Proposal - Becky Caha�r -`•\ - T QUALIFICATIONS TO PROVIDE HOUSING COMPLIANCE AND MONITORING SERVICES BECKY CAHA La Quinta Housing Authority P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 November 9, 2012 C) —1 n r m Cn rt C) rn C) O -n r G7 i—� 9812 Continental Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92646 760.900.9668 cahabecky@gmail.com 4ii November 9, 2012 Ms. Debbie Powell, Economic Development/Housing Manager CITY OF LA QUINTA, CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR HOUSING CONSULTANT SERVICES Dear Ms. Powell: Via Overnight Mail Thank you for the opportunity to present this letter of qualifications and proposal for housing compliance and monitoring services to the La Quinta Housing Authority (Authority). It has been my pleasure to provide these services for the City of La Quinta (City), the former La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (Agency) and currently, the Authority for over 20 years through my employment with Rosenow Spevacek Group until May 31, 2012, and since June 1, 2012 as an independent contractor with the Authority. My experience with the City and Authority makes me uniquely qualified to provide the Authority with the services requested in the Request for Proposals. I have a clear understanding of the need for compliance in all aspects of the Authority's affordable housing programs, as well as a good working relationship with realtors, lenders, property owners, and Authority staff. This will allow the administration of these programs to continue seamlessly without any downtime. The following describes some of my recent related experience and references with the La Quinta Housing Authority: Affordable Housing Program Administration — City of La Quinta During the past twenty years, I have provided complete administration services of administering their respective affordable housing programs including, managing its single-family and multifamily residential rehabilitation loan programs, mobile home conversions, and acquisitions of dilapidated properties for refurbishment and resale. I have assisted property owners in the refinancing of their homes, selling of their properties to qualified buyers, verification of all ownership and income qualifications to ensure compliance with all applicable restrictions. Below are references of those I have worked with on the Authority's housing programs: Jim Cathcart La Quinta Palms Realty (760) 564-4104 Cathy Boyd Solaris Escrow (760) 776-5770 The following scope of services outlines those duties and time requirements which I propose to continue to provide for the Authority. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. 2nd TRUST DEED PROGRAM & OTHER LOAN PROGRAMS A Application Processing For all the Authority's 2nd Trust Deed Programs - review any potential applicants for resales (this includes Watercolors, 2nd Trust Deed Home Purchase Loans, Miraflores, Authority Resales, and Habitat, as well an any additional projects that may come online throughout the term of the contract with the Authority). Coordinate with realtors and escrow/title on processing purchases. (Estimated time required — 5 hours per month) B. Subordination Review/Approval/Processing i. 2nd TD Programs - Review current loan applications and verify whether or not refinance is allowable under terms of the particular program; coordinate with lender and escrow in processing subordination agreements and preparing said agreements for signature. (Estimated time required —15 hours per month) ii. Sewer Subsidy Loans - coordinate with lender and escrow to prepare subordination agreements for signature. (Estimated time required — 2 hours per month) C. Payoff Processing i. 2nd TD Programs - verify whether or not loan can be paid off - if allowed - work with lender, escrow and property owner to determine payoff amount and prepare the necessary payoff documents and insure that the Authority receives payment. (Estimated time required — 5 hours per month) ii. Sewer Subsidy Loans - coordinate with lender, escrow and property owner to determine amount of repayment, prepare necessary payoff documents, and insure that Authority receives payment. (Estimated time required — 1 hour per month) F 1r- D. Phone Call/Inquiries i 2nd TD Programs - Consists of phone calls from realtors, property owners, lenders, general public on the terms and conditions of various properties within the Authority's housing program. Involves reviewing restrictions, determining potential resale prices, refinancing limitations, payoff limitations. (Estimated time required — 30 hours per month) ii. Sewer Subsidy Loans - primarily property owners wishing to receive information on how much time is left on their subsidy loan, what would be involved in repayment, and what the restrictions are for refinancing or selling their property. (Estimated time required — 2 hours per month) II. COMPLIANCE MONITORING (conducted once a year) A. 2nd Trust Deed Programs - Annually mail out recertification letters to all property owners to verify