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Legal Advertising: Date range Product Order Number Description PO Number Runs Ad Size Net Amount 6/3120-6/10120 Desert Sun Print 0000467941+X 6112/20 Desert Sun Print 0000467979 Outstanding Checks Public Noti Lq Pc Phn Vmt 3 x 5 in 3 x 5 in $840.00 S462 00 Package Advertising: Start -End Date Description PO Number Package Cost 6/5/20-6/5/20 000421171$%CITY OF LA QUINTA C 6/16 PH 615120-615120 000422041410TICE IS HEREBY GI 6119120-6126120 000423807ANVITATION TO BID P 6126120-6/26120 0004253113'rCITY OF LA QUINTA C Lundin Dev $222.20 / $143.00 ✓ $1.370.60 $424.60./ PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT Desert Sun ACCOUNT NAME PAYMENT DUE DATE AMOUNT PAID City Of La Quinta July 20. 2020 ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER 23 196 0003390960 CURRENT 30 DAYS 60 DAYS 90 DAYS 120+ DAYS UNAPPLIED 3, 4 -GA .40 DUE PAST DUE PAST DUE PAST DUE PAST DUE PAYMENTS TOTAL AMOUNT DUE SO 00 S0 OD SO 00 SO 00 $3.462.40 REMITTANCE ADDRESS (Include Account+& Invoice* on check) TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD PLEASE FILL OUT BELOW: The Desert Sun P.O. Box 677368 Dallas, TX 75267-7368 f VISA Card Number Exp Date Signature MASTERCARD DISCOVER ❑ AMEX ! ! CW Code Date 0000231796000000Q0000003390960Q034624Q10825 PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTN. Jessica Delgada 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 I am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the United States and not a party to, or have interest in this matter_ 1 hereby certify that the attached advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in type not smaller than non pariel) in each and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: 6/3120, 6/10/20 !acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the printer of The Desert Sun, printed and published weekly !the City of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, State of California. The Desert Sun was adjudicated a Newspaper of general circulation on March 24, 1988 by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California Case No. 191236. I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 12th of June 2020 in Green Bay. Wisconsin. County of Brown of_ 44 -- DECLARANT 3 Ad#:0000467941 P 0: Outstanding Checks PN # of Affidavits: 1 mediagroup P,.0- 0 11 •i 'J,A TOUR, 111 750 N Ger* Autry Trait Palm Springs, CA 92262 Tel 760-778-4578/Fax 760-778-4731 Etnad.lvttar It settstxa.corn --- G11. IFt1RNht PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN That the fafiowing Is a Inst at outstanding checks,f4ued by the Cay of La Qu,nta that have not been cashed. Checks that remain outstanding for a period of more than three (3) yearn may became the pfQQerty of the Cdy of La Quinta once the City takes certain steps set forth pursuant to the California Government Code sections 50050 and 50851 The stens Include two (2} pub& notices and a wafting period of not less than forty-five (45) days after the initial publlt notice. If no verifiable claim Is filed by August 37. 2020, the listed amounts below will became the property of the City of to Quince, Moth lowed To 0 Amount AuLozonn 18.06 Beth P4 Pry Inc 15.00 Craig Sills 200.00 Dente* 8rattrud 100.00 Bl Refugb LEC 30.00 Endless Summa Investment INC 55.26 LE, ANH VIET - 9.00 Legacy Villas 27.58 Locks Around the Clock 18.00 Marts De Lourdes Vega 22.40 Marie De Lourdes Vega 201.60 monde Duran 121.00 Stave Zabala 106.60 Traynor 3 G M 52.71 Victor Martinet 50.00 Wyndham Vacation Rentals 25.00 Inquiries should be directed to the Finance Department at (760)777.7150. 09.2:034e11.• Published: Juno 3,2020 and June 10, 2020 APPROV. OR PA BY ACCOUNT NO PO# DESCRIPTION AMi. TO PAY (el- WC,- to4S PROJ# giA awT(i biro k CKtitS aditrai PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVER that the following is a iiSt al outstanding checks issued by the City of La QuInta that have not been cashed. Checks that remain outstanding for a paned OI more than three (3 years may become the property Of the City of La Qu+nta once the City lakes Certain steps set forth pursuant to the California Government Code Sections 50050 and 50051. The steps include Iwo (2) public notices and a waiting period of not leu than rorty-nve (45) days aRer the initial public notice. If no verifiable claim is filed by August 07, 2020. the listed amounts below will become the property of the CRy of La Quinta- Check issued To II Amount Autozone 10.06 Seth M Pry Inc .rarg Sills --- .____"' 15.00 200.00 J Clientele Brettrud 100.00 El Refugio LLC 30.00 Endless Summer 55-26 Investment INC LE, .ANN VIET S D0 Legacy Villas 27 58 Lacks Around the Clock 18.00 Marta De Lourdes Vega 22.40 Marla De Lourdes Vega 201.60 Maurkio Duran 121.00 Steve 2abata 0106.60 Traynor J fl, M 57.71 Victor Martinet : 50.00 Wyndham Vacation 1 25 00 Rentals _ _ Inquiries should be directed to the Finance Department at (760)777-7150. �:,K,a Published. June 3 2020 and June 10, 2020