RT VisionCity of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP DUE BY: AUGUST 16TH, 2024 R RTVISION SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Contents 1. Cover Letter 3 2. Firms Background, Qualifications, and Experience 4 3. References of California government agencies (preferably cities utilizing) 6 4. Scope of Services 8 5. Complete Pricing List 34 6. List of Complementary Services Offered by Proposer along with prices 35 7. Setup and Training Options/Procedure 36 8. Integration Services/Options 40 9. Disclosures 40 10. Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements (attachment 2) 41 11. Non -Collusion Affidavit 42 12. Acknowledgement of Addenda 43 IIS RTVISION 2 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 1. Cover Letter RTVision is pleased to present the City of La Quinta, CA with our response to the RFP for Project Management Software. RTVision has a strong track record in serving local governments, having partnered with hundreds of counties and cities over the past 25 years. We have extensive experience in integrating with third -party applications and have been able to successfully integrate with all applications requested by customers, ensuring that the City's integration needs are not only met for this RFP, but also in the future as well. Our OneOffice platform is designed specifically for government infrastructure management, offering a centralized and integrated solution that removes data silos and improves project oversight. This modern, user-friendly application is ideal for managing projects of all sizes, from initial planning to final completion, with robust features for both project and construction management. OneOffice is a cost-effective solution with a proven return on investment, delivering a comprehensive, standardized, and dynamic approach to managing projects and construction. The platform is highly customizable to not only meet the City's current document control needs, but will also ensure that future requirements can be easily accommodated without costly development. Additionally, OneOffice offers default system templates and processes to streamline the implementation, helping the City meet its timelines and goals efficiently. We are excited at the prospect of collaborating with the City of La Quinta to implement the OneOffice platform and appreciate your consideration. We are fully dedicated to providing a solution that not only meets but surpasses expectations, enhancing the City of La Quinta's project management efforts. All information and pricing provided in the proposal is valid for 120 days. RTVision and all individuals who will perform work as part of this contract are free of conflict of interest. Sincerely, SG - Melissa Scherer Authorized Official: Melissa Scherer CEO/President melissas@rtvision.com 612.386.5653 IIS RTVISION Main Contact: Marc Rood Business Development Director marcr@rtvision.com 651.633.9236 Headquarters and Office Location Servicing the Project: 1152nd St NE Little Falls, MN 56345 www.rtvision.com 3 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 2. Firms Background, Qualifications, and Experience Number of years in business: 25 years Tax ID: 41-1945066 Number of years performing software mgmt.: 25 years Firm ownership and state incorp, date of incorp: C -Corp, incorporated in Minnesota If subsidiary, identify parent company: N/A RTVision has been focused on delivering process management solutions for local government Public Works Departments for the past 25 years. We developed our applications from extensive work with, and input from, local government. Unlike other vendors who provide a generalized project management solution to be used across any industry, RTVision's OneOffice application is focused specifically for use in local government agencies, like the City of La Quinta. Our OneOffice construction project management application is in use by nearly 150 different US counties and cities; providing operational efficiencies for local government of all sizes. (Our largest OneOffice customer has a population of over 1.2 million, and our smallest OneOffice customer has a population of 5,400). Over the last 20 years, the software has managed over 25,000 projects and billions of dollars in payments. Additionally, OneOffice has over 3,000 contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and other organizations who access customer OneOffice applications, as external stakeholders, to view reports, sign documents, download/upload information, provide submittals, and more. Each organization can have any number of users set up for external access. In total, there are more than 10,000 external user accounts in use. OneOffice provides them with real-time project information, improving communications and management efficacy. The goal of the OneOffice application is to bring all relevant data into a single location for improved data analysis, simplified workflows, and enhanced collaboration. Through use of the platforms API (application programming interface), RTVision has been able to develop all integrations requested by customers, resulting in over 50 integrations. Additionally, RTVision's OneOffice application is built to be customized. It is a low -code platform, enabling agencies to customize and develop new features within the site without needing any development or coding expertise. This significantly lowers the cost and time required for IIS RTVISION 4 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP customization and implementation. Additionally, the platform's Administration feature allows agencies to easily install various functions, integrations, reports, document templates, state item lists, state material rules, and more. Agencies simply click 'Add' to incorporate the desired functionality into their site, allowing them to swiftly implement customizations or default setup, decreasing the implementation time and work needed to utilize different functionality. RTVision provides excellent customer service. We provide industry-leading application uptime and maintain a 4.8/5.0 stars for Customer Support, as rated by our customers who send in Service Desk tickets. We have a 100% success rate for implementations and 98% customer retention rate. IIS RTVISION 5 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 3. References of California government agencies (preferably cities utilizing) Reference 1 City of Santa Rosa, CA Aimee Hennessy 1 707.543.3089 1 ahennessy@srcity.org Project Description: Upgraded to new OneOffice platform, provided additional training, customized document templates, and added an integration for finance Start Date/End Date: Implemented/upgraded in 2021 — current user Staff Assigned: Rachel Laudner, Kevin Trettel Summary of Final Outcome: The City wanted to have some custom documents added and an integration into Finance to eliminate double entry. Reference 2 City of St. Paul, MN Michael Van Beuseksom 1651.266.6083 1 Michael.vanbeuseksom@ci.stpaul.mn.us Project Description: Implementation of OneOffice for construction project management, built custom templates Start Date/End Date: Pilot project the summer of 2020; purchased the software in December of 2020 and went live with the software in January 2021. Current user. Staff Assigned: Rachel Laudner Summary of Final Outcome: The City is still a current user of the OneOffice application and recently expanded use into the Water Department as well. Their funding needs are fairly complex and they liked how our software automated the funding and payments, saving them multiple hours each week. II RTVISION 6 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Reference 3 Sonoma County, CA Forrest Corson 1 707.565.2253 1 forrest.corson@sonoma-county.org Project Description: Implemented OneOffice for construction project management, custom inspection setup Start Date/End Date: Implemented in 2019 but added customizations in years after (through 2023). Current user. Staff Assigned: Melissa Scherer, Kevin Trettel, Rachel Laudner Summary of Final Outcome: Implemented the application in 2019 and added some custom setup after implementing to accommodate their own document templates, inspection fields, contingency calculations, and contract extension/working day tracking for daily journals. The contingencies, documents, and contract extension options are available for other CA agencies to download or install through the Packages section of Administration. IIS RTVISION 7 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 4. Scope of Services Construction Management Inspections Daily inspection logs can be added to include information such as: contractor labor, equipment usage, hours worked/delayed, working days/calendar days charged, notes, weather, and photos/attachments, traffic, and item inspections, as well as any other custom field requirements. Each inspector has their own daily log so multiple inspectors can add their own information for the same project, while being able to view other inspector notes in a read only