Notice of Nominees 2024 - La Prensa Hispana (08.23.2024) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NOTICE OF NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following candidates have been nominated for the offices designated to be filled at the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of La Quinta on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 (in the order names will appear on the ballot). FOR MAYOR FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL (Vote for one): (Vote for two): Linda Evans Kathleen Fitzpatrick Robert Sylk Joe Johnson Steve Sanchez /s/ Monika Radeva, City Clerk/Election Official Dated: August 19, 2024 Date Published: Friday, August 23, 2024 AVISO DE CANDIDATOS PARA CARGO PUBLICO POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que los siguientes candidatos han sido nominados para las oficinas que serán ocupados en la Elección Municipal General que tomará lugar en la Ciudad de La Quinta, el día Martes, 5 de noviembre de 2024 (en el orden que aparecerán los candidatos en la boleta electoral). PARA ALCALDE PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL (Vote por uno): (Vote por no más de dos): Linda Evans Kathleen Fitzpatrick Robert Sylk Joe Johnson Steve Sanchez /s/ Monika Radeva, Secretaria de la Ciudad Fecha: 19 de agosto de 2024 Fecha de Publicación: Viernes, 23 de agosto de 2024 ∙ 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ∙ (760) 777 – 7035 ∙ 'PRENsA : HIsrANA LEGAL SECTION Indio, Ca. del 23 al 29 de Agosto 2024. A5 Cu�ntos de estos Hechos sobre el Mundo Ya Sabias? Una de las cosas mas intrigantes de viajar es descubrir por que las cosas son como son hoy. Desde secretos ocultos hasta extranos fenomenos, a continuation le presentamos 16 datos sobre el mundo que pueden parecer absurdas al principio, pero que en realidad se han demostrado como hechos reales. AZERTAC CU LTURA Nieva en el desierto del Sahara Se sabe que los desiertos tienen muy pocas precipitaciones. Si las precipitaciones son escasas, ino se - rim las nevadas aun mas raras? Pues bien, lo imposible ocurrio en 2018 y el desierto del Sahara se cubrio de un manto de nieve blanca. Sin embargo, la nieve solo duro un dia antes de de- rretirse bajo el calido sol. La primera nevada registrada fue en 1979: una tormenta de nieve que duro media hora. Aunque las tem- peraturas bajan hasta el punto de congelation por la noche, la falta de humedad hace casi imposible que se produzca nieve. Pero quien sabe, ipuede que tengas la suerte de verla en to proximo viaje al Sahara! Solo hay dos pekes en el mundo donde no existe la Coca Cola Puede que pienses que la Coca Cola es algo que puedes encontrar en cualquier parte del mundo, pero es- tos dos paises han estado sometidos a embargos comerciales estadouni- denses de larga duration: Corea del Norte desde 1950 y Cuba desde 1962. Sin embargo, Corea del Norte ha fabricado su propio refresco de co- lor oscuro. La Ilaman Ryongjin Cola o "Cocoa Sparkling" Tiene el mismo envase rojo y la misma tetra cursiva, pero itiene el mismo gran sabor? Sudan es el pais con mas piramides del mundo (no Egipto) Egipto y piramides son casi sinoni- mos, pero Lsab(as que tambien hay piramides en Sudan? Nubia, una re- gion de Sudan, tiene 255 piramides, iel doble de las de Egipto! Tras gobernar la 25a dinastia de Egipto, los faraones nubios huyeron a Sudan y formaron el reino kushita, incorporando la cultura egipcia en su nueva ciudad. Las piramides de Nubia no son tan visitadas como las de Egipto. Jebel Barkal es el mas gratificante de los cuatro sitios principales. Las piramides estan bien conservadas y se encuentran junto a una pequena montana. Suba a la montana justo an- tes de la puesta de sol para disfrutar de unas vistas impresionantes del Nilo. El arco iris mas brillante de Colombia esta en su rio Normalmente, el arco iris se en- cuentra en el cielo, pero el Cao Cris - tales, tambien conocido como el "Rio de los Cinco Colores, brilla mas que cualquier arco iris del cielo. Situado en el Parque Nacional Na- tural Serrania de la Macarena de Co- lombia, este impresionante rio debe su belleza multicolor a la Macarenia Clavigera, una planta que vive en el cauce. Lo mejor es visitarlo entre mayo y noviembre, cuando las hier- bas del rio florecen en amarillo, azul, verde y rojo. En esta epoca adquieren tonalidades mas brillantes porque las aguas son menos profundas, lo que permite que la luz del sol Ilegue a las plantas. El desierto del Sahara solia ser una selva tropical LOtra vez el Sahara? Creeme, este es extra genial. El desierto del Sahara es conocido por ser el mas caluroso del mundo. Sin embargo, hace solo 6.000 anos, esta tierra