voice calls and use applications outdoors taking into consideration the built and natural environment. ❖ For your reference, the scale shown ranges from Reliable to Unreliable Coverage for AT&T users in buildings, in vehicles, and outdoors. ❖ The Coverage Plots shown in the following slides are based on the following criteria: ➢ Existing 4G -LTE Coverage Before the Proposed Site: Assuming all other existing neighboring sites are On -Air and the Proposed Site is Off -Air, the propagation is displayed with the legends provided. ➢ Planned 4G -LTE Coverage With the Proposed Site: Assuming all other existing neighboring sites along with the Proposed Site are On -Air, the propagation is displayed with the legends provided. ➢ Standalone 4G -LTE Coverage of the Proposed Site: Assuming all other existing neighboring sites are Off -Air and only the Proposed Site is On -Air, the propagation is displayed with the legends provided. Proposed Site CSL04877 (Terrain Map) "YA L2.3341 5LL S•15 Dal - 4 �09� �~ =1 .' 144 ' 'LE425G cFSLS L04950 ocSLM224 6SLP4$18 V3aereF5 L{4: 5L4 2 • 5LCr""4:sr ; X74 ti t• L11453 - • . -. 1AM7 SLa4 5 LQ48 SL 9 �.L 5LO4B5d 74.591 �LU 19 5 Lod 965 51-{+7 29 LM • a ckSL44971•i 5L0.13 LICH3 L041k1O cfsLir • •{ ` • # , Y-. yam▪ ' 1 }•v; .�� ] 1 � k r 'j f k qtr 1• . 4 y i . ar { 58247§ (FLUE AC 11A257 tip sLo4see 6.;94-1496,i 5 LI&1;4 6.S L05f,4v 5L{24DC cf5,74.0 • Proposed Macro Site O Existing Macro Sites Proposed Site CSL04877 (Road Map) ci.-SLIA 850 5D•,,1- ▪ ]!,,. ... - .SLa997C . 1 .. eirSLgri3St 65L,'F5224 6..5.114 fa Pa I m U Lflaa.5z • :la , S It.k:,"ams miff!: � $UI 671065 11-057 LL74.34,6_5 L0.5178 �L�4856 SLQd&53 L I !+ :7 eip 5 L84855 L]A IL5.1 590 {.halo I IAN L02121 Iuyui Ci I LD!S36 Perron Pines 6SL46551 562•,11 A.. • .:Jo�reyn A tfyitlifvE;St44331 5L41 SLUks59 1 ▪ SA In..ian4..r.r, ',,,A + alb 6.51_,5526.5 . x �� ' S LOOM IP,,,,_ 69515 Su r.l, -Lfi "9 i ;— tr1 dA:II. ill cfra ops L O EterD La2591 L9LA18T7 QOM a pppptt SLfL133 L��narhe:'a L 33sn c'SL[' 4. 4 er_SL 5 6502476 5L ALvisra 3d; R;Jsa cf-SLaiaG7 .nnun,•111 S LO2430 Th_rrn. aitinee - • Proposed Macro Site O Existing Macro Sites AT&T Existing 4G -LTE Coverage Before Proposed Site CSL04877 L+SS9�19 L':5?i3=;; i 71:'' c 0.43.* 0Ck{,757c L114850 1151 06224 or-SLCI1E2 -ISi�t�di o5! a4$iF L'=ter- p•fj.... cprivagoops L0,185 `LL? iD.S.174 eL'04256 1.T! 3 s Lafi2 Li}4i 171K.27: ci5DIM s_aaa5a r siL044550 1 L{I2121 ciSIOWN S1:4105L£4259 cf_SLM2.51 cisuittla 04,455 o cF9LD2L- SL+1 33 I i52k""s? r'I d14 _t5L05t45 dsLUcw:ci:. SLaaes7 :SL:4_249 rl'Fs . cFLE4351 Proposed Macro Site CI Existing Macro Sites Coverage levels: ▪ Reliable indoor, in -vehicle and outdoor Unreliable indoor/ Reliable in -vehicle and outdoor Unreliable indoor and in -vehicle 7 Reliable outdoor ▪ Unreliable indoor, in -vehicle and outdoor AT&T •1 , Planned 4G -LTE Coverage With Proposed Site CSL04877 On Air i;SLY_?3,19 .234 Lo4a5a, (FS 0'4R.* 431.51_101{1§ oCk{,757C L0.6.351 err -51. D519.2 1551_06224 cipLE4G1E, i -:r rm i.i.:sLiq•lt cipswiE2 ,..,... Ler. vt.tr/r. 6,713690p511,185i 6.5..L.Fili_5. [3.5.170 ciSITAOK Cie ...Ekti. 171K.27'. ci 5 DIM .5_]4a5-1 ‘C-512061:541 ery.L1121 cr-SLIII5g€ LE4.259 $76' cF7. L-52611. &a19 cp LC -4-86 5 . Cf EL07476. cf L0462 cf_SLM51 cpLON.19 gS1_1743114 LOS -434 6_51_05645 cFS/1101:17CC . . cf-S1524H, of:SLI342.,37 or.s ;34-11% rr„ o Proposed Macro Site CI Existing Macro Sites Coverage levels: • Reliable indoor, in -vehicle and outdoor Unreliable indoor/ Reliable in -vehicle and outdoor Unreliable indoor and in -vehicle 7 Reliable outdoor ▪ Unreliable indoor, in -vehicle and outdoor AT&T Standalone 4G -LTE Coverage Of Proposed Site CSL04877 .}'S Yi4:. ` .5L048`0 `a orj.35a 541i11_ , luyC 06344jD's'al Palm] _ I... LM.24 45144$}8 cf5L4450s,w Si07E-'v Le lwf1e l „F �11dnP & ie RAI KI k2445. Palm U Li1rs856 u r.}mil e. 5114L57L'`A Lsro5474 !V4 a7 nSL34855 o51L4.:1& SlC4S59 SLS391354 7nrlaro\. - • cpircgal 590 Ctl':LAIe 110i 'SL{}21.21 Piuyu.i CII L04516 Pinyon Pines 6Si-a65s1 01111116 3a2.... e.. - :doJr.[]1n cpSl4BIhR SL 4& S00.351 6-• �5:344 S L? 2268 ucf SiU51 9 /-}r4Laass5 r.y5�p 6.30450 r Y LLf421 .-y V/�J ip5'4 W V 6,312W-5.91 ,RAOlick S77 cpLAMA. II liF51-13111FAL YI54a3d ;14,:ea cip SLC4a67 01418138 Cnxhe:'a cis LOC -.1 34 5 05645 cf-S Li43o I Etc 7. ni A rr it Th_r.nai L 2 nea •a,rr...1 ,1 O Proposed Macro Site O Existing Macro Sites Coverage levels: ▪ Reliable indoor, in -vehicle and outdoor Unreliable indoor / Reliable in -vehicle and outdoor Unreliable indoor and in -vehicle/ Reliable outdoor ▪ Unreliable indoor, in -vehicle and outdoor 36 AT&T Coverage Legend Reliable indoor, in -vehicle and outdoor coverage: In general, the areas shown in green should have the most coverage and the strongest signal strength and be sufficient for reliable in -building service and connection to the AT&T wireless network. However, in - building coverage can and will be adversely affected by the thickness/construction type of walls, and the user's location in the building (i.e., in the basement, in the middle of the building with multiple walls, etc.) Unreliable indoor / Reliable in -vehicle and outdoor: The areas shown in yellow should have sufficient coverage and signal strength for reliable device usage in vehicles and outdoors but will not have adequate coverage or signal strength for reliable in -building usage. Unreliable indoor and in -vehicle / Reliable outdoor: The areas shown in purple should have sufficient coverage and signal strength for reliable device usage outdoors only and will not have adequate coverage or signal strength for reliable in -building or in -vehicle usage. AT&T ®smartlinK On Behalf of at&t Greg Macias Wireless Development Specialist 10 Church Circle Annapolis, MD 21401 760-492-7493 (C) Gregory.macias@smartlinkgrou p.com AT&T Project Number: CSL04877 AT&T Project Name: TRADITIONS City of La Quinta, County of Riverside Conditional Use Permit Project Justification Letter/Alternative Site Analysis Project Location Address: Near 52650 Del Gato Dr and 52661 Avenida Bermudas, La Quinta, CA 92253 APN: 770-290-020 & 770-330-036 Zoning: GC -Golf Course Project Representative Greg Macias Smartlink, LLC 10 Church Circle Annapolis, MD 21401 760-492-7493 (C) Gregory.macias@smartlinkgroup.com Project Description AT&T proposes to build an unmanned wireless telecommunications facility consisting of a four (4) sector array with four (5) panel antennas per sector all disguised within a new 60 -foot -high mono -pine tree tower designed to blend in with the surroundings. The monoeucalyptus tree will be designed to match the style of trees in the area. The faux tree is designed with a nearby CMU block wall and landscaping to provide screening and security. All associated equipment will be installed at ground level beside the tree in the same location. AT&T will work with the city and the community to install a state-of-the-art stealth structure that will improve communications services for the residents and visitors in the City of La Quinta. Detailed SOW is below: • Install (1) 60' High Monoeucalyptus. • Install (20) Panel antennas on monoeucalyptus. • Install (48) RRUs mounted behind panel antennas (12 per sector). • Install (8) DC9 surge suppression units mounted near RRUs. • Install (24) DC power trunks routed underground and inside monoeucalyptus. • Install (7) Fiber trunks routed inside monoeucalyptus. • 10'x8' High CMU Wall enclosure. Painted to match existing perimeter CMU Wall. • Install (1) 20kw generator with 97 -gallon tank inside proposed CMU Wal enclosure. Page 1of6 39 • Install (4) DC12 surge suppression boxes inside proposed CMU wall enclosure. • Install (2) Equipment racks inside EQ shelter. • Install (4) Fiber winder boxes inside proposed CMU wall enclosure. • Install (1) GPS antenna mounted on concrete WIC shelter. • Install (1) Telco box mounted on H -Frame. • Install (1) Meter pedestal. • Install (1) Microwave Antenna • Install (1) Concrete WIC (Walk-in cabinet) Mounted on proposed concrete pad. Project Objectives A wireless carrier requires the installation of a cell site within a specified area to close a "significant gap in coverage." Other criteria for selecting sites include the following: • The radio signal must be of sufficient strength to achieve consistent, sustainable, and reliable service to customers at a level sufficient for outdoor, in -vehicle, and in -building penetration with good voice quality (Threshold, 15.85 db). • When nearby other sites become overloaded and more enhanced voice and data services are used (4G and other high-speed data services), signal contracts and a gap is created. With heavy use it is intensified due to the unique properties of digital radio transmissions. In this specific case, AT&T's radio-frequency engineers (RF) have identified a significant gap in coverage in the vicinity of Del Gato Dr and Avenida Bermudas in the City of La Quinta. See enclosed radio -signal propagation maps and below map of the sites closest to the proposed location. Figure 1 Page 2 of 6 40 Search Ring Map Alternative Site Analysis AT&T RF engineers provide a search ring / objective ring that consists of the gap -in -coverage that AT&T is looking to fill. This ring specifically for this area is filled with majority of single-family residents and of course AT&T is not in the business of installing wireless cell facilities in the backyard of people's home. Additionally, no collocation was available within this search ring. Below is a list of other locations that were explored but deemed unfeasible: • This site has been through the Jurisdiction for a few years now, originally named AT&T CSL6006 which had an objective to cover the La Quinta area in above ring. The options included city owned property at the top of the Cove and CVWD. The park area located at the top of ring was not allowed per the jurisdiction, preferred no site builds on that property. The water district is not allowing wireless communications facilities on their properties. The site name and location were eventually moved to our current project at Traditions AT&T CSL04877. Page 3of6 41 