BPOL2024-0102 PlansEXCAVATION: This pool plan may or may not have attached engineering details that directly relate to the excavation phase, depths, and footing guidelines for the steel rebar and gunite/shotcrete process. It will be the responsibility of the excavator to review and determine ALL attached engineering details of this plan that could affect the excavation and cost of this phase to include the following: Bidding, Proper layout, Depths, and Footings and Soil removal and compaction to ensure the required details are followed. Should underground water tables be found that affect the excavated site, excavator agrees to pause for remedy. Please refer to the structural engineer, for direct questions. All exported dirt/materials shall be discharged to a legal disposal site. The approval of this project does not allow processing and sale of the material, all such activities require a separate Conditional Use Permit. NOTE: Homeowner to go over with excavator all depths and heights of any raised bond beams, Reef/Baja seats, and type of coping to be used to determine the finished height of the forms. STEEL: Confirm all steps, seats, Reef/ Baja seat elevations with homeowner and plans. Notch for cascade fountains 6" larger than actual cascade width to allow for final adjustments. NOTE:Check if handholds are required for raised bond beams. In areas the require handholds they must be placed no more 6" above the waterline in all areas where pool depth is more than 42" Refer to attached engineering plan for steel placement, size of bars not to exceed #5. See homeowner for size of dam wall spillways and any special requests. PLUMBING: 1. Pool and spa must have at least two circulation suction inlets per pump and separated at least 3' apart, and covered with anti-entrapment grates conforming to ANSI/APSP - 16 standard. 2. Suction outlets shall be designed and installed in accordance with ANSI/APSP - 7 ( 3109.5) water bonding tee below suction inlet of the circulation pump. #8 bond wire. provide 4 (four) #8- 4ft stringers placed equally around the pool. 3. 2 1/2" suction pool, 3" suction spa, fountain suction 3" Minimum of 3 returns lines. Jandy valve on return line to spa by pass return to spa with ball valve. 6 jets on one pump-for additional jets a booster pump is required. 4.verify return line locations (minimum of three), and possibly an additional return line at seats/benches. 5.See plumber for possible deep heat return lines to the bottom of the pool with a valve at equipment. Homeowner to consult with plumber for best layout of jets and locations such as piggy back jet locations, staggered height and or calf jets. Pool vac line on Jandy valve at equipment. Auto filter and overflow line. 30 lbs. of water pressure for leak test. At least 36" of pipe shall be installed between the filter and the heater or dedicated suction and return lines, or built-in or built-up connections shall be installed to allow for future addition of solar heating equipment. ELECTERICAL: 110V GFCI protected at pool equipment. See homeowner for additional GFCI protected outlets. No closer to the pool than 10ft. All switches at pool equipment. J-box located at pool equipment or within 50' of light locations. Sub-panel / Power center - Four #8 AWG THWN copper wires main panel to equipment area in min. of 1" conduit at least 18" deep. Review configuration with homeowner for product choice and location Minimum of 1 light for pool and 1 light for spa- locations per plan. Nichless lights, grounding wire not required. Schedule 40 1" conduit. Main panel to equipment.