seca era una exuberante selva tropical con una espesa vegeta- cion y altas precipitaciones. Aunque nosotros no hemos sido testigos del Sahara en pleno apogeo, las generaciones futuras podrian ha- cerlo. Si el mundo sobrevive los proxi- mos 10.000 anos, el mismo cambio constante en los patrones climaticos podria dejar al Sahara con un aspecto muy diferente. Macchu Pichu es una ciudad a prueba de terremotos Esta antigua ciudad inca descan- sa sobre dos Tineas de falla en Peru. Eso significa que los terremotos eran eventos esperados. Asi que, icomo vivieron a traves de ellos? De hecho, los incas crearon una brillante tecnica de ingenieria llama - da "silleria", en la que las rocas se cor- tan para que encajen perfectamente entre s( sin mortero. Esto permitia que las piedras se movieran en su lugar durante un terremoto, antes de asentarse de nuevo en sus posiciones originales. iGenio o que? China tiene un solo huso horario Tener una sola zona horaria esta bien si el sol sale y se pone a la misma hora para todos. Sin embargo, mien- tras Beijing se prepara para irse a la canna a medianoche, la gente de Xin- jiang esta empezando a ver la puesta de sol. Esto es bastante sorprendente, te- niendo en cuenta que China es casi del tamano de Estados Unidos, que tiene seis husos horarios. Curiosa- mente, China no siempre funciono con la hora de Beijing. La hora estan- dar de Pekin no se establecio hasta 1949, una decision del presidente Mao Zedong en nombre de la unidad nacional. Antes de eso, en 1912, habia cinco zonas horarias reconocidas que esta- ban entre cinco horas y media y ocho horas y media por encima de la hora de Greenwich. Por suerte, trabajar en una zona horaria no es mas que un leve incon- veniente para los chinos. Sin embar- go, los viajeros que planeen viajar con su mochila por China deben prepa- rarse para que sus relojes corporales se confundan un poco. El puente Golden Gate de San Francisco"habla" Este es uno de los hechos mas novedosos del mundo. En junio de 2020, el querido puente Golden Gate de San Francisco comenzo a hablar sobre algunas modificaciones reali- zadas en las barandillas del carril bici. Literalmente. iLos sanfranciscanos informaron de que escuchaban sonidos espeluz- nantes a varios kilometros de distan- cia! Las autoridades municipales ex- plicaron que se trataba de vientos fuertes que atravesaban las nuevas barandillas. El puente es mas seguro para los usuarios cuando se enfren- ta a una menor resistencia al viento. Por lo tanto, el sonido es una buena sena) de que los fuertes vientos estan pasando por el puente sin problemas. Puedes hacer un safari en Sri Lanka Kenia no es la Unica experiencia de safari: hay otro lugar mas cercano que cuesta la mitad y que cuenta con su propia fauna y flora. A menos de cuatro horas de dis- tancia, en la encantadora Sri Lanka, se encuentra el propio safari de Asia. En las Ilanuras abiertas del Parque Nacional de Yala, podra ver elefantes, leopardos e incluso ayes acuaticas. NOTIFICACION POBLICA AVISO DE DISPONIBILIDAD DE FONDOS (NOFA) PARA EL CONDADO DE RIVERSIDE 2025-2026 SUBVENCION PARA EL DESARROLLO COMUNITARIO (CDBG) - ASIGNACION DISTRITAL SUBVENCION DE SOLUCIONES DE EMERGENCIA (ESG) PROGRAMA DE ASOCIACIONES DE INVERSION EN EL HOGAR (INICIO) El Condado de Riverside anuncia el inicio de los ciclos de solicitud ara los programas CDBG, P ESG y HOME del Condado Urbano para 2025-2026. El condado y las ciudades participantes utilizan estos programas financiados por el gobierno federal para proporcionar viviendas decentes, un entorno de vida adecuado y la expansion de las oportunidades econdmicas, principalmente para personas y familias de bajos ingresos. El condado anticipa obtener los siguientes montos de subvention del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de EE. UU. (HUD) para el ano programatico 2025-2026: $7,500,000 para CDBG, $600,000 para ESG y $2,130,000 para HOME. Para ver el Aviso de Disponibilidad de Fondos (NOFA, por sus siglas en ingles) completo para los programas CDBG y ESG, visite www.rivcohws.org. Las copias fisicas de las NOFA tambien se pueden obtener enviando un correo electronico a RivcoCDBG@rivco.org. SOLICITUD EN LINEA: El Condado comenzara a aceptar solicitudes para el ciclo de solicitud CDBG 2025-2026 a partir del 27 de agosto de 2024. Se puede acceder a las APLICACIONES RELLENABLES en linea. Todas las solicitudes de CDBG v ESG deben enviarse por correo a mas tardar a las 5:00 p. m. PST del 2 de diciembre de 2024. EI sitio web ofrece una solicitud que se puede completar e instrucciones sobre como solicitarla. Si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda con los formularios de solicitud, comuniquese