format. Notes and attachments can be geo-tagged to identify x, y coordinates for data and even integrate this data into GIS systems. Weather can be automatically added based upon your location and date, using an API integration. Each inspector can generate their own logs and information can be displayed in daily, weekly, monthly (or other custom timeframe) formats. Tags can be added to quickly query for common information across all contracts, and keywords can be searched for to easily find potential issues. Custom documentation can be created in the application to fulfill City and/or State documentation and reporting requirements. The Item Record Account and Inspection sections are also available in an `offline' mode to ensure inspections can be completed, even without Internet access. The OneOffice application is mobile -enabled and can be used on any device, with any browser, using features such as cameras and voice to text for completing inspections. Support, RtVlsion: more files Rn9 ramusa-aerial-home-9048x15361119 9o_9Yjep9 IIS RTVISION 8 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Photo/Video Logs Photos and videos can be added to inspection records, as well as other areas of the application like punch list (or any other areas required by the City). The metadata from photos are automatically imported, showing various details about the photo including the location, direction facing, date/time and other important details. These photos can then be viewed from various reports, including daily photo and notes, inspectors daily report, tag reports, and map reports. Tags added to photos can be easily reported on across all projects to quickly see indications of issue. Map reports will show all photos, across all projects, by location, allowing a user to select an area on a map view to see all notes and photos taken within the selected area or view. This provides better historical context if issues occur on certain road segments or private easements and gives the ability to search across all projects, based upon location. Item Transaction, Material on Hand, and Tally Sheets Item quantity entries, or transactions, are added as part of the inspection process in OneOffice. Each inspector or user records there own transaction details, which not only includes the quantity for each item, but also other information pertaining to each transaction like photos/attachments, segment details, tags, and comments. Each transaction entry automatically records the user who entered the data, the date/time stamp and also provides an option to allow for Engineer verification. Transaction entries can use quantity from material on hand or stockpile as well, which then provides reports and summary interface detailing out material used and remaining balances for on hand values. Unique calculations, per item, also exist to automatically generate quantity totals and documents like tally sheets. The Item Record Account shows all items in the contract along with transacted (but unpaid totals), paid totals, and on hand values. By clicking on an item, users can see even further detail by viewing a list of all past transactions, date, who entered the transaction, how the transaction was funded, quantity variances, and remaining values. Here a user can also make transaction modifications or adjustments that will be pulled into future payments. The Item Record Account also provides a comprehensive view of transactions that have been paid for, by each payment number, as well as those that will be pulled into the next payment. Transactions are automatically pulled into payments based upon the date of the payment and the dates of open transactions. IIS RTVISION 9 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Daily, Weekly, Monthly Inspection Reporting Inspection report summaries can display daily details, for each inspector individually, as well as weekly and monthly summaries for all inspectors on a contract. These reports can also be electronically approved through OneOffice and show all information added in inspections, including item transaction quantities, notes, photos, equipment and inspector details, as well as days charged, weather, and any other custom fields that the City is required to track. Throughout OneOffice, users can optionally tag locations of data and metadata from photos is automatically imported, which includes the geotag/location of the photo. Map reports provide the ability for users to show/hide different fields that track location to see the tagged location of records from a map view, including summarized details. This is extremely beneficial when looking up historical information, even if you don't know the project number/name. As inspection records are added, `common tags' can optionally be added to the records which allows the City to use map reports to see where tags like `issue', or `injury' were added across all active projects. Links to the exact entry are included in the tag report to not only visually show the location on a map, but to also bring the user directly to where more details can be obtained. Map reports are an effective means to display project details for more efficient data consumption and data -driven decision making. Through geo-spatial representation and analysis, users can identify patterns and correlations that may otherwise go unnoticed through viewing a tabular report. Map reports can also enhance communications and transparency among stakeholders through enhanced visual representation; and provide an effective way to query historical records and data in future years. Quantity variance reports show inspectors remaining balances for each item, along with the percent, amount, and quantity variance and also provide the ability to add comments or notes for overages at project closeout. Material Test Management OneOffice has the ability to track material test requirements and results, including the test used, pass/fall, notes, locations and attachments. Setup rules, per item, to be notified if items on the project require material testing, includingtest(s) required and test parameters. IIS RTVISION 10 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Punch lists Contractor task assignments can also be added to address items/issues outlined in punch lists. Each punch list can contain one or more assignments or issues that need to be addressed. The issues can include information such as photos, descriptions, and exact location of the issue to aid the contractor in completing the work. Contractors have the ability to view the full list of assignments from their own project management dashboard to more easily organize project related data, without having to rely on emails. Rather then sending an email prompt for each task added, a summary email can be sent to include a list of tasks which can then be managed from the contractor project management dashboard. Once addressed, contractors can mark the task or issue as complete from their dashboard which in turn notifies the City that completed tasks are awaiting review. The City can either accept or reject the completed issues, which not only notifies the contractor but is also displayed, real-time, in the contractor dashboard. With the ability to assign tasks to external parties, all data is securely stored in OneOffice and users only have access to the required fields and areas based upon the task assignment. Mobile OneOffice has a mobile -optimized user interface and can be used on any device and on any modern, supported browser (including Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, Brave, etc.). Users can also utilize the application in an `offline' mode in case there is limited Internet connection. The offline mode allows the user to view and enter information in the same user interface they use when online but will display that the user is currently working offline. Once Internet connection is established and the user is `online,' any locally stored data and files/images will be automatically saved into the database. IIS RTVISION 11 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Project Management Risk Management OneOffice includes the ability to track risks via a risk register, providing a summarized view of the risk name, owner, risk category, status, and risk score. Risk reports can be viewed at the sitewide level, as well as the contract/project level to easily show project managers if any risks exist and what areas need more immediate focus and attention. Messages Users can add messages which are available to display to the public (via the public project dashboard), to the winning contractor, to an assigned consultant, or to internal staff. Responses or replies can be added to create an audit trail and log of communications had between various stakeholders. Project Overview Project Overview reports show the status of all projects in the application, regardless of whether the project is part of 5 year plan in early design phases, or closed out. Based upon the status of the project, more comprehensive project