Findings/Burden of Proof The site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape. AT&T is proposing a faux monoeucalyptus tree design for this project which is considered a stealth design in accordance with the City of La Quinta. The requested height of the 60' monoeucalyptus tree design is the minimum height needed in order to fill the significant gap in coverage for this project. AT&T uses the most advanced technology and design when constructing the tree so as to blend the facility with the surrounding community and landscaping and thereby minimizing the visual impact of the site. The proposed location has sufficient access to streets and highways that are adequate in width and pavement type to carry the quantity and quality of traffic generated by the proposed use. The project is proposed on the back side of parking lot area on property. There are adequate access routes to the proposed facility. AT&T will install an access path to the proposed tower and equipment area location. All the roadways and access ways within the facility are in compliance with local, state and federal regulations concerning width and pavement. The proposed use will not have an adverse effect upon adjacent or abutting properties. The project is proposed within a GC -Golf Course area zone and will not have an adverse effect upon adjacent or abutting properties as it is a stealth design that will blend naturally with the subject property and the surrounding community. The project will provide a public benefit of better wireless telecommunications and data services to the surrounding neighborhoods and community. The proposed use is deemed essential and desirable to the public convenience or welfare. The new wireless telecommunications facility is in high demand to the residents and visitors of the area. Wireless communications are vastly used in this area and the need for this site was established entirely from increased usage of AT&T services in the vicinity of the requested project. GENERAL INFORMATION Site Selection Customer demand drives the need for new cell sites. Data relating to incomplete and dropped calls is gathered, drive -tests are conducted, and scientific modeling using sophisticated software is evaluated. Once the area requiring a new site is identified, a target ring on a map is provided to a real estate professional to begin a search for a suitable location. During an initial reconnaissance, properties selected for evaluation for installation of a cell site must be located in the general vicinity of the ring, possess an appropriate zoning designation, and appear to have enough space to accommodate an antenna structure and supporting radio equipment. The size of this space will vary depending on the objective of the site. The owners of each prospective location are notified to assess their interest in partnering with AT&T. Page 4 of 6 42 Four key elements are considered in the selection process: • Leasing: The property must have an owner who is willing to enter into a long-term lease agreement under very specific terms and conditions. • Zoning: It must be suitably zoned in accordance with local land -use codes to allow for a successful permitting process. • Construction: Construction constraints and costs must be reasonable from a business perspective, and the proposed project must be capable of being constructed in accordance with local building codes and safety standards. • RF: It must be strategically located to be able to achieve the RF engineer's objective to close the significant gap with antennas at a height to clear nearby obstructions. The Benefits to the Community Approximately 90 -percent of American adults subscribe to cell phone service. People of all ages rely increasingly on their cell phones to talk, text, send media, and search the Internet for both personal and business reasons. More and more, they conduct these activities in their homes, therefore, becoming reliant on adequate service within residential neighborhoods. In fact, 50 -percent of people who relocate are not signing up for landline service at their new location and are using their cell phone as their primary communication method. The installation and operation of the proposed facility will offer improved: • Communications for local, state, and federal emergency services providers (i.e., police, fire, paramedics, and other first -responders). • Personal safety and security for community members in an emergency, or when there is an urgent need to reach family members or friends. Safety is the primary reason parents provide cell phones to their children. Currently 25 percent of all preteens, ages 9 to 12, and 75 percent of all teens, aged 13 to 19, have cell phones. • Capability of local businesses to better serve their customers. • Opportunity for a city or county to attract businesses to their community for greater economic development. • Enhanced 911 Services (E911) — The FCC mandates that all cell sites have location capability. Effective site geometry within the overall network is needed to achieve accurate location information for mobile users through triangulation with active cell sites. (Over half of all 911 calls are made using mobile phones.) Safety — RF is Radio The FCC regulates RF emissions to ensure public safety. Standards have been set based on peer- reviewed scientific studies and recommendations from a variety of oversight organizations, including the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Drug Administration (FDA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Although the purview of the public safety of RF emissions by the FCC was established by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, these standards remain under constant scrutiny. All AT&T cell sites Page 5 of 6 43 operate well below these standards, and the typical urban cell site operates hundreds or even thousands of times below the FCC's limits for safe exposure. AT&T Company Information AT&T is one of the fastest growing nationwide service providers offering all digital voice, messaging and high-speed data services to nearly 30 million customers in the United States. AT&T is a "telephone corporation", licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to operate in the 872-1962 MHz and 827-1877 MHz frequencies, and a state -regulated Public Utility subject to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The CPUC has established that the term "telephone corporation" can be extended to wireless carriers, even though they transmit signals without the use of telephone lines. AT&T will operate this facility in full compliance with the regulations and licensing requirements of the FCC, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the CPUC, as governed by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and other applicable laws. The enclosed application is presented for your consideration. AT&T requests a favorable determination and approval of this Conditional Use Permit application to build the proposed facility. Please contact me at 760-492-7493 or Gregory.macias@smarlinkgroup.com for any questions or requests for additional information. Respectfully submitted, Q 'e.g/ M oc,ot-G6' Greg Macias, Smartlink, LLC Authorized Agent for AT&T Page 6 of 6 44 SITE INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER: CONTACT: APPLICANT ADDRESS: APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: ADDRESS: LATITUDE (NAD 83): LONGITUDE(NAD 83): GROUND ELEVATION: APN #: ZONING JURISIDICTION: CURRENT ZONING: PROPOSED USE: LEASE SPACE: TRADITIONS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION TRACY YOUNG CMCA TRADITION COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (760) 984-0641 (OFFICE) (760) 399-7310 (CELL) TracyYoung@drminternet.com AT&T MOBILITY 1452 EDINGER AVE. TUSTIN. CA 92780 SMARTLINK 3300 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 N 33° 39' 58.16" (33.666156) W 116° 18' 11.97" (-116.303325) 84.73' AMSL 770-290-020 & 770-330-036 CITY OF LA QUINTA GC — GOLF COURSE UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY +675 SQ. FT. PROJECT TEAM PROJECT MANAGER: SMARTLINK CONTACT: JAY RODRIGUEZ PHONE: (818) 515-9743 EMAIL: jay.rodriguez@smartlinkgroup.com LAND USE PLANNER: SMARTLINK CONTACT: WILL KAZIMI PHONE: (925) 699-2227 EMAIL: will.kazimi@smartlinkgroup.com CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: AT&T MOBILITY SERVICES LLC CONTACT: GREG EATON PHONE: (310) 753-0691 EMAIL: ge2767@att.com A/E MANAGER: CELLSITE CONCEPTS 16885 VIA DEL CAMPO CT., SUITE 318 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 CONTACT: SEV FRANCISCO PHONE: (858) 432-4112 EMAIL: sfrancisco@cellsite.net SITE ACQUISITION: SMARTLINK CONTACT: KRIS SANDERS PHONE: (760)-218-4847 EMAIL: kris.sanders@hannahconsulting.com DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANS, EXISTING DIMENSIONS & FIELD CONDITIONS ON THE JOB SITE & SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME. Dig Alert Know what's below. Call before you dig. Call Two Working Days Before You Dig! 811 / 800-227-2600 digalert.org SITE NUMBER: CSL04877 SITE NAME: TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PACE #: MRLOS100789, USID: 320497, PTN #: 3551A15MLJ, FA #: 15914389 LOCATION MAPS aeRsda Casa Caslas La Ownla 9 0111.M1 wiilugAV VICINITY MAP CeII4 ,SAM1eIe i sep+lu I H spluiAv rapnwi g CPILFBA% Pum Paws By Bff 9 w Calle Nogales g Spa E FrBri' Panarr. Pnotograplrp Wprirning �1i A EPILBOV Carle Cnihuanta g - LP sspDU J E ephLIgAV • •• LOCAL MAP DRIVING DIRECTIONS DIRECTION FROM AT&T OFFICE (1452 EDINGER AVE., TUSTIN, CA 92780): 1. START OUT GOING SOUTHEAST ON EDINGER AVE TOWARD RED HILL AVE. 2. MERGE ONTO CA -261 N VIA THE RAMP ON THE LEFT (PORTIONS TOLL). 3. STAY STRAIGHT TO GO ONTO CA -241 N (PORTIONS TOLL). 4. MERGE ONTO CA -91 E VIA EXIT 39A TOWARD RIVERSIDE. 5. MERGE ONTO CA -60 E VIA EXIT 65B TOWARD SAN DIEGO/INDIO/I-215 S. 6. MERGE ONTO 1-10 E VIA THE EXIT ON THE LEFT. 7. TAKE THE WASHINGTON STREET EXIT, EXIT 137. 8. TURN RIGHT ONTO WASHINGTON ST. 9. WASHINGTON ST BECOMES TRADITION TRL (GATE ACCESS REQUIRED). 10. TURN RIGHT ONTO DEACON DR. 11. TAKE THE 1ST RIGHT ONTO DEL GATO DR. 12. 