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2024 10 15 Council
— GEM of the DESERT — City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City's web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2024 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION I 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION Members of the public may listen to this meeting by tuning -in live via www.laquintaca.gov/livemeetings. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, and Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed at the end of the agenda. The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION; PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; CASES NAMES AND NUMBERS — MULTIPLE (listed below, all in U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 1 of 7 OCTOBER 15, 2024 CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER SilverRock Development Company, LLC 24-11647 SilverRock Lifestyle Residences, LLC 24-11648 SilverRock Lodging, LLC 24-11650 SilverRock Luxury Residences, LLC 24-11652 SilverRock Phase I, LLC 24-11654 RGC PA 789, LLC 24-11657 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed at the end of the agenda. The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. ARTS AND MUSIC LINE PROJECT UPDATE — PRESENTATION BY COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION RANDY BOWMAN 2. LA QUINTA ART CELEBRATION — NOVEMBER 2024 EVENT SUMMARY PRESENTATION BY EVENT PRODUCER PAUL ANDERSON WITH SCOPE EVENTS 3. TALUS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMERLY SILVERROCK) — STATUS UPDATE CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 2. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 1, 2024 3. EXCUSE ABSENCE OF COMMISSIONER HUNDT FROM THE OCTOBER 8, 2024, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 4. ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR DUNE PALMS ROAD FROM MILES AVENUE TO FRED WARING DRIVE [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-038] CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 9 Page 2 of 7 OCTOBER 15, 2024 21 33 35 5. ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF LA QUINTA TO JOIN WITH OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES AS A PARTICIPANT OF THE CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT TRUST AND TO INVEST IN SHARES OF THE TRUST AND IN INDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIOS [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-039] 6. APPROVE ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS AND AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32201, A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 60 AND MADISON STREET 7. ACCEPT OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DIAMANTE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, TRACT MAP NO. 30138, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 52 WEST OF MADISON STREET 8. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED AUGUST 31, 2024 9. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED SEPTEMBER 27 AND OCTOBER 4, 2024 BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH THE AMERICAN EXPRESS GOLF TOURNAMENT FOR 2025 THROUGH 2027 FOR IN-KIND SERVICES FOR HOSTING THE GOLF TOURNAMENT IN LA QUINTA 2. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER, FIELD, AND LICENSING SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 STUDY SESSION — None PUBLIC HEARINGS — None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER — MARKETING QUARTERLY REPORT JULY -SEPTEMBER 2024 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 4. COMMUNITY SERVICES 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 6. FINANCE 7. PUBLIC SAFETY 8. PUBLIC WORKS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE PAGE Page 3 of 7 OCTOBER 15, 2024 MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. VISIT GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT - COACHELLA VALLEY ENERGY COMMISSION (Evans) 6. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 7. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 8. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 9. GREATER CV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Evans) 10. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Fitzpatrick) 11. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Evans & Sanchez) 12. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & McGarrey) 13. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Pena) 14. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 15. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 16. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT - ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (McGarrey) 17. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (McGarrey) 18. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES - ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY POLICY COMMITTEE (McGarrey) 19. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RIVERSIDE COUNTY DIVISION (McGarrey) 20. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Pena & Sanchez) 21. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Pena) 22. CVAG HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Pena) 23. COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (Pena) 24. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Pena) 25. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 26. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES - PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 27. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) 28. ART PURCHASE COMMITTEE (Sanchez & McGarrey) 29. CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY (Sanchez) 30. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS REGIONAL COUNCIL (Sanchez) 31. PALM SPRINGS AIRPORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 SPECIAL MEETING, AND SEPTEMBER 18, 2024 MEETING ADJOURNMENT CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ********************************* Page 4 of 7 OCTOBER 15, 2024 The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on November 5, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on October 10, 2024. DATED: October 10, 2024 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • Agenda packet materials are available for public inspection: 1) at the Clerk's Office at La Quinta City Hall, located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253; and 2) on the City's website at www.laquintaca.gov/councilagendas, in accordance with the Brown Act [Government Code § 54957.5; AB 2647 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 971)]. • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at (760) 777-7123, 24 - hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that 15 copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS - INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the City Council on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in-person during the meeting by submitting 15 copies to the City Clerk, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to Council, made public, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of public comments is asked to be reported. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 5 of 7 OCTOBER 15, 2024 If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state "Written Comments" and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter. VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in-person during the meeting by completing a "Request to Speak" form and submitting it to the City Clerk; it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). Members of the public shall be called upon to speak by the Mayor. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-027, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the City Clerk by completing a "Request to Speak" form noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers' own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Mayor. Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; 15 copies of such printed materials shall be provided to the City Clerk to be disseminated to the City Council, made public, and incorporated into the public record of the meeting; it is requested that the printed materials are provided prior to the beginning of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Mayor. All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City's Internet Web site and any other Internet Web -based platform or other Web -based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 7920.000 et seq.]. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 6 of 7 OCTOBER 15, 2024 TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY — INSTRUCTIONS Teleconference accessibility may be triggered in accordance with AB 2449 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 285), codified in the Brown Act [Government Code § 54953], if a member of the City Council requests to attend and participate in this meeting remotely due to `just cause" or "emergency circumstances," as defined, and only if the request is approved. In such instances, remote public accessibility and participation will be facilitated via Zoom Webinar as detailed at the end of this Agenda. *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES — PURSUANT TO AB 2449*** APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY IS IN EFFECT Verbal public comments via Teleconference — members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the "raise your hand" feature when public comments are prompted by the Mayor; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the City Council and general public and allow him/her/them to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note — members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Mayor, in order to become audible to the City Council and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Mayor. ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86171130130 Meeting ID: 861 7113 0130 Or join by phone: (253) 215 — 8782 Written public comments — can be provided in person during the meeting or emailed to the City Clerk's Office at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov any time prior to the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the City Council, made public, incorporated into the public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk's Office can accommodate such request. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 7 of 7 OCTOBER 15, 2024 8 CALL TO ORDER CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, and Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Councilmembers stated they would like to comment on Consent Calendar Item Nos. 10 through 15. Councilmember McGarrey said she will recuse herself and abstain from discussion and vote on Consent Calendar Item No. 22 due to a potential conflict of interest stemming from a business relationship, i.e., her employer, Southern California Gas Company, is listed on the Demand Register, and requested that the item be pulled for a separate vote. Council concurred. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION; PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; CASES NAMES AND NUMBERS — MULTIPLE (listed below, all in U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware) CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER SilverRock Development Company, LLC 24-11647 SilverRock Lifestyle Residences, LLC 24-11648 SilverRock Lodging, LLC 24-11650 SilverRock Luxury Residences, LLC 24-11652 SilverRock Phase I, LLC 24-11654 RGC PA 789, LLC 24-11657 COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:32 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 9 MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:07 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported no actions were taken on Closed Session Item No. 1 that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). Council's authorization remains in place for the City Attorney, in coordination with the City Attorney's Office, to defend and protect the interests of the City in the multiple bankruptcy cases filed by SilverRock Development Company and its responsive affiliates as reported out for Closed Session Item No. 2 from the August 6, 2024 Council meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Pena led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta — spoke about the Read With Me volunteer program, which assists children from low income, limited English speaking environments to develop to their fullest potential by learning to read, comprehend, and speak English while understanding that people care about them as individuals, and noted what is required to become a volunteer, and the dates of volunteer recruitment events that will be held at the Wellness Center. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Jeff Fishbein, Chair of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, Coldwell Banker Realtor, and La Quinta resident — provided an update on Chamber events and activities, including the upcoming State -of -the -City event scheduled for September 19, 2024, at the La Quinta Resort & Club; noted awards for Business of the Year, Non -Profit of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, etc.; and announced new businesses. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS • AUTISM CENTER CERTIFICATION — added announcement Mayor Evans said La Quinta is the third city in the Coachella Valley receiving the Certified Autism Center Recognition. 1. HUNGER ACTION MONTH — SEPTEMBER 2024 — PRESENTATION BY FIND FOOD BANK PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DEBBIE ESPINOSA AND DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS MANAGER RACHEL ANDERSON Chief Executive Officer Espinosa with Find Food Bank spoke about the importance of aiding Hunger Action Month; the efforts and objectives; encouraged the community to join CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 10 the movement to help end hunger this month by volunteering or donating; and the benefits of Senate Bill 1383, food recycling. 2. PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF CONSTITUTION WEEK — SEPTEMBER 16-22, 2024, COMMEMORATING THE SIGNING OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION Constitution Week Committee Chair Rhonda Fleming-Latkovic, representative of the Cahuilla Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), accompanied by a fellow NSDAR representative Rosemary Hallick, explained that this is a non-political organization formed in 1890, which promotes historical preservation, education, and patriotism; and spoke about the organization's membership and efforts to commemorate the US Constitution and emphasize its importance. Council presented the NSDAR representatives with a proclamation in recognition of Constitution Week celebrating the 237th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in September 1787. 3. CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION HONORING LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER FRANK CEJA AS THE RECIPIENT OF THE AIR AND SPACE FORCES ASSOCIATION 2024 TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD Mr. Ceja explained how he learned of his nomination; the parameters of the award; and thanked the Council for the recognition. Students of Mr. Ceja, Abigail Westland and Thomas Hensel, provided their experience of Mr. Ceja's talent as a teacher. Council presented Mr. Ceja with a Certificate of Recognition honoring him as the recipient of the Air and Space Forces Association 2024 Teacher of the Year award. 4. TALUS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMERLY SILVERROCK) — STATUS UPDATE City Manager McMillen said on August 5, 2024, SilverRock Development Company LLC (SDC) and its affiliates petitioned for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware, which automatically put a hold on the foreclosure sale and plans to move forward with a new developer. Following Council's unanimous direction during its August 6, 2024, meeting, Mr. McMillen and City Attorney lhrke have coordinated for the defense and protection of La Quinta's interests in the bankruptcy case filed by SDC. These interests have included and will continue to include, among other items: • Ensuring the City's right to approve any developer of the project going forward. • Maintaining the City's oversight and approval rights for the development of the project. This includes phasing, schedules, and financing. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 11 • Facilitating, through the bankruptcy court proceeding, an expeditious plan to protect and secure the site, update estimates and appraisals, and create a plan to identify new qualified development entity's that can fully fund and resume construction of the project as soon as possible. In a special meeting on September 9, 2024, Council unanimously voted to ratify and approve a professional services agreement with Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP to represent the City as special counsel and local Delaware counsel in connection with the bankruptcy. The City has been and will continue to be diligent in asserting its position and interest in the bankruptcy proceedings with the goal of resolving the case quickly and having the project move forward. City Manager McMillen asked the City Attorney to provide some additional detail regarding Bankruptcies in general as well as some specifics with respect to these current proceedings. City Attorney lhrke said bankruptcy proceedings are highly specialized in the litigation world; they are governed by Federal Law and have specific courts with specific jurisdiction for bankruptcy cases; they generally follow two tracks, either voluntary and involuntary bankruptcy petitions; in this case, SDC filed for voluntary bankruptcy under the U.S. bankruptcy code, and this is the proceeding in which the City and several other parties, also known as "creditors" are participating. As noted by City Manager McMillen, the filing of the bankruptcy case places an immediate "stay" or "freeze" on all other state and federal lawsuits, all property transfers or foreclosures, and performing under existing (or "executory") contracts. While the "stay" temporary protects the debtor (here being SDC) from having to pay certain obligations, the debtor must also get court approval in order to do any business. Therefore, it is important for the City to be very involved, and most importantly for a plan to emerge out of bankruptcy, the court must approved it. Mr. Ihrke noted bankruptcy cases move quickly, particularly at the beginning; to date there have already been three court hearings: a. "First Day Hearing" on August 13, 2024 — included perfunctory motions, such as to consolidate all of the bankruptcy petitions filed by the SDC entities. b. "Emergency Motion for `Debtor In Possession Financing," or "DIP Financing" on September 3, 2024 — brought by SDC and opposed by the City and several other creditors because, among other reasons, the proposed financing terms by an outside lender, who is not a current creditor in these proceedings or party to the lawsuit, were very expensive, severe, and not favorable to the existing creditors; and the court denied that motion. c. "Second Day Hearing" on September 11, 2024 — included a motion to appoint legal counsel to represent SDC, which was granted; as well as a motion to grant a one - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 12 week extension for SDC to file its financing statements and schedules required for a bankruptcy proceeding, to set forth the liabilities and the assets to move the proceeding forward, which was also granted by the court, and the statements are due to be filed with the court by midnight on September 18, 2024. d. The court temporarily allowed for the appointment of a "Chief Restructuring Officer" or "CRO" as allowed under the bankruptcy law, which acts as an independent "supervisor," (i.e., not the "debtor" SDC itself), to oversee payment of expenses while the bankruptcy case is pending (such as payments for security fencing) and coordinates with parties to the bankruptcy proceeding to facilitate and recommend to the court a plan to emerge out of bankruptcy. In this regard, the City Attorney lhrke stated that he, the City Manager, and Special Counsel for the City have been significantly involved and communicating with the "CRO" in all aspects of these duties to ensure the Talus site does not fall into further disrepair, project construction can restart as soon as possible, and the City's right is preserved and exercised to approve the next developer to take over the project under the operative agreements, once the bankruptcy proceedings have been resolved. Another unique aspect of bankruptcy proceedings is that there is a U.S. Trustee's Office which participates in the case; City Attorney lhrke explained this is a federal office, under the U.S. Department of Justice, and it participates like a party but also has certain obligations and duties as provided in bankruptcy law; one of those obligations includes "convening and presiding at a meeting of creditors," with the first meeting held on September 12, 2024; the court may not participate in this meeting, and this is not an official bankruptcy court proceeding; the U.S. Trustee was clear that the purpose of the meeting is for him to ask questions of the debtors, and in this case, the U.S. Trustee did ask questions of SDC representatives, including SDC's representatives Robert Green and Fred Schuster; the U.S. Trustee also made it clear that other parties may question witnesses, but they are not required to; and regardless of whether questions are asked or not, all objections and right to question witnesses are preserved for when the parties appear in open court; because the U.S. Bankruptcy Court granted SDC the one- week extension to file its financial statements, the U.S. Trustee continued the September 12, 2024, meeting of creditors, to a future date that has not yet been set, as he wanted to interview SDC after its financial statements and schedules were filed, and the U.S. Trustee had an opportunity to examine them. Mr. lhrke noted regular updates will be provided continuously in future public meetings to keep the Council and the public informed on how the bankruptcy proceedings are progressing. Mayor Pro Tem Pena asked that a summary of the events to date on the bankruptcy proceedings be posted on the City's website to keep the public informed. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 13 Councilmember Fitzpatrick asked why the court venue was not moved from Delaware to California. Mr. lhrke explained the reason jurisdiction and venue in Delaware is appropriate for the bankruptcy proceedings is because SDC and its affiliates are registered LLCs in the State of Delaware; the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware has very experienced judges because many companies incorporate in Delaware, and bankruptcy proceedings end up prosecuted in Delaware frequently; after conducting due diligence, and conferring with the City Manager and the Special Counsel, it was decided that it made sense to keep the case in Delaware to avoid a delay in proceeding and to keep the case moving along. Mayor Evans acknowledged that the Talus development progress is an important topic of discussion for La Quinta; and said protecting the City's interests is imperative and a top priority, and the City is conducting its due diligence to see this through, knowing that this is not an easy process, but it is necessary; the City has complied with the Development Agreement, and it was the SDC's deficiencies that led up to these proceedings; the City has not lost hundreds of millions as my be stated or read on social media, and the securing of funding and finances is the developer's obligation, which is the reason there are creditors; the City is actively participating in the bankruptcy proceedings representing and protecting the City's best interests. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DATED AUGUST 6, 2024 2. APPROVE COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED AUGUST 6, 2024 3. APPROVE COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 4. EXCUSE ABSENCES OF (1) COMMISSIONER HUNDT FROM THE AUGUST 13, 2024, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, (2) COMMISSIONER HERNANDEZ FROM THE SEPTEMBER 10, 2024, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AND (3) COMMISSIONERS LEE, MAST, AND WAY FROM THE AUGUST 14, 2024, FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING 5. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ONE TRAFFIC SIGNAL TECHNICIAN TO ATTEND THE INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL SIGNAL ASSOCIATION CERTIFICATION PROGRAM IN ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 7-10, 2024 6. ADOPT ORDINANCE NOS. 616 AND 617 ON SECOND READING APPROVING (1) ZONE CHANGE 2017-0002 AND (2) DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 2021- 0001, RESPECTIVELY, FOR THE TRAVERTINE PROJECT CONSISTING OF 1,200 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, 45,000 SQUARE FOOT HOTEL WITH 100 VILLAS, SPA AND WELLNESS CENTER AND OTHER COMMERCIAL AND RECREATIONAL USES; CEQA: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 14 2017-0008, SCH # 2018011023) HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT; LOCATION: SOUTH OF AVENUE 60, WEST OF MADISON STREET, AND NORTH OF AVENUE 64 7. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FINAL TARCT MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP NO. 38083, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF AVENUE 54 BETWEEN MADISON AND MONROE STREETS [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-035] 8. ACCEPT ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FLORESTA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, TRACT MAP NO. 36762, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET 9. ACCEPT OFF-SITE AND ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SOLTERRA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, TRACT MAP NO. 37359, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AUTO CENTRE DRIVE AND LA QUINTA DRIVE 10. ACCEPT LA QUINTA LANDSCAPE RENOVATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2016-031, LOCATED AT THE CACTUS FLOWER DEVELOPMENT; AND REALLOCATE FUNDING TO CITYWIDE IRRIGATION UPGRADE PROJECT NO. 2024-15 11. ACCEPT DUNE PALMS ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT NO. 2021-01, LOCATED ON DUNE PALMS ROAD, FROM MILES AVENUE TO FRED WARING DRIVE 12. ACCEPT FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN CITYWIDE SLURRY SEAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2023-15, LOCATED IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS 13. AWARD CONTRACT TO ONYX PAVING COMPANY, INC. FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN PROJECT NO. 2024-12 FOR FRED WARING DRIVE AND MISCELLANEOUS LOCATIONS 14. ALLOCATE FUNDING AND AWARD CONTRACT TO GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE SILVERROCK TEMPORARY GOLF CART PATH PAVING PROJECT NO. 2024-13 15. RATIFY AND APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH VARIABLE SPEED SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR CIVIC CENTER LAKE PUMP REPLACEMENT PROJECT NO. 2024-16 16. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO.2 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH DESERT LIMNOLOGISTS DBA SOUTHWEST AQUATICS, INC. FOR LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICES PROJECT NO. 2019-11; AND AUTHORIZE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 15 THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE THIS VENDOR AS SELECT SOURCE FOR EXTRA LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 17. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES COORDINATOR SERVICES WITH COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPAR 18. AUTHORIZE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE TRI-STATE MATERIALS TO PURCHASE UP TO $250,000 OF MATERIALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 19. RECEIVE AND FILE FOURTH QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 TREASURY REPORTS FOR APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE 2024 20. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED AUGUST 2, 9, AND 16, 2024 21. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED AUGUST 23, 30, AND SEPTEMBER 6, 2024 22. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY DATED JULY 5, AUGUST 9, AND SEPTEMBER 6, 2024 CONSENT CALENDAR — COMMENTS ITEM NO. 10: Councilmember Fitzpatrick said the landscape renovation improvements in the Cactus Flower development look beautiful and she was pleased to see them completed. Mayor Evans said in addition to the landscape renovation improvements at Cactus Flower, the City also added pickle ball courts and table tennis; this is also the 7th and final phase of the north La Quinta landscape renovation project the City has been working on for several years, which was completed ahead of schedule in 8 years instead of the anticipated 10 years, and required a substantial financial investment to complete these improvements which was made possible thanks to the residents voting to approve Measure G for additional sales tax in 2016. ITEM NO. 15: Council requested presentation of the staff reports. Maintenance and Operations Superintendent Hansen said the replacement pump for the Civic Center Campus lake, which operates the fountain, is currently in fabrication, staff has been servicing the lake more frequently while the pump is not operational to maintain the aquatic and wildlife, even though the lake was not intended to be an animal habitat. Councilmembers noted there is another pump which circulates the lake water and is operational while the fountain pump is in the process of replacement; the wildlife (turtles, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 16 fish, etc.) inhabiting the lake has been brought in by the public, not the City, and the ducks are being fed by the public as well, which is not best practices as it oftentimes makes them ill and results in excessive breeding and increased duck population; and the City has had to continuously care for the lake habitat, and has consulted with the Wildlife Conservation and the Living Desert; and explained that lake aeration systems are quite complex. ITEM NOS. 11, 12, and 13: Mayor Evans said the City continues to make substantial financial investments in pavement management, rehabilitation, and enhancements to ensure La Quinta's roads infrastructure is well maintained and improved. ITEM NO. 14: Councilmember Sanchez requested a summary of this project's scope related to the SilverRock temporary golf cart path paving. City Manager McMillen said this project is the most cost-effective way to properly mitigate the dust at the Talus (formerly SilverRock) development, and to protect the City's recent investment in a new golf cart fleet; it will provide a 3/4 of a mile, 10 -foot wide, double -lane temporary golf cart path through the Talus development, which will eventually change once it is built out. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Sanchez to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1-21 as presented, with Item No. 6 adopting Ordinance Nos. 616 and 617, and Item No. 7 adopting Resolution No. 2024-035. Motion passed unanimously. COUNCILMEMBER McGARREY RECUSED HERSELF, AND SAID SHE WILL ABSTAIN FROM THE DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 22 DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST STEMMING FROM A BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP WITH HER EMPLOYER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, WHICH IS A PAYEE ON THE DEMAND REGISTER MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Sanchez to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 22 as presented. Motion passed: ayes — 4, noes — 0, abstain — 1 (McGarrey), absent — 0. City Clerk Radeva said WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were received from La Quinta resident Alena Callimanis on Consent Calendar Item No. 6, adopting Ordinance Nos. 616 and 617, approving a zone change and a development agreement, respectively, related to the Travertine project, which were distributed to Council, made public, published on the City's website, and included in the public record of this meeting. ITEM NO. 6: Mayor Evans noted that although she was not present for the first reading of these Ordinances, she is familiar with the project, and it is legally permitted for her to participate in the vote regarding the second reading and adoption of the Ordinances. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 17 BUSINESS SESSION 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION ADOPTING FACILTIY NAMING POLICY Community Services Management Analyst Calderon presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed clarifying requirements for consideration regarding "currently" being a full-time La Quinta resident for minimum of 10 years or "have been a full-time resident," if the individual has moved away at the time the nomination is received [page 454, Requirements for Consideration, item (i)]; the City's recently updated awards programs provide opportunities to recognize and acknowledge non-residents who have contributed greatly to the community; businesses rather than individuals that have contributed; future Councils may revoke name changes with a four-fifths supermajority vote; naming of public amenities is allowed under the Policy, as opposed to public buildings, which is prohibited; omitting from the Policy, the renaming of City streets due to its complexity, and there is a Street Name Change process already in place under the Planning Division; including city - owned fire stations in the Policy to be eligible for naming; referencing that monetary donations would be subject to the City's Sponsorship Policy, which is separate and apart from this Policy; clarify the language that the City cannot preclude a name also being used outside of La Quinta limits [page 454, item (e)]; regarding Qualifications clarify that the applicants do not make the "determination" to rename, but are rather making the "request" [page 453, item (d)]; regarding Criteria enumerating mountains, vistas, etc., clarify that only City -owned property is eligible [page 455, item (d)]; establish a framework and budgets for materials, design, and consistency of naming plaques; application fee; source of funding for renaming a facility; the existing Tree Memorial Program will remain as is and will not be merged under the umbrella of this Policy; clarify that all renaming proposals will be considered by Council as a Business Session Item [page 456, item (b)(iii)]; support for requirement for 100 supporting signatures; add a requirement for phone number and email of applicant to application; being flexible in the future to include non -full-time residents; and grandfather the Fred Wolff Preserve, Bear Creek Trail, and Wolff Waters by including them in the list of sacred facilities. Council reached a consensus to bring this item back as a Business Item for further consideration, after the inclusion of the recommendations and direction provided by Council in its discussion above, and after review by the Arts and Community Services Commission. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers McGarrey/Sanchez to continue this Facility Naming Policy to be revised per Council's comments provided in the discussion above, presented to the Arts and Community Services Commission for consideration and comments, and brought back to Council at a future meeting. Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 18 2. APPROVE DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN AWARD NOMINEE Community Services Management Analyst Calderon presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council noted that this award is a surprise to Mr. Donato. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Sanchez to approve the nomination of La Quinta resident Will Donato to be recognized with the Distinguished Citizen award. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION — None PUBLIC HEARINGS — None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS — All reports are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Evans noted that the Police quarterly report indicated that response times have improved greatly, and invited Riverside County Sheriff's Department Lieutenant Velasco, La Quinta's Police Chief, to explain the factors behind the response improvement, as well as the citation numbers, which he did. Councilmember Fitzpatrick noted that the Fire Department response times have also improved. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Mayor Evans thanked staff for the 9/11 Candlelight Vigil and the August 26, 2024 vigil honoring the three-year anniversary of the death of Marine Corporal Hunter Lopez in Afghanistan; reported on her attendance at the All Valley Mayors and County and Tribal Chairpersons Luncheon held on September 13, 2024, at the Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa in Indian Wells; meeting with Laura James and David Powell of Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP); her update on La Quinta at the Rotary dinner; and ribbon cutting at Fortune's Restaurant. Councilmember Sanchez said September 9th was California's 174th birthday; in 1850, California was the 31st state to join the United States. Councilmember McGarrey reported on her attendance at the Do The Right Thing event, and suggested that the student honored there be invited to, and honored at a La Quinta Council meeting. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 19 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta's representative for 2024, Mayor Evans reported on her participation in the following organizations' meetings: • CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION • CVAG ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE La Quinta's representative for 2024, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organizations' meetings: • CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE • DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & McGarrey) • RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION La Quinta's representative for 2024, Councilmember McGarrey reported on her participation in the following organization's meeting: • IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE La Quinta's representative for 2024, Mayor Pro Tem Pena reported on his participation in the following organization's meeting: • CV MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES La Quinta's representative for 2024, Councilmember Sanchez reported on his participation in the following organizations' meetings: • ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS REGIONAL COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/McGarry to adjourn at 6:14 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 12 SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 20 CALL TO ORDER CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, and Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA — Confirmed CLOSED SESSION 1. ANNUAL PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION — CITY MANAGER 2. ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION — CITY ATTORNEY 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION; PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9; Cases names and numbers — multiple (listed below, all in U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware) CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER SilverRock Development Company, LLC 24-11647 SilverRock Lifestyle Residences, LLC 24-11648 SilverRock Lodging, LLC 24-11650 SilverRock Luxury Residences, LLC 24-11652 SilverRock Phase I, LLC 24-11654 RGC PA 789, LLC 24-11657 COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:02 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:03 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 21 REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke said the Council considered only Closed Session Item No. 3 and will reconvene back into Closed Session to consider Closed Session Item Nos. 1 and 2, after the Open Session of the meeting; and reported the following pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). • CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 3 — no new reportable action on this matter; a brief summary of the bankruptcy proceedings status for SilverRock Development Company and its affiliates will be provided under the Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications section of the Agenda, as Presentation No. 5. Council's authorization remains in place for the City Attorney, in coordination with the City Attorney's Office, to defend and protect the interests of the City in the multiple bankruptcy cases filed by SilverRock Development Company and its responsive affiliates as reported out for Closed Session Item No. 2 from the August 6, 2024 Council meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember McGarrey led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Melissa Labayog, La Quinta (received donated time from resident Kelly Baucom) — said she recently sold her home in La Quinta; speaking to Council to assist former neighbors in Highland Palms in objecting to special event permits being issued in her former residential neighborhood; provided reasons for the objections to large events in small neighborhoods; and spoke of the legal case/trial against her for protesting the special events. City Clerk Radeva said WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were received from La Quinta resident Kelly Baucom commenting on special event permits in residential neighborhoods, which were distributed to Council, made public, published on the City's website, and included in the public record of this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. INTRODUCE NEW CITY STAFF MEMBERS City Manager McMillen introduced the following new City employees: Employee Name Title Department Hire Date Scott Nespor Senior Planner Design & Development Oct. 2023 Lucas Reyes Marketing & Communications Specialist City Manager Oct. 2023 Manuel Elizalde Administrative Technician Community Services Dec. 2023 Seiri Samaguey Chavez Administrative Technician Community Services Dec. 2023 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 22 Enrique Cardenas Administrative Technician Community Services Jan. 2024 Samuel Salinas Recreation Leader Community Services March 2024 Adriana Sanchez Recreation Leader Community Services March 2024 Lisa Chastain Management Analyst Public Safey March 2024 Adam Viramontes Traffic Signal Technician Public Works May 2024 David Eastlick Maintenance & Operations Superintendent Public Works July 2024 Dominique Hunter Code Compliance Officer Public Safety Aug. 2024 Jose Cisneros Code Compliance Officer Public Safety Sept. 2024 Sergio Torres-Zazueta Code Compliance Officer Public Safety Sept. 2024 City Manager McMillen introduced the following promoted City employees: Employee Name Title Department Hire Date Celeste Villanueva Permit Technician Design & Development Dec. 2023 Cole Woods Senior Code Compliance Officer Public Safety June 2024 Oscar Mojica Deputy City Clerk City Clerk Aug. 2024 Olivia Rodriguez Management Specialist City Clerk Aug. 2024 Jack Lima Assistant Planner Design & Development Aug. 2024 2. PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION WEEK — OCTOBER 6-12, 2024 Council presented a proclamation in recognition and observance of National Fire Prevention Week; this year's theme is "Smoke alarms: make them work for you," and the campaign aims to remind the public of the importance of having working smoke alarms at home. Riverside County Fire Department La Quinta Division Battalion Chief Justin Karp, accompanied by Supervising Fire Marshal Chris Cox and Fire Systems Inspector Leilani Rojas accepted the proclamation, thanked Council for the recognition, and briefly spoke about the importance of fire safety and prevention. 3. PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS' APPRECIATION WEEK — OCTOBER 6-12, 2024 Council presented a proclamation in recognition and observance of Code Enforcement Officer Appreciation Week; and thanked the La Quinta Code Enforcement team for ensuring the safety, health, and welfare of residents, and maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the City, which attracts new businesses, visitors, and promotes job creation. The La Quinta Code Enforcement team accepted the proclamation. 4. PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF CHARLIE COOPER AS THE 2024 US JUNIOR BOY'S WHEELCHAIR SINGLES CHAMPION Council proclaimed October 1, 2024, as the "Charlie Cooper Day" and presented a proclamation honoring La Quinta resident Charlie Cooper for winning the 2024 US Open Junior Boy's Wheelchair Singles championship on September 6, 2024, at Flushing CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 23 Meadows in New York; recognized him for making it his mission to inspire others who may think that health issues make participating in sports prohibitive; for bringing awareness to wheelchair tennis and helping to grow the sport locally and worldwide; and for his resilience in using his disability and ability to inspire others because Charlie believes "you get one life and you have to live the best of it and work to inspire others because that is the right thing to do." 5. TALUS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FORMERLY SILVERROCK) — STATUS UPDATE City Attorney Ihrke said on August 5, 2024, SilverRock Development Company LLC and its affiliates, collectively referred to as "SDC," voluntarily petitioned for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware; and per Council's direction and approval, the City retained Special Counsel who has continuously been working with the City Manager and City Attorney throughout these proceedings. Mr. Ihrke noted bankruptcy cases move quickly, particularly in the beginning; and since the last update, provided at the September 17, 2024, Council meeting, one hearing was held in U.S. Bankruptcy Court on September 27, 2024, in which the court granted an Interim Order authorizing the debtors, in this case SDC, to obtain Debtor -In -Possession (or "DIP") Financing, and Scheduling of Final Hearing. This action can be summarized as the "First step" in the City -led negotiated DIP Financing that would be provided to the Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) with the ability to have funding to clean up the site and begin remediation at the Talus project site. The CRO is an independent "supervisor," it is not the debtors (SDC), who administers and oversees the management of the debtors' estate and proposed reorganization plan to come out of the bankruptcy proceedings. This was a thoroughly negotiated DIP Financing package led by the City, after the bankruptcy court previously denied an originally proposed DIP Financing motion, which involved a financing company that was not a party to the proceedings and had proposed very expensive and severe financing terms that were not acceptable to the judge. Following the court's denial, the City led the effort in meeting with the debtors, the CRO, and major constituents to the lawsuit, to come up with this alternative financing plan. In summary, the court's Interim Order accepting the DIP Financing, authorized the City to issue an initial payment of up to $250,000 of a proposed total of $2 million that the City would commit; the total $2 million is pending the Final Order from the court, expected later this month. The DIP Financing funds must be used for specific items relating to the property and getting the project secured and running again, with those items in a budget approved by the City, such as costs to secure the site, remedial construction work and clean-up, and dust and erosion control to name a few. The City's DIP Financing is in the form of a loan, bearing interest at the current Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) rate set by the State (currently at 4.55%), to be secured by deeds of trust, and final payment of all City -loaned funds is currently set for March 15, 2025, or perhaps repaid earlier or later, depending on the status of the case and the bankruptcy court's approval of a bankruptcy reorganization CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 24 plan. The DIP Financing allows other funding to be provided by other parties, such as existing creditors in this bankruptcy proceeding and RD Olson, as the primary contractor of the project site, who is a major constituent involved with the DIP Financing terms. Mr. lhrke noted that the City Manager, City Attorney, and Special Counsel for the City have been working with the CRO, the debtors, other major constituents, and their respective legal counsel, in connection with this DIP Financing package to ensure the Talus site does not fall into further disrepair, project construction can restart as soon as possible, and most importantly, that the City's right is preserved and exercised to approve the next developer to take over the project under the operative agreements. Finally, Mr. lhrke said the City Manager, City Attorney, and the City Clerk's Office are coordinating to have these summary updates, per Council's request, published on the City's website. City Manager McMillen said the City has a lot of control over the Talus project as it still owns approximately 400 acres of land surrounding the perimeter of the project site; the center core construction of the commercial project components, roughly 130 acres, is what is subject to the bankruptcy proceedings; Mr. McMillen is in constant communications with Jason Herthel, President and Chief Operating Officer of the hotel operator, Montage, who continuous to stress the importance of this project for the company, as Montage has expressed strong interest to have a presence in the Coachella Valley, and particularly in La Quinta; Mr. McMillen is also in constant communications with RD Olson and Granite Construction, the major contractors of the project site, and they both have expressed interest in completing the construction they started. Mr. McMillen noted, last week, that the City Manager, the Building Official, the CRO, and RD Olsen, conducted a thorough walk-through of the project site to identify the priority items that need to be addressed immediately to secure the assets, not only to protect the adjacent properties, but also to protect what has been constructed to date from further exposure to the elements to ensure the integrity and value of the construction can be preserved, even though some elements of the construction will require removal due to its exposure to the elements over the last year or so; currently, there is a lot of collaboration in working with all parties involved to ensure this process moves along smoothly and quickly, and the City is in a favorable position to facilitate it. