06-0981 (AR) Title 24�9MP� 0 9106 TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for: Mechem Remodel 52-111 Dunlevie Court La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Desig Stoney Creek 72-925 Fred W Palm Desert, C (760) 341-6 �s�i►�rNG & � Q111�V�-,q ing DAppp T-' DEPT 9226OR cnr,,o VE® Report Prepared By. Micah Combs C.M. Energy Consulting P.O. BOX 4655 Palm Desert, CA 92261 (760) 449-1308 Job Number: Date: 10/7/2005 The EnergyPT-o computer program has been used to perform the calcuiations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy'Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2005Building,Energy Efficiency. Standards. This programl developed by EnergySoft, LLC - www.energysoit.com. EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft Job Number. User Numtpr. 1089 I Cover Page Table of Contents Form CF -1 R Certificate of Compliance Form MF -1 R Mandatory Measures Summary HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary Room Load Summary Room Heating Peak Loads j Room Cooling Peak Loads 1 2 3 8 10 11 12 14 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft Job Number, User Number: l Certificate Of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of, 3) CF -1 R Mechem Remodel 2/28/06 roe e Uate 52-111-Dunlevie Court La Quinta FrO)eCt AOGresS C.M. Energy Consulting (760) 346-8014 ocumen on u or a ep one EneravPro 15 u ng erm Plan checkluate Field ec a e Source Energy Use Standard 'Proposed Compliance Insulation (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin Area Space Heating 4.71 4.18 0.53 Tilt Space Cooling 114.51 112.05 2.46 R-11 Fans 16.32 15.95 0.37 Wood Domestic Hot Water 10.7.0 10.70' 0.00 0 Pumps 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.110 Totals i46.NF f42.87� 90 Wall -Percent better than Standard: 911 2.3% R-11 R-0.0 180 90 Door None 24 0.600 None R4.0 Building Type: ® Single Family F-1 Addition Total Conditioned Floor Area: 2,684 ft2 0.110 Multi Family Y Existing + Add/Alt Existing Floor Area: 2,524 ft2 Building Front Orientation: (South)180 deg Raised Floor Area: 01 ft2 Fuel Type: R-0.0 Natural Gas Slab on Grade Area: 2,684 ft2 Fenestration: Area: 392 ft2 Avg. U: Ratio: 14.6% Avg: SHGC: BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Zone Name Floor Area HVAC #1 2:684 Average Ceiling Height: 0.69 Number of Dwelling Units: 0.66. Number of Stories: #-of Volume Units Zone Type 26.840 1.00 Conditioned OPAQUE SURFACES 69-A2 ZONE #1 _ Insulation Act. 09-A2 Type Frame Area U -Fac. Cay. Cont. Azm. Tilt Wall Wood 768 0.110 R-11 R-0.0 0 90 Wall Wood 140 0.110 R-11 R-0.0 0 90 Wall Wood 1,102 0.110 R-11 R-0.0 90 90 Wall Wood, 911 0.110 R-11 R-0.0 180 90 Door None 24 0.600 None R4.0 180 96 Wall Wood 992 0.110 R-11 R-0.0 270 90 Wall Wood '120 0:069 R-21 R-0.0 0 90 Wall Wood 130 0.069 R-21 R-0.0 90 .90 Wall Wood 110 0.069 R-21 'R-0 0 270 90 Gains Condition Y /'N Status 10.0 ft 1.00 Thermostat 'Vent Type Hgt. Area Setback 2 Na JA.lV Reference Location / Comments 09-A2 ZONE #1 69-A2 ZONE #1 _ 09-A2 ZONE #1 09-A2 ZONE #1 28-A5 ZONE #1 09-A2 ZONE #1 09-A6 ZONE #1 09-A6 ZONE #1 09A6 ZONE #1 Run Initiation Time: 0212810613:11:30 Run Code: 1141161090 _ EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number:1086 Job Number. 0agel of 16 Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 2 of 3) CF -1 R Mechem Remodel Project e 0.75 2 Bug Screen �a e 2/28/06 # Type " Area V-Factorl SHGC2 True Cond. Azm. Tilt Stat. Glazing Type. Location/ Comments 1. Window Rear (North) 48.0 0.770 116-A0;70 116-8 0 90 Existing Db! D11t.Mtl Fmch ZONE,#1 2 Window Rear (North) 40.0 0.770 1.16-A 0.70 116-8 0' 90 Existing.Dbl Dtlt Mtl. Fmch. ZONE #1 3 Window ,Rear (North) 18.0 6.716 116-A 0:73 116-8 0 90 'Existing Dbl Wit Mtl' Fxd ZONE #1 4 Window Rear (North) 18:0 0.710 116-A 0.73 41" 0 90 Exi�n8Db1 DfltMtl Fxd ZONE #1 5 Window Rear (North) 3:8 0.710 116-A 0.73 116-B' 0 90 Exlsting,Db1 Dflt Mt1 Fxd ZONE #1 6 Window ;Rear (North) 3.8 0.710 116=A 0.73 116-8 0 90 Exiating.Dbl Dflt Md, Fxd ZONE #1 7 Window Rear North 13.5 0.710 116-A 0.73 11646 0 90 Removembl DfltMtl Fxd ZONE #1 8 Window Right(Fast) 4X 0.7110,:A -b:'f3 -fj5;8 --0 --K ExT�ng. 0151 Qnt MtIx 9 Window Right (East) 4.0 0'710,116-A0.73 '116-B 90 90 Existing DbI Wit Mtl Fxd ZONE`#1 10 Window Right (East) 40.0 0.770 116-A 0.70 11648 90 90 Existing Dbl'i Dflt MU Finch ZONE #1 11 Window Front (South) 15.8 0.710 116-A 0.73 116-8 180 90 Existing Dbl'M Mtl Fxd ZONE #1 12 Window Front (South) 13.5 0.740 116-A0.73 116-B 180 90 Existing Dbl, Dflt Mtl Fxd ZONE #1 13 Window Front. (South) 8.0 0.710 116-A 0.73 116-B 180 90 Existing Dbl Dflt Mtl Fxd ZONE #1, 14 Window Front .(South), 8.01 0.710 116-A 0.73 116-B 180 90 Existing Dbl Dflt Mtl Fxd ZONE #1 15 Window Front (South) 12.0 0.710 116-A 0.73 116-8 180 90 Existing Dbl Dflt Mtl Fxd ZONE #1, 16 Window Front. (South). 40.0 0.770 116-A 0.70 1'16-B 180 90 Existing Dbl Wit Mtl Frnch ZONE #1. 17 Window Front (South) 3.8 .0.710 116-A 0.73 116-8 -980 90 Existing Dbl Dflt Mtl Fxd ZONE #1 18 Window 'Front (South) 3.8 0.710 116-A 0.73 11648 180 90 Existing Dbl Wit Mtl Fxd ZONE #1 19', Window' Left (West) 40.0. 0.770 11,6-A 0;70 116-8 270 90 Existing Dbi Dflt Mtl Fmch ZONE #1 1. Indicate source either from NFRC or T:alBeldd&Ate source either from NFRC or Table 11 613., "INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin # Extarinr Shade Tvne SHGG -Ga-E-V92F Len. Hat. LEA Ext. Dist Len. Right Fin Rai.is-6 t. Len. Hat. Type (so (in.) Cap, Cond. 11 -Val. JA IV Reference Status Comments PERIMETER LOSSES Insulation Condition Location/ Type Length R -Vat. Location JA 1V Reference Status Comments VIaw ra11111MV1 IDL MAM FIV IIIDVICLIVII 60 -MI GAIML114W LV I1 G�RI SFab Perimeter - 42 -None No Insulation l�ew Run Initiation Time: 02.128106,13:.11:30 Run Code: 1141161090 _ EnergyPro 4.0 by Energysoft User Number: 1085 Job Number.