52650 DEL GATO DR LA QUINTA, CA 92253 IS ON RIGHT GENERAL NOTES THE FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. HANDICAPPED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT REQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. A TECHNICIAN WILL VISIT THE SITE AS REQUIRED FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. THE PROJECT WILL NOT RESULT IN ANY SIGNIFICANT DISTURBANCE OR EFFECT ON DRAINAGE; NO SANITARY SEWER SERVICE, POTABLE WATER, OR TRASH DISPOSAL IS REQUIRED AND NO COMMERCIAL SIGNAGE IS NEW. CODE COMPLIANCE ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. • CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (INCL TITLE 24 & 25) • 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE • 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE • 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE • 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE • 2019 LOCAL BUILDING CODE • BUILDING OFFICIALS & CODE ADMINISTRATORS (BOCA) • CITY/COUNTY ORDINANCES • ANSI/EIA-222—H • LIFE SAFETY CODE NEPA-101 ACCESSIBILITY NOTE THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT SPACE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS NOT CUSTOMARILY OCCUPIED. WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN THIS FACILITY CANNOT REASONABLY BE PERFORMED BY PERSONS WITH A SEVERE IMPAIRMENT: MOBILITY, SIGHT, AND/OR HEARING. THEREFORE, PER 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE SECTION 1105B.3.4, AND/OR 11B-203.5 OF 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, EXCEPTION 1, THIS FACILITY SHALL BE EXEMPTED FROM ALL TITLE 24 ACCESS REQUIREMENTS. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AT&T MOBILITY PROPOSES TO CONSTRUCT AN UNMANNED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY. THE SCOPE WILL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: ANTENNA LEVEL: • PROPOSED (1) 60'-0" HIGH MONOEUCALYPTUS. • PROPOSED (20) PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED ON PROPOSED MONOEUCALYPTUS. • PROPOSED (48) RRUs MOUNTED BEHIND PANEL ANTENNAS. (12 PER SECTOR). • PROPOSED (8) DC9 SURGE SUPPRESSION UNITS MOUNTED NEAR RRUs. (2 PER SECTOR) • PROPOSED (24) DC POWER TRUNKS ROUTED UNDER GROUND AND INSIDE PROPOSED MONOEUCALYPTUS. • PROPOSED (7) FIBER TRUNKS ROUTED INSIDE PROPOSED MONOEUCALYPTUS. • INSTALL UPLIFT BRACKETS FOR BETA AND GAMMA SECTORS EQUIPMENT LEVEL: • PROPOSED 10'-8" HIGH CMU WALL ENCLOSURE PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING PERIMETER CMU WALL. • PROPOSED (1) CONCRETE WIC (WALK—IN CABINET) MOUNTED ON PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD. • PROPOSED (1) 20KW GENERATOR WITH 97 GALLON FUEL TANK INSIDE PROPOSED CMU WALL ENCLOSURE. • PROPOSED (4) DC12 SURGE SUPPRESSION BOXES INSIDE PROPOSED CMU WALL ENCLOSURE. • PROPOSED (4) FIBER WINDER BOXES INSIDE PROPOSED CMU WALL ENCLOSURE. • PROPOSED (1) TELCO BOX MOUNTED ON H—FRAME. • PROPOSED (1) METER PEDESTAL. • PROPOSED LANDSCAPING AROUND ENCLOSURE DRAWING INDEX SHEET NO: SHEET TITLE T-1 TITLE SHEET LS -1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LS -2 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY A-1 SITE PLAN A-2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN A-3 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT AND ANTENNA PLAN A-4 ELEVATIONS A-5 ELEVATIONS LANDSCAPING BY HDG L-1 PRELIMINARY PLAN L-2 ELEVATION/SECTION SIGNATURE BLOCK AT&T R F: AT&T PM: AT&T CM: SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK PM: ZM: SAQ: CM: PRINT NAME SIGNATURE DATE ATTACHMENT 5 ,-...17- ----'—' -.f ‘..„,, - -,. 1452 EDINGER AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92780 smartlink 3300 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 ® �J 16885 VIA DEL CAMPO CT., SUITE 318 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 tel: (858) 432-4112 / (858) 432-4257 ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DC CHECKED BY: SVF SHEET TITLE: TITLE SHEET SHEET NUMBER: T-1 45 2 08/30/2022 ADDED LANDSCAPING 1 08/16/2022 REVISED ACCESS ROUTE 0 07/14/2022 100% ZD'S A 07/01/2022 90% ZD'S FOR REVIEW REV DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DC CHECKED BY: SVF SHEET TITLE: TITLE SHEET SHEET NUMBER: T-1 45 Orel rauiuQNi ePluanq 0 anada a EL 0 2 J. a Casttas La Ourrtta ales 2 Pool 8 Spa 11IIIA P9I4 DMA uPELAnv Calle Sonora 0,111011$1 13plutA ' Cane Ensenada 6 Puppy Paws By Bf1 Frank Panaro Photojrsphy F CeIIe 1Nogales sepnwiae epivaKtf srpnwiae epluaAV sepn ujai3 ep!uaA 1114.1.098 8pluaAV JO °Ivry 130 a C!clr' Cave 101004 1 VICINITY MAP NOTES: 1. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. THIS IS A SPECIALIZED TOPOGRAPHIC MAP. THE PROPERTY LINES AND EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM RECORD INFORMATION AS NOTED HEREON. CELLSITE CONCEPTS TRANSLATED THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY TO RECORD INFORMATION USING FOUND MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON. THE LOCATION OF PROPERTY LINES SHOWN HEREON ARE APPROXIMATE AND FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THEY ARE NOT TO BE RELIED UPON AS THE ACTUAL BOUNDARY LINES. 2. ANY CHANGES MADE TO THE INFORMATION ON THIS PLAN, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF CELLSITE CONCEPTS, RELIEVES CELLSITE CONCEPTS OF ANY AND ALL LIABILITY. 3. THE HEIGHTS AND ELEVATIONS FOR THE TREES, BUSHES AND OTHER LIVING PLANTS SHOWN HEREON, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE (+/—) AND ONLY FOR THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. THEY ARE PROVIDED AS A GENERAL REFERENCE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR DESIGN PURPOSES. 4. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PREFERENCE OVER SCALED & SHALL BE VERIFIED ON THE JOB SITE. ANY DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE NOTICE OF THE SURVEYOR PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 5. FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED ON JUNE 09, 2022 APN 770-290-020 & 770-330-036 SITE ADDRESS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA, 92553 TITLE REPORT TITLE REPORT WAS PREPARED BY COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY WITH ORDER NUMBER 92017908-920—CMM—CM8 AND GUARANTEE NUMBER CA—SFXFC—IMP-81G28-1-22-92017908 DATED MAY 31, 2022 BASIS OF BEARING BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON U.S. STATE PLANE NAD83 COORDINATE SYSTEM CALIFORNIA STATE PLANE COORDINATE ZONE SIX TERMINED BY GPS OBSERVATIONS. BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON CRTN (CSRC) NETWORK BROADCAST COORDINATES. FLOODZONE SITE IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE "X" AS PER F.I.R.M. MAP NO. 06065C2241H EFFECTIVE DATE 04/19/2017. LEGEND EC ES TT TC TW RE RR FL LP CENTER LINE PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT LINE WROUGHT IRON FENCE CMU WALL EXISTING GRADE FINISH SURFACE TOP OF TREE TOP OF CURB TOP OF WALL ROOF EDGE ROOF RIDGE FLOW LINE LIP OF GUTTER PALM TREE TREE BUSH CURVE TABLE NO. DELTA RADIUS ARC LENGTH 01 16°54'11" 518.50' 152.96' C2 34°15'36" 981.50' 586.89' C3 1721'25" 518.50' 157.07' 1II FRANCIS HACK LN. - 0 0 0 SEE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AVENIDA BERMUDAS 0 0 0 T.6S. R.7.E. SECTION 7 N 60.00' EXTENDED MAP SCALE 1'=900' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I, OF TRACT NO. 28470-1, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 263, PAGES 76 THROUGH 90 OF INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. APN 770-280-032, 770-290-020, 770-330-036, 770-330-037 & 770-350-025 SCHEDULE B (EXCEPTIONS) ITEMS A THRU D ARE TAX RELATED ITEMS 1, 12, 15 ARE RIGHTS RELATED ITEM 9 IS DEED RELATED ITEMS 14, 16 ARE COVENANT RELATED ITEMS 19, 20 ARE AGREEMENT RELATED ITEM 21 IS TITLE DISCLAIMER 3 FEET WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION (STRIP #1): ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I, OF TRACT NO. 28470-1, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 263, PAGES 76 THROUGH 90 OF INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. A STRIP OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSES OF UTILITY EASEMENT FOR THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CHINO HILLS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A UTILITY EASEMENT BEING THREE (3.00) FEET IN WIDTH AND LYING ONE AND HALF (1.50) FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF FRANCIS HACK LN. AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS, AS SHOWN ON THAT MAP FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ON JULY 10, 1997 IN TRACT MAP 28470-1, BOOK 263 OF MAPS, ON PAGE 76-90; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS SOUTH 00°00'42" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1902.86 FEET; THENCE LEAVING THE SAID CENTERLINE OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS, SOUTH 89°59'18" EAST A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT I ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS CENTERLINE ROUTE; THENCE SOUTH 89°59'18" EAST A DISTANCE OF 17.27 FEET TO A POINT HEREIN REFERRED AS "POINT A"; THENCE SOUTH 89°59'18" EAST A DISTANCE OF 7.66 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°00'42" EAST A DISTANCE OF 171.37 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°59'18" EAST A DISTANCE OF 3.88 FEET TO A POINT REFERRED TO HEREINAFTER AS "POINT B" ALSO BEING THE TERMINUS POINT OF THIS CENTERLINE ROUTE DESCRIPTION. SEE UTILITY ROUTE ON SHEET LS -2. 3 FEET WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION (STRIP #2): ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I, OF TRACT NO. 28470-1, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 263, PAGES 76 THROUGH 90 OF INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. A STRIP OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSES OF UTILITY EASEMENT FOR THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CHINO HILLS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A UTILITY EASEMENT BEING THREE (3.00) FEET IN WIDTH AND LYING ONE AND HALF (1.50) FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: BEGINNING AT "POINT A"; THENCE SOUTH 00°00'42" WEST A DISTANCE OF 89.46 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°59'18" WEST A DISTANCE OF 17.27 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS AND ALSO BEING THE TERMINUS POINT OF THIS CENTERLINE ROUTE DESCRIPTION. SEE UTILITY ROUTE ON SHEET LS -2. PROPERTY LINES DERIVED FROM TRACT MAP NO. 28470-1 BK. 263 PG 79-90 DATED JULY 10, 1997 EASEMENTS: ITEM 3, 10, 11, 17, 18 ARE NOT PLOTTED. LOCATION OF EASEMENT IS T00 FAR FROM THE SUBJECT PARCEL. EASEMENT(S) IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC OVER ANY EXISTING ROADS LYING WITHIN SAID LAND. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED T0: SOUTHERN SIERRAS POWER COMPANY PURPOSE: EITHER OR BOTH POLE LINES, CONDUITS OR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: OCTOBER 14, 1930 RECORDING NO: BOOK 876, PAGE 375 OF DEEDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND FRANCIS CURB AND GUTTER, TYP. EXISTING BUILDING 60.00' EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING — , ///// CMU WALL, TYP. //////// ////, ACCESS DRIVEWAY 1 EXISTING BUILDING //// A I I 1 '1- 00 i %i ////// iii/ //// ////// 26 50' ACCESS II DRIVEWAY C1 HACK LN. /1S APN EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED T0: THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PURPOSE: ROADS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: DECEMBER 23, 1930 RECORDING NO: BOOK 867, PAGE 168 OF DEEDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND THE EFFECT OF AN EASEMENT 30 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF SECTION LINES IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, AS EVIDENCED BY PETITION DATED JANUARY 9, 1901 AND RECORDED APRIL 17, 1959 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 32692 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. A NON—EXCLUSIVE PERMANENT EASEMENT, AGREEMENT AND COVENANTS FOR THE HEREINAFTER SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, IN FAVOR OF COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY, IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 28, 1987 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 117347 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. SAID EASEMENT IS FOR FLOOD AND STORM WATER CONTROL FACILITIES AND RIGHTS OF INGRESS AND EGRESS. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED T0: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT PURPOSE: UNDERGROUND PIPELINE FOR STORM DRAIN PURPOSES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 1987 RECORDING NO: 269707 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AN EASEMENT 10 FEET IN WIDTH IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF SAID TRACT. SAID EASEMENT IS FOR THE EXCAVATION, LAYING, CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, INSPECTION, REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, AND REMOVAL OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, ELECTRICAL LINES, WIRES, CABLES, DUCTS, SUPPORTS, FIXTURES, FACILITIES AND APPURTENANCES, WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER SAME FOR MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, AND EMERGENCY VEHICLES AS SHOWN THEREON. 770-290-020 NO EASEMENTS AFFECT LEASE/CONSTRUCTION AREAS. DEL GATO DR. WROUGHT—IRON FENCE, TYP. MANHOLE BERMUDAS GTE MANHOLE Z w CO tri N I 0 CO CN w O 0 O PALM TREE, TYP. TREE, TYP. WATER VALVE IRRIGATION VALVE sec 1 IRRIGATION PULLBOX, TYP. F,; *1/ I 0 440,. o= EXISTING BUILDING CLARET COVE APN 770-330-036 EXISTING BUILDING SEE LS2 60' 0' 60' 120' 1 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"= 60' re atat 1452 EDINGER AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92780 martlink 3300 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 sow AMP - VI/ 16885 VIA DEL CAMPO CT., SUITE 318 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 tel: (858) 432-4112 / (858) 432-4257 ISSUED --DATE: AUGUST 16, 2022 ISSUED FOR: FINAL SURVEY LICENSURE: PROJECT --INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: AJA CHECKED BY: RH SHEET- TITLE: TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET --NUMBER: LS -1 46 3 08/16/2022 REVISE ACCESS ROUTE 2 07/25/2022 FINAL SURVEY 1 07/07/2022 PRELIMINARY SURVEY REV DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUED --DATE: AUGUST 16, 2022 ISSUED FOR: FINAL SURVEY LICENSURE: PROJECT --INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: AJA CHECKED BY: RH SHEET- TITLE: TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET --NUMBER: LS -1 46 LEGEND NiMiMiMMLE EG FS TT TC TW TB RE RR FL LP CENTER LINE PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT LINE WROUGHT IRON FENCE CMU WALL EXISTING GRADE FINISH SURFACE TOP OF TREE TOP OF CURB TOP OF WALL TOP OF BUILDING ROOF EDGE ROOF RIDGE FLOW LINE LIP OF GUTTER EXISTING SIGNAGE PALM TREE TREE BUSH COORDINATES PROPOSED MONOEUCALYPTUS LATITUDE: 33°39'58.16"N (33.666156) LONGITUDE: 116°18'11.97"W (-116.303325) PROPOSED AT&T LEASE SPACE DESCRIPTION: BEGINNING AT SAID "POINT B"; THENCE NORTH 09°28'26" EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°59'18" EAST A DISTANCE OF 5.23 FEET TO A POINT HEREIN REFERRED AS "POINT C"; THENCE SOUTH 89°59'18" EAST A DISTANCE OF 14.77 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00°00'42" WEST A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°59'18" WEST A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 09°28'26" EAST A DISTANCE OF 4.31 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 675 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHT—OF—WAY RECORDS. 5 FEET WIDE NON-EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION: ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT I, OF TRACT NO. 28470-1, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 263, PAGES 76 THROUGH 90 OF INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. A STRIP OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSES OF ACCESS EASEMENT FOR THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CHINO HILLS, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AN ACCESS EASEMENT BEING FIVE (5.00) FEET IN WIDTH AND LYING TWO AND HALF (2.50) FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: BEGINNING AT SAID "POINT C"; THENCE NORTH 00°00'42" EAST A DISTANCE OF 2.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°59'18" WEST A DISTANCE OF 38.33 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS AND ALSO BEING THE TERMINUS POINT OF THIS CENTERLINE ROUTE DESCRIPTION. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHT—OF—WAY RECORDS. UTILITY ROUTE LINE TABLE NO. LENGTH BEARING El 17.27' S89°59'18"E E2 7.66' S89°59'18"E E3 3.88' S89°59'18"E E4 17.27' N89°59'18"W AT&T LEASE AREA LINE TABLE NO. LENGTH BEARING B1 26.11' N09°28'26"E B2 5.23' S89°59'18"E B3 14.77' S89°59'18"E B4 30.00' S00°00'42"W B5 25.00' N89°59'18"W B6 4.31' N09°28'26"E ACCESS ROUTE LINE TABLE NO. LENGTH BEARING Al 2.50' N00°00'42"E A2 38.33' N89°59'18"W CMU WALL, TYP. PALM TREE, TYP. // // EXISTING BUILDING // / / EXISTING BUILDING 2<\ / n Q 1 //////� 9,� EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING rz //// • EXISTING BUILDINN //////// UTILITY POLE NO. 1218210D 9, a ^i 99: 89 Fr PROPERTY LINES DERIVED FROM TRACT MAP NO. 28470-1 BK. 263 PG 79-90 8a \90 ///// EXISTING BUILDING 1 DRIVEWAY 2 cc w m z w ACCESS DRIVEWAY // EXISTING BUILDING • a N rn w N 0 ACCESS DRIVEWAY arc 60.00' ±23' HIGH TREE e2 mss_ 82 32FS 8 48 HIGH TREE cap. APN 770-290-020 kc'/ <0e TREE LIGHT, TYP. 9 ±39' HIGH TREE PULL BOX 1• Al B3 PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT LEASE AREA (±675 SQ. FT.) II I 8 7 IRRIGATION CONTROL �r VALVE, TYP. a-9. Ec_ B2 84.66EG ti e<0 F5 R1 99 CD GTE MANHOLE 9, WATER METER' PULLBOX O 5F ACCESS DRIVEWAY F9 4 9710 `G ACCESS DRIVEWAY 4FS 50.00' 82 8FS PIPE WOOD POST 6 B4 B6 _Asti)PROPOSED AT&T MONOEUCALYPTUS 4 VALVE +28' HIGH TREE OF PROPOSED AT&T 5'—O" WIDE NON—EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT ® WATER PULL BOX ' >> 77 '►I 6, WPOINT C" PROPOSED AT&T 5"-0 IDE NON—EXCLUSIVE ACCESS ROUTE POINT OF BEGINNING EG ±23' HIGH TREE ticD 9> oT B5 ±23' HIGH TREE POINT "B" PROPOSED AT&T LEASE AREA POINT OF BEGINNING F 12 S89°59'18"E 50.00' PROPOSED AT&T 3"—O' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT (STRIP #1) TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CO u -i N w N 6 2 0 ACCESS DRIVEWAY 4' 9 CALLE NOGALES DATED JULY 10, 1997 • 9, 9, 99 95 aF ±35' HIGH TREE OF PROPOSED AT&T 3'-0" WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT (STRIP #1) ±33' HIGH TREE 97 6, PANEL — STEEL BOX, TYP. POST, TYP. asi CMU WALL WITH VEGETATION 009p 19 g95 WATER VALVE, TYP. SIGNAGE, TYP. 79 09E SEWER MANHOLE, TYP. IRRIGATION PULL I ,bo BOX, TYP. ACCESS DRIVEWAY <9 G / CONCRETE PAD, TYP. ±26' HIGH TREE 6, 9, 0A/ G 6. 99 id, c 9 9, G c 6" IRRIGATION VALVE, TYP. ±33' HIGH TREE "POINT A" PROPOSED AT&T 3"-0' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT (STRIP #2) POINT OF BEGINNING 26.50' WROUGHT—IRON FENCE, TYP. APN 770-330-036 4 /1 MANHOLE, TYP. GATE OF PROPOSED AT&T 3'—O" WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT (STRIP #2) 1 TREE, TYP. le METER PEDESTAL 6' CLARET COVE 6, ELECTRICAL PULL BOX MAILBOX BRICK COLUMN DRAIN CURB AND GUTTER, TYP. 20' 1 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 "= 20 1452 EDINGER AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92780 smartlink 3300 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Al. 21 -At e 16885 VIA DEL CAMPO CT., SUITE 318 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 tel: (858) 432-4112 / (858) 432-4257 ISSUED DATE: AUGUST 16, 2022 ISSUED-- FOR: FINAL SURVEY LICENSURE: PROJECT- INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: AJA CHECKED BY: RH SHEET --TITLE: TOPOGRAPH SHEET NUMBER: LS -2 47 3 08/16/2022 REVISE ACCESS ROUTE 2 07/25/2022 FINAL SURVEY 1 07/07/2022 PRELIMINARY SURVEY REV DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUED DATE: AUGUST 16, 2022 ISSUED-- FOR: FINAL SURVEY LICENSURE: PROJECT- INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: AJA CHECKED BY: RH SHEET --TITLE: TOPOGRAPH SHEET NUMBER: LS -2 47 NOTES: 1. NO EXISTING PARKING STALLS ARE BEING ADDED OR REMOVED AS PART OF THE PROPOSED INSTALLATION. 