- 3 wire AWG #4 - Ground #8. Low voltage lights use 1 1/2" female thread PVC 12" min. to 1" conduit. Variable speed pumps - 3.4 to 9.7A ( 1,000 - 3,400 rpm) GUNITE/SHOTCRETE: SEE PLAN - if handholds are required per code. How to calculate your gunite/shotcrete needs Swimming pool cubic yard gunite requirement. Example pool:15' X30' freeform pool, 3'-6' depth, 80' perimeter and 390 pool sq. ft. Step 1: Step 2: Step 4: Calculate average depth of pool ( 3' + 6' = 9' divide by 2= 4.5' average depth) Calculate sq. ft. walls ( Average depth { 4.5'} X perimeter {80'} - Sq. Ft. walls Calculate cubit yards. ( Sq. Ft. of material {375} divide by 27 ( cu. ft. per cu. yd.) = 14 cubic yards. ** ADD 3 yards for raised bond beam and 3 yards for steps and benches. Yardage tickets from delivery company are required upon completion. This pool plan may not have attached engineering details that directly relate to the proper layout and depths and footings guidelines for the steel rebar process. It will be your responsibility to review all attached engineering to make this determination for your bidding and guniting/shotcrete process. Refer to engineer for direct questions. If plan includes art rock work notify art rock crew to be on site day of shotcrete/gunite. Strip and Finish requirements may apply see plan and homeowner. - Round all steps and seats- Notch for overflow line- Pool or Spa 1st step at max of 12" deep from top of coping - Love seats and steps per plan - Bring Sono tubes 12" dia. for bar stools in pool if required. DO NOT USE REBOUND ( this causes crackage and leaks) Baja/ Reef Seat at 1st step elevation to be 1' from top of coping. Pool steps at 12" max risers to 48" wd. X min. 10" tread to follow ANSI/APSP/OCC-5 2011454.2.18 * WET POOL SHELL-TWO TO THREE TIMES PER DAY FOR 7 DAYS VINCINITY MAP HARDSCAPE: All concrete paving shall be a minimum 4" thickness at patios and walkways, 6" at driveways. Concrete color to be selected by Homeowner All subsurface areas for concrete paving shall be pre-saturated and receive a 2" layer of imported sub-base for patios and walks, or 4" layer for all driveways. All concrete paving and concrete base tile, granite or stone shall be constructed with #3 rebar minimum @ 18" o.c. both directions within the concrete. All stucco weep-screeds shall remain exposed upon completion of hardscape adjacent to the residence. Contractor shall install expansion joints and control joints per industry standards. All scorelines shall be hand-troweled lines or saw-cut joints. Contractor shall glue all pipe connection under paved areas. Contractor shall coordinate the drainline piping with all proposed and existing tree locations. Grade & compact to 98% - install 4" drains in appropriate locations per decking layout. Insure proper flow to street and core curb if required. Tie into all down spouts. Attach overflow to drains. Sleeve walkways for future access. ** All metallic items within 5' apart of the pool edge shall be effectively grounded. This included but limited to: A) Pool Steel B) Deck reinforcing Steel C) Metallic fencing with 5' D) Diving board bases E) Handrail bases F) Motorized pool cover housing G) Exposed patio/deck posts bases within 5' H) All metallic piping and conduit within 5ft. I) Pump J) Water heaters K) Filters if metallic and electronically controlled. Most Cities Require a #8 bonding wire clamped to 4 connections to the pool steel to be 3' away from water. Bond Loop/ Equipotential Bonding Grid per Local Code. Waterline Tile-Silicone top of tile line between tile and coping only. Grout fill sides only. DRAINAGE NOTES: Subcontractors shall grade the lot as necessary to ensure positive drainage throughout the whole project. All paved areas must slope to drain at a minimum rate of 1%, with all planter beds and turf / grass areas sloped at 2% minimum away from all structures, house walls, property line walls, Pool & Spa etc. and towards drains. Subcontractor shall install 4" diameter perforated drain line with filter fabric and gravel ( French drain) behind all retaining & planter walls and raised bond beam. SCOPE OF WORK 305.4 Structure wall as barrier. Where a wall of a dwelling or structure serves as part of the barrier and where doors and windows provide direct access to the pool or spa through that wall, one of the following shall be required: 1.Operable windows having a sill height of less then 48" (1219 mm) above the indoor finished floor and