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR JEFFERSON STREET, FROM DUNBAR DRIVE TO AVENUE 50 [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-036] 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF RIVERSIDE COUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT'S ANNUAL INSPECTION REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 13146.4 [RESOLUTION NO. 2024-037] CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 25 3. APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIES, LLC TO PROVIDE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMERA SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 4. APPROVE PURCHASE OF 815 RESIDENTIAL STEET NAME SIGNS FORM PACIFIC PRODUCTS & SERVICES, LLC 5. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS WORKER TO ATTEND THE MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL CONFERENCE IN MESA, ARIZONA, OCTOBER 28-31, 2024 6. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR TREE CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICERS TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ACADEMY IN CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 21-25, DECEMBER 9-13, AND JANUARY 13-17, 2024 7. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR AND BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICIAL'S EDUCATION WEEK IN COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 28-31, 2024 8. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MARKETING MANAGER TO ATTEND THE 2025 VISIT CALIFORNIA FORUM IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, MARCH 2-6, 2025 9. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED JULY 31, 2024 10. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED SEPTEMBER 13 AND 20, 2024 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 — COMMENTS Councilmember McGarrey said the proposed Jefferson Street speed limit changes recommended under this item will make the speed limits along this street segment consistent. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/McGarrey to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, with Item Nos. 1 and 2 adopting Resolutions No. 2024-036 and 2024-037 respectively. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE FIRST ROUND OF COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 26 Community Services Management Analyst Calderon presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Staff noted the Council's Ad hoc committee for this round of grant applications review was comprised of Mayor Pro Tem Pena and Councilmember McGarrey. Mayor Evans explained the process of awarding grants through the Community Services Grant Program. The following PUBLIC SPEAKERS, listed in the order in which they spoke, provided an overview of the objectives, services, and programs their respective organizations offer to the community: • Desert Healthcare District and Foundation — Jeff Hocker, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Producer • Alzheimer's Coachella Valley (ACV) — Linda Barrack, Executive Consultant • RiteCare Childhood Language Center — Mark Flint, Chairman • La Quinta Historical Society — Linda Williams, President • Shay's Warriors, Life After Cancer— Shay Moraga, President, and Dr. Sonja Fung, ND, Naturopathic Doctor of Live Well Clinic • HARC, Inc. — Jenna LeComte-Hinely, Chief Executive Officer, and Luz Moreno, Board Secretary, President, Flying Doctors • JFK Memorial Foundation (Ophelia Project) — Peter Sturgeon, President and Chief Executive Officer • Friends of the Palm Springs Animal Shelter — Bart Verry, Director of Development • Pegasus Therapeutic Riding Center — Jennifer Heggie, Executive Director • La Quinta High School Girls Golf — Ryan Flores, Athletic Director Council discussed getting additional information from HARC, Inc. on La Quinta specific activities; suggested HARC, Inc. participate in the second round of Community Services Grants; survey methodology and data from HARC, Inc., and the varied use of the data; increasing ACV funding; use of the Wellness Center by Shay's Warriors; and success of the Ophelia Project. The following organizations provided additional information regarding the specific services they offer: • HARC, Inc. — Jenna LeComte-Hinely, Chief Executive Officer • Alzheimer's Coachella Valley — Lisa Ford, Business Development Manager • Shay's Warriors - Shay Moraga, President Council recommended that HARC, Inc. apply for the next round of Community Services grants and provide more detailed information; and expressed consensus to increase the proposed grant funding for Alzheimer's Coachella Valley and Shay's Warriors from $2,500 to $5,000. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Sanchez/Fitzpatrick to approve first round Community Services Grants for fiscal year 2024/25 as detailed below for a total combined grant funding of $31,000 as follows: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 27 • Alzheimer's Coachella Valley • Desert Healthcare District & Foundation • Friends of the Palm Springs Animal Shelter • HARC, Inc. • JFK Memorial Foundation (Ophelia Project) • La Quinta Historical Society • La Quinta High School Girls Golf • Pegasus Therapeutic Reding Center • RiteCare Childhood Language Center • Shay's Warriors Motion passed unanimously. $5,000 $ 500 (starter grant) $ 500 (starter grant) $ 0 $5,000 $5,000 $2,500 $5,000 $2,500 $5,000 2. APPROVE VETERAN NOMINATIONS FOR INCLUSION ON VETERANS' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MONUMENT AT CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS Community Services Management Analyst Calderon introduced Administrative Technician Seiri Chavez who presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed reaching out to the VFW, the Palm Retirement Community, the memory care facility, and other veteran associations to reach all La Quinta veterans. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/McGarrey to approve the eight veteran nominations detailed below, for inclusion on the City's Veterans Acknowledgement Monument at Civic Center Campus: • Daniel C. Bianca • Rudy M. Quevedo • Taylor F. Tuvell • Laurence R. Adams • Erik B. Jenkins • George D. Kentner • John I. Tatham • Robert N. Greco Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION 1. REVIEW CITY OF LA QUINTA DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN City Attorney Ihrke said Mayor Pro Tem Pena has a potential source of income from a company called Secure Energy Sources, which could potentially, in the future, be a conflict of interest pursuant to the Political Reform Act; no income has been received as of yet; because this item is for general discussion only and Council will take no action on the draft strategic plan, Mayor Pro Tem Pena can participate in the discussion. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 28 City Attorney lhrke advised, if there are any questions or discussions regarding the provisions of energy through the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) or alternative provisions of electrical power, that the Council defer those questions to the end of the discussion so that Mayor Pro Tem Pena can rescues himself and leave the dais. Marketing and Communications Specialist Barkas presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Linda Williams, La Quinta — explained the role of the Historical Society and the Museum regarding historic preservation and ownership of documents and artifacts; stated the archive building should be mentioned in sections referencing preservation; suggested delineating the responsibilities of the Historical Society versus the La Quinta Museum versus the City of La Quinta; noted a protocol is in place for the Museum to use items stored by the Historical Society, and work done to establish procedures for use by future members; and might be helpful to include the background and evolution of the Historical Society and the Museum. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Dale Tyerman, La Quinta — said there is a tremendous amount of work to be done, encourages Staff and Council to make sure there is adequate financial and other resources to complete the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan, and to prioritize objectives. Council discussed adding to the Plan section regarding preserving La Quinta's history, specifics on the action items to accomplish this goal; including environmental stewardship in the sustainability category; building communication into every part of this Plan; the difficulty of navigating the City website, making tracking this difficult if people cannot find it; linking the Plan to the GEM, or QR codes to the Plan within the GEM; support for the intern program, the business lists, and civic boot camp for children and adults on local government; linking a list of City businesses to the electron GEM publication; means to communicate with the full range of the public; holding community meetings in small segments of the City, and varying times, e.g. weekends or evenings; recognition that residents are busy, and not motivated to attend City meetings unless they have an issue; prioritizing the focus area tasks; adding fluid timelines of the 13 focus areas; support for the tracking of focus area tasks; holding quarterly Study Session overview of the Plan by Council, with detailed examination of a few immediately relevant items; and including Plan review at the annual joint Council, Boards, and Commissions meeting. MAYOR PRO TEM PEVA RECUSED HIMSELF FROM DISCUSSION ON ELECTRICAL POWER ITEMS DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST STEMMING FROM A POSSIBLE FUTURE SOURCE OF INCOME FROM SECURE ENERGY SOURCE, AS STATED ABOVE BY THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND LEFT THE DAIS AT 6:45 P.M. Council discussed the energy component and IID grid being critical; pros and cons of hiring an energy expert, a City employee, to attend all meetings and conferences on the subject, and offer solutions and educate the community; the seriousness of the lack of CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 29 power, and cost of upgrades; and in favor of the Plan's maneuverable software and the dashboard. MAYOR PRO TEM PENA RETURNED TO THE DIAS AT 6:55 P.M. FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS — None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS — All reports are on file in the City Clerk's Office. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her and other Councilmembers' attendance at the Riverside County Student -of -the -Month event; Indio's State of the City event; and, the Neighborhood Watch meeting. Mayor Evans reported on her and other Councilmembers' attendance at the 100th birthday party for Eldon Cronk; the Environmental Summit; and the RiteCare Learning Center. Mayor Evans asked that an item be added to a future agenda creating a grant program for La Quinta businesses to apply for funds to become certified under the Autism certification program. Councilmember Pena reported on his and other Councilmembers' attendance volunteering at the FIND Food Bank food packaging event; attending the Ronald McDonald Gala; and the League of California Cities Golf Tournament. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta's representative for 2024, Mayor Evans reported on her participation in the following organizations' meetings: • CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE • VISIT GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS' BUREAU La Quinta's representative for 2024, Mayor Pro Tem Pena reported on his participation in the following organizations' meetings: • CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE • CVAG HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE • SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY CLOSED SESSION — Continued 1. ANNUAL PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION — CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 30 2. ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION — CITY ATTORNEY COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 7:05 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 7:51 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: Mayor Evans reported the following pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act): • CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 — Council completed the City Manager's annual performance evaluation and unanimously reaffirmed his appointment. • CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 2 — Council completed the City Attorney's annual performance evaluation and unanimously reaffirmed his appointment. Council thanked City Manager McMillen and City Attorney lhrke for their efforts in representing and protecting La Quinta's interests in relation to the Talus project. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Sanchez/McGarrey to adjourn at 7:52 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 11 OCTOBER 1, 2024 31 32 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 15, 2024 STAFF REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 AGENDA TITLE: EXCUSE ABSENCE OF COMMISSIONER HUNDT FROM THE OCTOBER 8, 2024, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RECOMMENDATION Excuse absence of Commissioner Kevin Hundt from the October 8, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Commissioner Hundt requested to be excused from the October 8, 2024, Planning Commission meeting due to previously scheduled travel. • Commissioner Hundt has two excused absences for fiscal year 2024/25. FISCAL IMPACT Absent members do not receive any meeting compensation. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Section 2.06.090 of the La Quinta Municipal Code states: "If any member of a board, commission or committee absents him or herself from two consecutive regular meetings or absents him or herself from a total of three regular meetings within any fiscal year, his/her office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. A board, commission or committee member may request advance permission from the city council to be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and/or may request the city council to excuse an absence after -the -fact where such extenuating circumstances prevented the member from seeking advance permission to be absent. If such permission or excuse is granted by the city council, the absence shall not be counted toward the above -stated limitations on absences." ALTERNATIVES Council may deny this request, which would result in the absences being counted toward the Commissioners' limitation on absences as noted above. Prepared by: Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk Jon McMillen, City Manager 33 34 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 15, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR DUNE PALMS ROAD FROM MILES AVENUE TO FRED WARING DRIVE RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution approving legal speed limits on Dune Palms Road, from Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive, as recommended in the 2024 Engineering and Traffic Survey. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The City Traffic Engineer recommended a speed survey be conducted on Dune Palms Road from Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive due to recent changes made reducing the roadway configuration from 4 lanes to 2 lanes (road diet). • The engineering and speed survey accounts for prevailing speed, accident history, and roadway characteristics not apparent to the motorist. • The survey designated that this segment have a 10 miles per hour (mph) speed limit reduction. (Attachment 1). FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact as the speed limit signs are within the approved annual budget. BACKGROuniu i ANALYSIS In order to enforce speed limits using radar, speed limits must be set in accordance with the California Vehicle Code (CVC). Per the CVC, vehicle speeds are determined by the behavior of a majorityof drivers during normal driving conditions. Jurisdictions may not establish arbitrary speed limits. The City recently restriped the roadway from its former 4 lane configuration without bike/cart lanes to its current configuration of 2 lanes with new bike/cart lanes on Dune Palms Road, between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive. As such, it was desirable to resurvey the prevailing speeds and determine if speed limit adjustments were necessary for this segment of Dune Palms Road. 35 The street segment was re -surveyed in 2024 and has shown a reduction in prevailing speeds and as such the speed limit was reduced by 10 mph. The 2024 Engineering and Traffic Survey presents the following recommended speed limit for this street segment: Street Segment Posted Proposed Dune Palms Rd. Miles Ave. to Fred Waring Dr. 45 35 Staff requests approval for the recommended speed limit. This speed limit reduction will help drivers maintain safe and consistent speeds for this street segment and will match the speed limit on Adams Street, between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive, which is similarly configured. ALTERNATIVES No alternative is recommended. Prepared by: Approved by: Carley Escarrega, Administrative Technician Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer 36 RESOLUTION NO. 2024 - XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING SPEED LIMIT WHEREAS, the California Vehicle Code authorizes cities to designate and regulate speed zones within their jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it appropriate to designate the speed limit on the following local street to facilitate safe and orderly traffic flow; and WHEREAS, said designation shall be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it appropriate to designate the speed limits for 1 street segment; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Title 12.20.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, an engineering and traffic survey has been performed on the specified street; and WHEREAS, the following designated prima facie speed limit is based on the results of the 2024 Engineering and Traffic Survey, included as Exhibit A, and incorporated herewith by this reference: Street Segment Speed Limit (mph) Dune Palms Road Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive 35 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California that the aforementioned prima facie speed limit is most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and to be reasonably safe. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 15th day of October, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 37 Resolution No. 2024 — XXX Designate Speed Limit on Dune Palms Road, from Miles Avenue to Fred Waring Drive Adopted: October 15, 2024 Page 2 of 2 ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 38 October 1, 2024 Mr. Bryan McKinney, P.E. City Engineer Public Works Department City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RESOLUTION NO. 2024 -XXX EXHIBIT A ADOPTED: OCTOBER 15, 2024 WWI LLDAN Subject: 2024 Engineering and Traffic Survey – Jefferson Street Dear Mr. McKinney: As requested, Willdan has completed a review of the recommended speed zone on one segment of Dune Palms in the City of La Quinta. The Engineering and Traffic Study dated January 5, 2017, is hereby amended to include the updated speed limit for the segment listed below that supersede the previous speed limit recommendation. 27 — Dune Palms — Miles to Fred Waring We are pleased to submit the enclosed recommendation and supporting documentation for the above segment. The Engineering and Traffic Survey for the above segments were conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the CVC, following procedures outlined in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD) dated November 2014, and as required by Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code. The Report is intended to satisfy the requirements of Section 40802 of the CVC to enable the continued use of radar for traffic speed enforcement. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the City of La Quinta, and the assistance and cooperation afforded to us during the course of this study. Very truly yours, WILLDAN Nicolle Spann, P.E., T.E. Traffic Engineer Enclosure 'gAFF �F cM.1 Engineering and Planning I Energy Efficiency and Sustainability I Financial and Economic Consulting I National Preparedness and Interoperability 562.909.6230 1900.499.4494 I fax: 302.695.2120 113191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry. California 91745-3443 I WWW. willdan,com 39 I Table 1 Table 2 IStreet Segments with Recommended Speed Changes NO lim STREET POSTED NEW FROM TO SPEED POSTED LIMIT SPEED LIMIT CHANGE 27 Dune Palms Miles Fred Waring 45 35 10 mph reduction * See "Segments with Special Conditions" Section for Comments 2024 Engineering and Traffic Survey Amendment City of La Quinta Page 2 40 Table 2 • Speed/Collision Data Summary Table ID Street Segment Dist. 85% 10 Mi. % in Accident Rate Posted Speed Limit Prop. Speed Limit Remarks �Mi� Dir. Speed Pace Pace ADT Exp. Act. 27 Dune Palms Miles to Fred Waring .48 N/S 42 33-42 81 4,876 1.24 0.00 45 35 * See "Segments with Special Conditions" Section for Comments 2024 Engineering and Traffic Survey Amendment City of La Quinta Page 2 40 SEGMENT WITH SPECIAL CONDITIONS The following segment surveyed had recommended speed limits that were 5 miles per hour (mph) or more below the critical speed due to conditions not readily apparent to the driver. This segment is discussed below. Segment 27 — Dune Palms — Miles to Fred Waring This segment is currently posted at 45 mph and has one through lanes in each direction with an ADT of 4,876 vehicles per day. The adjacent land is residential with some commercial along the 0.48- mile -long segment. The 85th percentile speed is 42 mph and would normally justify a 40- mph posted speed limit. This segment is identified as a land or facility that generates high concentrations of bicycles and pedestrians. The segment has bike lane and golf cart presence along the corridor and used by 3 schools in the area. Because this segment is established as a land or facility that generates high concentrations of bicycles and pedestrians, an additional 5 mph reduction can be applied. It is recommended that the speed limit be posted at 35 mph for the above reasons. This recommendation falls within the limitations requiring the recommendation be no more than 12.4 mph under the 85th percentile speed. 2024 Engineering and Traffic Survey Amendment City of La Quinta Page 3 41 LEGEND: SPEED UMIT IDPH 25 35 45 55 CIT LAIITS •1111k1'Ir;;{�V 1Ia 411111 * ;.m10 1111 puI. j k f-��i1I111111111€:.:.'� III111111111111I . m. '11111111111111111 ; 11111111111111111 ri GPM 11CMIE CITY OF LA QUI NTA SPEED LIMITS PREPARED SEPTEMBER 2.424 IT.& MOLL as 42 CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Dune Palms Road DATE: 9/29/24 between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive TIME: 1:00 PM OBSERVER: Steve Libring LOCATION: 27 PART I: HIGHWAY & ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Sight Distance Obstructions? (yes or no) S/B N/B Notes 1. Horizontal No No 2. Vertical No No 3. Superelevation (%) None None 4. Shoulder Conditions (paved or unpaved) Paved Paved 5. Profile Conditions (grade,%) 6. Commercial Driveway Characteristics (at grade, dustpan, etc) At -Grade At -Grade Limited driveways on each side of roadway 7. Pedestrian Traffic in the Roadway without sidewalks (yes or no) No No Sidewalks on both sides 8. Adjacent Land Use (residential, commercial, office, etc) Residential & Commercial Residential & Commercial 9. Intersection Spacing and Offsets (spacing, feet -offsets, yes or no) No offsets Signals at Fred Waring Drive and at Miles Avenue 10. Pavement Condition (good, satisfactory, poor) New New 11. Truck Traffic (heavy, moderate, light) Light Light 12. Channelization (# of lanes, divided, undivided, painted, or raised median) 1 lane with bike/cart lane, divided with a painted median 1 lane with bike/cart lane, divided with a painted median 12' painted median 13. Street Width and Alignment (width, feet — straight or curved) 64' 64' 14. Street Length 2,530 ft. segment 15. Average Daily Traffic 4,876 total - collected 9/10 thru 9/17/2024 16. Traffic Flow Characteristics (heavy, moderate, light) Light Light 17. Uniformity with the Community (yes or no) Yes Yes 18. Heavy On -Street Parking Turnover (yes or no) No No No parking allowed on both sides 19. Street Lighting Only at signals 43 STREET: Dune Palms Road P CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING & TRAFFIC SURVEY between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive LOCATION: 27 Direction Bi-directional ❑ Northbound * ❑ Eastbound * ❑ Southbound * ❑ Westbound * RT II: PREVAILING SPEED MEASUREMENT Location of Radar Measurement Number of Accidents Midblock 0 Date of Radar Measurement 9/16/2024 Midblock Accident Rate (Acc/MVM) Expected-Statewide/Year Time of Radar Measurement (24 hour) 1:00 PM TO 2:00 PM Actual 50%ile (mph) 85%ile (mph) 38 42 10 mph Pace (% of Vehicles) 33-42 (81%) Posted Limit Prevailing Limit 45 mph 45 mph PART III: ACCIDENT RECORDS Time Period Evaluated 1/1/2019 TO 12/31/2021 Number of Accidents Midblock 0 Midblock Accident Rate (Acc/MVM) Expected-Statewide/Year 1.24 per MVM Actual 0.00 per MVM PART IV: ADDITIONAL REMARKS High Bike and Ped Generators — 2 schools at Miles, one at Blackhawk RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT 35 mph * May be used in cases where two or more separate roadways are provided. CERTIFICATION: I, Nicolle Spann do hereby certify that this Engineering and Traffic Survey within the City of La Quinta was performed under my supervision and is accurate and complete. I am duly registered in the State of California as a Professional Engineer (Traffic). 10/1/2024 TE 2933 Nicolle Spann Date State Registration Number 44 CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR ROADWAY: DUNE PALMS SEED TOTAL VEHICLES SURVEYED NORTHBOUND+SOUTHBOUND NB 0 a 0 4 0 SB 0 0 0 0 0 T1& VEHKI I i 0 0 0 0 U a o- 0 0 x 1 n 0 a 0 0 0 0 J a a x x x x x a 0 1 1 4 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 CF 0 0 1 1 1 2 x x x x x x x x x x 2 8 5 5 2 2 0 3 3 4 8 8 8 xxxx xxxx x x x x X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X 7 S s 8 15 16 xxxx xxxx x x x x x x X X x X X X X x x x X X X 7 4 8 8 15 12 xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx x x K x x x x X X x X X x 4 3 I 3 2 a 7 3 11 1 0 x a a a 0 a 0 a 0 2 1 2 1 6 5 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n a a 0 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 0 0 128 P A C E DATE: 09t26/24 DAY: Thursday TWE PERIOD: 1.00 PM TO 2:no PI•. LIMITS (BIM: Miles and Fred Waring OBSERVATION POINT: Midway POSTED SPEED LIMIT: COMMENTS: 85TH %: 45 MPH OBSERVER: LIBRING after new road diet WEATHER: SUNNY ROAD SURFACE: DRY ROAD CONDITION: GOOD DATA COLLECTION METHOD: RADAR NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND+SOUTHBOUND 42 41 42 M.P.H. 507H %: 38 37 38 M.P.H. 15TH °A: 34 34 34 M.P_H_ 10 MPH PACE: 33 - 42 32 - 41 33 - 42 M.P.H. % IN PACE: 82% 82% 81% % OVER PACE: 12% 11% 12% % UNDER PACE: 6% 6% 7% ARITHMETIC MEAN: 39 37 3$ M.D.H. SAMPLE VARIANCE: 22 16 19 STANDARD DEVIATION: 5 4 4 1.1.•,.'I. VARIANCE OF THE MEAN: 0.33 0.25 0.15 STD. ERROR OF THE MEAN: 0.58 0.50 0.39 M.P_H_ 45 W:IWE-CA1La Quinta, City of\Dune Palms EST Update - Oct 2024\RADAR FORM - Dune Palms between Miles and Fred Waring 46 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 15, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF LA QUINTA TO JOIN WITH OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES AS A PARTICIPANT OF THE CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT TRUST AND TO INVEST IN SHARES OF THE TRUST AND IN INDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIOS RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution authorizing the City of La Quinta to join with other public agencies as a participant of the California Asset Management Trust and to invest in shares of the Trust and in individual portfolios EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • California Asset Management Program (CAMP) is a California Joint Powers Authority (JPA) established in 1989 to provide California public agencies with professional investment services. • The CAMP Pool is a permitted investment under California Government Code Section 53601(p). • The City became an Investor in CAMP in 2018. • By joining the JPA, the City becomes a Participant in the plan which would confer voting rights as well as the ability to nominate a Trustee to the Board. FISCAL IMPACT — None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS CAMP was created in 1989 when two public agencies formed the California Asset Management Trust (Trust) with the objective of meeting local government investment needs at a reasonable cost. The Trust's activities are directed by a Board of Trustees, all of whom are finance officials of California public agencies. As a result, the Trust is accountable solely to its public agency Shareholders. Initially, the Trust was formed to assist California public agencies with investing proceeds of tax-exempt bonds and complying with the arbitrage regulations. Responding to the needs of its Shareholders, the Trust was later modified to provide for the investment of operating funds and capital reserves. 47 The Trust's Cash Reserve Portfolio (Pool) is a short-term portfolio which, in order of priority, seeks to preserve principal, provide daily liquidity, and earn a high level of income. The Pool is a long-established short-term investment alternative for California public agencies and is only permitted to invest in the same securities as allowed by California Government Code Section 53601. As of August 31, 2024, the Pool has almost $19 billion in public agency assets under management. Some of the key benefits of the Pool, as identified within the Program Guide (Attachment 1), are as follows: • Safety: Standard and Poor's (S&P), one of the nationally recognized rating agencies, reviews the assets of the Pool each week. For the Pool to maintain the S&P AAA" rating' the Pool must meet certain credit rating standards and not exceed the average maturity allowed by S&P. In addition, a third -party custodian holds all cash and securities. • Daily liquidity: Shareholders may make withdrawals on any business day (same day if CAMP is notified by 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time), and there is no limit on the number of transactions. • Competitive yields, which in the rising rate environment of 2022-2024 at times outperformed the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) by 100 basis points or more. Interest is earned daily and credited monthly. • Monthly statements. CAMP is governed by a seven -member Board of Trustees comprised of California public finance officials. The Board is subject to the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950-54963), with regards to public meetings and records. CAMP's Investment Adviser, PFM Asset Management LLC (PFMAM), provides day-to-day portfolio management and program administrative services. PFMAM specializes in providing investment management services to public agencies. CAMP assets are held with custodian U.S. Bank National Association. ALTERNATIVES City Council could elect to remain as Investors in the Pool, instead of Participants with voting rights. Prepared by: Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Principal Management Analyst Claudia Martinez, Finance Director/City Treasurer Attachment: 1. CAMP Program Guide ' Standard & Poor's fund ratings are based on analysis of credit quality, market price exposure, and management. According to Standard & Poor's rating criteria, the AAAm rating signifies excellent safety of invested principal and a superior capacity to maintain a $1.00 per share net asset value. However, it should be understood that the rating is not a "market" rating nor a recommendation to buy, hold or sell the securities. For a full description on rating methodology, visit Standard & Poor's website. 48 RESOLUTION NO. 2024 — XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF LA QUINTA (THE "PUBLIC AGENCY") TO JOIN WITH OTHER PUBLIC AGENCIES AS A PARTICIPANT OF THE CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT TRUST AND TO INVEST IN SHARES OF THE TRUST AND IN INDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIOS WHEREAS, Section 6509.7 of Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Joint Exercise of Powers Act") provides that, if authorized by their legislative or other governing bodies, two or more public agencies that have the authority to invest funds in their treasuries may, by agreement, jointly exercise that common power; and WHEREAS, under Sections 6500 and 6509.7(b) of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, a "public agency" includes, but is not limited to, any California county, county board of education, county superintendent of schools, city, public corporation, public district, regional transportation commission, state department or agency, any joint powers authority formed pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act by public agencies or any nonprofit corporation whose membership is confined to public agencies or public officials; and WHEREAS, public agencies that constitute local agencies, as that term is defined in Sections 53600 of Title 5, Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 4, Article 2 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "California Government Code"), are authorized pursuant to Section 53601(p), to invest all money belonging to, or in the custody of, a local agency not required for its immediate need in shares of beneficial interest issued by a joint powers authority organized pursuant to Section 6509.7 of the California Government Code that invests in the securities and obligations authorized in subdivisions (a) to (q), inclusive, of Government Code Section 53601; and WHEREAS, the California Asset Management Trust (the "Trust") was established, pursuant to and in accordance with the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, by a Declaration of Trust, made as of December 15, 1989, as subsequently amended from time to time (the "Declaration of Trust"), as a vehicle for public agencies to jointly exercise their common power to invest the proceeds of debt issues and Public Agency surplus funds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to and in accordance with the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, the Public Agency desires to join the other public agencies which are or will be Participants of the Trust by adopting and executing the Declaration of Trust, provided hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated herewith by this reference, and which is on file in the office of the Finance Director/City Treasurer; and WHEREAS, the Public Agency is a "public agency" as that term is defined in Sections 6500 and 6509.7(b) of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act and a "local agency" as that term is defined in Section 53600 of the California Government Code; and 49 Resolution No. 2024 — xxx Authorizing City as Participant of the California Asset Management Trust and to Invest in Shares of the Trust and in Individual Portfolios Adopted: October 15, 2024 Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, the Public Agency is otherwise permitted to be a Participant of the Trust and to invest funds in the Trust and in the individual portfolios to be managed by the Investment Adviser to the Trust ("Individual Portfolios"); and WHEREAS, a program guide describing the Trust and the Individual Portfolios (the "Program Guide") is on file in the office of the Finance Director/City Treasurer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1: The Public Agency shall join with other public agencies pursuant to and in accordance with the Joint Exercise of Powers Act by executing the Declaration of Trust, incorporated as Exhibit A to this Resolution, and thereby becoming a Participant in the Trust, which Declaration of Trust is hereby approved and adopted. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to attest and deliver, the Declaration of Trust. SECTION 2: The Public Agency is hereby authorized to purchase shares in the Trust from time to time with available funds of the Public Agency, and to redeem some or all of those shares from time to time as such funds are needed. SECTION 3 The Public Agency is hereby authorized to invest available funds of the Public Agency from time to time in one or more Individual Portfolios managed by the Investment Adviser to the Trust and described in the Program Guide. SECTION 4: The appropriate officers, agents and employees of the Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed in the name and on behalf of the Public Agency to take all actions and to make and execute any and all certificates, requisitions, agreements, notices, consents, warrants and other documents, and any changes, amendments, modifications, or waivers thereto which they, or any of them, might deem necessary or appropriate in order to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This resolution shall go into effect upon adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. SECTION 6: Severability — if any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Resolution irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof. 50 Resolution No. 2024 — xxx Authorizing City as Participant of the California Asset Management Trust and to Invest in Shares of the Trust and in Individual Portfolios Adopted: October 15, 2024 Page 3 of 3 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 15th day of October, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 51 RESOLUTION NO. 2024 -XXX EXHIBIT A ADOPTED: OCTOBER 15, 2024 111COUV_p CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT TRUST DECLARATIO\ OF TRUST Dated as of December 15, 1989, as amended and restated as of October 25, 2022 © 2022 California Asset Management Program 52 Table of Contents ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS 2 ARTICLE II. NAME, PURPOSE AND REPRESENTATIONS 4 Section 2.1. Name. 4 Section 2.2. Purpose. 4 Section 2.3. Representations of Participants and Investors. 4 ARTICLE III. TRUSTEES 4 Section 3.1. Initial Trustees 4 Section 3.2. Number, Qualification, Election and Term of Trustees. 5 Section 3.3. Resignation and Removal. 5 Section 3.4. Vacancies. 5 ARTICLE IV. POWERS OF TRUSTEES 6 Section 4.1. General. 6 Section 4.2. Investments 6 Section 4.3. Legal Title. 6 Section 4.4. Issuance and Redemption of Shares. 7 Section 4.5. Borrowing Money and Lending Trust Property. 7 Section 4.6. Delegation and Committees. 7 Section 4.7. Collection and Payment 7 Section 4.8. Expenses and Limits Thereon. 7 Section 4.9. Litigation. 7 Section 4.10. Manner of Acting and By -Laws. 8 Section 4.11. Miscellaneous Powers. 8 ARTICLE V. INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES TO TRUST 8 Section 5.1. Investment Adviser and Approval of Agreements. 8 Section 5.2. Other Activities of Investment Adviser. 9 -i- 53 Section 5.3. Other Services to the Trust. 9 ARTICLE VI. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY 10 Section 6.1. No Personal Liability 10 Section 6.2. Non -Liability and Indemnification of Trustees and Others. 10 Section 6.3. Surety Bond Required. 10 Section 6.4. No Duty of Investigation and Notice in Trust Instruments. 10 Section 6.5. Reliance on Experts 11 Section 6.6. Immunity from Liability, Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity of Certain Participants. 11 Section 6.7. Further Restriction of Duties and Liabilities. 11 ARTICLE VII. SHARES OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST 11 Section 7.1. Beneficial Interest 11 Section 7.2. Rights of the Shareholders 12 Section 7.3. Establishment of a Trust. 12 Section 7.4. Register of Shares 12 Section 7.5. Transfer of Shares. 13 Section 7.6. Notices 13 Section 7.7. Approval Powers 13 Section 7.8. Series and Classes of Shares 13 ARTICLE VIII REDEMPTIONS 15 Section 8.1. Redemptions. 15 Section 8.2. Suspension of Right of Redemption. 15 Section 8.3. Redemptions to Reimburse Trust for Loss on Nonpayment for Shares or for Other Charges. 15 Section 8.4. Redemptions Pursuant to Constant Net Asset Value Policy. 16 Section 8.5. Redemptions in Kind. 16 Section 8.6. Minimum Investment 16 54 ARTICLE IX. DETERMINATION OF NET ASSET VALUE, NET INCOME AND DISTRIBUTIONS 16 Section 9.1. By -Laws to Govern Net Asset, Net Income and Distribution Procedures. 16 ARTICLE X. DURATION, TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT 16 Section 10.1. Duration 16 Section 10.2. Termination of Trust. 17 Section 10.3. Amendment Procedure. 17 Section 10.4. Merger, Consolidation and Sale of Assets. 18 ARTICLE XI. MISCELLANEOUS 18 Section 11.1. Governing Law 18 Section 11.2. Counterparts. 18 Section 11.3. Adoption by California Public Agencies. 18 Section 11.4. Certificates. 18 Section 11.5. Provisions in Conflict with Law or Regulations. 19 Section 11.6. Index and Headings for Reference Only 19 Section 11.7. Successors in Interest. 19 55 THIS DECLARATION OF TRUST, made as of December 15, 1989, by the Initial Participants, is amended and restated as of October 25, 2022. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings specified in Article I. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Section 6502 of the Act provides that "if authorized by their legislative or other governing bodies, two or more public agencies by agreement may jointly exercise any power common to the contracting parties"; and WHEREAS, Section 6509.7(a) of the Act provides that "two or more public agencies that have the authority to invest funds in their treasuries may, by agreement, jointly exercise that common power"; and WHEREAS, Section 6500 of the Act defines "Public Agency" to include "the federal government or any federal department or agency, this state, another state or any state department or agency, a county, county board of education, county superintendent of schools, city, public corporation, public district, regional transportation commission of this state or another state, a federally recognized Indian tribe, or any joint powers authority formed pursuant to this article by any of these agencies"; and WHEREAS, Section 6509.7(b) of the Act provides that in addition to those public agencies listed in Section 6500, the definition of "Public Agency" also includes "a nonprofit corporation whose membership is confined to public agencies or public officials"; and WHEREAS, the Initial Participants are both California Public Agencies and are both authorized to invest funds pursuant to the Government Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the Initial Participants have been authorized by their legislative or other governing bodies, and desire to agree by this Declaration of Trust, to jointly exercise their common power to invest funds through creation of the Trust as a separate entity under the Act; and WHEREAS, the Initial Participants anticipate that other California Public Agencies as defined by the Act, as it may be amended from time to time, may wish to become Participants by adopting and executing this Declaration of Trust and thus becoming parties to it; and WHEREAS, Section 6509.7(a) of the Act provides that Public Agencies' funds invested pursuant to an agreement entered into under the Act may be invested as authorized under subdivision (p) of Section 53601 of the California Government Code ("Section 53601 "); and WHEREAS, Section 53601 of the California Government Code, subdivision (p), makes shares of beneficial interest issued by the Trust eligible investments for Public Agencies; and WHEREAS, Public Agencies that do not wish to become parties to this Declaration of Trust, but that wish to acquire Shares of Beneficial Interest issued by the Trust, may do so on terms provided hereunder and in accordance with the By -Laws governing the Trust. NOW, THEREFORE, the Initial Participants hereby declare that all money and property contributed to the Trust established under this Declaration of Trust shall be held and managed in trust for 1 56 the benefit of holders, from time to time, of the Shares of Beneficial Interest issued hereunder and subject to the provisions hereof. ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS Except as otherwise expressly provided for in this Declaration of Trust, or unless the context otherwise requires, as used throughout this Declaration of Trust the following terms shall have the respective meanings specified below. Act: The Joint Exercise of Powers Act, Section 6500 et seq. of Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 of the Government Code of the State of California. Affiliate: As to any person, any other person who owns beneficially, directly or indirectly, 1% of the outstanding capital stock or equity interest of such person or of any other person who controls, is controlled by or is under common control with such person, or is an officer, retired officer, director, employee, partner or Trustee of such person or of any other person who controls, is controlled by or is under common control with such person. By -Laws: The By -Laws of the Trust made as of December 15, 1989, as amended and restated from time to time. Cash Reserve Portfolio: A short-term money market portfolio of the Trust which is divided into two Series of Shares, the Participant Shares Series and the Investor Shares Series. Certificate of Determination: An instrument, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporate by reference here, which has been approved by a majority of the Trustees establishing a Class or Series of Shares of a particular Class and setting forth therein the relative rights, preferences, approval powers, and terms and conditions of each Series or Class, as may be provided in such instrument. Class. The designation of Shares issued by the Trust which currently includes two classes known as the "Cash Reserve Portfolio Class of Shares" and the "Term Portfolio Class of Shares." Declaration of Trust: The Declaration of Trust made as of December 15, 1989, by the Initial Participants, as amended and restated as of October 25, 2022. Information Statement: A disclosure document which describes in detail the management, policies and operations of the Pool, risks attendant to investments in the Trust, and other matters related to the Trust and the Pool. Initial Participants: Monterey Peninsula Water Management District and Placer County. Investment Advisory Agreement: The Amended and Restated Investment Advisory Agreement made as of May 14, 2004, by and between the Trust and PFM Asset Management LLC, as further amended and restated from time to time, and last amended and restated as of January 1, 2023. Investor Agreement. An agreement entered into between the Investor and the Trust in connection with the Investor's purchase of shares of Investor Shares Series. 2 57 Investor Shares Series: Shares in the Trust held by Investors. Shares of Investor Shares Series have no voting rights. Investors: Public Agencies that acquire Shares of Investor Shares Series issued by the Trust without executing the Declaration of Trust and on such other terms as provided in the Declaration of Trust and By -Laws. Participant Shares Series: Shares in the Trust held by Participants. Shares of Participant Shares Series have voting rights conferring approval powers in proportion to the number of full and fractional Shares held by each Participant. Participants: Initial Participants and any subsequent Participants that are Public Agencies that join the Trust by executing the Declaration of Trust and who may acquire shares of Participant Shares Series. Program Guide. Information consisting of the Information Statement and additional information provided to Investors and Participants in the Trust. Public Agency: As that term is defined in Section 6500 and Section 6509.7 of the Act. Series: Subdivision of Shares within a Class. Each Series has rights, privileges, preferences and restrictions applicable to that Series as more fully set forth in a Certificate of Determination with respect to such Series. The Shares issued by the Trust within the Cash Reserve Portfolio Class of Shares are currently designated into two Series, the Participant Shares Series and Investor Shares Series. The Shares issued by the Trust within the Term Portfolio Class of Shares are from time to time designated into a Series, and each such Series is designated into two Subseries, the Participant Shares Subseries and the Investor Shares Subseries. Shareholders: Public Agencies that own Shares of a Class within the Trust or a Series within a Class. Shares: Units of beneficial interests issued by the Trust and generally refers to shares of any one or more Series or Classes, or of all Series and Classes, as may apply. Term Portfolio: A fixed-rate, fixed -term money market portfolio of the Trust , and each Series designated therein, each such Series constituting a pool of assets for purposes of Section 53601. Each such Series is divided into two Subseries of Shares, the Participant Shares Subseries and the Investor Shares Subseries. Trust: The California Asset Management Trust formed pursuant to Section 6502 of the Act. Trustees: Individuals appointed by the Board of Trustees and approved by Participants pursuant to the Declaration of Trust and By -Laws to manage the Trust's activities on behalf of the Trust. So for as may be practicable, the Trustees shall conduct the Trust's activities, execute all documents and sue or be sued under that name, which name (and the word "Trust" wherever used herein) shall refer to the Trustees as Trustees, and not as individuals or personally, and shall not refer to the officers, employees, agents or Participants of the Trust. If the Trustees determine that the use of that name is not advisable, they may use another designation or adopt another name under which the Trust may hold property or conduct its activities. 