-. PageA of 16 Bug Screen 0.75 2 Bug Screen 3 ug creep 4 Bug Screen - 0..76 5 Bug Screen _ 0.76 t- Bug Screen 0.76 - T- Bug Screen 0.76 - Y- ug Green --- 2 Y- Bug Screen -- - 30 Bug Screen .76 fi Bug Screen ug Screen- -13 Bug Screen U4 Bug Screen fu Bug Screen X71; T6 Bug Screen- ff Bug Screen 18 ug Wreen 0 70 -- ug creen -� -- THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH' MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside Condition Location/ Type (so (in.) Cap, Cond. 11 -Val. JA IV Reference Status Comments PERIMETER LOSSES Insulation Condition Location/ Type Length R -Vat. Location JA 1V Reference Status Comments VIaw ra11111MV1 IDL MAM FIV IIIDVICLIVII 60 -MI GAIML114W LV I1 G�RI SFab Perimeter - 42 -None No Insulation l�ew Run Initiation Time: 02.128106,13:.11:30 Run Code: 1141161090 _ EnergyPro 4.0 by Energysoft User Number: 1085 Job Number.-. PageA of 16 Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 2 of 3) CF -1 R Mechem Remodel roe e Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type Date. 2/28/06 # Type Area U-Factorl SHGC2 True Cond. Azm. Tilt Stat. Glazing Type Location/ Comments 20 Window Left (West) 4.0 0.710 116-A 0.73 116-B 270 90 Existing Dbl Dflt MU Fxd ZONE #1 21 Window Left (West) 22 Window Rear (North) 4.0 20A 0:710 116-A 0.73 116-6 0.380. NFRC 0.30 NERC 00 90 Existing Dbl Dflt Mtl Fxd 0 90 New SP Clad (LO/E) Cmnt Wdw Z0NE>#1 ZONE #1 23 Window Right (East) 9.6 0.350 NFRC 0.38 NFRC 90 90 New SP Clad (Lo/E) Fxd Wdw ZONE #1 24 Window Left (West) 20.4 0.350 NFRC 0.38 NFRC 270 90 New SP Clad (Lo/E) Fxd Wdw ZONE #1 25 Window Left (West) 9.6 0:350 NFRC 0.38 NFRC 270 90 New SP Clad,(Lo/E) Fxd Wdw ZONE #1 Condition Location/ Type (so (in.) Cap.' Cond. R Val. JA IV Reference Status Comments PERIMETER LOSSES Insulation Condition Location/ 1. Indicate source either from NFRC or T,a19elddMte source either from NFRC or Table 1166. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING ' Window Overhang. Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. WdC Lon. HgLDist Len. gt. Dist Len. Hgt. zV aug,screen 7U Bug Screen —�9€ 22 Bug Screen' - 23 Bug Screen - 0.76 24 Bug Screen 0.76 Bug Screen 0.76 THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside Condition Location/ Type (so (in.) Cap.' Cond. R Val. JA IV Reference Status Comments PERIMETER LOSSES Insulation Condition Location/ Type Length R -Val. Location: JA IV Reference Status Comments Run Initiation Time: 0212810613:11:30 Run Code: 1141161090 - EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySaft User Number:1080 Job Number. Page:5 of 18 Certificate Of Compliance: Residential (Part 3 of 3) CFA R Mechem Remodel 2/28/06 Project: e ae Heating Minimum Cooling Minimum Condition Thermostat Location Type Eff Type Eff Status Type HVAC #1 Central Furnace 75% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 9.7 SEER Existing Setback HVAC DISTRIBUTION Duct Duct Condition Ducts Location Heating Cooling Location R Value Status Tested? HVAC #1 Ducted Ducted Attic 4.2 Existing No Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Ratedl Tank. Energy Standbyl Tank Insul. Water Heater # in. Input Cap. Condition Factor Loss R -Value System Name Type. Distribution Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Status or RE 1 (%) Ext. Standard,Gas 50 gal. Small Gas No Pipe Insulation 1 40,000 50 Existing 0.53 nla n/a Multi -Family Central Water eating Details Hot Water Pump Hot Water Piping Length (ft) Add 1/T Control Type In Plenum Outside Buried Insulation 1 For small gas storage (rated Input <= 75000 Btu/hr)), electric resistance and: heat pump water heaters, list energy tactor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated,input > 75000 Btulhr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficlency and Standby Loss. For Instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed to. comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of'the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement,them.This certificate has:been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verificationof.refrigerant charge and TXVs, Insulation Installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installertesting and. certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (perBusiness & Professions Code) Documentation Author Name:. r ++� Name: ' Micah Combs Tide/Firm: Stoney Creek Design TittelFirm: C.M. Energy Consulting Address: 72-925 Fred Waring Or Address: 72.925 Fred WaringDrive,. Suite 204 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Palm serf, CA 92260 Telephone: (760) 341.6997 Telephone: (760) 14 Lic. #: i ---9A , EnforcementAgency V Name: Title/Firm_: Address: Telephone: (signature/stamp) ---aate Run initiation Time: 0212610613:11:30 Run Code: 1141161090 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Nurtib& Pagel of 16 Certificate Of Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -1 R Mechem Remodel 2128106 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the Items.specifled in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification,, and may reject a building or design that.otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. FPlan ' Field iThe Existing Furnace "Existing Furnace 3 Air Conditioner" has an, AFUE less than the Table R3-11 CEC Default Vintage Valoes, i HERS Required Verification Items in this section require field testing andlor verification by a certified home energy rater under the supervision of.:a CEC .....__.J �lC�!- ��__tJ�� _--- Al_A ��.���..�J l���t�� ..JI.-..�JC�vI�� �J{.