reports are available that detail budget vs actuals, payments, statuses, scope, and other details relative to the phase of the project. • Total Tasks Great. vs ACOePted TYPe IIS RTVISION 12 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Dashboards Project dashboards provide a quick and easy way to review project metrics and determine what areas of the project need to be reviewed further. Various dashboards exist, including but not limited to: Budgets: funding allocation, expenses, budgeted vs actuals by year and cost type (budget dashboards available to show at the project and program level) Planning: cost breakdown, potential overrun risks, funding source breakdown estimates Bidding: plan holders, addenda tracking, number of bidders Construction: days charged, work certified, common tags by month, document statuses, task types and status breakdown Document Approval: documents pending `your' approval, documents awaiting approval, document approval completed Public dashboards can also be utilized by making the project `public', a setting available on a per project basis. Public dashboards can be customized by default dashboards can be used to display project details, including: Planning: Justification and description of the project, project location, project contacts, project feedback, anticipated construction dates, budgetary implications Bidding: ad for bid, item lists, plan holder lists, plan downloads, addendum Construction: construction updates/photos, bid abstract/award details, contacts, anticipated completion date, location 1 City of La Quinta * RS Contract Number Construction 2023 Name: ConslructIon 2023 Contractor Careful Contracting [My Address, My City MN 00000] Author. Joker, Ryan Actual Starting Date: IIS RTVISION 13 Location www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Milestones Milestones are simple way to track general progress and project key dates. Each project can be setup with defined milestones that are specific to the City and then are aggregated in Milestone calendar report that shows all relevant milestones for all projects, helping to ensure that milestones are not missed. Estimate Creation and Cost Management OneOffice initial planning estimates can be created using data from similar historical projects, as well as with formulas for 'cost per mile' to determine general estimates for multi-year plans. As the estimates become more established, engineer's estimates can be created from a detailed project item list. The project item list can be imported into the application from a spreadsheet, can be copied from a similar project, or can be manually added from the item list lookup. OneOffice tracks all historical bid unit prices from contractors, so historical averages and winning bid unit price values are available for each item. Additionally, if historical item lists are available from the State or other neighboring agencies, those can be imported as well for additional context and analytics. The engineer's estimate can then be used to create different documents and reports, as well as estimated funding valuations that can be compared against winning bid unit prices and actual values. Justification and Initiatives Justifications and City-wide initiatives can be tracked per project, and aggregated in program budget reports to show the amount of dollars that are going towards different City initiatives as part of the long term planning. Project justifications provide the ability to document and communicate reasons for the project objectives and can also be displayed on public dashboards to provide more impactful engagement and measurements of success. Email Management Via an Outlook email integration with OneOffice, a user can click on an email in Outlook and then specify the project (and optionally folder) they would like to send the email to in OneOffice for archiving and project tagging. The full email, including subject, body, and any attachments, is then stored and saved in OneOffice. Users can also tag or link the email to relevant details for additional context and provides a more complete and holistic log of project communications that occur as part of project management. IIS RTVISION 14 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Contract Management Contract Changes and Addendum Contract changes and addendum can be added and tracked throughout the project lifecycle. As a contract change or addenda is added into OneOffice, County required addendum or contract change documentation can be automatically created to include information like items impacted, description of changes, valuation adjustments, or other custom aspects necessary for tracking. These documents can then be formally routed for electronic approval to external stakeholders as well as other City personnel to inform and provide approval for changes. As part of the reviewal process, contract changes can also be rejected, with the reviewer noting reason for denying the contract change. Whether approved or denied, City required documents are automatically added to the OneOffice document section. As part of the contract change process, supporting documentation and messages can also be included so that reviewers can reference additional details that pertain to the requested adjustments. If approved, contract changes and addendum will then updates authorized values, revised contract amounts, item lists, working days available, or other metrics that may have been updated as part of the contract change or addendum process. Contract Change summary pages outline lists of contract changes and addendum for each project, including critical information on summary reports such as date, total cost, or other areas that the City deems necessary to view in the summary report. Estimate Item No. Of Cost: naciueeanymcreases or eases in Description coniraw Unit Trema any aegara Unit Price leo' orforce Quantity accouniitems l Amount $ 2104.50 SALVAGE FLAGPOLE BASE AND EAC 2/02410 PLAQUE ti $1,000.00 1 $1,000.00 2412.50 404 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX 3/04040 CULVERT L F 63.00 -2 (56.00) Net Change this Change Order 10994.00 nine hundred end ninety-four Doe to this change, the contract tiro ( ) Is NOT changed Number of Working Days Affected by this Contract Change: Number of Calendar Days Affected by this Contract Change: Approved by Project Engineer: Rack( .Lmedr r Print Name: Rsek l .Lavoime Phone: Approved by Contractor: fade/ Laeaket Print Name: &e/e' .Laed e4 Phone: Date:1/21/2029 Dat,,1/29/2029 OSAE Portion: The State of Minnesota Is nota participant In this contract. Signature by the DletnCt State Ald Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and F4daral Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is elioible for Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds Page 1 of 2 0 ' 0 STATUS err. IIS RTVISION COMMENTS @ DOCUMENTS 15 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP During the bidding phase, OneOffice tracks addendum viewing, by plan holder, to ensure that all plan holders have received the information and viewed the information. If online bidding through OneOffice is utilized, plan holders must also sign off that they have reviewed the addenda as part of the bid submittal process. Contract Agreements OneOffice provides the ability to easily manage and track critical metrics pertaining to contract agreements or even project -specific tasks associated to a general agreement. Agreements can be tied to a specific agreement record and also accessed from the Documents folder, and other important details such as the vendor, amount, dates, description of work, are all tracked for each contract agreement or general agreement. As payments are made, general/master agreement balance reports show total payments made and remaining values to have improved contract oversight. Amendments and changes can be added to each agreement to update terms, costs, or other factors. RFI and Submittals RFIs and submittals in OneOffice provide the ability for the City and contractors to more effectively and efficiently communicate and collaborate with contractors or other external stakeholders. Contractors have their own project management summary dashboard to help organize submittal tasks and submit RFIs to the City. Submittals and RFIs can be routed to specific individuals but also allow for `requests for comment' from other individuals that may need to provide internal commentary as part of the response process. If a due date is assigned to submittals or RFIs reminder notifications will be sent at a determined cadence to ensure that due dates are not missed, or are made known to have been missed. The OneOffice application provides a full list of all RFIs and submittals that can be easily viewed, printed, or exported into Excel and reports can be generated based upon the status, due date, category, or other factors. Bid Document Submittals As part of the online bidding process, essential bid documents can be submitted in a secure, encrypted environment which