BRES2021-0518 Planthe edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDjob drawn by sheet scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JEMPROPERTY DATAJOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feetA.1 COVER SHEET 11/18/11 corrections 2/29/12 corrections U P D A T E D S O I L S R E P O R T C O V E R L E T T E R E N G I N E E R O F R E C O R D T R U S S R E V I E W L E T T E R 1 1 1 0817/2112PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922548/1/21 POST PERMIT REV. 2 2 9/30/21 POST PERMIT REV.3 REMODEL FOR J. KONRAD 5 7 3 5 0 P e n i n s u l a L a n e , L o t 4 , P e n i n s u l a P a r k , P G A W e s t , L a Q u i n t a C A 9 2 2 5 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS OWNER:CHIEF WAUBONSIE LLC 5701 WEATHERSTONE WAY JOHNSBURG, IL 60051 ATTN: JASON KONRAD 630-878-8144 ZONE:RL-LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY GROUP:GROUP R (RESIDENCE) GROUP U (GARAGE) LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 "PGA WEST" BUILDING TYPE:TYPE "V", NOT RATED LOT SIZE:23,280 SQ. FT. A.P.N.:762-150-004 REFERENCED CODES:2019 California Green Building Code 2019 California Mechanical Code 2019 California Plumbing Code 2019 California Electrical Code 2019 California Energy Code 2019 California Residential Code 2019 La Quinta Municipal Code DESIGN PARAMETERS: Seismic Design Category: "D" Basic Wind Speed: 85 mph (3-second gust), Exposure "C" Climate Zone: 15 NUMBER OF STORIES: 1 AREA TABULATION:HABITABLE SPACE 4,529 sq. ft. GARAGE 821 sq. ft. ______ BUILDING FOOTPRINT 5,350 sq. ft. PORCH / TERRACE 857 sq. ft. FLOOR AREA RATIO:6207/23280=27% OF LOT PROJECT TEAM:DESIGN JAIME E. MENCIA @ THE EDIFICE GROUP 945 E 13800 S DRAPER UT 84020 (818) 648-1078 STRUCTURAL BRANDON HELMS P.E. MAPLE BROOK ENGINEERING INC. 51 BENTLEY COURT, SILETZ, OR 97380 (541) 574 1855 ENERGY ENERGWISE 3236 SAN ANSELINE AVE LONG BEACH CA 90808 (562) 547 6364 SURVEY/McGEE SURVEYING INC. CIVIL 79-301 COUNTRY CLUB DR. STE. 102 BERMUDA DUNES, CA 92203 (760) 345-3828 LANDSCAPE RAY MARTIN LANDSCAPE DESIGN 52293 AVENIDA MADERO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (760) 771-2071 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE N A SEPERATE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR RETAINING/BLOCK WALLS, FENCES, ACCESSORY BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES, FIRE SPRINKLERS, SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT REQIURED FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, EXTERIOR GAS FIRE PITS. ALL OR EQUAL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE ITEM PROJECT COVER SHEET A.1 SURVEY A.2 SITE PLAN A.3 SITE DETAILS/NOTES A.3.1 GRADING COVER SHEET G.1 GRADING PLAN G.2 LANDSCAPE PLAN P.1 ROOF PLAN A.4 TRUSS PLAN A.4.1 FLOOR PLAN A.5 NOTES/SCHEDULES A.5.1 FIRE PLACE SPECS A.5.2 DEMO PLAN A.5.3 SECTIONS AA, BB, CC A.6 SECTIONS DD, EE, FF A.6.1 SECTIONS GG, HH, DETAILS A.6.2 ELEVATIONS A.7 ELEVATIONS A.7.1 STRUCTURAL PLANS S.01-S.3.1 PLUMBING ISO'S Plu.1 T-24 T1/T2 ELECTRICAL PLANS E0.1-E2.1 MECH. PLANS M SCOPE OF WORK: INTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO AN ORIGINALLY APPROVED AND CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION SFR 2/20/15 POST PERMIT REV. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1.2 gpm @ 60 psi3 2 BRES2021-0518 COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF 4,529SF SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING [VB/RES-3/CLASS A-FR/13D]. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE INTERIOR LAYOUT, RELOCATE KITCHEN AREA AND DELETE FIREPLACE + INSTALL ALL REMAINING FINISHES AND FIXTURES. PREVIOUS PERMITS 11-984 & BRES2015-0104 WERE NEVER FINALIZED. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE STRUCTURAL CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO THE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED LIVING AREA. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. 01/03/2022 the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDjob drawn by sheet scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JATPROPERTY DATAA.3JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feetSITE PLAN SITE DETAILS 11/18/11 corrections 8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 2                 ICVICVICVWMHYD S to be verified sewer lateral 25'- 0" 25'-0" SE gas electrical WDLOT 4 TRACT 28522 MB 274/42 APN: 762-150-004 HABITABLE SPACE 4,331 sq. ft. GARAGE 821 sq. ft. ______ BUILDING FOOTPRINT 5,160 sq. ft. PORCH / TERRACE 1,055 sq. ft. FRONT YARD REAR YARD D R I V E W A Y LOT 4 PE=482.6 FE=483.10(N) 6'- 0", 8" T H K. H. B L O C K W A L L W/ C O L O R C O A T T O M A T C H B UI L DI N G (E) 6'-0" H, 8 " T H K . BLOCK WAL L TO REMAIN LOT 3 MCNAIR PE=481.8 LOT 5 RLS SERVICES PE=482.3 SE T BACKZONES E T B A C K Z O N E S E T B A C K Z O N E 10'-0"10 ' -0 " PROPOSED SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" N 25'- 0 " 45'-0"SETBACKZONEP E N I N SULALANEG O L F C O U R S E 3 A.3.1 3 A.3.1 179.0 7' 194.48' (E) concrete curb irrigation control valve 60" wide wood gate SERVICE YARD 60" wide wood gate TRASH AC AC 6'-0" H. MAX CMU WALL W/ STONE VENEER (N) COLOR FINISH TO MATCH BUILDING POOL SPA BAR TANING SHELF (E) MAN HOLE V (E) VALVE (E) FIRE HYDRANT Drive way to be "DUBLIN COBBLE MODULAR" interlocking rectangle & square pavers, by BELGARD HARDSCAPES. Color to be toscana blend 60" wide wood gate 12'-0" AC AC 60" wide wood gate 10'-0 " EASEM E N T 4 A.7.1 3 A.7 1 A.7 2 A.7 6'-0" H. MAX CMU WALL W/ STONE VENEER (E) concrete curb TERRACE PORCH EXISTING LANDSCAPING AND BERM gas fire pit; 12" H 18" raised bench; stone to match house 24" H raised collumn 6" stepplanterplanterplanterplanterNEW TREES NEW TREES NEW TREES concrete deck concrete deck POOL EQUIPMENT note: equipment not allowed to fall w/in side yard setback 8'-0"24" H raised planter; typ. 45'-5" 125'-0" 45'- 0"109'- 0" gas water heater 4'-0" phone box SERVICE LOC. AREA NOT TO SCALESE shut off into house stub out for landsacaping surface mounted water heater finish grade 6'-6"30" flush mounted 200 amp. electric service panel flush mounted phone/cable box irrigation control valve irrigation control valve water meter B L O C K W A L L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S PROVIDE COLOR COAT OVER BLOCK WALL TO MATCH BUILDING 18" H bench w/ stone to match house SE A.3.1 2 A.3.1 typ. fountain COL A.3.1 COL A.3.1 SE A.3.1 FP A.3.1 SIM. pattern indicates "DUBLIN COBBLE MODULAR" interlocking rectangle & square pavers, by BELGARD HARDSCAPES. Color to be toscana blend pattern indicates 16x16 limestone tile, natural color, with complimentary border, to match interior pattern indicates 4" concrete slab with 3/8" DEL RIO pebble finish, power washed prior to concrete hardening, to expose agregate. Concrete color to be SANDSTONE #5237, by Davis Colors 4 A.3.1 4 A.3.1 A SEPERATE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR RETAINING/BLOCK WALLS, FENCES, ACCESSORY BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES, FIRE SPRINKLERS, SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT REQIURED FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, EXTERIOR GAS FIRE PITS.S E P A R A T E P E R M I T R E Q U I R E DNOTE: SEPERATE PERMIT REQUIRED SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 automatically illuminated address numbers, not less than 4" H NO CHANGE TO ORIGINALLY APPROVED SITE PLAN 2 2/20/15 POST PERMIT REV. 4,529 sq. ft. 821 sq. ft. ______ 5,350 sq. ft. 857 sq. ft. 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. 0817/2112 01/03/2022 E.G.Jaime E. Mencia @ the EDIFICE GROUPlic. #B 921228job drawn by sheet scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.8339 Oakdale Ave.Winnetka CA 91306818 648-1078info@the-edifice-group.comshown JEMPROPERTY DATAA.3.1JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feetSITE DETAILS 8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.2 PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 0817/2112 mortar joint mortar setting bed ELDORADO STONE veneer cmu wall rebar (where occurs) VENEER over CMU SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 1'-3" Ø CMU6" CMU 2" veneer @ inside and outside profile of stone cap 2'-0" Ø FIRE PIT SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"FP PLAN SECTION TYP. GARDEN WALL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"2 P L A N E L E V A T I O N6'-0"5'-4"decorative stone cap w/ bullnose edge detail open 6'-0" Ø5'-0"8"8'-0" max.B U I L D I N Gstone veneer to be "Veneto Field Ledge" By ELDORADO STONE, flush grouted 8X12X12 CMU collumn, typ. 8x6x16 CMU wall dash line indicates 2" stone veneer wood gate to match stain @ eaves 1 A.3.1 see BLOCK WALL SPECS/SHEET A.3 for wall assembly SITE SECTION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 3 A.3.1 decorative stone cap w/ bullnose edge detail SITE SECTION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 4 A.3.1 PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE482.00 484.00 486.00 488.00 490.00 492.00 494.00 496.00 498.00 500.00 502.00 504.00 506.00 508.00 510.00 512.00 dash line indicates Pad elev. 482.6 dash line indicates Pad elev. 482.6 482.00 484.00 486.00 488.00 490.00 492.00 494.00 496.00 498.00 500.00 502.00 504.00 506.00 482.00 484.00 486.00 488.00 490.00 492.00 494.00 496.00 498.00 500.00 502.00 504.00 506.00 BELGARD INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVERS Section 2780 INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVEMENT PART 1:GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.01 Section Includes A.Concrete paver units (Concrete paver edge units) B.Bedding and joint sand C.Edge restraints 1.04 Quality Assurance A. Installation shall be by a contractor and crew with at least one year of experience in placing interlocking concrete pavers on projects of similar nature or dollar cost. B. Contractor shall hold current Basic Level Certificate from the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute contractor certification program. C. Contractor shall conform to all local, state/provincial licensing and bonding requirements. 1.05 Submittals A. Shop or product drawings, and product data. B. Full size samples of concrete paving units to indicate color and shape selections. Color will be selected by Architect/Engineer/Landscape Architect/Owner from Manufacturer's available colors. C. Indicate layout, pattern, and relationship of paving joints to fixtures and project formed details. 1.06 Mock-Ups A. Install a 7 ft x 7 ft (2 m x 2 m) paver area as described in Article 3.02. B. This area will be used to determine surcharge of the bedding sand layer, joint sizes, lines, laying pattern(s), color(s), and texture of the job. C. This area shall be the standard from which the work will be judged and shall it be incorporated into the work. 1.07 Delivery, Storage, And Handling A. Deliver concrete pavers to the site in steel banded, plastic banded, or plastic wrapped cubes capable of transfer by fork lift or clamp lift. Unload pavers at job site in such a manner that no damage occurs to the product. B. Cover sand with waterproof covering to prevent exposure to rainfall or removal by wind. Secure the covering in place. C. Coordinate delivery and paving schedule to minimize interference with normal use of buildings adjacent to paving. 1.08 Environmental Conditions A. Do not install sand or pavers during heavy rain or snowfall. B. Do not install sand and pavers over frozen base materials. C. Do not install frozen sand. PART 2:PRODUCTS 2.01 Concrete Pavers A.Supplied by a Belgard manufacturer: B.Product name(s)/shape(s), color(s), overall dimensions, and thickness: 1.Dublin Cobble a.6” x 7 3/8” x 2 3/8” b.6” x 6 3/4” x 2 3/8” c.6” x 6” x 2 3/8” d.6” x 5 1/8” x 2 3/8” 2. Color: 2.02 Bedding and Joint Sand A. Clean, non-plastic, free from deleterious or foreign matter, natural or manufactured from crushed rock. Do not use limestone screenings or stone dust that do not conform to the grading requirements in Table 1. When concrete pavers are subject to vehicular traffic, the sands shall be as hard as practically available. Note: Bedding sand may be used for joint sand. However, extra effort in sweeping and compacting the pavers may be required in order to completely fill the joints. If joint sand other than bedding sand is used, the gradations shown in Table 2 are recommended. Joint sand should never be used for bedding sand. B. The joint sand shall conform to the grading requirements as shown in Table 2 below: Note: Use ASTM or CSA standards as applicable. 2.03 Edge Restraints Note: See ICPI Tech Spec 3, “Edge Restraints for Interlocking Concrete Pavements,” for guidance selecting on edge restraints for various applications. C. Edge restraints shall be [timber][plastic][concrete][aluminum][steel][pre-cast concrete][cut stone][concrete] [as manufactured by] [and shall conform to the following standards:] PART 3:EXECUTION 3.01 Examination Note: For installation on a compacted aggregate base and soil subgrade, the specifier should be aware that the top surface of the pavers may be 1 /8 to 1 /4 in. (3 to 6 mm) above the final elevations after compaction. This difference in initial and final elevation is to compensate for possible minor settling. A. Verify that subgrade preparation, compacted density and elevations conform to the specifications. Note: Compaction of the soil subgrade is recommended to at least 95% standard Proctor density per ASTM D 698 for pedestrian areas and residential driveways. Compaction to at least 95% modified Proctor density per ASTM D 1557 is recommended for areas subject to heavy vehicular traffic. Stabilization of the subgrade and/or base material may be necessary with weak or saturated subgrade soils. The Architect/Engineer should inspect subgrade preparation, elevations, and conduct density tests for conformance to specifications. B. Verify that geotextiles, if applicable, have been placed according to specifications and drawings. C. Verify that aggregate base materials, thickness, compaction, surface tolerances, and elevations conform to the specifications. Note: Local aggregate base materials typical to those used for highway flexible pavements are recommended, or those conforming to ASTM D 2940. Compaction is recommended to not less than 95% Proctor density in accordance with ASTM D 698 is recommended for pedestrian areas and residential driveways. Compaction is recommended to not less than 98% modified Proctor density according to ASTM D 1557 is recommended for vehicular areas. Note: The aggregate base should be spread and compacted in uniform layers not exceeding 6 in. (150 mm) thickness. Recommended base surface tolerance should be plus or minus 3 /8 in. (10 mm) over a 10 ft. (3 m) straight edge. The Architect/Engineer should inspect geotextile materials and placement (if applicable), base preparation, surface tolerances, elevations, and conduct density tests for conformance to specifications. See ICPI Tech Spec 2, “Construction of Interlocking Concrete Pavements” for further guidance on construction practices. Note: Mechanical tampers are recommended for compaction of soil subgrade and aggregate base around lamp standards, utility structures, building edges, curbs, tree wells and other protrusions. In areas not accessible to large compaction equipment, compact to specified density with mechanical tampers. Verify location, type, installation and elevations of edge restraints around the perimeter area to be paved. ---OR--- C.Install edge restraints per the drawings [and manufacturer's recommendations][at the indicated elevations]. D.Verify that base is dry, uniform, even, and ready to support sand, pavers, and imposed loads. E.Beginning of bedding sand and paver installation means acceptance of base and edge restraints. 