�J�. -� . • 1— -- &16- /-C. An j EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: Pege:7 of 18 Mandatory Measures. Summary: Residential (Page 1 of 2) MFA R NOTE: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. More.stringenl compliance requirements from the Certificate of Compliance supersedes the items marked With and,asterisk (•) below. When this checldist Is incorporated Into ihe, permit documents, the features noted shall, be consideredbyail parties as minimum component performancespecifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere In the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: N/A DESIGNER MENT s: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or check NIA If not ENE - Building Envelope Measures § 150(a): Mlnimum,R-19 in wood calling insulation or equivalentLI-factor in metal frame ceiling. ❑ D X I1 § 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value: Q ❑ ❑ § 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation Inwood framed Walls or equivalent U-factortn metal frame walls (doesI:not ❑ ❑X ❑ � appy to exterior mass walls). • I § 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent 1.1 -factor. T ❑ ❑ § 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. i 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. closable metal or, glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox ] Elr- b. outside.alr Intake with damper and control, flue damperand control r=1 2. No continuous burning gas pilot rights allowed. 0 ❑ L § 150(f): Air retarding wrap installed to comply with §151 meets requirements specified In the ACM Residential Manual.Elr© § 150(g): Vapor barters mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. u § 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate for the,insulation alone without facings no greater than 0:3%, water vapor OX perneanoe rate no greater than 2.0 permhnch. § 118: Insulation specified or installed meets. insulation installation quality standerft Indicate type andanclude ❑ Lx ; CF -6R Form:. § 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors, and Infiltration/Whratlon'Controls. 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to Amit air leakage. ❑X ❑ ❑ , 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have label with certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gala Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. ® El t— 1 3. Exterior doors and windowsweatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. Q ❑ !, Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures § 110-13: HVAC equipment, water'heatersshowerheads arid faucets certified.by the Energy Commission. „ Q ❑ ❑ i § 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated In accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. Q C § 150(i): Setback thermostat on at) applicable heating and/or cooling systems D § 1500): Water system pipwand tank insulation and cooling systems line Insulation. 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an, Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation 0 having an installed thermal resistance of R-12, or greater. 2. Baric -up tanks for solar systems, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external (` insulation or R•16 internal insulation and indicated on the exterior of the tank showing the. R -value. 3. The following, piping is Insulated according to Table 150-A/B or Equation 150-A Insulation Thickness: 1._ First 5 feet of hot. and cold water pipes closest to water heater tank, non-reclrwlating systems, and MUM Q ❑ length of recirculating sections of hot water pipes shall be Insulated to Table 1508. 2. Cooling, system piping (suctiorif chilled water, or brine Ones), piping insulated between heating source and Q ❑ Indirect hot watertank,shall be Insulated to Tabie-15&B and Equation 150=, 4: Steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems > 15 psi, meet requirements of Table 123-A ❑ _ 5. Insulation must be proteeted,from damage,Including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind.; 6. Insulation for chilled water piping andrefri erant.suction piping includes a vapor,retardant or is enclosed N C entirely in condkioned;space. 7. Solar water -heating systems/cotlectors are:certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation.! _ EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 1066 Job Number: Page:B of 16 Mandatory Measures Summary: Residential (Page 2 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowdse residential. buildings subject to the Standards must oontain.these measures regardless of the compliance approach used.. More stringent compliance requirements from the Certificate of Compliance supercede the kems marked with an asterisk () below: When this checklist is incorporated Into the permit documents; the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or check N/A if not ENFORCE - applicable. NIA DESIGNER MENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing SystemMeasures: continue § 150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and -plenums installed, sealed and insulated,to meet,the requirements of the CMC Sections 601, 602, 603,604, Q ❑ ❑ 605, and Standard 6-5; supply -air and'retum-air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minumum.installed level of R4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be,sealed with mastic, tape or otherduct-closure system that meets the applicable.requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant-thatmeets the requirements of UL 723. If masticor tape is used to seal openings greater than 114 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than. X❑ ❑ ❑ sealed sheet metal, dud board or flexible dud shall not be used for conveying conditloned air. Building cavities and ❑ support platforms may contain ducts. Duds installed in cavities and support;platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of theducts. 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with doth back rubber adhesiveX❑ ❑ ❑ duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. 4. Exhaust fan systems have, back,drait or automatic dampers. rx-1 ❑ ❑ b. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operating Q ❑ ❑ dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall'be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment X❑ El Elmaintenance, and wind: Cellular foam insulationshall be protected as above -or painted,with a coating that is water ❑X retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. [Idwelling 7. Flexible duds cannot have porous inner cores. 