3 58 ARTICLE II. NAME, PURPOSE AND REPRESENTATIONS Section 2.1. Name. The name of the trust created hereby is CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT TRUST. The Trust shall constitute a separate public entity within the meaning of Section 6507 of the Act. Section 2.2. Purpose. The purpose of the Trust is to provide California Public Agencies, both the Participants and the Investors, with an instrumentality or agency to pool their proceeds of debt issues and other funds and to facilitate the investment of and accounting for such funds. Public Agencies of the State of California, authorized under the Act, as may be amended from time to time, or other applicable California statutes, as shall be in effect from time to time, to enter into joint arrangements of this nature, may become Participants after their governing bodies have adopted and executed this Declaration of Trust. Investors may invest in the Shares of the Trust without becoming Participants by executing an Investor Agreement containing the representations and warranties, waivers, covenants and agreements referenced herein as applicable to the Investors. Section 2.3. Representations of Participants and Investors. Each Participant and each Investor (by execution of an Investor Agreement), represents and warrants to the other Participants and Investors, but only as to itself, as follows: (a) The Shareholder is duly organized and validly existing as a Public Agency of the State of California, as that term is defined in Sections 6500 and 6509.7(b) of the Act, as may be amended from time to time, and has full legal right, power and authority to enter into this Declaration of Trust or the Investor Agreement, as may be applicable, to observe and perform its obligations hereunder or thereunder and to invest its assets as provided herein or therein; and by all necessary official actions the Shareholder has duly authorized and approved the execution of this Declaration of Trust or the applicable Investor Agreement, as the case may be, the observance and performance of its obligations hereunder or thereunder and the investment of its assets as provided herein or therein. (b) This Declaration of Trust with respect to each Participant and Investor Agreement with respect to each Investor constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Shareholder enforceable against the Shareholder in accordance with its respective terms, except as enforcement may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws or equitable principles relating to or limiting creditors rights generally, and by the application of equitable remedies in appropriate cases. ARTICLE III. TRUSTEES Section 3.1. Initial Trustees. By the execution of this Declaration of Trust, the Initial Participants appoint the following five individuals to serve as initial Trustees: Bruce Buel Earl Corin Nancy E. Hicks 4 59 James S. Kennedy Robert C. Leland Section 3.2. Number, Qualification, Election and Term of Trustees. The number of Trustees shall be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Trustees; provided, however, that the number of Trustees shall not be less than three and not greater than fifteen and shall not be less than the number of classes of California Public Agencies entitled to representation on the Board of Trustees as provided in the By -Laws. All Trustees shall be members of the governing body, officers or full-time employees of California Public Agencies. Other than the initial Trustees and Trustees named to fill vacancies as provided in Section 3.4., the Trustees shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and approved annually by the Participants. Except in the event of resignations or removals pursuant to Section 3.3., each Trustee shall hold office until his or her successor is appointed and approved by the Board of Trustees and the Participants and qualified to serve as Trustee. Each Trustee shall either sign this Declaration of Trust or agree in writing to be bound by it. Section 3.3. Resignation and Removal. Any Trustee may resign his or her trust (without need for prior or subsequent accounting) by an instrument in writing signed by such Trustee and delivered to the other Trustees, and such resignation shall be effective upon such delivery, or at a later date according to the terms of the instrument. A Trustee who has ceased to be qualified as provided in the By -Laws, who has died, who has been judged incompetent or bankrupt, or for whom a guardian or conservator has been appointed, shall be deemed to have resigned as of the date of such disqualification, death, adjudication or appointment. Any Trustee may be removed, with or without cause, by the action of two-thirds of the remaining Trustees. Upon the resignation or removal of a Trustee, such former Trustee shall execute and deliver such documents as the remaining Trustees shall require for the purpose of conveying to the Trust or the remaining Trustees any Trust property held in the name of the resigning or removed Trustee. Upon the incapacity or death of any Trustee, his or her legal representative shall execute and deliver such documents as the remaining Trustees shall require as provided in the preceding sentence. The Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco, California, may at the suit of any Participants holding at least 10% of the Shares, remove from office any Trustee in case of fraudulent or dishonest acts or gross abuse of authority or discretion with reference to the Trust and may bar from reelection any Trustee so removed for a period determined by the Court. Section 3.4. Vacancies. The term of office of a Trustee shall terminate and a vacancy shall occur in the event of the disqualification, death, resignation, removal, bankruptcy, adjudicated incompetence or other incapacity to perform the duties of the office of a Trustee. No such vacancy shall operate to annul this Declaration of Trust or to remove any existing agency created pursuant to the terms of this Declaration of Trust. In the case of an existing vacancy, including a vacancy existing by reason of an increase in the number of Trustees, the remaining Trustees shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of such other person as they in their discretion shall see fit and as is qualified as provided herein and in the By -Laws. If there shall be no remaining Trustee, any Participant may petition the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco to appoint a Trustee who is qualified as provided herein and by the By -Laws. Any such appointment shall not become effective, however, until the person appointed shall have accepted in writing such appointment and agreed in writing to be bound by the terms of this Declaration of Trust. An appointment of a Trustee may be made in anticipation of a vacancy to occur at a later date by reason of 5 60 resignation, provided that such appointment shall not become effective prior to such resignation. Whenever a vacancy in the number of Trustees shall occur, until such vacancy is filled as provided in this Section 3.4., the Trustees in office, regardless of their number, shall have all the powers granted to the Trustees and shall discharge all the duties imposed upon the Trustees by this Declaration of Trust. ARTICLE IV. POWERS OF TRUSTEES Section 4.1. General. The Trustees shall have exclusive and absolute control over the Trust property and over the affairs of the Trust to the same extent as if the Trustees were the sole owners of the Trust property in their own right, but with such powers of delegation as may be permitted by this Declaration of Trust. The Trustees shall have power to conduct the affairs of the Trust and carry on its operations in any and all of its branches and maintain offices both within and without the State of California, and to do all such other things and execute all such instruments as the Trustees deem necessary, proper or desirable in order to promote the interests of the Trust although such things are not herein specifically mentioned. Any determination as to what is in the interests of the Trust made by the Trustees in good faith shall be conclusive. In construing the provisions of this Declaration of Trust, the presumption shall be in favor of a grant of a power to the Trustees. The enumeration of any specific power herein shall not be construed as limiting the aforesaid powers. Such powers of the Trustees may be exercised without order of or resort to any court. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the investment powers of the Trustees under this Declaration of Trust shall be subject to any restrictions upon the manner of exercising such powers imposed by the laws of the State of California, including Section 53635 of Title 5, Division 7, Part 1, Chapter 4, Article 2 of the Government Code, as in effect on the date of adoption of this Declaration of Trust by the Initial Participants and as may be amended from time to time. In the event that such Initial Participants (or any successor Participants designated as described below) cease to be parties to this Declaration of Trust, the Trustees shall designate other Participants as successor Participants for purposes of this Section. Section 4.2. Investments. The Trustees shall have the power to subscribe for, invest in, reinvest in, purchase or otherwise acquire, own, hold, pledge, sell, assign, transfer, exchange, distribute, lend or otherwise deal in or dispose of investments of every nature and kind, provided such investment is (in the sole and absolute discretion of the Trustees) consistent with the investment objectives and policies set forth in the Trust's Program Guide including the Information Statement, as most recently amended or supplemented, and to exercise any and all rights, powers and privileges of ownership or interest in respect of any and all such investments of every kind and description, including without limitation, the right to consent and otherwise act with respect thereto, with power to designate one or more persons, firms, associations or corporations to exercise any of such rights, powers and privileges in respect of any of such investments. Section 4.3. Legal Title. Legal title to all the Trust property shall be vested in the Trustees as joint tenants, except that the Trustees shall have power to cause legal title to any Trust property to be held by or in the name of one or more of the Trustees, or in the name of the Trust, or in the name of any other person as nominee, on such terms as the Trustees may determine, provided that the interest of the Trust therein is appropriately protected. The right, tide and interest of the Trustees in the Trust property shall vest automatically in each person who may hereafter become a Trustee. Upon the resignation, removal, incapacity, disqualification or death of a Trustee such Trustee shall automatically cease to have any right, tide or interest in any of the 6 61 Trust property, and the right, title and interest of such Trustee in the Trust property shall vest automatically in the remaining Trustees. Such vesting and cessation of title shall be effective whether or not conveyancing documents have been executed and delivered. Section 4.4. Issuance and Redemption of Shares. The Trustees shall have the power to issue, sell, repurchase, redeem, retire, cancel, acquire, hold, resell, reissue, dispose of, transfer, and otherwise deal in Shares and, subject to the provisions hereof, to apply to any such repurchase, redemption, retirement, cancellation or acquisition of Shares any funds or property of the Trust, whether capital or surplus or otherwise, to the full extent now or hereafter permitted by California law. Section 4.5. Borrowing Money and Lending Trust Property. Subject to applicable law, the Trustees shall have power to borrow money or otherwise obtain credit and to secure the same by mortgaging, pledging or otherwise subjecting as security the assets of the Trust, to endorse, guarantee, or undertake the performance of any obligation, contract or engagement of any other person and to lend Trust property. Section 4.6. Delegation and Committees. The Trustees shall have power to delegate from time to time to such of their number or to officers, employees or agents of the Trust the doing of such things and the execution of such instruments either in the name of the Trust or the names of the Trustees or otherwise as the Trustees may deem expedient, to the same extent as such delegation is permitted by law and consistent with the By -Laws. Section 4.7. Collection and Payment. The Trustees shall have power to collect all property due to the Trust; to pay all claims, including taxes, against the Trust property; to prosecute, defend, compromise or abandon any claims relating to the Trust property; to foreclose any security interest securing any obligation by virtue of which any property is owed to the Trust; and to enter into releases, agreements and other instruments. Section 4.8. Expenses and Limits Thereon. The Trustees shall have the power to incur and pay any expenses which in the opinion of the Trustees are necessary or incidental to carry out any of the purposes of this Declaration of Trust. The Trustees shall fix the compensation of all officers and employees who are not Trustees. Section 4.9. Litigation. The Trustees shall have the power to engage in and to prosecute, defend, compromise, abandon, or adjust, by arbitration or otherwise, any actions, suits, proceedings, disputes, claims, and demands relating to the Trust or the Trust property, and, out of the Trust property, to pay or to satisfy any debts, claims or expenses incurred in connection therewith, including those of litigation, and such power shall include without limitation the power of the Trustees or any appropriate committee thereof, in the exercise of their or its good faith business judgment, consenting to dismiss any action, suit, proceeding, dispute, claim, or demand, derivative or otherwise, brought by any person, including a Participant or an Investor in such Participant's or Investor's own name or in the name of the Trust, whether or not the Trust or any of the 7 62 Trustees may be named individually therein or the subject matter arises by reason of business for or on behalf of the Trust. Section 4.10. Manner of Acting and By -Laws. Except as otherwise provided herein or in the By -Laws, any action to be taken by the Trustees may be taken by a majority of the Trustees present at a meeting of Trustees (a quorum being present). The Trustees may adopt By -Laws not inconsistent with this Declaration of Trust to provide for the conduct of the affairs of the Trust and may amend or repeal such By -Laws. Section 4.11. Miscellaneous Powers. The Trustees shall have the power to: (a) employ or contract with such persons as the Trustees may deem desirable for the transaction of the affairs of the Trust; (b) to the extent permitted by law, enter into joint ventures, partnerships and any other combinations or associations; (c) remove Trustees or fill vacancies in or add to their number, elect and remove such officers and appoint and terminate such agents or employees as they consider appropriate, and appoint from their own number and others, and terminate, any one or more committees which may exercise some or all of the power and authority of the Trustees as the Trustees may determine; (d) purchase, and pay for out of Trust property, insurance policies insuring the Trustees, officers, employees, agents, Participants, investment advisers, distributors, or independent contractors of the Trust against all claims arising by reason of holding any such position or by reason of any action taken or omitted by any such person in such capacity, whether or not constituting negligence, or whether or not the Trust would have the power to indemnify such person against such liability; (e) to the extent permitted by law, indemnify any person with whom the Trust has dealings to such extent as the Trustees shall determine; (f) determine and change the fiscal year of the Trust and the method by which its accounts shall be kept; and (g) adopt a seal for the Trust but the absence of such seal shall not impair the validity of any instrument executed on behalf of the Trust. In addition to these specific powers, the Trustees shall also have all other powers consistent with the Act and the laws of California governing California business trusts and reasonably necessary from time to time to carry out the purposes of the Trust as set forth in Section 2.2. ARTICLE V. INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND OTHER SERVICES TO TRUST Section 5.1. Investment Adviser and Approval of Agreements. The Trustees are responsible for the general policies of the Trust and for such general supervision of the business of the Trust conducted by all officers, agents, employees, advisers, managers or independent contractors of the Trust as may be necessary to insure that such business conforms to the provisions of this Declaration of Trust. However, the Trustees shall not be required personally to conduct all the business of the Trust, and consistent with their ultimate responsibility as stated above, the Trustees shall have the power to appoint, employ or contract with any person (including one or more of themselves or any corporation, partnership, or Trust in which one or more of them may be directors, officers, stockholders, partners or trustees) as the Trustees may deem necessary or proper for the transaction of the business of the Trust. The Trustees may in their discretion, from time to time, enter into an investment advisory or management contract whereby the other party to such contract shall undertake to furnish the Trust such management, investment advisory or supervisory, administrative, accounting, legal, statistical, research, and promotional facilities and services, and such other facilities and services, if any, as the Trustees may in their discretion determine. The Trustees may authorize the investment adviser to effect 8 63 purchases, sales, loans or exchanges of portfolio securities of the Trust on behalf of the Trustees or may authorize any officer, employee or Trustee to effect such purchases, sales, loans or exchanges pursuant to recommendations of the investment adviser, all without further action by the Trustees. Any such purchases, sales, loans and exchanges shall be deemed to have been authorized by all of the Trustees. The Trustees shall have the power to determine the compensation and other terms of employment or contract of the investment adviser or any other person whom they may employ or with whom they may contract; provided, however, that any determination to employ or contract with any Trustee or any person of which a Trustee is an Affiliate, shall be valid only if made, approved or ratified by a majority of the Trustees who are not Affiliates of such person. The Trustees may exercise broad discretion in allowing the investment adviser to administer and regulate the operations of the Trust, to act as agent for the Trust, to execute documents on behalf of the Trustees, and to make decisions which conform to general policies and general principles previously established by the Trustees. Section 5.2. Other Activities of Investment Adviser. Subject to and as limited by the terms and conditions of any Investment Advisory Agreement or other agreement between the Trust and the investment advisor, the investment adviser shall not be required to administer the investment activities of the Trust as its sole and exclusive function and may have other business interests and may engage in other activities similar or in addition to those relating to the Trust, including the rendering of services and advice to other persons and the management of other investments (including investments of the investment adviser and its Affiliates). The investment adviser shall be required to use its best efforts to present a continuing and suitable investment program to the Trust which is consistent with the investment policies and objectives of the Trust. Section 5.3. Other Services to the Trust. The Trustees may, from time to time in their discretion, enter into contracts or agreements with independent contractors to carry out the following functions: (1) transfer agent and dividend disbursing agent; (2) administrator, to maintain the books and records of the Trust, to supervise all aspects of the Trust's operations, including periodic updating of the Trust's Program Guide and Information Statement, to prepare the Trust's tax returns and periodic reports to Shareholders, to compute the Trust's daily net asset value and yield, to provide office space, equipment and facilities necessary for the Trust's operations and to provide such other administrative services as the Trustees may require; (3) distributor, to act as the Trust's sales agent for the distribution of the Shares, (4) customer service agent, to provide information to California Public Agencies which are Participants or Investors or are interested in becoming Participants or Investors; (5) custodian bank, to hold all money and securities constituting the Trust property; (6) independent certified public accountants, to perform an annual audit and provide such other services as the Trustees may require, and (7) legal counsel. The foregoing specific list shall not prevent the Trustees from employing other persons to provide such advice, assistance or services as the Trustees may, from time to time, require to carry out the purposes of the Trust as set forth in Section 2.2. 9 64 ARTICLE VI. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Section 6.1. No Personal Liability. No Participant shall be subject to any personal liability whatsoever to any person in connection with the Trust property or the acts, obligations or affairs of the Trust. Subject to Section 6.2., no Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the Trust shall be subject to any personal liability whatsoever to any person in connection with Trust property or the acts, obligations or affairs of the Trust, and all such persons shall look solely to the Trust property for satisfaction of claims of any nature arising in connection with the affairs of the Trust. No Participant, Trustee, officer, employee, or agent, as such, of the Trust, made a party to any suit or proceeding to enforce any such liability, shall be held to any personal liability. The Trust shall indemnify and hold each Participant harmless from and against all claims and liabilities to which such Participant may become subject by reason of its being or having been a Participant and shall reimburse such Participant for all legal and other expenses reasonably incurred by it in connection with any such claim or liability; provided that such indemnity or reimbursement shall be made from assets (or proceeds thereof or income therefrom) of the one or more Series of Shares of the Trust in respect of which such claim or liability arose and not from the assets (or proceeds or income therefrom) of any other Series of Shares of the Trust. The rights accruing to a Participant under this Section 6.1. shall not exclude any other right to which such Participant may be lawfully entitled, nor shall anything herein contained restrict the right of the Trust to indemnify or reimburse a Participant in any appropriate situation even though not specifically provided herein. Section 6.2. Non -Liability and Indemnification of Trustees and Others. No Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the Trust shall be liable to the Trust, to its Shareholders, or to any Participant, Trustee, officer, employee or agent thereof for any action or failure to act (including, without limitation, the failure to compel, in any way, any former or acting Trustee to redress any breach of trust), except for its, his or her own bad faith, willful misfeasance, gross negligence or reckless disregard of duty. Each Trustee, officer, employee and agent of the Trust shall be indemnified as provided in the By -Laws and to the fullest extent provided by California law. Section 6.3. Official Bond Required. The Trustees shall obtain an official bond in such amounts and with such terms as they shall determine pursuant to Section 6505.1 of Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 of the Government Code of the State of California. Section 6.4. No Duty of Investigation and Notice in Trust Instruments. No purchaser, lender, transfer agent or other person dealing with the Trustees or any officer, employee or agent of the Trust shall be bound to make any inquiry concerning the validity of any transaction purporting to be made by the Trustees or by such officer, employee or agent or be liable for the application of money or property paid, loaned, or delivered to or on the order of the Trustees or of such officer, employee or agent. Every obligation, contract, instrument, certificate, Share or other security of the Trust and undertaking, and every other document executed in connection with the Trust, shall be conclusively presumed to have been executed or done by the executors thereof only in their capacity as Trustees under this Declaration of Trust or in their capacity as officers, employees or agents of the Trust. Every written obligation, contract, instrument, certificate, Share or other security of the Trust or undertaking made or issued by the Trustees shall recite that it is executed by them not individually, but as Trustees under this Declaration of Trust, and that the obligations of any such instruments are not binding 10 65 upon any of the Trustees or Participants individually, but bind only the Trust property, but the omission of such recital shall not operate to bind the Trustees or Participants individually. Section 6.5. Reliance on Experts. Each Trustee, officer and employee of the Trust shall, in the performance of his or her duties, be fully protected with regard to any act or any failure to act resulting from reliance in good faith upon the books of account or other records of the Trust, upon an opinion of counsel, or upon reports made to the Trust by any of its officers or employees or by the investment adviser, administrator, transfer agent, custodian, distributor accountants, appraisers or other experts or consultants selected with reasonable care by the Trustees, officers or employees of the Trust. Section 6.6. Immunity from Liability, Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity of Certain Participants. All of the privileges and immunities from liability, all exemptions from laws, ordinances and rules, and all pension, relief, disability, workmen's compensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of Trustees, officers, agents or employees of the Initial Participants and any additional Participants when performing their functions within the territorial limits of their respective Public Agencies, shall apply to them to the same degree and extent while engaged in the performance of any of their functions and duties associated with the Trust; provided however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, any Participant that is a federally recognized Indian tribe agrees (a) to a limited waiver of its sovereign immunity solely for the purpose of authorizing another Participant or Participants, including the Trustees, to initiate an action against it to enforce any right under the Declaration of Trust, to seek provisional remedies and to enforce an award or judgment rendered in any such action; and (b) to waive its sovereign immunity from any liability or judgment arising from any such action, but any such waiver shall be limited to and co -extensive with the immunity afforded a Participant that is a California Public Agency but not a federally recognized Indian tribe. The Trust, acting through one or more service providers, with the consent of the Board President, shall be authorized to negotiate and to enter into agreements with federally recognized Indian tribes on behalf of the Trust consistent with the above waivers as required to address terms and conditions. Section 6.7. Further Restriction of Duties and Liabilities. Without limiting the foregoing provisions of this Article VI, the Trustees, officers, employees, agents, and Participants of the Trust shall in no event have any greater duties or liabilities than those imposed by applicable law as shall be in effect from time to time. ARTICLE VII. SHARES OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST Section 7.1. Beneficial Interest. The interest of the Shareholders hereunder shall be divided into transferable units to be called Shares. The number of Shares authorized hereunder is unlimited. Except as otherwise provided in this Section 7.1. and in Section 7.8. hereof, each Share shall represent an equal proportionate interest in the net assets of the applicable pool of securities within the Trust. Each Share of any Class of Shares created by the Trustees, whether or not the Trustees have created more than one Series of Shares of such Class, shall represent an equal proportionate interest in the assets of that Class with each other Share in that Class. The Trustees may divide or combine the Shares of any Class into a greater or lesser number of Shares of 11 66 that Class or any Series of that Class without thereby changing the proportionate interests of each Share of that Class in the assets of that Class. There is hereby established and designated two Classes of Shares known as the "Cash Reserve Portfolio" Class and the "Term Portfolio" Class. These Classes of Shares shall be divided into two Series of Shares, within the same portfolios, a "Participant Shares Series" and an "Investor Shares Series." Subject to the provisions of Section 7.8. hereof, the Trustees may authorize the creation of additional Classes of Shares (the proceeds of which may be invested in other portfolios with investment objectives different from the "Cash Reserve Portfolio" Class and the "Term Portfolio" Class) and such series of Shares of such additional Classes as the Trustees may deem appropriate. All Shares issued hereunder, including, without limitation, Shares issued in connection with a dividend in Shares or a division of Shares, shall be fully paid and nonassessable. Except as expressly provided herein, or in the action of the Trustees in creating any new Series of a Class, no division of Shares into Series shall result in the creation of a preference as to dividends or distributions or a preference in the event of any liquidation, termination or winding up of the Trust. All references to Shares in this Declaration of Trust shall be deemed to be Shares of any one or more Series or Classes, or of all Series and Classes, as the context may require. Section 7.2. Rights of the Shareholders. The ownership of the Trust property of every description and the right to conduct the affairs of the Trust herein before described are vested exclusively in the Trustees, and the Shareholders shall have no interest therein other than the beneficial interest conferred by their Shares, and they shall have no right to call for any partition, division, dividend or distribution of any property, profits, rights or interests of the Trust nor can they be called upon to assume any losses of the Trust or suffer an assessment of any kind by virtue of their ownership of the Shares beyond their beneficial interests in the Shares. The Shares shall be personal property giving only the rights specifically set forth in this Declaration of Trust. The Shares shall not entitle the holder to preference, preemptive, appraisal, conversion or exchange rights, except as the Trustees may determine. Section 7.3. Establishment of a Trust. It is the intention of the Trustees and the Shareholders to create the relationship of Trustee and beneficiary between the Trustees and each Shareholder from time to time. It is not the intention of the Trustees and the Shareholders to create a general partnership, limited partnership, joint stock association, corporation, bailment or any form of legal relationship other than a trust. Nothing in this Declaration of Trust shall be construed to make the Shareholders, either by themselves or with the Trustees, partners or members of a partnership or a joint stock association. Section 7.4. Register of Shares. A register shall be kept at the principal office of the Trust or at such place as the Trustees shall designate containing the names and addresses of all the Shareholders and the number of Shares held by them respectively and a record of all transfers thereof. Such register shall be conclusive as to which California Public Agencies are the holders of the Shares and which California Public Agencies shall be entitled to receive distributions or otherwise to exercise or enjoy the rights of Participants or Investors. No Shareholder shall be entitled to receive payment of any distribution, nor to have rights given to it as herein or in the By -Laws provided, until its correct name and address has been given to the transfer agent or such other officer or agent of the Trustee as shall keep the register. The Trustees, in their discretion, may but need not authorize the issuance of Share certificates and promulgate appropriate rules and regulations as to their use. 12 67 Section 7.5. Transfer of Shares. Shares shall be transferable on the records of the Trust only by the record holder thereof or by its agent thereunto duly authorized in writing, upon delivery to the transfer agent of a duly executed instrument of transfer, together with such evidence of the genuineness of each such execution and authorization and of other matters as may reasonably be required. Upon such delivery the transfer shall be recorded on the register of the Trust. Until such record is made, the Shareholder of record shall be deemed to be the holder of such Shares for all purposes hereunder and neither the Trustees nor any transfer agent nor any officer, employee or agent of the Trust shall be affected by any notice of the proposed transfer. No Shares may be transferred to a transferee other than a California Public Agency or the Trust itself. Any attempted transfer to any other person shall be void and of no effect. Section 7.6. Notices. Any and all notices and communications to which a Shareholder may be entitled shall be deemed duly given or made if delivered in person, by email or other electronic communication with respect to which a record of delivery of the notice shall be obtained and maintained, or mailed, postage prepaid, addressed to the Shareholder of record at its address as recorded on the register of the Trust. In addition to any other notice or communication to which a Shareholder may be entitled, each Shareholder shall be entitled to notice of any amendment to this Declaration of Trust or of any matter which is approved by the Participants. Section 7.7. Approval Powers. The following matters taken by the Trustees shall require the approval of a majority of the holders of outstanding voting Shares: (i) the appointment of Trustees as provided in Section 3.2., (ii) liquidation of any Class of Shares or Participant Shares Series as provided in Section 7.8.(e), (iii) termination of the Trust as provided in Section 10.2., (iv) amendment of this Declaration of Trust to the extent provided in Section 10.3., (v) merger, consolidation or sale of assets of the Trust as provided in Section 10.4., (vi) a change in the investment restrictions or fundamental policies set forth in the Program Guide and Information Statement, except as set forth therein, and (vii) such additional matters relating to the Trust as may be required by this Declaration of Trust or the By -Laws or as the Trustees may consider necessary or desirable. Only Participants shall be entitled to exercise such approval powers in proportion to the number of full and fractional Shares held by each Participant. Investors shall have no voting rights. Shares shall not be cumulated for the purpose of approving Trustees. Until Shares are issued, the Trustees may exercise all rights of the Participants and may take any action required by law, this Declaration of Trust or the By -Laws to be taken by the Participants. The By -Laws may include further provisions for the approval of the Participants and related matters. Section 7.8. Series and Classes of Shares. The following provisions are applicable regarding the Series or Classes of Shares of the Trust established and designated by Section 7.1. hereof and shall be applicable if the Trustees shall establish and designate additional Classes or Series of a Class as provided in that Section: (a) The number of Shares of each Series or Class that may be issued shall be unlimited. (b) All consideration received by the Trust for the issue or sale of Shares of a particular Class (whether or not Shares of such Class have been divided into Series), together with all assets in which such 13 68 consideration is invested or reinvested, all income, earnings, profits and proceeds thereof, including any proceeds derived from the sale, exchange or liquidation of such assets, and any funds or payments derived from reinvestment of such proceeds in whatever form the same may be, shall irrevocably belong to Shares of that Class for all purposes, subject only to the rights of creditors, and shall be so recorded upon the hooks of account of the Trust. In the event that there are any assets, income, earnings, profits, or proceeds thereof, or funds or payments of the Trust which are not readily identifiable as belonging to any particular Class, the Trustees shall allocate them among any one or more of the Classes established and designated from time to time in such manner and on such basis as they, in their sole discretion, deem fair and equitable. Each such allocation by the Trustees shall be conclusive and binding upon the Shareholders of all Classes for all purposes. (c) The assets belonging to each particular Class shall be charged with the liabilities of the Trust in respect of that Class, as will all expenses, costs, charges and reserves attributable to that Class, and any general liabilities, expenses, costs, charges or reserves of the Trust which are not readily identifiable as belonging to any particular Class shall be allocated and charged by the Trustees to and among any one or more of the Classes established and designated from time to time in such manner and on such basis as the Trustees in their sole discretion deem fair and equitable. Each allocation of liabilities, expenses, costs, charges and reserves by the Trustees shall be conclusive and binding upon the Shareholders in all Classes for all purposes. (d) Except as otherwise provided in the Certificate of Determination of the Trustees creating a Series of Shares of a particular Class, all dividends and distributions on Shares of a particular Class shall be distributed pro rata to the holders of that Class in proportion to the number of Shares of that Class held by such holders at the date and time of record established in the By -Laws for the payment of such dividends or distributions. (e) In the event of the liquidation of a particular Series of a Class or of an entire Class, the Participants or Investors in that Series or Class, as the case may be, which is being liquidated shall be entitled to receive, when and as declared by the Trustees, the excess of the assets belonging to Shares of that Class over the liabilities attributable to Shares of the Class. The holders of Shares of any such Class shall not be entitled thereby to any distribution upon liquidation of any other Series or Class. The assets so distributable to the Participants or Investors, as the case may be, in any Class shall be distributed among such Participants or Investors in proportion to the number of Shares of that Class, whether in one or more Series, held by them and recorded on the books of the Trust. The liquidation of any particular Series or Class in which there are Shares then outstanding held by Participants may be authorized by an instrument in writing, without a meeting, signed by a majority of the Trustees then in office, subject to the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding voting Shares of that Series or Class held by Participants. (f) The Trustees shall have the authority to provide that the holders of Shares of any Series or Class shall have the right to convert or exchange such Shares for or into Shares of one or more other Series or Class in accordance with such requirements and procedures as may be established by the Trustees. (g) The Trustees shall have the power to determine the designations, preferences, privileges, limitations and rights, including approval and dividend rights, of each Series or Class of Shares. Subject to the provisions of this Section 7.8., all Shares of all Series or Classes shall have identical rights and privileges. (h) The establishment and designation of any Series or Class of Shares in addition to those established and designated in Section 7.1. hereof shall be effective upon the execution by a majority of the then Trustees of an instrument setting forth such establishment and designation and the relative rights, 14 69 preferences, approval powers, restrictions, limitations as to dividends, qualifications, and terms and conditions of redemption of such Series or Class or as otherwise provided in such instrument. At any time that there are no Shares outstanding of any particular Series or Class previously established and designated, the Trustees may by an instrument executed by a majority of their number abolish that Series or Class and the establishment and designation thereof. Each instrument referred to in this paragraph shall constitute an amendment to this Declaration of Trust. ARTICLE VIII. REDEMPTIONS Section 8.1. Redemptions. In case any Shareholder at any time desires to dispose of its Shares, it may deposit a written request or other such form of request as the Trustees may from time to time authorize, at the office of the transfer agent or at the office of any bank or trust company, either in or outside of California which is a member of the Federal Reserve System and which the transfer agent has designated in writing for that purpose, to have the Shares redeemed by the Trust at the net asset value thereof per Share next determined after such deposit as provided in the By -Laws. Payment for redemption shall be made to the Shareholder within the number of business days specified in the Trust's current Program Guide and Information Statement, unless the date of payment is postponed pursuant to Section 8.2. hereof, in which event payment may be delayed beyond such period. Section 8.2. Suspension of Right of Redemption. The Trustees may declare a suspension of the right of redemption or postpone the date of payment or redemption for the whole or any part of any period (i) during which the New York Stock Exchange is closed other than customary weekend and holiday closings, (ii) during which trading on the New York Stock Exchange is restricted, or (iii) during which an emergency exists as a result of which disposal by the Trust of securities owned by it is not reasonably practicable or it is not reasonably practicable for the Trust fairly to determine the value of its net assets. Such suspension shall take effect at such time as the Trustees shall specify, but not later than the close of business on the business day next following the declaration of suspension, and thereafter there shall be no right of redemption or payment on redemption until the Trustees shall declare the suspension at an end, except that the suspension shall terminate in any event on the first day on which the New York Stock Exchange shall have reopened or the period specified in (ii) or (iii) shall have expired (as to which the determination of the Trustees shall be conclusive). In the case of a suspension of the right of redemption, a Shareholder may either withdraw its request for redemption or receive payment based on the net asset value existing after the termination of the suspension. Section 8.3. Redemptions to Reimburse Trust for Loss on Nonpayment for Shares or for Other Charges. The Trustees shall have the power to redeem Shares owned by any Shareholder to the extent necessary (i) to reimburse the Trust for any loss it has sustained by reason of the failure of such Shareholder to make full payment for Shares purchased by such Shareholder, or (ii) to collect any charge relating to a transaction effected for the benefit of such Shareholder which is applicable to Shares as provided in the Program Guide and Information Statement. Any such redemption shall be effected at the redemption price determined in accordance with Section 8.1. hereof. 15 70 Section 8.4. Redemptions Pursuant to Constant Net Asset Value Policy. The following provisions shall apply to any Series, or multiple Series of a Class or Classes of Shares invested in the same portfolio, of investments of the Trust during any period that the Trustees, in their discretion, establish a policy of maintaining a constant net asset value per Share. If for any reason the net income of the Trust attributable to such Shares invested in the same portfolio shall, at the time of any determination thereof in accordance with Section 9.1. hereof, be a negative amount, then the Trustees shall have power to cause the number of outstanding Shares of such Series or multiple Series of a Class or Classes of Shares invested in the same portfolio to be reduced by requiring each Shareholder to contribute to the capital of the Trust such Shareholder's proportionate part of the total number of Shares which have an aggregate current net asset value equal as nearly as may be practicable to the amount of the Trust's net loss in respect of such portfolio. Each Shareholder, by becoming a registered holder of Shares, agrees to make any such contribution which may be required. Section 8.5. Redemptions in Kind. Payment for Shares redeemed pursuant to Section 8.1. may, at the option of the Trustees, or such officer or officers as they may duly authorize for the purpose, in their complete discretion be made in cash, or in kind, or partially in cash and partially in kind. In case of payment in kind, the Trustees, or their delegate, shall have absolute discretion as to what security or securities shall be distributed in kind and the amount of the same, and the securities shall be valued for purposes of distribution at the figure at which they were appraised in computing the net asset value of the Shares. Section 8.6. Minimum Investment. The Trustees shall have the power to fix the minimum investment for Shareholders expressed in dollars or Shares, or both. Whenever a Shareholder's investment is less than the minimum established by the Trustees, the Trustees may redeem the Shares of such Shareholder, provided thirty days prior notice is given to such Shareholder. If the Trustees increase the minimum investment to an amount greater than it was at the time of the investment of any Shareholder, the investment of such Shareholder shall not be redeemed solely because it is less than such minimum amount without such Shareholder's consent. ARTICLE IX. DETERMINATION OF NET ASSET VALUE, NET INCOME AND DISTRIBUTIONS Section 9.1. By -Laws to Govern Net Asset, Net Income and Distribution Procedures. The Trustees, in their absolute discretion, may prescribe and shall set forth in the By -Laws such bases and times for determining the per Share net asset value of Class of the Shares that is a separate pool, the net income of the Trust, and the declaration and payment of distributions, as they may deem necessary or desirable. If authorized by the By -Laws such provisions may be set forth in the Information Statement. ARTICLE X. DURATION, TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT Section 10.1. Duration. The Trust shall continue without limitation of time but subject to the provisions of this Article X. 16 71 Section 10.2. Termination of Trust. (a) The Trust may be terminated by the vote of the majority of the authorized Trustees, subject to approval of the holders of not less than two-thirds of the holders of outstanding voting Shares. Upon the termination of the Trust: (i) The Trust shall carry on no activities except for the purpose of winding up its affairs; (ii) The Trustees shall proceed to wind up the affairs of the Trust and all of the powers of the Trustees under this Declaration of Trust shall continue until the affairs of the Trust shall have been wound up, including the power to fulfill or discharge the contracts of the Trust, collect its assets, sell, convey, assign, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the Trust property to one or more persons at public or private sale for consideration which may consist in whole or in part of cash, securities or other property of any kind, discharge or pay its liabilities, and do all other acts appropriate to liquidate its business; provided that any sale, conveyance, assignment, exchange, transfer or other disposition of all or substantially all the Trust property shall require approval in accordance with Section 10.4. hereof; and (iii) After paying or adequately providing for the payment of all liabilities, and upon receipt of such releases, indemnities and refunding agreements as they deem necessary for their protection, the Trustees may distribute the remaining Trust property, in cash or in kind or partly in cash and partly in kind, among the Shareholders according to their respective beneficial interests. (b) After termination of the Trust and distribution to the Shareholders as herein provided, a majority of the Trustees shall execute and lodge among the records of the Trust an instrument in writing setting forth the fact of such termination, and the Trustees shall thereupon be discharged from all further liabilities and duties hereunder, and the rights and interests of all Shareholders shall thereupon cease. Section 10.3. Amendment Procedure. (a) This Declaration of Trust may be amended by the vote of the Trustees, subject to approval of such amendment by the holders of a majority of outstanding voting Shares. The Trustees may also amend this Declaration of Trust without such approval to change the name of the Trust or any Series or Class, to establish and designate additional Series or Classes, to supply any omission herein or to correct or supplement any ambiguous, defective or inconsistent provision hereof, or if they deem it necessary, to conform this Declaration of Trust to the requirements of applicable laws or regulations, or to eliminate or reduce any taxes which may be payable by the Trust or the Shareholders, but the Trustees shall not be liable for failing to do so. (b) No amendment may be made under this Section 10.3. which would change any rights with respect to any Share by reducing the amount payable thereon upon liquidation of the Trust, or by diminishing or eliminating any approval rights pertaining thereto, except with the vote of a majority of the Trustees and the approval of the holders of two-thirds of the outstanding voting Shares. Nothing in this Declaration of Trust shall permit its amendment to impair the exemption from personal liability of the Participants, Trustees, officers, employees and agents of the Trust or to permit assessments upon the Shareholders. (c) A certificate signed by a majority of the Trustees setting forth an amendment and reciting that it was duly adopted by the Trustees and, if applicable, by the majority of the outstanding voting Shares, or 17 72 a copy of the Declaration of Trust as amended, and executed by a majority of the Trustees, shall be conclusive evidence of such amendment when lodged among the records of the Trust. Section 10.4. Merger, Consolidation and Sale of Assets. To the extent permitted by law, the Trust may merge into or consolidate with any other corporation, association, trust or other organization or may sell, lease or exchange all or substantially all of the Trust property, including its good will, upon such terms and conditions and for such consideration when and as authorized by vote of a majority of the Trustees and approved by the holders of two-thirds of the outstanding voting Shares. ARTICLE XI. MISCELLANEOUS Section 11.1. Governing Law. This Declaration of Trust is executed by the Initial Participants and delivered in the State of California and with reference to the laws thereof, and the rights of all parties and the validity and construction of every provision hereof shall be subject to and consented according to the laws of the State of California. Section 11.2. Counterparts. This Declaration of Trust may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts, together, shall be constituted one and the same instrument, which shall be sufficiently evidenced by any such original counterpart. Section 11.3. Adoption by California Public Agencies. A Public Agency of the State of California may become a Participant of this Trust by taking appropriate action to adopt this Declaration of Trust, furnishing the Trust with satisfactory evidence that such action has been taken, and signing a counterpart of this Declaration of Trust. A copy of this Declaration of Trust may be adopted through incorporation by reference into an ordinance or resolution of such Public Agency, and a certified copy of such ordinance or resolution shall constitute satisfactory evidence of adoption contemplated by this Section. Section 11.4. Certificates. Any certificate executed by an individual who, according to the records of the Trust, appears to be a Trustee hereunder, or Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Trust, certifying to: (a) the number or identity of Trustees or Shareholders, (b) the due authorization of the execution of any instrument or writing, (c) the form of any vote passed at a meeting of Trustees, (d) the number of Trustees present or voting at any meeting, (e) the form of any By -Laws adopted by or the identity of any officers elected by the Trustees, or (f) the existence of any fact or facts which in any manner relate to the affairs of the Trust, shall be conclusive evidence as to the matters so certified in favor of any person dealing with the Trustees and their successors. 