2. PROPOSED POWER AND TELCO PLAN IS PRELIMINARY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING FINAL DESIGN FROM THE UTILITY COMPANY. TITLE REPORT TITLE REPORT WAS PREPARED BY COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY WITH ORDER NUMBER 92017908-920—CMM—CM8 AND GUARANTEE NUMBER CA—SFXFC—IMP-81G28-1-22-92017908 DATED MAY 31, 2022 02 EASEMENT(S) IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC OVER ANY EXISTING ROADS LYING WITHIN SAID LAND. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED TO: SOUTHERN SIERRAS POWER COMPANY PURPOSE: EITHER OR BOTH POLE LINES, CONDUITS OR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: OCTOBER 14, 1930 RECORDING NO: BOOK 876, PAGE 375 OF DEEDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND 05 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED TO: THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PURPOSE: ROADS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: DECEMBER 23, 1930 RECORDING NO: BOOK 867, PAGE 168 OF DEEDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND /6\ THE EFFECT OF AN EASEMENT 30 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF SECTION LINES IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, AS EVIDENCED BY PETITION DATED JANUARY 9, 1901 AND RECORDED APRIL 17, 1959 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 32692 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. O7 A NON—EXCLUSIVE PERMANENT EASEMENT, AGREEMENT AND COVENANTS FOR THE HEREINAFTER SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, IN FAVOR OF COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY, IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 28, 1987 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 117347 OFOFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. SAID EASEMENT IS FOR FLOOD AND STORM WATER CONTROL FACILITIES AND RIGHTS OF INGRESS AND EGRESS. EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED TO: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT PURPOSE: UNDERGROUND PIPELINE FOR STORM DRAIN PURPOSES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 1987 RECORDING NO: 269707 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND AN EASEMENT 10 FEET IN WIDTH IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF SAID TRACT. SAID EASEMENT IS FOR THE EXCAVATION, LAYING, CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, INSPECTION, REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, AND REMOVAL OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, ELECTRICAL LINES, WIRES, CABLES, DUCTS, SUPPORTS, FIXTURES, FACILITIES AND APPURTENANCES, WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER SAME FOR MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, AND EMERGENCY VEHICLES AS SHOWN THEREON. 1 ..f FRANCIS HACK LN O e At 0 co SEE SITE PLAN SEE ENLARGED SITE PLAN AVENIDA BERMUDAS 0 0 co T.6S. R.7.E. SECTION 7 60.00' OVERALL SITE PLAN SCALE 1'=900' (E) CURB & GUTTER, TYP. SECTOR "D" AZ =330° (E) CMU WALL, TYP. SEE ENLARGED SITE PLAN (E) HABITABLE DWELLING 4(E) HABITABLE % DWELLING i /// (E) HABTABLE / DWELLING / SECTOR "C" AZ =240° 1 (E) HABITABLE DWELLING //. CC D 0 w P:5 0_ BOUNDARY w m 0 0 APN 770-290-020 (E) WROUGHT—IRON GATE, TYP. PROPOSED AT&T 4' 0 MICROWAVE ANTENNA AZ =TBD° (E) MANHOLE\ (E) CONCRETE PATHWAY (E) BUSH, TYP. 1 DEL GATO DR. (E) PALM TREE, TYP. (E) TREE, TYP. (E) WATER VALVE (E) GTE MANHOLE (E) IRRIGATION PULL BOX, TYP. 7 6>> 1 =0 O SECTOR "A" AZ =60° // j //////////////// AerF////////////// A / 0 z w O ,r 0 N f › - CC 0 m w 0_ 0 00 1 1 1 APN 770-330-036 SECTOR "B" AZ =150° %A s SITE PLAN 24"x36" SCALE: 1" = 50'-0" 11"x17" SCALE: 1" = 100'-0" 50 25 0" 50' 1 ti atm 1452 EDINGER AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92780 smart!ink 3300 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Falw 16885 VIA DEL CAMPO CT., SUITE 318 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 tel: (858) 432-4112 / (858) 432-4257 ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA RERIV/UDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DG CHECKED BY: SVF SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: A-1 48 2 08/30/2022 ADDED LANDSCAPING 1 08/16/2022 REVISED ACCESS ROUTE 0 07/14/2022 100% ZD'S A 07/01/2022 90% ZD'S FOR REVIEW REV DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA RERIV/UDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DG CHECKED BY: SVF SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: A-1 48 NOTES: 1. NO EXISTING PARKING STALLS ARE BEING ADDED OR REMOVED AS PART OF THE PROPOSED INSTALLATION. 2. PROPOSED POWER AND TELCO PLAN IS PRELIMINARY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING FINAL DESIGN FROM THE UTILITY COMPANY. 02 EASEMENT(S) IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC OVER ANY EXISTING ROADS LYING WITHIN SAID LAND. /6\ THE EFFECT OF AN EASEMENT 30 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF SECTION LINES IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, AS EVIDENCED BY PETITION DATED JANUARY 9, 1901 AND RECORDED APRIL 17, 1959 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 32692 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. /8\ EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED T0: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT PURPOSE: UNDERGROUND PIPELINE FOR STORM DRAIN PURPOSES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 1987 RECORDING NO: 269707 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: A PORTION OF SAID LAND LEASE AREA CALCULATION: EQUIPMENT LEASE AREA: ±675 SQ.FT. NON EXCLUSIVE ACCESS: ±681 SQ.FT. FIBER UTILITY EASEMENT: ±810 SQ.FT (3'x270') POWER UTILITY EASEMENT: ±1500 SQ.FT. (3'x500') (E) PALM TREE, TYP. IMF (E) CMU WALL, TYP. / / / / (E) HABITABLE DWELLING / / .L1 / / / / 1 (E) HABITABLE 7 / DWELLING 1 ///////////////; 1 1 SECTOR "D" AZ =330° (E) ACCESS DRIVEWAY PROPOSED AT&T 5' WIDE NON—EXCLUSIVE ACCESS ROUTE ±136'-6" TO (E) HABITABLE DWELLING (E) ACCESS DRIVEWAY 1 (E) HABITABLE 7 DWELLING / / / / ,0,411 a • a a • a a a a a • / L (E) HABITABLE/7 / // DWELLING / ////// / / ////////////////////// • j L (E) HABITABLE/ DWELLING / / (E) UTILITY POLE NO. 1218210D (PRELIMINARY AT&T POWER P.O.C.) (E) GUY WIRE (E) HABITABLE DWELLING E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E (E) IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE, TYP. ±136'-7"11 TO (E) HABITABLE DWELLING SECTOR "C" AZ =240° ( (E) ACCESS DRIVEWAY (E) ACCESS DRIVEWAY PROPOSED AT&T 4' O MICROWAVE ANTENNA AZ =TBD° •i0� O.•.O❖.•�4.4 :o•� ►0•a (E) ±28' HIGH TREE _T► APN 770-290-020 ±41'— 11 -5 PROPOSED ±24' HIGH TREE, TYP. 0 SECTOR "A" AZ =60° (E) ±23' HIGH TREE _(E) ±23' HIGH TREE I 11 PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT AND ANTENNA AREA LOCATED WITHIN PROPOSED CMU WALL ENCLOSURE (E) ±35' HIGH TREE a 1 (E) ±33' HIGH TREE 00 REPAIR AND REPLACE EXISTING PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ALONG TRENCH AREA PROPOSED AT&T FIBER (E) ACCESS DRIVEWAY MEET—ME—POINT PULLBOX (E) GTE MANHOLE (PRELIMINARY AT&T FIBER P.O.C.) -F-F F F F PROPOSED AT&T FIBER CONDUIT ROUTED UNDERGROUND [±270'] PROPOSED AT&T POWER CONDUIT ROUTED UNDERGROUND [±500] (E) CURB & GUTTER, TYP. E E PROPOSED LANDSCAPING SECTOR "B" AZ =150° (E) STEEL POST, TYP. (E) PANEL BOX, TYP. i Io APN I(E) PED STALK 770-330-036 I / / (E) ±26' HIGH TREE —\ F F E) BUSH, TYP. (E) SIGNAGE, TYP. (E) A.D.A. RAMP (E) PEDESTAL E E E E E E • • CMU WALL WITH VEGETATION (E) WROUGHT—IRON GATE, TYP. (E) ±33' HIGH TREE (E) WROUGHT—IRON GATE, TYP. PROPOSED AT&T METER PEDESTAL / / / I / / (E) SEWER MANHOLE, TYP. (E) WATER VALVE, TYP. I (E) IRRIGATION VALVE I I I IU / //I /1 iil ■ (E) DRAIN S ENLARGED SITE PLAN 24"x36" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 11"x17" SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" ?MA 16' 12' 8' 4' 0" 16' 1 1452 EDINGER AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92780 ®smartink 3300 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 111110 NNW "WAvi I—ItFe 16885 VIA DEL CAMPO CT., SUITE 318 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 tel: (858) 432-4112 / (858) 432-4257 ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SHEET TITLE: DG SVF ENLARGED SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: A-2 49 2 08/30/2022 ADDED LANDSCAPING 1 08/16/2022 REVISED ACCESS ROUTE 0 07/14/2022 100% ZD'S A 07/01/2022 90% ZD'S FOR REVIEW REV DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SHEET TITLE: DG SVF ENLARGED SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: A-2 49 NOTES: PROPOSED ANTENNA SCHEDULE 1. THE PROPOSED LAYOUT IS PRELIMINARY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING FULL STRUCTURAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS. 2. PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS, RRUs, SURGE SUPPRESSION UNITS AND ANTENNA MOUNTING KIT WITH ANTENNA SOCKS TO BE PAINTED GREEN FOR CONCEALMENT. ANTENNA POSITION STATUS RAD CENTER TECHNOLOGY ANTENNA MAKE MODEL / AZIMUTH ANTENNA COUNT FILTER COUNT TMA COUNT TRANSMISSION LENGTH TRANSMISSION TYPE(S) RRUS MAKE/MODEL RRUS COUNT REVISED ACCESS ROUTE 0 ALPHA SECTOR AlERICSSON A 07/01/2022 90% ZD'S FOR REVIEW AIR 6449 B77D DATE DESCRIPTION ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D 1 (TOP) PROPOSED ±52'-9 C -BAND 31"HX15.9"WX8.7"D 60° 1 - - ±75'-0" AlLTE ±47'-5" CCI TPA-45R-KU6AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 (BOTTOM) PROPOSED 750/850/1900 78.3"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 60° 1 - - ±75'-0" PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT LEASE AREA: ±675 SQUARE FEET A2ERICSSON ±52'-10" AIR 6419 B77G ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G 1 (TOP) PROPOSED C -BAND DOD60° 28.3"HX16.1"WX7.9"D 1 - - ±75'-0" - - A2CCI ±47'-5" TPA-45R-KU6AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 0LTE _ (( O 3 \\ ,, - PROPOSED (BOTTOM) PROPOSED LTE 700 78 3"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 60° 1 - - ±75'-0" CCI TPA-45R-KU8AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 A3 PROPOSED ±50'-0" LTE 70060° 98.7' HX 15.4' WX8.2' D 1 - - ±75'-0" BETTA SECTOR CCI TPA-45R-KU8AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 B1 PROPOSED ±50'-0" 750/850/1900 98.7"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 150° 1 - - ±75'-0' _ B2ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G 1 (TOP) PROPOSED ±52'-10" C -BAND DOD» 28.3 HX16.1 WX7.9 D 150° 1 - - ±75'-0" PROPOSED AT&T 4' WIDE CORRUGATED METAL ACCESS GATE �A- (E) PERIMETER CMU WALL LANDSCAPING mm B2CCI TPA-45R-KU6AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 (BOTTOM) PROPOSED ±47'-5' LTE 700 78.3"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 150° 1 _ - ±75'-0" B3 ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D 1 (TOP) PROPOSED ±52'-9" C -BAND 31"HX15.9"WX8.7"D 150° 1 - - ±75'-0"Lu 63 CCI TPA-45R-KU6AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 Li 40, 410 (E) PALM / ±20'-0" TREE (BOTTOM) PROPOSED ±47'-5" LTE 700 78.3"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 150° 1 - - ±75'-0" (24) POWER _ c,TRUNKS _ PROPOSED AT&T LEASE AREAW.