0 ❑ ❑ § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. A thermal efficlency that complies, with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; on-off switch mounted,outside of the K ❑ ❑ heater, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. At least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for, future solar, heating. 191 ❑ ❑ .b. Cover foroutdoor pools or outdoor spas. ❑X ❑ ❑ 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch: ❑)( ❑ ❑ § 115: Gas fired fan -type central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cookingappliances' have no continuously Q ❑ ❑ burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical crooking appliances with pilot <150 BbAr) § 118 (): Cool Roof material meets specified criteria Q ❑ ❑ Lighting Measures § 150(k)1: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES OTHER THAN OUTDOOR HID: contain only high efficacy lamps as outlined in TableX❑ ❑ ❑ 150,0, and, do not contain a medium screw base socket (E241E26). Ballasts for lamps 13 Watts or greater are electric and have an outputfrequency no, less than 20 kHz § 150(k)1: HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES - OUTDOOR. HID: contain only highefficacylamps as outlined in Table 150-C; Q ❑ ❑ luminaire hes factory installed HID'ballest. 150(k)2: Permanently installed luminaires in kitchens shall be high efficacy luminaires. Up to 50% of the Wattage, as determined El z ImSection 130(c), of permanently installed luminaires in kitchens may be in luminaires that are not' high efficacy luminaires, provided that these luminaires are controlled by.switches separate from,those controlling the high efficacy luminaires. § 15000: Permanently installed'luminaires.in bathrooms,; garages, laundry rooms, utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires. Q El 11OR arecontrolled by en' occupant sensor(s) ceritfied to comply with Section 119(d). § 150(k)4 Permanently Installed luminaires located other than to kichens,bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall -be high efficacy luminaires (except closets less than70'11) OR are controlled by a drmmer'switch OR are ❑ ❑ controlled by an occupant sensor that complies with Section 149(d) that does not,tum on automatically or have an always omoptron. § 150(k)5: Luminaires that are recessed into, insulated ceilings are approved for zero clearance insulation cover (IC) and are X❑ ❑ ❑ certified to ASTM E283 and labeled as air fight (AT) to less than 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals. § 150(k)6: Luminaires providing outdoor lighting and permanently mounted to aresidential building or to other buildings on. the ❑ ❑ same lot shall be high efficacy luminaires (not including lighting around swimming poolslwater features or other Article 680 locations) OR,are controlled by occupant sensors withintegral,photo control certified,to comply with Section 119(d). § 150(k)7: Lighting for parking lots for 8 or more vehicles shall have lighting that complies with Sections 130,,132„and 147. ❑X ❑ ❑ Lighting for parking;garages for 8 or more vehicles shall"have lighting that complies.with Section 130,131, and 146. § 150(k)8:.Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non -dwelling spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or more ❑X El [Idwelling units shall be highefficacy luminaires OR are controlled byoccupant sensors) certified to comply with'Section 1t9(d). EneroPro 4.0 .by EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job. Number. Page: 9 of10 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Mechem Remodel 2128106 !SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC #1 2,684 i (Number of Systems !Heating System i' Output per System I TotalOutput.(Btuh) ! Output(Btuh/sgft) Cooling System Output per System Total Output (Stuh) Total Output (Tons) I Total Output (Stuh/sgft) Total Output (sgft/Ton) I! (Air System CFM per System Airflow Wm) ! AlMow (cfm/sgft) I Airflow (cfmrron) Outside Air (9G) ' Outside Air (cfm/sgft) Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of Outside 201 cfm 63.4 OF Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM .LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK - CFM I Sensible IL Latent: C Sensible 1,886 46,152 4,364i 1 6 49,390 7,075 0- 0 9,276 0 5,198 3,695 201 8,002; 0 o 9,276 7,0751 "1000 1:00 I , Existing Furnace & Air Conditioner 69,902 8,060 Total Adjusted System Output 20.1 37,398 2,3381. (Adjusted dor Peak Design Conditions)D.08 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm 55.8 of 55:8 105.0 of Supply Fan Heating Coil 1000 cfm C71,5421 55,000' l—� h� _~ 55,000.: Jan 12 am; l Supply Air Ducts 9£.4 of ROOMS 70.0 of 1 h mutum.Air uucLs (Airstream Temperatures at Time of Gooling ea 111.0177.6 OF 91.6168.5 OF OF 55.01512 of Supply Air Ducts Outside -Air 201 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 63.7 156.6 of 1000 cfm 44:2% R.H. ROOMS 86.7166.0 of 7E.O,/63.2 or Retum Air Ducts ( I -EnergyPro 4.6 by EnergySoft User Number: 1.086 Job Number. Page:10 of 18 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Mechem Remodel DATE 2/28/06 SYSTEM NAME HVAC #1 FLOOR AREA 2,684 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING.PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM [SENSIBLE LATENT CFM ISENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE ZONE #1 Existing 1 1,647 40,308 3,399 1,647 40,308 3,399 1,218 45,366 Now 1 239 5,843 965 239 5,843 965 108 4,023 I I ;I I i PAGE TOTAL 1 1,886 46,152 4,364 1,326- 49,390 TOTAL 1 1,886 46,152, 4,3]4 1 1,326 491390 EnergyPm By EnergySott User Number. User Job Number. Pagell of is ROOM. HEATING PEAK. LOADS Mechem Remodel 1 Room Name EXisdrtp Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 2,524 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26°F iIndoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction surface Area x X X X X X , X x x X x x X X X x. X x. X x X x x X X x X X x x X x x x x x I x i X X eg U -Value X X x X X x x X X X X X x X X X X X x 'x, X X X X x x X x x x x X x X X x I x X 1 x x AT of Btu/hr 44; = _ 3,720_ 441 = 1,626 44 = ~- 1,355 44 = 562. 