18 73 Section 11.5. Provisions in Conflict with Law or Regulations. (a) The provisions of this Declaration of Trust are severable, and if the Trustees shall determine, with the advice of counsel, that any of such provisions is in conflict with applicable laws and regulations, the conflicting provisions shall be deemed superseded by such laws or regulations to the extent necessary to eliminate such conflict; provided, however, that such determination shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Declaration of Trust or render invalid or improper any action taken or omitted prior to such determination. (b) If any provision of this Declaration of Trust shall be held invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall pertain only to such provision and shall not in any manner affect any other provision of this Declaration of Trust in any jurisdiction. Section 11.6. Index and Headings for Reference Only. The index and headings preceding the text, articles and sections hereof have been inserted for convenience and reference only and shall not be construed to affect the meaning, construction or effect of this Declaration of Trust. Section 11.7. Successors in Interest. This Declaration of Trust and the By -Laws shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the undersigned Initial Participants and their successors and assigns, and every Shareholder and its successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Declaration of Trust as of the date first herein above set forth. MONTEREY PENINSULA WATER PLACER COUNTY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT By: /s/ Dick Heuer By: /s/ Alex Ferreira Name: Dick Heuer Name: Alex Ferreira Title: Chairman Title: Chairman, Board of Supervisors The undersigned Public Agency hereby represents that the governing body of the undersigned has duly adopted by appropriate action the Declaration of Trust of the California Asset Management Trust dated as of December 15, 1989, as amended and restated as of October 25, 2022; hereby executes such Declaration of Trust and, by such execution, hereby becomes a party to and Participant of the Trust and agrees to be bound by all the provisions of the Declaration of Trust. Date: October 16, 2024 Public Agency: City of La Quinta By: Name: Jon McMillen Title: City Manager 19 ATTEST: Date: October 16, 2024 By: Name: Monika Radeva Title: City Clerk 74 EXHIBIT A AMFENDED AND RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION OF CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT TRUST (PARTICIPANT SHARES SERIES AND INVESTOR SHARES SERIES OF THE CASH RESERVE PORTFOLIO CLASS AND THE TERM PORTFOLIO CLASS) We, the undersigned Trustees of the California Asset Management Trust ("Trust"), a California Joint Exercise of Powers Authority, formed pursuant to Section 6500 of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 of the Government of the State of California, and a common law trust established under a Declaration of Trust dated as of December 15, 1989, as amended and restated as of February 28, 2005 ("Declaration of Trust") (capitalized terms used herein, unless otherwise provided, have the meaning assigned in the Declaration of Trust), do hereby adopt the following: WHEREAS, the Declaration of Trust authorizes the Trustees to divide the shares of beneficial interest ("Shares") into any number of Classes and Series of Classes and determine the rights, preferences, privileges and restrictions granted to or imposed upon any of the such Classes or Series of Classes of Shares; and WHEREAS, the Declaration of Trust authorizes two Series of Shares of the Cash Reserve Portfolio Class and the Term Portfolio Class, consisting of Participant Shares Series and Investor Shares Series with each Share representing an equal proportionate Share in the net assets of the Class; and WHEREAS, the Participant Share Series consists of Shares issued and outstanding to Participants in the Trust with rights, preference, privileges and restrictions as more fully set forth herein and in the Declaration of Trust and By -Laws; and WHEREAS, the Trustees wish to designate the rights, preferences, privileges and restrictions of the Participant Shares Series and the Investor Share Series. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: (a) Participant Shares Series. The rights, preferences, privileges and restrictions granted to or imposed upon the Participant Shares Series are as follows: 1. Voting Rights. Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the By -Laws as adopted as of December 15, 1989, as amended and restated as of October 25, 2022, ("By -Laws"), or the Declaration of Trust, Participant Shares have exclusive voting rights on the following matters: (a) the appointment of Trustees, (b) liquidation of any Participant Shares Series, or any Class of Shares held in whole or in part by Participants, (c) termination of the Trust, (d) amendment of the Declaration of Trust, (e) merger, consolidation or sale of assets of the Trust, (f) change in the investment restrictions or fundamental policies set forth in the Information Statement, and (g) such other matters relating to the Trust as may be required by the By -Laws or the Declaration of Trust or as the Trustees may consider necessary or desirable to obtain the approval of the holders of the Participant Shares Series; and 2. Dividends. The holders of the Participant Shares Series shall be entitled to receive dividends and distributions as may be determined by the Trustees, in accordance with the By -Laws and the Declaration of Trust, and all such dividends and distributions shall be distributed pro rata to each A-1 75 holder of the Participant Shares Series in proportion to the number of Shares of the Participant Shares Series held by such holder at the date and time of record established by the By -Laws for the payment of such dividends and distributions; and 3. Liquidation. In the event of any liquidation of the Participant Shares Series of any Class, each holder of the Participant Shares Series shall be entitled to receive, when and as declared by the Trustees in accordance with the By -Laws and the Declaration of Trust, the net asset value of each Share of the Participant Shares Series held by the Participant. The holders of the Participant Shares Series shall not be entitled to any distribution upon liquidation of any other Series of any Class. The assets so distributable to the holders of the Participant Shares Series shall be distributed in proportion to the number of Shares of the Participant Shares Series of such Class held by each holder and recorded on the books of the Trust; and 4. Redemption. The holder of the Participant Shares Series shall have the right at any time to redeem Shares of the Participant Shares Series at the net asset value per Share with payment for the Shares of the Participant Shares Series redeemed to be made by the Trustees to such holder either in cash or in kind or partially in cash and partially in kind, as may be determined by the Trustees, in their complete discretion, or by such officer or officers as the Trustees may duly authorize for this purpose. RESOLVED, FURTHER, (b) Investor Shares Series. The rights, preferences, privileges and restrictions granted to or imposed upon the Investor Shares Series are as follows: 1. Voting Rights. Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the Investor Shares Series shall have no voting rights; and 2. Dividends. The holders of the Investor Shares Series of a Class of Shares shall be entitled to receive dividends and distributions as may be determined by the Trustees, in accordance with the By -Laws and the Declaration of Trust, and all such dividends and distributions shall be distributed pro rata to each holder of the Investor Shares Series of such Class in proportion to the number of Shares of the Investor Shares Series held by such holder at the date and time of record established by the By -Laws for the payment of such dividends and distributions; and 3. Liquidation. In the event of any liquidation of the Investor Shares Series of a Class, each holder of the Investor Shares Series of such Class shall be entitled to receive, when and as declared by the Trustees, in accordance with the By -Laws and the Declaration of Trust, the net asset value of each share of the Investor Shares Series of such Class. The holders of the Investor Shares Series shall not be entitled to any distribution upon liquidation of any other Series. The assets so distributable to the holders of the Investor Shares Series of a Class shall be distributed in proportion to the number of Shares of the Investor Shares Series held by each holder and recorded on the books of the Trust; and 4. Redemption. The holder of the Investor Shares Series of a Class shall have the right at any time to redeem Shares of the Investor Shares Series of such Class at the net asset value per Share with payment for the Shares of the Investor Shares Series redeemed to be made by the Trustees to such holder either in cash or in kind or partially in cash and partially in kind, as may be determined by the Trustees, in their complete discretion, or by such officer or officers as the Trustees may duly authorize for this purpose. A-2 76 VERIFICATIONS BY WRITTEN DECLARATION OF AMENDED AND RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION Steve Dial declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that he has read the foregoing Amended and Restated Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Dated: October 25, 2022 By: /s/ Steve Dial Name: Steve Dial Karen Adams declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that he has read the foregoing Amended and Restated Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Dated: October 25, 2022 By: /s/ Karen Adams Name: Karen Adams Andre Douzdjian declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that he has read the foregoing Amended and Restated Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Dated: October 25, 2022 By: /s/ Andre Douzdjian Name: Andre Douzdjian Duane Wolterstorff declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that he has read the foregoing Amended and Restated Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Dated: October 25, 2022 By: /s/ Duane Wolterstorff Name: Duane Wolterstorff A-3 77 Lauren Warrem declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that he has read the foregoing Amended and Restated Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Dated: October 25, 2022 By: /s/ Lauren Warrem Name: Lauren Warrem Jordan Kaufman declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that he has read the foregoing Amended and Restated Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Dated: October 25, 2022 By: /s/ Jordan Kaufman Name: Jordan Kaufman David Persselin declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that he has read the foregoing Amended and Restated Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Dated: October 25, 2022 By: /s/ David Persselin Name: David Persselin A-4 78 r" CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY ONE CALIFORNIA STREET SUITE 1000 SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94111 213 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG PENNSYLVANIA 17101 PHONE (800) 729-7665 FAX (888) 535-0120 www.camponline.com CAMP® is a registered trademark and the CAMP logos and designs are trademarks owned by the California Asset Management Trust (Trust). 79 ATTACHMENT 1 akt://-\-\1) CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY PROGRAM GUIDE January 12, 2023 This Program Guide includes an Information Statement that contains important information on the California Asset Management Trust. Please read the Information Statement carefully before you invest in the Trust. © 2023 California Asset Management Program 80 CONTENTS Part 1 Key Facts Part 1 presents key facts about the Portfolios, including information on costs, minimums, policies, and how to place transaction orders. Part 1 is descriptive, not definitive, and is qualified by the information contained in Part 2. Terms Terms Used in This Document 1 Portfolio Summaries Cash Reserve Portfolio (including the Participant Shares and Investor Shares Series) CAMP Term Portfolio Investing 2 4 Information Specific to the CAMP Cash Reserve Portfolio 25 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 General Information The Trust Overview of the Declaration of Trust The Trustees Participant and Trustee Liability Service Providers Expenses of the Trust Tax Matters Arbitrage Rebate Compliance The Portfolios 13 14 15 17 17 19 19 20 Information Common to All Portfolios 22 Opening an Account Buying Shares—CAMP Cash Reserve Portfolio Redeeming Shares—CAMP Cash Reserve Portfolio Buying Shares—CAMP Term Portfolio Redeeming Shares—CAMP Term Portfolio Policies Concerning Withdrawals Additional Account Features Policies Specific to the CAMP Term Portfolios Tax Information Use of Amortized Cost Financial Highlights Part 2 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 Information Statement Part 2 contains supplemental information to Parts 1 and 3. Some of this information further defines or qualifies information presented in Part 1. There is also information on additional topics, such as the history of the Trust and a list of the Trustees. Parts 1, 2, and 3 together constitute the offering document for the Pool, Term, and Individual Por folios. Information Specific to the CAMP Term Portfolio 27 Part 3 Individual Portfolios Part 3 presents key facts about an Individual Porfolio investment and is qualified by the information contained in Part 2. General Information Purpose Investment Policies Opening an Individual Portfolio Individual Portfolio Transactions Arbitrage Rebate Compliance Individual Portfolio Costs Custodian 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 81 Part 1 Terms Used in This Document Account Application The form to open a CAMP account. ACH Automated clearing house is a secure payment transfer system that connects all U.S. financial institutions. The ACH network acts as the central clearing facility for all Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) transactions that occur nationwide. Advisory Agreement Investment advisory agreement between the Investment Adviser and the Trust. Act California Joint Exercise of Powers Act (California Government Code Section 6500 et seq.). Board The Trust's Board of Trustees. These individuals are employees of California Public Agencies which are Participants in the Trust. Business Day Any day on which both the bond market (as determined by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association "SIFMA") and the Custodian are open for business. The Trust may close early on any days when the bond market closes early. In light of anticipated limited availability for money market securities and fixed income settlement capacity limitations, the Trust will not be open for business on Good Friday even if the primary trading markets are open. California Asset Management Program or CAMP or Program The Program consisting of the Trust and Individual Portfolios. Cash Reserve Portfolio A short-term portfolio and cash management vehicle (the "Pool") designed to earn a high rate of return while preserving principal, providing liquidity, and seeking a stable NAV of $1.00. Custodian U.S. Bank National Association or the designated bank, agent, or trust company responsible for safeguarding financial assets of the Trust and the Individual Portfolios. Connect The Investment Adviser's web -based information and transaction service. FINRA Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Individual Portfolio Professionally managed investment accounts which Shareholders may establish by separate agreement with the Investment Adviser. Internal Revenue Code The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Investment Adviser PFM Asset Management LLC, the Trust's investment adviser, administrator, and transfer agent. CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Investor Agreement The Agreement to become an Investor and purchase shares of the Investor Shares Series. Investors Shareholders that invest in the Trust's Portfolios without joining the Trust. JPA Joint Exercise of Powers Authority. The Trust is a JPA. MSRB Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. NAV Net asset value. NRSRO Nationally recognized statistical -rating organization. Officers Executive officers of the Trust. PFMAM PFM Asset Management LLC Pacific Time The local West Coast time, either daylight or standard depending on time of year. Participants Shareholders that invest in the Trust's Portfolios who have joined the Trust. Pool The Trust's Cash Reserve Portfolio. Portfolios The Cash Reserve Portfolio and Term Portfolio which are each professionally managed investment portfolios. Public Agency As defined in California Government Code, Section 6500, and includes, but is not limited to, the federal government or any federal department or agency, this state, another state or any state department or agency, a county, county board of education, county superintendent of schools, city, public corporation, public district, regional transportation commission of this state or another state, a federally recognized Indian tribe, or any joint powers authority formed pursuant to this article by any of these agencies. Shares Series Reference to the Participant Shares Series and the Investor Shares Series of the Cash Reserve Portfolio, or series of the CAMP Term Portfolio when applicable and, collectively, the "Shares Series," where applicable. Shares Units representing an equal proportionate share of beneficial interest in the Portfolios of the Trust. Shareholders Public agencies that invest in the Trust's Portfolios. Standard & Poor's Standard & Poor's Rating Agency. Term The Trust's CAMP Term Portfolio or individual series thereof. Trust California Asset Management Trust. Trustees Members of the Board of Trustees of the Trust. USBAM U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc. U.S. Bank U.S. Bank National Association Page1 82 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Portfolio Summary Cash Reserve Portfolio Participant Shares and Investor Shares Investment Objective The objective of the Cash Reserve Portfolio is to earn a high rate of return while preserving principal, providing liquidity, and seeking a stable NAV of $1.00. For proceeds of debt issuances invested in the Pool, the objective of the Trust is to invest and account for such proceeds in compliance with the arbitrage rebate and yield restriction requirements as set forth in the Internal Revenue Code and the related U.S. Treasury regulations. Principal Investment Strategies The Cash Reserve Portfolio invests exclusively in the following types of investments, all of which are authorized investments for Public Agencies pursuant to California Government Code Section 53601: • U.S. Government and agency obligations • Repurchase agreements collateralized by U.S. Government and agency obligations • Bankers' acceptances • Negotiable certificates of deposit • Commercial paper • Corporate notes • Supranationals • Asset -Backed Securities • Money Market Funds The Investment Adviser may adjust exposure to interest rate risk, typically seeking to protect against possible rises in interest rates and to preserve yield when interest rates appear likely to fall. The Pool is managed to maintain a dollar -weighted average maturity of no more than 60 days and a dollar - weighted average life (final maturity, adjusted for demand features but not interest rate adjustments) of no more than 120 days. In addition, it only buys investments that have a remaining maturity of three hundred ninety-seven (397) days or less at the time of purchase (except for variable-rate notes issued by the U.S. Government or its agencies or instrumentalities, which must have remaining maturities of 762 days or less. The Pool has received a rating of AAAm from Standard & Poor's. For a more complete description of authorized investments and investment restrictions for the Portfolio, see the `Authorized Investments" section in Section 2 of this document. Main Risks As with any similar pooled investment, there are several factors that could hurt the Pool's performance, cause Shareholders to lose money, or cause the Pool's performance to be less than that of other investments. • Interest rate risk When short-term interest rates fall, the Pool's yield is likely to fall. When interest rates rise, especially if the rise is sharp or unexpected, the Pool's share price could fall. • Credit risk The issuer of a security could fail to pay interest or principal in a timely manner. The credit quality of the Pool's holdings could change rapidly in certain markets, and the default or decline in credit quality of even a single investment could cause the Pool's share price to fall. • Liquidity risk The Pool's share price could fall during times when there are abnormal levels of redemption requests or markets are illiquid. • Management risk Performance could be hurt by decisions made by the Investment Adviser, such as choice of investments or timing of buy/sell decisions. An investment in the Pool is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the Pool seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Pool. Page2 83 Management Investment Adviser PFM Asset Management LLC. The features of the Pool are summarized below. Fees and Expenses These are the fees and expenses Shareholders will pay when they buy and hold Shares in this Pool. The figures shown here do not reflect the effects of any voluntary expense reductions. Going forward, actual expenses may be higher or lower. The Investment Adviser is obligated to reimburse the Pool for the amount by which annual operating expenses, including investment management, custodian, legal, and audit fees, exceed 0.22% of average daily net assets. There were no reimbursements to the Pool for the year ended December 31, 2021. Annual Pool Operating Expenses (Fees and expenses shown are based on the prior year's audited financial statements and may be subject to certain fee waivers or recoupment thereof.) Management and administrative fees 0.10% Other operating expenses 0.01% Total annual operating expenses 0.11% Fora more complete description of the fees and expenses for this Portfolio, see the Expenses of the Trust section in Part 2 of this document. Past Performance All performance figures shown here assume that dividends were reinvested. Figures shown are for the five most recent audited calendar years. For current yield information, call (800) 729-7665. Past performance may not indicate future results. Calendar Year Total Returns (%) Cash Reserve Portfolio 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 2.01% 1.06% i 2017 2018 0.71% ■ . 0.06% 2019 2020 2021 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Purchase and Sale of Pool Shares Minimum Initial Investment No minimum. Minimum Account Balance No minimum. Minimum Holding Period 1 day. You can place orders to buy or sell Shares by wire, ACH transfer, check or via the Internet using Connect. Placing Orders To place orders, contact us at: Online www.camponline.com Phone (800) 729-7665 Wire transfer orders can be processed the same Business Day if they are received and accepted by the Investment Adviser by 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time and if the Pool's Custodian receives federal funds by wire prior to the close of business. Wire orders received after 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time are processed on the next Business Day. ACH transfer orders are processed on the next Business Day if requested by 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time. ACH orders received after 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time are processed on the second Business Day after the Business Day on which they are received. For more complete information on buying and selling Shares, see `Buying Shares" and `Redeeming Shares." For information on the potential tax consequences of investing in the Pool, see 'Tax Information." Pagel3 84 CAMP Term Portfolio Investment Objective To provide an investment subject to pre-set redemptions occurring from 60 days to one year from the date of investment, and that will produce the highest earnings consistent with maintaining safety of principal at maturity and meeting the redemption schedule. The CAMP Term Portfolio seeks to assure the return of principal on the planned maturity date, although principal value may fluctuate prior to that date, and therefore may be greater or less than $1.00 a share. There may be a penalty for early withdrawal, and the NAV prior to a pre- set redemption may be more or less than $1.00 a share. The securities will be valued using market values to determine fair value of the Portfolio. The CAMP Term Portfolio does not offer daily liquidity and therefore does not qualify under GASB Statement No. 79 to utilize amortized cost for external GAAP financial reporting. Rather, it utilizes market prices to determine fair value for external GAAP financial reporting in accordance with GASB Statement No. 31. Annual financial statements issued for the Portfolio will include a statement of net position and statement of changes in net position. The Portfolio may also maintain a rating from a NRSRO and implement corresponding policies and procedures designed to comply with additional rating guidelines to achieve the Portfolio's investment objective. Principal Investment Strategies The Term Portfolio invests exclusively in the following types of investments, all of which are authorized investments for Public Agencies pursuant to California Government Code Section 53601: • U.S. Government and agency obligations • Repurchase agreements collateralized by U.S. Government and agency obligations • Bankers' acceptances • Negotiable certificates of deposit • Commercial paper • Corporate notes • Supranationals • Asset -Backed Securities • Money Market Funds For a more complete description of authorized investments and investment restrictions for the Portfolio, see the `Authorized Investments" section in Section 2 of this document. CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Main Risks As with any similar pooled investment, there are several factors that could hurt the Portfolio's performance, cause you to lose money, or cause the Portfolio's performance to trail that of other investments. • Credit risk The issuer of a security could fail to pay interest or principal in a timely manner. The credit quality of the Portfolio's holdings could change rapidly in certain markets, and the default or decline in credit quality of even a single holding could cause the Portfolio's share price to fall. • Early redemption risk Early redemption penalties charged to a Shareholder by the Portfolio could reduce or eliminate investment gains and could mean that the amount that Investor receives back is less than the initial investment. • Management risk Performance could be hurt by decisions made by the Investment Adviser, such as choice of investments or investment maturities or timing of buy/sell decisions. An investment in the Portfolio is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the Portfolio seeks to preserve the value of your investment on the planned redemption date at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Portfolio. Past Performance The performance of each individual series of the Portfolio and of each Shareholder's individual investment therein may vary. Past performance may not indicate future results. Management Investment Adviser PFM Asset Management LLC Fees and Expenses These are the fees and expenses you will pay when you buy and hold shares in this Portfolio. The figures shown on the following page do not reflect the effects of any voluntary expense reductions which would lower expenses. Page4 85 Annual Portfolio Operating Expenses (Fees and expenses shown may be subject to certain fee waivers) Management and administrative fees 0.15% Other operating expenses 0.07% Maximum total annual operating expenses 0.22% The Portfolio may charge significant fees/penalties for any redemptions prior to the agreed upon redemption date. As these charges are based on protecting the interests of other Portfolio Shareholders, the actual amount of the fees cannot be stated in advance. For a more complete description of the fees and expenses for this Portfolio, see the Expenses of the Trust section in Part 2 of this document. Purchase and Sale of CAMP Term Portfolio Shares Minimum Investment $1,000,000. Minimum Term 60 days. Premature withdrawal may result in a fee/penalty. Maximum Term 1 year. CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Placing Orders Prior to placing any order, call CAMP's toll-free number to discuss the amount and term of your investment and to get information on the projected yield. Once your investment has been approved, you can place orders to buy Term shares by redeeming available Pool shares. Any additional funds needed to cover the purchase of shares may be sent to the Shareholder's Pool account via separate wire, or automated clearing house (ACH) transfer. All transactions for purchases in a CAMP Term series are dependent upon funds being available in the Shareholder's Pool account from which the transaction originated. To arrange or place orders, contact us at: Phone 800-729-7665 Orders can be processed the same day if funds are available in the Shareholder's Pool account by 10:00 am Pacific Time. Otherwise, they are processed on the next business day so long as funds are made available in the Shareholder's Pool account. For more complete information on buying and redeeming shares, see `Buying Shares—CAMP Term Portfolio" and `Redeeming Shares—CAMP Term Portfolio." For information on the potential tax consequences of investing in the Portfolio, see 'Tax Information." Page5 86 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Investing Opening an Account Eligible Shareholders The Trust is a JPA and a California common law trust. The Trust will not accept funds for investment from sources other than California Public Agencies. Account Opening Process • Complete the appropriate Account Application. To obtain additional forms, call (800) 729-7665 or visit www.camponline.com to download them. • If Participant Shares are being purchased for the initial account, provide a copy of an ordinance or resolution authorizing participation in the Trust, and execute a conformed copy of the Declaration of Trust. Buying Shares—CAMP Cash Reserve Portfolio • If Investor Shares are being purchased, execute a copy of the Investor Agreement. To obtain a copy of the Investor Agreement, call (800) 729-7665 or visit www.camponline.com. Complete a separate Account Application, signed by an authorized person, for each account. • Provide a completed IRS W-9 form. Send the above documents via U.S. mail to: CAMP Client Services Group P. O. Box 11760 Harrisburg, PA 17108-1760 Please note: UPS and Federal Express will not deliver packages to a P.O. Box. If using one of these shipping methods, please contact CAMP at (800) 729-7665 for an alternative delivery address. Or send by fax to: (888) 535-0120 Once a Shareholder's application has been accepted, an investment in the Pool can be made using one of the methods in the table on the following page. Funds used to purchase investments must be in U.S. dollars and must be drawn on a U.S. Bank or a U.S. branch of a foreign bank. All investments must meet the terms described in the Portfolio Summary. Special Requirements for the Proceeds of Debt Issues. Shareholders are advised to invest proceeds of tax-exempt borrowings by same-day wire transfer as any other method could result in delays in investing funds and, for rebate calculation purposes, may limit the Investment Adviser's ability to track the investment of all the proceeds of a debt issue through a single account from the time of actual settlement on the debt issue. Unless all proceeds from a particular debt issue are invested through the Trust immediately upon receipt by the Shareholder, and unless the recommended withdrawal procedures are followed, the Investment Adviser may decline to provide arbitrage compliance assistance or may require additional information from the Shareholder, otherwise, the Investment Adviser may not be able to complete a rebate calculation report or may have to qualify the rebate calculation report. The Trust may accept the proceeds of debt issues which previously have been deposited or invested outside of the Trust, subject to the preparation of a rebate calculation report for the period prior to deposit with the Trust. The Investment Adviser will provide instructions and assistance in arranging for preparation of this report (see Part 2 - Rebate Calculation Services for the Proceeds of Debt Issues). Page6 87 Method Instructions CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Additional information Wire (same-day settlement) • Initiate the transaction on the Internet at www.camponline.com or by calling the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665 before 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time. • Provide the following information: — Shareholder's account name and account number - Amount being wired - Whether the transfer is by Federal funds wire (preferred) or bank wire - Name of bank sending wire • Instruct your bank to initiate the wire on the same day to U.S. Bank National Association. Detailed instructions can be obtained on the Internet at www.camponline.com or by calling the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665. • The Pool does not charge fees for receiving wires. However, the sending bank may charge for wiring funds. To reduce potential charges, use ACH transfers as described below. • Important—A Shareholder must initiate an Internet transaction or notify the Investment Adviser by telephone of a deposit before 11:00 a.m., Pacific Time, and a Federal Reserve wire or bank wire convertible to Federal Funds on a same-day basis must be received that day by the Custodian if the investment is to begin earning income that day. ACH transfer (settles next Business Day) • Before making your first transfer, call the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665 and register for ACH transfers. • A Shareholder may initiate an Internet transaction at www.camponline.com or call the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665 prior to 1:00 p.m., Pacific Time, and give instructions for the movement of funds from its financial institution to its Pool account. • Funds will transfer overnight and begin earning income the next Business Day. • Funds may be transferred to the Trust by ACH according to the written banking instructions provided by an authorized person. • A Shareholder must notify the Trust in writing of any changes to the specified banking instructions. Check (settles two or more Business Days after the order arrives) • Instructions for depositing checks by mail are available by contacting the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665. • Checks will be deposited when received by the Custodian, and proceeds will be invested when they are converted to Federal Funds. This procedure may take two or more Business Days. • It is not advisable to use checks for investment of proceeds of tax-exempt borrowings. Online • Before making your first online transaction, submit a Contact Record Form, which may be obtained either by calling the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665 or by visiting www.camponline.com. • Use Connect to place wire or ACH orders with the Investment Adviser. • Instruct your bank to initiate the wire on the same day to U.S. Bank National Association. Detailed instructions can be obtained on the Internet at www.camponline.com or by calling the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665. Page7 88 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Redeeming Shares—CAMP Cash Reserve Portfolio A Shareholder may withdraw all or any portion of the funds in its Pool account at any time by redeeming Shares. Shares will be redeemed at the NAV per share next determined after receipt of a request for withdrawal in Method Instructions proper form. The NAV determination is made at the conclusion of each Business Day. Funds may be withdrawn in any of the ways shown below. Additional information Wire (same-day settlement) • Initiate the transaction on the Internet at www.camponline.com or call the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665 on any Business Day to request a withdrawal and the transfer of proceeds. Funds will be transferred to the Trust according to the written banking instructions provided by an authorized person. • If your request is received before 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time, funds will be wired on that same day. • Requests received after 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time will be processed on the following Business Day. • Funds may be transferred to the Trust by wire according to the written banking instructions provided by an authorized person. • A Shareholder must notify the Trust in writing of any changes to the specified banking instructions. ACH transfer (settles next Business Day) • Before making your first transfer, call the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665 and register for ACH transfers. • Initiate the transaction on the Internet at www.camponline.com or by calling the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665 before 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time. • Funds will transfer overnight and be available the next Business Day. • Funds will remain invested in the Shareholder's Pool account until the day they are transferred. • Funds may be transferred from the Trust by ACH according to the written banking instructions provided by an authorized person. • A Shareholder must notify the Trust in writing of any changes to the specified banking instructions. Check • Upon request, the Investment Adviser will provide a Shareholder with a supply of checks imprinted with the Shareholder's name and account number for each Pool account. • • Checks may be made payable to anyone and deposited by the payee as with any other check. When these checks are presented to the Custodian for payment, the Trust will redeem the appropriate number of full or fractional Shares from the Shareholder's Pool account to cover the amount of the check. • There is currently no charge for checkwriting. • Funds will continue to earn income until the check clears. • If you use checks, you will receive images of checks paid with monthly statements. • Do not use a check to withdraw all available funds or to close your account. Please contact the Investment Adviser for instructions on how to fully redeem your shares. • You may be charged a fee for writing a check that is returned for insufficient funds. Page8 89 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Buying Shares—CAMP Term Portfolio Once your application to open a CAMP Term Portfolio account has been accepted, you may invest in the CAMP Term Portfolio by authorizing the Investment Adviser to invest funds in a CAMP Term Portfolio account. Prior to placing any order, call us to discuss the amount and term of your investment and to get information on the Redeeming Shares—CAMP Term Portfolio projected yield. Each investment will be given its own projected yield. Yields may vary according to the term of the investment and the interest rates available at the time of investment. The Investment Adviser may refuse any investment or limit the size of an investment. Funds may be withdrawn only as described in the table below. Be sure that one or more bank accounts have been pre -authorized to receive redemptions proceeds. If there is Type of Redemption Instructions more than one pre -authorized bank account, call 800 729- 7665 in advance to let the Trust know which account is to receive redemption proceeds. Additional information Maturity • No action required. Proceeds will be automatically transferred to the Pool account from which funds for the original purchase were withdrawn. • Redemption value per share will equal the purchase price plus dividends (at the projected yield) minus any losses incurred by the series (not counting those resulting from premature redemptions). Premature Redemption Redemption prior to maturity date • Send a letter to the Investment Adviser requesting redemption prior to the maturity date. Alternatively, you can notify the Investment Adviser by calling (800) 729-7665 and following up with written confirmation of your instructions. • 7 days after we receive your request, redemption proceeds will be transferred to your Pool account from which funds for the original purchase were withdrawn. • Premature redemption amounts must be for the entire investment or, for partial redemptions, must be in increments of $100,000. • Redemption value per share will equal the purchase price plus dividends earned to date minus any losses incurred by the Term series and any premature redemption penalty. Planned Early Redemption Redemption prior to maturity date • At the time an order for shares is placed, Shareholders may submit a request for redemption on a Planned Early Redemption Date prior to the termination date for the Term series without the imposition of a penalty. • No action necessarily required. Proceeds will be automatically transferred to the Pool account from which funds for the original purchase were withdrawn. • The redemption value per share for shares being redeemed on a Planned Early Redemption Date is equal to the original purchase price for such shares plus dividends thereon, less such shares' allocation of any losses incurred by the Term series (other than losses resulting from Premature Redemption of shares of the series). Pagel9 90 Special Withdrawal Procedures for Proceeds of Tax -Exempt Obligations It is recommended that checks payable to the Shareholder and wire transfers to the Shareholder's account be used only to reimburse the Shareholder for project costs already incurred and that appropriate documentation of such reimbursement be retained by the Shareholder to maintain a clear audit trail of the expenditure of funds for rebate calculation purposes. Failure to follow this procedure could result in additional rebate calculation costs and/or issuance of a qualified rebate calculation report or a rebate exceptions compliance report. If, at the time the debt instruments are issued, a Shareholder expects to make rebate payments and designates this on Schedule A - Bond Issue Information of the Account Application, the Investment Adviser will track withdrawals and will notify the Shareholder when cumulative withdrawals from an account total the amount of the original proceeds of a debt issue deposited in that account. Within five days of such notice, the Investment Adviser will provide an estimate of the Shareholder's rebate obligation, if any, with respect to the account. To the extent the Shareholder has rebate liability, it is recommended that the Shareholder open a separate account and fund it in an amount at least equal to the estimated rebate liability or reserve an amount equal to the estimated rebate liability in its project funds. Upon receiving the above-described notification, the Shareholder should promptly request preparation of a rebate calculation report by calling the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665 (see Part 3 - Rebate Calculation Services for the Proceeds of Debt Issues). Upon completion of the rebate calculation report, the Investment Adviser will provide the Shareholder with copies of the rebate calculation report. The Investment Adviser recommends that the Shareholder open a separate account to deposit the rebate amount identified in the rebate calculation report. It is further recommended that the Shareholder withdraw the balance in the separate account and make the required rebate payment within sixty (60) days of the installment computation date (as defined in the applicable U.S. Treasury regulations). A Shareholder could be liable for rebate payments in addition to the amount identified in the rebate calculation report if, among other things, the date of the rebate calculation report does not correspond with an installment computation date, if payment of the amount is not made within sixty (60) days of the installment computation date, or if some future action by the Shareholder changes the yield of the related tax-exempt obligations. It is advisable that a Shareholder not withdraw all of its funds prior to completion of rebate estimates and a rebate calculation report in order to track all earnings accurately CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 and to fulfill its rebate obligation. Failure by the Shareholder to follow these guidelines may result in the Shareholder having to fulfill its rebate obligation from other sources of funds and may make it impossible for the Investment Adviser to prepare an unqualified rebate calculation report. If a Shareholder withdraws funds from the Program prior to the end of a rebate calculation period and reinvests them elsewhere, the Investment Adviser will be unable to issue an unqualified rebate calculation report. Emergencies: Right to Suspend Withdrawals The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to suspend the right of withdrawal from the Trust or to postpone the date of payment of redemption proceeds if the New York Stock Exchange is closed other than for customary weekend and holiday closings, if trading on the New York Stock Exchange is restricted, or if, in the opinion of the Trustees, an emergency exists such that disposal of the Trust's securities or determination of its net asset value is not reasonably practicable. If the right of withdrawal is suspended, a Shareholder may either withdraw its request for that withdrawal or receive payment based on the net asset value of the Trust next determined after termination of the suspension of the right of withdrawal. Other Redemption Policies The Trust may redeem Shares owned by a Shareholder to reimburse the Trust for any failure by that Shareholder to make full payment for Shares purchased by the Shareholder. Redemption payments may be made in whole or in part in securities or other property of the Trust. Shareholders receiving any such securities or other property on redemption will bear any costs of sale. Additional Account Features The Trust offers certain additional account features at no extra charge, including: • Statements Confirmations of each investment in and withdrawal from a Trust account will be made available online at www.camponline.com within two days of the transaction. A statement of each account will be mailed (or obtained online at www.camponline com) each month to each Shareholder. This statement will show the dividend paid and the account balance as of the statement date. The statement will also show total income earned during the year. Any checks the Shareholder has written against a Trust account which have been paid Page110 91 by the Trust and canceled during the month will be returned to the writer by U.S. Bank National Association. • Information Services Toll-free telephone service ((800) 729-7665) is available to provide Shareholders with information including current yield, up-to-date account information and transaction history, and to receive instructions for the investment or withdrawal of funds. • Technical Assistance Technical and operational assistance ((800) 729-7665) is available to Shareholders and Public Agency officials who are considering the Trust for investment purposes. • Estimated Earnings on the Proceeds of Debt Issue and Projected Draws Upon request, the Investment Adviser will provide estimates of future earnings on the proceeds of a debt issue for Shareholders. This estimate will be based on the projected drawdown schedule provided by the Shareholder. The Investment Adviser may request estimates of project drawdown schedules from Shareholders from time to time to facilitate efficient investment of funds. • Website Account information and information regarding the Trust can be found at www.camponline.com. A password and user identification is required to initiate a transaction or access account information. The system can be accessed through the Trust's website by selecting "Access Your Account." Instructions on how to obtain a password and user identification can be received by contacting investor services at (800) 729-7665. • Information on Portfolio Holdings The Trust discloses a summary of each Portfolio's holdings online monthly and a full description of holdings in the annual audited financial reports. For our policy on the disclosure of Portfolio holdings, see Part 2. Rights the Trust reserves The Trust reserves the right to do any of the following: • Add, change, or remove account minimums at any time without advance notice. • Reject any investment or limit the size of any Shareholder's account. • Limit the frequency of purchases for any reason. • Establish a minimum check amount, or terminate, suspend, or alter check writing privileges. CAMP® Program Guide -January 12, 2023 Policies Specific to the CAMP Term Portfolio Dividends and Distributions A projected dividend rate is determined when shares are purchased, and the dividend is declared and paid on the maturity or on the planned redemption date. Dividends on shares in the series constituting the CAMP Term Portfolio shall be paid on the termination date of the series, except for dividends on shares redeemed pursuant to a planned early redemption or a premature redemption before the termination date, which will be paid when such dividends on shares in the series are redeemed. The yield for any CAMP Term Portfolio investment is determined by dividing the expected net income per share