3.02 Installation A. Spread the bedding sand evenly over the base course and screed to a nominal 1 in. (25 mm) thickness, not exceeding 1 1 /2 in. (40 mm) thickness. The screeded sand should not be disturbed. Place sufficient sand to stay ahead of the laid pavers. Do not use the bedding sand to fill depressions in the base surface. B. Ensure that pavers are free of foreign material before installation. C.Lay the pavers in the pattern(s) as shown on the drawings. Maintain straight pattern lines. D. Points between the pavers on average shall be between 1 /16 in. and 3 /16 in. (2 mm to 5 mm) wide. Note: Some paver shapes require a larger joint. Consult manufacturer for recommended joint widths. E. Fill gaps at the edges of the paved area with cut pavers or edge units. Note: Units cut no smaller than one-third of a whole paver are recommended along edges subject to vehicular traffic. F. Cut pavers to be placed along the edge with a [double blade paver splitter or] masonry saw. G. Use a low amplitude plate compactor capable of at least 5,000 lbf (22 kN) compaction at a frequency of 75 hz -100 hz. H. Compact the pavers, sweeping dry joint sand into the joints and vibrating until they are full. This will require at least two or three passes with the compactor. Do not compact within 3 ft (1 m) of the unrestrained edges of the paving units. I. All work to within 3 ft (1 m) of the laying face must be left fully compacted with sand-filled joints at the end of each day. Cover the laying face with plastic sheets overnight if not closed with cut and compacted pavers. J. Sweep off excess sand when the job is complete. K. The final surface elevations shall not deviate more than 3 /8 in. (10 mm) under a 10 ft (3 m) long straightedge. L. The surface elevation of pavers shall be 1 /8 to 1 /4 in. (3 to 6 mm) above adjacent drainage inlets, concrete collars or channels. 3.03 Field Quality Control A.After removal of excess sand, check final elevations for conformance to the drawings. I N T E R L O C K I N G P A V E R S P E C I F I C A T I O N S TYP. PAVING PATTERN NOT TO SCALE Pattern to be DUBLIN COBBLE MODULAR w/ 0% large per manufacturer's recomendations TYP. EDGE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1'-0"patio slab gas valve gas line to building footing w/ (1) #4 rebar ring 10"11"solid grouted 6" CMU ELDORADO STONE accent cap ELDORADO STONE veneer @ both sides of CMU 12" dia min. pipe fire ring; 6" below top loose decorative rock 2'-0"COLLUMN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"COL ELEV. PLAN 3'-5 1/2"3'-5 1/2" profile of decorative stone cap w/ bullnose edge detail 6" CMU ELDORADO STONE profile provide irrigation line for surface mounted planter SEAT SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"SE 1'-5"Cont. footing patio slab CMU wall stone veneer decorative stone cap w/ bullnose edge detail v a r i e s property lineproperty line20'-3"20'-3" top of chimney H O U S E H O U S E S I D E Y A R D S I D E Y A R D LOT 3 MCNAIR PE=481.8 LOT 5 RLS SERVICES PE=482.3 20'-0"20'-0" F R O N T Y A R D R E A R Y A R D P O O L G O L F C O U R S E P E N I N S U L A L A N E (E) LANDSCAPE MOUND FL NO CHANGE TO ORIGINALLY APPROVED SITE PLAN 2 01/03/2022 ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright © 2015 Page 1 of 1 1000 ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1489 CBC and CRC Supplement Reissued March 2015 This report is subject to renewal March 2016. www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ® DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 32 13—Clay Roof Tiles REPORT HOLDER: REDLAND CLAY TILE 9155 BROWN DEER ROAD, SUITE 5 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 (858) 622-1935 www.redlandclaytile.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: REDLAND CLAY ROOF TILES: CAMBRIDGE, TWO-PIECE MISSION, TWO-PIECE BAJA MISSION “S,” NAPA “S,” CABRILLO “S,” ROMAN, TWO-PIECE JUNIPERO ALFARO TILES AND TWO-PIECE ANGULO 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that Redland Clay Tile clay roofing tiles, recognized in ICC-ES master evaluation report ESR-1489, have also been evaluated for compliance with the codes noted below. Applicable code editions:   2010 California Building Code (CBC)   2010 California Residential Code (CRC) 2.0 CONCLUSIONS 2.1 CBC: The Redland Clay Tile clay roofing tiles described in the master report ESR-1489 may be used where a Class A roof covering complying with CBC Section 1505.1.1, a Class B roof covering complying with CBC Section 1505.1.2, or a Class C roof covering complying with CBC Section 1505.1.3 is required, provided installation is in accordance with the master report and the additional requirements of CBC Sections 1507.3.10 and 1511. The roof tiles may be used in the construction of new buildings located in a Fire Hazard Severity Zone within State Responsibility Areas or any Wildland–Urban Interface Fire Area, provided installation is also in accordance with the master report and the additional requirements of Sections 701A.3 and 705A of the CBC. 2.2 CRC: The Redland Clay Tile clay roofing tiles described in the master report ESR-1489 may be used where a Class A roof covering complying with CRC Section R902.1.1, a Class B roof covering complying with CRC Section R902.1.2, or a Class C roof covering complying with CRC Section R902.1.3 is required, provided installation is in accordance with the master report and the additional requirements of CRC Section R905.3. The roof tiles may be used in the construction of new buildings located in any Wildland–Urban Interface Fire Area, provided installation is also in accordance with the master report and the additional requirements of Sections R327.1.3.1 and R327.5 of the CRC. The products recognized in this supplement have not been evaluated for compliance with the International Wildland–Urban Interface Code®. This supplement expires concurrently with the master report reissued March 2015. the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDjob drawn by sheet scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.SIM. SIM. shown JEMPROPERTY DATAJOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feetA.4 ROOF PLAN ROOFING NOTES V E N T I L A T I O N S P E C I F I C A T I O N S R O O F / T I L E S P E C I F I C A T I O N S 11/18/11 corrections 8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 2 0817/2112 A C D E F G H I A C D E F G H I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B B ROOF HEIGHT: TOTAL ROOF VOLUME:28,580.96 c.f 100%. TOTAL ROOF OVER 18'h.5,350.53 c.f 18.72% NOTE: ALL VENTS & SHEET METAL TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT FINISH ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ROOFING NOTES 1.Tile to be REDLAND CLAY TILE Two piece Mission Clay Tile ESR-1489. Verify color w/ Jaime Mencia. These notes to be included w/ manufacturer's instructions. 2.On roof slopes 2 1/2:12 to 3:12, 3/8" thick, decay resistant wood lath strips, installed vertically, shall be attached from eave to ridge at 24" o.c., using 8d corrosion-resistant box nails. Horizontal nominal 1x2 wood battens are then nailed through the vertical battens into the deck at proper coursing, not to exceed 14 inches on center. Where attaching tiles to horizontal battens, nails shall penetrate the full thickness of the battens, but not the roof membrane. 3.Provide eave riser as required. Discuss w/ designer prior to installation. 4.Tiles are attached in accordance with table 15-D-1 of the UBC for roof slopes less than 4:12. All tile nails are min. No. 11 gage, corrosion-resistant steel having a min. 5/16" dia. head and sufficient length to penetrate 3/4" into framing, battens or through the thickness of the sheathing, whichever is less. 5.When attaching tiles to overhang areas where the nail points may be visible from underneath the sheathing, nominal 1x2 wood batten strips are nailed through the sheathing into rafters with one 8d nail in each rafter. Tiles are nailed into batten strips with min. no. 11 gage nails of sufficient length to penetrate through the full thickness of the batten strip. 6.Each hip or ridge tile is secured to nailer boards with 1 nail at the head and a dab of roofer's mastic or other permanent adhesive placed over the nailing area to secure succeeding tile. 7.Nailer boards of sufficient height to adequately support hip or ridge tiles are nailed into framing every 24" with 10d steel nails or are secured using galvanized steel strapping or special galvanized steel attachment devices at 48" o.c. 8.Valley flashing must be in accordance with Section 1508 of the UBC. All other flashing must comply with section1509 of the UBC. Openings through the tile for penetrations such as vents must be flashed and supported by additional blocking or roof framing as required. Flashing for profile tiles must be made of lead or other approved flexible materials, and must be formed to the contours of the tile. 9.ROOF ASSEMBLY SHALL HAVE A CLASS A FIRE RATING 3.5:12DN.3.5:12DN.e d g e o f b u i l d i n g e d g e o f b u i l d i n g 1111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 3.5:12DN.3.5:12DN.3.5:12DN.3.5:12DN.3.5:12 DN. 3.5:12 DN. 3.5:12 DN. 3.5:12 DN. 3.5:12 DN. 3.5:12 DN.3.5:12DN.3.5:12DN.e d g e o f b u i l d i n g e d g e o f b u i l d i n g e d g e o f b u i l d i n ge d g e o f b u i l d i n ge d g e o f b u i l d i n ge d g e o f b u i l d i n ge d g e o f b u i l d i n ge d g e o f b u i l d i n g TW A.6 TW A.6 TW A.6 TW A.6 TW A.6 TW A.6 TW A.6 TW A.6 TW A.6 TW A.6 V E N T S C H E D U L E O'HAGGINS Model S vent at attics; paint to match; typ. VENT SHALL PROVIDE .68 SQ.FT. OF VENTILATION; see bottom left this page VENTILATION CALCULATIONS Proposed @ ATTIC #1: 6158.77 SQ.FT. 6158.77/150 = 41.06 sq.ft. required USE (60) (60)(.68)= 40.08 sq.ft. of ventilation USE (4) (4)(2.34)= 9.36 sq.ft. of ventilation USE (4) (4)(3.14)= 12.6 sq.ft. of ventilation Total ventilation provided=62 sq.ft. ATTIC #1 VENTS "OK" 1 1 14x24 gable vent; paint to match; typ. VENT SHALL PROVIDE 2.34 SQ.FT. OF VENTILATION 2 2 24 DIA. circular gable vent; paint to match; typ. VENT SHALL PROVIDE 3.14 SQ.FT. OF VENTILATION 3 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3.5:12 DN. 3.5:12 DN. ROOF/TILE SPECS A.4 ROOF/TILE SPECS A.4 ROOF/TILE SPECSA.4ROOF/TILE SPECSA.4ROOF/TILE SPECSA.4ROOF/TILE SPECSA.4ROOF TILE TO BE 2 PC. MISSION CLAY TILE by REDLAND CLAY TILE. TILE COURSES MUST BE LAID WITH COURSES RUNNING "WILD", OR "SEPENTINE" STYLE. PROVIDE 15%-20% BOOSTED TILES MIN., WITH HEAVY MUDDING REQUIRED. 2" plumbing vent 2" plumbing vent 2" plumbing vent 2" plumbing vent 2" plumbing vent 2" plumbing vent NO CHANGE TO ORIGINALLY APPROVED ROOF PLAN 2 omit approved vent omit approved vent 4.68 SQ FT of ventilation (2x ) to be replaced with 5.44 SQ FT of ventilation (8x ) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/20/15 POST PERMIT REV. 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. 01/03/2022 the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDFLOOR PLAN job drawn by scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JAT/JEMPROPERTY DATAA.5 0817/2112PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 92254JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feet11/18/11 corrections 2/29/12 corrections 2/20/15 POST PERMIT REV. 55 gal WH 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. 8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV. 9/30/21 POST PERMIT REV.WDDW LAUNDRY/ LINEN CLOSET BEDROOM # 3 HALL BATHROOM COURT YARD MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM #1 WALK IN BATH BEDROOM #2 ENTRY TERRACE OFFICE arch (N) 2X FRAMING S LEGEND 3 SMOKE DETECTOR WINDOW SYMBOL detail 4 A.7.1 3 A.7 1 A.7 2 A.7 110 S&P S&P 15 3 4 7 8 9 3 3 6 10 13 6 10 8 4 FAN 35'-0"24'-3"13'-6 1/2"90'-10 1/2"24'-5"7'-11"1'-6" 33'-6"25'-4" 90'-5 1/2"31'-6"45'-10"90'-10 1/2"2 4 6 8 10 11 12 4 109 POWDER 117 114 113 GARAGE 108 116 112 FAMILY ROOM 107 KITCHEN 105 STUDY 103 DINING ROOM 104 102 BATHROOM 117 101 117 S&P S&P S&P 119 120 115 CORRIDOR 115 CORRIDOR 2'-10"8'-0" 10 5POT SHELFPORCH 5/8" TYPE X drywall to create 1 hr. fire rating between garage and habitable space @ walls and ceilingCABCAB arch1 DOOR SYMBOL ELEVATION/SECTION SYMBOL page E.1 A.7 (E) 2X FRAMING MASTER BATHROOM arch soapSHOWER make up f i x e d c o r n e r w i n d o w1'-6"6'-6"STANDARD PARKING SPACE 10'X20' STANDARD PARKING SPACE 10'X20' STANDARD PARKING SPACE 10'X18' 12 4'-0" 111 119 3'-9"18'-1"8'-0" 4 5 9 AA A.6 BB A.6 CC A.6 DD A.6.1 EE A.6.1 FF A.6.1 GG A.6.2 HH A.6.2 5/8" TYPE X drywall to create 1 hr. fire rating between garage and habitable space @ walls and ceiling 9 1.Contractor to verify all dimensions. 2.Smoke detectors shall sound alarm audible in all sleeping areas, and areas leading to sleeping areas of dwelling unit and be hard-wired and equipped with battery back up and low battery signal. Battery Operated Detectors w/ low battery signal in (E) construction only. 3.Fireblocking shall be installed @: A.concealled spaces of stud walls and partitions, floor and ceiling @ 10'-0" max. intervals both vertically and horizontally. B.Interconnections between vertical and horizontal spaces. C.concealed space between stair stringers at top and bottom run. D.At opening around vents, pipes, ducts, and chimneys(noncombustable materials) E.at openings between attic and chimney chase for factory built chimneys 4.Roofing assembly shall be listed by an approved agency 5.Glazing over 9 sq.ft. having the lowest edge less than 18" above the finish floor and having a top edge greater than 36" above floor, and glazing 5' from top or bottom of stairways with bottom edge less than 60" above floor, shall be tempered. all glazing in doors & enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers edge of glazing is less than 60" above a standing surface or drain inlet. 6.Provide 24" clear space in front of toilet compartment, & 30" clear width. 7.Provide 70 inch high non-absorbent wall adjacent to shower and approved shatter resistant materials for shower enclosure.91.807.1.3, 91.2406.4(5), 91.1115b.9.6,7,8 8.Attic ventilation of 1/150 of the area of ventilated space(approximately 10 sq. in. for each 10 sq. ft. of attic area) is req.sec. 1505.3 9.An approved Seismic gas shutoff valve shall be installed on the fuel gas line on the down stream side of the utility meter and be rigidly connected to the exterior of the building or structure containing the fuel gas piping (per ordinance 171,874-for work over $10,000) 10.Provide ultra flush(1.6 gal.) water closets for all new construction. Existing shower heads and toilets must be adapted. 11.The handgrip portion of handrails shall be not less than 1 1/4" nor more that 2" in circular cross-sectional dimension or shall provide equivalent graspability. Handrail projecting from a wall shall have a space of not less than 1 1/3" between the wall and the handrail. 12.Required windows in sleeping rooms shall have a finish sill height no greater than 44" from finish floor. 13.Fans at bathrooms must provide a min. of 5 air changes per hour, and must vent directly to the outside. Outlet must be min. 36" from closest opening and 36" min. from property line. 14.When mirrored, provide tempered glass @ wardrobe doors. 15.Penetrations through the walls and ceilings separating the dwelling from the garage shall be protected (such as those for vents, pipes, ducts, cables, and wires) with an approved material to resist the free passage of flame and products of combustion. 16.All foam plastic insulation shall have a flame spread index of not more than 75 and a smoke-developed index of not more than 450. 17.Provide 26-min. ga. galvanized weep screed at or below foundation plate line. Weep screed shall be placed a min. of 4" above the earth or 2" above paved areas. Provide cont. sheetmetal flashing where distance of plate line above paved areas is less than 2". See detail sheet A.6. 18.Where hearth at fireplace occurs , all hearth material to be non-combustable. 19.Combustable materials shall not be placed less than 6" from the fireplace opening. 20.Provide landing or floor on each side of each exterior door. The width of the landing shall not be less than the door served extending a min. of 36". Floor elevation of landing at the ext. shall comply with the following: 1.When the egress door swings over the ext. side of the required landing, the floor at the landing shall not be more than 1 1/2" below the top of the threshold. 2.When the egress door does not swing over the exterior side of the required landing, the floor at the landing shall not be more than 7 3/4" below the top of the thresold. 