(ItIIuIuuII;r GAMMA SECTOR Cl ±52 -9 ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D AND 7 ()ERICSSON FIBER TRUNKS AIR 6449 B77D 1 0 �'�_ �r� (TOP) PROPOSED C -BAND 31"HX15.9"WX8.7"D 240° 1 ±75'-0" C1 LTE CCI TPA-45R-KU6AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 ' 10" .. /: /° -- -----_ � (BOTTOM) PROPOSED ±47'-5" 750/850/1900 78.3"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 240° 1 - - ±75'-0" C2 ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G 1 �1 X111 �1_,� �,,� X111 1Nii (TOP) PROPOSED ±52'-10" C -BAND DOD 28.3"HX16.1 "WX7.9"D 240 1 _ _ ±75'-0" ,••'•'•-•-,• C2 ±47'-5" CCI TPA-45R-KU6AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 1, off, off, off, off, off, oo I _ NOL 1 1 1 / 1 '•''•'•'•'• 4 N I I ° +l IRr t 12'-O" ArA M_ i�= JI LEASE AREA/ Mr 1 Mr V V (BOTTOM) PROPOSED LTE 700 78.3"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 240° 1 _ - ±75'-0" - - 1\ •I ''''�`_ONCCI ±g'-5" :I ■ ±5'-p" TPA-45R-KU8AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 C3 PROPOSED ±50 -0' LTE 700 98.7 HX15.4 WX8.2 D 240° 1 - _ ±75'-0"�1�PICO,I1� 1'��it1' ,_, _ DELTA SECTOR LTE CCI TPA-45R-KUBAA ERICSSON RRUS 4 /�•'•�•'�', 111/ 110'1 �' �jIn '• -ere* • +l D1 PROPOSED ±5O' -O" 750/850/1900 98.7"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 330° 1 - - ±75'-O" ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G 1 iile4' 1 (TOP) PROPOSED ±52'-10" C -BAND DOD 28.3"HX16.1"WX7.9"D 330° 1 - _ ±75'-0" 11•111°1 1 ' PROPOSED AT&T 20KW COMPACT ' `,. \ D2 CCI TPA-45R-KU6AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 (BOTTOM) PROPOSED ±47'-5" LTE 700 78.3"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 330° 1 - - ±75'-0" Jed �1 AC GENERATOR WITH 105 GALLON D3 ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D Ntl...TANK ON CONCRETE PAD I�1 ±7'- , (TOP)31"HX15.9"WX8.7"D330 PROPOSED ±52'-9" C -BAND 1 - ±75'-0" 1M7� ±10'-6" \\_ I N I ;1, I +� ±10'-4" D3 CCI TPA-45R-KU6AA ERICSSON RRUS 4 (BOTTOM) PROPOSED ±47'-5" LTE 700 78.3"HX15.4"WX8.2"D 330° 1 - ±75'-0" _ MW I PROPOSED ±37'-5" - 4'0 MICROWAVE ANTENNA TBD 1 ±65'-0" PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED AT&T 60' MONOEUCALYPTUS I PROPOSED NOTES: GRAVEL AREA 1. THE PROPOSED LAYOUT IS PRELIMINARY AND SUBJECT TO PENDING FULL STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. 2. PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS, RRUs, SURGE SUPPRESSION UNITS SECTORMICROWAVE AND ANTENNA MOUNTING KIT TO BE PAINTED GREEN FOR AZ =330° _ - CONCEALMENT. COVER ANTENNAS WITH RF -FRIENDLY LEAF �+ AZ SOCKS. l' 3. INSTALL UPTILT BRACKET FOR SECTOR "8" AND "C" ANTENNAS. D1 cn PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G / /� f4 ,� ANTENNA AT POS. 2 (ABOVE)/ / $ill ! ., (TYP-1 AT SECTOR B & D) (TOTAL OF 4 ) D2 . /� PROPOSED AT&T RRUs ,•:' (71P-12 PER SECTOR) (TOTAL OF 48) / �� \ D3 1/PROPOSED AT&T 4'� ' MICROWAVE ANTENNA ��� \ �r► / - �'/���"'� V '�` =TBD° \ ¢�i\ AT&T 4'0 ANTENNA ° / A3 - �� jC\ u " SECTOR A `I'�o•O O AZ =60 o Fn moo. �'J,� �o� 9< �+ C�, `�'o A2 0 O �J, • 1 (DESIGN BY OTHERS) NO/.,o ±10 0CHANGE w I a > " DDI I MIN. BRANCH LENGTH"D"PROPOSED iN Q O O PROPOSED FIBER AND DC w a . PROPOSED AT&T (4) DC12 SURGE o ° 4-.-;1-SUPPRESSIONS AND FIBER A ... TRUNKS ROUTED ° `o ' UNDERGROUND FROM (4) / EQUIPMENT AREA TO �MANAGEMENT BOXES(STACKED)<. - �- MOUNTED ON WIC SHELTER r Q IQ. _ . I MONOEUCALYPTUS / • I I +1 o� / w ��I�• ' PROPOSED CONCRETE STOOP NV I �, I w (/) o F F --FDC F ,±5'-0" 5 0 ± - / 3 0 •- ,- �� ±5'- +\ ✓J ✓J ..„•/...,-, ✓J J ✓J _9 \ PROPOSED AT&T SERVICE LIGHT, TYP. o T °�'° ; •�° • .. w r �....` �\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ I I /`0% i��1111‘ PROPOSED AT&T POWER \+l PROPOSED AT&T PTLC r ° - ° r� ° s/.n ss I \ I I \"; I \ PROPOSED ��� AT&T AC UNIT / oo OM PROPOSED AT&T 6' PANEL - . �r C� °\/ :, �. / ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 & 2 / /, �l�' �� j : ���` ��� \ ° �-o �" \ c�.l , - �4'�� (TYP-1 AT SECTOR / - F` O \c' -'-`P\ o A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) / �- V �' o o� CONDUIT ROUTED WITH ATS AND MTS PANEL °'. der:. r`' \ M(BELOW) UNDERGROUND [±500] ` / Al \\ PROPOSED AT&T CAMLOK ° . ` \ PROPOSED AT&T CONCRETE WIC SHELTER \ \ /• ±4'-9» 011 1'1 ,,oma I �+ � Imo• ti 0 " � � 's 0, Q•''�Al ��!� ,� i1I4: '&�•- `i �s�l o \*l � r��� �> � J' �_ � (' s% PROPOSED AT&T FIBER INTERSECT GENERATOR .�` r � ON CONCRETE PAD ` CONDUIT ROUTED CONNECTOR \ \ ,� °II,�1�� �' 1' 1' 1 � UNDERGROUND 1270 /\� \ A • • ±3'-2 :------. etre "''� • I�� Lz- '.. P S , I OO 00 jr �'/ I -,� J°���� o. ,4) -\0 5 *•\ -,,\ SFG i, C 1 � �`'� PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D Q OO /J�%` MONOEUCALYPTUS ;�'V I -}1'-3'' I-�l I I ��1, ���� ���� ���� ��• •��_� 1 1 1 1 1 1�,i �•��•�•� •�•� E E E E- E- E E E E�o \\I\\\\°�11 off,0�1, oil, 0�1, oQ 1 17711.11 °�1 °�1 177:74•41661,-;:: - �O r ,,:\•'•'•'•WillANTENNA _�. SSG ,,.• s. AT POS. 1 (ABOVE) (TYP 1 AT r, I / `' II SECTOR A & C TOTAL OF 2 i�r ) ( ) + , F FF 1' 1' 1' 1 • '., , l l ••• ;,• ��� 1� �, jA UG AO f\ `i �'�✓j;�\\ C2 �G;j w�� �? ��;,. ` �- tail` PROPOSED AT&T 6'PANEL PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G �� •moo v B �. ANTENNAS AT POS. 2& 3 ANTENNA AT POS. 1 (ABOVE) �� (TYP-2 AT SECTOR A & C) (TOTAL +� ^�'�' - / (BELOW) (TYP-1 AT SECTOR & D) (TOTAL OF 2) �` '��'' • '' / \ PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D PROPOSED AT&T DC9 SURGE '� ANTENNA AT POS. 3 (ABOVE) 1� 1�1�1� 1� 1 ��� •• 1 (E) WROUGHT IRON FENCEI TO BE REMOVED I r r r r o� o� o� o� o� o�y��\\^ 11Mk iiNiji PROPOSED BOX ON AT&T TELCO H -FRAME ° J ..�U.,�•.A�•.r�•.,�•.,�•.��•.�1 • • • • • • 11° 11° 11° 11° 11° 11° , 11101 ■■ n n n n r n n n n W 4�„ -_ -_ Wb. AliliN - I ±25'-0" 401 I3��?�/B I k. I IPROPOSED W AT&T LEASE AREA` (E) PERIMETER CMU WALL mm 2 ` ` VENCLOSURE PROPOSED AT&T CMU PAINTED ` EXISTING PERIMETER WALL TO MATCH CMU WALL.Z\- SUPPRESSION UNITS (TYP-8)C3 f4',0» i" (TYP-1 AT SECTOR B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL '� -� B1 SECTOR "C" ANTENNAS AT POS. 3 AZ =240° (TYP-1 AT SECTOR A & C) +I N (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 PROPOSED 2'-0" (TYP-1 AT SECTOR B & D) Oi% SEE SHEET A-2 PROPOSED AT&T FOR CONTINUATION PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA (E) BUSH LANDSCAPING (E) PERIMETER CMU N WALL TO BE REMOVED fill: W `IV E S STANDOFF (TYP-2 PER (TOTAL OF 2) SECTOR "B" W ��►� E SECTOR) (TOTAL OF 6) AZ =150° s 1 ANTENNA PLAN 24"x36" SCALE: 3/8" = 1 '-0" EQUIPMENT LAYOUT 24"x36" SCALE: 3/8" =1'- ' 11"x17" SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 2' 1 0" 2' 11"x17" SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 2' 1' 0" 2' 1452 EDINGER AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92780 smartlink 3300 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 visit MIN' 2 te i e6701,6ie 16885 VIA DEL CAMPO CT., SUITE 318 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 tel: (858) 432-4112 / (858) 432-4257 ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DC CHECKED BY: SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT LAYOUT SVF AND ANTENNA PLAN SHEET NUMBER. A-3 50 2 08/30/2022 ADDED LANDSCAPING 1 08/16/2022 REVISED ACCESS ROUTE 0 07/14/2022 100% ZD'S A 07/01/2022 90% ZD'S FOR REVIEW REV DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DC CHECKED BY: SHEET TITLE: EQUIPMENT LAYOUT SVF AND ANTENNA PLAN SHEET NUMBER. A-3 50 NOTES: 1. THE PROPOSED LAYOUT IS PRELIMINARY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING FULL STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. 2. PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS, RRUS, SURGE SUPPRESSION UNITS AND ANTENNA MOUNTING KIT TO BE PAINTED GREEN FOR CONCEALMENT. COVER ANTENNAS WITH RF—FRIENDLY LEAF SOCKS. 3. INSTALL UPTILT BRACKET FOR SECTOR "B" AND "C" ANTENNAS. • TOP OF PROPOSED MONOEUCALYPTUS BRANCHES ELEV. = ±60'-0" A.G.L. 4 TOP OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS AND MONOEUCALYPTUS ELEV. = ±54'-0" A.G.L. 46, RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA ELEV. = ±52'-10" A.G.L. • RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA 4 ELEV. = ±52'-9" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED 8' PANEL ANTENNA // ELEV. = ±50'-0" A.G.L. iiik RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED 6' PANEL ANTENNA ELEV. = ±47'-5" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED MICROWAVE ANTENNA ELEV. = ±37'-5" A.G.L. 46, TOP OF PROPOSED CMU ENCLOSURE ELEV. = ±10'-8" A.G.L. 46, GRADE LEVEL ELEV. = 0'-0" A.G.L. (E) ±28' HIGH TREE PROPOSED ±24' HIGH TREE, TYP. PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 3 (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA AT POS. 2 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTOR A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA AT POS. 1 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 6' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 & 2 (BELOW) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T RRUs (TYP-12 PER SECTOR) (TOTAL OF 48) ,;\ ��LII I_, I q y� ►� V�. PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 4'0 MICROWAVE ANTENNA PPC - PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA AT POS. 2 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 4) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA AT POS. 3 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 6' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 2 & 3 (BELOW) (TYP-1 AT SECTOR B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) �� PROPOSED AT&T;, GPS ANTENNA': yy of vi �o- J1029-1-1-19:121:111:1:1:11:1:11:1:1):1 7!514!! !!!1111111111111111111111 '!!!!! !!