for the period from the settlement date to the termination date by the purchase price per share, dividing this result by the actual number of days between the settlement date and termination date, and then multiplying the result by 365/366. For more detail about Dividends and Distributions, see Part 2. Premature Redemption Penalty Shareholders may be charged a premature redemption penalty equal to (i) all penalty charges, losses, banking fees and other costs (including, without limitation, interest paid on funds borrowed to pay the redemption) associated with amending, terminating, selling or otherwise affecting any of the investments in the series and (ii) an amount sufficient to maintain the projected yield on the remaining shares to the stated termination date for the series or to the planned early redemption dates, as the case may be, less any losses affecting projected yield attributable to such shares. Allocation of Losses Any losses incurred by a CAMP Term Portfolio series (other than losses resulting from Premature Redemptions of shares of the series or in the normal course of portfolio management) will be allocated among all shares of the series outstanding at the time such loss is incurred. Such a loss may result from a default on an investment or from a sale of an investment. If such a loss occurs, the redemption value per share could be lower than that on which the projected yield was quoted at the time of issuance of the share. Calculating Share Price Any losses incurred by a CAMP Term Portfolio series (other than the redemption value per share for any series of the Portfolio will be determined on any day when redemption is made and on termination of the series. It is the intent of the Trust to manage each series in the Portfolio Page�11 92 in a manner that produces a share price of at least $1.00 on the termination date. The Investment Adviser, on behalf of CAMP, determines the net asset value of the shares of the Portfolio at the close of each Business Day for the purpose of computing expenses and fees. The net asset value per share for each series of the Portfolio is calculated by dividing the total value of investments and other assets less any liabilities by the total outstanding shares of the series as of the day the calculation is made. Tax Information We suggest that you check with your tax advisor before investing in the Trust or an Individual Portfolio. Relevant considerations include: • Section 115(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, which provides that the gross income of a state or political subdivision does not include income derived from the exercise of any essential government function. • Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code (and related regulations) covering rebate requirements, which may apply to anyone investing tax-exempt or tax -credit bond proceeds. • Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code (and related regulations) covering arbitrage limitations or rebate requirements under which states and municipalities may be required to pay the U.S. Treasury a portion of earnings they derive from the investment of certain funds. CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Use of Amortized Cost The Board of Trustees has determined, in consultation with the Investment Adviser, that it will manage the Trust's Cash Reserve Portfolio in accordance with GASB 79 requirements, as applicable, for continued use of amortized cost. Financial Highlights The Trust's financial statements are audited by Ernst & Young LLP and are included in the CAMP Annual Report for the Trust's most recent fiscal year end. The Annual Report is available upon request or on the Trust's website (www.camponline.com). Page112 93 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Part 2 — Information Statement General Information The Trust History The California Asset Management Trust was established in 1989 as a California JPA and as a California common law trust to meet local government investments needs. The Trust is responsible for the management of the Cash Reserve and Term Portfolios. The Trust's activities are directed by the Board. Because the Trust is accountable only to its Public Agency Shareholders, it has adapted over time to meet their changing needs. Initially, the Trust was formed to assist California public agencies with investing proceeds of tax-exempt debt issues and complying with the arbitrage regulations. Responding to needs of its Shareholders, the Trust was later expanded to include investment of operating funds and capital reserves. In 2005, in response to changes in the law and the needs of California Public Agencies for a more flexible investment option, the Trust was amended to create two new Shares Series: Investor Shares and Participant Shares. Participant Shares are available to California Public Agencies that have joined the JPA as members. Shares of the Investor Shares are available to California Public Agencies that have not joined the JPA as a member. Shares of both Series are invested in the same portfolios. As such, the Participant and Investor Shares will realize the same investment results. Please review Parts 1 and 2 of the Program Guide carefully for a more detailed description of the respective rights, privileges, preferences, and restrictions of investment in any Portfolios of the Trust. Additionally, in 2005, in response to a change in the law, the Trust was amended to expand the definition of Public Agency to include certain California nonprofit corporations, membership of which is limited to California Public Agencies or public officials, and again in 2021 to include federally recognized Indian tribes. These changes allow California nonprofit corporations and federally recognized Indian Tribes that meet the expanded definition of Public Agency to either join or invest in the JPA. Organization and Purpose The Trust is a JPA and Public Agency created by the Declaration of Trust and established under the provisions of the Act for the purpose of exercising the common power of its Participants to invest funds. The Trust cannot accept funds for investment from other sources. The Trust provides Shareholders a Cash Reserve and a Term portfolio for comprehensive investment management and accounting services. For proceeds of tax-exempt debt issues, the Trust also offers Arbitrage Rebate calculations. Public Agencies invest in the Pool by contributing assets to the Trust, which are used to purchase Shares in the Pool. Shares of the Pool and Term are currently divided into two Shares Series: "Participant Shares" and "Investor Shares." Public Agencies may invest in the Pool and Term by formally joining the Trust or by not joining the Trust and only purchasing shares of the Investor Shares Series which have no voting rights. Participants must become parties to the Declaration of Trust, dated as of December 15, 1989, as amended and restated as of October 25, 2022. Public Agencies that own Participant Shares have voting rights on matters affecting the operation of the Trust. Public Agencies may also invest in the Pool and Term without joining the Trust. Public Agencies that own Investor Shares have rights similar to the Participant Shares except that voting rights are reserved for owners of the Participant Shares. The Trust seeks to provide Shareholders with the following features through the Portfolios: Preservation of Principal Investments in the Portfolios are made only in high-quality investments in which Public Agencies are permitted by California statute to invest their funds and in accordance with other investment policies of the Trust designed to preserve capital. While the Pool seeks to maintain a stable NAV of $1.00 per Share and Term seeks to maintain $1.00 upon planned maturity date, it is possible to lose money investing in either the Pool or Term. An investment in the Portfolios is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency. Liquidity Investments in the Pool may be made at any time, and Shareholders may withdraw funds from the Pool on any Business Day. Term Portfolio investments are structured to provide liquidity on the predetermined maturity date. Page113 94 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Income The Pool seeks to earn a high rate of income consistent with preserving principal and maintaining liquidity. Term seeks to produce the highest earnings consistent with maintaining safety of principal at maturity and meeting the redemption schedule of Shareholders. Arbitrage Rebate Compliance For the proceeds of tax-exempt debt issues, the Trust is designed to assist Shareholders in complying with certain arbitrage rebate requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. Investments are purchased and investment documentation is maintained in accordance with requirements of the Internal Revenue Code, and rebate calculation reports are prepared by the Investment Adviser upon request in a manner and at such times as to enable Shareholders to comply with these requirements. The Trust is also designed to assist Shareholders in determining whether they have satisfied the expenditure test for any available exceptions to the arbitrage rebate requirements and to provide calculations of penalties due in lieu of rebate payments. Convenience The Trust offers the option of investing by electronic funds transfer or check. Shareholders that invest the proceeds of debt issues in the Pool do not have to schedule investment maturities to meet project draw schedules. Shareholders can use the Internet to check account balances and activity and to initiate transactions. Professional Management Investments in the Portfolios are managed by investment professionals who are experienced in managing local government investment pools like the Trust and who follow both general economic and current market conditions affecting interest rates. Diversification The Shares of the Pool and Term represent beneficial interests in diversified portfolios of certain high- quality instruments authorized for investment by Public Agencies by the California Government Code Section 53601 (a) through (q). Accounting, Safekeeping and Separate Accounts The Trust does all of the bookkeeping and safekeeping associated with the ownership of securities accounts for each Shareholder's funds to facilitate Shareholder's compliance with governmental accounting and auditing requirements. A Public Agency can also enter into a separate agreement with the Investment Adviser to manage a separate portfolio that is not part of the Trust. These Individual Portfolios allow a Public Agency to invest its funds in a segregated account (not within the Trust) for a term that is longer than the average maturity of the Pool or Term. The Trust also provides record keeping and custodial and arbitrage rebate calculation services for the proceeds of debt issues. For further information or assistance, call toll free (800) 729-7665. The Declaration of Trust The Trust is a JPA and a separate Public Agency established as a common law trust under the laws of the State of California by execution of a Declaration of Trust by two California Public Agencies as the initial Participants in the Trust. Additional Public Agencies have become Participants in the Trust by enacting an ordinance or passing a resolution to adopt the Declaration of Trust and by signing a conformed copy of the Declaration of Trust. As of the date of these materials, January 12, 2023, 120 Public Agencies were Participants in the Trust. Additional Public Agencies may become Participants by following the same procedure as outlined above in this paragraph. Copies of the Declaration of Trust and the By -Laws of the Trust may be obtained from the Investment Adviser or online at www.camponline.com and should be read carefully before joining the Trust. All descriptions contained in this Information Statement are subject to and limited by provisions set forth in the Declaration of Trust and the By -Laws. The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number of Shares. The Trustees, in their discretion, may authorize the division of Shares into one or more Shares Series. The Trust consists of one class known as the Cash Reserve Portfolio and one class known as Term. Each Portfolio consists of two Shares Series known as Participant Shares and Investor Shares. Participant Shares are issued to Public Agencies that have joined the Trust, and, as Participants in the Trust, they have certain voting rights provided by the Declaration of Trust. Investor Shares are issued to Public Agencies that invest in the Trust but have not become a party to the Declaration of Trust. Investor Shares are similar to Participant Shares but lack voting rights. Both the Participant Shares and the Investor Shares represent an equal proportionate interest in the respective Portfolio. The Shares of each Shares Series are only payable from that portion of the Trust's assets held by the Trust. Each Share represents an equal proportionate interest in the Trust with each other outstanding Share. Upon redeeming Shares, a Page114 95 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Shareholder receives the current net asset value per Share. If liquidation should occur, Shareholders will be entitled to receive their proportionate share of the assets of the applicable Portfolio less any liabilities of the that Portfolio including, but not limited to, all expenses, costs, charges, and reserves attributable to that Portfolio, as well as their proportionate share of any general assets and liabilities of the Trust. The Shares of each Shares Series are fully paid and non -assessable, except as set forth in Part 2 under "Participant and Trustee Liability," and have no preemptive or conversion rights. Shareholders can sell shares or purchase additional Shares in accordance with the procedures outlined in Part 1 of this Program Guide. The Trust also permits transfers of Shares directly between eligible California Public Agencies; however, the Trust reserves the right to require Shareholders to provide proof of authorization, evidence of the genuineness of such authorization, and such other matters as may reasonably be required in order to effect such purchases and sales. Upon such delivery, the transaction will be recorded on the register of the Trust. Until such record is made, the Shareholder of record will be deemed to be the holder of such Shares for all purposes, and neither the Trustees nor any transfer agent officer, employee, or agent of the Trust will be affected by any notice of the proposed transfer. No Shares may be transferred to a transferee other than a Public Agency, or to the Trust itself. For all matters requiring action by the Shareholders, such action will be taken by a vote of the Participant Shares Series Shareholders, who will be entitled to that number of votes equal to the number of full and fractional Participant Shares held by each Participant Shares Series Shareholder. The Trust may be terminated by the vote of a majority of its Trustees with the approval of the holders of two-thirds of the Shares of the Participant Shares Series. Upon the termination of the Trust, and after paying or adequately providing for the payment of all liabilities and upon receipt of such releases, indemnities, and refunding agreements as they may deem necessary for their protection, the Trustees may distribute the remaining Trust assets, in cash or in kind or partly in cash and partly in kind, among the Shareholders according to their respective beneficial interests. The Declaration of Trust may be amended by the vote of the Trustees, with the approval of the holders of a majority of the Shares of the Participant Shares Series. The Trustees may also amend the Declaration of Trust without the approval of Participants for the following reasons: to change the name of the Trust or any Series; to establish additional Series or classes of Shares; to supply omissions or correct or supplement ambiguous, defective, or inconsistent provisions; or, if they deem it necessary, to conform the Declaration of Trust to the requirements of applicable laws and regulations or to eliminate or reduce any taxes which may be payable by the Trust or the Participants, but the Trustees will not be liable for failing to do so. No amendment may be made which would change any rights of any Shares by reducing the amount payable thereon upon liquidation of the Trust or by diminishing or eliminating any approval rights pertaining thereto except with the vote of a majority of the Trustees and the approval of the holders of two-thirds of the Shares of the Participant Shares Series. The Trustees The Trust is currently governed by a Board of seven Trustees, all of whom are officials or employees of Public Agencies that are Participants in the Trust. The Trustees are appointed pursuant to, and are provided authority under, the Declaration of Trust. The Trustees are responsible for setting overall policies and procedures for the Trust and for hiring and supervising the activities of the Investment Adviser, the Custodian, and other agents of the Trust and monitoring the investment performance of the Portfolios and the method of valuing Shares. The names and business addresses of the current Trustees and Officers of the Trust and their principal occupations and other affiliations during the past five years are as follows: Karen D. Adams, CPA—Ms. Adams has served as a Trustee since February 2010 and is the Treasurer of the Trust. Since October 2002, Ms. Adams has served as the Treasurer -Tax Collector, Merced County, 2222 M Street, Merced, California 95340. Ms. Adams was Assistant Treasurer -Tax Collector, Merced County, October 1996 – October 2002. Past President, California Association of County Treasurers and Tax Collectors (CACTTC); Member of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), Government Investment Officers Association (GIOA), California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA), California Revenue Officers Association (CROA); Finance Committee Member, Merced County Community Foundation; Past President of Kiwanis Club of Greater Merced; and Past Treasurer of Business & Professional Women (BPW). Page115 96 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Steve Dial—Mr. Dial has served as a Trustee since August 2002 and is the President of the Trust. Since February 2006, Mr. Dial has served as the Deputy Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer, San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG), 555 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, California 95202, and SJCOG's subsidiaries: SJCOG, Inc., Commute Connection, Inc., and the San Joaquin County Transportation Authority. In 2009, Mr. Dial was designated Treasurer and Controller for SJCOG. From 1985 to February 2006, he was Director of Administration and Chief Financial Officer for SJCOG. Former Chair, Financial Affairs Committee, National Association of Regional Councils; Board Member of the Child Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin County; Past Treasurer of the Leadership Stockton Alumni Association; Past President of the Board of Directors for United Cerebral Palsy of San Joaquin County; Past Vice President of the United Way of San Joaquin County; and Member of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO). Andre Douzdjian—Mr. Douzdjian has served as a Trustee since May 2014. Since October 2019, Mr. Douzdjian has served as the Chief Financial Officer, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), 401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, California 92101. Mr. Douzdjian served as the Director of Finance for SANDAG from June 2012 – October 2019. Prior to June 2012, he worked in the private sector, and from 1991 – 2000 was the Financial Services Manager for SANDAG. Member of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA); CFO, Roundtable of San Diego; and Former Treasurer of the Entrepreneurs Organization, San Diego Chapter. Jordan Kaufman—Mr. Kaufman has served as a Trustee since January 2022. Since January 2015, Mr. Kaufinan has served as the elected Treasurer -Tax Collector, Kern County, 1115 Truxtum Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301. Mr. Kaufman was the Assistant Treasurer -Tax Collector 2006 – 2015 and the Deputy County Administrative Officer 1995 – 2006. President, California Association of County Treasurers and Tax Collectors (CACTTC); Treasurer and past President, Kern County Management Council; Treasurer and past President United Way of Kern County; Treasurer Boy Scouts of America Southern Sierra Council; Commissioner, California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA); Statutory Trustee, past elected Trustee, past Chairman, Kern County Employees Retirement Association (KCERA); Member, Rotary Club of Bakersfield, Downtown; and Adjunct Professor, California State University Bakersfield. David Persselin—Mr. Persselin has served as a Trustee since January 2022. Since January 2014, Mr. Persselin has served as the Finance Director/Treasurer, City of Fremont, 3300 Capitol Avenue, Fremont, California 94537. January 2012 – May 2016, Mr. Persselin was an Adjunct Faculty/Lecturer at San Jose State University. He was the Assistant Finance Director, City of Pleasanton, 2011 – 2013, and from 2001 – 2011 worked for the City of San Jose. Member of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO), and International City/County Management Association (ICMA). Lauren Warrem—Ms. Warrem has served as a Trustee since January 2022. Prior to January 2022, Ms. Warrem served as a Trustee from 2017 – 2019. Since March 2019, Ms. Warrem has served as the Chief Deputy Treasurer, San Diego County, 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 152, San Diego, California 92101. Ms. Warrem worked as the Finance Director/City Treasurer, City of Vista, from April 2015 – February 2019. Prior to April 2015, Ms. Warrem worked in the private sector, and from 2001 – 2012 she worked at the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), Finance Manager 2001 – 2009 and Director of Finance 2009 – 2012. Member of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO), and California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA). Duane Wolterstorff, CPA—Mr. Wolterstorff has served as a Trustee since May 2014. Since November 2000, Mr. Wolterstorff has served as the Senior Director, Planning and Facilities, Modesto City Schools, 426 Locust Street, Modesto, California, 95351. Secretary and Administrative Executive of Salida Area Public Facilities Financing Agency (SAPFFA) and Schools Infrastructure Financing Agency (SIFA); Treasurer of the Youth Committee and member of the Finance Committee, Pacific Association, USA Track and Field; Member of California Society of Certified Public Accountants (Ca1CPA) and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Page116 97 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 The Trustees are appointed by the Board of Trustees and each must be a member of the governing body, officer, or full- time employee of a Public Agency that is a Participant in the Trust, and the appointment must be approved annually by the Participants. Except in the case of resignation or removal, each Trustee holds office until such person's successor is appointed. In order to assure representation on the Board of the several classes of Public Agencies participating in the Trust, at least one of the Trustees must be either a member of the governing body, an officer, or a full-time employee of each of the following: a California county, a city, and a public district (including a JPA), as long as there is at least one Public Agency from that class that is a Participant of the Trust. The Officers of the Trust serve at the discretion of the Board. No Trustee or Officer has an immediate family member serving as a Trustee or Officer of the Trust. The present Trustees and Officers, or other persons on CAMP official business upon approval of the Trustees, serve without compensation but all are reimbursed by the Trust for reasonable travel and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with their duties as Trustees and Officers. Participant and Trustee Liability Under California law, members of a common law trust may be held personally liable for the obligations of the trust if they are deemed to control the management of the trust. Because the Board has ultimate control over all matters relating to the Trust, the Trust does not believe that Participants would be deemed to have such control. The Declaration of Trust contains an express disclaimer of Participant liability for acts or obligations of the Trust. The Declaration of Trust also provides that the Trust will indemnify each Participant against all claims and liabilities out of the assets of the Series of the Trust in respect of which such claim or liability arose. The Declaration of Trust provides that no Trustee, officer, employee, or agent of the Trust will be liable for any action or failure to act that does not involve bad faith, willful misfeasance, gross negligence, or reckless disregard of duty. Each Trustee, officer, employee, and agent of the Trust will be indemnified by the Trust against claims and liabilities as provided in the By -Laws and to the fullest extent provided by California law. The Trustees may also purchase, and pay out of Trust assets, insurance policies insuring the Trustees, Officers, Agents, Participants, employees, investment advisers, distributors, or independent contractors of the Trust against all claims arising by reason of holding any such position or by reason of any action taken or omitted by any such person in such capacity. The Act provides that all immunities from liability which apply to the activity of officers, agents or employees of Participants when performing their functions within the territorial limits of their respective Public Agencies will apply to them to the same extent while engaged in the performance of any of their functions associated with the Trust. Under the Declaration of Trust, the Trustees may obtain insurance or establish self-insurance funds to cover certain liabilities. This may be done on a joint basis with other similar entities, and the Trust may contribute more than its pro rata share of such insurance premiums or self-insurance funds. Services Providers Investment Adviser and Administrator PFMAM, an investment advisory firm with offices at One California Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, California 94111 and 213 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101, is the Trust's investment adviser and administrator. The daily management of the investment affairs and research relating to the Portfolios is conducted by or under the supervision of the Investment Adviser. PFMAM is an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, and a subsidiary of USBAM. USBAM is a subsidiary of U.S. Bank U S Bank is a separate entity and subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp Shares of the Portfolios are distributed by the Investment Adviser's affiliate, PFM Fund Distributors, Inc., a member of FINRA and subject to the rules of the MSRB. The Investment Adviser is also the investment manager and/or program administrator for 17 other local government investment pool programs, which provide services similar to those provided by the Trust. Advisory Services. The Investment Adviser manages the investment of the assets of the Trust's Portfolios, including the placement of orders for the purchase and sale of investments, pursuant to an Advisory Agreement. The Investment Adviser obtains and evaluates such information and advice relating to the economy and the securities markets as it considers necessary or useful to manage continuously the assets of the Trust in a manner consistent with the Trust's investment objectives and policies. The Investment Adviser also administers and maintains the Trust's website which provides access to Connect. The Investment Adviser also serves as the rebate calculation agent for the Program, which requires, among other duties, collecting relevant information from, and sending notices to, Shareholders, and making calculations and Page117 98 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 preparing rebate reports. Rebate calculation services are subject to a separate agreement, and separate fee schedule, between each Shareholder and the Investment Adviser. The Advisory Agreement will remain in effect until the specified termination date, unless terminated sooner, and may not be assigned by the Investment Adviser without the consent of the Trustees. The Advisory Agreement may be terminated by either party, at any time and without penalty, upon at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior written notice to the other party. Investment Transactions. The Investment Adviser is responsible for decisions to buy and sell securities for the Trust and arranges for the execution of security transactions on behalf of the Trust. Purchases of securities are made from broker/ dealers, underwriters, and issuers. Sales prior to maturity are made to dealers and other persons. Money market securities bought from dealers are generally traded on a "net" basis, with dealers acting as principal for their own accounts without a stated commission, although the price of the instrument usually includes a profit to the dealer. Thus, the Trust does not normally incur any brokerage commission expense on such transactions. Securities purchased in underwritten offerings include a fixed amount of compensation to the underwriter, generally referred to as the underwriter's commission or discount. When securities are purchased or sold directly from or to an issuer, no commissions or discounts are paid. The policy of the Trust regarding purchases and sales of securities is that primary consideration will be given to obtaining the most favorable price and efficient execution of transactions. In seeking to implement this policy, the Investment Adviser will effect transactions with those dealers whom the Investment Adviser believes provide the most favorable price and efficient execution. If the Investment Adviser believes such price and execution can be obtained from more than one dealer, it may give consideration to placing portfolio transactions with those dealers who also furnish research and other services to the Trust. Such services may include, but are not limited to, any one or more of the following: information as to the availability of securities for purchase or sale; statistical or factual information or opinions pertaining to investments; wire services; and appraisals or evaluations of portfolio securities. The services received by the Investment Adviser from dealers may be of benefit in the management of accounts of some or all of its other clients and may not in all cases benefit the Trust directly. While such services are useful and important in supplementing its own research and facilities, the Investment Adviser believes the value of such services is not determinable and does not significantly reduce its expenses. The Trust does not reduce the management fee paid to the Investment Adviser by any amount that may be attributable to the value of such services. Administrative Services. The Investment Adviser also provides the following administrative services to the Trust in accordance with the Advisory Agreement: • Customer Service. Operation of an Internet website and a toll-free telephone facility to be used exclusively by Shareholders or by Public Agencies interested in investing in the Trust. • Administration and Marketing. Maintenance of the books and records of the Portfolios, including Shareholder account records; supervision, under the general direction of the Trustees, of all administrative aspects of operations; periodic updating and preparation of the Information Statement; preparation of tax returns, financial statements, and reports for all Portfolios; supervision and coordination of the activities of the Custodian; determination of dividends and net asset value of each Portfolio in accordance with the policies of the Trust; provision of office space, equipment, and personnel to administer the Trust; distribution to Public Agencies of the Program Guide; preparation and distribution of other explanatory and promotional materials; and provision of technical assistance and guidance to Public Agencies considering use of the Trust as an investment vehicle. • Shareholder Account Reports. Preparation and provision to Shareholders of confirmation of each Shareholder investment and redemption transaction and of monthly statements summarizing transactions, earnings, and assets of each Shareholder account. • Rebate Calculation Services. Preparation and provision to Shareholders, upon request, of interim rebate calculation estimates and of rebate calculation reports and rebate exceptions compliance reports to Shareholders in the Trust. If applicable, provision of notice to Shareholders prior to any expenditure test date related to any exception from rebate requirements and preparation of an exception compliance report. Custodian U.S. Bank National Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, is the custodian for the Trust. The Custodian holds cash and securities of the Portfolios and also acts as the check clearing and disbursing agent for the Pool and Term. In addition to internal governance, numerous federal agencies, including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Federal Reserve System and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), supervise and inspect U.S. Bank and its parent company, U.S. Bancorp, to ensure sound banking practices and to protect clients. Appropriate information barriers relating to activities and data exist to facilitate fully independent and segregated oversight of client assets as custodian. The Custodian does not participate in determining the investment policies of the Trust or in investment decisions. The Page118 99 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Investment Adviser may not invest funds of the Portfolios with, nor buy or sell any securities through, any affiliated service provider. Securities purchased under certain repurchase agreements may be held by other custodians agreed to by the Trust and the other parties to the repurchase agreements. Trust Counsel Nossaman LLP, with an office at 50 California Street, 34th Floor, San Francisco, California 94111, is legal counsel to the Trust for certain matters. Auditor The financial statements of the Trust are audited annually by Ernst & Young LLP with an office at 560 Mission Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco, California 94105. The fiscal year for the Trust ends December 31. Expenses of the Trust The Trust has entered into arrangements for the Pool and Term for investment management, custodial, legal, accounting, audit, and rebate calculation services. The Trust also pays for organizational expenses, insurance premiums, Trustees' expenses, and other expenses not expressly assumed by the Investment Adviser. All expenses related to operation of the Portfolios are paid from the income of the Portfolios (see "Dividends"). For the services provided to the Pool by the Investment Adviser, effective January 1, 2023, the Investment Adviser is paid a monthly fee based on the following percentages of the average daily net assets of the Pool: Average Cash Reserve Portfolio Daily Net Assets Annual Rate First $1 billion 0.145% Next $1 billion Next $2 billion 0.110% 0.100% Next $2 billion 0.095% Next $4 billion 0.085% Next $5 billon 0.80% In excess of $15 billion 0.075% The Investment Adviser may, from time to time, waive some or all of its fees. Such waiver will have the effect of increasing the yield of the Pool during the period the fees are waived. For the services provided to Term by the Investment Adviser, the Investment Adviser is paid a monthly fee based on the following percentages of the average daily net assets of Term: Average Term Portfolio Daily Net Assets Annual Rate All Assets 0.150% Under the Advisory Agreement, the Investment Adviser has agreed to reimburse the Pool and Term for the amount by which the "annual operating expenses" of the Pool exceed 0.22% of its average daily net assets. "Annual operating expenses" generally include all expenses of the Pool (including investment management, administration, marketing, custodial, legal, accounting, and audit fees), other than any reserves established by the Trustees to pay for extraordinary costs. As of December 31, 2022, the Pool had reserved $156,855 to pay for extraordinary costs that it may incur from time to time, such as special legal, audit, and consulting fees. The Trustees may determine to reserve additional amounts, not expected to exceed, on an annual basis, 0.02% of the average daily net assets of the Pool, for those and other similar purposes in the future. Tax Matters Pursuant to Section 115(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, federal gross income does not include income derived from the exercise of any essential governmental function that accrues to a state or any political subdivision of a state. In the opinion of Counsel to the Trust, the Trust is not subject to Federal or California income tax upon the income realized by it. Page119 100 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Arbitrage Rebate: General The Internal Revenue Code generally requires issuers of tax-exempt obligations to rebate to the federal government their arbitrage profits derived from investment of gross proceeds in non -purpose obligations. Various exceptions from the rebate requirements are available, and each Shareholder should consult with its bond counsel to determine whether and to what extent appropriate exceptions might be available. The investment by Shareholders of gross proceeds of debt issues in the Trust will be an investment in a non -purpose obligation and will be taken into account in determining any rebate liability. Treatment of Administrative Costs of the Portfolios U.S. Treasury Regulations Title 26 Section 1.148-5 limits the ability for the expenses of an external commingled fund, like the Pool, to be treated as qualified administrative costs within the arbitrage rebate and yield restriction liability calculations. The limitations apply to an external commingled fund in which an individual Shareholder owns more than 10% of the beneficial interest of the fund. From time to time, the Pool may contain one or more Shareholders that individually own more than 10% of the beneficial interest of the fund. Therefore, Shareholders should consider the use of the gross yields of the Pool in all arbitrage rebate and yield restriction liability calculations. The limitations regarding an external commingled fund in which an individual Shareholder owns more than 10% of the beneficial interest of the fund applies only to the Pool and not the Term Portfolio. The 10% rule in U.S. Treasury Regulations Title 26 Section 1.148-5 is not followed by Term. The foregoing summary of federal income tax matters affecting Shareholders in the Portfolios does not purport to be complete. Shareholders should consult their bond counsel for advice as to the application of federal income tax law to their particular investment in the Portfolios. Arbitrage Rebate Compliance To further the objective of providing Shareholders with simplified arbitrage rebate compliance for proceeds of tax-exempt borrowings, the Trust has adopted the following recommended set of practices. The Trust strongly recommends that they be followed to minimize the Shareholder's rebate compliance costs. 1. A Shareholder should deposit all the proceeds of a debt issue subject to arbitrage rebate in the Trust on the same day as they are received by the Shareholder. This will enable the Investment Adviser to track the investment and expenditure of these funds. 2. A Shareholder should identify all the proceeds of a debt issue subject to the same yield at the time of initial investment. A separate account should be established for each fund or group of funds having a different yield by completing an Account Application. The Investment Adviser will provide advice on the number and type of accounts that will be needed to provide a clear audit trail. 3. Federal tax law requires issuers of tax-exempt obligations either to make certain rebate payments to the Federal government or to meet certain expenditure guidelines. If the Shareholder expects to meet one of the expenditure exceptions, it should notify the Investment Adviser when making its initial investment so the Investment Adviser can provide information regarding the expenditure of the proceeds of an issue. 4. If the Shareholder expects to make rebate payments, it should note that Federal tax law requires issuers of tax- exempt obligations to meet certain rebate payment requirements at least every five years. However, a Shareholder may need to account for its rebate liability on an annual basis. The Investment Adviser will provide estimates of rebate amounts at any time for a Shareholder, and the Investment Adviser will provide a rebate calculation report more frequently than every five years if requested. There will be a separate charge for each rebate calculation report (see Part 2 - Rebate Calculation Services for the Proceeds of Debt Issues). 5. If the Shareholder is eligible and has elected to pay a penalty in lieu of making rebate payments, it should notify the Investment Adviser by designating this on Schedule A - Bond Issue Information when making its initial investment. 6. It is recommended that Shareholders not draw down the entire proceeds of a debt issue account before providing for any rebate requirement or penalty payment. If any Shareholder and any parties related to the Shareholder own more than ten percent (10%) of the Shares of the Pool, such ownership may adversely affect the rebate liability of all Shareholders (see "Tax Matters"). Documentation of Market Price The Investment Adviser will follow certain procedures to document that investments are purchased at a "market price" in accordance with requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and related rulings and Page120 101 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 regulations. These procedures include obtaining three bids or offers for all securities transactions on the secondary market, documenting transaction prices using independent pricing services, and following practices to avoid making "prohibited payments" or receiving "imputed receipts" (as these terms are used in the applicable U.S. Treasury regulations) that improperly reduce the yield on investments. Rebate Exception Services for the Proceeds of Debt Issues Upon initial investment of the proceeds of a debt issue, a Shareholder should inform the Investment Adviser, by designating on Schedule A - Bond Issue Information, if it expects to qualify for an expenditure exception to the Federal rebate requirements or if it has elected to pay a penalty in lieu of rebate. If the Investment Adviser has been so informed thirty (30) days before any expenditure test date related to such an exception from the rebate requirements, the Investment Adviser will provide a notice to the Shareholder that tracks the cumulative percentage of proceeds of a debt issue drawn from funds invested in the Trust from any debt issue whose proceeds are then invested in the Trust and compares the cumulative percentage of funds drawn to the requirements of the exception to assist the Shareholder in determining its eligibility for such exception. Thirty (30) days after any expenditure test date, the Investment Adviser will provide a report (a "rebate exceptions compliance report") to such Shareholder showing the cumulative percentage of the proceeds of a debt issue (including investment income) actually drawn and calculating the penalty, if any, due to the Internal Revenue Service if actual amounts drawn do not meet the expenditure test. Rebate Calculation Services for the Proceeds of Debt Issues With respect to proceeds of tax-exempt borrowings invested in the Trust, including funds whose cash flows are tracked through Shareholder accounts in the Trust, the Investment Adviser will, upon request, provide interim rebate calculation estimates to enable Shareholders to estimate rebate liabilities for financial reporting purposes. There is no charge for these estimates. The Investment Adviser will provide each Shareholder who so requests with a rebate calculation report for any given report period that summarizes calculations of • the allowable investment yield, • investment activities for the Report Period, and • a calculation of the rebate liability at the end of the Report Period using the methodology prescribed by the applicable U.S. Treasury regulations. When an account for the proceeds of a debt issue is opened, the Investment Adviser will request certain information from a Shareholder, including information necessary to permit scheduling of the rebate calculation report or Rebate Exceptions Compliance Report. The Investment Adviser will require additional information from a Shareholder, including copies of the official statement, non -arbitrage or tax certificate, debt issue resolution, and similar documents, before the first such rebate calculation report or Rebate Exceptions Compliance Report can be prepared. Normally, the rebate calculation report will be completed and furnished to the Shareholder for each debt issue no later than thirty (30) days after the Installment Computation Date, provided that the Shareholder has authorized its preparation and provided the necessary information to the Investment Adviser, but a Shareholder may request that a rebate calculation report be completed at shorter intervals. Every effort will be made to honor such requests, although no assurance can be given that reports can be completed in a shorter time period. If an account is opened for the proceeds of a debt issue that have been invested outside of the Trust, the Investment Adviser will require a rebate calculation report from the date of debt issuance to the date of investment in the Trust. There will be a separate charge for each rebate calculation report. The fee for a rebate calculation report prepared by the Investment Adviser will be billed separately to the Shareholder at the following rates for debt issues, the proceeds of which are invested exclusively through the Trust from their date of issuance until the date of calculation of the rebate calculation report: One-time set-up fee, per debt issue. $ 250 Each rebate calculation report, per debt issue:..