provides contractors with the assurance that all necessary bid document requirements have been fulfilled. With the inclusion of custom document templates and electronica approval, bidders IIS RTVISION 16 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP can fill out and sign documents electronically or they can upload a copy of the document as well. These documents are all made available to the City at the bid opening and are then accessible in the OneOffice application for easy reference and access in the future. Online Plan room and Bidding OneOffice default setup has the ability to utilize various project dashboards, and if the project is in bidding, a comprehensive online plan room is available to display project details to the public or prospective bidders, as well as provide documents and item lists to download, initiating the bidding process. When plans are downloaded, contractors are automatically added to a plan holder list for the City to view, track, and archive along with other project details and requirements. If addenda is issued, plan holders are automatically notified and can download and view relevant information from the online plan room. If the City opts to utilize online bidding, the plan holders can start their step -by step -bidding process through an online, encrypted site that helps to outline necessary requirements and visually confirms as each step in the bidding process is completed. Bid Abstract/Tabulation Reporting Regardless of whether or not online bidding is utilized, bid abstract reporting and analysis can be utilized in OneOffice. Various versions of bid abstract reports can be created and automatically shared to the public and plan holders at different phases of the award process. (For example, a summary might be provided as soon as bids are opened and then a full abstract made available after contract award). The bid abstract displays each bidders unit price bid, as well as over/under percentages (when comparing to the engineers estimate) and average prices. Not only are the bidder prices utilized to generate these reports, but they are also used to build a comprehensive database for historical prices which in turn can be used when generating estimates as part of the CIP process. IIS RTVISION 17 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Budget Tracking (Progress Payments, Funding Sources, Invoice Tracking) Progress Payments Payment estimates are automatically generated by incorporating any open transactions through a date specified. A list of all payments, including calculated retainage, is available and numerous payment and funding related reports can be viewed within OneOffice as well. Retainage values can be manually entered by dollar value or OneOffice can automatically calculate retained dollars based upon percentages of work certified. The retainage calculation is down at the project/contract level and can be changed or updated on each payment; with the option to fully release all retainage on final payments. There are default payment document templates available to select from, or the City can also continue using their own payment documentation. Custom documentation for reports like payments and contract changes can be easily incorporated and created directly from OneOffice. The Progress Payment report details information, by line item, as well as any MOH and contract changes. Funding reports can be automatically generated that show the budget and funding breakdown for single payments or an aggregate of payments to quickly see work certified values and funding breakdown for any date range. Item funding information can be updated at any time throughout the project management lifecycle and applied to past payments or only future payments. Once a payment document is generated, the user can select a templated workflow or create a unique workflow to request signature approvals from various users, including external users. Users 4 automatically receive an email notification with a link to the document, where they can review the document, add notes, view supporting documentation and approve the payment. Once the document is fully approved, all approvers (as well as any who are set up to be notified when complete) will automatically receive an email notification with the fully approved document as a PDF attachment. This process improves communications, creates an audit trail of document approvals, and enhances productivity by not needing to bring the document outside of OneOffice for approval processes. Funding Management Funding allocation can be added for each project, as part of the project planning process and updated throughout the course of the project lifecycle, even after progress payments have been issued in construction. Funding setup is established at the line item level and is used when generating pay estimates. Reports can easily be generated, showing funding allocation and funding use breakdown by item, with over a IIS RTVISION 18 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP dozen different funding breakdown and report viewing options. Each report can be easily exported into Excel and payment data can be exported or integrated into financial systems. OneOffice handles simple projects funding by single funding sources, as well as complex projects with over a dozen funding sources, including when splitting funding by percentages and funding source max or caps. Invoice Tracking OneOffice can track and manage invoices by project, as well as tie invoices to payments. Invoices can be uploaded by vendors or by City employees and each invoice can be reviewed, adding notes, account codes/GL Code breakdown, and approvals. Invoices and payments can also be coded to automatically incorporate budgetary cost types to get real-time viewing of project budgets to actuals. Budget Reports (Program and Project level) OneOffice has over 100 different budget reports that can be generated at the project or program level and includes the ability to view the information in a tabular view and graphical view. These reports provide the ability to display budgeted and actuals broken down by cost types, departments, years, categories/types, funds, and initiatives. All reports can be output from the OneOffice platform in either PDF or Excel and reports can be favorited in order to more easily access commonly used reports. Budget comparison and updates Multiple versions of project budgets and multi-year programs can be generated to compare different models and scenarios that reflect potential outcomes and strategic decisions based upon funding variations, inflationary risks, and budgetary impacts. As new information becomes available, project budgets and multi-year programs can be copied to easily create new versions and update data based upon recent information. Program Management/Multi-year Budget Planning Projects can be added to various programs, with the ability to create multi-year programs including three- year, five-year, ten-year, or any other variation. When creating a program, projects are suggested to be added based upon the program years, suggesting all projects where budgetary dollars impact the specified IIS RTVISION 19 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP timeframe. The OneOffice platform outlines the cost breakdown and funding allocation, by year, for each program. Information can also be shared with the public to provide interactive program oversight, showing statuses, important dates, funding details, geographical location, proposed design/construction images, milestones or any other relevant details. Additionally, program budget books can also be output from the application, providing a PDF or Word document of program information and project details. Funding Mix • Fee. al5t24% • State 28.9696 • wuae Dean., Asa, Expense Mix • • construct. 