that they still reside on the property, research with County in the event of returned letters, or discrepancy of mailing addresses to verify the owner occupancy of property. (Estimated time required — 20 hours annually preformed in January) B. Sewer Subsidy Program - annual letters mailed out to recertify income levels of participants. In the event of a participant being over -income - preparing the necessary payoff schedule. Prepare all release documentation necessary for the properties that have reached their 15 year maturity date. (Estimated time required —10 hours annually preformed in January). III. MULTIFAMILY/RENTAL PROPERTIES Verify the continued compliance of the Agency's multifamily rental properties. Verification of income levels of tenants, and rental amounts to verify each project is still within compliance. (Estimated time required —15 hours annually preformed in April) IV. OTHER SERVICES A. Recording Reconveyances - Sewer Subsidy Program (term expiration) - At the end of each year - arrange for the preparation and recordation of the necessary reconveyance documents for those properties that have completed the 15 -year term of the sewer subsidy program. (Estimated time required — 5 hours annually preformed in January/February) B. Residential Rehabilitation Loan Program - Monthly process payments of the loan repayments for the loan programs - monitor the repayment schedule. (Estimated time required —1 hour per month). Again, I am prepared to alter my scope of services to accommodate any changes in services the Authority deems appropriate. 4 r' - i L r 11 FEE PROPOSAL Below is my fee proposal based upon compensation on a time and materials basis. My hourly rate for this engagement is $75 per hour. The estimate below is provided for a period of 12 months assuming all services noted in the Scope of Services. It is anticipated that these services could be provided for an estimated NOT TO EXCEED FEE of $59,775. Estimated Budget: LA GUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing Program Administration Monthly Budget Jan -13 FM -13 Mar -19 Apr -13 May -13 Jun -13 Jul -13 Aug -13 5ep-13 01t-13 Nov -13 Gee -13 2n0 Trust Geed Program Havre $$ Amour Hoes S3 Amour Hours 33 Amour. taws s 33 Amour Flours 58 Amount Flcum SS Amon Houma 35 Amour Hours S3 Amour. Hove 35 ;unmet Hours 33 Amount Hours Mous Applcaton Ploe c -Resales of Covenanted Promotes 5 375 5 375 5 375 5 375 5 $ 375 5 $ 375 5 3 375 5 375 5 5 375 5 375 5 375 5 375 Su[or6vmhn Rmnew/Approssalamessem5515 1.125 15 1,125 15 1,125 15 1,125 15 f 1.125 15 $ 1,125 15 f 1,125 15 1.125 15 $ 1.125 15 1,125 15 1,125 15 1.125 Petofl 7410616195 5 375 5 375 5 375 5 375 5 f 375 5 $ 375 5 $ 375 5 375 5 3 375 5 375 5 375 5 375 Mase U000eunes 30 2,250 30 2,250 30 2,250 33 2250 30 $ 2,250 30 3 2,293 30 3 2250 30 2,250 30 3 2,250 30 2,250 33 2,250 33 2,250 Owrers4p Recerofcat fl Cormier -co Mlrulareg 3) 1.500 - 3 5 S S Prm®bg of ReM5 Loan Payment 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 $ 75 1 $ 75 1 3 75 1 75 1 3 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 TOTAL 75 5,700 56 4300 56 4,200 56 4,200 56 $ 4200 33 $ 4,200 56 3 4,200 33 4.200 66 5 4,200 56 4,354 56 4.200 56 4200 Sewer Subsidy Program S,rNrrbtrr Review/Approve VPersmmsg 2 150 2 f 150 2 3 150 2 150 2 f 190 2 3 150 2 f 150 2 3 110 2 3 150 2 3 150 2 3 150 7 150 Pa)R Ramsay) 1 75 3 75 Ef 75 1 75 1 3 75 1 $ 75 1 $ 75 13 75 1 3 75 •f 75 1 f 75 1 75 Phone Callallrq ivies 2 150 7 f 150 7 f 150 2 150 2 3 150 7 $ 150 2 $ 150 2 3 150 2 3 150 2 S 150 2 3 150 2 150 Income and Orrartrsp Race:tilbbon Conte Moatonrg 10 750 f - 3 - 3 - 3 - $ - f - f - $ - f - - Recording Recorn0pnres- Seaver Subsidy Program 5 375 3 3 - - f f 3 • 3 f 3 3 TOTAL 20 1,500 6 3 975 5 3 375 5 975 5 3 375 6 3 376 5 3 375 5 8 975 5 3 975 5 8 375 5 f 375 5 975 MUItiIriy / Rental Properties Compfarce Ramat bon of Tenant RMal Ebg,LTn Status 15 3 2,250 TOTAL 15 3 2260 ANNUAL TOTAL FOR HOUSING PROGRAMAOMINISTRATSN 96 f 7,200 41 3 4.575 61 f 4,575 76 f 6,825 61 3 4.575 61 3 4.576 61 3 4.575 61 3 4.575 61 3 4,575 61 3 4,576 61 3 4,575 61 3 4,575 f 9,775 Invoices Invoices will be submitted at the end of each month. Expense charges will be kept to a minimum, and will be billed at cost only. I will not charge for my notary services, phone charges, or mileage within Southern California. I will charge for postage, outside services and copying charges for more than 5 copies. Insurance I currently have insurance that covers these services, and will upgrade my insurance to meet the Authority's requirements throughout the term of my contract. Thank you for this opportunity to provide the Authority with my qualifications for these services. I am hopeful that the working relationship that is currently in place can continue. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if you require any additions/subtractions to the Scope of Services. You can reach me at (760) 900-9668 and my email is cahabecky@gmail.com. cerely, aii,} Becky Cah6 Housing Program Consultant -. --- -Las- • -4- 1