$3,000 There will be additional charges for refundings requiring allocations of transferred proceeds and for other calculations involving more extensive services. For proceeds of tax-exempt debt issues invested outside the Trust, due to differences of elapsed time since the issuance of the debt, types of investments, volume and type of transactions, number of funds, and Page121 102 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 condition and availability of records, the Investment Adviser cannot charge a standard fee. However, at the request of the Shareholder, the Investment Adviser will provide an estimated cost based on the Shareholder's specific circumstances. In addition to the rebate calculation services offered by the Investment Adviser, Shareholders also have the option of contracting directly with another service provider for rebate calculation services. If another service provider is used, the scope of the services provided and the fees charged are entirely the responsibility of the Shareholder and its service provider. Information Common to All Portfolios Authorized Investments The Investment Adviser will invest available cash in the Cash Reserve Portfolio and Term Portfolio exclusively in the following investments, which are authorized investments under the California Government Code Section 53601. It is noted that certain other investment types, although authorized by the applicable sections of the California Government Code, may not be approved for inclusion in this investment policy. Except as otherwise provided in sub -paragraph (1) under "Investment Restrictions" below, a change in authorized investments requires approval of the Trustees and the Participants holding a majority of the outstanding Participant Shares of the Trust. (1) United States Treasury notes, bonds, bills, or certificates of indebtedness or other obligations for which the full faith and credit of the United States are pledged for the payment of principal and interest. (2) Federal agency or United States government-sponsored enterprise obligations, participations, or other instruments, including those issued by or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by federal agencies or United States government-sponsored enterprises. (3) Repurchase agreements with respect to securities described in paragraphs (1) and (2) above, provided that the term of any such repurchase agreement shall be one year or less at the time of purchase. (4) Bills of exchange or time drafts drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank (otherwise known as bankers' acceptances) which are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System, provided that such bankers' acceptances may not exceed one hundred eighty (180) days maturity or forty percent (40%) of the assets of the Portfolio and no more than ten percent (10%) of the Portfolio's assets are invested in the bankers' acceptances of any one commercial bank and further provided that the accepting bank has the highest short-term letter and numerical rating as provided by at least one NRSRO. (5) Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by a nationally or state -chartered bank or by a savings association or a federal association (as defined in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code), a state or federal credit union, or by a federally licensed or state -licensed branch of a foreign bank, provided that no more than thirty percent (30%) of the assets of the Portfolio may be invested in certificates of deposit and further provided that the deposits in any one institution shall not exceed the shareholders' equity of such institution. (6) Commercial paper of "prime" quality of the highest ranking or of the highest letter and number rating as provided for by at least one NRSRO, provided that its maturity may not exceed two hundred seventy (270) days. No more than forty percent (40%) of the assets of the Portfolio may be invested in eligible commercial paper; if assets of the Portfolio fall below $100,000,000, no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of assets may be invested in eligible commercial paper; and no more than ten percent (10%) of the Portfolio's total investment assets may be invested in the commercial paper and the medium-term notes of any single corporate issuer. The entity that issues the commercial paper shall meet all of the following conditions either in (a) or (b) as follows: (a) the entity is organized and operating in the United States as a general corporation, has total assets in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000), and has debt other than commercial paper, if any, that is rated in a rating category of "A" or its equivalent or higher by at least one NRSRO or (b) the entity is organized within the United States as a special purpose corporation, trust, or limited liability company, has program wide credit enhancements including, but not limited to, over collateralization, letters of credit, or surety bond, and has commercial paper that is rated "A-1" or higher, or the equivalent, by at least one NRSRO. (7) United States dollar denominated senior unsecured unsubordinated obligations issued or unconditionally guaranteed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Finance Corporation, or Inter -American Development Bank, with a maximum remaining maturity of 397 days or less, and eligible for purchase and sale within Page122 103 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 the United States. Investments shall be rated in a rating category of "AA" or its equivalent or better by an NRSRO and shall not exceed 30 percent of the assets of the Portfolio. (8) Medium-term notes, defined as all corporate and depository institution debt securities, with a maximum remaining maturity of 397 days or less, issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States or by depository institutions licensed by the United States or any state and operating within the United States. Investments shall be rated in a rating category of "A" or its equivalent or better by an NRSRO and shall not exceed 30 percent of the assets of the Portfolio. No more than 10 percent (10%) of the Portfolio's total investment assets may be invested in the commercial paper and the medium-term notes of any single issuer. (9) A mortgage passthrough security, collateralized mortgage obligation, mortgage-backed or other pay -through bond, equipment lease -backed certificate, consumer receivable passthrough certificate, or consumer receivable -backed bond. Investments shall be rated in a rating category of "AA" or its equivalent or better by an NRSRO, have a maximum remaining maturity of 397 days or less, and shall not exceed 20 percent of the assets of the Portfolio. (10) Shares of beneficial interest issued by diversified management companies that are money market funds registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Sec. 80a-1 et seq.). The company shall have met either of the following criteria: (a) attained the highest ranking or the highest letter and numerical rating provided by not less than two NRSROs or (b) retained an investment adviser registered or exempt from registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission with not less than five years' experience managing money market mutual funds with assets under management in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). The purchase price of shares of beneficial interest purchased pursuant to this subdivision shall not include commission that the companies may charge and shall not exceed 20 percent of the assets of the Portfolio. Obligations of Agencies or Instrumentalities of the United States Government Certain short-term obligations of agencies or instrumentalities of the United States Government purchased for the Portfolios may be backed only by the issuing agency or instrumentality and may not be backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. For example, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have agreements with the U.S. Treasury to provide them with capital in exchange for senior preferred stock. Securities issued by the Federal Home Loan Banks are supported only by the credit of the agency and not by the United States Government, and securities issued by the Federal Farm Credit System are supported by the agency's right to borrow money from the U.S. Treasury under certain circumstances. Repurchase Agreements A repurchase agreement involves the sale of securities to the Portfolio and the concurrent agreement by the seller to repurchase the securities within a specified period of time at an agreed upon price, thereby establishing the yield during the buyer's holding period. The yield established for the repurchase agreement is determined by current short-term rates and may be more or less than the interest rate on the underlying securities. The securities underlying a repurchase agreement are, in effect, collateral under the agreement. Securities purchased by the Portfolio and subject to repurchase agreements are limited to the obligations of the United States Government and agencies of the United States but may have maturities longer than one year. At the time a repurchase agreement is made, the underlying securities will have a market value at least equal to one hundred and two percent (102%) of the price plus the price differential. If an agreement is in effect for more than one day, the Investment Adviser is responsible for monitoring the value of the underlying securities, and, in the event their value drops below one hundred and two percent (102%) of the price plus price differential, the counterparty to the repurchase transaction is required to provide additional securities or money within one Business Day so that the value of the collateral is not less than one hundred and two percent (102%) of the price plus price differential. All securities underlying repurchase agreements are required to be delivered to the Custodian or to another custodian agreed to by the Trust and the counterparty. At the expiration of each agreement, the Custodian receives payment of the price plus price differential as a condition for the transfer of the underlying securities to the counterparty. If the counterparty fails to pay the agreed upon price plus price differential on the repurchase date, the risks to the Portfolio would include any difference between the liquidation value of the underlying securities and the price plus price differential, any costs of disposing of such securities, any costs related to foreclosure, and any loss resulting from a delay in foreclosing on such securities. Funds placed by the Trust into the Portfolios will be invested in accordance with the prudent investor standard set forth in Section 53600.3 of the California Government Code. The Portfolios will not invest in any inverse floaters, range notes or mortgage derived, interest -only strips, or in any security that could result in a zero -interest accrual if held to maturity. The Trust is not registered as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Sec. 80a-1 et seq.) and, accordingly, is not subject to the provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder including rules relating to registered money market mutual funds. Page123 104 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 The authorizing statute, charter, or bylaws of a Public Agency or the trust indenture or ordinance or resolution under which the debt obligations of a Public Agency are issued or its funds are invested may contain investment restrictions which prohibit or otherwise limit investment in one or more of the above-described investments. Accordingly, Public Agencies should consult with their legal counsel or financial adviser regarding the legality of investing bond proceeds under the Trust prior to participating in the Trust or investing in the Shares issued by the Trust. Investment Restrictions The Trustees have adopted the following investment restrictions and fundamental policies, which, except as otherwise provided in (1) below, may be changed only by approval of the Trustees and the Shareholders holding a majority of the outstanding Participant Shares of the Portfolios. The Trust will not: (1) Purchase any securities other than those described under "Investment Objectives and Policies" unless California law at some future date redefines the types of securities which are legal investments for some or all classes of Shareholders, in which case the permitted investments for the Portfolios may be changed by the Trustees to conform to California law, provided that prior written notification is given to Shareholders of the Trust. (2) Invest in securities of any issuer in which a Trustee, Officer, employee, agent, or adviser of the Trust is an officer, director, or ten percent (10%) shareholder unless such investment is periodically authorized by resolutions adopted by a majority of the Trustees who are not officers, directors, or ten percent (10%) shareholders of such issuer. (3) Make loans, except that the Portfolios may enter into repurchase agreements. (4) Borrow money or pledge, hypothecate, or mortgage its assets to an extent greater than twenty percent (20%) of the market value of the total assets of the Portfolios, and then only as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency purposes to facilitate withdrawal requests which might otherwise require untimely dispositions of portfolio securities. All such borrowings may be secured only by the assets of the Portfolios and must be repaid before the Portfolios make any additional investments. Interest paid on such borrowings will reduce net income of the Portfolios. (5) Purchase any security or enter into a repurchase agreement if, as a result, more than ten percent (10%) of the Portfolios' total assets would be invested in securities subject to restrictions on resale, securities for which there is no readily available market, and repurchase agreements with maturities exceeding seven (7) days and not terminable at approximately the carrying value before that time. (6) Purchase the securities of any single issuer (other than obligations issued and guaranteed as to principal and interest by the government of the United States, its agencies, or instrumentalities) if, as a result, more than ten percent (10%) of the Portfolios' total assets would be invested in the securities of any one issuer. (7) Invest more than 5% of net assets in illiquid investments. Illiquid investments are securities that cannot be sold or disposed of in the ordinary course of business at approximately the value ascribed to it by the Trust. Illiquid investments include: • Restricted investments (those that, for legal reasons, cannot be freely sold). • Fixed time deposits with a maturity of more than seven days that are subject to early withdrawal penalties. • Any repurchase agreement maturing in more than seven days and not terminable at approximately the carrying value in the Trust before that time. • Other investments that are not readily marketable at approximately the carrying value in the Trust. If the 5% limitation on investing in illiquid securities is adhered to at the time of investment but later increases beyond 5%, resulting from a change in the values of the Trust's portfolio securities or total assets, the Trust shall then bring the percentage of illiquid investments back into conformity as soon as practicably possible. The Trust believes that these liquidity requirements are reasonable and appropriate to assure that the securities in which the Trust invests are sufficiently liquid to meet reasonably foreseeable redemptions of Shares. Any percentage limitation or rating requirement described under "Authorized Investments" will be applied at the time of purchase. Page124 105 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Procedures for Investment in the Trust Public Agencies have two options for investing in the Trust. One option is for a Public Agency to become a Participant in the Trust by adopting an ordinance/resolution thereby becoming a member of the JPA. A copy of a sample ordinance/resolution can be obtained by contacting the Investment Adviser and is available on the Trust's website (www.camponline.com). Participation in the Trust requires the formal approval of the governing body of the Public Agency by ordinance/resolution, as appropriate, and execution of the Declaration of Trust. In addition to the rights provided to all Shareholders, Participants are provided approval rights on certain matters as provided in the Declaration of Trust. Public Agencies should consult with their legal counsel regarding the required form of action (ordinance/resolution) and the procedures for enactment or adoption of the ordinance/resolution. No representation is made as to the legal sufficiency of the model form for any given Public Agency. Only members of the governing body, officers, or full-time employees of a Public Agency that is a Participant in the Trust may serve as a Trustee of the Trust. Alternatively, a Public Agency may purchase Investor Shares of any of the Trust's Portfolios without joining the Trust. Such purchase requires authorization by the Public Agency and execution of the Investor Agreement. A copy of the Investor Agreement can be obtained by contacting the Investment Adviser and is available on the Trust's website (www.camponline.com). Public Agencies owning Investor Shares are provided certain rights with regard to their Shares; however, Investors do not have the approval rights provided to Participants under the Declaration of Trust. For the proceeds of debt issues, to provide for the investment in the Trust, the Public Agency should either list the Trust in the permitted investments section of the trust indenture or state that bond proceeds can be invested in a permitted investment under Section 53601 of the California Government Code. Sample language is available on the online at www.camponline.com. Every prospective Shareholder in the Trust (or the applicable trustee of a debt issue) must complete an Account Application (available online at www.camponline.com or by calling the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665) and an appropriate Checkwriting Authorization if check writing is desired and forward them along with, if a Participant, (i) a certified copy of the ordinance/resolution as adopted and (ii) an executed copy of the Declaration of Trust, or if an Investor, a completed and executed Investor Agreement, to the Program Administrator via U.S. mail at the following address: California Asset Management Program P. O. Box 11760 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101 Please note: UPS and Federal Express will not deliver packages to a P.O. Box. If using one of these shipping methods, please contact CAMP at (800) 729-7665 for an alternative delivery address. There is no limit to the number of accounts that can be opened by a Shareholder. Additional Account Applications are provided for this purpose. The Investment Adviser will notify the Public Agency of its approval of the application(s) and the account number(s) assigned. The Trust and the Investment Adviser each reserve the right to reject any application in their sole discretion. Instructions provided by the Shareholder in the Account Application will remain in effect until the Investment Adviser receives written notification from the Shareholder to change them. Any changes to addresses, account applications, names or signatures of authorized officials, or other critical information will require appropriate documentation. Instructions or forms may be obtained by calling the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665 or online at www.camponline.com. Information Specific to the CAMP Cash Reserve Portfolio Investment Restrictions The Trust's investment policies and objectives require that all Pool investments have a remaining maturity of three hundred ninety-seven (397) days or less at the time of purchase (except for variable rate notes issued by the U.S. Government or its agencies or instrumentalities, which must have remaining maturities of 762 days or less), and that the dollar -weighted average maturity of Pool investments will not exceed sixty (60) days, and that the dollar -weighted average life (portfolio maturity computed to final maturity without regard to interest rate adjustments on investments) will not exceed one hundred Page125 106 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 twenty (120) days. The repurchase date of a repurchase agreement is used to determine its maturity. Debt obligations purchased by the Pool may have interest rates that are periodically adjusted at specified intervals or whenever a reference rate or index changes. These adjustable-rate securities may have demand features which give the Pool the right to demand repayment of principal on specified dates or after giving a specified notice. Adjustable-rate securities and securities with demand features that meet the definition of "Adjustable Rate Government Securities" in Rule 2a-7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 Rules and Regulations may be deemed to have maturities shorter than their stated maturity dates. Dividends Net income of the Pool shall be determined on the accrual basis as of the conclusion of each Business Day and declared as dividends to each Shareholder at the time of such determination in proportion to the number of shares in the Pool then held by each Shareholder. Net income of the Pool shall consist of interest earned, plus any discount ratably amortized to the date of maturity plus or minus all realized gains and losses on the sale of securities prior to maturity, less ratable amortization of any premium and all accrued expenses of the Pool including the fees payable to the Investment Advisor/ Administrator, and others who provide services to the Pool. Dividends declared by the Pool are paid to Shareholders as of the last Business Day of each calendar month in the form of additional shares which are credited to each Shareholder's account. If the net income of the Pool at the time of such determination is a negative amount, the Trust shall have the power and authority (i) to allocate such negative amount among such Shareholders in proportion to the number of shares held at the time of such determination and to offset the allocable share of each Shareholder of such negative amount against any income accrued to such Shareholder, and/or (ii) reduce the number of outstanding shares of the Pool by reducing the number of shares of each Shareholder by that number of shares which represents the amount of its allocable share of such negative amount which is not offset against income accrued to such Shareholder. Valuation of Shares The Investment Adviser, on behalf of the Pool, determines the NAV of Shares of the Pool as of 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time on each Business Day. The NAV per Share of the Pool is computed by dividing the total value of the securities and other assets of the Pool, less any liabilities, by the total number of outstanding Shares of the Pool. Liabilities include all accrued expenses and fees of the Pool, including fees of the Investment Adviser, Custodian, and others who provide services to the Pool, which are accrued daily (see "Expenses of the Trust"). For the purposes of calculating the NAV per Share of the Pool, the By -Laws of the Trust provide that investments held by the Pool be valued at original cost, plus or minus any amortized discount or premium. The result of this calculation will be a per Share value which is rounded to the nearest penny. Accordingly, the price at which Pool Shares are sold or redeemed will not reflect unrealized gains or losses on Pool securities which amount to less than $.005 per Share. The Pool will endeavor to minimize the amount of such gains or losses. However, if unrealized gains or losses were to exceed $.005 per Share, the amortized cost method of verification would not be used, and the NAV per Share of the Pool would change from $1.00. It is a fundamental policy of the Pool to maintain a NAV of $1.00 per Share, but for the reasons discussed here, there can be no assurance that the NAV of the Pool's Shares will not vary from $1.00 per Share. The market value basis NAV per Share for a Pool may be affected by general changes in interest rates resulting in increases or decreases in the value of securities held by the Pool. The market value of such securities will tend to vary inversely to changes in prevailing interest rates. Thus, if interest rates rise after a security is purchased, such a security, if sold, might be sold at a price less than its amortized cost. Similarly, if interest rates decline, such a security, if sold, might be sold at a price greater than its amortized cost. If a security is held to maturity, no loss or gain is normally realized as a result of these price fluctuations; however, withdrawals by Investors could require the sale of Pool securities prior to maturity. The Investment Adviser and the Trustees will periodically monitor, as they deem appropriate and at such intervals as are reasonable in light of current market conditions, the relationship between the amortized cost value per Share and a NAV per Share based upon available indications of market value. In the event that the difference between the amortized cost basis NAV per Share and market value basis NAV per Share exceeds 1/2 of 1 percent, the Investment Adviser and the Trustees will consider what, if any, corrective action should be taken to minimize any material dilution or other unfair results which might arise from differences between the two. This action may include the reduction of the number of outstanding Shares by having each Shareholder proportionately contribute Shares to the Pool's capital, suspension or rescission of dividends, declaration of a special capital distribution, sales of Pool securities prior to maturity to reduce the average maturity or to Page126 107 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 realize capital gains or losses, transfers of Pool securities to a separate account, or redemptions of Shares in kind in an effort to maintain the net asset value at $1.00 per Share. If the number of outstanding Shares is reduced in order to maintain a constant NAV of $1.00 per Share, Shareholders will contribute proportionately to the Pool's capital the number of Shares that represents the difference between the amortized cost valuation and market valuation of the Pool. Each Shareholder will be deemed to have agreed to such contribution by its investment in the Pool. To minimize the possible adverse effects of changes in interest rates and to help maintain a stable NAV of $1.00 per Share, the Pool will maintain a dollar -weighted average portfolio maturity of not more than sixty (60) days and a dollar -weighted average life of not more than one hundred twenty (120) days and will not purchase any security with a remaining maturity of more than three hundred ninety-seven (397) days and will only invest in securities determined by the Investment Adviser to be of high-quality with minimal credit risk. Yield Current yield information for the Pool may, from time to time, be quoted in reports, literature, and advertisements published by the Trust. The current yield of the Pool, which is also known as the current annualized yield or the current seven-day yield, represents the net change, exclusive of capital changes and income other than investment income, in the value of a hypothetical account with a value of one Share (normally $1.00 per share) over a seven-day base period expressed as a percentage of the value of one Share at the beginning of the seven-day period. This resulting net change in account value is then annualized by multiplying it by 365/7. The Trust may also quote a current effective yield of the Pool from time to time. The current effective yield represents the current yield compounded to assume reinvestment of dividends. The current effective yield is computed by adding 1 to the net change in account value (exclusive of capital changes and income other than investment income) over a seven-day base period, raising the sum to a power of 365/7, and subtracting 1 from the result. The current effective yield will normally be slightly higher than the current yield because of the compounding effect of the assumed reinvestment. The Trust also may publish a "monthly distribution yield" on each Shareholder's month-end account statement or provide it to Shareholders upon request. The monthly distribution yield represents the net change in the value of a hypothetical account with a value of one Share (normally $1.00 per Share) resulting from all dividends declared during a month by the Pool expressed as a percentage of the value of one Share at the beginning of the month. This resulting net change is then annualized by multiplying it by 365 and dividing it by the number of calendar days in the month. At the request of the Trustees or Shareholders, the Trust may also quote the current yield of the Pool from time to time on bases other than seven days for the information of its Shareholders. The yields quoted by the Trust or any of its representatives should not be considered a representation of the yield of the Pool in the future since the yield is not fixed. Actual yields will depend on the type, quality, yield, and maturities of securities held by the Pool, changes in interest rates, market conditions, and other factors. Since the yield on the Pool may fluctuate daily, Shareholders should consult with their counsel or financial adviser as to the appropriateness of investing proceeds of tax-exempt bonds in the Pool in the event that covenants with bondholders or provisions of the Internal Revenue Code restrict the yield on investment of the bond proceeds. Information Specific to the CAMP Term Portfolio Maturity The CAMP Term Portfolio is a fixed -term investment portfolio of the California Asset Management Program with a maturity of up to one year, depending on the termination date of any particular series within the Portfolio. Dividends Dividends on shares in the series constituting the CAMP Term Portfolio shall be paid on the termination date of the series, except for dividends on shares redeemed pursuant to a planned early redemption or a premature redemption before the termination date, which will be paid when such dividends on shares in the series are redeemed. For the purpose of calculating dividends for any series, net income shall consist of interest earned, plus any discount ratably amortized to the date of maturity, plus or minus all realized gains and losses on the sale of securities prior to maturity, less ratable amortization of any premium and all accrued expenses of that series. Page127 108 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Dividends on shares of the series of the CAMP Term Portfolio which are declared and paid are equal to the projected yield for such shares to the redemption date, less any losses affecting projected yield attributable to such shares (other than losses resulting from premature redemptions of shares of the series). Dividends on shares of the series of the CAMP Term Portfolio declared and paid on a premature redemption date are equal to the projected yield for such shares to the premature redemption date, less any losses affecting projected yield attributable to such shares and less a premature redemption penalty, if any. Investors may be charged a premature redemption penalty equal to (i) all penalty charges, losses, banking fees and other costs (including, without limitation, interest paid on funds borrowed to pay the redemption) associated with amending, terminating, selling or otherwise affecting any of the investments in the series and (ii) an amount sufficient to maintain the projected yield on the remaining shares to the stated termination date for the series or to the planned early redemption dates, as the case may be, less any losses affecting projected yield attributable to such shares. Any excess net income of a series of a CAMP Term Portfolio on the termination date will be distributed as an additional dividend to the shares of the series that were issued over the life of the series and the excess net income will be allocated on a pro rata basis based on the average shares outstanding during that time period. Investments may be distributed to Shareholders in any series in lieu of cash whenever the Trust determines that such distribution would be in the best interest of Shareholders of the CAMP Term Portfolio. Valuation of Shares For the purpose of calculating the net asset value per share of the series constituting the CAMP Term Portfolio each Business Day, investments held therein shall be valued using the amortized cost method. The amortized cost method of valuation shall mean the acquisition cost of the investment as adjusted for the amortization of premiums or accretion of discounts, regardless of the impact of fluctuating interest rates on the market value of the investment. Amortized cost valuation provides certainty in valuation but may result in periods during which the value of an investment, as determined by amortized cost, is higher or lower than the price that would be received if the investment were sold. For external period - end reporting, all assets will be valued at fair value determined in good faith by the Trust or adviser acting under contract with the Program as required under statutory and applicable accounting standards. Such fair value -based determinations will only be used to satisfy applicable external reporting standards unless the Trust or adviser has determined that use of the fair value method instead of the amortized cost method would be in the best interest of the holders of outstanding shares of a series of the CAMP Term Portfolio. The redemption value per share will be determined on any day when redemption is made and on the termination date of a series of the CAMP Term Portfolio. Except as otherwise provided below, the redemption value per share is equal to the original purchase price for such share, plus dividends thereon, less such share's allocation of any losses incurred by the series (other than losses resulting from premature redemptions of shares of the series). The redemption value per share for shares redeemed on a premature redemption date is equal to the original purchase price for such share, plus dividends thereon, less such share's allocation of any losses incurred by the series, less a premature redemption penalty, if any, determined as described in the "Dividends" section above. Each CAMP Term Series provides for a fixed-rate, fixed -term investment by Shareholders, but the market value of the underlying assets will, prior to their maturity, tend to fluctuate inversely with the direction of interest rates. It is the intent of the CAMP Term Portfolio to manage each of its series in a manner that produces a share price of at least $1.00 on the termination date for the Shareholder that redeems on said date. Yield The projected yield quoted for any investment in the CAMP Term Portfolio is determined by dividing the expected net income per share for the period from the settlement date to the termination date by the purchase price per share, dividing this result by the actual number of days between the settlement date and the termination date, and multiplying the result by 365. Page128 109 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Part 3 — Individual Portfolios Purpose Individual Portfolios are designed to offer California Public Agencies a comprehensive program to meet their investment needs. Shareholders may invest in longer-term investments in a manner that the Investment Adviser will coordinate with the Public Agency. Created pursuant to separate agreements between the Shareholder, the Investment Adviser, and the Custodian, these Individual Portfolios will be managed solely by the Investment Adviser in accordance with specific instructions from the Shareholder. Individual Portfolios are designed to complement investment in the Pool by providing specific investments for surplus funds or for a portion of the proceeds of a debt issue where liquidity is not needed or where specific expenditures are to be funded. For proceeds of debt issues, an Individual Portfolio may be appropriate for Shareholders with relatively lengthy project drawdown schedules, or for Shareholders that wish to match expected construction draws more closely with investment maturities to fix earnings on some or all of their funds. Individual Portfolios may also be appropriate for the investment of debt service reserve funds and certain funds subject to investment yield restrictions. The Investment Adviser will assist each Shareholder in evaluating the possible use of an Individual Portfolio. For further information, call the Investment Adviser at (800) 729-7665. In order to establish an Individual Portfolio, the Shareholder must first establish an account with the Trust either as a Participant or an Investor. The Custodian will hold assets in an Individual Portfolio in a separate account in the Shareholder's name. However, Individual Portfolios are not assets of the Trust and are not under the management or supervision of the Board of Trustees. Investment Policies Assets in an Individual Portfolio may be invested in those investments that are legal investments for the Shareholder under the California Government Code and the Shareholder's investment policy or are permitted under the terms of related debt issue documents, if any. Individual Portfolios are not governed by the investment policy of the Trust. The Investment Adviser will invest assets in the Individual Portfolios in accordance with the prudent investor standard of the California Government Code. A Shareholder should discuss the characteristics of specific investments in an Individual Portfolio with the Investment Adviser. Opening an Individual Portfolio The Investment Adviser offers advice on Individual Portfolio investments to Shareholders in order to provide Shareholders with the benefits of coordinating the investments in an Individual Portfolio with investing in the Pool and the economies achieved by using the Trust's Custodian. Accordingly, before Public Agency funds are invested in an Individual Portfolio, the Public Agency must first join the Trust or become an Investor (See Part 1 - Investing). A Shareholder may then open an Individual Portfolio by signing a separate agreement with PFM Asset Management LLC and U.S. Bank National Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Shareholders should contact the Investment Adviser directly at (800) 729-7665 regarding investments in an Individual Portfolio. Individual Portfolio Transactions The Investment Adviser will arrange for the execution of all security transactions in an Individual Portfolio on behalf of the Shareholder. Individual Portfolio transactions are normally conducted through the Shareholder's pre -designated Pool account using the Pool's convenient and economic cash management tools. In arranging for security transactions, the Investment Adviser will give primary consideration to obtaining the most favorable price and efficient execution of transactions. Investment transactions can only be executed on Business Days during normal operating hours. Individual Portfolio Investments The Investment Adviser will purchase investments for an Individual Portfolio based upon specific instructions received from the Shareholder. When investing the proceeds of debt issues, the Investment Adviser will request a schedule of expected withdrawals, which will be used in managing investments to help assure adequate liquidity. Investment purchases for an Individual Portfolio are settled by the Custodian using funds made available from the Shareholder's pre -designated Pool account (see Part 1 - Investing). Page29 110 CAMP® Program Guide—January 12, 2023 Individual Portfolio Withdrawals Shareholders may arrange for the sale of investments in an Individual Portfolio by contacting the Investment Adviser directly at (800) 729-7665. Sales made prior to maturity will be made at the current market price which may be lower or higher than the investment's book value. Proceeds and earnings from the maturity, sale, or coupon payment of any investment in a Shareholder's Individual Portfolio will be deposited automatically into the Shareholder's pre -designated Pool account where they may be withdrawn by the Shareholder in accordance with Pool withdrawal procedures (see Part 1 - Investing). Arbitrage Rebate Compliance The Investment Adviser has agreed to provide arbitrage rebate compliance services for proceeds of tax-exempt debt issues invested in the Trust and will provide similar services for funds invested in an Individual Portfolio. The Investment Adviser has agreed to manage Individual Portfolios that the Shareholder designates for the proceeds of a debt issue in accordance with arbitrage rebate regulations. At the Shareholder's request, the Investment Adviser will provide arbitrage rebate compliance services for the proceeds of tax-exempt debt issues to include funds in both the Shareholder's Pool, Term, and Individual Portfolio accounts (see Part 2 - Rebate Calculation Services for the Proceeds of Debt Issues). Since the yield on an Individual Portfolio may not be fixed, Shareholders should consult with their counsel or financial adviser as to the appropriateness of investing proceeds of tax-exempt bonds in an Individual Portfolio in the event that covenants with bondholders or provisions of the Internal Revenue Code restrict the yield on investment of the bond proceeds. Individual Portfolio Costs All costs associated with an Individual Portfolio will be charged separately to the Shareholder that has set up the Individual Portfolio. Unless an alternative fee schedule has been negotiated, for services provided to Individual Portfolios by the Investment Adviser, the Shareholder will be billed a fee, in monthly installments, based on the following percentages of the average daily net assets of each Individual Portfolio: Average Daily Net Assets Annual Rate First $25 million 0.10% Over $25 million 0.08% Individual Portfolios will also be charged an annual custody administration fee of $200, plus a portfolio market value -based fee of 1/3 basis point (0.00333%), plus applicable custody transaction fees. A detailed schedule of custody fees is available upon request. All Individual Portfolios of a single Shareholder will be aggregated to determine the fee for that Shareholder. Custodian The Trust has arranged for its Custodian, U.S. Bank National Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, to provide custody for assets of each Individual Portfolio. The Custodian holds cash and securities of each Individual Portfolio in a separate account in the name of the appropriate Shareholder. The Custodian does not participate in determining investment decisions for the Individual Portfolios. The Investment Adviser may invest in the Custodian's obligations and may buy or sell securities through the Custodian. For further information or assistance regarding Individual Portfolios, please call the Investment Adviser at (800) 729- 7665. Page130 111 CALIFORNIA ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY ONE CALIFORNIA STREET SUITE 1000 SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94111 213 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG PENNSYLVANIA 17101 PHONE (800) 729-7665 FAX (888) 535-0120 www.camponline.com CAMP® is a registered trademark and the CAMP logos and designs are trademarks owned by the California Asset Management Trust (Trust). 112 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 15, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE : APPROVE ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS AND AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP NO. 32201, A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 60 AND MADISON STREET RECOMMENDATION Approve Assignment and Assumption Agreements and Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreements for Tract Map No. 32201, and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreements. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • SC Homes Fund, LLC has sold its interest in this tract to a new developer, Crestwood Corporation (Crestwood) and desires to assign the subdivision improvement obligations to Crestwood. • Crestwood requests approval of Assignment and Assumption Agreements and Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreements (Agreements) for Tract Map No. 32201. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the City. Crestwood has submitted replacement securities to guarantee construction of the improvements. 3ACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract Map No. 32201 is a residential development located at the northwest corner of Avenue 60 and Madison Street (Attachment 1). In February 2016, SC Homes Fund, LLC entered into Subdivision Improvement Agreements for Tract Map No. 32201. SC Homes Fund, LLC has sold its interest in this tract to Crestwood. The City will release SC Homes Fund's securities upon executing the Agreements (Attachment 2). 113 ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Approved by: Amy Yu, Associate Engineer Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director / City Engineer Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Assignment and Assumption Agreements and Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreements for Tract No. 32201 114 ATTACHMENT 1 TRACT MAP NO. 32201 PROJECT SITE TRACT 32201 HIGHWAY 111 w � 0 z � o � a 86 AIRPORT BOULEVARD AVENUE 60 AVENUE 61 w ct HARRISON AVENUE 62 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 115 ATTACHMENT 2 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TRACT MAP NO. 32201 OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS This ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ("Assignment & Amendment") is made and entered into as of the day of , 20 , by and among the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a municipal corporation of the State of California ("City"), SC HOMES FUND, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Assignor"), and CRESTWOOD CORPORATION, a California corporation ("Assignee"). RECITALS A. City and Assignor entered into that certain Subdivision Improvement Agreement, dated February 22, 2016 ("SIA"), pursuant to which Assignor, as the "Subdivider" defined in the SIA, agreed to plan for, install, and construct certain public and/or private improvements on Tract Map No. 32201 ("Tract"), as more fully described in Exhibit "A" of the SIA ("Improvements"). B. Assignor desires to sell its interest in the Tract to Assignee. In conjunction with such transfer, Assignor desires to assign the SIA, and all of Assignor's rights and obligations thereunder, to Assignee and Assignee desire to assume Assignor's position with respect to the SIA and all of Assignor's rights and obligations under the SIA subject to the terms of this Assignment & Amendment. C. In connection with the foregoing described assignment and assumption, the City and Assignee have agreed to certain modifications to the SIA as set forth herein to be effective upon full execution of this Assignment & Amendment by all the parties hereto. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Assignment and Assumption. Assignor hereby transfers and assigns to Assignee all of the Assignor's rights, title, and interest in and to, and obligations under, the SIA, and Assignee hereby assumes all rights, title, and interest in and to, and obligations under, the SIA. City hereby consents to the foregoing assignment and assumption. 116 F220 2. Replacement of Improvement Security. Pursuant to the SIA, Assignor has furnished the City security for the Improvements in the form of: (a) Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $198,356 for the following improvements: OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS Performance Security Labor & Materials Security Improvement Description Amount Amount Street $78,414 $78,414 Sidewalk $15,135 $15,135 Landscaping $56,720 $56,720 Standard 10% Contingency $15,027 $15,027 Professional Fees, Design 10% $16,530 $16,530 Professional Fees, Construction 10% $16,530 $16,530 TOTAL $198,356 $198,356 (b) Other (Specify type and amount): For purposes of this Assignment & Amendment, such security in the aggregate shall be hereinafter referred to as "Improvement Security." Assignee hereby warrants that within five (5) days of this executed Assignment & Amendment, it shall replace Assignor's Improvement Security with security of its own in an amount equal to the Improvement Security, unless the City otherwise determines at its discretion and in writing that such security can be issued at a lesser amount. Assignee's security shall be in full compliance with the terms and conditions stated in the SIA for such security. The City agrees that upon receipt of evidence that Assignee has obtained such new security in a form satisfactory to the City, the City shall release Assignor's Improvement Security. 3. Solvency. As a material inducement to the City to enter into the Assignment & Amendment, Assignee hereby represents and warrants to City, and City hereby relies on Assignee's representation and warranty, that Assignee is solvent and has the financial capability of fulfilling each and every obligation and duty it takes on by way of the Assignment & Amendment. 4. Incorporation of SIA Provisions. The SIA, and each provision therein, unless otherwise modified in writing, is incorporated in this Assignment & Amendment in its entirety and Assignee agrees and warrants that it assumes and is bound by each obligation found in the SIA in the same manner as Assignor prior to this Assignment & Amendment. 5. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, which, taken together, shall constitute one complete and enforceable agreement. F220 -2- 117 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Assignment & Amendment on day of , 20 CITY: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7000 JON MCMILLEN, CITY MANAGER Date City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, CITY CLERK City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ASSIGNOR: SC HOMES ND LLC, a Delaware limited liability company 10621 3r enter Drive monga, CA 91730 Group, LLC, a California limited liabibty company 4—A4 424 - in • Member Date Date ASSIGNEE: CRESTWOOD CORPORATION, a California corporation 510 W. Citrus Edge Street . cndora, CA 91740 Bf:zrd-ifi,,o// Date By: Date F220 -4- 118 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of O - 3eA'n cta,vLD } On %jD 1 before me, . m�� � t RLL bk i✓ , Dat Here Insert Name and Title o e Officer m atht-ker.) . IfifMart personally appeared Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persor44whose name(s)•is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/914e, yexecuted the same in his. :--• authorized capacity(ies} and that by his/#herftheirsignaturee)•on the instrument the persoi )., or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)-acted, executed the instrument. S MONE BASSO Notary Public - California San Bernardino County Commission # 2333315 My Comm. Expires Oct 9, 2024 Place Notary Seal and/or Stamp Above I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature OPTIONAL ignature of Notary Public Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — 0 Limited 0 General ❑ Individual 0 Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: ❑ Guardian of Conservator Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited 0 General ❑ Individual 0 Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian of Conservator ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: ©2017 National Notary Association 119 California All -Purpose Certificate of Acknowledgement A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Los Angeles On September 26, 2024 , before me, Haydee Alvarez - Notary Public Date personally appeared Here insert Name and Title of the Officer Kathleen A. Garvey Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacitv(ies),and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. HAYDEE ALVAREZ Notary Public • California Los Angeles County Commission 2368693 My Comm. Expires Aug 1, 2025 (Seal) WITNESS my hand and official seal. OPTIONAL INFORMATION Although the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on e document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document Signature of Notary P Description of Attached Document (Title or description of attached document) (Title or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages Document date (Additional information) Capacity Claimed By The Signer El Individual (s) ElCorporate Officer (Title) Partner(s) 0 Attorney -in -Fact Trustee(s) POther: dditlonall llif3rm t • n r • ❑ Additional Signer(s) Signer(s) Thumbprint(s) Other Signer's Name: Signer's Name: 120 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TRACT MAP NO. 32201 ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS This ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ("Assignment & Amendment") is made and entered into as of the day of , 20 , by and among the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a municipal corporation of the State of California ("City"), SC HOMES FUND, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Assignor"), and CRESTWOOD CORPORATION, a California corporation ("Assignee"). RECITALS A. City and Assignor entered into that certain Subdivision Improvement Agreement, dated February 22, 2016 ("SIA"), pursuant to which Assignor, as the "Subdivider" defined in the SIA, agreed to plan for, install, and construct certain public and/or private improvements on Tract Map No. 32201 ("Tract"), as more fully described in Exhibit "A" of the SIA ("Improvements"). B. Assignor desires to sell its interest in the Tract to Assignee. In conjunction with such transfer, Assignor desires to assign the SIA, and all of Assignor's rights and obligations thereunder, to Assignee and Assignee desire to assume Assignor's position with respect to the SIA and all of Assignor's rights and obligations under the SIA subject to the terms of this Assignment & Amendment. C. In connection with the foregoing described assignment and assumption, the City and Assignee have agreed to certain modifications to the SIA as set forth herein to be effective upon full execution of this Assignment & Amendment by all the parties hereto. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Assignment and Assumption. Assignor hereby transfers and assigns to Assignee all of the Assignor's rights, title, and interest in and to, and obligations under, the SIA, and Assignee hereby assumes all rights, title, and interest in and to, and obligations under, the SIA. City hereby consents to the foregoing assignment and assumption. 121 F220 2. Replacement of Improvement Security. Pursuant to the SIA, Assignor has furnished the City security for the Improvements in the form of: (a) Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $662,223 for the following improvements: ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS Performance Security Improvement Description Amount Rough Grading $56,340 Street $149,379 Storm Drain $48,354 Water $10,900 Sewer $18,000 Dry Utilities $142,500 Landscaping $66,212 Monumentation $10,000 Standard 10% Contingency $50,168 Professional Fees, Design 10% $55,185 Professional Fees, Construction 10% $55,185 TOTAL $662,223 (b) Other (Specify type and amount): 1. Faithful Performance Bond for Fugitive Dust Control = $10,000 For purposes of this Assignment & Amendment, such security in the aggregate shall be hereinafter referred to as "Improvement Security." Assignee hereby warrants that within five (5) days of this executed Assignment & Amendment, it shall replace Assignor's Improvement Security with security of its own in an amount equal to the Improvement Security, unless the City otherwise determines at its discretion and in writing that such security can be issued at a lesser amount. Assignee's security shall be in full compliance with the terms and conditions stated in the SIA for such security. The City agrees that upon receipt of evidence that Assignee has obtained such new security in a form satisfactory to the City, the City shall release Assignor's Improvement Security. 