Addendum No. 2 Project 2023-22 - Bid Specifications Section 4000 UpdatesADDENDUM NUMBER 2
TO: All Prospective Bidders and Plan Holders
FROM: Ubaldo Ayon, Assistant Construction Manager
DATE: 9/10/2024
SUBJECT: Project No. 2023-22, Eisenhower Retention Basin Slope Repair
The following shall be considered as incorporated into the project plans and specifications for the above
referenced project. Portions of plans and specifications not specifically mentioned in this Addendum
remain in force.
Section 4000:
Sheet 4000-7, Section 8: Concrete and Masonry Construction, Subsection Concrete Curb,
Gutter, Cross Gutter, & Sidewalk - General, Add the following after paragraph 1:
Contraction and control joints shall be cut to a depth equal to at least 1/3 of the total concrete
thickness. Contraction or control joint spacing shall be 10 feet maximum for curbing. Expansion joints
for curbing shall be no more than 50 feet on centers and shall be located on either side of the
proposed cross -gutters; with the joint material extending the full depth of the concrete with the top of
the filler 1/2 inch below the finished surface. Expansion and contraction joints shall be spaced such
that no final curb section shall be less than 5 feet long (including repair sections).
All expansion joints shall have slip dowels. All cold joints shall have dowels placed at a minimum 10'
spacing. Joints and dowels are considered included in the price for u -channel.
Sheet 4000-8, Section 10: Rip -Rap, Add the following after paragraph 2:
Filter fabric is not required.
The Contractor is hereby notified; Addendum No. 2 must be acknowledged and initialed as
stipulated under the instructions to Bidders and submitted as part of the Bid. Failure to do so
shall result in the City designating said bid as "Non -Responsive."
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Ubaldo Ayon, Assistant Construction Manager
1 of 1
1845 Calle'ampieo I La quinfa, California 92253 1 760 1711000 I www .laquin[aca.goy
2023-22 Eisenhower Slope Repair_Addendum
Final Audit Report
Created: 2024-09-10
By: Mirta Lerma (
Status: Signed
Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAApZNa3jm5fjy4GLx4dnIttEjPEZPpx3-r
"2023-22 Eisenhower Slope Repair_Addendum 02" History
t Document created by Mirta Lerma (
2024-09-10 - 11:50:00 PM GMT
Icy Document emailed to for signature
2024-09-10 - 11:50:03 PM GMT
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2024-09-10 - 11:50:18 PM GMT
Signer entered name at signing as Ubaldo Ayon Jr.
2024-09-10 - 11:54:05 PM GMT
Document e -signed by Ubaldo Ayon Jr. (
Signature Date: 2024-09-10 - 11:54:07 PM GMT - Time Source: server
Agreement completed.
2024-09-10 - 11:54:07 PM GMT
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