doors shall have an alarm that produces an audible warning when the window, door or their screens are opened. The alarm shall be listed and labeled as a water hazard entrance alarm in accordance with UL 2017. In dwellings or structures no required to be accessible units, Type A units or Type B units, the operable parts of the alarm deactivation switches shall be located 54" ( 1372 mm) or more above the finished floor In dwellings or structures required to be accessible units. Type A units or Type B units the operable parts of the alarm deactivation switches shall be located not greater then 54" (1372 mm) and not less than 48" (1219 mm) above the finished floor. 2. A safety cover that is listed and labeled in accordance with ASTM F 13456 is installed for the pool and spas. 3. An approved means of protection, such as self-closing doors with self-latching devices, is provided. Such means of protection shall provide a degree of protection that is not less than the protection afforded by item 1 or 2. Pools shall have energy conserving measures in accordance with section N1103.8.1 through N1103.8.3.All pool heaters shall be equipped with a readily accessible on-off switch to allow shutting off the heater without adjusting the thermostat setting. Pool heaters fired by natural gas or LPG shall not have continuously burning pilot lights. - N1103.8.1 Pool Heaters. Time switches that can automatically turn off and on heaters and pumps according to a preset schedule shall be installed on swimming pool heaters and pumps. N1103.8.2 Time Switches. Heated pools shall be equipped with : A vapor retardant pool cover on or at the water surface. Pools heated to more than 90 degrees F ( 32 degrees C) shall have a pool cover with a minimum insulation value of R-12. - N1103.8.3 Pool Covers PROJECT NOTES: 1.These Plans demonstrate design intent only and are not intended to communicate construction means or methods. All subcontractors shall verify all site conditions, dimensions, and all proposed construction item. Any discrepancies shall be reported immediately to homeowner for clarification 2. All subcontractors are required to comply with all applicable state and local ordinances, codes and regulations that pertain to the construction of this project. It is the responsibility of the subcontractors to verify all ordinances, codes and regulations prior to commencement of this project. 3. Owner is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits as required. Owner shall be responsible for coordinating all regulating agencies field inspection as pertaining to the permit process. It is the responsibility of the owner to obtain any additional structural engineering or soil reports. DIY to supply standard Pool Engineering Only, unless additional engineering was clearly requested and paid for by owner. Additional requirements such as ( but not limited to): Storm water management plans ( BMP), Electrical load calculations, certificates of installation, Title 24 reports, Impervious area report, Grading reports, and soils reports. 4. Homeowners Excavation Subcontractor shall call your local underground service alert to verify location of all underground utilities at least 7 days prior to any digging. 5. All materials, colors and finishes proposed on these plans are to be complimentary to the house architecture and selected by the homeowner. 6. The subcontractor shall store their equipment in areas approved by owner and comply with governing codes per scope of work. 7. the subcontractor shall control their work areas, laborers and equipment in a manner which will not interfere with adjoining areas. 8. The Homeowner and subcontractors shall protect the adjacent properties & public right of way from, but not limited to pollution, trash, or damage due to demolition, excavation, construction, erosion and/or flooding originating on site. 9. The Homeowner and subcontractors shall be responsible for appropriate " connection" to all utilities required to support the scope of work. 10. Neither the owner, DIY Pools and Spas Inc. Nor the Engineers shall enforce safety measures or regulations. All subcontractors shall design, construct and maintain all safety devices, including shoring according to federal and local governing safety and health standards, laws, regulations and current building codes as required. 