3.Exterior landings shall be permitted to have a slope not to exceed 1/4 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal. 21.Penetrations through walls or ceilings seprating the dwelling from the garage shall be protected (such as those for vents, pipes, ducts, cables, and wires) with an approved material to resist the free passage of flame and products of combustion. PLAN GENERAL NOTES 7 7 30x30 attic access 18" H seat 11 A.8 12 A.8 20"W x 24"H; 6' hdr ht. NOTE:A CREDIT FOR QUALITY INSTALLED INSULATION IS BEING TAKEN WHICH REQUIRES HERS CERTIFICATION PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSULATION INSPECTION FROM BUILDING DEPT. W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W3 W4 W5 W3 W4 W5 W3 W4 W5 W3 W4 W5 W3W4W5W3 D4 D5 D6D3 D4 D5 D6D3 W8W7 W8W7 W1 W2 W3 W1 W2 W3 D1 D2 D3 D6 D1 D2 D3 W1 W2 W3 SIM. W1 W2 W3 SIM. W1 W2 W3 SIM.W1 W2 W3 SIM.archHALL 14 10 1'-6"4'-2"4'-2" 30x30 attic access10 2'-2" 2'-0" clr. 11 7'-10" 3'-0"3'-0"1'-6" FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 14 14 8/29/12 8:57 AM 4" conc. filled stl bollard A R C H2'-0"clr.6080 slider 2'-0"clr.24" Dia. boxed in column with stucco veneer; typ.1'-6"1'-6"3'-6"6'-0"2'-0"1'-6"FILL IN EXISTING OPENING NEW 34" H PLUMBING WALL; 2X6 STUDS AT 16" OC. PROVIDE ANCHOR @ 32" OC 12'-4"2'-6"2'-3"under count frig under count ice m. 1'-9"2'-6"2'-0"2'-0"2'-6"1'-3" 2 2 EXTEND WALL BAR 6'-8"6'-4"NEW FULL HT. WALL. 2X4 STUDS AT 16" OC. PROVIDE ANCHOR @ 32" OC a l i g nNEW 34" H PLUMBING WALL; 2X6 STUDS AT 16" OC. PROVIDE ANCHOR @ 32" OC face of stud2'-3"17'-6" 30" FR. 30" REF. 5'-0"3'-0"4'-0"3'-0"3'-0"2'-6"3'-0" MICRO/ WRM EXT. GRADE FIXED CABINETRY counter profile counter profile counter profile36" BBQ 2 2 2 BAR FRAME IN (E) OPENING 3'-0"2'-0"3'-6"3'-0"3'-0"2'-6" 2 2 3'-0"1'-4"3'-0"2 22.In bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms, at least one luminaire must be controlled by a vacancy sensor. (CEnC §150.0(k)2I) 23.All interior luminaires required to have light sources compliant with Joint Appendix JA8 must be controlled by either a dimmer or vacancy sensor, except those located in closets less than 70 square feet or hallways. (CEnC §150.0(k)2J) 24.Outdoor lighting permanently mounted to the building must be controlled by one of the following combinations and a manual ON/OFF switch that does not override the chosen combination: (CEC §150.0(k)3) a) Photocell and motion sensor b) Photo control and automatic time switch c) Astronomical time clock d) EMCS with features of an astronomical time clock that does not allow the luminaire to be always ON, and is programmed to automatically turn lighting OFF during daylight hours. 3 3 01/03/2022 Eagle Window & Door800.453.3633 EagleWindow.comADDITIONAL CUSTOM SIZES ARE AVAILABLE. CONTACT YOUR EAGLE DEALER FOR MORE INFORMATION. DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO SCALE. RCMT2020-2 RCMT2420 RCMT2420-2 RCMT2026 RCMT2026-2 RCMT2426 RCMT2426-2 RCMT2028 RCMT2028-2 RCMT2428 RCMT2428-2 RCMT2030 RCMT2030-2 RCMT2430 RCMT2430-2 RCMT2034 RCMT2034-2 RCMT2434 RCMT2434-2 RCMT2634-2RCMT2634 RCMT2630-2RCMT2630 RCMT2628 RCMT2628-2 RCMT2626 RCMT2626-2 RCMT2620 RCMT2620-2RCMT2020R.O.F.S.2' 0 1/2" 2' 0" 4' 0 1/2" 4' 0" 2' 4 1/2" 2' 4" 4' 8 1/2" 4' 8"2' 0 1/2"2' 0"2' 6 1/2"2' 6"2' 8 1/2"2' 8"3' 0 1/2"3' 0"3' 4 1/2"3' 4"2' 6 1/2" 2' 6" 5' 0 1/2" 5 ' 0" RCMT2050 RCMT2050-2 RCMT2450 †RCMT2450-2 †RCMT2650 †RCMT2650-2 † RCMT2046 RCMT2046-2 RCMT2446 †RCMT2446-2 †RCMT2646 †RCMT2646-2 † RCMT2056 RCMT2056-2 RCMT2456 †RCMT2456-2 †RCMT2656-2 †RCMT2656 † RCMT2060 RCMT2060-2 RCMT2460 †RCMT2460-2 †RCMT2660-2 †RCMT2660 † RCMT2040-2 RCMT2440 †RCMT2440-2 †RCMT2640 †RCMT2640-2 †RCMT20404' 0 1/2"4' 0"4' 6 1/2"4' 6"5' 0 1/2"5' 0"5' 6 1/2"5' 6"6' 0 1/2"6' 0"RCMT2826 RCMT2826-2 RCMT3026 RCMT3026-2 RCMT2828 RCMT2828-2 RCMT3028 RCMT3028-2 RCMT2830 RCMT2830-2 RCMT3030 RCMT3030-2 RCMT2834 RCMT2834-2 RCMT3034 RCMT3034-2 RCMT2820-2 RCMT3020 RCMT3020-2RCMT2820 RCMT2840-2 †RCMT3040 †RCMT3040-2 †RCMT2840 † RCMT2846 †RCMT2846-2 †RCMT3046 †RCMT3046-2 † RCMT2850 †RCMT2850-2 †RCMT3050 *RCMT3050-2 * RCMT2856 *RCMT2856-2 *RCMT3056 *RCMT3056-2 * RCMT2860 *RCMT2860-2 *RCMT3060 *RCMT3060-2 * 2' 8 1/2" 2' 8" 5' 4 1/2" 5' 4" 3' 0 1/2" 3' 0" 6' 0 1/2" 6' 0" 3'-0" RAD 6'-0" RAD 3'-0" RAD 6'-0" RAD 3'-0" RAD 6'-0" RAD 3'-0" RAD 6'-0" RAD 3'-0" RAD 6'-0" RAD Left Hand 2 Wide Left and Right Right Hand Fixed Vent Layout as Viewed From Outside 2 Wide Butterfly Right and Left NOTES Local codes may dif fer. Verify egress conformance and tempered glass requirements with your local building code official. † These units meet or exceed the following dimensions: Clear Opening Area 5.7 sq. ft., Clear Opening Width 20", Clear Opening Height 24" and 44" maximum floor to sill height (with standard 6'10-1/2" structural header height). * A sash-limiting device is standard on 2856, 2860, 3056 and 3060 casement units. If glass is positioned within 18" of the finished floor, safety/tempered glass may be required. Piano hinges are standard on all radius casement units. Eagle Axiom® Radius Casement Window Sizes the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDPLAN NOTES PLAN DETAILS job drawn by scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.PROPERTY DATAshown JEM A.5.1JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feet11/18/11 corrections 8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 2 0817/2112 7/15/12 POST PERMIT REVISIONS 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. 2 2 FINISH SCHEDULE ROOM FLOOR BASE WALL WAINSCOAT CEILING CROWN NOTES TYPE SIZE TYPESIZE W x H FIN.SWING NOTES NOTES JAMB FIN.HARDWARE HDR. HT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 8 9 DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOW SCHEDULE QUA 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 14 7 8 9 10 11 12 W I N D O W E L E V . S P E C I F I C A T I O N S H E E T 1.Windows to be Axiom Radius Casements by EAGLE WINDOWS (an ANDERSON company) u.n.o. 2.Windows to have triple glazing u.n.o. 3.Windows to be alum. clad @ the exterior and wood @ the interior. CASEMENT HEAD @ VENEER SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W1 CASEMENT JAMB @ VENEER SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W2 CASEMENT SILL @ VENEER SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W3 CASEMENT SILL @ STUCCO SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W6 DOOR HD. @ VENEER SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"D1 DOOR HD. @ STUCCO SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"D4 DOOR JAMB @ STUCCO SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"D5 TYP. DOOR ASTRAGAL SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"D6 DOOR JAMB @ VENEER SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"D2 DOOR SILL SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"D3 CASEMENT HEAD @ STUCCO SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W4 CASEMENT HEAD @ STUCCO SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W5 S.I.P. PANEL S.I.P. PANEL S.I.P. PANEL S.I.P. PANEL S.I.P. PANEL S.I.P. PANEL S.I.P. PANEL S.I.P. PANEL 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER Axiom Radius Casements by EAGLE WINDOWS Axiom Radius Casements by EAGLE WINDOWS Axiom Radius Casements by EAGLE WINDOWS Axiom Radius Casements by EAGLE WINDOWS WINDOW FLASHING WINDOW FLASHING WINDOW FLASHING WINDOW FLASHING WINDOW FLASHING WINDOW FLASHING WINDOW FLASHING WINDOW FLASHING WINDOW FLASHING WINDOW FLASHING STONE VENEER OVER BROWN COAT STONE VENEER OVER BROWN COAT STONE VENEER OVER BROWN COAT STONE VENEER OVER BROWN COAT STONE VENEER OVER BROWN COAT 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER #A754 casing by EAGLE WINDOWS #A754 casing by EAGLE WINDOWS #A754 casing by EAGLE WINDOWS #A754 casing by EAGLE WINDOWS Axiom Radius Casements by EAGLE WINDOWS Axiom Radius Casements by EAGLE WINDOWS 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER #A752 sill nosing by EAGLE WINDOWS S L A B S L A B Accents Inswing French Door by EAGLE WINDOW Accents Inswing French Door by EAGLE WINDOW CASEMENT SILL @ STUCCO SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W6 FIXED HEAD SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W7 FIXED JAMB SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W7 FIXED SILL SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W8 fixed Auxillery Window by EAGLE WINDOWS fixed Auxillery Window by EAGLE WINDOWS fixed Auxillery Window by EAGLE WINDOWS PROVIDE SILICONE AS REQ. @ SILL/SLAB EXT. FRENCH SWING ENTRY DEAD BOLT ENTRY DEAD BOLT ENTRY DEAD BOLT PASSAGE PASSAGE PASSAGE PRIVACY PRIVACY PRIVACY ENTRY DEAD BOLT SELF CLOSING EXT. FRENCH SWING EXT. FRENCH SWING INT. SOLID SWING INT. SOLID SWING INT. SOLID SWING INT. SOLID SWING INT. SOLID POCKET INT. SOLID SWING INT. SLIDER INT. SLIDER EXT. SOLID SWING EXT. ROLL UP EXT. PATIO SLDR. EXT. PATIO. SLDR STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD DARK BRONZE ALUM. DARK BRONZE ALUM. STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD STAIN OVER WOOD (2) 3080 X 2 1/4" THK 6'-0" W OPENING (2) 3070 X 1 3/4" THK 6'-0" W OPENING (2) 3080 X 1 3/4" THK 6'-0" W OPENING 3070 X 1 3/4" THK 3'-0" W OPENING 3080 X 1 3/4" THK 3'-0" W OPENING 3068 X 1 3/4" THK 3'-0" W OPENING 3080 X 1 3/4" THK 3'-0" W OPENING 3068 X 1 3/4" THK 3'-0" W OPENING 3068 X 1 3/4" THK 3'-0" W OPENING 6060 6'-0" W OPENING 5060 5'-0" W OPENING 2030 2'-0" W OPENING 2050 2'-0" W OPENING 3050 2'-0" W OPENING 2050 2'-0" W OPENING 78100 7'-8" W OPENING 3620 3'-6" W OPENING 2620 2'-6" W OPENING 6045 6'-0" W OPENING 2045 51145 7'-11" W OPENING 78100 7'-8" W OPENING 5896 5'-8" W OPENING 3056 3'-0" W OPENING 8'-1" 8'-1" 8'-1" 8'-1" 8'-1" 6'-9" 6'-9" 8'-1" 10'-0" (TIGHT TO TRUSS) 6'-9" 6'-9" 10'-0" (TIGHT TO TRUSS) 10'-0" 8'-1" Axiom Radius Casement by EAGLE WINDOWS 2 WIDE BUTTERFLY LEFT AND RIGHT Axiom Radius FIXED by EAGLE WINDOWS Axiom Radius Casement by EAGLE WINDOWS LEFT Axiom Radius Casement by EAGLE WINDOWS LEFT Axiom Radius Casement by EAGLE WINDOWS LEFT Axiom Radius Casement by EAGLE WINDOWS LEFT Axillary window by EAGLE WINDOWS FIXED FOR CORNER CONDITION Axillary window by EAGLE WINDOWS FIXED FOR CORNER CONDITION Axillary window by EAGLE WINDOWS FIXED FOR CORNER CONDITION Axillary window by EAGLE WINDOWS FIXED FOR CORNER CONDITION Axillary window (FIXED CORNER CONDITION) W/ Axiom Casement (OPERABLE), by EAGLE WINDOWS Axillary window by EAGLE WINDOWS FIXED FOR CORNER CONDITION Axillary window by EAGLE WINDOWS FIXED Axiom Radius Casement by EAGLE WINDOWS LEFT ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE TRIPLE GLAZED PROVIDE #A754 CASING AND #A752 SILL AT STONE VENEER ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE TRIPLE GLAZED PROVIDE #A754 CASING AND #A752 SILL AT STONE VENEER ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE TRIPLE GLAZED PROVIDE #A754 CASING AND #A752 SILL AT STONE VENEER ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE TRIPLE GLAZED ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE TRIPLE GLAZED ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE TRIPLE GLAZED PROVIDE #A754 CASING AND #A752 SILL AT STONE VENEER ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE. TRIPLE GLAZED TEMPERED ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE . TRIPLE GLAZED TEMPERED ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE . TRIPLE GLAZED TEMPERED ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE . TRIPLE GLAZED TEMPERED ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE . TRIPLE GLAZED TEMPERED ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE . TRIPLE GLAZED TEMPERED ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE . DUEL GLAZED TEMPERED ALUM. CLAD EXTERIOR. COLOR TO BE SIERRA BRONZE . DUEL GLAZED TEMPERED 3680 X 1 3/4" THK 3'-6" W OPENING (2)3080 X 1 3/4" THK 6'-0" W OPENING (2)4080 X 1 3/4" THK 8'-0" W OPENING 8070 X 2 1/4" THK 8'-0" W OPENING Multiglide sliding door by ANDERSON DOORS 1 3/4" THK Multiglide sliding door by ANDERSON DOORS 1 3/4" THK Arched Entranceway by EAGLE WINDOWS DUAL GLAZED/TEMPERED GLASS SEE PROFILE FOR SHAPE Accents hinged French door by EAGLE WINDOWS DUAL GLAZED/TEMPERED GLASS SEE PROFILE FOR SHAPE Accents hinged French door by EAGLE WINDOWS DUAL GLAZED/TEMPERED GLASS SEE PROFILE FOR SHAPE SELF CLOSING / 1 HR. RATED DOOR SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE MIRRORED WARDROBE DOORS TEMPERED GLASS MIRRORED WARDROBE DOORS TEMPERED GLASS CUSTOM ROLL UP GARAGE DOOR Carriage Style w/ decorative hardware TOTAL # OF INSULATED PANELS: 5 SEE PROFILE FOR SHAPE DUAL GLAZED/TEMPERED GLASS TOTAL # OF PANELS: 4 ROUGH OPENING: 8-9" +/- (to sit on bar top) DUAL GLAZED/TEMPERED GLASS TOTAL # OF PANELS: 5 ROUGH OPENING: 19'-6" +/- NOTE: Door dimensions reads as follows: (2) 3080 X 2 1/4" THK reads as 2 DOORS AT 36" W x 96" H 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2x4 window frame 2x4 window frame 2 1/2" 2 1/2" S.I.P. PANEL 2x4 window frame slope 2 1/2" WINDOW FLASHING 2x4 window frame 2x4 window frame 2 1/2" 2 1/2" grind exposed edge 2/29/12 corrections 2X TRIPLE HDR 2X TRIPLE HDR 5/8" DRYWALL W/ BULLNOSE CORNER 2x DBL SILL STONE SILL SET IN THINSET caulk T-24 key T-24 key ID # ID # area (sq.ft.) area (sq.ft.) u-factor u-factor 3 1-3 19-20 3 6/13 9 16 5 15 4 7 10 11 12 14 18 18 2 8 .350 .350 .340 .340 .340 .510 .350 .350 .350 .350 .710 .710 .710 .710 .710 .710 .350 .710 10 10 48 42 48 140 36 33 6 10 6 7 27 76.7 76.7 53.8 16.5 36 01/03/2022 the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDDEMOLITION PLAN DEMOLITION NOTES job drawn by scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JAT/JEMPROPERTY DATAA.5.3 0817/2112PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 92254JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feet11/18/11 corrections 2/29/12 corrections WDDW PROPOSED PLAN WDD/W FRE.REF.6'-0"2'-0" 7 7 8 8 LAUNDRY/ LINEN CLOSET BEDROOM # 3 HALL BATHROOM COURT YARD MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM #1 WALK IN BATH BEDROOM #2 ENTRY TERRACE OFFICE archLEGEND 4 A.7.1 3 A.7 1 A.7 2 A.7 110 109 POWDER 117 114 113 GARAGE 108 116 112 FAMILY ROOM 107 KITCHEN 105 STUDY 103 DINING ROOM 104 102 BATHROOM 117 101 117 119 120 115 CORRIDOR 115 CORRIDOR PORCHarch (E) TO REMAIN MASTER BATHROOM arch SHOWER f i x e d c o r n e r STANDARD PARKING SPACE 10'X20' STANDARD PARKING SPACE 10'X20' STANDARD PARKING SPACE 10'X18' 111 119 AA A.6 BB A.6 CC A.6 DD A.6.1 EE A.6.1 FF A.6.1 GG A.6.2 HH A.6.2 11 A.8 12 A.8archHALL 8/29/12 8:57 AMA R C H(E) TO BE DEMO'D DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A.Cutting and Patching: Provide cutting and patching work to properly complete the work of the project, complying with project requirements for: 1.Structural work. 2.Mechanical/electrical systems. 3.Visual requirements, including detailing and tolerances. 4.Operational and safety limitations. 5.Fire resistance ratings. 6.Inspection, preparation, and performance. 7.Cleaning. B.Means and Methods: Do not cut and patch in a manner that would result in a failure of the work to perform as intended, decrease energy performance, increase maintenance, decrease operational life, or decrease safety performance. PART 2 EXECUTION 2.1 INSTALLATION A.Inspection: Inspect conditions prior to work to identify scope and type of work required. Protect adjacent work. Notify Owner of work requiring interruption to building services or Owner's operations. B.Performance of Operations: Perform work with workmen skilled in the trades involved. Prepare sample area of each type of work for approval. C.Cutting: Use cutting tools, not chopping tools. Make neat holes. Minimize damage to adjacent work. Inspect for concealed utilities and structure before cutting. D.Patching: Make patches, seams, and joints durable and inconspicuous. Comply with tolerances for new work. E.Cleaning: Clean work area and areas affected by cutting and patching operations. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A.Selective Demolition: 1.Selective demolition of interior partitions, systems, and building components designated to be removed. 2.Selective demolition of exterior facade, structures, and components designated to be removed. 3.Protection of portions of building adjacent to or affected by selective demolition. 4.Removal of abandoned utilities and wiring systems. 5.Notification to Owner of schedule of shut-off of utilities which serve occupied spaces. 6.Pollution control during selective demolition, including noise control. 7.Removal and legal disposal of materials. B.Hazardous Materials: Asbestos and hazardous materials demolition or removal work is not part of this contract. Removal of materials containing asbestos and other hazardous materials is work of a prior separate contract. AN ASBESTOS REPORT MAY BE REQUIRED FOR ANY DEMOLITION GREATER THAN 100 SQ.FT. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.Codes and Regulations: Comply with governing codes and regulations. Use experienced workers. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A.Occupancy: Immediate areas of work will not be occupied during selective demolition. The public, including children, may occupy adjacent areas. B.Existing Conditions: No responsibility for buildings and structures to be demolished will be assumed by the Owner. PART 2 EXECUTION 2.1 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION A.Demolition Operations: Do not damage building elements and improvements indicated to remain. Items of salvage value, not included on schedule of salvage items to be returned to Owner, shall be removed from structure. Storage or sale of items at project site is prohibited. B.Utilities: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off utilities in buildings to be demolished. 1.Electrical (cap at demolition only. Maintain service at all timess) 2.Water (cap water at demolition only. Maintain water service at all times) C.Shoring and Bracing: Provide and maintain interior and exterior shoring and bracing. D.Occupied Spaces: Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, drives or other occupied or used spaces or facilities without the written permission of the Owner and the authorities having jurisdiction. Do not interrupt utilities serving occupied or used facilities without the written permission of the Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. If necessary, provide temporary utilities. E.Operations: Cease operations if public safety or remaining structures are endangered. Perform temporary corrective measures until operations can be continued properly. F.Security: Provide adequate protection against accidental trespassing. Secure project after work hours. G.Restoration: Restore finishes of patched areas. 2.2 SCHEDULE A.Items for Protection During Demolition and Construction: 1.Glass entry doors, surrounding finish surfaces, utilities B.Items to be Salvaged for Delivery to Owner: 1.verify with owner D E M O L I T I O N N O T E S 1 2 3 1 5 6 1 2 3 3 5 5 2 DEMOLITION DESCRIPTION KEYX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Demo existing archway to ceiling/soffet. Prep for wall repair. Demo existing non bearing wall from floor to ceiling/soffit. Prep for wall repair. Relocate/remove any existing electrical. Demo existing non bearing wall/opening leg from floor to ceiling/soffit. Prep for wall repair. Relocate/remove any existing electrical. Demo existing soffit to 12' AFF (common ceiling ht. and plate ht.) at coffered portion. Prep for repair. Relocate/remove any existing elec. Demo existing concrete so that toilet may be relocated. Prep for toilet at new location and additional lavi. Cap existing utility lines (gas. elec, DWV, culinary). Extend, relocate as required per plan. Remove existing window/doors. Salvage for reuse. Prep opening for new framing and/or flashing for new door/window. Remove existing fireplace, chimney, and flue. Salvage for reuse. Prep fire box opening for new framing and wall repair. 2 2/20/15 POST PERMIT REV. 55 gal WH 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. 8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV. 901/03/2022 the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDSECTION AA SECTION BB SECTION CC job drawn by scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JAT/JEMPROPERTY DATAA.6JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feet11/19/11 corrections PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 0817/2112 8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.2 roof tile profile roof tile profile roof tile profile 8'-0"plate @ garageT R U S S P E R P L A N 12'-0"plate @ houseT R U S S P E R P L A N SECTION AA SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"AA SECTION BB SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"BB SECTION CC SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"CC interior wall finish stone veneer (where occurs) over 7/8" brown coat cement, or 7/8" stucco TYP. WALL SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"TW TRUSS PER PLAN 4 1/2" reinforced conc. slab over 2" sand over 10 mil. vapor barrier over 2" sand finish grade 2 pc. clay tile roof sheath- ing per plan R. Sawn blocking w/ stain finish clay/ mortar bird stop decorative 4x8 R. sawn rafter tail @ 32" o.c. Designer to provide contractor with template prior to tail installation 2x R. Sawn T&G @ exposed eaves w/ stain finishX X(1.5) 2'-6" NOTES: A Visit graceconstruction.com for the most current details, installation video and product data sheets B. RIPCORD can be removed from Grace Vycor Plus for ease of installation. C. Grace Vycor Plus can be substituted for building paper. D. Install Grace Vycor Plus and weather resistive barrier to form water-shedding laps. E. Refer to local building codes for building paper requirements and slope requirements. F. Detail also relevant for Grace Vycor V40 and Vycor Butyl. POT SHELF SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"PS building paper under Gracie Vycor Plus window unit Gracie Vycor Plus below stucco exterior stucco lath per plan 3 1/2"min.sub top; min 1/4" per ft. slope stone veneer DINING ROOM 104 FAMILY ROOMKITCHEN 107105 115 CORRIDOR BEDROOM # 3 CASITA 109 1 S3.1 3 S3.1 1 S3.1 1 S3.1 12 S3.1 15 S3.1 15 S3.1 21 S3.1 21 S3.1 20 S3.1 BEDROOM #1 ENTRY POWDER 117101115 CORRIDOR 115 CORRIDOR 119122 BEDROOM #2 GARAGE 108102 TW A.6 11 S3.1 1 S3.1 1 S3.1 3 S3.1 R-38 @ ceilings; typ. R-38 @ ceilings; typ. R-38 @ ceilings; typ. R-38 @ ceilings; typ. 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 4 1/2" conc. slab 4 1/2" conc. slab 4 1/2" conc. slab 4 1/2" conc. slab 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. stone veneer stone veneer 8"T R U S S P E R P L A N T R U S S P E R P L A N T R U S S P E R P L A N T R U S S P E R P L A N poured in place porch slab; slope away from building 1/8" min./ft. poured in place porch slab; slope away from building 1/8" min./ft.12'-0"12'-0"top of beamtop of beamF.F. F.F.8'-3 1/2"8'-3 1/2"plate @ houseplate @ houseT R U S S P E R P L A N T R U S S P E R P L A N TW A.6 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ.8"cont. galv weep screed min.WEEP SCREED SCALE: 1" = 1'-0"WS cont. galv. weep screed, installed w/ break at top of slab ext. finish to extend below grade line 8"moisture barrier per plan, to extend over weep holes at screed min.finish grade 1/2" expansion joint exterior finish moisture barrier cont. galv. weep screed, installed w/ break at top of slab cont. rolled sheet metal flashing where concrete slab or paver meets building and finish elevation at ext. is less than 4" below finish floor at int.1'-0"4"conc. slab 1/8" min. AT FINISH GRADE WHERE SLAB MEETS BLDG. WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 5/8" APA rated roof sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side down. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 5/8" APA rated roof sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side down. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 5/8" APA rated roof sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side down. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 5/8" APA rated roof sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side down. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 1/2" APA rated wall sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side in, at all vertical wall surfaces that enclose the attic. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 1/2" APA rated wall sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side in, at all vertical wall surfaces that enclose the attic. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 1/2" APA rated wall sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side in, at all vertical wall surfaces that enclose the attic. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 1/2" APA rated wall sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side in, at all vertical wall surfaces that enclose the attic. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. sand finish grade2"2/29/12 corrections 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. NO CHANGE TO ORIGINALLY APPROVED SECTIONS 2 01/03/2022 the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDSECTION DD SECTION EE SECTION FF job drawn by scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JAT/JEMPROPERTY DATAA.6.1JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feet11/19/11 corrections 8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 2 0817/21128'-0"plate at M. BathSECTION DD SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"DD SECTION EE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"EE SECTION FF SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"FF T R U S S P E R P L A N 12'-0"plate @ house3 12 3-1/2 12 3-1/2 12 T R U S S P E R P L A N MASTER BEDROOMTERRACE 110119 MASTER BATHROOM 111121 T R U S S P E R P L A N R-38 @ ceilings; typ. 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 4 1/2" conc. slab 4 1/2" conc. slab 4 1/2" conc. slab stone veneer T R U S S P E R P L A N T R U S S P E R P L A N R-38 @ ceilings; typ. R-38 @ ceilings; typ. R-38 @ ceilings; typ. "California Roof" condition beyond BEDROOM #1 BATHROOM 101 117 1 S3.1 12'-0"plate at house3/4" stucco over ribbed diamond lath @exterior ceilings U.N.O.; typ. 3/4" stucco over ribbed diamond lath @exterior ceilings U.N.O.; typ. conc. slab; see sheet A.3 for finish info. grade beam; typ. 7/8" stucco over STRUCTA-LATH 7/8" stucco over STRUCTA-LATH 7/8" stucco over STRUCTA-LATH roof tile profile 1'-0"2'-0"8"11 S3.1 1 S3.1 1 S3.1 stone veneer8"12 S3.1 1 S3.1 22 S3.1 DINING ROOM BEDROOM #2 TERRACE LIBRARY/ HOME OFFICE 103104 102119115 CORRIDOR 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. T R U S S P E R P L A N "California Roof" 1 S3.1 3 S3.1 3 S3.1 1 S3.1 11 S3.1 soffets; see sheet A.8 soffets; see sheet A.8 7/8" stucco over STRUCTA-LATH7/8" stucco over STRUCTA-LATH W I N D O W F L A S H I N G D E T A I L S TW A.6 sim. sim. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 WS A.6 5/8" APA rated roof sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side down. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 5/8" APA rated roof sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side down. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 5/8" APA rated roof sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side down. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 1/2" APA rated wall sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side in, at all vertical wall surfaces that enclose the attic. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 1/2" APA rated wall sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side in, at all vertical wall surfaces that enclose the attic. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. roof tile profile roof tile profile roof tile profile 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. NO CHANGE TO ORIGINALLY APPROVED SECTIONS 2 01/03/2022 4Copyright ©2008 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All Rights Reserved. v.2 DuPont™ Tyvek® Water-Resistive Barriers Installation Guidelines Installation Instructions Start at the bottom of the structure to ensure proper shingling occurs throughout the installation. Proper shingling is required to provide for water shedding and to prevent water entering the wall system. STEP 4 Unroll directly over windows and doors. Upper layer of water-resistive barrier should overlap bottom layer of WRB by a minimum of 6”. Refer to the DuPont™ Flashing Systems Installation Ո`iˆ˜iÃÊ̜ʫÀi«>ÀiÊ>˜`Êy>ÅÊ܈˜`œÜÊ>˜`Ê`œœÀʜ«i˜ˆ˜}° œÌi\ÊvÊ܈˜`œÜÃÊ>ÀiÊ>Ài>`Þʈ˜ÃÌ>i`]Ê̅iÊ Õ*œ˜Ì™ Tyvek® water-resistive barrier shall be integrated with proper ň˜}ˆ˜}Ê܈̅Ê܈˜`œÜÊy>ň˜}ðÊvÊ Õ*œ˜Ì™ FlexWrap™ and apron are used, install the water-resistive barrier under the apron to ensure proper shingling. If non-self adhering sill y>ň˜}ʈÃÊÕÃi`]ʈ˜ÃÌ>Ê̅iÊÜ>ÌiÀ‡ÀiÈÃ̈ÛiÊL>ÀÀˆiÀÊ՘`iÀÊ̅iÊ LœÌ̜“ÊœvÊ̅iÊȏÊy>ň˜}Ê̜ʓ>ˆ˜Ì>ˆ˜Ê«Àœ«iÀÊň˜}ˆ˜}° STEP 5 All vertical seams shall be taped with DuPont™ Tyvek® Tape. UÊ œÀʓ>݈“Õ“Ê>ˆÀÊ«i˜iÌÀ>̈œ˜ÊÀiÈÃÌ>˜Vi]Ê܅i˜Êˆ˜ÃÌ>ˆ˜}Ê as an air barrier, all horizontal seams shall also be taped. Taping all vertical and horizontal seams, and taping or sealing all terminations (including, but not limited to, roof-wall interfaces and sill plates) is part of the requirement to obtain the DuPont™ Tyvek® Products >ÌiÀˆ>Ê>˜`Ê>LœÀÊ,iÈ`i˜Ìˆ>Ê£ä‡Þi>Àʈ“ˆÌi`Ê7>ÀÀ>˜ÌÞ° Recommend three inch (3”) DuPont™ Tyvek® Tape when taping horizontal laps for DuPont™ Tyvek® StuccoWrap™ and DuPont™ Tyvek® DrainWrap™. DuPont™ Tyvek® Metallized Tape is required for taping DuPont™ Tyvek® ThermaWrap™. STEP 6 After water-resistive barrier is installed refer to the DuPont™ Flashing Systems Installation Guidelines to «Ài«>ÀiÊ>˜`Êy>ÅÊ܈˜`œÜÃÊ>˜`Ê`œœÀð STEP 1 1 7,*ÊÀœÊ>ÌÊVœÀ˜iÀ]ʏi>ۈ˜}ÊÈ»Ê̜ʣӻʈ˜V…iÃÊÛiÀ̈V>Ê overlap. Printed stud marks are available on some DuPont™ Tyvek® products to aid in aligning with the studs. (e.g. studmarks are 8” apart for DuPont™ Tyvek® HomeWrap®) STEP 2 Roll should be plumb. Bottom edge of roll should extend over sill plate interface at least 2”. For maximum air leakage reduction (when installing as an air barrier), seal wrap at the bottom of the wall with sealant (i.e. DuPont™ Weatherization Sealant), DuPont™ Tyvek® Tape, or DuPont™ StraightFlash™. Extend to bottom of sill plate for slab on grade foundations. For stucco exteriors integrate with weep screed. STEP 3 Secure DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barrier to the stud. Fasteners should be spaced no closer than 6” and no further than 18” on vertical and horizontal stud lines. Use one or more of the recommended fasteners below for use with DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barriers: UÊ Õ*œ˜Ì™ Tyvek® Wrap Cap nails UÊ Õ*œ˜Ì™ Tyvek® Wrap Cap screws UÊ Õ*œ˜Ì™ Tyvek® Wrap Cap Staples for Stinger™ UÊ £°äʈ˜V…Ê“ˆ˜ˆ“Õ“ÊVÀœÜ˜ÊÃÌ>«iÃÊ­iÝVi«ÌÊ܅i˜Êˆ˜ÃÌ>ˆ˜}Ê DuPont™ Tyvek® over foam sheathing) Please see the Addendum: Use of Temporary Fastening Methods in this guide for more information on alternative fastening schedules and requirements. œÌi\Ê œÊ˜œÌÊv>ÃÌi˜Ê܈̅ˆ˜Ê™»ÊœvÊÀœÕ}…Êœ«i˜ˆ˜}ʅi>`° 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 Copyright ©2008 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All Rights Reserved. v.2 6 Minimum 6” overlap 6”-12”Overlap Copyright ©2008 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All Rights Reserved. v.2 DuPont™ Tyvek® Water-Resistive Barriers Installation Guidelines Continuity Terminations It is important to maintain the continuity of the water- resistive barrier from top to bottom with proper shingling. Continue wrapping all the way up the structure. The entire wall surface shall be wrapped, including unconditioned spaces. >«Ê Õ*œ˜Ì™ Tyvek®ÊœÛiÀÊ>Êy>ň˜}Ê­i°}°ÊÜ>Ê̜ÊÀœœvÊ ˆ˜ÌiÀÃiV̈œ˜ÃÊ>˜`Ê̅ÀՇÜ>Êy>ň˜}î° Weep screeds and expansion joints need to be integrated ܈̅Êy>ň˜}ÃÊ>˜`Ê̅iÊÜ>ÌiÀ‡ÀiÈÃ̈ÛiÊL>ÀÀˆiÀ° Gable Ends Continue to wrap and cut away the excess WRB to completely cover the Gable End. Lap DuPont™ Tyvek® over all flashing (e.g. wall to roof intersections and thru-wall flashings). Cantilever Floors Wrap the DuPont™ Tyvek®Ê՘`iÀÊ>˜`ÊÕ«Ê̅iÊ >˜ÌˆiÛiÀÊyœœÀÊ and fold the DuPont™ Tyvek® up the sides of the Cantilever wall a minimum of 6”. Tape all corners. Top layer of WRB should go over bottom layer a minimum of 6”. œÌi\ÊiÌÊ̅iʈ˜Ãˆ`iÊVœÀ˜iÀÊ>ÃÊ̈}…ÌÊ>ÃÊ«œÃÈLiÊÕȘ}Ê>Ê£Ý{Ê or similar. 