■11111 l■■m11I111111 '!!!!! !!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i!!!! !!■IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII f!!!! !!! 1111111111111111111111 !!■IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ! ! !!lnunuunununu 7! ! ==M11111111/V11,11111 1!!■1111111 'i: 11 , 11 !! ! !!■1111�k / •1 7 ! !!! riPP' ,CVt.I V iii- \% �ro , "?i`'P - IiV II 11 (E) ±35' HIGH TREE PROPOSED AT&T CMU WALL ENCLOSURE PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING PERIMETER CMU WALL PROPOSED AT&T GENERATOR VENT PIPES PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED AT&T 4' WIDE CORRUGATED METAL ACCESS GATE (E) PERIMETER CMU WALL PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION 24"x36" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 11"x17" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'—O" 8' 6' 4' 2' 0" 8' NOTES: 1. THE PROPOSED LAYOUT IS PRELIMINARY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING FULL STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. 2. PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS, RRUS, SURGE SUPPRESSION UNITS AND ANTENNA MOUNTING KIT TO BE PAINTED GREEN FOR CONCEALMENT. COVER ANTENNAS WITH RF—FRIENDLY LEAF SOCKS. 3. INSTALL UPTILT BRACKET FOR SECTOR "B" AND "C" ANTENNAS. • TOP OF PROPOSED MONOEUCALYPTUS BRANCHES ELEV. = ±60'-0" A.G.L. 46, TOP OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS AND MONOEUCALYPTUS ELEV. = ±54'-0" A.G.L. 46, RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA ELEV. = ±52'-10" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED AIR 6449 ELEV. = ±52'-9" A.G.L. A. RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED 8' PANEL ELEV. = ±50'-0" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED 6' PANEL ELEV. = ±47'-5" A.G.L. B77D ANTENNA ANTENNA ANTENNA 46, RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED MICROWAVE ANTENNA ELEV. = ±37'-5" A.G.L. TOP OF PROPOSED CMU ENCLOSURE ELEV. = ±10'-8" A.G.L. GRADE LEVEL ELEV. = 0'-0" A.G.L. PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA AT POS. 3 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA AT POS. 2 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 4) PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 6' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 2 & 3 (BELOW) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T RRUs (TYP-12 PER SECTOR) (TOTAL OF 48) > \`2 / , air PROPOSED AT&T CMU WALL ENCLOSURE PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING PERIMETER CMU WALL (E) BUSH, P K c- PROPOSED AT&T , ` GPS ANTENNA 9 .!.. .4,r,,,,,,,,,s ,, .,,,,,.., .......,........„,,,. . P.,.. -j-• %. -- la* \''''• ce: PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA AT POS. 1 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA AT POS. 2 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 3 (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 6' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 & 2 (BELOW) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 4'0 MICROWAVE ANTENNA (E) ±23' HIGH TREE 2, <:17 ▪ sS (E) ±28' HIGH TREE vZ✓/ ' 9 /9- J �' ��!!�!: �,1��NN')/ WWWWIIIMMIEWEIM 1=.alnlIEMSEILMEWALall 1 M!1■■!i®MB__f li IMIxIN=!!leaWAN MalWAWMINWILWI; !D 71i4lhI7G■n 719W r. ■i ��� �!w � Y, , ■! '1 r ''Imoi. 'llll�i, IP PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED AT&T GENERATOR VENT PIPES PROPOSED ±24' HIGH TREE, TYP. E) PERIMETER CMU WALL PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION 24"x36" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 11"x17" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 8' 6' 4' 2' 0" 8' 2 �; at&t 1452 EDINGER AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92780 smartlink \z,e 3300 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 ming - 6.11site 16885 VIA DEL CAMPO CT., SUITE 318 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 tel: (858) 432-4112 / (858) 432-4257 ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DG CHECKED BY: SVF SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: A-4 51 2 08/30/2022 ADDED LANDSCAPING 1 08/16/2022 REVISED ACCESS ROUTE 0 07/14/2022 100% ZD'S A 07/01/2022 90% ZD'S FOR REVIEW REV DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DG CHECKED BY: SVF SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: A-4 51 NOTES: 1. THE PROPOSED LAYOUT IS PRELIMINARY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING FULL STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. 2. PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS, RRUS, SURGE SUPPRESSION UNITS AND ANTENNA MOUNTING KIT TO BE PAINTED GREEN FOR CONCEALMENT. COVER ANTENNAS WITH RF—FRIENDLY LEAF SOCKS. 3. INSTALL UPTILT BRACKET FOR SECTOR "B" AND "C" ANTENNAS. $TOP OF PROPOSED MONOEUCALYPTUS BRANCHES ELEV. = ±60'-0" A.G.L. • TOP OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS AND MONOEUCALYPTUS ELEV. = ±54'-0" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA ELEV. = ±52'-10" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA // ELEV. = ±52'-9" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED 8' PANEL ANTENNA ELEV. = ±50'-0" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED 6' PANEL ANTENNA ELEV. = ±47'-5" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED MICROWAVE ANTENNA ELEV. = ±37'-5" A.G.L. $TOP OF PROPOSED CMU ENCLOSURE ELEV. = ±10'-8" A.G.L. GRADE LEVEL ELEV. = 0'-0" A.G.L. PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 3 (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA AT POS. 2 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA AT POS. 1 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 & 2 (BELOW) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) (TYP-12 (E) ±35' HIGH TREE PROPOSED AT&T RRUs PER SECTOR) (TOTAL OF 48) • 4 a, , 'gr. • .u;` •.�`�.�. a PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA AT POS. 2 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 4) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA AT POS. 3 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 6' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 2 & 3 (BELOW) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 4'0 MICROWAVE ANTENNA (E) ±23' HIGH TREE z PROPOSED AT&T GPS ANTENNA' PROPOSED AT&T CMU WALL ENCLOSURE PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING PERIMETER CMU WALL (E) BUSH, TYP. ,J ?i • cs 44, rte; Cipin yid ,44 g PROPOSED LANDSCAPING OEM OEM OEM ALM R R. MB W E` (E) PERIMETER CMU WALL 4 (E) ±28' HIGH TREE TSL 1r- PROPOSED l PROPOSED AT&T GENERATOR VENT PIPES PROPOSED ±24' HIGH TREE, TYP. PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION 24"x36" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-O" 11"x17" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 8' 6' 4' 2' 0" 8' NOTES: 1. THE PROPOSED LAYOUT IS PRELIMINARY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING FULL STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. 2. PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS, RRUS, SURGE SUPPRESSION UNITS AND ANTENNA MOUNTING KIT TO BE PAINTED GREEN FOR CONCEALMENT. COVER ANTENNAS WITH RF—FRIENDLY LEAF SOCKS. 3. INSTALL UPTILT BRACKET FOR SECTOR "B" AND "C" ANTENNAS. $ TOP OF PROPOSED MONOEUCALYPTUS BRANCHES ELEV. = ±60'-0" A.G.L. $ TOP OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS AND MONOEUCALYPTUS ELEV. = ±54'-0" A.G.L. $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA ELEV. = ±52'-10" A.G.L. ALRAD CENTER OF PROPOSED AIR 6449 ELEV. = ±52'-9" A.G.L. AL RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED 8' PANEL ELEV. = ±50'-0" A.G.L. AL RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED 6' PANEL ELEV. = ±47'-5" A.G.L. B77D ANTENNA ANTENNA $ RAD CENTER OF PROPOSED MICROWAVE ANTENNA ELEV. = ±37'-5" A.G.L. $ TOP OF PROPOSED CMU ENCLOSURE ELEV. = ±10'-8" A.G.L. 46, GRADE LEVEL ELEV. = 0'-0" A.G.L. (E) ±23' HIGH TREE PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA AT POS. 3 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA AT POS. 2 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 4) PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 6' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 2 & 3 (BELOW) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS B & D) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T RRUs (TYP-12 PER SECTOR) (TOTAL OF 48) PROPOSED AT&T 4'0 MICROWAVE ANTENNA (E) ±28' HIGH TREE PROPOSED AT&T ENERATOR VENT PIPES PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6449 B77D ANTENNA AT POS. 1 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T AIR 6419 B77G ANTENNA AT POS. 2 (ABOVE) (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 3 (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A & C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED AT&T 8' PANEL ANTENNAS AT POS. 1 & 2 (TYP-1 AT SECTORS A Sc C) (TOTAL OF 2) PROPOSED ±24' HIGH TREE, TYP. PROPOSED AT&T CMU WALL ENCLOSURE PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTING PERIMETER CMU WALL PROPOSED AT&T GPS ANTENNA I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ,- #IllllllYlII�Y11�Ih11Y1�11�111 AI -*i.