RateGate Adara Inc - Sole Source JustificationeCaiCluud& cAI.Ir( ir'vi:A SELECT/SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION Vendor: Select/Sole Source purchases may be made in a non-competitive manner only when in the best interest of the City and when the price is considered reasonable. Attach this form and other supporting documents if available, to the purchase Requisition. Complete responses must be provided for all of the following items. A. THE PURCHASE REQUEST IS RESTRICTED TO ONE VENDOR FOR THE REASONS STATED BELOW: 1. Why is the purchase of goods or services restricted to this vendor? Explain why the purchase cannot be competitively bid. Examples of Single/Sole Source procurements include, but are not limited to: Compatibility: The commodity or service matches existing brand of equipment for compatibility. Replacement Part: The item is a replacement part for a specific brand of existing equipment. Emergency: URGENT NEED for the item or service does not permit soliciting competitive bids. Procurement exemption form may also be required. Adara Campaign Measurement Reports measure spending by visitors across 31 different credit and debit card merchant categories for up to 10 banner sets of digital ads (utilizing pixels). The report can measure spending attributed to visitors and residents generated by those tracked campaigns by those using Visa, Mastercard and Discover credit and debit cards. Since no other provider offers access to Adara's exclusive and proprietary technology and in market spend tracking, the only way that the City of La Quinta can track this type of ROI is through this provider. 2. What market research was conducted to substantiate no competition, including evaluation of other items considered? Provide a narrative of your efforts to identify other similar goods/services, including a summary of how the department concluded that such alternatives are either inappropriate or unavailable. The names and addresses of suppliers contacted and the reasons for not considering them must be included OR an explanation of why the survey or effort to identify other goods/services was not performed. Staff has researched similar companies that offer similar services, but none of them were able to offer exactly what was needed in terms of reporting and tracking like Adara. B. PRICE ANALYSIS: 3. How was the price offered determined to be fair and reasonable? Explain what the basis was for comparison, if any. For example, if the item/service has been purchased in the past, compare historical pricing. Staff did compare the cost of the services to market trends and felt that the price point and value was on par. Prepared By 7.29.24 Approved By Date Sole or Select Source: Defined as any contract entered into without a competitive process, based on a justification that only one known source exists or that only one single supplier can fulfill the requirements. The requesting department is responsible for supplying written justification, approved by the department director or designee with signing authority for these purchases.