11. Subcontractor shall be responsible for the coordination of their work with the work of others. Subcontractor shall verify that any work related to them, which must be approved by others, has been completed and is adequate prior to commencing their work. 12. The Homeowner and subcontractors shall be responsible to enforce all environmental, health, and safety measures or regulation that have been issued by federal, state, local agencies and governing building codes. 13. Subcontractor shall verify the location of any retaining walls prior to the start of construction SHEET TITLE: A- 1 ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS AND ARRANGEMENTS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS ART THE PROPERTY OF DIY POOLS AND SPAS INC. AND ARE TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED CONSENT OF DIY POOLS AND Gas Meter Requirements: Homeowner to call local gas company to verify size of meter meets new demand of pool/spa heaterPLANS BY:PROJECT DATASHEET INDEX: Step 3:Calculate Sq. Ft. of material ( Pools Sq. Ft. {390} + wall Sq. Ft. {360} =750 Sq. Ft. divide by 2 ( walls are 6" thick) = 375 Sq. Ft. of material ATTN: Gunite Shotcrete Company- A-1 (COVER SHEET) A-2 (SITE PLAN) S-1 (STRUCTURAL SHEET 100) S-2 (STRUCTURAL DET. 271) Heidi Seward 54925 Avenida Juarez La Quinta, CA 92253 Owner / Applicant Contractor: Owner/Builder Architect / Engineer SLIDES OR DIVING BOARDS AND RAILS : To be determined by the homeowner and installing subcontractor. The exact shape, color, style, and size may be different than shown on your plan. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and details. Diving boards and slides are incredibly dangerous and are not allowed in all jurisdictions (check with yours to be sure) With an increase in risk, insurance companies will generally charge a higher premium for someone who owns a diving board/slide many insurance companies will not cover a diving board injury at all, and some may even cancel coverage. Check with your insurance provider as some may have an umbrella policy (extra liability insurance) Note:Some areas with high water table may require a hydrostatic valve with rock pack. 14.Sunken areas may require a sump pump for drainage. See local codes and subcontractor for details that should include: A dedicated GFCI outlet, sealed sump basin/pit, access cover, submersible pump with float switch, a check valve, and code may require a vent pipe Seward, Heidi54925 Avenida Juarez, La Quinta, CA 9225APN: 774265022Ron Lacher, R.C.E. 1201 N. Tustin Ave. Anaheim, CA 82807 Heidi Seward 54925 Avenida Juarez La Quinta, CA 92253 1.Swimming Pool & Spa Construction 2.Electrical Line Runs To Pool Equipment, Approx. 23' long 3.Propane Line Runs To Pool Equipment, Approx. 85' long N Size:31' X 10' Pool Information scope of work Depth:3.5' to 5.5' to 4.0' Confirm Final Depth with Homeowner Before Excavation Est Total Gallons:8,617 Sq. Ft:28 Sq. Ft:290 Perimeter:18'9" Perimeter:81' Auto Fill Unit:Yes with clear pour a lid Pool Note:Overflow- Yes ( Tie into drainage system) See homeowner for pool light locations min. of 1 light(s) See homeowner for pool coping to determine height of forms at time of dig Dirt to be removed to legal dump site Grading/ Storm management / BMP - Plan if required by H.O. Return Lines:3 min.Lights:(3)- Nichless multi colored LED lights with 100 foot cords. Interior Material:See homeowner for plaster type Skimmers:See Plan Tile Group:Choice Spa Information Size:6' X 6' Spillway:See H.O. for spillway notch width ( typical 18") Spa notes:Up to 6 jets on one pump system vary height of jets See H.O. for jets locations 2- level seating and step into spa 3" suction line with 