7 1 2 3 Tears Holes 1 2 3 2“Minimum 6“MinimumDuPont™ Tyvek® Overlap 1 2 3 Copyright ©2008 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All Rights Reserved. v.2 Penetrations There are many types of penetrations including dryer vents, bathroom exhaust fans, exterior electrical outlets, exterior lights, gas lines, etc. Seal the DuPont™ Tyvek® around all electrical, HVAC and plumbing penetrations with DuPont™ Weatherization Sealant, DuPont™ Tyvek® Tape, or DuPont™ Flashing Systems products. -Ì>ÀÌÊÌ>«ˆ˜}ʜÀÊy>ň˜}Ê>ÌÊLœÌ̜“ÊœvÊ«i˜iÌÀ>̈œ˜Ã]Êň˜}ˆ˜}Ê upper tape over bottom tape. *Àœ`ÕVÌÃÊ̅>Ìʅ>ÛiÊy>˜}iÃÊŜՏ`ÊLiʈ˜Ìi}À>Ìi`ʈ˜ÌœÊ̅iÊ water-resistive barrier using DuPont™ Tyvek® Tape or DuPont™ Flashing Systems products. Handling Tears and Holes During the course of installing the WRB, minor tears may occur. Be sure to tape all tears. Tears can easily be covered with DuPont™ Tyvek® Tape (2” or 3”) or DuPont™ Flashing Systems products. >À}iÀʅœiÃÊ­}Ài>ÌiÀÊ̅>˜Ê£»®Ê“>ÞÊÀiµÕˆÀiÊޜÕÊ̜ÊVÕÌÊ>Ê«ˆiViÊ of DuPont™ Tyvek® WRB to cover the hole. Keep in mind shingling. Make a cut 2” above the hole and extending a minimum of 2” on each side of the hole. Measure and cut a piece of DuPont™ Tyvek®. Tuck the cut piece of DuPont™ Tyvek® underneath the tear. Tape along the perimeter by starting at bottom of tear, shingling Upper tape over bottom tape. 10Copyright ©2008 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All Rights Reserved. v.2 DuPont™ Tyvek® Water-Resistive Barriers Installation Guidelines Façade Considerations Water-resistive barrier performance is dependent upon the ability of the façade to drain. You must consider the following for specific façades. Stucco When stucco is installed over wood-based sheathing the 2006 International Building Code (Section 2510.6) and the 2006 International Residential Code (Section R703.6.3) require “a water-resistive vapor-permeable barrier with a performance at least equivalent to two layers of Grade D paper” or a layer of water-resistive barrier which is separated from the stucco by an “intervening layer”. When two layers are required by code and DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barriers are used behind stucco they should be separated from the stucco by a second layer of DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barrier, a layer of Grade D building paper, felt, rigid foam board or the paper backing of paper-backed lath. The first layer (directly over sheathing or studs) serves as the wall system’s water-resistive L>ÀÀˆiÀÊ>˜`ʈÃʈ˜Ìi}À>Ìi`Ê܈̅Ê܈˜`œÜÊ>˜`Ê`œœÀÊy>ň˜}Ã]Ê̅iÊÜii«ÊÃVÀii`Ê>ÌÊ̅iÊLœÌ̜“ÊœvÊ̅iÊÜ>Ê>˜`Ê>˜ÞÊ Ì…ÀœÕ}…‡Ü>Êy>ň˜}ÃʜÀÊiÝ«>˜Ãˆœ˜Êœˆ˜ÌðÊ>̅ÊÅ>ÊLiʈ˜ÃÌ>i`ʜÛiÀÊ̅iʈ˜ÌiÀÛi˜ˆ˜}ʏ>ÞiÀʈ˜Ê>VVœÀ`>˜ViÊÜˆÌ…Ê -/Ê £äÈ·äÎÊ-Ì>˜`>À`Ê-«iVˆwV>̈œ˜ÊvœÀʘÃÌ>>̈œ˜ÊœvÊ>̅ˆ˜}Ê>˜`ÊÕÀÀˆ˜}Ê̜Ê,iViˆÛiʘÌiÀˆœÀÊ>˜`Ê ÝÌiÀˆœÀÊ Portland Cement-Based Plaster and applicable codes. Rigid foam board, when installed over DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barrier as an intervening layer, will provide enhanced structural support to the DuPont™ Tyvek® layer and if installed within 24 hours of the DuPont™ Tyvek® layer may reduce the required number of fasteners used for the attachment of the DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barrier. Brick The 2006 International Residential Code (Section R703.7.4.2) requires a nominal 1 inch airspace separating the brick from the water-resistive barrier. The Brick Industry Association recommends a 1 inch air-space in front of wood stud construction and a 2 inch air-space in front of steel stud construction. Consistent with these requirements and recommendations, DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barriers shall be separated from the brick Ûi˜iiÀÊLÞÊ>ʘœ“ˆ˜>Ê£Êˆ˜V…Ê>ˆÀ‡Ã«>Vi°Ê7ˆ˜`œÜÊ>˜`Ê`œœÀÊy>ň˜}]Ê>˜`Ê̅ÀœÕ}…‡Ü>Êy>ň˜}ÊÅ>ÊLiʈ˜Ìi}À>Ìi`ÊÜˆÌ…Ê the DuPont™ Tyvek® layer ensuring proper shingling. For maximum moisture management and drying of the wall system the airspace in front of the DuPont™ Tyvek® shall be vented to the exterior at the top and bottom of the wall. Some types of brick ties will act as additional fasteners for water-resistive barriers, and, if installed within 24 hours of the DuPont™ Tyvek® layer may reduce the required number of fasteners used for the initial attachment of the DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barrier. Stone Veneer The 2006 International Building Code (Section 1405.6) requires two layers of water-resistive barrier behind stone (natural, manufactured, synthetic) veneers over wood frame construction. When two layers are required by code and DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barriers are used behind stucco, they should be separated from the stone and mortar by a second layer of DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barrier, a layer of grade D building paper, felt, rigid foam board or the paper backing of paper-backed lath. The first layer (directly over sheathing or studs) serves as ̅iÊÜ>ÊÃÞÃÌi“½ÃÊÜ>ÌiÀ‡ÀiÈÃ̈ÛiÊL>ÀÀˆiÀÊ>˜`ÊÅ>ÊLiʈ˜Ìi}À>Ìi`Ê܈̅Ê܈˜`œÜÊ>˜`Ê`œœÀÊy>ň˜}Ã]Ê̅iÊÜii«ÊÃVÀii`Ê >ÌÊ̅iÊLœÌ̜“ÊœvÊ̅iÊÜ>Ê>˜`Ê>˜ÞÊ̅ÀœÕ}…‡Ü>Êy>ň˜}ÃʜÀÊiÝ«>˜Ãˆœ˜Êœˆ˜ÌÃ°Ê Wood Siding DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barriers and wood siding shall be installed according to manufacturer’s instructions, ˆ˜`ÕÃÌÀÞÊÃÌ>˜`>À`ÃÊ>˜`Ê>««ˆV>LiÊVœ`iðÊÃÊÀiVœ““i˜`i`ÊLÞÊ̅iÊ7iÃÌiÀ˜Ê,i`Ê i`>ÀÊՓLiÀÊÃÜVˆ>̈œ˜Ê>˜`Ê 1°Ê-°ÊœÀiÃÌÊ*Àœ`ÕVÌÊ>LœÀ>̜ÀÞ]Êܜœ`ÊÈ`ˆ˜}ÊŜՏ`ÊLiÊ«Àˆ“i`ʜ˜Ê>ÊÈÝÊÈ`iÃÊLivœÀiʈ˜ÃÌ>>̈œ˜°Ê˜Ê…ˆ}…ÊiÝ«œÃÕÀiÊ installations, enhanced drainage and water management may be provided by using DuPont™ Tyvek® DrainWrap™, by installing a drainage mesh over the water-resistive barrier or by creating rainscreen cladding with a larger airspace behind the siding using furring strips. If furring is installed over DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barrier to create a rainscreen, the primary fastener spacing can exceed 18”. Fiber Cement Siding DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barriers and fiber cement siding shall be installed according to manufacturer’s instructions, industry standards and applicable codes. In high exposure installations, enhanced drainage and water management may be provided by using DuPont™ Tyvek® DrainWrap™ by installing a drainage mesh over the water-resistive barrier or by creating rainscreen cladding with a larger airspace behind the siding using furring strips. If furring is installed over DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barrier to create a rainscreen, the primary fastener spacing can exceed 18”. Vinyl Siding Vinyl Siding is installed directly over DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barriers. Vinyl siding shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, industry standards and applicable codes, including ASTM D4756-06 Standard Practice for Installation of Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Siding and Soffit. T Y V E K H O U S E W R A P I N S T R U C T I O N S 11Copyright ©2008 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All Rights Reserved. v.2 Fastener selection and fastening schedule is a function of holding power during exposure and durability while in service. DuPont installation guidelines require the use of cap fasteners (nail, staple and screw) and 1” crown staples as the means for permanently attaching DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barriers. In addition to fastener selection, DuPont requires a permanent fastener schedule between 6 to 18 inches, anchored to the studs.* These fasteners and schedule are considered a permanent means of attachment and provide substantial holding power during exposure and in the case of cap fasteners, provide additional protection against moisture and air infiltration at the fastener locations particularly for cladding applications that are in intimate contact with the water-resistive barrier or provide minimal drainage. These fastening guidelines minimize the number of penetrations while maintaining a balance of product durability during exposure. Sheathing, except for structural OSB and structural plywood, is not a fastening base and should not be relied on as the fastening base. This includes but is not limited to foam, fiberboard and plaster sheathing materials. Use of recommended permanent fasteners at reduced schedules, other mechanical fasteners such as smaller staples (slap staples) and adhesives are considered temporary fastening methods because they do not have substantial holding power and may not provide adequate durability while in service. Temporary fasteners should not be relied upon to permanently attach a water-resistive barrier. Because these fasteners have limited holding power, they are not supported by DuPont as the primary means of attachment. Temporary fastening methods can be used if the following guidelines are followed: UÊ /i“«œÀ>ÀÞÊv>ÃÌi˜ˆ˜}ʓi̅œ`ÃÊÅ>Êœ˜ÞÊLiÊÕÃi`Ê̜ÊÌ>VŽÊ the DuPont™ Tyvek® in place when a permanent fastener is installed immediately after the temporary fasteners are installed. In this case, permanent fasteners include cladding fasteners such as brick ties, lath fasteners for traditional stucco, external foam board fasteners, or siding installed with nails. Cladding shall be installed according to applicable building codes and industry standards. UÊ 7…i˜ÊÕȘ}Ê>`…iÈÛiÃ]ÊÛiÀ̈V>ÊÃÌÀˆ«ÃÊ>ÀiÊ>VVi«Ì>LiÊ spaced approximately every 24 to 36 inches or along every other stud line. Vertical strips may be applied at the sheathing outer face or directly to the studs for open stud construction. When using adhesives, care must be taken to not cover the surface excessively since this may impact the vapor permeability of the wall system in that region. Adhesives should be evaluated for compatibility to DuPont™ Tyvek® water-resistive barriers. UÊ 7…i˜ÊÕȘ}ÊÌi“«œÀ>ÀÞʓiV…>˜ˆV>Êv>ÃÌi˜iÀÃ]Ê̅iÞÊ should be used minimally to tack the water resistive barrier in place. Small staple fasteners are acceptable with OSB, plywood and exterior gypsum sheathing only. Small staple fasteners should not be used with fiberboard or foam sheathing. Temporary fastener schedule should not exceed 4 fasteners per square yard. Tape all tears and localized damage. For larger holes (greater than 1”) follow DuPont™ Tyvek® Water-Resistive Barriers Installation Guidelines. UÊ "˜ÞÊV>««i`ÊÌi“«œÀ>ÀÞÊv>ÃÌi˜iÀÃÊÅ>ÊLiÊÕÃi`ÊÜˆÌ…Ê 3-coat stucco and stone veneer applications unless an intervening layer is used. Selection and use of temporary fastening methods is an option dependent on building schedule, cladding options and local building practices. If temporary fasteners are used per this guideline, DuPont will provide a 10-yr limited product replacement or materials and labor warranty.** * For more detail on installation guidelines, please refer to the DuPont™ Tyvek® Water-Resistive Barriers Installation Guidelines at www.construction.tyvek.com. ** For more detail on the DuPont 10-yr limited product replacement or materials and labor warranty, please refer to the DuPont 10-yr limited product replacement or materials and labor warranties detailed at www.Construction.Tyvek.com. œÌi\Ê/…iÃiÊ/i“«œÀ>ÀÞÊ>ÃÌi˜ˆ˜}ÊՈ`iˆ˜iÃÊ>ÀiÊÃÕLiVÌÊÌœÊ change based on new technology or testing information and may be superseded at any time. It is always important to follow the latest guidelines which may be found on www.construction.tyvek.com. DuPont™ Tyvek® Water-Resistive Barrier Residential Installation Guide Addendum: Use of Temporary Fastening Methods the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDSECTION GG SECTION HH job drawn by scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JAT/JEMPROPERTY DATAA.6.2JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feet11/19/11 corrections 8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 2 0817/2112 SECTION GG SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"GG SECTION HH SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"HH 3-1/2 12 T R U S S P E R P L A N T R U S S P E R P L A N 3-1/2 12 LAUNDRY/ LINEN CLOSET BEDROOM # 3 CASITAMASTER BEDROOM 110 109 POWDER 117 114 GARAGE 108 FAMILY ROOM COURT YARD NEW ENTRYTERRACE 107119 120122 3 S3.1 3 S3.1 1 S3.1 12 S3.1 11 S3.1 11 S3.1 1 S3.1 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. 4 1/2" conc. slab 4 1/2" conc. slab R-38 @ ceilings; typ. R-38 @ ceilings; typ. 7/8" stucco over STRUCTA-LATH full ht. stone veneer 5/8" TYPE X drywall thru out @ walls and ceilings; typ. T R U S S P E R P L A N 4 1/2" conc. slab1/8" per Ft. slope "California Roof" M E CH SYSTEM M E CH SYSTEM 3/4" stucco over ribbed diamond lath @exterior ceilings U.N.O.; typ.10'-0"8'-0"plate @ garageFF @ house 8"12'-0"plate @ houseconc. slab; see sheet A.3 for finish info. 2X STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. sim. sim. sim. 2X6 STUD wall w/ R-21 insul.;typ. 5/8" APA rated roof sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side down. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 5/8" APA rated roof sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side down. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. WS A.6 WS A.6 1/2" APA rated wall sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side in, at all vertical wall surfaces that enclose the attic. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. 1/2" APA rated wall sheathing with radiant heat barrier (TECHSHIELD or sim.) foil side in, at all vertical wall surfaces that enclose the attic. See structural plans for nailing, direction, etc. roof tile profile roof tile profile 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. NO CHANGE TO ORIGINALLY APPROVED SECTIONS 2 01/03/2022 the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDELEVATION 1 ELEVATION 2 ELEVATION 3 job drawn by scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JAT/JEMPROPERTY DATAA.7JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feet8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 2 0817/211210'-1 1/2"23'-3"ELEVATION 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"E.1 ELEVATION 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"E.2 ELEVATION 3 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"E.3 6'-0" Ø13'-0"8'-6"8" stone sill tile inlay 2'-0" 1'-6"1'-6"10'-0"8'-0"1'-6"2'-0"11'-10"stone lintel 5'-9"8"6'-1"9 1/2"galv. weep screed cast stone trim by VENTURA CAST STONE stone veneer to be "Veneto Field Ledge" By ELDORADO STONE, flush grouted stone veneer to be "Veneto Field Ledge" By ELDORADO STONE, flush grouted stone veneer to be "Veneto Field Ledge" By ELDORADO STONE, flush grouted stone veneer to be "Veneto Field Ledge" By ELDORADO STONE, flush grouted stucco to be SANTA BARBARA MISSION FINISH By LA HABRA STUCCO over STRUCTA-LATH; color to match TWILIGHT GOLD By BENJAMIN MOORE stone sill 7'-1 1/2"roof tile to be 2 PC. MISSION CLAY TILE by REDLAND CLAY TILE 2'-6" typ. wood sectional "carraige style" garage door with stain finish 23'-3"stucco to be SANTA BARBARA MISSION FINISH By LA HABRA STUCCO over STRUCTA-LATH; color to match TWILIGHT GOLD By BENJAMIN MOORE elec. box T T stucco to be SANTA BARBARA MISSION FINISH by LA HABRA STUCCO over STRUCTA-LATH; color to match TWILIGHT GOLD by BENJAMIN MOORE stucco to be SANTA BARBARA MISSION FINISH by LA HABRA STUCCO over STRUCTA-LATH; color to match TWILIGHT GOLD by BENJAMIN MOORE stucco to be SANTA BARBARA MISSION FINISH by LA HABRA STUCCO over STRUCTA-LATH; color to match TWILIGHT GOLD by BENJAMIN MOORE roof tile to be 2 PC. MISSION CLAY TILE by REDLAND CLAY TILE roof tile to be 2 PC. MISSION CLAY TILE by REDLAND CLAY TILE roof tile to be 2 PC. MISSION CLAY TILE by REDLAND CLAY TILE galv. weep screed stone veneer to be "Veneto Field Ledge" By ELDORADO STONE, flush grouted 6'-8"2'-1 1/2"4'-5"2'-6"8'-0"6'-0" Ø1'-0"6'-0"12'-8"2'-0"tile inlay 8'-0"6'-0" Ø6'-0"10'-0"FF12'-3" Ø9"24" Dia. boxed in column with stucco veneer; typ. 24" Dia. boxed in column with stucco veneer; typ. @ 5 places CAST STONE TRIM SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 6 1/2" SIP 2X FRAMING 1'-6"1"1'-6"3/4" CEMENT BROWN COAT cast stone trim by VENTURA CAST STONE; Install w/ intergral colored thin-set cement prior to applying stucco color coat. 2 A.7 PS A.6 COLUMN SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0"3 2'-6" FINISH DIM. roof trusses per plan 1'-0"2'-0" 3/4" stucco over ribbed diamond lath @exterior ceilings U.N.O.; typ. 2x soffet framing top of exterior slab framing profile FF @ building conc. pad/grade beam per plan compacted soil ex. joint 4 1/2" slab 4" sand ELEVATION SECTION steel column per structural plan shadow indicates column profile anchor per structural plan H 7" decorative rafter tailBM per plan truss chord soffet framing 27'-6"stucco to be SANTA BARBARA MISSION FINISH By LA HABRA STUCCO over STRUCTA-LATH; color to match TWILIGHT GOLD By BENJAMIN MOORE(28'-0" MAX PER CITY OF LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS)CC A.7.17'-0"7'-0"exposed beam 24" Dia. attic gable vent w/ stucco'd 2x plant on trim. All vents & sheet metal to be painted to match adjacent finish. stone sill galv. weep screed6'-8"5'-0" Ø3-1/2 12 3-1/2 12 3-1/2 12 Garden wall profile garden wall profile PROP. LINEPROP. LINEPAD ELEV 482.30 PAD ELEV 482.30 garden wall 2'-0"stucco sill All vents & sheet metal to be painted to match adjacent finish. 57350 automatically illuminated address numbers, not less than 4" H 8"8"1'-4"NG F O O T I N G5/8" x 10" AB set in epoxy BUTTRESS SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"2 8"4 1/2"PROFILE OF ROUGH FRAMING FACE OF 3/4" CEMENT BROWN COAT PROVIDE DRIP ELDORADO STONE VENEER; FLUSH GOUTED TOP BOTTOM 4" recess4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV.1'-0"11 18"conc. base15 deg. chamfer 7/8" stucco over STRUCTA-LATH. Stucco to be SANTA BARBARA MISSION FINISH By LA HABRA STUCCO over STRUCTA-LATH; color to match TWILIGHT GOLD By BENJAMIN MOORE PTDF sill and AB 2x4 Stud GRACE VYCOR PLUS adhesive flashing, cont. around base, typ. ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES: 1.ALL FIXED GLASS TO BE TINTED W/ ANODIZED ALUM. FRAME. COLOR TO BE DARK BRONZE. ALL OPERABLE WINDOWS TO BE W/ ALUMN. CLADDING W/ DARK COLOR 2.ROOF TILE TO BE 2 PC. MISSION CLAY TILE by REDLAND CLAY TILE. TILE COURSES MUST BE LAID WITH COURSES RUNNING "WILD", OR "SEPENTINE" STYLE. PROVIDE 15%-20% BOOSTED TILES MIN., WITH HEAVY MUDDING REQUIRED. 3.ALL EXPOSED RAFTER TAILS TO BE MIN. 4X8 D.F. SELECT W/ SOLID STAIN FINISH. COLOR TO BE PEPPERWOOD By CABOT STAINS 4.ALL VENTS & SHEET METAL TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT FINISH NO CHANGE TO ORIGINALLY APPROVED ELEVATIONS 2 2/20/15 POST PERMIT REV. E N T R Y D O O R S 01/03/2022 L aH abra Santa Barbara Mission Finish J o b Procedure A. Condition of Base: 1. The finish of the plaster "brown coat" or the LaHabra Wall base determines the texture of the Santa Barbara Mission Finish. 2. First, darby or trowel the base to produce the desired texture. 3. Next, float or brush the base to eliminate "slick spots" and open the surface to enable a good mechanical bond for the Santa Barbara Mission Finish coat. B. Mixing Instructions: 1. Using a mechanical plaster mixer, mix one (1) 90# bag of the appropriate stucco base with 3 gallons of potable water to a thin consistency until it is smooth and free of lumps. 2. Add all cartons of color to be used for one batch and mix until color is evenly dispersed. (Approximately 1 to 2 minutes.) 3. Thin the mixture with water, then add remaining stucco base to correspond with the number of color cartons mixed in step 2 and mix for 15 minutes. Then stop mixing 5 to 10 minutes to allow for an initial set of the cement, then restart mixing for 5 minutes to temper the mix. Add only the amount of additional water necessary to bring the stucco to a workable consistency. This will allow longer open time during the application of the stucco finish. 4. For additional batches of the same color, thin the remaining mixture and repeat Steps 2 and 3. Note: All cement/lime products should be mechanically mixed for a minimum of twenty (20) minutes after the last bag of stucco base is added. Santa Barbara Mission Finish may require additional blending of the color packs to avoid color streaking. C. Application: Color coat shall be approximately 1/8" thick. 1. Hand application over Portland cement plaster: Prior to application of exterior stucco finish, the base coat shall be sprayed with clean water to control and equalize suction. Spread on even coat, doubleback with an additional coat, and trowel to the desired finish. 2. During periods of hot or dry weather conditions, a light spray (mist) of clean water is recommended over the stucco finish. LaHabra Stucco color coat will normally dry and set the same day. Allow 28 days for curing 3. Color and performance may be affected by the addition of field additives and this use is not normally recommended. 4. Do not over-trowel smooth finishes. Excessive over-troweling can cause bubbles or air pockets, cracking or discoloration. Note 1: Variegated or mottled finishes are an application technique used when applying LaHabra Santa Barbara Mission Finish. If the finished color is not acceptable for any reason, the only method of repair is to fog coat the finish to an even color. LaHabra assumes no responsibility for the outcome of the variegated finish, since variegated finishes are at the risk of the applicator to apply or repair. Note 2: Stucco with 20/30 aggregate is not designed for use as a smooth trowel finish. Santa Barbara Mission Finish is the product designed for use as a smooth trowel finish. M aterial Stand a rd A. Type-S Hydrated Lime: ASTM C-206 & ASTM C-207. B. White Portland Cement: ASTM C-150 Type 1; Federal SS-C-1960-/3 Type 1. C. LaHabra Exterior Stucco Finish: Conforms to AST C926 recommendations Fog C o at LaHabra Fog Coat is NOT recommended for application over a high density smooth surface. If you believe Fog Coat is needed, please contact your LaHabra representative. Cautions an d Li mitation A. Colors may vary due to weather, job conditions and method of application. Before applying product, a sample should be applied and allowed to cure for color approval. B. See package for handling precautions. C. Always wear proper safety equipment, including particle mask, when mixing and/or applying this product. Descrip tion A. Use: LaHabra Santa Barbara Mission Finish provides a smooth stucco finish over a Portland cement "brown coat" plaster or LaHabra Wall surface. Product is available in premix or base and packaged color. B. Advantages: Integral color that is fade resistant. Wide variety of textures and finishes. Economical. Low Maintenance. Comp osition Santa Barbara Mission Finish is a blend of Portland cement, hydrated lime, aggregates and additives. P a ckagin g Base packed in 90 lb. paper bags. Storage LaHabra Santa Barbara Mission Finish should be stored under cool, dry conditions. Avoid direct contact with the ground. Properly stored LaHabra Santa Barbara Mission Finish has a useable lifetime of approximately six (6) months from date of manufacture. Cove rage Approximate coverage, when applied according to manufacturer's recommendations, is 10 to 15 sq. yd. at 1/8" thickness per 90 lb. bag. Architectural Specification Guide Anaheim P.O. Box 3700 1631 W. Lincoln Ave. Anaheim, CA 92803 Phone: 714-774-1186 Fax: 714-774-8599 North Hollywood 8161 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91605-1611 Phone: 818-504-9180 Fax: 818-504-1985 Northern California 11290 South Vallejo Court French Camp, CA 95231 Phone:209-983-8808 Fax: 209-983-8873 Riverside 2150 Eastridge Ave. Riverside, CA 92507 Phone: 951-653-3549 Fax: 951-653-8189 Dallas Warehouse P.O. Box 188 Cresson, TX 76035 Phone: 972-820-8258 Fax: 972-467-5836 Customer Service Phone: 1-877-LHSTUCCO Fax: 714-774-8599 ParexLahabra Products, Inc. 4125 E. La Palma, Suite 250 Anaheim, CA 92807 Phone: 1-877-LHSTUCCO Fax: 714- 774-2079 Email:info@lahabrastucco.com lahabrastucco.com Sales Offices & WarehousesCorporate Office © January 2005, ParexLahabra, Inc. LSBMF 2/05 T H E R E A R E T W O B A S I C VA R I AT I O N S O F T H E S T O N E I N S T A L L AT I O N P R O C E D U R E . 1, The Standard installation procedure (which includes grouted and overgrouted) and 2, The Jointless or Dry-Stacked installation procedure. The Standard installation procedure leaves grouted joints between all stones. The Jointless or Dry-Stacked installation procedure fits stones tightly together without grouted joints. While much of the installation procedure is the same for both variations, differences will be noted throughout these instructions.B r i c k i n s t a l l a t i o n i s c ov e r e d u n d e r t h e s t a n d a r d i n s t a l l a t i o n p r o c e d u r e . Two components, flats and corners, are used for most installations. Flats are applied to the flat wall surface and are ordered in square feet. Corners are applied to outside corners and are ordered in lineal feet. Using corners around window and door openings provides added dimension and depth and enhances the finished design. DETERMINE THE TOTAL PROJECT SQUARE FOOTAGE by multiplying the length times the height of each surface area to be covered and then deducting the area of all openings such as doors and windows. DETERMINE THE LINEAL FOOTAGE OF CORNER STONES needed for the project by measuring the lineal feet of outside corner areas to be covered including any doorways and windows that will have corners. DETERMINE THE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF FLAT STONES REQUIRED for the project by multiplying the lineal footage of corner stones needed by 1/2 (One lineal foot of corner stones equals approximately 1/2 square foot of flat stone) and subtracting this corner square footage from the total project square footage. This will give you the square footage of flat stone required. However, some extra quantity of flats is desirable for best fitting and for cutting and trimming. 1 2 3 Fig. 1 Prepare surface Fig. 2 Trim stone to fit Fig. 3 Apply mortar Fig. 4 Install corners first 1 . E ST I M AT I N G S TO N E Q UA N T I T I E S N E E D E D ©2003 ELDORADO STONE LLC06/03 OVER SHEETROCK,WALLBOARD, PANELING, PLYWOOD OR OTHER RIGID WOOD-RELATED SHEATHING Cover the wall surface with a weather-resis- tive barrier. The barrier shall be equal to that provided for in the U.B.C. Standard No. 14-1 for kraft waterproof building paper or asphalt-saturated rag felt. The building paper or felt shall be applied horizontally with the upper layer lapped over the lower layer not less than 2 inches. Where vertical joints occur, the felt or paper shall be lapped not less than 6 inches. Then install a 2.5 lb. diamond mesh expanded metal lath or an 18 gauge woven wire mesh. Exterior applications will require a galvanized metal lath, however a non-galvanized black metal lath may be used for interior applications. Overlap lath sides by not less than 3/8" and lath ends by not less than 1". Attach the lath using galvanized nails or staples 6" on center vertically and 16" on center horizontally, pene- trating studs a minimum of 1". (Be sure to attach the metal lath with the small cups pointing upwards.) Continuously wrap metal lath a minimum of 16” around all outside and inside corners. Then apply a 1/2" thick scratch coat of mor- tar over the metal lath and allow it to set. *Use of OSB as backing material for our stone may cause cracking. OVER OPEN STUDS Apply paper-backed galvanized 3.4 lb, 3/8" rib expanded metal lath to the studs using galvanized nails or staples every 6" vertically on stud centers with a mini- mum l" penetration. Overlap lath sides by not less than 1/2" and lath ends by not less than 1 inch. For metal studs use cor- rosion-resistant self-tapping screws with a 3/8" head that pro- vides 3/8" minimum penetration beyond the inside metal sur- face. Then apply a 1/2" thick scratch coat of mortar over the metal lath and allow it to set 48 hours. OVER METAL PANELS Surface preparation is the same as for “over sheetrock, wallboard, paneling, plywood, or other rigid wood related sheathing”, (see above) except the metal lath should be attached using self-tapping screws with a 3/8" head that provides 3/8" minimum penetration beyond the inside metal surface. O V ER C L E AN (UN PA I N T E D , U N S E ALE D , U N - TR E AT E D) BR I C K , BLO C K , CO NCR E T E O R O T H E R M A SO N R Y S U R FA C E S No surface prepa- ration is necessary, however for added insurance to minimize cracking or bond failure, use a metal lath and scratch coat. Newly poured concrete surfaces should be examined close- ly to ensure the surface does not contain form oil or other types of release agents. A method to determine their pres- ence is by spraying surface with water. If water beads up or runs off the wall, the presence of a release agent is likely. If a release agent is present, acid etch, wire brush surface, or use a metal lath and scratch coat. It is imperative that the concrete surface is free of form release contamination if lath and scratch coat is not used to ensure a proper bond. OVER PAINTED, SEALED OR TREATED BRICK, BLOCK, CONCRETE OR OTHER MASONRY SUR- FACES The surface must either a) be cleaned back to the original surface by sandblasting, water blasting, acid etching or wire brushing or b) have metal lath attached using corro- sion-resistant concrete nails with a scratch coat applied over the metal lath. OVER RIGID INSULATION BOARD Surface prepara- tion is the same as for “over sheetrock, wallboard, panel- ing, plywood or other rigid wood related sheathing” except the spacing for nails or staples should be 6" on cen- ter vertically and 16" on center horizontally, penetrating studs a minimum of 1". Eldorado Stone®detail drawings for installation over four basic substrates. 2 . P R E PA R I N G T H E S U R FAC E Eldorado Stone® Veneer Mortar Joint CMU Wall Mortar Setting Bed Rebar (where occurs) OVER CMU WALL Sheathing Insulation (where occurs) Weather-Resistive Barrier Stud Wall Metal Lath Mortar Setting Bed Eldorado Stone® Veneer Mortar Joint Scratch Coat OVER SHEATHING Rigid Insulation Board Insulation (where occurs) Weather-Resistive Barrier Stud Wall Metal Lath Scratch Coat Mortar Setting Bed Eldorado Stone® Veneer Mortar Joint OVER RIGID INSULATION OVER OPEN STUD FRAMING Insulation (where occurs) Weather-Resistive Barrier Stud Wall Metal Lath Scratch Coat Mortar Setting Bed Eldorado Stone® Veneer Mortar Joint should be turned so they are not visible (down when below eye level and up when above eye level). To conceal cut or broken edges, cover them with mortar when grouting (back cutting the stone edges will also help with concealment). SETTING THE STONE Using a mason's trowel, apply a 1/2" thick even layer of mortar to the entire back of the stone. Then press the stone firmly into place on the prepared wall surface, squeezing the mortar out around all edges. Using a gentle wiggling action while pressing the stone will ensure a good bond. For Jointless/Dry-stacked installations it’s important when setting the stone, that the edges of the stone are prop- erly sealed with mortar to ensure satisfactory bond. This can be achieved by following these steps. 1.Apply workable mortar generously to the back of each stone to allow ample mortar to squeeze out around all edges of the stone as it is pressed onto the wall. 2.Right after setting each stone, use a mason’s trowel or a margin trowel to remove any excess mor- tar and to fill any voids along the stone ’s exposed edges. This serves not only to help seal the stone edges but also allows for tighter fitting of following stones. 3.Just prior to setting each stone, apply a thin bead of mortar with a grout bag to the edges of all previously installed, adjacent stone. If any mortar accidentally gets on the stone face, do not try to wipe it off as it will smear and stain the stone. The mortar should be allowed to set until dry and crumbly, and then brushed off with a dry whisk broom. WETTING THE STONE AND SUBSTRATE Under certain conditions the stone and substrate may need to be wetted. If the stone is being installed onto a very hot/dry surface or in a hot/dry climate, the stone and wall surface should be wet to prevent excessive absorption of moisture from the mortar.This can be done by spraying water onto wall surface and back of stone (you may also dip stone into a container of water). In either case the stone and the wall surface should be allowed to dry for a few minutes after wetting to eliminate excess surface water. For Jointless/Dry-stacked installations it will be necessary to wet the stones regardless of the weather conditions.For cold weather installations, applications should be protected from temperatures below freezing, so the mortar may set up properly as recommended in section “2104.3 Cold-weather construction” of the International Building Code. GROUTING THE JOINTS There are three distinct grout techniques, each with their own unique look: Standard Joints (Raked), Dry-Stack Joints and Overgrout Joints (Historically referred to as a sack finish). These three joint finishes play a major role when it comes to finishing a job that has the look and feel of real stone. A Standard Joint (Raked) is achieved by laying each stone roughly one finger width apart from each other, then a grout bag is used to fill the joints with mortar, forcing grout into any voids. Be careful not to smear grout onto the face of the stone. Any mortar that accidentally gets on the stone should be allowed to set until dry and crumbly, and then brushed off with a dry whisk broom. Dry-Stack joint stonework is accomplished by “dry” fitting each stone prior to installation. Each piece can be laid with vir- tually no joint. Even though you’ve used mortar to set the stone to the surface, when complete, the finished look will appear as though no mortar was used to install stone. However, it is sometimes desirable to do touch-up grouting to fill notice- able voids and to conceal cut or broken stone edges. Overgrout, an increasingly popular way to achieve an old- world look is a technique that tends to make the stonework appear rustic and aged. The grout overlaps the face of the stone, widening the joints and making