39..78% •Davy. 263, • Budgeted vs Actual by Year by Type 8.000000 7.000.000 4000.000 2000.000 1.000000 • Duign Butlpxee 2023 111 POW Budget. IIConf[union wog..a • Design Actual • POW An.ai •COutrvtx ktuap Cashflow Projections 202.4 OneOffice has the ability to record revenue projections and forecast future inflationary changes to expenses in order to provide detailed reports on revenue remaining balances and forecasted values, providing the ability for the City to more accurately budget for upcoming projects and also use scenario modeling to determine necessary project or program level changes to better accommodate changing allocations. IIS RTVISION 20 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Scheduling (Critical Path Method, MS Project) Scheduling and Scheduling Templates OneOffice provides users with the ability to setup various scheduling templates that can be saved to individual projects as a way to quickly start a new project schedule. Multiple schedules can be utilized for a single project, or different versions can be created to compare against a baseline schedule. Each schedule can be shown in a calendar view, a task list view, ora Gantt chart view. The schedule can be viewed for all users at once or for individual users as well. As work or tasks are completed, actual timeframes are entered to update projected completion dates and can even record labor hour tracking. Each task has a name, description, assignee, estimated start date, duration and can also be linked to other areas like a spec item, a location and other task dependencies. MS Project Integration OneOffice can import a schedule created in MS Project, providing the ability to easily create a new schedule for the project, or a new version of a schedule for easier management and comparison against baseline schedules. If other scheduling tools are used, additional integrations could also be added if needed (i.e. Primavera). Start E. Days Betwen Duration 7/8,2024 an02, 13920 0 Actual N. N. Sunday < August 2024 > Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday IIS RTVISION 21 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Task Tracking Task Management Users can be assigned and scheduled for tasks through scheduling, or even for tasks such as punch lists, RFI responses and others. With any task assignment, users are notified via email, based upon the user preferences each person has setup for their account. Task reminders are automatically subscribed to, but each user can also opt in/out of those notifications. Similarly, approval notifications are emailed out to all requested approvers. If an approver has not digitally signed a document within X days (timeframe set by the City), then the user is set an automatic email reminder that a document is still pending their approval. Connex, the online project management dashboard for contractors and consultants, also provides task reminder summaries and information, broken down by the contract. Resource Reporting Resource schedules include the task assignments and allocations across all active projects. Employees can use the resource report to view assignments for the month across all projects (from a task list view or calendar view), while supervisors and project managers can utilize the report to view if employees are over or under-utilized. Additionally, the report shows the total scheduled hours for each employee so PM's can quickly see if a resource is being over -utilized and may require changes to the project milestones or risk projects falling behind schedule. Workflow Approval and notification workflows For each document type, approval workflow templates can be added and saved for future use, detailing the different signature levels needed for each document. Each document approval level can then be setup with both internal users and external stakeholders, requesting signatures, as well as specifying individuals who should be notified (and receive the approved document) once approvals are completed. IIS RTVISION 22 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP With any notifications, a reminder feature can be used to automatically send out reminders if tasks have not been completed X days after a due date or if a pending approval has not been received X days after receiving the approval request. Contractor workflows Default contractor workflows are in place that provide the ability for a contractor to initiate messages or RFIs, view and comment on submittals, as well as resolve assigned punch lists or warranty lists. Additional contractor workflows can be added to customize the interaction and access points for OneOffice and default contractor workflows can be modified to provide more or less access to certain methods (i.e. read/write) and even fields. All contractors and consultants have access to their own project management dashboard, ConneX, which is free to use. This provides a single point of reference for any interactions with the city, including document approvals, RFIs, submittals, punch lists, and bids; providing a comprehensive and user-friendly way to interact with stakeholders. Consultant workflows Default consultant workflows are in place that provide the ability for a consultant to be quickly setup with project -specific access to certain functional areas of OneOffice, including inspections, estimating, documents, contract changes, and payments. Additional consultant workflows can be added to customize the interaction and access points for OneOffice and default consultant workflows can be modified to provide more or less access to certain methods (ie read/write) and even fields. All contractors and consultants have access to their own project management dashboard, ConneX, which is free to use. This provides a single point of reference for any interactions with the City. Process workflows OneOffice also has workflows for users that automate different processes such as task assignment notifications, contract change revisions, material testing rules, fuel escalation formulas, project phase changes, dashboard views, and more. These process workflows all have default setup, based upon industry standards and the routine processes of over 100 different local government agencies across the US. These default process workflows are reviewed as part of the implementation and training process and can be updated or customized if changes are required in order to confirm with the City requirements. IIS RTVISION 23 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Document Control (Submittals, RFI, Reviews, Plans and Specs, Inspection Logs, Photos Reports, Bid Documentation, Council Reports, Contracts/Agreements, Utilities, Environmental, Invoices, Meetings, Change Orders, Mainte Files, Outreach/Notices, Exhibits Document Management The OneOffice platform has robust document management functionality. From a centralized location, users can access all relevant documentation that pertains to the project. The City can create folders to store and organize all project documentation. Documents can either be uploaded (if created from a different tool or system), or documents can be automatically saved to the Document Management section if generated in OneOffice, using City -specific templates. Examples of such documents include contract changes, progress payments, agreements, meeting minutes, and more. All documents generated through OneOffice, as well as documents that are attached/uploaded have different management tabs in the document viewer that provide the ability for the City to link supporting documentation, add user date/time stamped comments and notes, and also setup electronic signatures/approval for any document. Electronic approvals can be requested of internal staff as well as external users; an approver does not need a license in order to receive a request to electronically approve documents. While RTVision can integrate with electronic approval tools the electronic approval process comes standard in OneOffice at no cost without needing to have licenses to tools like DocuSign or Adobe. When searching for a document the user can select a folder to limit options or search on various fields including the date of upload, name of the document, user who uploaded the document, and any other tags added to the document. User can query on any number of these details for more complex searching, or simply sort by any of the fields to locate information. All document types can be stored in the application, unless the City chooses to set limits to the document extension types. The default max file size for upload is 100MB but that can be changed. Unlimited file storage is provided. Access Control OneOffice has dynamic access control that can be customized, providing the upmost control of data access rights, including noting the abilities for certain users or groups of users to have view/search rights, edit rights, and delete rights. The OneOffice platform is installed with our default access control setup in order to IIS RTVISION 24 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP reduce the amount of time needed to implement the application, however full customization is available as part of the Administration training. Different file systems templates Document Templates The OneOffice application integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office so any current document templates used for areas such as contract change documents and progress payment document can continue to be use when moving to OneOffice. The OneOffice application will automatically populate the custom document template using data from the OneOffice application and will then save back to OneOffice documents section for viewing, download, and electronic approvals. There are also default document templates available that can be used as a starting point for customization. System Templates OneOffice has default system templates throughout the application, providing the ability for agencies to implement the OneOffice application within a short period of time, but still providing the flexibility to fully customize the application. System templates include permissions, access control rights, dashboard views, document templates, forms, tables, menus, color schemes, and