3' separated main drains See H.O. for spa dam wall spillway into pool or equalizer lines See H.O. for optional air blower for spa Lights:(1) Nichless multi colored LED lights with 100 foot cords.Interior Material:See homeowner for plaster Deck/Masonry Total Deck Sq. Ft:399 Compaction required prior to pour of pool decking Deck Type:Concrete Raised Beam:(1) 33' long, 2' high raised Bond Beam Coping Type:Travertine See homeowner, prior to excavation to set elevation Drains:Min. 3" PVC pipe @2% flow away from house and pool to tie into existing positive drainage or cored out to street Deck/Masonry:Equipotential grounding grid may be required per code, separate inspection required See homeowner for material's and locations of any walls, BBQ's, firepits, or masonry items on plan Prior to any work being performed. Use city standard plan or H.O. to supply extra. engineering For all walls proposed on plans Plaster- See homeowner for options including colored plater, quartz, mini pebble, etc. See H.O. for waterline tile options including trim tile options on steps & seats Decks shall be slip resistant and cleanable per ISPSC 306.2. "See Homeowner for optional Sleeves for: Umbrellas, Basketball Hoops, Volleyball nets, etc." Hayward POOL EQUIPMENT Cartridge Filter:Swimclear 4030 Variable Speed Pump:Tristar VS XL 2.7 HP Heater:400,000 BTU - Propane Heater Lights: (4)- Nichless multi colored LED lights with 100 foot cords. Transformer:300W- supply and installed by electrician Remote/Automation:4 function with smart phone app. and 2 auto valve Cleaner:" 2 wheel suction drive"Purification:Salt system- 950 Aqua-rite, Booster Pump:None Fountain Pumps:None Fountains:None Electrical 1" conduit Approx. 67' long from the main panel to 100 amp pool panel with four # 8 copper THWN wires GFCI protected per code. Sieman 2-Pole or panel manufacturers' GFCi breakers are recommended and will be needed for each pump installed. You can tie in the Heater with the filter pump breaker if need be. The OmniPL Panel has the capacity of 100 Amps. Recommended For a two pump system: (1) 2-Pole 20 Amp Gfci Breaker - Filter Pump/Heater (1) Single Pole 15 Amp Breaker - Pool Lights (1) Single Pole 15 Amp Breaker - OmniPL Panel (4) - Nichless multi colored LED lights with 100 foot cords. J-box to be located within 50' of pool/spa lights L.V. lights use 1 1/2" PVC pipe a min. of 12" to a 1" conduit running to the J- box No bonding wire, wet niche or grounding wire required for ( L.V. lights ) Minimum of 30" working clearance at the pool sub panel board Standard 50 amp panel with overcurrent protective device (circuit breaker) at least equal to or greater than the circuit voltage One outlet at equipment, all outlets to be GFCI protected, Tamper Resistant, Weather Resistant, and provided with an “in-use” type cover. 14 volts to LED transformer for low voltage lights, supply & install 300 watt transformer & Label breakers when applicable A 12" separation must be maintained between the gas line and electric conduit runs. Plumbing Use sweep elbows 10" minimum prior to pump Pool equipment shall be anchored to concrete pad Propane Line runs to Pool Equipment PVC pipes should be painted to protect them from ultraviolet rays Heater shall be 4' from an opening window "Shade" plumbing trenches after inspection if rocky soil is present A gas shut-off valve is required outside of, and within 3 feet of the heater Skimmer and auto fill with clear "pour a lids" Verify skimmer location for common wind flows direction, not in any raised areas Stub plumbing for solar heating with valves- (see homeowner) A length of plumbing ( 36" min.) between the filter and the heater to allow for future solar heating 2.5" suction and 2" return lines min. for pool with directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water See H.O. for separate suction line and valve for pool cleaner in zero elevation . Plaster /start-up to install pool sweep safety cover All gas lines under slabs, and/or foundations, shall be sleeved per the 