44 = ~- 562; 44 = 117; 44 = 117`: 44 = 5,334'. 44 = 125: = 125; 44 = 11,355j 44 = 4,410' 44 = 634; 44 = 492'. 44 422! 44 = 250; 44 = 250 441 = _ 375 44' _ 1,355 44 = 117' 44 = 117' 44. = 4,801 44;' = r- 1,355; 44 _ _ 125, 44 = 125' 44 = 5;846; = = = = = ~- i = - -_ Page Total: 35,673 =44! = 9,693 pT R-7 Wall (W.7.2x4.16) 768.5 0.1100 IDbI Dflt MtI Frnch 48.0 0.7700 Dbl Dflt Mtl,Frnch 40.0 0.7700 ;bbl Dflt Mtl Fxd 18:0 0.7100 •Dbl Dflt Mtl Fxd 18.0 0.7100 Dbf Dflt Mtl Fxd 3.8 0.7100 bbl Dflt'.Mtl Fxd 3.8 0.7100 R-7 Wall (W.7.2x4.16) 1,102.0 0.1100 bl Wit Mtl Fxd 4.0 0.7100 .Dbl Wit Mtl Fxd 4.0 0.7100. !bbl Dflt Mil Fmch 40.0 0.7700 A-7 Wall (V11.7.2x4.16) 911.2 0.1100 !Solid Wood Door 24,0 0.6000 !Dbl.Dflt Mtl Fxd 15:8 0.7100' bbl Dflt Mtl Fxd 13.5 0.7100 lbbl Wit Mtl Fxd 8.0 0.7100 b Dflt MU Fxd 8.0 0.7100 Dbl Dflt Mtl Fxd 12.0 0.7100 bl Dflt Mtl Fmch 40,0 0.7700 FDDflt Mtl Fxd 3.8 0.7100 Dbl Dflt Mtl Fxd 3.8 0.7100 'R-7'Wall (W.7.2x4.16) 992.0; 0.1100 IDbl Dflt Mtl Fmch 40.0 0.7700 ,Dbl Dflt MU Fxd' 4.0 0.7100 Dbl Wit Mtl Fxd 4.0 0.7100 Stab -On -tirade perimeW 182.0, 0.7300 i j Items shown with, an asterisk (•) denote conduction through an Interior Infiltration: 1 1.00 x 1.064 x IM"GOU19 r ne e FracUon to another room. 2,524 x 10.00x. a e ng 0.492 / 6 J TOTAL HOURLY ,HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 45;522 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoR User Number, 1086 Job Number. Page: 12 of 16 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS . ;Mechem Remodel :'Room Name New Time of Peak .Ian 12 am Floor AreaIso Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature "OFrj, I Conduction surface Area X X X X. X. x X. x x X X X X X X X X X X i X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X, e g U Value X�44,; x x X x x X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X x X � AT of Btu/hr = 363 _ 7-341 - = j-- 396 - 148. = 334: = ' 314; = 148: = 1,365; = = = = = _ = = --- = — j~— = f = = = ! = = = = _ = ' = = = I -- = 3,409 = -- -- -- 614 R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 119:6 0.06901 SP Clad (LoIE) Cmnt Wdw 20.4 0.3800 44 R-21 Wall :21:2x6.16 IR -21 130.4 0.0690 4411 SP Clad (Lot) Fxd Wdw 9.6 0.3500 441 R-21 Wall .21.2x6.16 110.0 0.0690 44` SP Clad LofE Fxd Wdw 20.4 0:3500 44 iSP Clad LofE Fxd Wdw 9.6 0.3500 441 Slab -0n -Grade perunMw 42.5 0.7300 44 ' I I Items shown with an asterisk (') denote• conduction through an interior Infiltration: 1.00, ---i.064'1 1064 x e�l Air Sensible Fraction to another room. 160 x 10.00 � e ng J� 0.492 ! 601 Page Total: 441 pT TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM, 4,033 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 1068 Job Number. Page:.13 of 16 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY jMechem Remodel Room Name: Existing Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 78"F Floor Area: 2,524 sf Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 1120F ;Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 780F Outdoor Daily Range: 340F Opaque Surfaces R-7 Wali (W.7.2x4.16) . R-7 Wall (W.7.2x4.16) R-7 Wall (W.7.2x4.16) Solid Wood Door R-7 Wall (W.7.2x4.16) Orientation Area x x x X x x x x x x x x U -Factor 0.1100 x x x x x x x x x x x x (North) 768.5 (East) 1,102.0 0.1100 (South) 911.2 0.1100 (South) 24.0 0.6000 (West) 992.0 0.1100 18.0; (North) 0.0 41.3 18.01 (North) 0.0 41.3 3.8, (North) 0.0 41.3 3.8 (East) 0.0 41.3 40 (East) 0.0 41.3 4.0 Items shown with an asterisk(*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another mom. 1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Fenestration Fmch Door Fmch Door Fixed Window Fixed Window Fixed Window Fixed Window Fixed Window Fixed Window Fmch Door Fixed Window CLTD 1 Page Total Btu/hr j 1,944: 4,000: _ 2,606. 374 i 3,601 -i - I = - I 12,526j Orientation (North) Shaded Area X X x x x X X X x x GLF + + + + + + + + + +15.8 Unshaded Area X X X X X X x x x GLF Btu/hr 41.4, _ �1, 89 6 41.4 = L-1,655' ! 41.3 = '. 743.' ' 41.31 = 743 I 41.3E = ; 155 1 41.3 = i 155. 84.6 = 339; 84.6 _ I 339! I 82.9, - i-- 3,317; • - 41.5 - 0.6 41A 48.0 (North) 6.0 41A' 40.0 (North) 0.0 41.3 18.0; (North) 0.0 41.3 18.01 (North) 0.0 41.3 3.8, (North) 0.0 41.3 3.8 (East) 0.0 41.3 40 (East) 0.0 41.3 4.0 (East) 0.0 41.4 40,07'x (South) 0.0 41.3 Page Total 00,0841 Internal Gain Btu/hr Eq loccupant 6 x Dwelling Units x 1,600 Watts/ qft = F-�,600�, Infiltration:r n.064 x 1.16 xsible 178.09 x 4 = 07,490 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 40;308 Latent Gain Btulhr ioccupants ; 4 X Occupants X 200 l3tuh/occ. = 800 Infiltration: 4,771 x 1.41 X. 178!09 x ' 0.00263 = 2,599 Air Latent, U -M p TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 3,399 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number.1085 Job Number. Page: '14 of 16 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY ;Mechem Remodel I Room Name: Existing Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 78-F Floor Area: 2,524 sf Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 112°F ' Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 78 °F Outdoor Daily Range: 340F Opaque Surfaces. Orientation Area Items shown with•an asterisk (•) denote conduction through an Interior surlaos to another mom. 1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Fenestration Fixed Window Fixed Window Fixed Window Fixed Window Fmch Door Fixed Window Fixed Window Fixed U -Factor x Btulhr x x, GLF x x GLF X 41.5 X 41.5 x 1 41'5 X 41.5! X'•.� - 41.51 .X ! 41.5 x 41:5 X1 82.9 L 84.6 X1 84.6! X x x 41.3 x x 0.0 x x (South) x. x B:0 x ,x 41.3 x x x 0.0 x x 40.0 x 0.6 x x (South) x •CLTD 1 I Page Total Orientation Btulhr Shaded Area X X x x x X X x X X X: GLF + + + + + + + + + + + Unshaded' Area GLF X 41.5 X 41.5 x 1 41'5 X 41.5! X'•.� - 41.51 .X ! 