other areas. System template changes can also be downloaded from the OneOffice `Packages' section which give the agency the ability to implement different system integrations and templates based upon their needs. This provides the ability for agencies to implement new system integrations and functionality, but doesn't require all OneOffice systems to be configured the same. The Packages section also provides the ability for state -specific rules and workflows to be automatically added and configured to each agency's setup. Export reporting in Excel, PDF All reports can be exported into Excel or can be printed to PDF. Additionally, report templates can be generated in Word using the MS Office API -integration, which provides additional export and viewing options. All summary views and tables of information can also be exported into Excel. With the ability to easily customize the application and ability to export all tables of data into Excel, the capabilities to output any data tracked in the application into a Excel and PDF is virtually limitless. IIS RTVISION 25 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Integration with other software RTVision integrates with over 50 different applications, including payment providers, payroll systems, financial systems, mapping tools, document management systems, and productivity tools. Including: • ESRI/ArcGIS • Microsoft Office products • Mapbox • Tyler Technologies • Dropbox • UKG • Bluebeam (in progress • ... and more The following integrations are included in the pricing: • MS Office tools (including Outlook, Word, Excel, Project) • Bluebeam (integration partnership in progress) • ArcGIS The OneOffice platform is API -based and any table of data can be exported into Excel/CSV files so additional integrations can be added by the City, if desired. IIS RTVISION 26 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Training Rachel Laudner 1 Implementation Manager and Training Lead Rachel has been with RTVision since 2020, managing implementations for customers across a variety of modules in OneOffice, including CIP, ROW, and Construction management. Rachel has successfully completed more than 50 implementations during the past four years. Rachel holds an MBA from Capella University in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Education. As the Implementation Manager, Rachel will be responsible for: • Project lead for implementation consulting and setup • Project management lead for customization and integration services • Providing customer training sessions Similar Projects managed by Rachel Laudner Alachua County, FL Alachua County purchased the OneOffice platform for CIP, Project Management, and Construction Management in 2024 and is currently finalizing the implementation process. They imported their 10 -year CIP and customized many documents and reports to accommodate their special reporting needs. Services provided: implementation consulting, data migration, training, customizations, support and maintenance Mobile County, AL Mobile County, AL purchased the OneOffice platform in 2024 and went live in July. They setup customized document reports for monthly inspections, specifically to automate and fulfill ALDOT reporting requirements. MOBILE COUNTY STATE OF ALABAMA • SINCE 1812 Services provided: implementation consulting, training, customizations, support and maintenance II RTVISION 27 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP City of St Paul, MN The City of St. Paul Transportation Department initially began using the OneOffice platform as a trial during the summer of 2020 and purchased the application later that year. They went live with the application within 8 weeks of purchasing and currently use OneOffice for Construction Management. The City also recently purchased licenses for Project and Construction Management, in the Water Department. ISI SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA Services provided: implementation consulting, customizations, training, support and maintenance City of Santa Rosa, CA The City of Santa Rosa, CA began using OneOffice in 2012 but recently upgraded to the new platform in 2019. During this time they also received additional training and setup integration services with their internal financial system? City of Santa Rosa Services provided: implementation consulting, training, integration services, customizations support and maintenance Kevin Trettel !Technical Lead - Database and Integrated Services Kevin has been with RTVision for the past 18 years and is a Principal Engineer. Kevin has a BA in Mathematics and Computer Science from St John's University. As the technical lead for database and integrated services, Kevin will be responsible for: • Integration setup and configuration • Historical data import Gabrielle Fuchs 1 Technical Lead - Customizations Gabrielle has been with RTVision for three years and has worked in Technical Support and QA/QC, and is currently a Level I Engineer. Gabrielle has a Associate Degree in Applied Science and Computer Programming from St Cloud Technical College. As the technical lead for customizations, Gabrielle will be responsible for: • Assisting in the setup of custom interfaces and workflow processes • Assisting in the setup of custom documents and reports IIS RTVISION 28 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Software setup and customizations As part of the OneOffice implementation process, the Implementation Manager will discuss different setup and customization options, as well as review default system and document templates with the City. The default setup will be used as a basis for the OneOffice setup to decrease the amount of time it would otherwise take to deliver a fully customized system. As part of the training and onboarding process, customizations can be completed in the following areas: • Menu order and naming • New fields, field naming and ordering • Access rights and user roles Software setup includes: • Import historical data • Import item lists • User account setup • Integration configuration • Approval workflow templates • Document and report templates • Integrations and system package installs Misc Questions Is software desktop/local or cloud -based? Cloud -based software, hosted on Amazon Web Services. All services and backups are in the US. How frequently is the software updated? Updates occur every two weeks and upgrades occur every two years. Both updates and upgrades are included in the annual SaaS pricing and the City will not incur additional fees for updates, or system upgrades. For any new releases, email notifications are sent out to customers that provides links to written instructions and/or training videos. This same information is also available as an in- app notification for all users (prompted when the user logs in) and is also available in the Update Log within the application (this shows all past update versions, dates and changes). RTVision also conducts quarterly webinars where recent IIS RTVISION 29 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP updates are reviewed in a more interactive environment. All of our support documentation is available online, allowing users to easily search for help questions by key word(s) and by the section and phase of the project. This documentation is continuously updated as new features or changes become available, or as commonly asked questions arise. RTVision has robust automation release processes established in order to minimize employee/human error in the release process. As part of the release process, unit, integration, acceptance, and end to end testing is completed prior to releasing any development code. All changes are first released to a dev environment before being released to staging, and then finally production. Releases are automatically applied during overnight hours (2 AM to 3AM CST) and only have minutes of downtime for each site. RTVision's primary source of enhancements and functionality released in major/minor releases come from customer feedback. Customer enhancement requests are logged in an online product roadmap so that other customers can view, vote, and watch enhancement requests submitted by other agencies. RTVision will then determine which enhancements to incorporate into OneOffice, as well as the priority for doing so, based upon these votes and other strategic interests. Describe the technology or system requirements including servers/memory/storage if applicable. Minimum Specification Requirements: • Device should have at least 30MB of available space for offline use Supported browsers: • Chromium -based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, etc....); most recent 5 versions • Safari 15.4, support 2 most recent major versions going forward • Firefox (most recent 5 versions) Support browsers on mobile devices: • Android Devices: same as desktop browsers • Apple Devices: IOS 15.4, support 2 most recent major versions going forward Supported OS: OS versions with 'mainstream' support • IOS 15.4, support 