them very irregular. It’s impor- tant that the joint’s mortar be applied without air pockets and are filled completely to the substrate. Overfill joints when applying grout. Mortar should be right between being too wet and too crumbly. The overgrout technique uses almost every stone shipped because broken edges can be hidden by grout. FINISHING THE JOINTS When the mortar joints become firm (normally 30-60 minutes), use a wooden or metal striking tool to rake out the excess mortar to the desired depth while at the same time forcing the mortar into the joints so as to thoroughly seal the stone edges. Be careful not to work the joints too soon or the mortar will smear. After working the joints, use a whisk broom to smooth the joints and clean away any loose mortar from the joints and stone face. Loose mortar and mortar spots which have set for only a few hours clean up easily and should never be allowed to set up overnight. CAUTION:Do not use wet brushes or sponges to wipe the joints or clean mortar off the face of the stone as it will smear and stain. Also, never use wire brushes or acid on the stone surface. CLEANING To clean dirt or other particles from the stone, use a granulated type detergent mixed with water and a soft bristle brush. If efflorescence occurs, as it does with most masonry products, it is usually caused by moisture migration through the masonry substrate when the stone is saturated. Once the moisture is on the masonry surface, it evaporates, depositing the dissolved salts in the form of efflorescence. The efflorescence will disappear naturally with time. To clean the efflorescence right away, scrub sur- face with a soft bristle brush and a solution of 1 part white household vinegar mixed with 5 parts water. COMPLETION Sealing the stone is not necessary, however it may be desirable for attaining deeper colors and for mini- mizing possible staining in certain applications such as “at grade”, where mud might splash onto the stone or on fire- places which are exposed to smoke and soot. Only good qual- ity masonry sealers that are of the “penetrating breathable” type and either Silane or Siloxane based should be used. The sealer should be tested for color change on several loose stones before application, as sealers will darken stone.Fig. 8 Whisk away loose mortar PROPER USE Carefully follow these recommended installation instructions and check your local Building Code requirements as these vary by area. Eldorado Stone ®should only be applied to struc- turally sound surfaces incorporating good building practices. It is important to divert water run-off away from stone surfaces by using cant strips, gutters and flashing. Run-off or splashing may stain the material. Water run-off combined with severe freeze-thaw condi- tions can result in surface damage. The use of Eldorado Stone®Caps can be used to provide adequate run-off protection. Corner or flat pieces should not be used on exterior horizontal planes or to cap walls in high freeze-thaw areas. Retaining walls must be water-proofed at the fill side and incorporate provisions for adequate drainage. Eldorado Stone®should not be used below water level or in appli- cations that subject the material to chlorine or chemicals that may discolor the stone. LAYING OUT THE STONE Before you begin, lay out a quantity of stone (25 s.f. minimum) near the work area to give you a selection to choose from, When installing stone, try to achieve a balanced pat- tern of shapes, sizes, colors, thicknesses and textures by selecting and mixing the various stones. Select and mix stones from different boxes throughout the installation. STARTING For standard installation procedure, Eldorado Stone® is applied from the top down. This helps to keep the stone clean. For Jointless/Dry-stacked installation, stone is applied from the bottom up. Install the corners first for easiest fitting. Corner pieces have a long and a short return. These should be alternated in opposite directions on the wall corner. FITTING STONES Stones should be installed with uniform size grout joints. A consistent 1/2" or less space around the stones is desir- able. Long, straight, unbroken joint lines should be avoided. When installing Eldorado Brick®, as well as coursed and horizon- tal styles of Eldorado Stone®, special attention should be given to keeping the work level. Chalk lines should be snapped every 4" to 8" as a guide for keeping the installation level and then a level should be used during the installation of individual pieces. Also, it is of partic- ular importance to frequently stagger the joint lines both vertically and horizontally. TRIMMING STONES For best fit, stones can be cut or shaped using a hatchet, widemouth nippers or a mason’s trowel edge. Straight cuts can be made with a diamond or carbide saw blade. Cut edges Mortar should be mixed to a firm but workable (not too wet, not too dry) consistency. M O R T A R M I X F O R S T A N D A R D INSTALLATION (GROUTED JOINTS): Use Type N or Type S mortar mix as follows: A. SUGGESTED MIX–TYPE N MORTAR B.ALTERNATIVE MIX–TYPE S MORTAR 2 PARTS TYPE-N MASONRY CEMENT 3 PARTS TYPE-S MASONRY CEMENT 3 TO 5 PARTS MASONRY SAND 5 TO 7 PARTS MASONRY SAND WATER WATER OR OR 1 PARTS PORTLAND CEMENT 2 PARTS PORTLAND CEMENT 1 PART LIME 1 PART LIME 3 TO 5 PARTS MASONRY SAND 5 TO 7 PARTS MASONRY SAND WATER WATER This mortar can be colored to complement the stone by adding iron oxide pigments available from your dealer. MORTAR MIX FOR JOINTLESS/ DRY-STACKED INSTALLATION: A. SUGGESTED MIX 3 PARTS PORTLAND CEMENT 2 PARTS THINSET MORTAR* (SEE IMPORTANT NOTE BELOW) 7 PARTS MASONRY SAND WATER B. ALTERNATE MIX #1 2 PARTS PORTLAND CEMENT 1 PART LIME 7 PARTS MASONRY SAND BONDING AGENT AND WATER (PREBLENDED 1:1) C. ALTERNATE MIX #2 3 PARTS TYPE-S MASONRY CEMENT 7 PARTS MASONRY SAND BONDING AGENT AND WATER (PREBLENDED 1:1) *Note: for exterior applications use only “latex modified thinset for exterior use, meeting ANSI -A118.4”. For the best finished appearance, the Jointless/Dry-stacked mor- tar color should blend with the stone base color to help conceal the joint lines. Ask your dealer for mortar colors. The mortar mix for Standard installation (see above) may be used for the Jointless/Dry-stacked scratch coat if desired, but may not be used for applying the stone. 3 . P R E PA R I N G T H E M O RTA R Fig. 5 Then install flat stones Fig. 6 Grout joints Fig. 7 Finish joints 4 . A P P LY I N G T H E S TO N E 1 2 the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDELEVATION 4 FINISH SPECS. CHIMNEY DETAILS job drawn by scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JAT/JEMPROPERTY DATAA.7.1JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feet8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 2 0817/2112 CHIMNEY CAP SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"CC roof tile per plan 24 ga. sheet metal chimney shroud, MODEL #55 (#54 sim) CASA DE ARCO by CHIMNEY KING. U.L. file #MH25027 (listed and labeled). See below for manu. specs. Designer to review shop drawings prior to fabrication. CONTACT:DEREK LIDSTROM Phone: (847) 244-8860 Fax: (847) 244-8694 www.chimneyking.com approved spark arrestor sheet metal cap over plywood subtop 2x framing drip 2x6 nailer trim 7/8" stucco 5'-9 1/2" 5"3"3" ELDORADO STONE veneer over 1/2" WONDER BOARD 1'-6"9" Ø STUCCO 2x framing drip 2x6 nailer trim 7/8" stucco 5" 2'-8" FRONT SIDE ELEVATION 4 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"E.4 ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES: 1.ALL FIXED GLASS TO BE TINTED W/ ANODIZED ALUM. FRAME. COLOR TO BE DARK BRONZE. ALL OPERABLE WINDOWS TO BE W/ ALUMN. CLADDING W/ DARK COLOR 2.ROOF TILE TO BE 2 PC. MISSION CLAY TILE by REDLAND CLAY TILE. TILE COURSES MUST BE LAID WITH COURSES RUNNING "WILD", OR "SEPENTINE" STYLE. PROVIDE 15%-20% BOOSTED TILES MIN., WITH HEAVY MUDDING REQUIRED. 3.ALL EXPOSED RAFTER TAILS TO BE MIN. 4X8 D.F. SELECT W/ SOLID STAIN FINISH. COLOR TO BE PEPPERWOOD By CABOT STAINS 4.ALL VENTS & SHEET METAL TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT FINISH stucco to be SANTA BARBARA MISSION FINISH By LA HABRA STUCCO over STRUCTA-LATH; color to match TWILIGHT GOLD By BENJAMIN MOORE stone veneer to be "Veneto Field Ledge" By ELDORADO STONE, flush grouted stone veneer to be "Veneto Field Ledge" By ELDORADO STONE, flush grouted roof tile to be 2 PC. MISSION CLAY TILE by REDLAND CLAY TILE galv. weep screed stone sill @ each window on this facade 8'-0"3'-0"2'-6" stucco to be SANTA BARBARA MISSION FINISH By LA HABRA STUCCO over STRUCTA-LATH; color to match TWILIGHT GOLD By BENJAMIN MOORE 3'-0" Øalign 10'-0"3 A.7 2'-0" typ.23'-3"roof tile to be 2 PC. MISSION CLAY TILE by REDLAND CLAY TILE T T S T U C C O S P E C I F I C A T I O N S STUCCO NOTES 1.Exterior Stucco to be 3 coat application over paper backed metal lath. 2.Metal lath to be Structalath SF CR. Corner bead to be Structa Corner for bullnose and Structa Arch for bullnose. 3.Provide 2 layers GRADE D paper underlayment. Provide 2" lap @ horizontal joints and 6" lap @ verticle joints. 4.Fasten Structalath SF CR per code. 5.Structalath SF CR to be installed as follows: A. Positioning the end of the wire roll at the appropriate height (bottom edge resting at the appropriate location on the weep screed), a single galvanized roofing nail (1 1/2" or longer) is "tacked" but not "driven home" below the top line wire and inside the first vertical line wire. This allows the wire to hang on this nail. B. Unrolling the netting approximately 6 - 8 feet (this distance is determined by the experience of the lather and the job conditions). The lather then lines up and levels the wire, again using the appropriate location on the weep screed as a guide. After pulling the wire relatively tight, a second roofing nail is positioned at a location below the top line wire and slightly before the stud. The nail is angled towards the stud and away from the first nail. By appropriately positioning this nail, the lop line wire will be "drawn tight" as the nail is driven into the stud. Some care is needed to not angle the nail too sharply as the head will unnecessarily damage the weather barrier. C. In the same manner, the third nail is positioned at a point below the second nail, but above one of the lower line wires. By driving this nail down and away from the second nail, the wire is again "drawn tight", but in a vertical line. D. The next nail can be fastened below the original nail and done in the same manner as the third nail. E. Now the original nail may be driven home to securely fasten the first section. If the nails are positioned correctly and the wire is "drawn tight", this section of the lath will be flat and ready to be "nailed off" Structalath SF CR does not stretch like woven netting and will not develop "bags" or "bulges" in the hanging process described above. 6.Stucco to be Santa Barbara Mission Finish, by La Habra Stucco. See manufacturer's specs for installation instructions. Color to be determined by Designer. S T O N E / B R I C K V E N E E R I N S T A L L A T I O N S T O N E S P E C I F I C A T I O N 1.Stone veneer to be "Veneto Field Ledge" by ELDORADO STONE. 2.Protect adjacent work from contact with mortar. 2. Flush grout all stone with natural colored mortar. 3.Provide complimentary trim pieces as required at corners, ledges, pot shelfs, etc. 4.Extend stone below weep screed to grade line. 5.Install and clean stone in accordance with manu- facturer’s installation instructions for Standard Installation (Grouted Joint) or Jointless/Dry-Stacked installation as specified in the elevations. 6.To clean, wash with soft bristle brush and water /granulated detergent solution. Then rinse immediately with clean water. 7.To remove Effloresence, allow veener to dry thoroughly, then scrub with soft bristle brush and clean water. Rinse immediately with clean water; allow to dry If efflorescence is still visible, repeat above procedure using a solution of 1 part household vinegar and 5 parts water. 8. Rinse immediately with clean water. 9.Apply sealer in accordance with sealer manufacturer’s installation instructions. 24" Dia. attic gable vent w/ stucco'd 2x plant on trim. All vents & sheet metal to be painted to match adjacent finish. 24" Dia. attic gable vent w/ stucco'd 2x plant on trim. All vents & sheet metal to be painted to match adjacent finish.27'-6"(28'-0" MAX PER CITY OF LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS)3'-6"23'-4" slab to top of framing CC A.7.1 3-1/2 12 1/20/2012 corrections To whom it may concern,   The Casa de Arco chimney shroud from CHIMNEY KING, when manufactured by CHIMNEY KING, is a UL listed and labeled chimney shroud for use with Heat n Glo woodburning fireplaces, provided the chase is built big enough, and a TV 11T term cap is used, and screen and a heat shield is installed inside the shroud. HEAT N GLO woodburning SL 300 chimney ( 8” id) requires a 28 x 28 shroud base. SL 1100 chimney (10” id) requires a min 34 x 34 shroud base. Chase can be bigger or same. CHIMNEY KING makes our shrouds at a UL inspected facility, out of UL approved and inspected materials and comes UL labeled. UL file # MH 25027 Please call with any questions Sincerely,   Derek Lidstrom President Chimney King LLC   P.O. Box 8 Gurnee, IL 60031 Phone: (847) 244-8860 Fax: (847) 244-8694 www.chimneyking.com 2/29/12 corrections 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. NO CHANGE TO ORIGINALLY APPROVED ELEVATION 2 DECORATIVE TOWER TO REMAIN. FLUE TO BE ABANDONED/CAPPED 2 01/03/2022 the edifice groupJaime E. Mencia945 E 13800 SDraper UT 84020818–648–1078edificegroup@sbcglobal.netDESIGN+BUILDREFLECTED CEILING/ INT. ELEV KEY PLAN job drawn by scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.shown JAT/JEMPROPERTY DATAA.8JOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feet8/1/21 POST PERMIT REV.PROPOSED REMODEL FOR forJ. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST, LA QUINTA, CA. 922542 2 0817/2112 B A R R E L L V A U L T C E I L I N G 12'-0" FINISH CEILING HEIGHT 10'-0" FINISH CEILING HEIGHT 8'-0" FINISH CEILING HEIGHT 3'-3"2'-0" Ø3'-8" 1 A.8 2 A.8 false 6x12 bmfalse 4x8 RR, typ. 3 A.8 2 A.8 4 A.8 6 A.8 9 A.82'-0"2'-6"2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0" false 6x12 bm false 6x12 bmfalse 4x8 RR, typ.false 4x8 RR, typ.2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0" barrel vault ceiling v a u l t e d c e i l i n g v a u l t e d c e i l i n g11 A.8 12 A.8 2'-0" 1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"5'-7"30x30 attic access ALIGN 7 A.8 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"11 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"4 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"5 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"7 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"9 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"10 7'-0"2'-8"adj. shlv. casework 10'-0"3 ' -0 " Ø SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"6 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"8 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"12 8/29/12 10:33 AMWDDW LAUNDRY/ LINEN CLOSET BEDROOM # 3 CASITA BATHROOM MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM #1 BATHROOM WALK IN BATHROOM BEDROOM #2 PORCH TERRACE ENTRY archLEGEND detail 110 109 POWDER 117 114 113 GARAGE 108 112 102 118 117 101117 119 120 115 CORRIDOR 115 CORRIDOR PORCHarch ELEVATION/SECTION SYMBOL page E.1 A.7 arch REFLECTED CEILING/INT. ELEV. KEY PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" REFLECTED CEILING NOTES 1.ALL ARCHES FRAMED @ 8'-0" U.N.O. 2.PROVIDE FALSE CEILINGS AT BEDROOMS #1, 2, AND MASTER BEDROOM. FALSE CEILINGS TO BE 4X8 FALSE RR TO 6X12 FALSE RIDGE OVER 1X T&G OVER 5/8" DRYWALL. ALL WOOD TO BE DISTRESSED/ROUGH SAWN. 3.BIULDER TO PROVIDE LIGHTING PLAN FOR ARCHITECT TO REVIEW.archbarrel vault ceiling 1x R.S. T&G ceiling 1x R.S. T&G ceiling SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"3 12'-0"8"1'-4" cont. light fix.drywall finish 7'-0"2'-6"8" Ø casework triple stack curb 1'-10"tub deck rough height 3'-0"pony wall rough height eq.eq.9"tub 4'-4" 5'-2" PLAN ELEV.1'-8"slab R. seat triple stack 3/4" stucco over ribbed diamond lath @exterior terrace ceilings #1 or better ROUGH SAWN rafters and T&G; left exposed#1 or better ROUGH SAWN rafters and T&G; left exposedglu lam break 2 DEMO (E) COFFERED CEILING/SOFFITEXTEND THIS VAULT DEMO (E) COFFERED CEILING/SOFFIT 01/03/2022 WASTE/VENT ISOMETRIC NOT TO SCALE GAS SIZING DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE Residential Atmospheric Vent High Performance Energy Saver Gas Water Heater The Atmospheric Vent High Performance Model features: ■High Input Combustion System—Generates enough hot water in the first hour for hot tubs, garden tubs and body sprays in addition to whole house duty. ■High Recovery and First Hour Delivery—When tested to the industry standard residential first hour delivery procedure, the GX1-55S will deliver 200 gallons. ■Helical Fin Flue—Designed to maximize the amount of heat transferred to water decreasing recovery time. Minimizes air movement in the heater during standby periods to retard heat loss up the flue. ■Factory Installed Hydrojet 2™Total Performance System—Cold water inlet sediment reducing device helps prevent sediment build up in tank. Increases first hour delivery of hot water while minimizing temperature build up in tank. ■Vitraglas®Lining—Bradford White tanks are lined with an exclusively engineered enamel formula that provides superior tank protection from the highly corrosive effects of hot water. This formula (Vitraglas®) is fused to the steel surface by firing at a temperature of over 1600°F (871°C). ■Fully Automatic Controls—Automatic temperature selection at your fingertips. Built-in energy cut-off switch prevents abnormally high water temperature for extra safety. Built-in gas pressure regulation. ■3/4" NPT Side Connections. ■Non-CFC Foam Insulation—Energy saving insulation covers the sides and top of the tank, reducing the amount of heat loss while increasing jacket rigidity. GX1-55S has 1" of insulation. ■Water Connections—3⁄4" NPT factory installed true dielectric fittings extend water heater life and eases installation. ■Two Protective Magnesium Anode Rods—Provide added protection against corrosion for long trouble-free service. ■4" “Snap Lock” Draft Diverter. ■T&P Relief Valve—Installed. ■Low Restriction Brass Drain Valve—Durable tamper proof design. ■Thermostatic Mixing Valve (ASSE Approved)—Included. 