41.5 x 41:5 X1 82.9 L 84.6 X1 84.6! X (South) 0.0 41.3 13.5 (South) 0.0 41.3 8.0 (South) 0.0 41.3 B:0 (South) 0.0 41.3 12:0! (South) 0.0 41.4 40.0 (South) 0.6 41,3 3:8 (South) 0.0 41.3 3'.8 (West) 0.0 41.4 40.0 (West) 0.0 41.3 4:0X (West) 0.0 41.3 4;0 Page Total Btu/hr Btu/hr 560; 332' 498' 155' i 1551 30317i = i 339! _ 339; 7,688 Internal Gain Btulhr Occupants X Occupants X 230 Btuh/occ. = FIX 920, Equipment Dwelling Units x 1,600 Watts/sgft = 1,6001 Infiltration:r s06e x 1.16 x 178:09 X I 341 = UFM �T -7,490: TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 40,308 Latent Gain Btulhr (Occupants 'r 4 x Occupants X 200 Btuh/occ: _ 600 Infiltration: 4,771 X ! 1.16! x 176.09 x 0.00263 = -Aar Lavent kollm &W 2;599 --- TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT, GAIN FOR ROOM 3,396 EnergyPro 4.0 by EnergySoft User Number: 1080 Job Number. Page -16 of 16 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY !Project Title Date !Mechem. Remodel 12/28/06 i Room Name: New Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature:. 78-F i Floor Area: 160 sew Outdoor Web Bulb Temperature: 11.20F ;Indoor Dry Bulb' Temperature: 78°F 'Outdoor Daily Range: 340F Opaque Surfaces R-21 Wall (W.21.2x616). R-21 Wall (W.21,2x6.16) R-21 Wall (W.21:2x6.16) Orientation Area U -Factor (North) 119.6 X X X X X X X X X X X X 0.0690 X X X X X X X X X X X X (East) 130.4 0.0690 (West) 110.0 0.0690 Items shown with an asterisk (`)denote conduction.through an'dnteriorsurlsoe to another room. 1. Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) Fenestration Csmnt UndoM Fixed Window Fixed Window Fixed Window CLTD 1 Page Total Btu/hr 190' 297 250; i i �i _ 7371 Shaded Unshaded Orientation Area GLF Area GLF Btu/hr (North) 0.0 X 18:7 + 20.4 X 18.7 = 3821 (East) 0.0 X 21.1 + 9.6 X 43:7 = 419 j (West) 0.0 X 21.1 + 20.4 X 43.7 = 891 (West) 0.0 X 21.1 + 9.6 X. 43.7. X + X! X + ix, X. X +, X X' + X ! i Page Total 112,,1111 Internal Gain Btu/hr Occupants PIX x Occu pants X. 230 Btuh/occ. = 920. Equipment Dwelling Units X 1,600 Watts/sgft = 1.6001 Infiltration: 1.064 X 1,16 X 11.29 X _ Air_ ns a UFMp— TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 5,843 Latent Gain Btu/hr iOccupants 4` X Occupants X 200 Btuh/occ., _ 800 Infiltration: 4,771 X 1.16 X 11.29 X 1 0.0000263 = 165 �1Tr Ls en —Cr pw---..-- TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 965 EnereYPro 4.0 by EnerjWSoft User'Number:10116 Job Number. Page: 16 of 16 Untitled Document MAXTo 11i ABOUT OUR PRODUCTS AND ADVANTAGES The next generation of shear wall construction has arrived: The Shear Max Tm. lateral force resisting Panel is the answer to new 1997 Uniform Building Code changes. Designed for ease of installation and increased lateral strength, the Shear Max m. is the cost effective solution for high shear load in small wall sections. For years the building industry has struggled to find a satisfactory combination of shear elements that could be properly field installed to ensure a safer structure during a seismic or other natural event. Using revolutionary new Dado Lok Tm. construction technology, the Shear Max TM prefabrication wall system generates the strength required for a safer structure while maintaining consistent quality through factory manufacturing. LABORATORY TESTED • Tested under the Standard Method of Cyclic (Reversed) Load Test for Shear Resistance of Framed Walls for Buildings as developed by SEAOSC. The 24" panel was cyclically tested past 3 1/2" deflection with no catastrophic failure. ICBO LISTED AND INSPECTED • Recognized under lCB0 Acceptance Criteria for Prefabricated Wood Shear Walls (AC -1 30). • ICBO ES report PFC 5402. • Manufacturing inspected by ICBG certified agency to ensure quality construction. EASE OF INSTALLATION • Requires no separate template for proper bolt placement or other separate parts for wind shear or lateral shifting. The base plate serves as both a template and structural connector in a -single piece. • Simple connecting with coupler nuts and nailing schedule in the base plate dramatically reduces installation time, saving costs. SUPERIOR STRENGTH Page 1 of 3 . A unique combination of the shear wall components maximizes their capacities for greater strength. - The proprietary holdowns minimize uplift to allow full performance of the wood panel. http://www.shearmax.com/about.htn n 3/6/2006 Untitled. Document Page 2 of 3 Table 1 — ALLOWABLE IN -PLANE SHEAR LOADS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION NOMINAL DIMENSION WIDTH HEIGHT ACTUAL DIMENSION WIDTH HEIGHT ASPECT RATIO (H I W) - 6 ALLOWABLE RACKING SHEAR CAPACITY 2,3 PLF I POUNDS SM16-7 16" 7' 13" 61-611 5.67:1 Submitted to ICBO-ES SM21-7 21" 7' 18" 7' - 0" 4.48:1 1395 2440 SM24-8 24" 8' 21" 7:.- 9 3/4" 4.31:1 1390 2780 SM24-9 90' 8'- 9 3/4" 4.86:1 1230 .2460 SM24-10 10' 9' : 9 314" 5.41:1 1125 2245 SM32-8 32" 8' 29" 71-93/411 3.15:1 1440 3765 SM32-9 9' 8'- 9 3/4" 3.55:1 1275 3400 SM32-10 10' 9' - 9 3/4" 3.96:1 1145 3055 SM36-8 36" 8' 33" 7' - 9 3/4" 2.78:1 1455 4225 SM36-9 9' 8' - 9 3/4" 3.13:1 1290 3870 SM36-1010' 9'- 9 3/4" 3.49:1 1160 3475 SM48-8 48" 8' 45" 7' - 9 3/4" 2.05-1 1 1490 5950 SM48-9 9' $'- 9 3/4" 2.31 :1 1320 5275 SM48-10 10' 9'- 9 3/4" 2.57:1 1205 4815 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 plf = 14.6 N/m, I Ib. = 4.45 N. FOUNDATION BOLTS AVAILABLE WITH LENGTHS OF: 22" .2611- 30" (DEDUCT 3" FOR IMBEDMENT DEPTH) PANEL HEIGHTS NOMINAL STANDARD HEIGHTS OF: 6'6"-8'-9'-10' (SPECIAL ORDER HEIGHTS ARE AVAILABLE) SHEAR MAXTm PANEL ADVANTAGE FEATURE' BENEFIT Wood construction Allows greater ductility and easier attachments. Has higher resistance to thermal conductivity 3 1/2" inches thick Matches wall width with no furring required No -separate template for The base plate serves as template bolt alignment and structural connector, assuring cost savings Factory built system Manufactured under quality control hqp://www.shearmax.com/about.htm 3/6/2006 iy�"o Untitled Document Page 3 of 3 4 X 6 Head for greater load capacity Pre -drilled for