2022 CPC Gas line installed underground under roof structure shall be installed as per 2022 CPC Hose bib to comply with ISPSC Water supply must be protected from backflow with PVB per ISPSC Salt system- See homeowner A 12" separation must be maintained between the gas line and electric conduit runs. Notes Name:Heidi Seward Customer Info Address:54925 Avenida Juarez Phone:(805) 698-9811 Lot:10 Email:wynward5@gmail.com City:La Quinta APN:774265022 Customer Approval: Date: State:CA Zip:92253 Tract: IMPORTANT INFORMATION Final equipment location per homeowner to meet local codes 2. An alarm that when placed in the pool or spa will sound off if it detects an unauthorized or accidental entrance to the water. To be compliant with ASTM F2208 3.Pool area to be fenced / barriered a minimum height of 60" and be non climbable per local ordinance. Gates to be self closing and self latching , gate latch to be min. of 54" above grade per local codes. SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS SHALL HAVE: At least two circulation suction outlets per pump separated by at least three feet apart and covered with anti-entrapment grates or a channel drain that conforms to ANSI/APSP-16 current codes Filtration flow rate Pool Volume =( gpm) OR, 36 gpm, whichever is Greater No construction within any easements. MUST MAINTAIN EXISTING DRAINAGE: TO DRAIN AWAY FROM HOUSE AND POOL CONTRACTORS SHALL PROVIDE, IMPLEMENT AND MAINTAIN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES DURING CONSTRUCTION 360 Design by: DIY Pools and Spas.com Notes See homeowner- For exact equipment location prior to plumbing Pool equipment shall not block the only access to mechanical equipment Plans By: 4.Prior to start of every phase of construction verify with homeowner materials, locations, and options Patios, Screen Enclosures, outdoor kitchens, BBQ/Bars, Fireplace or fire pits, walls, Footings, all items outside of the pool - details, specifications and engineering if required by other than DIY Pools & Spas. Soil report or additional engineering that may be required - By H.O. BMP/Storm Management Plan Prepared Required - By H.O. Tractor Access- See homeowner, rebuild walls or replace fence & reverse gates to meet local codes Variable speed pump operates at below 50 decibels All elevations are approximate. Verify heights and elevations prior to building See local codes for possible P-Trap See homeowner for colors and materials prior to start Outdoor pools/spas equipped with gas or electric heater shall also be equipped with a pool/spa cover. The cover should be fitted and installed during the final inspection Outdoor lighting: All luminaries mounted to the building or to other building or to other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy luminaries or must be controlled by a motion senor And controlled by one of these: Photocontrol or Astronomical time clock or Energy management control system(EMCS) A time switch or similar control mechanism shall be installed as part of a pool water circulation control system that will allow all pumps to be set or programmed to run only during the off-peak electric demand period and for the minimum time necessary to maintain the water in the condition required by applicable public health standard All metal within 5' of water edge must be bonded Block:275 MB019/0502' 6"5'26'0" 5'5' 6"4' 6" 3' 6"7'4'5'7'1'6'1'1'4'1' 1' 1' 1'6'8'GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS 2' 6"45 Seward Residence 1 story 54925 Avenida Juarez (E) Propane Tank (E) 6' high Wood Access Gate shall open outwards away from the pool and shall be self closing and have a self-latching Device (E) 6' high Wood fence as pool barrier (P) 2" polyethylene propane line w/ 12 gauge yellow tracer wire to 3/4" stub @Equipment 18" deep min. Approx. 129' long (P) 1" Schedule 40 electrical conduit w/ (4) #8 AWG THWN Copper Wires 18" deep min. Approx. 