2 most recent major versions going forward • Windows 10 or newer (Older versions of Windows will work if using other `third -party' browsers like Firefox or Chrome, if browser versions are within a supported version) Documents and Document Approvals: IIS RTVISION 30 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP • Digital signature (using RSA digital signatures with public/private keys) • Supported on 0365 or Office Online. If cloud-based/hosted, please list how many times over the past two years the system was unavailable to clients. There have been no unplanned outages in the past two years. All down time has been planned for bi-weekly updates, which occur between 2AM and 3AM Central time. During this timeframe, the application will be inaccessible for approximately 15 minutes. Describe the back-up system in place, including disaster recovery or business continuity plans. RTVision maintains secure, redundant, and highly available hosted services. In addition to backup procedures and redundancy setup utilizing services at the hosting provider (AWS), RTVision also copies encrypted backups to an off-site secure location on a daily basis to ensure complete recovery of the database in the event of datacenter disaster. RDS (database) full backups are completed hourly with 1 day retention, daily with 7 day retention, weekly with 35 day retention, monthly with 180 day retention. EFS (file storage) daily incremental backups with 35 -day retention. Customers can request a full backup of their database on a monthly basis. All customer data is hosted on their own database; single tenant setup. As part of RTVision's disaster recovery and business continuity plans, RTVision routinely tests the ability to recover from a range of scenarios as necessitated through SOC2 compliance. Describe all security measures and disclose any hosting partners if applicable. RTVision hosts the OneOffice application at Amazon Web Services -US. All access is secure though HTTPS (HTTP over TLS) Web UI &API. Data is encrypted using AES256, data is encrypted in -transit & at rest. Backups are also encrypted. RTVision follows OWASP guidelines for development practices. RTVision conducts background checks on all employees and all employees are required to sign NDA's. Internal policies and procedures follow industry standard frameworks and are reviewed as part of SOC2 processes. IIS RTVISION 31 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP RTVision also monitors site performance via Sentry, which provides the ability for RTVision to be made aware of slow queries or errors in the application, without the City needing to report this information through Support Services. Describe the historical data the software maintains. Projects can be archived and stored in the application for any length of time. Some agencies have nearly 20 years worth of projects in OneOffice. Projects can be easily sent to or pulled from the archives to meet any retention needs or requirements. Public information requests can be easily fulfilled through use of application searches or providing data via the OneOffice public dashboards. As part of the fees outlined for this RFP, migration services have been included to import current project data as outlined in the RFP. Provide an estimated implementation timeline and describe how existing data will be imported into the software. In section 7, an example schedule is provided for the 10 week implementation. Assuming a contract is signed by Oct 1, the goal to have implementation completed by the end of 2024 calendar year is obtainable. As part of the implementation, existing data will be imported into the application through files provided by the City. Data records are typically imported from csv or Excel files, mapping the fields to the corresponding fields (or custom added fields) in OneOffice. Any data attachments can be imported as well, assuming the attachments or attachment folders can be identified to match by project number. This process will be started in week two to ensure that any gaps in data needs are identified early on and field requirements can be changed as part of later customization milestones. What integrations are a part of the service, and which require additional fee OneOffice comes with the ability to integrate into MS Office and ArcGIS with no fee. RTVision is currently working with Bluebeam to complete a partnership integration with a rollout of the Bluebeam integration in Q4 20204 calendar year. There will be no fee for the Bluebeam integration. A full list of current integrations, available at no charge, can be found at: https://rtvision.com/integrations. New integrations are continuously added at customer request. Integration fees may apply if the product or service in which RTVision is integrating with charges a fee to RTVision or if the product or service is a 'home- grown' or custom solution that would not be utilized by other customers. IIS RTVISION 32 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP List resources provided for customer service, technical support and training, including business hours available and average response time for technology -related inquiries All customer service, development, and training is completed by RTVision staff, based in the US. RTVision's OneOffice has a 4.8/5.0 customer service rating, provided by customers after the completion of support tickets. Support can be submitted 24/7 via email, phone, or Service Desk tickets. Online training manuals and step by step instructions are available from the OneOffice application. Users have access to unlimited support hours. Normal support hours are from 7a — 6p CT 7:OOa — 6:OOp Central Time, Monday— Friday except for Holidays, including New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day. Support response time is within an hour of submitting the support, but the issue may not be resolved during that initial hour if ongoing discussion is required. P1 Support: Customer is unable to use the application. Resolution time: 1 hour or less P2 Support: Issue that prevents the proper use of the application, no work around exists. Resolution time: 24 hours or less P3 Support: Non-critical issue, workaround exists in the application. Resolution time: 2 weeks or less P4 Support: Enhancement request. Timeframe for release varies; recommended to utilize the Application Roadmap to view updates and feedback from other customers. RTVision provides step-by-step guided instructions for all functionality and features in the OneOffice application. These can be accessed via the OneOffice support section. Quarterly training webinars are provided at no charge, reviewing new functionality and commonly asked questions. Product release notes are also emailed out in advance of all releases and can also be accessed from OneOffice application to view historical release notes. IIS RTVISION 33 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 5. Complete Pricing List RTVISION City of La Quinta CA RFP Price Quote Exhibit A - Project Fees www.rtvision.com 1152nd St NE Little Falls, MN 56345 Product Description Unit Price Quantity Line Total Construction Project Management Construction management software licenses. Software license includes unlimited data storage and support/maintenance. Software hosted in the cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Additional user licenses are $1,250/user/year $1,650/User/Year 10 Licenses $16,500/Year Consultant/Contractor Access Unlimited consultant and contractor access/usage. $5,000/Year 1 Year $5,000/Year Implementation Implementation: install, setup/custom, and train staff for Construction Project Management, CIP, and Project Management. Please note service costs are performed remotely. Onsite training is available but outlined costs do not include travel expenses that would be incurred. $7,500 1.00 $7,500 Data Migration Migration of historical data $175/Hour 10 Hours $1,750 ArcGIS Integration ArcGIS integration with construction project management Included 1.00 Included Bluebeam Integration Bluebeam integration with construction project management Included 1.00 Included Total Year 1 $30,750 Total Year 2 $21,500 Total Year 3 $21,500 IIS RTVISION 34 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 6. List of Complementary Services Offered by Proposer along with prices OneOffice is part of a comprehensive infrastructure management platform that focuses on the specific needs of government infrastructure management. Other modules in the platform include Asset Management and Work Order Scheduling, A/P Automation, Time & Activity Cost Tracking, Land Acquisition Management, Online Biding, and Permitting. Complementary Services: • Training/project management $125/Hour • Integrations $175/Hour • Enhancements/custom programming $175/Hour 4n.Dot. rim". Mink 1 •Tin - oc Ar Fat lovoI i Minativvroni Worlr[onlydl II RTVISION 4HrWrIcat4+1 Pfrtn4 I+t1 11 ,,q,hthM 41.1nci inq UnaOrlhrr Ti II hl Gi Wire 4na*rlk■ Conairuclkon Prapri Manep*mxnl 35 