con Nicholas Fonosch al nfonosch@rivco.org o al 951-955-5936. Para comenzar el proceso de solicitud, los solicitantes deben visitar el sitio web del condado en: https://rivcohws.org/com m u n ity-and-housi ng-development/cd bg-progra m Solo se aceptaran solicitudes de financiamiento CDBG y ESG de organizaciones sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) y agencias gubernamentales. ASIGNACION DE CDBG DE CIUDADES COOPERANTES: Tenga en cuenta que las Ciudades Cooperantes que participan en el programa CDBG del Condado recibiren su propia asignacion de CDBG del Condado para proyectos y actividades que beneficien a sus ciudades individuales. Las organizaciones que esten considerando solicitar a las ciudades Cooperantes sus asignaciones de CDBG deben consultar directamente con esas ciudades para obtener informacion, procedimientos y plazos de solicitud. El sitio web de CDBG del condado proporciona informacion de contacto para las ciudades cooperantes. PROGRAMA HOME: El condado aceptara solicitudes de HOME para nuevas construcciones y proyectos de rehabilitation sustanciales de manera continua hasta que se agoten todos los PUBLIC NOTIFICATION NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFA) FOR RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2025-2026 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT (CDBG) - DISTRICT ALLOCATION EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS (ESG) GRANT HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM (HOME) Riverside County announces the start of application cycles for Urban County's CDBG, ESG, and HOME programs for 2025-2026. The county and participating cities use these federally funded programs to provide decent housing, an adequate living environment, and the expansion of economic opportunity primarily for low-income individuals and families. The county anticipates obtaining the following grant amounts from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the program year 2025-2026: $7,500,000 for CDBG, $600,000 for ESG, and $2,130,000 for HOME. To view the complete Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the CDBG and ESG programs, visit www.rivcohws.org. Physical copies of the NOFAs can also be obtained by emailing RivcoCDBG@rivco.org. ONLINE APPLICATION: The County will begin accepting applications for the 2025-2026 CDBG application cycle starting August 27, 2024. The FILLABLE APPLICATIONS may be accessed online. All CDBG and ESG applications must be submitted by mail no later than 5:00 PM PST on December 2, 2024. The website offers a fillable application and instructions on how to apply. For questions or assistance with the application forms, please contact Nicholas Fonosch at nfonosch@rivco.org or 951-955-5936. To begin the application process, applicants should visit the county's website at: https://rivcohws.org/comm un ity-and-housi ng-development/cdbg-progra m Applications for CDBG and ESG funding will only be accepted from 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and government agencies. COOPERATING CITY CDBG ALLOCATION: Please note that Cooperating Cities participating in the County CDBG program will receive their own County CDBG allocation for projects and activities that benefit their individual cities. Organizations considering applying to Cooperating Cities for their CDBG assignments should consult directly with those cities for information, procedures, and application deadlines. The county's CDBG website provides contact information for cooperating cities. HOME PROGRAM: The county will accept HOME applications for new construction and substantial rehabilitation projects on an ongoing basis until all funds for the current fiscal year are exhausted. Organizations interested in applying for HOME funds for the development of affordable housing can find the funding application at https://rivcohws.org/comm un itv-and-housi ng-development/housing-programs/home- program. For questions or assistance with the funding application, please contact Mervyn Manalo at mmanalo@rivco.org or 951-955-0774. 