67' long From Main panel to 50 Amp sub panel @ Equipment on a 40 amp GFCI Breaker (E) 200 Amp Electrical Panel (P) 6' Diameter Spa (Not Raised) (P) Step into Spa with Hand Rail (P) GFCI Protected Pool Equipment -400,000 BTU Heater -Vent 4' From operable Window w/ (P) Stub out for solar heating (P) 50'x5', 2; high Planer Box (E) Power Line Pole (E) Overhead electrical to main service to be modified to Run Underground a minimum of 18" in Rigid Electrical conduit Approx 30' (E) 6' high block wall as pool barrier (E) 6' highBlock Wall(P) 2' highPlanterBox(P) Pool(P)ConcretePatio(P) PlanterArea(E) House (E) 6' high block wall as pool barrier (P) Techko Model S189A Door Alarms per code UL 2017 (P) 3" Deck Drains will tie into existing Main Line and flow @ 2% away from the House (E) 6' high Wood Access Gate shall open outwards away from the pool and shall be self closing and have a self-latching Device (P) 33' long, 2' high raised Planter (P) Equipotential Bonding Grid per local ordinances (P) Concrete / Cool Deck Finish (E) AC Disconnect is 19' 4" from corner of house and 11' to the spa water line (E) DRIVEWAY (E) 5.0' Setback (E) Garage(E) Pathway(E) Front Covered Patio (E) Covered Patio A bond wire is required for the handrail anchor. Salt water pool A A (E) Covered Patio 50.0' PL 50.0' PL 100.0' PL100.0' PL19'22' 4"5' 6"7'4'10'5'2'2'3' 19' 4"11'25' 31'10'6'4.0' 3.5' (P) Pool Drain All Suction Outlets To be a minimum of 3' Separation with anti-entrapment covers in accordance with ANSI/APSP-16 and CBC 3109.2 115928 3'5.5'(P) Skimmer (P) Pool Light (P) Pool Guard Model PGRM-2 Pool alarms per code NSF certified to the ASTM safety specification F2208 (1) for Pool, (1) for Spa (P) Pool Safety Rail (P) Pool Steps (P) Pool Equipment Barreir Gate 5' High (P) Pool Equipment Block wall barrier 5' High and on on top of bond beam 9' POOL INFO - Dimensions: 31' x 10' - Perimeter: 81' - Area: 290 - Volume: 8,617 - Depth: 3.5' to 5.5' to 4.0' - Distance to Equipment: 2' NOTE for Construction Plan:cool deck, salt water pool, passive solar heating system or stub outs for future 2' 6"5'26'0" 5'5' 6"4' 6" 3' 6"7'4'5'7'1'6'1'1'4'1' 1' 1' 1'6'8'GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS 2' 6"45 Seward Residence 1 story 54925 Avenida Juarez (E) Propane Tank (E) 6' high Wood Access Gate shall open outwards away from the pool and shall be self closing and have a self-latching Device (E) 6' high Wood fence as pool barrier (P) 2" polyethylene propane line w/ 12 gauge yellow tracer wire to 3/4" stub @Equipment 18" deep min. Approx. 129' long (P) 1" Schedule 40 electrical conduit w/ (4) #8 AWG THWN Copper Wires 18" deep min. Approx. 67' long From Main panel to 50 Amp sub panel @ Equipment on a 40 amp GFCI Breaker (E) 200 Amp Electrical Panel (P) 6' Diameter Spa (Not Raised) (P) Step into Spa with Hand Rail (P) GFCI Protected Pool Equipment -400,000 BTU Heater -Vent 4' From operable Window w/ (P) Stub out for solar heating (P) 50'x5', 2; high Planer Box (E) Power Line Pole (E) Overhead electrical to main service to be modified to Run Underground a minimum of 18" in Rigid Electrical conduit Approx 30' (E) 6' high block wall as pool barrier (E) 6' high Block Wall(P) 2' high Planter Box (P) Pool (P) Concrete Patio (P) Planter Area (E) House (E) 6' high block wall as pool barrier (P) Techko Model S189A Door Alarms per code UL 2017 (P) 3" Deck Drains will tie into existing Main Line and flow @ 2% away from the House (E) 6' high Wood Access Gate shall open outwards away from the pool and shall be self closing and have a self-latching Device (P) 33' long, 2' high raised Planter (P) Equipotential Bonding Grid per local ordinances (P) Concrete / Cool Deck Finish (E) AC Disconnect is 19' 4" from corner of house and 11' to the spa water line (E) DRIVEWAY (E) 5.0' Setback (E) Garage(E) Pathway(E) Front Covered Patio (E) Covered Patio A bond wire is required for the handrail anchor. Salt water pool A A (E) Covered Patio 50.0' PL 50.0' PL 100.0' PL100.0' PL19'22' 4"5' 6"7'4'10'5'2'2'3' 19' 4"11'25' 31'10'6'4.0' 3.5' (P) Pool Drain All Suction Outlets To be a minimum of 3' Separation with anti-entrapment