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 7. Setup and Training Options/Procedure Below is a general timeline for implementation and training. Training can be provided both online and onsite and is typically separated by functional area to limit involvement and time requirements for applicable personnel. Training can be done `classroom' style or as a `train the trainer' approach. Phase Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Planning Discovery/Design Training Testing Production Phase 1: Plan/Kick Off Week The Planning phase sets the stage and expectations for the upcoming implementation. For each product implementation, we use an online project/sprint planning board that provides visual oversight for task assignments, including priority, timelines, and updates. This tool provides the ability for stakeholders to easily view the status of each task and is used to lead discussion during weekly or bi-weekly meetings (as determined by contract requirements). It also provides automated email reminders to ensure that assigned tasks have appropriate visibility and lessen the risk of falling behind in the schedule. Deliverables: • Introduction and project initiation • Provide an overview of the implementation process and schedule • Review timelines, expectations, and project requirements • Discuss technical requirements, including integrations; provide vendor contacts or integration details IIS RTVISION 36 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP Phase 2: Discovery and Design Week 2-4 During this phase you and your RTVision Project Manager will create a schedule for department/role information gathering sessions. Understanding where and how data is shared between the groups, as well as with external stakeholders, will be an important step in making sure that access control is being added correctly with any new sections or fields. Deliverables: • Review and discuss the City documents, forms, and reports that need to be implemented or generated from the application • Discuss and document customizations and administrative changes to support requirements outlined in prior phase • Communications with other vendors or departments to facilitate required integrations will begin • Users can log into site and take a look at default setup during this phase • Provide files and data to be migrated or imported into the OneOffice application • Site setup based upon discovery discussions (If any custom forms, documents, or reports are needed, those will be added at this time Phase 3: Training Week 4-F Training is typically broken out into different phases so that users from different functional roles can attend the areas most relevant to their position. These typically include: IIS RTVISION 37 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP • Planning: Project creation, budgets, program management, cost tracking/payments, reporting • Project Management: schedules, documentation, contract management, reporting, dashboards • Construction Phase: inspections, change orders, progress payments, reporting • Administration All sessions will be recorded for future use and can either be done remotely or onsite. Phase 4: Testing and System Configuration Changes Week 6-10 Using the UAT as a guide, each area should be checked to pass, or notes added of additional configuration needs. This should be a reiterative process; the City does not need to complete all user testing before providing feedback for reconfiguration. Weekly meetings provide the ability to check-in, ask questions, and provide ongoing feedback. Deliverables: • User acceptance testing by the City • Meetings to review any issues found in UAT that will require attention • Reconfiguration of system setup based upon UAT feedback Phase 5: Production and Postproduction Support Week 1P The final step of your implementation is for you to move test site setup to production, begin use of the application, and transition to standard RTVision Support Services. Postproduction meetings can be scheduled for an agreed upon timeframe to ensure any issues or IIS RTVISION 38 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP questions not discussed during testing can be addressed by the Account Manager/Implementation Specialist. Deliverables: • Remove test data (if applicable) • Process live data through the software • Notifications to internal and external users • Transition to Support • Meetings to discuss any postproduction issues or changes required • Project acceptance and close out IIS RTVISION 39 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 8. Integration Services/Options OneOffice is API -based, providing the ability to easily integrate with virtually any other application. RTVision has successfully integrated with every vendor requested by our customer base, resulting in over 50 different integrations. Additional integrations can be designed, scoped, and estimated at the request of any customer. Some customers have even generated their own integrations, pulling data from the API into their own systems. OneOffice comes with the ability to integrate into MS Office and ArcGIS with no fee. RTVision is currently working with Bluebeam to complete a partnership integration with a rollout of the Bluebeam integration in Q4 20204 calendar year. There will be no fee for the Bluebeam integration. A full list of current integrations, available at no charge, can be found at: https://rtvision.com/integrations. New integrations are continuously added at customer request. Integration fees may apply if the product or service in which RTVision is integrating with charges a fee to RTVision or if the product or service is a `home- grown' or custom solution that would not be utilized by other customers. 9. Disclosures RTVision has no agreement failure, civil or criminal litigation, or pending investigations within the last five years or in it's history as a business. IIS RTVISION 40 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 10. Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements (attachment 2) RTVision affirms to currently carry insurance and indemnification coverage within the minimum thresholds noted in Exhibits E and F, of the City's Agreement for Contract Services. 4Quiittit ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Melissa Scherer (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that RTVision, Inc. (name of company) has reviewed the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Agreement for Contract Services (Attachment 1): and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. I am President/CEO (Title) of RTVision, Inc. (Company) II RTVISION 41 www.rtvision.com Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) S1.000.000 (per occurrence): S2.000.000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) S1.000.000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability 51.000.000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable Cyber Liability S1.000.000 (per occurrence) S2.000.000 (general aggregate) II RTVISION 41 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 11. Non -Collusion Affidavit NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Melissa Scherer 1. I am President/CEO of RTVision, Inc. (Al IIOR NI. ATTACHMENT 3 (name) hereby declare as follows: (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal. that the proposal is not made in the interest of. or on behalf of. any undisclosed person. partnership. company. association, organization. or corporation: that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham: that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal. and has not directly or indirectly colluded. conspired. connived. or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal. or that anyone shall refrain from proposing: that the proposer has not in any manner. directly or indirectly. sought by agreement. communication. or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer. or to fix any overhead. profit. or cost element of the proposal price. or of that of any other proposer. or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement: that all statements contained in the proposal are true: and. further. that the proposer has not. directly or indirectly. submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof. or the contents thereof. or divulged information or data relative hereto. or paid. and will not pay. any fee to any corporation. partnership. company. association. organization. proposal depository. or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: Proposer Name: Proposer Title: Company Name: Address: II RTVISION Me-aSci( Melissa Scherer President/CEO RTVision, Inc. 115 2nd St NE Little Falls. MN 56345 42 www.rtvision.com City of La Quinta, CA Project Management Software RFP 12. Acknowledgement of Addenda atiora ATTACHMENT 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal: If no addenda has been issued. mark "N/A" under Addendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT 1 Svc sdte-re-r 2 M SCite-re'r IRRTVISION 43 www.rtvision.com