4Qu — GEM rbe DE5EKJ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NOTICE OF NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following candidates have been nominated for the offices designated to be filled at the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of La Quinta on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 (in the order names will appear on the ballot). FOR MAYOR (Vote for one): Linda Evans Robert Sylk FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL (Vote for two): Kathleen Fitzpatrick Joe Johnson Steve Sanchez /s/ Monika Radeva, City Clerk/Election Official Dated: August 19, 2024 Date Published: Friday, August 23, 2024 AVISO DE CANDIDATOS PARA CARGO PUBLICO POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que los siguientes candidatos han sido nominados para las oficinas que seran ocupados en la Election Municipal General que tomara lugar en la Ciudad de La Quinta, el dia Martes, 5 de noviembre de 2024 (en el orden que apareceran los candidatos en la boleta electoral). PARA ALCALDE (Vote por uno): Linda Evans Robert Sylk PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL (Vote por no mas de dos): Kathleen Fitzpatrick Joe Johnson Steve Sanchez /s/ Monika Radeva, Secretaria de la Ciudad Fecha: 19 de agosto de 2024 Fecha de Publication: Viernes, 23 de agosto de 2024 NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR 2024 CITRUS AVENUE DOMESTIC WATER MAIN PROJECT Project number: WT-WDFF124 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Indio Water Authority, Indio, California ("IWA") invites Electronic Bids for the Project. The City will receive such Bids up to 3:00 PM on August 30, 2024, at which time they will be opened and released to the public. All Bids must be made on the form furnished by the IWA. Each Bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to the IWA Clerk with the Project name and project number typed or clearly printed on the lower left corner of the envelope. Bids must remain valid and shall not be subject to withdrawal for sixty (60) Days after the Bid opening date. INCORPORATION OF STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. The 2021 edition of "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction" ("Standard Specifications"), as amended by the Contract Documents, is incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference. A copy of these specifications can be obtained at www.bnibooks.com. SCOPE OF WORK. The Project includes, without limitation, furnishing all necessary labor, materials, equipment, and other incidental and appurtenant Work necessary to satisfactorily complete the Project, as more specifically described in the Contract Documents. This Work will be performed in strict conformance with the Contract Documents, permits from regulatory agencies with jurisdiction, and applicable regulations. The quantity of Work to be performed and materials to be furnished are approximations only, being given as a basis for the comparison of Bids. Actual quantities of Work to be performed may vary at the discretion of the IWA Engineer. The project is located on Citrus Avenue 380 feet west of Commerce Street and consists of approximately 600 feet of 12" Diameter, Class 350, Ductile Iron Water Main, running from a hydrant located at the northeast corner of the TKB property, and running south in an existing alley between the TKB, CES and Francini Marble properties to terminate in the existing 8" water line in Citrus Avenue. The intent of the project is to loop the existing system to increase pressure and flow availability to properties along Citrus Avenue to its westerly terminus. OBTAINING BID DOCUMENTS. Contract documents may be downloaded electronically without charge, by registering as a bidder. The City has partnered with PlanetBids to announce and distribute all solicitations for engineering capital improvement projects. Only companies that are registered will be eligible to bid and/or propose on the project. A digital copy of said contract documents are available on-line at: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/porta1/32404/ portal -home There are several public agencies that utilize PlanetBids, each with their own portal. Registration with PlanetBids must be made individually with each agency. Bidders must register with the City of Indio's portal to ensure receipt of any Addenda issued by City on this Project. A free copy of the bid documents are also located to view on the City's Website at: https://www.indio.org/busi ness/req uest_for_ proposals_(rfps)/notice of inviting_bids.htm REGISTRATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. In accordance with Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, no contractor or subcontractor shall be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, subject to the requirements of Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code, or engage in the performance of any contract for public work, unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5 [with limited exceptions for bid purposes only under Labor Code Section 1771.1(a)]. PREVAILING WAGES. In accordance with Labor Code Section 1770 et seq., the Project is a "public work." The selected Bidder (Contractor) and any