covers in accordance with ANSI/APSP-16 and CBC 3109.2 115928 3'5.5'(P) Skimmer (P) Pool Light (P) Pool Guard Model PGRM-2 Pool alarms per code NSF certified to the ASTM safety specification F2208 (1) for Pool, (1) for Spa (P) Pool Safety Rail (P) Pool Steps (P) Pool Equipment Barreir Gate 5' High (P) Pool Equipment Block wall barrier 5' High and on on top of bond beam 9' POOL INFO - Dimensions: 31' x 10' - Perimeter: 81' - Area: 290 - Volume: 8,617 - Depth: 3.5' to 5.5' to 4.0' - Distance to Equipment: 2' NOTE for Construction Plan: cool deck, salt water pool, passive solar heating system or stub outs for future N 1. This is a conceptual construction drawing does not detail all construction items. The property owner and/or contractor shall determine all final dimensions and construction details. Homeowner or contractors are responsible for all necessary building permits. 3. In field adjustments may be required verify any changes with homeowner 2. This is not a surveyed plan and only shows dimensions given by homeowner. Property measurements should be confirmed with a licensed land surveyor if required. Safety 1. Exit alarms on the private single family home's doors that provide direct access to the swimming pool or spa Compliant With UL2017 . Any new or replacement gas or electric swimming pool heater system in a residential occupancy shall be equipped with all of the following: . An On-Off switch mounted on the outside of the heater for easy access . A permanent weatherproof plate or card, easily readable, giving instruction for the efficient operation of the swimming pool. . Pool and spa heaters may not have continuously burning pilot lights. Contractors shall meet or exceed all local codes and engineering 2022 California Building Code 2022 California Electrical Code 2022 California Mechanical Code 2022 California Plumbing Code 2022 California Historical Building Code 2022 California Residential Code 2022 California Energy Code 2022 California Green Building Standards Code 2022 California Administrative Standards Code 2022 California Referenced Standards Code Scale 1/8"= 1'SHEET TITLE: A-2 Depth:3.5 deep See H.O. for final depth of spa 4.0'3.5' 5.5' NO PROPOSED LANDSCAPESTORM MANAGEMENT / BMP / DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN BY OTHER -An Enclosure shall have all the following characteristics: -Any access gates through the enclosure open away from the swimming pool and are self-closing with a self-latching device placed no lower than 54 inches above the ground. - A minimum height of 60 inches. - A maximum vertical clearance from the ground to the bottom of the enclosure of two inches. - Gaps or voids, if any, do not allow passage of a sphere equal to or greater than four inches in diameter. - The garage man door shall be self-closing and self-latching. ENCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS -Pipes are part of the pool equipment and any pipes emerging from the ground shall not encroach into the 5ft setback or planning variance will be required -Underground plastic gas pipes shall have a min. #14 "Yellow" tracer wire. -All gas supplied devices shall have a shut off valve as per (CPC 1212.6). -Equipotential bonding grid to be installed, per the County handout Section A-A IMPORTANT NOTES: Digitally signed by Christopher Biedenbach on 04/18/2024 - 1713423600 - 24-01482-dg 220 271 04/22/2024J.ANAYA BPOL2024-0102 POOL AND SPA AT REAR YARD [POOL ENGINEERING] THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE. APPROVED SITE PLAN AND WET STAMPED POOL ENGINEERING SHEET REQUIRED TO BE ONSITE FOR INSPECTION. TWO DROWNING PREVENTION SAFETY FEATURES AND THE REQUIRED ENCLOSURE SHALL BE IN PLACE AT PRE-PLASTER INSPECTION. 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. Digitally signed by Christopher Biedenbach on 04/18/2024 - 1713423600 - 24-01482-dg Digitally signed by Christopher Biedenbach on 04/18/2024 - 1713423600 - 24-01482-dg Digitally signed by Christopher Biedenbach on 04/18/2024 - 1713423600 - 24-01482-dg