6-Year Limited Tank Warranties / 6-Year Limited Warranty on Component Parts. For more information on warranty, please visit www.bradfordwhite.com For products installed in USA, Canada and Puerto Rico. Some states do not allow limitations on warranties. See complete copy of the warranty included with the heater. MANUFACTURED UNDER ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING U.S. PATENTS:5,682,666; 7,634,976; 5,660,165; 5,954,492; 6,056,542; 6,935,280; 5,372,185; 5,485,879; 5,574,822; 7,971,560; 7,992,526; 6,684,821; 6,442,178; 7,334,419; 7,866,168; 7,270,087; 7,007,748; 5,596,952; 6,142,216; 7,699,026; 5,341,770; 7,337,517; 7,665,211; 7,665,210; 7,063,132; 7,063,133; 7,559,293; 7,900,589; 5,943,984; 8,082,888; 5,988,117; 7,621,238; 7,650,859; 5,761,379; 7,409,925; 5,277,171; 8,146,772; 7,458,341; 2,262,174. OTHER U.S. AND FOREIGN PATENT APPLICATIONS PENDING. CURRENT CANADIAN PATENTS: 2,314,845; 2,504,824; 2,108,186; 2,143,031; 2,409,271; 2,548,958; 2,112,515; 2,476,685; 2,239,007; 2,092,105; 2,107,012. Vitraglas®and Hydrojet®are registered trademarks of Bradford White®Corporation. 115-B-0914-A NATURAL GAS AND LIQUID PROPANE MODELS High Performance Energy Saver Models Meet or exceed ASHRAE 90.1b (current standard) C.E.C. Listed 82% Thermal Efficiency ModelNumber Approx.ShippingWeight lbs. EFloor toGasConn. in. AFloor toFlueConn in. CVentSize in. BJacketDia. in. Capacity Recovery at90°F Rise* GX-1-55S6BN U.S.Gal. 55 Imp.Gal. 46 Nat.BTU/Hr.Input 80,000 Nat.U.S.GPH 86 Nat.Imp.GPH 72 LPU.S.GPH 84 LPImp.GPH 70 59 5/8 4 20022 14 13/16 FFloor toSpaceHeatingReturnin. 157/1650 DFloor toT&PConn. in. ModelNumber Approx.ShippingWeight kg. EFloor toGasConn. mm. AFloor toFlueConn mm. CVentSize mm. BJacketDia. mm. Capacity Recovery at50°C Rise* GX-1-55S6BN Liters 208 Nat.kWInput 23.5 LPBTU/Hr.Input 78,000 LPkWInput 22.9 Nat.Liters/Hour 326 LPLiters/Hour 317 1514 102 91559 376 FFloor toSpaceHeatingReturnmm. 392 GFloor toSpaceHeatingOutletin. 50 GFloor toSpaceHeatingOutletmm. 1270 HFloor toHeaterTop in. 56 HFloor toHeaterTop mm. 1422 JFloor toWaterConn.† in. 60 JFloor toWaterConn.† mm. 1524 KDepth in. 261/4 KDepth mm. 6671270 DFloor toT&PConn. mm. Residential Atmospheric Vent Gas Water Heater General All gas water heaters are certified at 300 PSI test pressure (2068 kPa) and 150 PSI working pressure (1034 kPa). All water connections are 3⁄4" NPT (19mm) on 8" (203mm) centers. All gas connections are 1/2" (13mm). All models design certified by CSA International (formerly AGA/CGA), ANSI standard Z-21.10.3 and peak performance rated. Dimensions and specifications subject to change without notice in accordance with our policy of continuous product improvement. Suitable for Water (Potable) Heating and Space Heating. Toxic chemicals, such as those used for boiler treatment, shall NEVER be introduced into this system. This unit may NEVER be connected to any existing heating system or component(s) previously used with a non-potable water heating appliance. HJ G & D A K B C E F PLUG TYPE ANODE Propane models feature a Titanium Stainless Steel propane burner. For propane (LP) models, change suffix"BN" to "SX". *Based on manufacturers rated recovery efficiency. †Dimension to top of installed mixing device. Printed in U.S.A.115-B-0914-A ©2014, Bradford White Corporation. All rights reserved. Ambler, PA For U.S. and Canada field service, contact your professional installer or local Bradford White sales representative. Sales 800-523-2931 ●Fax 215-641-1670 / Technical Support 800-334-3393 ●Fax 269-795-1089 ●Warranty 800-531-2111 ●Fax 269-795-1089 International: Telephone 215-641-9400 ●Telefax 215-641-9750 / www.bradfordwhite.com Sales / Technical Support 866-690-0961 /905-238-0100 ●Fax 905-238-0105 /www.bradfordwhite.com E.G.Jaime E. Mencia @ the EDIFICE GROUPlic. #B 921228job drawn by sheet scale sheet date revisions contents The use of these plans andspecifications shall be limitedto the use of the original sitefor which they were preparedand publication thereof isexpressly limited to such use.Reproduction publication andor reuse by any method, inw h o l e o r i n p a r t , i sprohibited. Title to the plansand specifications remain withthe designer, Jaime E.Mencia.8339 Oakdale Ave.Winnetka CA 91306818 648-1078info@the-edifice-group.comshown JEMPROPERTY DATAJOB ADDRESS: 57350 Peninsula Ln. PENINSULA PARK. CA 92254 OWNER: JACKIE KEEHN/RICHARD ROAT (818) 905 5054 DESIGN: Jaime E. Mencia @ THE EDIFICE GROUP ZONE: RL- LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 4 TRACT 28522, MB 274/042 LOT SIZE: 23,280 square feetPlu.1 0817PROPOSED HOUSE forJ. KEEHN & R. ROAT57350 PENINSULA LN. LOT 4, PENINSULA PARK, PGA WEST LA QUINTA, CA. 92254PLUMBING ISO'S 11/18/11 corrections 2/29/12 corrections GENERAL PLUMBING NOTES 1.All work and materials and performance shall conform to the 2013 California Plumbing Code. 2.Where a discrepancy occurs between the drawings and specifications herein and the 2013 California Plumbing Code, the 2010 California Plumbing Code shall apply. 3.All wirings and piping to be installed shall be new and approved by the City of La Quinta. Hoods, fans, and motors may be used provided that they perform as new and meet the requirements of the city of La Quinta. 4.The contractor shall verify all existing conditions including exact location and depth of utility mains. 5.The contractor shall coordinate his work with other trades. 6.The contractor shall make all rough-ins and final connections to all equipment. 7.Lines may be rerouted provided that they meet all of the requirements of the plumbing code for installation and operation. 8.The contractor shall determine the final location of all equipment, building valves and meters from designer before installation. 9.After installation, all piping shall be tested according to the applicable plumbing code. 10.Underground lines not covered by paving shall be a min. of 12" below grade and shall be coated according to the applicable plumbing code. 11.All new piping and connected portions of the existing piping shall be tested according to service. WATER SUPPLY 12.All new fixtures shall be certified by the State for energy standard compliance and shall meet the following standards: water closets= 1.28 gallons/flush max. urinal=.5 gallons/flush max. shower head=2.0 gallons/minute max. lavatory faucets= 1.5 gallons/minute max. kitchen faucet= 1.8 gallons/minute max. 13.All domestic water supply lines shall conform to sect. 604 of the UPC and shall be type L copper and joined with an approved solder. Fittings and valves shall be brass or bronze. Irrigation lines may be schedule 40 PVC and shall utilize an approved reverse flow preventer. 14.Water piping shall be sized per table 6-3 and appendix A of the UPC. 15.Hot water piping from the water heater to the kitchen shall have a 1" covering of insulation with a max. conductivity value of 0.24 to 0.28. (R value= 4.2) 16.Water piping shall be tested according to the requirements of the local jurisdiction. 17.Water heaters shall be installed with seismic restraints. SANITARY DRAINS AND VENTS 18.All drain and waste lines shall be either approved ABS or cast iron. Vent lines may be galvanized steel. Fixtures draining into floor sinks may have waste lines of soldered copper above the air gap. 19.All drains and vents shall be sized according to table 7-3, 7-4, and 7-5 of the UPC and shall be sloped 2% min. 20.Clean outs throughout building shall be provided as required by section 707 of the UPC. 21.Drain and waste vents shall rise a min. of 6" above the flood level rim of the fixture served before offsetting horizontally. 22.Provide trap primers for all floor drains. (1007 CPC) 23.Provide an approved type flow control at each grease trap. Control to be in a readily accessable and visable location. The vented flow control device shall be located such that no system vent shall be between the flow control and the grease trap inlet. (1014.3) GAS 24. All gas piping and fittings shall be schedule 40 black steel pipe. Underground piping shall be covered with corrosion ressistant coating per chapter 12 of the UPC. 25.All combustion flue vents shall be approved type B or BW double wall with a min. clearance of 1" to a combustible surfaces and shall be sized and installed according to manufacturer's instructions. 26.All gas piping shall be sized and supported according to tables 12-1, 12-2, and 12-3 of the UPC. 27.Each building shall have an approved earthquake shut off valve at the meter. 28.Combustion air must conform to section 507 of the UMC according to the following schedule: 29.All new piping and the connected portions of the existing piping shall be tested according to sections 1204 of the UPC and the following schedule. Testing shall be conducted under the supervision of the City Inspector using air or nitrogen. No perceptible drop in pressure is allowed under the conditions listed below: For systems operating pressure of 14" WC pressure or below- duration of 15 minutes at 10 PSI gauge. For systems operating above 14" WC pressure- test duration of 30 minutes at 60 PSI gauge. 30.In addition, all joints shall be soap bubble tested and be leak free at the above test pressures. ADDITIONAL NOTES 31.Provide 12x12 min. access panel to bathtub trap connection when a slip joint connection is used. 32.Hot mopped shower pan shall be inspected upon completion of hot mopping and shall be filed with water for inspection. 33.Provide combustion air for water heater. 34.Provide a non removable back flow prevention device on all exterior hose bibbs. 35.Provide pressure regulator for water service where static pressure exceeds 80 psi. 36.Provide a combination pressure and tempurature relief valve at all water heaters, set to open at not more than 150 psi. Drain pipe shall extend to outside of building and terminate not more than 2 feet nor less than 6" above the ground and point downward with the end unobstructed. Any other termination location shall require 44approval by the building official. 37.The entire length of re-circu;ating distribution sections of domestic water systems shall be insulated, regardless of whether the piping is buried or exposed. DRAINS SUPPLY type F.U. # trap size total F.U. # total # total HOTCOLD FIXTURE UNIT CALCS NOT TO SCALE lav 1 7 1 1/4" 7 1 7 7 7 7 w.c. (1.6 grav) 2.5 5 3" 12.5 2.5 5 12.5 - - k.s. 1.5 2 1 1/2" 3 1.5 2 3 2 3 tub/shower 4 4 1 1/2" 16 4 4 16 4 16 h.b. 2.5 1 - - 2.5 1 2.5 - - h.b. (add) 1 5 - - 1 5 5 - - shower 2 2 1 1/2" 4 2 2 4 2 4 clothes washer 4 1 2" 4 4 1 4 1 4 dish washer 1.5 1 2" 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 TOTAL DRAIN FIXTURE UNITS = 48 REQ. DRAIN SIZE = 4" OK AS PER 2010 CPC TABLE A-10 COLD WATER F.U. = 55.5 HOT WATER F.U. = 35.5 175 LF of total developed length 43.7 PSI min. pressure at meter Provide 1" min. meter w/ 1 1/2" min. building water supply 4" CO to grade 4" CO to grade island sink island loop vent san-t & C.O. 2" C.O. 1 1/2" VTR 1 1/2"1 1/2"sealed combustion direct vent fireplace 52 CFH 3/4" 4/15/15 POST PERMIT REV. 2/20/15 POST PERMIT REV. PLUMBING TO BE FIELD VERIFIED 80 580 146 FOR REFERENCE ONLY HOME ENERGY ASSESSMENT TITLE 24 CALCULATIONS MANUAL J & D CALS HERS RATER DUCT TESTING AIR LEAKAGE TESTING 2019 TITLE 24 CERTIFICATE OFCOMPLIANCE2 3 4 5 6 THE DESIGN, IDEAS, AND ARRANGEMENTS REPRESENTED BY THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF ENERGWISE AND IN NO PART SHALL BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED OR DEVELOPED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ENERGWISE. COPYRIGHT 2021. OF SHEETS SHEETTITLE:1 DATEREVISIONSPROJECT NAME:EnerGwise 3236 SAN ANSELINE AVE LONG BEACH, CA 90808 562.547.6364 TEL 562.938.8822 FAX marty@enerGwise.com T1J. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LNLA QUINTA, CA 9225401/03/2022 HOME ENERGY ASSESSMENT TITLE 24 CALCULATIONS MANUAL J & D CALS HERS RATER DUCT TESTING AIR LEAKAGE TESTING 2 3 4 5 6 THE DESIGN, IDEAS, AND ARRANGEMENTS REPRESENTED BY THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF ENERGWISE AND IN NO PART SHALL BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER WORK OR PROJECT OTHER THAN THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED OR DEVELOPED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ENERGWISE. COPYRIGHT 2021. OF SHEETS SHEETTITLE:1 DATEREVISIONSPROJECT NAME:EnerGwise 3236 SAN ANSELINE AVE LONG BEACH, CA 90808 562.547.6364 TEL 562.938.8822 FAX marty@enerGwise.com J. KONRAD57350 PENINSULA LNLA QUINTA, CA 92254T22019 TITLE 24 CERTIFICATE OFCOMPLIANCE10-11-21 Jaime Mencia 01/03/2022 4834844 8 3 4 8 2 4 8 1 4 8 4 4 8 5 4 8 6 ICVICVto be verified sewer lateral gas FRONT YARD REAR YARD D R I V E W A Y (N) B L O C K W A L L (E) BLOCK WA L L TO REMAIN S E T B A C K Z O N E S E T B A C K Z O N E G O L F C O U R S E (E) concrete curb irrigation control valve SERVICE YARD TRASH AC AC CMU WALL POOL SPA BAR TANING SHELF (E) MAN HOLE V (E) VALVE (E) FIRE HYDRANT AC AC 60" wide wood gate EASEM E N T 4 A.7.1 CMU WALL (E) concrete curb TERRACE PORCHPORCHEXISTING LANDSCAPING AND BERM gas fire pit; 12" H bench 24" H raised collumn planterplanterplanterplanterNEW TREES NEW TREES NEW TREES concrete deck concrete deck POOL EQUIPMENT 24" H raised planter; typ. GAS 4'-0" SERVICE LOC. AREA NOT TO SCALESE shut off into house stub out for landsacaping surface mounted water heater finish grade 6'-6"flush mounted 200 amp. electric service panel flush mounted cable box flush mounted phone box 30"MAXirrigation control valve irrigation control valve water meter bench fountain SIM. 60 A 120/240 V 1 O LINE UNDERGROUND TO ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR POOL EQUIPMENT PANEL F.B.O.. 60 A 120/240 V 1 O LINE UNDERGROUND TO ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR A/C EQUIPMENT PANEL F.B.O. UNDERGROUND CONDUIT ONLY TO P/L FOR POWER, PHONE, AND CABLE. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF OUTSIDE LIGHT FIXTURES 60 A PANEL FOR POOL EQUIPMENT TO P/L CABLE SERVICE PHONE SERVICE 200 AMP SERVICE 11/28/2011 NSITE POWER AND LIGHTING PLAN SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" NOTE:Provide dedicated 20 amp 120v circuit for front yard and building lighting. Circuit to be connected to a time clock and photo cell switch. Locate photo cell adjacent to exterior side door. Cell to face south. NOTE:Irrigation for trees, shrubs, and plants should be on a separate circuit from the turf areas to help facilitate annual scalping and re-seeding.