electric passage and designed for electric box cutouts in panels Multiple panels prevent OSB fracture creating better ductility and greater energy absorption Dado Loc TM prevents panel slip and limits nail deformation Over all widths are 21", 24", 32", 36", & 48" Hold down installed by manufacturer - fits in 1 1/2"space - no loose parts Base plate acts as template for hold down bolts and restricts base shear Patent Pending Data figures based from STS, Inc., ICBG report PFC-5402 and Simpson published form F-STRONWALL2 6/98 exp., 6/99 & PF- SW2 5/98 exp. 6/99. Written comments are the opinion of STS Inc. only. All data and opinions, dated material as on September 01,1998 http://www.shearmax.com/about.htn 3/6/2006 and site installed in single unit Design. load values derived Assures load values to be accurate " from laboratory testing for structure design based on ICBG criteria High quality materials To guarantee top performance Meets new 1.997 UBC Allows for more design flexibility requirement for shearwall. under new code requirements conditions Pre -drilled for electrical Creates wall continuity for wiring conduit Electric box cut outs allowed Design tested to allow for exterior in panel front lighting or electrical Dado LokTm construction Yields greater strength and ductility Easy connection to base Speeds installation that results in plate cost savings to the builder Requires less linear footage Can be used in narrow shear of shearwall conditions, such as comers 4 X 6 Head for greater load capacity Pre -drilled for electric passage and designed for electric box cutouts in panels Multiple panels prevent OSB fracture creating better ductility and greater energy absorption Dado Loc TM prevents panel slip and limits nail deformation Over all widths are 21", 24", 32", 36", & 48" Hold down installed by manufacturer - fits in 1 1/2"space - no loose parts Base plate acts as template for hold down bolts and restricts base shear Patent Pending Data figures based from STS, Inc., ICBG report PFC-5402 and Simpson published form F-STRONWALL2 6/98 exp., 6/99 & PF- SW2 5/98 exp. 6/99. Written comments are the opinion of STS Inc. only. All data and opinions, dated material as on September 01,1998 http://www.shearmax.com/about.htn 3/6/2006 Simpson Strong -Tie I SSTBS Anchor Bolts PRODUCTS LITERATURE TRAINING NEWS ........................... ............. _... ... .... ... ..__: 5eeri About Us » Home > ! _J!_Er4dg9.t..$_NphabAtio-El ia. SSTB® Anchor Bolts CUSTOMER SERVICE Page 1 of 6 5}l M P50y}1It{d., �4��41e1�1 Where to Boy For Your Home fnternalian, S Printer versionlcata ® Emall this page to a I Newl The SSTB14 is a 5/8 inch diameter anchor bolt that is designed and tested specifically for applications in shallow foundations. Y; Extensive testing has been done to determine the design load capacity at a common ; application, the garage stem wall. Design loads are based on a series of five tests, with a three -times reduction factor. :.. Special Features: Load Table Selecton Guide • Identification on the bolt head showing embedment angle and model Gallery of imag • Stamped embedment line Typical Plan Vi. • Rolled thread for higher tensile capacity Rebar Installati • Offset angle reduces side bursting, provides more concrete cover Code Reports • Configuration results in miminum rebar interference ' Drawings • Tested in different compressive strength concretes for versatility in Related Catalo specification Related Categc Technical Bulle Material: ASTM A36 Filers Help for downlc Finish: None. May be ordered HDG; check factory Installation: • SSTB is used for monolithic and two -pour installations. • Nuts and washers are not supplied with the SSTB; install standard nuts, couplers and/or washers a required. Reinforced Concrete Foundation: o Install SSTB before the concrete pour using AnchorMates. Install the SSTB per plan view dE Install one #4 rebar 3" to 5" (may be foundation rebar not post -tension cable) from the top of foundation. o The SSTB does not need to be tied to the rebar. o Minimum concrete compression strength is 2500 psi. Unless noted otherwise, no special ins is required for foundation concrete when the structural design is based on concrete no great 2500 psi (UBC Section 1701.5.1 and IBC Section 1704.4). o Unless otherwise noted, do NOT install where: (a) a horizontal cold joint exists within the embedment depth between the slab and foundation wall or footing beneath, unless provisior made to transfer the load, or the slab is designed to resist the load imposed by the anchor; c slabs are poured over concrete block foundation walls. Reinforced Concrete Block: o Before concrete pour, install diagonally at approx. 450 in the cell per plan view detail. o Horizontal #4 rebar (minimum 56" long centered about the anchor bolt) - approx. one rebar the top and two rebars approx. 28" from the top. Vertical #4 rebar (minimum 24" long) - inste maximum 24" o.c. spacing. 74n http://www.strongtie.com/products/connectors/SSTB.html 3/7/2006 Simpson Strong -Tie I SSTB® Anchor Bolts Page 2 of 6 o Grout all cells with minimum 2000 psi concrete. Vibrate the grout per the 1997 Uniform Builc Code, section 2104.6.2, 2003 International Building Codes, Section 2104.1. SSTB14: o Install before the concrete pour using AnchorMates and Anchor Bolt Stabilizers o Install per Plan View Detail o Use one #4 rebar, 3 to 5 inches from top of foundation Note- not for use where a horizontal cold joint exists within the embedment depth of t Gallery: Gallery 2: EMEMRr UNE (TOP OF OONCRER) roll over images below to see larger image Identification on the bolt head showing embedment angle anc 5,317,850 See additional installation details. av Typical SSTB Typical SSTB Typical S Installation with Installation in Installat Mudsill and Holdown Grouted Concrete Maintain minirr Block cover, per A concrete ( requirem( http://www.strongtie.com/products/comectors/SSTB.html roll over images below to see larger image SSTB14 SSTB14 Aftemate Two Pour Install installation installation for (SSTB20.24 an Detail curbs detail Typical Plan Views of Rebar Installation: 3/7/2006 2110 SSTB16L SSTB16 SSTBI (others similar) (others similar) (others sir U.S. Patent U.S, Patent 5. 