3. Solvency. As a material inducement to the City to enter into the Assignment & Amendment, Assignee hereby represents and warrants to City, and City hereby relies on Assignee's representation and warranty, that Assignee is solvent and has the financial capability of fulfilling each and every obligation and duty it takes on by way of the Assignment & Amendment. 4. Incorporation of SIA Provisions. The SIA, and each provision therein, unless otherwise modified in writing, is incorporated in this Assignment & Amendment in its entirety and Assignee agrees and warrants that it assumes and is bound by each obligation found in the SIA in the same manner as Assignor prior to this Assignment & Amendment. F220 -2- 122 5. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, which, taken together, shall constitute one complete and enforceable agreement. F220 -3- 123 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Assignment & Amendment on day of , 20 CITY: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7000 JON MCMILLEN, CITY MANAGER Date City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, CITY CLERK City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ASSIGNOR: SC H • t ES FUND LLC, a Delaware limited liability company 10 * 1 C vic Center Drive ucamonga, CA 91730 t Group, LUC, a California limited liability company Member Date By '� Date ASSIGNEE: CRESTWOOD CORPORATION, a California corporation 510 W. Citrus Edge Street G - ndora, CA 91740 Date By: Date F220 -3- 124 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 :.1•7•.1•I :.3.2.•, ..,Tts• ,I• . • . . . , .I.• A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of eCIA nael n 0 On A"f before me, 1��►� ? b Date Here Insert Name and + itle of theffrcer personally appeared Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name{$ is/afe.subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shcItheyr executed the same in his'h, it authorized capacity( yri,nd that by hislt1cr/thcir signatures) on the instrument the personsr the entity upon behalf of which the person{ •acted, executed the instrument. SIMONE BASSO Notary P.b is • California San Bernardino County • Commission # 2333315 My Comm. Expires Oct 9. 2024 Pace Notary Seal and/or Stamp Above I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature OPTIONAL Signature of Notary Public Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — 0 Limited 0 General ❑ Individual O Trustee ❑ Other: ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Guardian of Conservator Signer is Representing: Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — 0 Limited 0 General ❑ Individual 0 Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee 0 Guardian of Conservator ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: ©2017 National Notary Association 125 California All -Purpose Certificate of Acknowledgement A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Los Angeles On September 26, 2024 , before me, Haydee Alvarez - Notary Public Dale personally appeared Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer Kathleen A. Garvey Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies),and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. HAYDEE ALVAREZ Notary Public - California Los Angeles County Commission # 2368693 my Comm. Expires Aug 1, 2025 (Seal) WITNESS my hand and official seal. OPTIONAL INFORMATION Although the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document Signature of ry Public Description of Attached Document (Title or description of attached document) (Title or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages Document date (Additional information) Capacity Claimed By The Signer n Individual (s) nCorporate Officer (Title) 0 Fartner(s) ElAttorney -in -Fact Trustee(s) 0 Other: `, tldit[onal�lnformatl= n Additional Signer(s) Signer(s) Thumbprint(s) 0 Other Signer's Name: Signer's Name: _ ght Thumbprint of Signer 126 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 7 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 15, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ACCEPT OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DIAMANTE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, TRACT MAP NO. 30138, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 52 WEST OF MADISON STREET RECOMMENDATION Accept the off-site improvements associated with Tract Map No. 30138, Diamante; authorize staff to release performance security upon receipt of warranty bond; and direct staff to release the labor and materials security 90 days after City Council acceptance of the off-site improvements. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Diamante is a residential project located on the north side of Avenue 52 west of Madison Street (Attachment 1). • La Quinta 47, LLC (Developer) has requested release of the performance, labor and materials securities. • Since all off-site improvements have been completed, staff recommends acceptance, and release of the performance, labor and materials securities. FISCAL IMPACT — None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Developer has completed all off-site improvements required by Tract Map No. 30138. The improvements include pavement, signing and striping, sidewalk, landscaping, and setting monumentation. Staff inspected the off-site improvements and verified they meet City -approved plans and standards. AL cRNATIVES Accepting improvements is a ministerial action necessary for the release of the improvement securities. Since the improvements have been inspected and meet City standards, staff does not recommend an alternative action. Prepared by: Approved by: Amy Yu, Associate Engineer Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 127 ATTACHMENT 1 Tract Map No. 30138 DTY OF OM 50TH AVENUE JEFFERSON 52ND AVENUE YEY ICA Oo z 0 r VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 128 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 15, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED AUGUST 31, 2024 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file revenue and expenditure report dated August 31, 2024. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The report summarizes the City's year-to-date (YTD) revenues and period expenditures for August 2024 (Attachment 1). • These reports are also reviewed by the Financial Advisory Commission. FISCAL IMPACT — None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Below is a summary of the column headers used on the Revenue and Expenditure Summary Reports: Original Total Budget — represents revenue and expenditure budgets the Council adopted in June 2024 for fiscal year 2024/25. Current Total Budget — represents original adopted budgets plus any Council approved budget amendments from throughout the year. The 2023/24 operating and Capital Improvement Project carryovers to 2024/25 will be processed after the year-end audit is completed. Period Activity — represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid in the reporting month. Fiscal Activity — represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid YTD. Variance Favorable/(Unfavorable) - represents the dollar difference between YTD collections/expenditures and the current budgeted amount. Percent Used — represents the percentage activity as compared to budget YTD. 129 August 2024 Revenues Comparison to 2023 General Fund (GF) All Funds MTD YTD $ 794,749 $ 1,650,618 $ 1,913,235 $ 3,928,010 August 2024 Expenditures Budget 2.00% 2.50% YTD Budget $ 2,178,268 $ 3,956,540 2.78% 3.20% Comparison to 2023 General Fund Payroll (GF) All Funds Percent of MTD YTD Budget $ 1,978,768 $ 2,681,243 $ 1,163,621 $ 1,655,959 $ 4,955,569 $ 7,284,396 3.22% 11.72% 4.99% Percent of YTD Budget $ 2,141,585 $ 1,148,020 $ 6,355,580 2.94% 8.57% 5.38% Top Five Revenue/Income Sources for August General Fund Non -General Fund Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax $ 354,318 Allocated Interest $ 532,231 Misc. Revenue(1) $ 212,276 Gas Tax $ 195,181 STVR Registration Fees $ 76,500 Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD)(3) $ 117,646 Misc. Reimbursements(2) $ 66,471 Non -Allocated Interest (Pension Fund) $ 92,829 Franchise Taxes - Burrtec $ 51,178 SilverRock Green Fees $ 88,358 Top Five Expenditures/Outlays for August General Fund Non -General Fund Parks Landscape Maintenance Contract $ 107,663 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) - Construction(5) $ 908,161 Membership Dues(4) $ 77,863 Developer Reimbursements $ 400,000 Professional Services (Clerk) $ 56,441 Software Licenses(6) $ 276,221 Marketing and Tourism Promotions $ 54,291 Machinery and Equipment(?) $ 273,065 Electricity (Buildings) $ 48,783 SilverRock Maintenance $ 200,237 (')Misc. Revenue: National Opioids Settlement payments (2)Misc. Reimbursements: SB90 recovered costs from state -mandated programs (3) CVWD:Turf conversion rebates related to north La Quinta landscape project (4)Membership: Coachellla Valley Assoc. of Governments and CoStar (5)CIP Construction: Dune Palms bridge (6)Software: Tyler ERP 10, Tyler EnerGov, Tracker, Granicus (')Machinery: Audio -Visual upgrades for council chambers and other City Hall meeting rooms Revenues are not received uniformly throughout the year, resulting in peaks and valleys. For example, large property tax payments are usually received in December and May. Similarly, Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund payments are typically received in January and June. Any timing imbalance of revenue receipts versus expenditures is funded from the City's cash flow reserve. Unlike revenues, expenditures are more likely to be consistent from month to month. However, large debt service payments or CIP expenditures can cause swings. Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Principal Management Analyst Approved by: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director Attachment: 1. Revenue and Expenditure Report for August 31, 2024 130 taathitai tii Ir : Fund ATTACHMENT 1 For Fiscal: 2024/25 Period Ending: 08/31/2024 Revenue Summary Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Used 101- GENERAL FUND 82,714,300 82,714,300 794,749 1,650,618 -81,063,682 2.00% 105 - DISASTER RECOVERY FUND 30,000 30,000 0 0 -30,000 0.00% 201- GAS TAX FUND 2,589,000 2,589,000 195,181 195,181 -2,393,819 7.54% 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 3,143,000 3,143,000 477 958 -3,142,042 0.03% 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G) 5,000 5,000 0 0 -5,000 0.00% 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 190,000 190,000 0 0 -190,000 0.00% 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 103,000 103,000 0 0 -103,000 0.00% 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 4,000,500 4,000,500 0 0 -4,000,500 0.00% 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 80,000 80,000 3,656 3,656 -76,344 4.57% 223 - MEASURE A FUND 2,025,000 2,025,000 0 0 -2,025,000 0.00% 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 1,000 1,000 0 0 -1,000 0.00% 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMAN FOOBANT (EMPG)13,000 0 0 -13,000 0.00% 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAMS (5fgal 5,500 0 0 -5,500 0.00% 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 21,000 21,000 1,460 2,824 -18,176 13.45% 231- SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 20,260,000 20,260,000 7 13 -20,259,987 0.00% 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 54,500 54,500 0 0 -54,500 0.00% 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 13,820 13,820 0 0 -13,820 0.00% 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY 1,452,000 1,452,000 28,294 109,347 -1,342,653 7.53% 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND 60,000 60,000 0 0 -60,000 0.00% 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 40,000 40,000 1,625 2,250 -37,750 5.63% 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinan124002016) 18,000 0 0 -18,000 0.00% 250 -TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 540,000 540,000 31,499 79,523 -460,478 14.73% 251- PARKS & REC DIF FUND 253,000 253,000 4,212 21,372 -231,628 8.45% 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 103,000 103,000 4,116 15,044 -87,956 14.61% 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 50,000 50,000 794 4,029 -45,971 8.06% 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS DIF105,000 105,000 1,912 9,702 -95,298 9.24% 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 1,000 1,000 0 0 -1,000 0.00% 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 100 100 0 0 -100 0.00% 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 53,000 53,000 1,217 4,484 -48,516 8.46% 259 - MAINTENANCE FACILITIES DIF FUND 47,000 47,000 2,003 5,433 -41,567 11.56% 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 158,000 158,000 1,918 12,243 -145,757 7.75% 275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 3,000 3,000 0 0 -3,000 0.00% 299 - INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND 0 0 532,231 1,247,359 1,247,359 0.00% 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 1,500 1,500 0 0 -1,500 0.00% 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS27,218,109 27,218,109 117,646 117,646 -27,100,463 0.43% 405 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUND 500 500 0 0 -500 0.00% 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 1,705,000 1,705,000 0 0 -1,705,000 0.00% 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,276,708 2,276,708 2,824 6,032 -2,270,676 0.26% 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 500,000 500,000 0 0 -500,000 0.00% 504 -INSURANCE FUND 1,363,230 1,363,230 0 0 -1,363,230 0.00% 601- SILVERROCK RESORT 5,484,500 5,484,500 94,586 199,032 -5,285,468 3.63% 602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 98,000 98,000 0 0 -98,000 0.00% 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 7,000 7,000 0 0 -7,000 0.00% 761- CERBT OPEB TRUST 40,000 40,000 0 0 -40,000 0.00% 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 200,000 200,000 92,829 241,264 41,264 120.63% Report Total: 157,026,267 157,026,267 1,913,235 3,928,010 -153,098,257 2.50% Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. Page 1 of 3 131 Fund For Fiscal: 2024/25 Period Ending: 08/31/2024 Expenditure Summary Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Used 101- GENERAL FUND 83,331,665 83,331,665 1,978,768 2,681,243 80,650,422 3.22% 201- GAS TAX FUND 3,443,100 3,443,100 72,820 93,946 3,349,154 2.73% 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 2,555,615 2,555,615 49,770 54,814 2,500,801 2.14% 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 198,500 198,500 0 0 198,500 0.00% 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 100,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 0.00% 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 3,957,700 3,957,700 306,180 336,772 3,620,928 8.51% 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 200,000 200,000 9,000 9,000 191,000 4.50% 223 - MEASURE A FUND 2,335,000 2,335,000 0 0 2,335,000 0.00% 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMAN.QVCX3BANT (EMPG)12,000 0 9,750 2,250 81.25% 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAMS (5)( 814 5,000 0 0 5,000 0.00% 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 5,500 5,500 0 0 5,500 0.00% 231- SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 4,452,755 4,452,755 0 0 4,452,755 0.00% 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 40,000 40,000 1,819 1,819 38,181 4.55% 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 10,000 10,000 0 0 10,000 0.00% 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY 1,715,440 1,715,440 71,451 149,810 1,565,630 8.73% 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND 250,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 0.00% 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 31,500 31,500 0 2,450 29,050 7.78% 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refina2ti {91002016) 250,000 0 0 250,000 0.00% 250 -TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 1,579,109 1,579,109 400,000 400,000 1,179,109 25.33% 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 15,000 15,000 0 0 15,000 0.00% 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS DIF500,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% 259 - MAINTENANCE FACILITIES DIF FUND 100,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 0.00% 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 233,000 233,000 16,031 16,031 216,969 6.88% 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 1,500 1,500 0 0 1,500 0.00% 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS27,218,109 27,218,109 919,934 922,818 26,295,291 3.39% 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 1,628,750 1,628,750 37,897 39,531 1,589,219 2.43% 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3,217,945 3,217,945 569,694 693,408 2,524,537 21.55% 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 2,000,000 2,000,000 143,832 143,833 1,856,167 7.19% 504- INSURANCE FUND 1,058,000 1,058,000 1,777 1,037,822 20,178 98.09% 601- SILVERROCK RESORT 5,365,000 5,365,000 373,804 672,988 4,692,012 12.54% 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 12,850 12,850 0 12,833 17 99.87% 761- CERBT OPEB TRUST 1,500 1,500 0 0 1,500 0.00% 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 30,000 30,000 2,793 5,528 24,472 18.43% Report Total: 145,854,538 145,854,538 4,955,569 7,284,396 138,570,142 4.99% Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. Page 2 of 3 132 Fund Descriptions Fund # Name Notes 101 General Fund The primary fund of the City used to account for all revenue and expenditures of the City; a broad range of municipal activities are provided through this fund. 105 Disaster Recovery Fund Accounts for use of one-time federal funding designed to deliver relief to American workers and aid in the economic recovery iin the wake of COVID-19. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was passed by Congress in 2021 to provide fiscal recovery funds to state and local governments. 201 Gas Tax Fund Gasoline sales tax allocations received from the State which are restricted to street -related expenditures. 202 Library and Museum Fund Revenues from property taxes and related expenditures for library and museum services. 203 Public Safety Fund General Fund Measure G sales tax revenue set aside for public safety expenditures. 210 Federal Assistance Fund Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) received from the federal government and the expenditures of those resources. 212 SLESF (COPS) Fund Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Funds (SLESF) received from the State for law enforcement activities. Also known as Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS). 215 Lighting & Landscaping Fund Special assessments levied on real property for city-wide lighting and landscape maintenance/improvements and the expenditures of those resources. 220 Quimby Fund Developer fees received under the provisions of the Quimby Act for park development and improvements. 221 AB939 Fund/Cal Recycle Franchise fees collected from the city waste hauler that are used to reduce waste sent to landfills through recycling efforts Assembly Bill (AB) 939 223 Measure A Fund County sales tax allocations which are restricted to street -related expenditures. 224 TUMF Fund Developer -paid Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF) utilized for traffic projects in Riverside County. 225 Infrastructure Fund Developer fees for the acquisition, construction or improvement of the City's infrastructure as defined by Resolution 226 Emergency Mgmt. Performance Grant (EMPG) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 227 State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 230 CASP Fund, AB1379 / SB1186 Certified Access Specialist (CASp) program fees for ADA Accessibility Improvements; derived from Business License renewals. Assembly Bill (AB) 1379 and Senate Bill (SB) 1186. 231 Successor Agency PA 1 RORF Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund (RORF) for Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) taxes received for debt service payments on recognized obligations of the former Redevelopment Agency (RDA). 235 SO Coast Air Quality Fund (AB2766, PM10) Contributions from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Uses are limited to the reduction and control of airborne pollutants. Assembly Bill (AB) 2766. 237 Successor Agency PA 1 Admin Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 for administration of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) associated with the former Redevelopment Agency (RDA). 241 Housing Authority Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. 243 RDA Low -Moderate Housing Fund Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. Accounts for RDA loan repayments (20% for Housing) and housing programs,. 244 Housing Grants Activites related Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) and SB2 grants for housing planning and development. 247 Economic Development Fund Proceeds from sale of City -owned land and transfers from General Fund for future economic development. 249 SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond Fund Successor Agency (SA) low/moderate housing fund; 2011 bonds refinanced in 2016. 250 Transportation DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - transportation related. 251 Parks & Rec. DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks and recreation. 252 Civic Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - Civic Center. 253 Library Development DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - library. 254 Community Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - community center. 255 Street Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - streets. 256 Park Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks. 257 Fire Protection DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - fire protection. 259 Maintenance Facilities DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - maintenance facilities. 270 Art In Public Places Fund Developer fees collected in lieu of art placement; utilized for acquisition, installation and maintenance of public artworks. 275 LQ Public Safety Officer Fund Annual transfer in from General Fund; distributed to public safety officers disabled or killed in the line of duty. 299 Interest Allocation Fund Interest earned on investments. 310 LQ Finance Authority Debt Service Fund Accounted for the debt service the Financing Authority's outstanding debt and any related reporting requirements. This bond was fully paid in October 2018. 401 Capital Improvement Program Fund Planning, design, and construction of various capital projects throughout the City. 405 SA PA 1 Capital Improvement Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 bond proceeds restricted by the bond indenture covenants. Used for SilverRock infrastructure improvements. 501 Equipment Replacement Fund Internal Service Fund for vehicles, heavy equipment, and related facilities. 502 Information Technology Fund Internal Service Fund for computer hardware and software and phone systems. 503 Park Equipment & Facility Fund Internal Service Fund for park equipment and facilities. 504 Insurance Fund Internal Service Fund for city-wide insurance coverages. 601 SilverRock Resort Fund Enterprise Fund for activities of the city -owned golf course. 602 SilverRock Golf Reserve Fund Enterprise Fund for golf course reserves for capital improvements. 760 Supplemental Pension Plan (PARS Account) Supplemental pension savings plan for excess retiree benefits to general employees of the City. 761 Other Post Benefit Obligation Trust (OPEB) For retiree medical benefits and unfunded liabilities. 762 Pension Trust Benefit (PARS Account) For all pension -related benefits and unfunded liabilities. 133 Page 3 of 3 134 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 9 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 15, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED SEPTEMBER 27 AND OCTOBER 4, 2024 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated September 27, and October 4, 2024. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City $ 3,833,227.17 Successor Agency of RDA $ - Housing Authority $ 15,934.15 $ 3,849,161.32 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for September 27, and October 4, 2024. Warrants Issued: 214984-215039 $ 1,814,141.61 215040-215094 $ 1,418,316.90 EFT #167 $ 888.00 Wire Transfers $ 290,553.38 Payroll Tax Transfers $ 59,567.84 Payroll Direct Deposit $ 265,693.59 $ 3,849,161.32 135 Vendor Riverside County Sheriff Department Ortiz Enterprises, Inc. Account Name Various Construction Amount Purpose $1,167,658.26 August Police Services $827,286.05 Dune Palms Bridge Progress Payments Desert Concepts Construction, Inc. Various $220,533.33 Citywide Landscape Maintenance Services Visual Edge IT, Inc. Various $183,893.14 IT Services Conserve Landcare Construction $113,957.25 Cactus Flowers Landscape Improvements Wire Transfers: Eleven transfers totaled $290,553. Of this amount, $178,611 was to Landmark and $54,138 was to CaIPERS (See Attachment 2 for a complete listing). Purchase Orders/Contracts: As a normal course of operations, any purchase order (PO) over $50,000 must go to City Council for individual consideration. Additional POs under this threshold are reported quarterly for review. See attached list (Attachment 3) for POs with a value of $25,000 to $50,000 that were issued from July 1 to September 30. Investment Transactions: Full details of investment transactions, as well as total holdings, are reported quarterly in the Treasurer's Report. Transaction Issuer Purchase Celtic Bank Maturity Bank West Inc Purchase Sunwest Bank Purchase Cornerstone FCU Purchase United States Treasury Prepared by: Approved by: Attachments: Type CD CD CD CD Treasury Note Settle Coupon Par Value Date Rate YTM $ 248,000 9/26/2024 3.650% 3.650% $ 248,000 9/27/2024 1.700% 1.700% $ 248,000 9/30/2024 3.550% 3.550% $ 248,000 9/30/2024 3.700% 3.700% $ 1,000,000 9/30/2024 3.500% 3.510% Jesse Batres, Finance Technician Rosemary Hallick, Principal Management Analyst 1. Demand Registers 2. Wire Transfers 3. Purchase Orders 136 is aii City of La Quinta Vendor Name Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND BOX OF KITTENS CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. COACHELLA VALLEY CONSER... COACHELLA VALLEY CONSER... COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PUBL... 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Payment Number Description (Item) 214987 STATE OF THE CITY 2024 VIDEO SERIES F... 214990 09/16-10/15/24 - FS #32 CABLE 3201 (0... 214990 9/16-10/15/24 FS#32 CABLE/INTERNET... 214990 09/16-10/15/24 - FS #70 CABLE (4701) (... 214990 FY23/24 R/C 11/5-12/4/23 FS#32 CABLE.. 214990 FY23/24 R/C 11/5-12/4/23 FS#32 CABLE.. 214990 FY23/24 R/C 12/5/23-1/4/24 FS#32 CAB... 214990 FY23/24 R/C 12/5/23-1/4/24 FS#32 CAB... 214992 08/2024 - MSHCP FEES 214992 08/2024 - MSHCP FEES 214994 08/2024 - RADIO MAINTENANCE 214996 REFUND DISMISSAL OF PARKING CITATI... 214998 07/2024 - BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 214998 08/2024 - BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 214998 05/2024 - BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 214999 09/2024 - L&L MAINTENANCE SERVICES 214999 09/2024 - PARKS LANDSCAPE MAINTEN... 215000 ELECTRICAL BOX FOR CIVIC PARK 215000 LED LIGHT BULBS 215001 WC FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM SERVICE 215002 09/22-10/21/24 - EOC CABLE 215005 CH HVAC MAINTENANCE 215006 GARNISHMENT 215007 GARNISHMENT 215009 FY 24/25 GASB 75 ROLL FORWARD VAL... 215010 CALIFORNIA FLAGS 215011 COPPER SULFATE 215012 HVAC PARTS 215013 REFUND DIMISSAL PARKING CITATION ... 215014 FY 24/25 WELLNESS DOLLARS REIMB S.L... 215016 08/02/24 - WC DEEP DISINFECTING 215016 08/05/24 - FB PARK DISINFECTING CLEA... 215016 08/15/24 - CH CARPET CLEANING 215016 08/23/24 - WC CARPET CLEANING 215016 08/29/24 - CH DEEP DISINFECTING 215017 09/2024 - FB POOL MONTHLY MAINTEN... 215018 YELLOW PAPER, POST -ITS, & NOTEPADS 215020 PLANTS 215021 FTM 2022-0001 ONCALL MAP CHECKING.. 215021 COCO 2024-0001 ONCALL MAP CHECKI... 215021 LLA 2024-0004 ONCALL MAP CHECKING ... 215021 PMER 2024-0003 ONCALL MAP CHECKI... 215023 08/2024 - RECORDING FEES 215024 GOLF FOURSOME TOURNAMENT SPON... 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES ATTACHMENT 1 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03941 - 09/27/2024 JB Account Name Community Special Events Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Telephone - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Telephone - Utilities MSHCP Mitigation Fee CVMSHCP Admin Fee Operating Supplies Administrative Citation Servi... Blood/Alcohol Testing Blood/Alcohol Testing Blood/Alcohol Testing Landscape Contract Landscape Contract Materials/Supplies Materials/Supplies Maintenance/Services Cable/Internet - Utilities HVAC Garnishments Payable Garnishments Payable Consultants Materials/Supplies Materials/Supplies HVAC Administrative Citation Servi... Annual Wellness Dollar Reim... Janitorial Janitorial Janitorial Janitorial Janitorial LQ Park Water Feature Office Supplies Materials/Supplies Map/Plan Checking Map/Plan Checking Map/Plan Checking Map/Plan Checking Technical Sponsorships/Advertising Sheriff Patrol Police Overtime Target Team Community Services Officer Gang Task Force Narcotics Task Force Motor Officer Dedicated Sargeants Dedicated Lieutenant Account Number 101-1001-60137 101-2002-61400 101-2002-61400 101-2002-61400 101-2002-61400 101-2002-61300 101-2002-61400 101-2002-61300 101-0000-20310 101-0000-43631 101-2001-60420 101-6004-60111 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60174 101-2002-60112 101-3005-60112 101-3005-60431 101-3005-60431 101-3008-60691 101-2002-61400 101-3008-60667 101-0000-20985 101-0000-20985 101-1006-60104 101-3008-60431 101-3005-60431 101-3008-60667 101-6004-60111 101-1004-50252 101-3008-60115 101-3008-60115 101-3008-60115 101-3008-60115 101-3008-60115 101-3005-60554 101-1005-60400 101-3005-60431 101-7002-60183 101-7002-60183 101-7002-60183 101-7002-60183 101-6004-60108 101-3007-60450 101-2001-60161 101-2001-60162 101-2001-60163 101-2001-60164 101-2001-60166 101-2001-60167 101-2001-60169 101-2001-60170 101-2001-60171 Amount 4,500.00 99.87 10.56 48.25 10.52 -10.52 10.52 -10.52 2,385.00 -23.85 253.98 50.00 70.00 105.00 35.00 5,000.00 79,300.58 466.13 275.11 172.19 113.71 525.00 269.91 223.79 4,000.00 500.04 177.43 273.40 50.00 200.00 1,299.20 400.00 365.00 255.00 730.00 2,854.00 67.08 897.18 350.00 350.00 280.00 525.00 40.00 1,000.00 664,215.73 13,749.13 147,107.31 63,621.19 17,000.00 17,000.00 117,832.68 46,618.80 26,446.40 10/7/2024 10:56:23 AM 137 Page 1 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03941 - 09/27/2024 JB Vendor Name Payment Number RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... ROTOLIGHTNG, INC SHEILA THORNTON SLF-ADAMS STREET LA QUIN... SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY ... SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY ... SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT VINTAGE ASSOCIATES VINTAGE E & S INC VINTAGE E & S INC VINTAGE E & S INC VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND GRAINGER GRAINGER TOPS' N BARRICADES INC Description (Item) 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215025 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES 215026 PALM TREE LIGHT CHANGING COLOR SE... 215027 REFUND DISMISSAL PARKING CITATION ... 215028 PM 10 DEPOSIT REFUND TM 37359 215029 FY 24/25 CH GENERATOR RENEWAL FEE... 215029 FY 24/25 CH GENERATOR EMISSIONS FL... 215030 09/07/24 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICE.. 215030 09/2024 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICES 215030 09/2024 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICES 215032 PAINT 215035 CONTRIBUTION 215036 09/2024 - SRR LANDSCAPE MAINTENAN... 215037 REPLACED CIVIC PARK PATH LIGHT BULBS 215037 LQ PARK LIGHTING REPAIR 215037 LQ PARK LIGHTING REPAIR 215038 ROOF FAN KIT FOR FB POOL PUMP RO... 215010 215010 215033 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTR... DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTR... DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORAT... DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORAT... DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORAT... DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORAT... DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORAT... LOZANO'S PAINTING INC LOZANO'S PAINTING INC THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. COLD PATCH SAFETY GLASSES TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS 214999 09/2024 - PARKS LANDSCAPE MAINTEN... 214999 09/2024 - PARKS LANDSCAPE MAINTEN... 215003 PAINT FOR LIBRARY 215003 CAULK FOR LIBRARY PAINTING 215003 PAINT FOR LIBRARY 215003 PAINT & PAINT SUPPLIES FOR LIBRARY 215003 RETURN PAINT FOR LIBRARY 215015 LIBRARY PAINT SERVICES 215015 PAINT & PAINT SUPPLIES FOR LIBRARY 215032 PAINTING SUPPLIES FOR LIBRARY Fund: 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 215025 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND ARBORPRO INC 214985 DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTR... 214999 DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTR... DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTR... EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC... EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC... FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC PRICE'S NURSERY & GARDEN... VINTAGE ASSOCIATES VINTAGE ASSOCIATES VINTAGE E & S INC WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVIC... 214999 214999 215004 215004 215008 215011 215020 215036 215036 215037 215039 Fund: 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND ALPHA MEDIA LLC 214984 ALPHA MEDIA LLC 214984 Account Name Sheriff - Mileage Special Enforcement Funds Maintenance/Services Administrative Citation Servi... Developer Deposits Annual Permits/Inspections Annual Permits/Inspections Civic Center Lake Maintenan... Civic Center Lake Maintenan... SilverRock Lake Maintenance Materials/Supplies United Way Deductions Landscape Contract Maintenance/Services Maintenance/Services Maintenance/Services Account Number 101-2001-60172 101-2001-60175 101-3005-60691 101-6004-60111 101-0000-22810 101-3008-60196 101-3008-60196 101-3005-60117 101-3005-60117 101-3005-60189 101-3005-60431 101-0000-20981 101-3005-60112 101-3008-60691 101-3005-60691 101-3005-60691 Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance 101-3005-60184 Asphalt Safety Gear Traffic Control Signs Landscape Contract Landscape Contract Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements Building Improvements Amount 37,312.62 2,508.07 300.00 50.00 9,600.00 1,082.08 165.96 155.00 1,417.50 1,417.50 38.19 32.00 14,181.33 1,562.32 1,472.72 3,129.53 166.73 Fund 101- GENERAL FUND Total: 1,296,676.35 201-7003-60430 201-7003-60427 201-7003-60429 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: 202-3004-60112 202-3006-60112 202-3004-72110 202-3004-72110 202-3004-72110 202-3004-72110 202-3004-72110 202-3004-72110 202-3004-72110 202-3004-72110 1,899.32 263.19 303.74 2,466.25 2,767.75 1,730.00 4,059.20 52.07 6,114.47 377.17 -6,114.47 18,500.00 506.63 272.04 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 28,264.86 07/25-08/21/24 - BP #2 POLICE SERVICES COPS Burglary/Theft Prevent... 212-0000-60179 TREE INVENTORY SERVICES 09/2024 - L&L MAINTENANCE SERVICES 09/2024- PARKS LANDSCAPE MAINTEN... 09/16-09/20/24- HWY 111 LANDSCAPE... IRRIGATION PARTS FOR HWY 111 IRRIGATION PARTS FOR HWY 111 09/10-10/09/24 - PHONE SVC IRRIGATION PARTS PLANTS 09/2024 - SRR LANDSCAPE MAINTENAN... 09/2024 - SRR LANDSCAPE MAINTENAN... 9/8-9/18/24 - HWY 111 MEDIAN PALM L.. 10/01-12/31/24 - L&L ADMINISTRATION... 14,246.33 Fund 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND Total: 14,246.33 Tree Maintenance/Palm Trees Landscape Contract Landscape Contract Maintenance/Services Materials/Supplies Materials/Supplies Electric - Utilities Materials/Supplies Materials/Supplies Landscape Contract SilverRock Way Landscape Maintenance/Services Administration 215-7004-60673 215-7004-60112 215-7004-60112 215-7004-60691 215-7004-60431 215-7004-60431 215-7004-61116 215-7004-60431 215-7004-60431 215-7004-60112 215-7004-60143 215-7004-60691 215-7004-60102 13,655.25 110,000.00 14,535.00 7,200.00 2,096.06 1,458.31 72.76 224.80 1,141.88 5,129.00 5,671.00 4,276.31 3,508.34 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 168,968.71 08/2024 - RECYCLING DIGITAL ADS AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 08/2024 - RECYCLING RADIO ADS MIX 1... AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 Fund 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: 1,500.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 10/7/2024 10:56:23 AM 138 Page 2 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03941 - 09/27/2024 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND CHARLOTTE DUPLAY, FINE A... 214989 CUSH TILE 214995 Fund: 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS CONSERVE LANDCARE 214993 CONSERVE LANDCARE 214993 CONSERVE LANDCARE CONSERVE LANDCARE ST. FRANCIS ELECTRIC, LLC ST. FRANCIS ELECTRIC, LLC UNIQUE RECREATION CONS... 214993 214993 215031 215031 215034 Fund: 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT AUTOZONE 214986 AUTOZONE AUTOZONE AUTOZONE AUTOZONE CHEVROLET CADILLAC CHEVROLET CADILLAC CHEVROLET CADILLAC CHEVROLET CADILLAC CHEVROLET CADILLAC DANIEL'S TIRE SERVICE, INC. 214986 214986 214986 214986 214991 214991 214991 214991 214991 214997 PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES.. 215019 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ARBORPRO INC 214985 CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY C... 214988 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. 214990 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. 214990 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. 214990 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. 214990 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. 214990 RINCON CONSULTANTS, INC. 215022 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215038 Description (Item) Account Name Account Number APP APPRAISAL SERVICES Art Purchases 270-0000-74800 APP RESTORATION & MAINTENANCE 5... APP Maintenance & Display 270-0000-60683 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total: 08/2024 - CACTUS FLOWER LANDSCAPE... 08/2024 - CACTUS FLOWER LANDSCAPE... 09/2024 - CACTUS FLOWER LANDSCAPE... 09/2024 - CACTUS FLOWER LANDSCAPE... 08/2024 REPLACE CABINET AT FRED WA... 08/2024 - ONCALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAI... ENGINEERING DOCS FOR ICON SHELTER ... VEHICLE BATTERY & INSTALL KIT VEHICLE TIRE REPAIR SUPPLIES VEHICLE WIPER BLADES & AIR FILTERS VEHICLE BUG REMOVER WASHER FLUID VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 18 CHEVY SILVERADO VIN Z252560 BRA... 17 CHEVY COLORADO VIN H1269005 MA.. 17 CHEVY COLORADO VIN H1244342 R... 17 CHEVY SILVERADO VIN Z176837 MAI... 19 CHEVY EQUINOX VIN S542617 MAIN... 22 CHEVY VOLT TIRES 10/2024 - PW TRAILER RENTAL TREE INVENTORY SERVICES 25 ZOOM LICENSES 09/10-10/09/24 - CH CABLE (2601) 09/10-10/09/24 - WC CABLE (1701) 09/10-10/09/24- CH INTERNET (1801) 09/10-10/09/24 - WC CABLE (2101) 09/10-10/09/24 - CITY YARD CABLE (580... 08/2024 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION S... MERAKI ETHERNET & POE SWITCHES FY 24/25 ADOBE LICENSES ACRONIS & DATTO BACKUP & RESTORE 07/2024 - CONTINGENCY EXPENSES 07/2024 - IT SERVICES PRINTER INK 8/26-11/25/24 CONTRACT BASE 5/26-8... PRINTER INK PRINTER INK 08/2024 - CONTINGENCY EXPENSES 08/2024 - IT SERVICES PRINTER PURCHASE R.RIEGLER 08/12-11/11/24 - CITY PRINTERS Retention Payable Construction Retention Payable Construction Construction Construction Design Fund 401- 401-0000-20600 401-0000-60188 401-0000-20600 401-0000-60188 401-0000-60188 401-0000-60188 401-0000-60185 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: Parts, Accessories, and Upfits Parts, Accessories, and Upfits Parts, Accessories, and Upfits Parts, Accessories, and Upfits Parts, Accessories, and Upfits Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... Building Leases Fund 501 - FACILITY Software Licenses Software Implementation/E... Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Software Licenses Consultants Consultants Consultants Consultants Consultants Copiers Copiers Copiers Copiers Consultants Consultants Machinery & Equipment Copiers 501-0000-60675 501-0000-60675 501-0000-60675 501-0000-60675 501-0000-60675 501-0000-60676 501-0000-60676 501-0000-60676 501-0000-60676 501-0000-60676 501-0000-60676 501-0000-71032 & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 502-0000-60301 502-0000-71049 502-0000-61400 502-0000-61400 502-0000-61400 502-0000-61400 502-0000-61400 502-0000-60301 502-0000-60104 502-0000-60104 502-0000-60104 502-0000-60104 502-0000-60104 502-0000-60662 502-0000-60662 502-0000-60662 502-0000-60662 502-0000-60104 502-0000-60104 502-0000-80100 502-0000-60662 Amount 7,500.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 -4,731.99 113,839.63 -255.24 5,104.85 3,840.00 1,515.50 7,500.00 126,812.75 229.66 130.28 263.06 37.00 50.96 860.47 557.32 873.06 557.32 93.24 311.29 3,088.51 7,052.17 2,500.00 4,618.95 189.94 286.52 2,079.00 13.22 82.07 3,251.00 20,655.13 26,611.42 5,740.00 7,716.92 33,178.00 443.68 2,387.59 443.68 887.36 8,978.49 33,178.00 1,305.00 108.22 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 154,654.19 Grand Total: 1,814,141.61 10/7/2024 10:56:23 AM 139 Page 3 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03941 - 09/27/2024 JB Fund Summary Fund 101 -GENERAL FUND 201- GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Account Number 101-0000-20310 101-0000-20981 101-0000-20985 101-0000-22810 101-0000-43631 101-1001-60137 101-1004-50252 101-1005-60400 101-1006-60104 101-2001-60161 101-2001-60162 101-2001-60163 101-2001-60164 101-2001-60166 101-2001-60167 101-2001-60169 101-2001-60170 101-2001-60171 101-2001-60172 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60175 101-2001-60420 101-2002-60112 101-2002-61300 101-2002-61400 101-3005-60112 101-3005-60117 101-3005-60184 101-3005-60189 101-3005-60431 101-3005-60554 101-3005-60691 101-3007-60450 101-3008-60115 101-3008-60196 101-3008-60431 101-3008-60667 101-3008-60691 101-6004-60108 101-6004-60111 101-7002-60183 201-7003-60427 201-7003-60429 201-7003-60430 202-3004-60112 Grand Total: Account Summary Account Name MSHCP Mitigation Fee United Way Deductions Garnishments Payable Developer Deposits CVMSHCP Admin Fee Community Special Even... Annual Wellness Dollar ... Office Supplies Consultants Sheriff Patrol Police Overtime Target Team Community Services Offi... Gang Task Force Narcotics Task Force Motor Officer Dedicated Sargeants Dedicated Lieutenant Sheriff - Mileage Blood/Alcohol Testing Special Enforcement Fu... Operating Supplies Landscape Contract Telephone - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Landscape Contract Civic Center Lake Maint... Fritz Burns Pool Mainten... SilverRock Lake Mainten... Materials/Supplies LQ Park Water Feature Maintenance/Services Sponsorships/Advertising Janitorial Annual Permits/Inspecti... Materials/Supplies HVAC Maintenance/Services Technical Administrative Citation ... Map/Plan Checking Safety Gear Traffic Control Signs Asphalt Landscape Contract Expense Amount 1,296,676.35 2,466.25 28,264.86 14,246.33 168,968.71 5,000.00 10,000.00 126,812.75 7,052.17 154,654.19 1,814,141.61 Expense Amount 2,385.00 32.00 493.70 9,600.00 -23.85 4,500.00 200.00 67.08 4,000.00 664,215.73 13,749.13 147,107.31 63,621.19 17,000.00 17,000.00 117,832.68 46,618.80 26,446.40 37,312.62 210.00 2,508.07 253.98 5,000.00 -21.04 293.43 93,481.91 1,572.50 166.73 1,417.50 1,854.04 2,854.00 4,902.25 1,000.00 3,049.20 1,248.04 500.04 798.40 1,734.51 40.00 150.00 1,505.00 263.19 303.74 1,899.32 2,767.75 10/7/2024 10:56:23 AM 140 Page 4 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03941 - 09/27/2024 JB Account Number 202-3004-72110 202-3006-60112 212-0000-60179 215-7004-60102 215-7004-60112 215-7004-60143 215-7004-60431 215-7004-60673 215-7004-60691 215-7004-61116 221-0000-60127 270-0000-60683 270-0000-74800 401-0000-20600 401-0000-60185 401-0000-60188 501-0000-60675 501-0000-60676 501-0000-71032 502-0000-60104 502-0000-60301 502-0000-60662 502-0000-61400 502-0000-71049 502-0000-80100 Project Account Key **None** 201603CT 201603RP 201804E 202102D 202327E 202328E 202330E 21007E 2425TMICT Account Summary Account Name Building Improvements Landscape Contract COPS Burglary/Theft Pre... Administration Landscape Contract SilverRock Way Landsca... Materials/Supplies Tree Maintenance/Palm ... Maintenance/Services Electric - Utilities AB 939 Recycling Solutio... APP Maintenance & Disp... Art Purchases Retention Payable Design Construction Parts, Accessories, and ... Vehicle Repair & Maint... Building Leases Consultants Software Licenses Copiers Cable/Internet - Utilities Software Implementatio... Machinery & Equipment Grand Total: Project Account Summary Project Account Name **None** Construction Expense Retention Payable Landscape & Lighting Median Islan... Design Expense Citywide Tree Inventory Services Citywide Landscape Maintenance ... Park Landscape Maintenance Servi... SLF-ADAMS STREET LA QUINTA LLC.. Construction Expense Grand Total: Expense Amount 23,767.11 1,730.00 14,246.33 3,508.34 129,664.00 5,671.00 4,921.05 13,655.25 11,476.31 72.76 5,000.00 2,500.00 7,500.00 -4,987.23 7,500.00 124,299.98 710.96 3,252.70 3,088.51 136,057.96 5,751.00 4,270.53 2,650.75 4,618.95 1,305.00 1,814,141.61 Project Name **None** La Quinta Landscape Renovation La Quinta Landscape Renovation Landscape & Lighting Median Islz Fritz Burns Park Improvements Citywide Tree Inventory Services Citywide Landscape Maintenance Park Landscape Maintenance Ser SLF-ADAMS STREET LA QUINTA L FY24/25 Traffic Maintenance ImF 1,814,141.61 Expense Amount 1,431,842.92 118,944.48 -4,987.23 9,197.36 7,500.00 16,155.25 122,200.00 98,333.33 9,600.00 5,355.50 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 10/7/2024 10:56:23 AM 141 Page 5 of 5 cia &ea City of La Quinta Vendor Name Fund: 101- GENERAL FUND JENSEN, SHARLA W JENSEN, SHARLA W JENSEN, SHARLA W ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVIC... AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... ANSAFONE CONTACT CENTE... BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COA... BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COA... CACEO CACEO CACEO CAPITAL ONE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. CLARISSA TAPIA CLOUD NINE ROOFING & CO... COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. EIDE BAILLY LLP EIDE BAILLY LLP FEDEX FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING.. FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING.. FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING.. FLAGSHIP HOLDINGS, LLC FLOCK SAFETY FRANCHISE TAX BOARD HR GREEN PACIFIC INC HR GREEN PACIFIC INC IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST Payment Number Description (Item) 167 PERSONAL TRAINING 3 SESSIONS CLASS... 167 1 DAY SESSION CLASSES 167 PERSONAL TRAINING 6 SESSIONS CLASS 215040 10/05/24 - ROCKET LAUNCH EVENT INS... 215042 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 215042 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 215042 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 215042 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 215043 10/2024 - PM 10 ANSWERING SERVICES 215045 07/01-09/30/24 - JOINT FACILITY USE 215045 10/01-12/31/24 - JOINT FACILITY USE 215046 10/21/24 CACEO MODULE ONE ACADE... 215046 10/21/24 CACEO MODULE ONE ACADE... 215046 10/21/24 CACEO MODULE ONE ACADE... 215047 09/09/24 - STEREO EARPHONES 215048 09/29-10/28/24 - FS #32 INTERNET (350... 215048 09/24-10/23/24 - FS #93 INTERNET (410... 215049 10/30/24 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION EV... 215050 REFUND PERMIT APPLICATION BRER202... 215052 WATER SERVICE 215052 WATER SERVICE 215052 WATER SERVICE 215052 WATER SERVICE 215052 WATER SERVICE 215052 WATER SERVICE 215052 WATER SERVICE 215052 WATER SERVICE 215054 GASB 89/96 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 215054 FY 22/23 ACFR AUDITING - EXTRA SERVI... 215055 09/13/24 & 09/16/24 - OVERNIGHT MAIL 215056 CH HVAC SYSTEM TUNE-UP 215056 WC HVAC CONDENSER FAN MOTOR REP... 215056 CH HVAC R410A REFRIGERANT 215057 REFUND PERMIT APPLICATION BSOL202... 215058 FLOCK CAMERA REPLACEMENT AT LOC... 215059 PP20 GARNISHMENT 215061 08/2024 - ONCALL PLAN CHECK ENGINE... 215061 08/2024 - ONCALL PLAN CHECK ENGINE... 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Demand Register Packet: APPKT03944 - 10/04/2024 JB Account Name Instructors Instructors Instructors Community Experiences Blood/Alcohol Testing Blood/Alcohol Testing Blood/Alcohol Testing Blood/Alcohol Testing PM 10 - Dust Control Boys & Girls Club Boys & Girls Club Travel & Training Travel & Training Travel & Training Operating Supplies Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Employee Recognition Events Miscellaneous Permits Water - Civic Center Park - Uti.. Water -Community Park - Util.. Water -Desert Pride - Utilities Water -Fritz Burns Park- Utili... Water - Utilities Water - Utilities Water -Eisenhower Park - Util.. Water -Velasco Park - Utilities Professional Services Auditors Postage HVAC HVAC HVAC Building Permits Public Safety Camera System... Garnishments Payable Map/Plan Checking Map/Plan Checking Electricity - Utilities Electric - Monticello Park - Uti.. Electric - Colonel Paige - Utilit.. Electric - Community Park - U... Electric - Adams Park - Utiliti... Electric - Desert Pride - Utiliti... Electricity - Utilities Electricity - Utilities Electric - Civic Center Park - U.. Electric - Fritz Burns Park - Uti.. Electric - Sports Complex - Uti.. Electric - Velasco Park - Utiliti... Electric - Eisenhower Park - U... Electricity - Utilities Electric - SilverRock Event Sit... Account Number 101-3002-60107 101-3002-60107 101-3002-60107 101-3003-60149 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60174 101-7006-60146 101-3001-60135 101-3001-60135 101-6004-60320 101-6004-60320 101-6004-60320 101-1004-60420 101-2002-61400 101-2002-61400 101-1004-60340 101-0000-42404 101-3005-61202 101-3005-61209 101-3005-61206 101-3005-61204 101-3008-61200 101-2002-61200 101-3005-61203 101-3005-61205 101-1006-60103 101-1006-60106 101-1007-60470 101-3008-60667 101-3008-60667 101-3008-60667 101-0000-42400 101-2001-60692 101-0000-20985 101-7002-60183 101-7002-60183 101-2002-61101 101-3005-61102 101-3005-61108 101-3005-61109 101-3005-61110 101-3005-61114 101-3008-61101 101-2002-61101 101-3005-61103 101-3005-61105 101-3005-61106 101-3005-61111 101-3005-61113 101-3008-61101 101-3005-61115 Amount 264.00 96.00 528.00 419.00 388.00 350.00 196.00 70.00 322.86 10,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 10.88 99.99 99.99 825.00 49.79 9,959.58 15,729.52 1,294.77 2,773.58 745.18 601.95 350.19 186.89 12,956.22 20,000.00 43.58 131.00 850.00 678.50 24.40 1,300.00 223.79 2,925.00 149.00 1,819.26 13.57 350.99 7,171.28 47.83 13.57 20,076.18 3,064.47 1,932.65 1,680.26 2,465.51 14.04 18.33 933.78 3,308.13 10/7/2024 10:56:03 AM 142 Page 1 of 7 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03944 - 10/04/2024 JB Vendor Name IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST JOE A GONSALVES & SON JOHNSTONE SUPPLY MADDEN MEDIA MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI... MISSION LINEN SUPPLY MISSION LINEN SUPPLY NAI CONSULTING INC OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITIO... PAX FITNESS REPAIR PAX FITNESS REPAIR PROPER SOLUTIONS INC PROPER SOLUTIONS INC PROPER SOLUTIONS INC PWLC II, INC PWLC II, INC PYE BARKER PYE BARKER PYE BARKER RAMOS STEAM & PRESSURE... ROADPOST USA INC. SHIRY, TERESA SIGNATURE TINT UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT VERITAS TECHNOLOGIES LLC VERIZON WIRELESS VISIT GREATER PALM SPRINGS WILLIAMS, BILLEE Payment Number Description (Item) 215062 ELECTRICITY SERVICE 215063 10/2024 - LOBBYIST SERVICES 215064 WC HVAC FILTERS 215067 09/2024 - MEDIA SERVICES 215068 08/26/24 JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR HU... 215069 BUILDING UNIFORMS 215069 UNIFORMS 215070 08/2024 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 215072 07/03/24 - LQ PARK SPLASH PAD CHLOR... 