Subcontractors shall pay wages in accordance with the determination of the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations ("DIR") regarding the prevailing rate of per diem wages. Copies of those rates are on file with the Director of Public Works and are available to any interested party upon request. The Contractor shall post a copy of the DIR's determination of the prevailing rate of per diem wages at each job site. This Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. BONDS. Each Bid must be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, certified check, or Bidder's Bond issued by a Surety insurer, made payable to the IWA and in an amount not Tess than ten percent (10%) of the total Bid submitted. Personal or company checks are not acceptable. Upon Contract award, the Contractor shall provide faithful performance and payment Bonds, each in a sum equal to the Contract Price. Before acceptance of the Project, the Contractor shall submit a warranty or maintenance Bond that is valid for one year from acceptance, in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price; in lieu of that Bond, the Contractor may submit proof from the Surety that the performance Bond has been extended for the appropriate duration of time. All Bonds must be issued by a California admitted Surety insurer using the forms set forth in the Contract Documents, or in any other form approved by the City Attorney. Failure to enter into the Contract with the IWA, including the submission of all required Bonds and insurance coverages, within fifteen (15) Days after the date of the mailing of written notice of contract award to the Bidder, shall subject the Bid security to forfeiture to the extent provided by law. NON -MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING AND SITE VISIT. No pre-bid meeting will be held for the project. Every Bidder may, or may not, choose to visit the site. No allowances for cost adjustments will be made if a Bidder fails to adequately examine the Project site before submitting a Bid. TRENCHES AND OPEN EXCAVATIONS. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 6707, if this Project involves the construction of a pipeline, sewer, sewage disposal system, boring and jacking pits, or similar trenches or open excavations, which are five feet or deeper, each bid submitted in response hereto shall contain, as a Bid item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and bracing, or equivalent method, for the protection of life or limb, which shall conform to applicable safety orders. LICENSES. Each Bidder shall possess a valid Class A or C-34 pipe Contractor's license issued by the Califomia State Contractors License Board at the time of the Bid submission, unless this Project has any federal funding, in which case the successful Bidder must possess such a license at the time of Contract award. The successful Contractor must also possess a current City of Indio business license. RETENTION SUBSTITUTION. Five percent (5%) of any progress payment will be withheld as retention. In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22300, and at the request and expense of the Contractor, securities equivalent to the amount withheld may be deposited with the IWA or with a State or federally chartered bank as escrow agent, which shall then pay such moneys to the Contractor. Upon satisfactory completion of the Project, the securities shall be returned to the Contractor. Alternatively, the Contractor may request that the IWA make payments of earned retentions directly to an escrow agent at the Contractor's expense. No such substitutions shall be accepted until all related documents are approved by the City Attorney. TRADE NAMES OR EQUALS. Requests to substitute an equivalent item for a brand or trade name item must be made by written request submitted no later than ten (10) Calendar Days before the Bid submission deadline. Requests received after this time shall not be considered. Requests shall clearly describe the product for which approval is requested, including all data necessary to demonstrate acceptability. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Liquidated damages shall accrue in the amount of $1,000 for each calendar day that Work remains incomplete beyond the Project completion deadline specified in the Contract Documents. BIDDING PROCESS. The IWA reserves the right to reject any Bid or all Bids, and to waive any irregularities or informalities in any Bid or in the bidding, as deemed to be in its best interest. 