5,317,850 See additional installation details. av Typical SSTB Typical SSTB Typical S Installation with Installation in Installat Mudsill and Holdown Grouted Concrete Maintain minirr Block cover, per A concrete ( requirem( http://www.strongtie.com/products/comectors/SSTB.html roll over images below to see larger image SSTB14 SSTB14 Aftemate Two Pour Install installation installation for (SSTB20.24 an Detail curbs detail Typical Plan Views of Rebar Installation: 3/7/2006 2110 Simpson Strong -Tie SSTB® Anchor Bolts Load Table: Comer Installation ti Continuous Stemwail Page 3 of 6 �r End Wall fte footngtp Plan view of SSTB Placement in Concrete Comer Installation Non -Comer Comer Inst (Install with arrow on Installation (Install with i top of the bolt oriented (Bolt may be top of the boll as shown) installed @ 45° to as shox PAoel� 135' as shown) Olt 459 135'/90 45° 135°. Concrrsfetg Canc>"eta Code 1Qo, Wit am ECO IN Qyawt) �'a Avaifabk Ah arfdiflowl OWNIOn PMMDHau. Cheak WID laddly. �Illaw�abl� Tension Lrtad�� PAoel� item etaJt Olt pt>Er Ism imbed C sne rele� Concrrsfetg Canc>"eta Code 1Qo, Wit l e �'a 8: C1ffU 8 l/rllU fief S 16 6 % 17% (SSTB16L =19 12% 4420 4784 1850 6 his 21% (SST820L = 24%) 16% 4784 1850 SST824...... 5 _.. ._' .... 25 {SSTB24L— 283+�j ". 2Q k 5175 1. 4780 ' :. 1850 .,. � .:_ 23, 94, 136, 94 See Gallery 2 or T-SSTB05 for installation details 1. Loads may not be increased for short-term loading. Loads apply to earthquake and wind loading. 2. Minimum anchor center -to -center spacing is 2le for anchors,acting in tension at the same time for full load. 11�O 3/7/2006 http://Www.strongtie.com/products/connectors/`SSTB.html Simpson Strong -Tie I SSTB® Anchor Bolts Page 4 of 6 3. The SSTB was tested in a stem wall with a minimum amount of concrete cover. 4. Maximum allowable load is 8150 lbs. for SSTB28, 34 and 36 when used 5" from the end of a concrete foundation. table load when installed 24" from the end or installed in a comer condition (see illustration). 5. Connection is limited by the lowest of bolt or holdown capacity. end distance -it 4 3/8"._.. 7. Order the SSTBL models for longer thread length (5112") ex. SSTB24L. SSTBL and SSTB loads are the san Not available on SST1314. 8. SSTB34 has 4 1/2" of thread and SSTB36 has 6 1/2". These two models are not available in SSTBL versions. 9. Use 90% of the table load for 2000 psi concrete. 10. See Additional Anchor Design information. 11. Allowable load for SST614 is 5020 lbs, when fc = 3000 psi. See T-SSTB for additional information 12. Minimum end distance required to achieve table loads is le. Loads for SSTB14: 3000 psi compressive strength concrete = 5020 Ib 2500 psi compressive strength concrete = 3835 lbs Note: assumes a 9" stemwall, 4 Y2" minimum end distance and 1 3/." minimum edge distance Selection Guide (Per Anchor Bolt Diameter) Modef �. 2x 3x'2 it Sill Pi>�3' ::_'!�_ ;iBneoiIPdur,.. ,TwoPawr, HDU2 PHD2' H02A SSoS14 SST820 LTT20D LTT131 HTf1f 46134 SST61.6 , ST�t1i yQSA . PHD5' MTT26B SST820 SSTB24 HTT22 HDGW2 ..,..: SSTB2+4. ,:.:.::..:-.. .... :H005I�F HDU8 PHD6' H46A SSTB28 SST034 HDD8 A H008' Her/10122; H0011 W4' 1. SSTBL models are recommended for PHD and HDQ8 holdowns on 2-2x and 3x sill plates. 2. No cold joint within embedment depth unless provisions are made to transfer the load. 3. The design engineer may specify an alternate anchorage system, provided the anchor diameter is the same. 4. Increase the embedment depth 2 1/2" to accomodate the HDC standoff block. 5. Applies to installations in 3000 psi compressive strength concrete only 6. 2500 psi concrete ok up to 3" vertical wood member thickness, 3000 psi,only for 31/2 and 5 1/2 (see HDA/HD Holt Table) 7. 2500 psi concrete ok for 133% load only. CodQ (PDFs) See table above for specific product code references ICC ER Reports (formerly ICBG Reports) about the ICC Code Ref. 23: ER4935 (480k) SSTB, HCA, MSTC 19� http://www.strongtie.com/products/connectors/SSTB.html 3/7/2006 Simpson Strong -Tie I 'SSTB® Anchor Bolts Page 5 of 6 V City of Los Angeles Research Reports Code Ref. 94: RR25248 (942k) HCA Hinge Connectors and SSTB Anchor Bolts in Concrete and CMU Drawings (DWGs) To download drawings, right -click or Ctrl -click on the, link, then choose "Save Target As..." Perspective SSTB SSTBIN W PHDHOLDOWN SSTBSLAB SSTB CB SSTB PLN Orthographic SSTB16 SSTB16-F SST1316-T SST620 SSTB20-F SSTB20-T SSTB24-T SSTB28 SSTB28-F SSTB28-T SSTB34 SSTB34-F SSTB36-F SSTB36-T Related Catalog Pages (PDFs) C-2006 (Wood Construction Connectors) (240k) Related Categories Anchor Bolts Anchors - Cold Formed Steel Technical ubAiins (PDFs) T-SSTB05 (81k) SSTB Anchor Bolt for Shallow Embedments Download the Simi AutoCad Menu SSTB24 SSTB24 SSTB34-T SSTB To order free catalogs visit the Literature Ord T-HDLA04 (677k) City of Los Angeles RR Values for Holdowns in Shearwalls and Wall Anchorage Assemblies (Re[ T -HD -LA -2, T -HD -LA) T-95WFCM05 (1mb) Simpson Strong -Tie Companion to the AF & PA Wood Frame Construction Manual, 1995 Edition (Replaces T-95WFCM03) Fes. (PDFs) F-SSTBILITY02-R (210k) SSTB Sure Grip Alignment System - Anchor Mate and Anchor Bolt Stabilizer (Replaces F-SSTBI F-OVERTIJRN05 (430k) Addressing Overturning (Replaces F-WCHOVERTURN03) LVe�d helpwwith downloads? Home I About Simpson I, Contact Simpson 1 Browse Products I Product Use Information Privacy Policy I User Agreement I Limited Warranty I Parent Company http://www.strongtie.com/products/connectors/SSTB.html 3/7/2006 Simpson Strong -Tie I SSTB® Anchor Bolts Stay informed! Sign up for Simpson's newsletters Copyright ® 2006, Simpson Strong-Tle Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved Contact Webmaster with questions or comments. http://www.strongtie.com/products/connectors/$STB.html Page 6 of 6 3/7/2006