��lr.r (r\llu.,,�Irilli•i. frr�\llli„4r.1)07i\��I► 4rt)'*it)147t)'11‘ 1 I 4 v►YkfteYY.tvf E) PERIMETER CMU WALL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION 24"x36" SCALE: 1/8” = 1'-0" 11"x17" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 8' 6' 4' 2' 0" 8' 2 at&t 1452 EDINGER AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92780 ®smartlink 3300 IRVINE AVENUE, SUITE 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 E21s1te .tea.. eei 16885 VIA DEL CAMPO CT., SUITE 318 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 tel: (858) 432-4112 / (858) 432-4257 ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DC CHECKED BY: SVF SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: A-5 52 2 08/30/2022 ADDED LANDSCAPING 1 08/16/2022 REVISED ACCESS ROUTE 0 07/14/2022 100% ZD'S A 07/01/2022 90% ZD'S FOR REVIEW REV DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUED DATE: 08/30/2022 ISSUED FOR: PLANNING SUBMITTAL LICENSURE: PROJECT INFORMATION: CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR., AND 52661 AVENIDA BERMUDAS, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRAWN BY: DC CHECKED BY: SVF SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: A-5 52 PROPOSED Sl-10VEL CUT ED\x EXISTING 28' NT. MESQUITE O1 EXISTING 23' NT. MESQUITE CLARET COVE 0 EXISTING 23' NT. MESQUITE 0 DEL GATO DR. ■ R PAIR AND REPT EX STING PLANTING IRRIGATION ALONG TR F F F F E E E E 0 ACE AND NCN REA E F / E l I 1/ 1/ I/ 1/ 1/ PANT 15 SYMBOL 5OTAN I CAL NAME COMMON NAME TREES PALMS • 0 NOT SHOWN EUCALYPTUS POLYANTHEMOS "SILVER DOLLAR GUM" FICUS MIGROGARPA NITIDA "INDIAN LAUREL FIG" FIGUS NITIDA "COLUMNAR" SIZE VNATER NOTES USE 60" BOX 24' HT. 60" BOX 24' HT. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 24" BOX 0.5 MOD 3'-6" O.G. SPACING COLUMN SHAPE TREES WITHIN EXISTING OR FUTURE ROWS OR WITHIN 3 FEET OF PUBLIC SIDEWALKS WILL INCLUDE DEEP ROOT BARRIERS. ACCENTS HESPERALOE PARV I FLORA "VAR. DESERT FLAMENCO" SHRU5S 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW LEUGOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS "GREEN CLOUD" CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA "RED BIRD OF PARADISE" BOUGAINVILLEA "LA JOLLA" RUSSELIA !CPU ISETIFORM IS "CORAL BELLS" PITTOSPORUM TOB IRA "VARI EGATA" LANTANA "NEW GOLD" 15 GAL. 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 15 GAL. 5 GAL. GROUNDGOVER 4 GRASSES 4 WINES 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW MUHLENBERGIA LINDHEIMERI "AUTUMN GLOW" 5 GAL. 0.5 MOD BOUGAINVILLEA VINE 15 GAL. STK. 0.5 MOD "BARBARA KARST" PREMIUM FOREST FLOOR MULCH, PROVIDE COMPLETE COVERAGE IN NEW PLANTING AREAS ON INTERIOR SIDE OF TRADITION, LAID 3" THICK � • ' . •�-.-tom =;�• _ . - +� PERSPECTIVE FROM CLARET COVE 0' 20' SCALE: I "=20' 40' 60' ii [RMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLf RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754 EXP. 04/30/24 P. (760) 777-9131 fAX (760) 777-9132 CO Lo UN L o. __J �� OQ oOp UU vO zQ � a z CO 0 0 < Q 0 1- J REV I SI ONS DATE BY PR[LIMINARY PLAN DE916NED - DRAWN - CHECKED - DATE 08.25.22 SCALE j"=20' JOB NO. 22043 SHEET L1.0 OF 2 SHEETS ii [RMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLf RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754 EXP. 04/30/24 P. (760) 777-9131 fAX (760) 777-9132 NT. 10' -8" PROPOSED FICUS • t'Y civ' r.f = OWAPRieliMEMPIMSEll . (! K :tea.'• F .,,, ����s,`: r� po 1/� i► • ; A , ,i «, ''V� EXISTING 1 I I =MENEM.= ........=M��iea,MME 11E1=1=1=MM iIMMENNEMIN MN bLi �V����....==== d ir y 3�d�iiA� r �3 4i3Ara { -_ mm z O EAST ELEVATION REVISIONS DATE BY PROPOSED AT 4T CMU WALL EXISTING PERIMETER CMU WALL EXISTING SIDEWALK II - [L[VATION/ S[CTION DE916NED - DRAWN - CHECKED — DATE 08.25.22 SCALE 1/S" =110" JOB NO. 22043 SHEET L1.1 OF 2 SHEETS cn lo ro 0 x N Q Q Z D O U LA 0 Z O z z w- m� o� w LA 0z -j Z O 010] O O 0 z §0 Q 01w at&t CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR & 52661 AVA BERMUDAS LA QUINTA CA 92253 ATTACHMENT 6 ARti.�.. engineeri.� ng AEsims.com 877.9AE.sims Ai= 55 ACCURACY OF PHOTO SIMULATION BASED UPON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PROJECT APPLICANT. at&t CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR & 52661 AVA BERMUDAS LA QUINTA CA 92253 ARTISTIC engineering AEsims.com 877.9AE.sims -MEM PROPOSED MONDEUCALYPTUS allIF PROPOSED EQUIPMEN LOOKING NORTHEAST FROM AVENIDA BERMUDAS 56 ACCURACY OF PHOTO SIMULATION BASED UPON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PROJECT APPLICANT. at&t CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR & 52661 AVA BERMUDAS LA QUINTA CA 92253 ARTISTIC engineering AEsims.com 877.9AE.sims .ASIZIER ti "ikri PROPOSED MONDEUCALYPTUS EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE ` LOOKING EAST FROM AVENIDA BERMUDAS 57 ACCURACY OF PHOTO SIMULATION BASED UPON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PROJECT APPLICANT. at&t CSL04877 TRADITIONS NEAR 52650 DEL GATO DR & 52661 AVA BERMUDAS LA QUINTA CA 92253 ARTISTIC engineering AEsims.com 877.9AE.sims PGIII=JU©1=1. I MoPINIAAV �I�lu�©MG3C� PDC,- i Imo) 111D© IA0 LOOKING WEST FROM CLARET COVE 58 ACCURACY OF PHOTO SIMULATION BASED UPON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PROJECT APPLICANT. POWERPOINT PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 13, 2024 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, 2024 1 Planning Commission Meeting August 13, 2024 PH1 - Tradition Monoeucalyptus CUP2023-0001 2 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, 2024 _. 1 Background • Project is proposed on the western perimeter wall of Tradition Golf Club east of Avenida Bermudas ROW • Intended to improve coverage in this area. • Monoeucalyptus is designed to fully screen all antennae. CZ 3 4 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, 2024 J 1 Proposal • 60 foot tall monoeucalypus. • Monoeucalyptus is to be built within an existing landscape buffer that will be supplemented with additional trees. • Equipment enclosure is 675 SF, designed to match style and colors of existing perimeter wall. 5 Existing: Coverage Maps Ll5919 ops LC485O S LO25S1 OtickseiLa Proposal: cFSLO.5819 L� ci504-8-60 cr L02581 3 cfs PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, 2024 7 8 4 Typical Elevation PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, 2024 9 10 5 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, 2024 11 12 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, 2024 13 CEQA • The project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303 (Class 3) of CEQA since the facility and associated equipment is a minor alteration to the site. 14 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, 2024 Recommendation • Consider adopting a resolution approving CUP2023-0001 and find the project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures 15 16 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 13, 2024 I./4r 19, 2024 7:44 44 Al 4H026.A.aza Rd Temecula CA D.2592 - United States NH „,/ h I al 111111110h011 I I IN 17 18 9 WRITTEN COMMENT PH1: TRADITION CELL TOWER PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 13, 2024 From: Katherine Kowal <katherine.kowal@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2024 3:30 PM To: Planning WebMail Cc: christopher torina Subject: Comment on tonight's hearing EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Some people who received this message don't often get email from katherine.kowal@gmail.com. Learn why this is important Hello - Per the letter we received regarding the hearing for conditional use permit for a 60 -foot high telecommunication facility I am writing to you in opposition of allowing this permit. This UGLY structure will stick out in our beautiful, historic neighborhood where we pride ourselves on having low structures that are regulated in size so we can all have views of the mountains that surround us and give peace and tranquility to the neighborhood. The city has done an amazing job over the last few years to continue to beautify the area and omit light pollution from the area by eliminating signals etc. The turnabouts have also made the neighborhood quieter so we don't hear cars stop/start/be idle which I assume has also contributed positively to our carbon ommissions. At minimum, it has made a huge impact on the quality of living in the Cove. Despite the plan that it will be a faux -tree design, it would literally be the highest point in the Cove at 60 feet. These "faux -trees" never look real and this would be no different. I understand that somehow this is exempt from environmental review, but has anyone done any research on the increased data in the area that will be closer to residents with this installed? How can this be considered a small structure when it would be the tallest structure in the area? This also seems to only service one teleprovider, AT&T. So for the residents who don't use their awful service, we must look at their ugly 'tree' that only services them? This seems like a departure from the progress that has been made in our area, and as owners of a property immediately across from this proposed site, we implore the city to say NO to this permit. Please let it be known that I would write a similar letter if the structure was proposed on the other side of the Cove as I would feel awful for those neighbors to have the same issues I would. We need to keep the beauty and integrity of our historical neighborhood and only build up when it serves the whole neighborhood - not serve a major media conglomerate who has contributed ZERO dollars into our city. My best, katherine torina - 52565 Avenida Bermudas 1 Katherine Torina +1.323.640.7949 katherine.kowal@gmail.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this e-mailtransmission is intended only for use of the individual or entity named above. This e-mail transmission, and any documents, files, previous e-mail transmissions or other information attached to it, may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail transmission, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of this transmission or any of the information contained in or attached to it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail transmission in error, please immediately notify us by return e-mail transmission or by telephone at (323) 640-7949, and destroy the original e-mail transmission and its attachments without reading or saving it in any manner. Thank you. 2