8/23, 8/30/24 CNS -3844133# LA PRENSA HISPANA NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR PLANT 1 RESERVOIR STAIRCASE REP LACMENT PROJECT Project number: WT-WRP124 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Indio Water Authority, Indio, California ("IWA") invites Electronic Bids for the Project. The City will receive such Bids up to 3:00 PM on September 12, 2024, at which time they will be opened and released to the public. All Bids must be made on the form furnished by the City. Bids must remain valid and shall not be subject to withdrawal for sixty (60) Days after the Bid opening date. INCORPORATION OF STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. The 2021 edition of "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction" ("Standard Specifications"), as amended by the Contract Documents, is incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference. A copy of these specifications can be obtained at www.bnibooks.com. SCOPE OF WORK. The Project includes, without limitation, furnishing all necessary labor, materials, equipment, and other incidental and appurtenant Work necessary to satisfactorily complete the Project, as more specifically described in the Contract Documents. This Work will be performed in strict conformance with the Contract Documents, permits from regulatory agencies with jurisdiction, and applicable regulations. The quantity of Work to be performed and materials to be furnished are approximations only, being given as a basis for the comparison of Bids. Actual quantities of Work to be performed may vary at the discretion of the IWA Engineer. The project is located at the Indio Water Authority's Plant 1 at 83101 Ave 45, Indio, CA 92201. The project will consist of removing an existing interior aluminum staircase and replacing it with an NSF -61 rated fiberglass staircase. OBTAINING BID DOCUMENTS. Contract documents may be downloaded electronically without charge, by registering as a bidder. The City has partnered with PlanetBids to announce and distribute all solicitations for engineering capital improvement projects. Only companies that are registered will be eligible to bid and/or propose on the project. A digital copy of said contract documents are available on-line at: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/porta1/32404/ portal -home There are several public agencies that utilize PlanetBids, each with their own portal. Registration with PlanetBids must be made individually with each agency. Bidders must register with the City of Indio's portal to ensure receipt of any Addenda issued by City on this Project. A free copy of the bid documents are also located to view on the City's Website at: https://www.indio.org/business/request_for_ proposals_(rfps)/notice of inviting_bids.htm REGISTRATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. In accordance with Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, no contractor or subcontractor shall be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, subject to the requirements of Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code or engage in the performance of any contract for public work, unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5 [with limited exceptions for bid purposes only under Labor Code Section 1771.1(a)]. PREVAILING WAGES. In accordance with Labor Code Section 1770 et seq., the Project is a "public work." The selected Bidder (Contractor) and any Subcontractors shall pay wages in accordance with the determination of the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations ("DIR") regarding the prevailing rate of per diem wages. Copies of those rates are on file with the Director of Public Works and are available to any interested party upon request. The Contractor shall post a copy of the DIR's determination of the prevailing rate of per diem wages at each job site. This Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. BONDS. Each Bid must be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, certified check, or Bidder's Bond issued by a Surety insurer, made payable to the IWA and in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total Bid submitted. Personal or company checks are not acceptable. Upon Contract award, the Contractor shall provide faithful performance and payment Bonds, each in a sum equal to the Contract Price. Before acceptance of the Project, the Contractor shall submit a warranty or maintenance Bond that is valid for one year from acceptance, in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price; in lieu of that Bond, the Contractor may submit proof from the Surety that the performance Bond has been extended for the appropriate duration of time. All Bonds must be issued by a Califomia admitted Surety insurer using the forms set forth in the Contract Documents, or in any other form approved by the City Attorney. Failure to enter into the Contract with the IWA, including the submission of all required Bonds and insurance coverages, within fifteen (15) Days after the date of the mailing of written notice of contract award to the Bidder, shall subject the Bid security to forfeiture to the extent provided by law. NON -MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING AND SITE VISIT. A non -mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at Indio Water Authority, 83101 Avenue 45, Indio, CA 92201 followed by a site visit. Every Bidder may, or may not, choose to attend the pre-bid meeting and Project site visit. Failure of a Bidder to attend will not render that Bidder's Bid non-responsive. No allowances for cost adjustments will be made if a Bidder fails to adequately examine the Project site before submitting a Bid. TRENCHES AND OPEN EXCAVATIONS. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 6707, if this Project involves the construction of a pipeline, sewer, sewage disposal system, boring and jacking pits, or similar trenches or open excavations, which are five feet or deeper, each bid submitted in response hereto shall contain, as a Bid item, adequate sheeting, shoring, and bracing, or equivalent method, for the protection of life or limb, which shall conform to applicable safety orders. LICENSES. Each Bidder shall possess a valid Class A Contractor's license, or a Class B Contractors license, issued by the California State Contractors License Board at the time of the Bid submission, unless this Project has any federal funding, in which case the successful Bidder must possess such a license at the time of Contract award. The successful Contractor must also possess a current City of Indio business license. RETENTION SUBSTITUTION. Five percent (5%) of any progress payment will be withheld as retention. In accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22300, and at the request and expense of the Contractor, securities equivalent to the amount withheld may be deposited with the IWA or with a State or federally chartered bank as escrow agent, which shall then pay such moneys to the Contractor. Upon satisfactory completion of the Project, the securities shall be returned to the Contractor. Alternatively, the Contractor may request that the IWA make payments of eamed retentions directly to an escrow agent at the Contractor's expense. No such substitutions shall be accepted until all related documents are approved by the City Attorney. TRADE NAMES OR EQUALS. Requests to substitute an equivalent item for a brand or trade name item must be made by written request submitted no later than ten (10) Calendar Days before the Bid submission deadline. Requests received after this time shall not be considered. Requests shall clearly describe the product for which approval is requested, including all data necessary to demonstrate acceptability. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Liquidated damages shall accrue in the amount of $1,000 for each calendar day that Work remains incomplete beyond the Project completion deadline specified in the Contract Documents. BIDDING PROCESS. The IWA reserves the right to reject any Bid or all Bids, and to waive any irregularities or informalities in any Bid or in the bidding, as deemed to be in its best interest. 8/23, 8/30/24 CNS -3843339# LA PRENSA HISPANA 1"1 1PRENS4 HISPANA Bilingual Newspaper www.laprensahispananewspaper.com Iaprehispana@gmail.com Joy Miedecke America Figueroa SENIOR POLITICAL EDITOR EDITOR -TRANSLATOR WenceslaoV. Camero EDITOR PUBLISHER D. America Halftermeyer COMMUNITY LIAISON -EDITOR Maria Avalos Juan E. Vasquez PHOTOGRAPHER/VIDEO Peter R. Cabrera LEGAL CONSULTANT Hugo Hernandez EDITORIAL DESIGN COLABORADORES Dr. Jorge Hugo Garcia Robert Radi, Ph.D., MBA Jaime Acevedo Indio 45102 Smurr St. Indio, CA. 92201 (760) 342-2565 La Prensa Hispana Bilingual Newspaper L PRENsAo=HisrAvA Newspaper La Prensa Hispana 80814 Glen Haven Dr Indio, CA, 92201-2876 laprehispana@gmail.com Invoice Bill To: City of La Quinta MRadeva@laquintaca.gov Invoice No: 958 Date: 08/19/2024 Terms: NET 30 Due Date: 09/18/2024 Descriptio Quantity TIMMIlmoull.1 NOTICE OF NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE / AVISO DE CANDIDATOS PARA CARGO PUBLICO 3 col x 7 H Subtotal 0% Total PAID 1 $1,050.00 $1,050.00 $1,050.00 $0.00 $1,050.00 $0.00 Balance Due $1,050.00 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY ACCOUNT NO 101-1005-60450 PO# N/A PRCJ# N/A DESCRIPTION Nov. 5, 2024 Election - Notice of Nominees AMT TO PAY $1,050 V# 03669 Monika Radeva 1/1