215072 9/13-9/17/24 FB PARK WADING POOL H... 215073 OFFICE SUPPLIES 215073 OFFICE SUPPLIES 215073 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES 215075 09/04/24 - CH HVAC INSPECTION 215076 WC GYM EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT P... 215076 09/2024 - FITNESS EQUIPMENT MAINT... 215077 09/06/24 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES R.I... 215077 09/13/24 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES R.I... 215077 09/20/24 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES R.I... 215078 PALM TREE REMOVAL AT COVE OASIS 215078 PALM TREE REMOVAL & INSTALLATION 215079 10/01-12/31/24 - FIRE ALARM MONITOR.. 215079 10/01-12/31/24 - ALARM MONITORING ... 215079 10/01-12/31/24 - ALARM MONITORING ... 215081 SRR EVENT PARK ROOF STRUCTURE CLE... 215083 09/23-10/22/24 - EOC SATELLITE PHON... 215084 BALLROOM BEGINNING DI CLASSES 215085 FB PARK TENNIS SIGNS 215087 CONTRIBUTION 215088 09/2024 - DATA BACK UP FOR LASERFIC... 215089 08/14-09/13/24 - EOC CELL (7813) 215091 Q2 FY 24/25 CITY FUNDING 215094 MAT PILATES DI CLASSES Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215062 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY 215069 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 215060 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST LOZANO'S PAINTING INC PYE BARKER PYE BARKER PYE BARKER PYE BARKER 215062 215062 215066 215079 215079 215079 215079 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST MISSION LINEN SUPPLY 215052 215052 215052 215053 215062 215062 215062 215062 215062 215069 ELECTRICITY SERVICE UNIFORMS 08/13-10/12/24 - MUSEUM PHONE ELECTRICITY SERVICE ELECTRICITY SERVICE LIBRARY PAINTING SERVICES 10/01-12/31/24 - FIRE ALARM MONITOR.. 10/01-12/31/24 - FIRE ALARM MONITOR.. 10/01-12/31/24 - ALARM MONITORING ... 10/01-12/31/24 - ALARM MONITORING ... WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE LED FLOOD LIGHT FIXTURES (38) ELECTRICITY SERVICE ELECTRICITY SERVICE ELECTRICITY SERVICE ELECTRICITY SERVICE ELECTRICITY SERVICE UNIFORMS Account Name Electricity - Charging Stations Contract Services - Administr... HVAC Marketing & Tourism Promot.. Janitorial Uniforms Uniforms Consultants LQ Park Water Feature Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance Office Supplies Office Supplies Citywide Supplies HVAC Operating Supplies Operating Supplies Temporary Agency Services Temporary Agency Services Temporary Agency Services Tree Maintenance Tree Maintenance Security & Alarm Fire Station Security & Alarm Maintenance/Services Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites Instructors Materials/Supplies United Way Deductions Account Number 101-3008-61102 101-1002-60101 101-3008-60667 101-3007-60461 101-3008-60115 101-6003-60690 101-3005-60690 101-7006-60104 101-3005-60554 101-3005-60184 101-1002-60400 101-1002-60400 101-1007-60403 101-3008-60667 101-3002-60420 101-3002-60420 101-1004-60125 101-1004-60125 101-1004-60125 101-3005-60557 101-3005-60557 101-3008-60123 101-2002-60670 101-3008-60123 101-3008-60691 101-2002-61304 101-3002-60107 101-3005-60431 101-0000-20981 Professional Services 101-1005-60103 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites 101-2002-61304 VGPS - Visit Greater Palm Spr... 101-3007-60151 Instructors 101-3002-60107 Fund 101- GENERAL FUND Total: Electricity - Utilities Uniforms Telephone - Utilities Electricity - Utilities Electricity - Utilities Building Improvements Security & Alarm Security & Alarm Security & Alarm Security & Alarm 201-7003-61101 201-7003-60690 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: 202-3006-61300 202-3004-61101 202-3006-61101 202-3004-72110 202-3004-60123 202-3006-60123 202-3004-60123 202-3006-60123 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: Water - Medians - Utilities Water - Medians - Utilities Water - Medians - Utilities Materials/Supplies Electric - Utilities Electric - Medians - Utilities Electric - Utilities Electric - Medians - Utilities Electric - Utilities Uniforms 215-7004-61211 215-7004-61211 215-7004-61211 215-7004-60431 215-7004-61116 215-7004-61117 215-7004-61116 215-7004-61117 215-7004-61116 215-7004-60690 Amount 2,924.13 3,500.00 276.96 44,773.58 47.76 1,425.37 521.63 190.00 880.24 2,890.76 49.93 52.01 60.07 984.50 309.76 500.00 1,558.20 1,494.15 1,195.32 725.00 8,625.00 984.00 510.00 510.00 750.00 200.85 73.50 400.00 32.00 1,060.72 210.73 98,442.73 25.20 315,236.61 1,112.27 521.64 1,633.91 316.95 6,463.32 2,090.61 14,125.00 165.00 330.00 255.00 255.00 24,000.88 2,041.95 13,334.46 9,241.71 3,078.66 2,934.50 1,537.49 2,773.09 1,007.06 848.74 521.63 10/7/2024 10:56:03 AM 143 Page 2 of 7 Demand Register Vendor Name RED TERRA NURSERY, LLC RED TERRA NURSERY, LLC RED TERRA NURSERY, LLC SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO Payment Number 215082 215082 215082 215086 Fund: 224-TUMF FUND COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOC 0... 215051 Fund: 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOC 0... 215051 Fund: 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS AMERICAN BUSINESS BANK LEONIDA BUILDERS, INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC NAI CONSULTING INC ORTIZ ENTERPRISES INC. ORTIZ ENTERPRISES INC. ORTIZ ENTERPRISES INC. Description (Item) PLANTS PLANTS PLANTS IRRIGATION PARTS 08/2024 - TUMF FEES Account Name Materials/Supplies Materials/Supplies Materials/Supplies Materials/Supplies Fund 215 - Packet: APPKT03944 - 10/04/2024 JB Account Number Amount 215-7004-60431 3,512.65 215-7004-60431 3,351.03 215-7004-60431 3,631.18 215-7004-60431 471.24 LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 48,285.39 TUMF Payable to CVAG 224-0000-20320 04/1-06/30/24 - VEHICLE REGISTRATION.. CVAG 215041 08/2024 DUNE PALMS BRIDGE RETENTI... 215065 COVE TRAILS PARKING LOT FINAL SETTL... 215070 08/2024 - VILLAGE ART/CULTURAL PLAZA 215070 08/2024 - AVENUE 52 MONROE STREET ... 215070 08/2024 - AVENUE 48 ART AND MUSIC ... 215070 08/2024 - AVENUE 50 WIDENING IMPR... 215070 08/2024 - HIGHWAY 111 REHAB 215070 08/2024 CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS LAKE/I... 215070 08/202 - FY24/25 PMP FRED WARING D... 215070 08/2024 - Dune Palms Bridge Improvem... 215070 08/2024 - DUNE PALMS ROAD PAVEME... 215070 08/2024 - AVE 58 PAVEMENT REHABILI... 215070 08/2024 SILVERROCK TEMPORARY GOLF.., 215070 08/2024 - AVE 50 BRIDGE 215070 08/2024 - FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVE... 215070 08/2024 - HURRICANE HILARY EMERGE... 215070 08/2024 - FY 23/24 PMP 215070 08/2024 - LQ Landscape Renovation Imp.. 215070 08/2024 - EISENHOWER RETENTION BAS.. 215070 08/2024 - HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR 215070 08/2024 - MAINTENANCE AND OPERAT... 215070 08/2024 - FY 23/24 PMP 215074 RELEASE RETENTION HELD FOR STOP N... 215074 08/2024 - DUNE PALMS BRIDGE PROGR... 215074 08/2024 - DUNE PALMS BRIDGE PROGR... Fund: 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT AUTOZONE 215044 AUTOZONE 215044 PYE BARKER PYE BARKER PYE BARKER PYE BARKER QUINN COMPANY WEX BANK 215079 215079 215079 215079 215080 215093 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. 215048 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS.. 215048 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERMONT SYSTEMS INC VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. VISUAL EDGE IT, INC. 215060 215089 215089 215090 215092 215092 VEHICLE BATTERY VEHICLE BOOSTER CABLES Public Works Yard security upgrade- Tot... Public Works Yard Access Controls Upgr... Public Works Yard Security upgrade- Ta... Public Works Yard Control Upgrade- Equ... PARTS FOR SKID STEER 08/26-09/25/24 FUEL 08/15-09/14/24 - WC CABLE (3301) (OLD.. 09/15-10/14/24 - WC CABLE (3301) 0912-10/11/24 - X -PARK INTERNET FY23/24 R/C 07/2-08/1/24 BACKUP SER... FY23/24 R/C 07/2-08/1/24 BACKUP SER... E -CHECK & CREDIT CARD FEE INCREASE ... 09/2024 - CONTINGENCY EXPENSES 09/2024 - IT SERVICES 14,470.32 Fund 224 - TUMF FUND Total: 14,470.32 235-0000-60186 Fund 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Total: Retention Payable Construction Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Retention Payable Retention Payable Construction Fund 401- CAPITAL 401-0000-20600 401-0000-60188 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60103 401-0000-20600 401-0000-20600 401-0000-60188 9,583.07 9,583.07 42,791.00 20,342.00 1,655.00 195.00 1,755.00 290.00 2,485.00 95.00 11,639.50 2,853.50 771.00 817.50 2,103.50 1,740.00 2,772.50 877.50 975.00 1,412.50 4,137.50 475.00 975.00 2,286.00 14,257.05 -42,791.00 855,820.00 IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 930,730.05 Parts, Accessories, and Upfits Parts, Accessories, and Upfits City Bldg Repl/Repair City Bldg Repl/Repair City Bldg Repl/Repair City Bldg Repl/Repair Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 501-0000-60675 501-0000-71103 501-0000-71103 501-0000-71103 501-0000-71103 501-0000-60675 Fuel & Oil 501-0000-60674 273.16 43.49 8,014.78 -2,145.00 626.90 8,014.77 141.16 10,882.70 Fund 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 25,851.96 Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Software Licenses Consultants Consultants 502-0000-61400 502-0000-61400 502-0000-61400 502-0000-61400 502-0000-61400 502-0000-60301 502-0000-60104 502-0000-60104 333.19 166.60 1,070.00 66.96 -66.96 250.00 8,914.92 33,178.00 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 43,912.71 10/7/2024 10:56:03 AM 144 Page 3 of 7 Demand Register Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Fund: 601- SILVERROCK RESORT NG VALLEY TREE SERVICE 215071 Account Name SILVERROCK RESORT LAKE EDGE CLEAN... Maintenance Packet: APPKT03944 - 10/04/2024 JB Account Number Amount 601-0000-60203 5,500.00 Fund 601- SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 5,500.00 Grand Total: 1,419,204.90 10/7/2024 10:56:03 AM 145 Page 4 of 7 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03944 - 10/04/2024 JB Fund Summary Fund 101 -GENERAL FUND 201- GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 224-TUMF FUND 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 601- SILVERROCK RESORT Account Number 101-0000-20981 101-0000-20985 101-0000-42400 101-0000-42404 101-1002-60101 101-1002-60400 101-1004-60125 101-1004-60340 101-1004-60420 101-1005-60103 101-1006-60103 101-1006-60106 101-1007-60403 101-1007-60470 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60692 101-2002-60670 101-2002-61101 101-2002-61200 101-2002-61304 101-2002-61400 101-3001-60135 101-3002-60107 101-3002-60420 101-3003-60149 101-3005-60184 101-3005-60431 101-3005-60554 101-3005-60557 101-3005-60690 101-3005-61102 101-3005-61103 101-3005-61105 101-3005-61106 101-3005-61108 101-3005-61109 101-3005-61110 101-3005-61111 101-3005-61113 101-3005-61114 101-3005-61115 101-3005-61202 101-3005-61203 101-3005-61204 101-3005-61205 Grand Total: Account Summary Account Name United Way Deductions Garnishments Payable Building Permits Miscellaneous Permits Contract Services - Admi... Office Supplies Temporary Agency Servi... Employee Recognition E... Operating Supplies Professional Services Professional Services Auditors Citywide Supplies Postage Blood/Alcohol Testing Public Safety Camera Sys... Fire Station Electricity - Utilities Water - Utilities Mobile/Cell Phones/Sate... Cable/Internet - Utilities Boys & Girls Club Instructors Operating Supplies Community Experiences Fritz Burns Pool Mainten... Materials/Supplies LQ Park Water Feature Tree Maintenance Uniforms Electric - Monticello Park.. Electric - Civic Center Pa... Electric - Fritz Burns Park... Electric - Sports Complex... Electric - Colonel Paige -... Electric - Community Par... Electric - Adams Park - Ut.. Electric - Velasco Park - ... Electric - Eisenhower Par... Electric - Desert Pride - U.. Electric - SilverRock Even... Water - Civic Center Park.. Water -Eisenhower Park ... Water -Fritz Burns Park-... Water -Velasco Park - Uti.. Expense Amount 315,236.61 1,633.91 24,000.88 48,285.39 14,470.32 9,583.07 930,730.05 25,851.96 43,912.71 5,500.00 1,419,204.90 Expense Amount 32.00 223.79 24.40 49.79 3,500.00 101.94 4,247.67 825.00 10.88 1,060.72 12,956.22 20,000.00 60.07 43.58 1,004.00 1,300.00 510.00 4,883.73 601.95 411.58 199.98 20,000.00 986.70 809.76 419.00 2,890.76 400.00 880.24 9,350.00 521.63 13.57 1,932.65 1,680.26 2,465.51 350.99 7,171.28 47.83 14.04 18.33 13.57 3,308.13 9,959.58 350.19 2,773.58 186.89 10/7/2024 10:56:03 AM 146 Page 5 of 7 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03944 - 10/04/2024 JB Account Number 101-3005-61206 101-3005-61209 101-3007-60151 101-3007-60461 101-3008-60115 101-3008-60123 101-3008-60667 101-3008-60691 101-3008-61101 101-3008-61102 101-3008-61200 101-6003-60690 101-6004-60320 101-7002-60183 101-7006-60104 101-7006-60146 201-7003-60690 201-7003-61101 202-3004-60123 202-3004-61101 202-3004-72110 202-3006-60123 202-3006-61101 202-3006-61300 215-7004-60431 215-7004-60690 215-7004-61116 215-7004-61117 215-7004-61211 224-0000-20320 235-0000-60186 401-0000-20600 401-0000-60103 401-0000-60188 501-0000-60674 501-0000-60675 501-0000-71103 502-0000-60104 502-0000-60301 502-0000-61400 601-0000-60203 Project Account Key **None** 111205CT 111205P 111205RP 201603P 201606P 201804E 201805P 201901P 201902P 201905P 202008P 202101P Account Summary Account Name Water -Desert Pride - Util.. Water -Community Park ... VGPS - Visit Greater Palm.. Marketing & Tourism Pr... Janitorial Security & Alarm HVAC Maintenance/Services Electricity - Utilities Electricity - Charging Stat.. Water - Utilities Uniforms Travel & Training Map/Plan Checking Consultants PM 10 - Dust Control Uniforms Electricity - Utilities Security & Alarm Electricity - Utilities Building Improvements Security & Alarm Electricity - Utilities Telephone - Utilities Materials/Supplies Uniforms Electric - Utilities Electric - Medians - Utilit... Water - Medians - Utiliti... TUMF Payable to CVAG CVAG Retention Payable Professional Services Construction Fuel & Oil Parts, Accessories, and ... City Bldg Repl/Repair Consultants Software Licenses Cable/Internet - Utilities Maintenance Grand Total: Project Account Summary Project Account Name **None** Construction Expense Professional Expense Retention Payable Professional Expense Professional Expense Landscape & Lighting Median Islan... Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Expense Amount 1,294.77 15,729.52 98,442.73 44,773.58 47.76 1,494.00 2,920.96 750.00 21,009.96 2,924.13 745.18 1,425.37 1,500.00 3,074.00 190.00 322.86 521.64 1,112.27 420.00 6,463.32 14,125.00 585.00 2,090.61 316.95 14,044.76 521.63 6,556.33 2,544.55 24,618.12 14,470.32 9,583.07 14,257.05 40,311.00 876,162.00 10,882.70 457.81 14,511.45 42,092.92 250.00 1,569.79 5,500.00 1,419,204.90 Project Name Expense Amount **None** 468,934.57 Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-54 855,820.00 Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-52 2,853.50 Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-54 14,257.05 La Quinta Landscape Renovation 1,412.50 Civic Center Campus Lake/Irrigati 95.00 Landscape & Lighting Median Islz 13,573.52 Corporate Yard Admin Offices &I 975.00 Village Art Plaza Promenade & CL 1,655.00 Avenue 50 Bridge Spanning the E 1,740.00 Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan I 475.00 Avenue 48 Art and Music Line Pr( 1,755.00 Dune Palms Rd Pavement Rehab- 771.00 10/7/2024 10:56:03 AM 147 Page 6 of 7 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03944 - 10/04/2024 JB Project Account Key 202102P 202205P 202225P 202230CT 202301P 202302P 202316P 202320P 202322P 202412P 202413P 2324PM PP ROCKETE SABE SRRLQE Project Account Summary Project Account Name Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Construction Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Cyclone Hilary Professional Expense Eisenhower Retention Basin Slope... Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Mission La Quinta Rocket Launch E... Hunter Lopez Saber Light Vigil Exp... SRR Development City Expense Grand Total: Project Name Fritz Burns Park Improvements Avenue 50 Widening Improveme Highway 111 Rehabilitation Proje Cove Trails Parking Lot Improver Avenue 58 Pavement Rehab (Jeff Avenue 52 Monroe Street FY23/24 Pavement Management Tropical Cyclone Hilary Eisenhower Retention Basin Slop FY24/25 PMP - Fred Waring Drive Silverrock Temporary Golf Cart P, FY23/24 Pavement Management Mission La Quinta Rocket Launch Hunter Lopez Saber Light Vigil SilverRock Development City Exp 1,419,204.90 Expense Amount 2,772.50 290.00 2,485.00 20,342.00 817.50 195.00 975.00 877.50 4,137.50 11,639.50 2,103.50 2,286.00 419.00 47.76 5,500.00 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 10/7/2024 10:56:03 AM 148 Page 7 of 7 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 9/30/2024-10/04/2024 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfers from 09/30/2024-10/04/2024. Wire Transfers: 09/25/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 09/25/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 09/27/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 09/27/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 09/27/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 09/27/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 09/27/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 09/27/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 09/30/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 10/01/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - 10/04/2024 - WIRE TRANSFER - TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT AMERITAS LINCOLN NATIONAL CALPERS CALPERS CALPERS LQCEA MISSION SQUARE MISSION SQUARE MIDAMERICA STERLING LANDMARK ATTACHMENT 2 $6,382.02 $15,787.82 $6,928.52 $15,151.89 $32,057.86 $506.00 $3,950.00 $11,174.30 $18,695.42 $1,308.30 $178,611.25 $290,553.38 149 City of La Qu i nta Purchase Orders 07/1/24 — 09/30/24 Purchase Orders Listed below are Purchase Orders issued from $25,000 and $50,000 for City Council review. Vendor P.O Number Coachella Horse Park LLC 2425-0055 W.D. Young & Sons Red Terra Nursery LLC Roto -Lite, Inc. Shine Illumination Granicus Desert Resort Management Rategain Adara, Inc. Pye Barker 2425-0059 2425-0060 2425-0080 2425-0081 2425-0086 2425-0091 2425-0114 2425-0116 07/1/24 — Amount 25,000.00 39,200.00 45,000.00 32,834.28 49,974.00 27,640.77 $ 50,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 29,022.89 ATTACHMENT 3 09/30/24 with a value between Purpose FY24/25 Horse Park Sponsorship Palm Trees Installation on Hwy 111 Landscape Plants Palm Tree Lighting Holiday Decorations and Lighting FY24/25 City Website Hosting & Graphics Design Services STVR Security Patrol Services Visitor Spending Data Services Public Works Yard Access Controls Upgrades 150 BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 15, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH THE AMERICAN EXPRESS GOLF TOURNAMENT FOR 2025 THROUGH 2027 FOR IN-KIND SERVICES FOR HOSTING THE GOLF TOURNAMENT IN LA QUINTA RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment No. 1 to Agreement for Contract Services with The American Express Golf Tournament for 2025 through 2027 for in-kind services for hosting the golf tournament in La Quinta; and authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment. CACVV 1 iv JuiviIVIAKY • La Quinta has hosted the tournament at PGA West and La Quinta Country Club since 2012. • In November 2022, the American Express Golf Tournament (AMEX) extended its sponsorship agreement with the City to host the golf tournament in La Quinta through 2027. • The City provides AMEX with in-kind services of Police, Fire, solid waste disposal and recycling, and marketing; if approved, proposed Amendment No. 1 (Attachment 1) will add the increasing cost of police/fire services for the week-long event, recycling requirements, and facility usage to the in-kind services and increase the total compensation by $350,000 for the remainder of the agreement. FISCAL IMPACT The City currently provides no monetary compensation to host the tournament, and instead provides the following in-kind services for the event, with an estimated value of $800,000 over the five-year agreement term (2023-2027): • Public Safety Services • Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Services • Permits and Inspections • Cooperative Marketing Program 151 If approved, Amendment No. 1 will add an additional $350,000 in services in lieu of monetary compensation for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,150,000 over the five-year agreement term and add the additional police/fire services, recycling requirements, and use of the Multi -Purpose Room at the Wellness Center to the in-kind services the City provides. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2022, the City executed an agreement with AMEX to host the golf tournament in La Quinta from 2023 through 2027, which provided services valued at $800,000 over the five-year agreement term in lieu of monetary compensation. Since 2023, event attendance has grown for both the golf tournament and the fan experience concerts, which has increased the need for additional police/fire services. Proposed Amendment No. 1 will amend Section 1.1 Scope of Services, and related Exhibit A detailing the services the City is to provide; impose additional special requirements under Section 1.8, and related Exhibit D, regarding recycling and organics waste disposal; and increase the total compensation under Section 2.1, and related Exhibit B, from $800,000 to $1,150,000 of the agreement as follows: • Public Safety Services — In order to minimize the impact on residents and traffic, additional services have been added since 2023 and an increase in cost of services estimated through 2027. • Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Services — AMEX will adhere to California State recycling and organics waste disposal regulations pursuant to Assembly Bill 2176 (Stats. 2004, Ch. 879, AB 2176 Montanez) and Senate Bill 1383 (Stats. 2016, Ch. 395, SB 1383 Lara) as detailed in revised Exhibit D included in the Amendment. • Permits and Inspections — post -event clean up and requirements for parking lot off Jefferson Street and Avenue 54. • Facility Use of the Wellness Center Multi -Purpose Room — City will allow AMEX to use the room for a four-day Volunteer orientation through the use of a subcontractor. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend any alternatives. Prepared by: Approved by: Attachment: Marcie Graham, Marketing Manager Gilbert Villalpando, Director 1. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement for Contract Services with AMEX 152 ATTACHMENT 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH AMERICAN EXPRESS GOLF TOURNAMENT This Amendment No. 1 ("Amendment 1") to Agreement for Contract Services ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 1 day of November 2024, ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA ("City"), a California municipal corporation and The American Express Golf Tournament, a 501 c3. ("Contracting Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about November 1, 2022, the City and Contracting Party entered into the Agreement to provide services related to the organization and production of The American Express Golf Tournament, for a total not to exceed amount of $800,000. The Term of the Agreement expires on January 30, 2027 ("Initial Term"); and WHEREAS, the City and the Contracting Party mutually agree to amend Section 1.1 Scope of Services, and related Exhibit A, to include in-kind services for use by Contracting Party's third -party vendor of the La Quinta Wellness Center multi-purpose room for volunteers' orientation, in addition to the existing in-kind services of Police, Fire, recycling, and marketing; and WHEREAS, the City and Contracting Party mutually agree to amend Section 1.8 Special Requirements, and related Exhibit D, obligating the Contracting Party to adhere to California State recycling and organics waste disposal regulations pursuant to Assembly Bill 2176 (Stats. 2004, Ch. 879, AB 2176 Montanez) and Senate Bill 1383 (Stats. 2016, Ch. 395, SB 1383 Lara); and WHEREAS, the City and Contracting Party mutually agree to amend Section 2.1, and related Exhibit B, to receive in-kind services in lieu of monetary compensation for the remainder of the Agreement Term for an additional $350,000, for a total not to exceed amount of $1,150,000. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant herein contained, the parties agree as follows: AMENDMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Section 1.1 Scope of Services and related Exhibit A • Permits and Inspections — Contracting Party will be responsible for post event requirements of sand remediation in the dirt lot on Jefferson and Avenue 54. • Addition of Facility Use — City will allow Contracting Party's third -party vendor the use of the multi-purpose room at the Wellness Center for the volunteers' orientation. 153 • In all other respects, Exhibit A to the original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2. Section 2.1 Contract Sum is amended to read as follows: For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Contracting Party shall receive services in lieu of monetary compensation, as detailed in "Exhibit B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") valued in the total amount not to exceed One Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,150,000) (the "Contract Sum") during the entire Term (Section 3.4 below) of this Agreement, except as provided in Section 1.7. Regardless of the method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation, Contracting Party's overall compensation shall not exceed the Contract Sum, except as provided in Section 1.7 of this Agreement. 3. Section 1.8 Special Requirements and related Exhibit D is amended as detailed in enclosed Exhibit D to this Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement. In all other respects, the original Agreement shall remain in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Contracting Party have executed this Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement on the respective dates set forth below. CITY OF LA QUINTA THE AMERICAN EXPRESS a California municipal corporation JON McMILLEN, City Manager PAT MCCABE City of La Quinta, California Executive Director Dated: Dated: ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 154 Exhibit A Scope of Services Public Safety Services To assist the Tournament Organizer (The Organizer) for The American Express Golf Tournament ("The American Express") in the Police and Fire Public Safety efforts during the term of this Agreement, the City agrees to pay for Police, Fire and EMT Services. These costs will provide a base level of public safety services for The American Express held at the City of La Quinta golf courses. Police and Fire services are in addition to, and do not replace or reduce The Organizer's responsibility to hire adequate security, traffic, and parking staff to manage golf tournament and concerts. Additionally, all permits and applications for the tournament shall be paid -by The Organizer must be submitted to the City no later than sixty (60) days prior to the start of the tournament. The Organizer shall also provide the following for Police and Fire: • Office Space to set a Command Center for Public Safety on site. • Three (3) carts be provided (1 per course) that meet the Fire Department specs. • Tent, table, and chairs for medical operations. Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Services In an effort to promote the green recycling efforts and maintain solid waste diversion mandates of the City of La Quinta (the "City") and to supplement funding for The American Express, the City agrees to pay for the waste and recycling fees. Additionally, it is recommended that The Organizer have a contract for solid waste/recycle services exclusively with Burrtec (City's provider), and the Organizer MUST submit a recycling plan to the City sixty (60) days prior to the event start. Permits and Inspections The City requests and The Organizer shall comply with the following timeline regarding various permits and inspections for The American Express: One Hundred Twenty (120) days prior to event date: Temporary Use Permit application submitted. This should include all submittal requirements from temporary use permit application. Ninety (90) days prior to event date: Submittal of Traffic Control Plan and Building and Fire permit(s) for all applicable items (i.e. tents, stages, bleachers). Forty -Five (45) days prior to event date: Obtain a permit from the Building Division for the structures, tents, stage and temporary electrical installations. The Organizer shall submit a detailed site plan showing all viewing structures, stages and tents with structure dimensions, proposed stairways, ramps and doorways, and shall have structural calculations prepared to the current/applicable California Building Code provided justifying their installation. The City of La Quinta Wind Design is 110 mph (Ultimate) / 85 mph (Nominal) Exposure C and is within the Seismic Design Category D2. 155 Thirty (30) days prior to event date: Submittal of Encroachment permit and scheduling of all inspections requested by Staff. • Fourteen (14) days prior to event date: Finalize structures and tents, and prepare/schedule structural observation, and fire, health and building department inspections. Structural Observation is required by the Engineer of Record, each structure shall be reviewed for conformance with the approved structural calculations and have a stamped and signed letter submitted to the Building Division prior to the event per the requirements in Section 1704 of the 2016 California Building Code. Post event: Sand remediation application within 7 days after event ends on parking lot at Jefferson and Avenue 54. Payment for any and all permits shall be made by The Organizer at the time of application unless the Contract Officer on behalf of the City waives payment for any such permit. Facility Use The City will allow the use of the multipurpose room at the Wellness Center for the third - party vendor volunteer training for four (4) days total. Cooperative Marketing Program The Organizer and City shall cooperatively work to develop a marketing program that will market The American Express Golf Tournament and the City as a year-round golf resort. Efforts shall include utilization of both the tournament website and PlayinlaQuinta.com websites, and, to the extent feasible, shall use paid search engines to drive traffic to each website. Each website shall have direct links to the other. The Organizer and City shall use its best efforts to increase attendance and expand the reach of tournament production. The Organizer and City shall use social media. such as Facebook and Twitter, to the maximum extent possible, to promote the tournament and all of its related activities as well as promote the City as a premier tourist destination. The American Express Media and Advertising Plan The Organizer shall submit to City its detailed Media & Advertising Plan by September 15 of each contracted year to avoid duplication efforts. The Organizer will investigate further expanding its marketing coverage in important regional drive markets, inclusive of Los Angeles and Orange County. The City and The Organizer will further use best efforts working together to market the City, The American Express Golf Tournament, and the City's lodging choices to the "driving- distance" market. The American Express creative graphic design for ads, banners, posters, billboards, ads, etc., shall be submitted by The Organizer to City for review and comment by October 1 of each contract year. 156 All artwork, radio spots, commercials, digital ads, emails, graphics and other marketing - related tangibles using the name or description of the City, or lodgings or businesses in the City shall be submitted to City for review and comment (if any) with at- least a two - working day turnaround time. The Organizer shall have the obligation to secure any• licenses from any lodgings or businesses in the City to use their names or descriptions in any marketing -related tangibles. The Organizer shall provide the following to the City in an effort to properly promote the event and destination: Tag the City location in all social media posts either by location tag or in the copy; Allow City to use all media assets such as photos and videos to promote tournament. When possible, have a celebrity golf player create a Facebook live or Instagram Story asset mentioning the City of La Quinta and The American Express. Use radio and TV media for ads to promote The American Express and the City of La Quinta. If radio or TV ads are created by The Organizer, The Organizer shall allow (and hereby grants a license) to the City to use those assets to additionally promote the tournament via radio and TV. Branding The Organizer will exercise its best efforts to encourage "The Golf Channel" to include the City of La Quinta in its commercials, promotions, on -air mentions, and advertisements in connection with their broadcast. of The American Express. Should The Organizer produce commercials, promotions, and advertisements exclusively for The Golf Channel, The Organizer shall incorporate the City of La Quinta name and logo on all materials as the "host city". The City of La Quinta name and logo shall be written as "Host City" in all The American Express ads, when possible, to be run in local, regional and national publications that The American Express advertises in. The City of La Quinta name and logo will be written as "Host City" when possible, on a variety of signage prepared for the tournament, including but not limited to: On -course directional signs, banners located in and around Old Town/Village area, and other signs throughout the City of La Quinta. The City will provide a set of guidelines for use of graphics for all City advertising/marketing handled by The Organizer and said guidelines will outline the use of City logos, scripts, photography, text, and dimensions of graphic elements. The City of La Quinta name and logo will be written as "Host City" when possible, on the official tournament poster. The City will provide a set of guidelines for use of graphics for all City advertising/marketing handled by The Organizer and said guidelines will outline the use of City logos, scripts, photography, text, and dimensions of graphic elements. The City of La Quinta name and logo will be written as "Host City" when possible, on all digital and social media ads. The City will provide a set of guidelines for use of graphics 157 for all City advertising/marketing handled by The Organizer and said guidelines will outline the use of City logos, scripts, photography, text, and dimensions of graphic elements. The City of La. Quinta name and logo will be written as "Host City" when possible, on all e-mail blasts and/or notifications from The American Express. The City will provide a set of guidelines for use of graphics for all City advertising/marketing handled by The Organizer, and said guidelines will outline the use of City logos, ' scripts, photography, text, and dimensions of graphic elements. Events & Other Promotions The City Manager will be given twelve (12) VIP Passes that include parking passes as well as VIP access to concerts. The City will be given one hundred twenty-five (125) daily tickets per day Wednesday through Sunday for the sole purpose of promoting the event. No value may be placed upon the badges and tickets other than their face value. Four (4) media passes for the City Marketing Manager, Marketing Specialist, and advertising agency to promote the tournament during the event. If there is a charitable distribution event, The Organizer will host the Charity Check Distribution event within the City of La Quinta at a mutually agreed upon location. In Kind Services In an effort to move traffic in the safest and most efficient manner possible during The American Express, the City of La Quinta agrees to supply four (4) traffic safety message boards provided the City does not have a traffic safety event elsewhere in the City during the tournament. The City will install the Street Banners that promote the event and the City of La Quinta's affiliation with The American Express within the Village area of the City. The Organizer shall pay for any other banners to be installed elsewhere within the City of La Quinta at a cost of $60 per banner. The cost will include installation, removal, and maintenance, as well as a 2 -hour response time for maintenance to be completed by the City. The City will allow The Organizer the use of vacant land space for parking and shuttle services during The American Express on Avenue 54 and Jefferson St. The Organizer is responsible for submitting a traffic plan for the event ninety (90) days prior to the start of the event per Section 3(a)(ii) of these Scope of Services. The Organizer is required to submit an event plan to the City one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the start of the event per Section 3(a)(i) of these Scope of Services. 158 Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation Pursuant to this Agreement, Contracting Party shall receive services in lieu of monetary compensation, as detailed in the Scope of Services Exhibit A, valued in the total amount not to exceed One Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,150,000.00) (the "Contract Sum") during the Agreement Term (Section 3.4). 159 Exhibit D Special Requirements Large events, drawing more than 2000 people (including employees and volunteers), are required to provide written documentation to the City outlining waste reduction, reuse, and recycling strategies. State law also requires that event organizers provide the City with the type and weight of materials recycled, reused, or diverted as well as the weight of the trash disposed of from the event per State Law AB 2176. The City recommends working with the City's contracted waste hauler on a diversion plan to achieve the requirements. State Law SB 1383 requires that any event with over 2000 attendees including staff are required to donate edible food that would have otherwise been disposed of. It is the event organizer's responsibility to ensure that the maximum amount of edible food is recovered (i.e. donated instead of thrown away) by the food facilities and food vendors at their event. "Edible food" means food intended for people to eat but not sold because of surplus, appearance, age, grade, freshness, etc. It includes prepared food, packaged food, and produce. Contracting Party must establish written agreements with food programs and track the amount, frequency, and types of food donated monthly during any month in which an Event occurs. The state requires participation. 160 BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 2 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 15, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER, FIELD, AND LICENSING SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment No. 1 to agreement with the County of Riverside for animal shelter, field, and licensing services for fiscal year 2024/25; and authorize City Manager to execute the amendment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Since 2016, the City has contracted with Riverside County Department of Animal Services (RCDAS) for animal shelter, field, and licensing services. • The proposed amendment will ensure continuity of the services for fiscal year 2024/25 previously provided by RCDAS. • All service levels remain the same, and the City will be provided quarterly reports that are detailed in field services. FISCAL IMPACT The estimated cost for fiscal year (FY) 2024/25 is $384,013, this is based on the new rates adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Compared to last year's budget, the new estimated cost is 18% higher. The rates increase is due to full cost recovery by RCDAS. The contract amount is included in the Code Compliance Budget, Animal Shelter Contract Service (Account No. 101-6004-60197). Revenue from dog licensing fees collected by the County will be credited back as a reduction on the monthly statement. In FY 2024/25, the licensing fee revenue is estimated to be $30,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2016, the City contracted with RCDAS to provide animal services including shelter, licensing, and field services. The contract includes a city -dedicated Animal Control Officer, who is responsible for street patrol, related animal enforcement, and community engagement, including but not limited to citations, animal impoundment, shelter, and licensing services. 161 Both City and RCDAS understand the importance of resident's safety and customer service. Services are evaluated on a regular basis to add special programs based on community needs, such as early patrols at hiking trails to encourage people to leash their dogs. Main services included in this agreement are: • One full-time animal control officer, • After-hours emergency services, • RCDAS dog license renewals, • Access to Coachella Valley Animal Campus Center (Thousand Palms), • RCDAS vehicle and equipment; and • Option for extended service hours (e.g. weekend/holidays). Recently there is more attention on euthanasia practices from RCDAS. The City added language to the amendment stating that euthanasia is a non -preferred option and deemed last resort when there is no other outcome for an animal. The City is dedicated to serving the community by hosting vaccine and spay/neuter clinics. In May 2024, the City sponsored the mobile spay/neuter clinic that was provided by RCDAS, and another clinic that was hosted at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus (CVAC) in August 2024. In the months to come there will be additional organizations providing vaccine and spay/neuter services on a consistent basis. Providing these services to the community allows animals to have a better quality of life and reduces the number of animals that go into the shelter. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve this amendment at this time, which would require adding an animal control officer position, the purchase of an animal control vehicle, and contract sheltering and licensing services from RCDAS. An alternative is contracting with a different organization that will provide animal sheltering, licensing, and field services, however, this option is currently not viable, as there is no other agency in the Valley providing these services. Prepared by: Lisa Chastain, Public Safety Management Analyst Approved by: Martha Mendez, Public Safety Deputy Director Attachment: 1. First Amendment to Agreement for Animal Services with Riverside County 162 ATTACHMENT 1 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL FIELD AND SHELTER SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE This First Amendment to the AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL FIELD AND SHELTER SERVICES between COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California, on behalf of its Department of Animal Services ("COUNTY") and the CITY OF LA QUINTA ("CITY"), herein referred to as the "First Amendment", dated as of the Effective Date (defined herein), amends the Agreement as follows: RECITALS WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY entered into an Agreement for Animal Control Field and Shelter Services Between the City of La Quinta and the County of Riverside for the provision of Animal Control Field and Shelter Services ("Original Agreement") for a term commencing July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY's Board of Supervisors ratified and approved the Agreement on March 1, 2022, in Minute Order 3.52; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has continuously provided the CITY with Animal Control Field and Shelter Services since July 1, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Agreement authorizes amendments to the Agreement with the approval of the Board of Supervisors of COUNTY and City Council of CITY; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY desire to extend the term of the Agreement until June 30, 2025; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY desire to amend the Agreement to reflect changes in the compensation, license fees and payment provisions. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, COUNTY and CITY agree as follows: 1. Recitals — The recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. 2. Effective Date and Term. "The "Effective Date" of this First Amendment shall be July 1, 2024 and shall terminate on June 30, 2025 unless terminated earlier as provided herein under Section VI, Termination." 3. Exhibit "A," Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "C" of the Agreement are hereby removed in their entirety and replaced with Exhibit "A-1," Exhibit `B-1," and Exhibit "C-1" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Page 1 of 14 163 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL FIELD AND SHELTER SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 4. Entire Understanding. This First Amendment and the Original Agreement contain the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties. There are no oral or written representations, understandings, or ancillary covenants, undertakings or agreements that are not contained or expressly referred to within this First Amendment and Original Agreement. 5. Further Assurances. The Parties agree to execute such other documents and to take such other actions as may be necessary to further the purpose of this First Amendment. 6. Agreement in Full Force and Effect. Except as otherwise expressly modified herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain unmodified and in full force and effect. 7. Counterparts. This First Amendment may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] Page 2 of 14 164 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL FIELD AND SHELTER SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COUNTY and CITY have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this First Amendment. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF LA QUINTA By: By: Chuck Washington, Chair Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Kimberly Rector Clerk of the Board Jon McMillen City Manager ATTEST: Monika Radeva City Clerk By: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Minh Tran County Counsel APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: By: Bruce G. Fordon Deputy County Counsel William H. Ihrke City Attorney Page 3 of 14 165 CITY OF LA QUINTA EXHIBIT "A-1" SCOPE OF ANIMAL CONTROL FIELD SERVICES The County of Riverside ("COUNTY"), agrees to provide the following Animal Control Field Services for the City of La Quinta ("CITY"), subject to CITY's reservations of rights hereinbelow: 1. Provision of Field Services: The Animal Control Field Services to be provided by COUNTY for CITY within the corporate limits of CITY shall include the following activities: 1.1 Field Service Assistance: Respond to all calls for field service assistance pursuant to the priority of calls as described in this Exhibit "A-1" below. 1.2 Impoundment: County shall impound all animals found at large and collect and retain such impound fees as established by COUNTY'S Board of Supervisors. 1.3 Proper Care and Treatment: Provide humane care and treatment to any stray or abandoned animal in accordance with State law. 1.4 Animal Bites: Investigate reported bites by animals. COUNTY shall respond to all reported bites by dogs, cats, or by suspected rabid or wild animals. COUNTY shall only be responsible for administrative proceedings resulting therefrom. In the event that an administrative proceeding resulting therefrom does not occur, CITY reserves the right for handling criminal proceedings, including appeals and enforcement actions arising thereunder, and COUNTY shall reasonably facilitate and make Animal Control Officers available for such criminal court proceedings. The COUNTY does not provide legal representation. 1.5 Ouarantine: Quarantine all animals suspected to be rabid and/or that have bitten a person as prescribed by the California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention, the California Department of Public Health, COUNTY policy and appropriate CITY municipal code (Title 10). 1.6 Nuisance Animal Complaints: Respond to and process nuisance complaints, including stray and barking animal complaints, as referenced in Riverside County Ordinance 630, codified at Title 6 of the Riverside County Municipal Code ("Title 6") or appropriate City Municipal Code (Title 10). COUNTY shall only be responsible for administrative enforcement proceedings resulting therefrom. In the event that an administrative proceeding resulting therefrom does not occur, CITY reserves the right for handling criminal proceedings, including appeals and enforcement actions arising thereunder, and COUNTY shall reasonably facilitate and make Animal Control Officers available for such criminal court proceedings. The COUNTY does not provide legal representation. 1.7 Dead Animals: Remove dead animals from the public right-of-way except in such cases where the animal is on a state highway within CITY limits. In such cases, COUNTY shall immediately (or as soon as practicable) notify the State of California Department of Transportation by telephone, facsimile, email or other means. 1.8 Return of Impounded Animals: Encourage the return of any lost/stray animal (impounded by field personnel) to the rightful owner in the field, subject to the payment of impound fees. Ensure an opportunity for members of the public to report lost and found animals online. 1.9 Kennels and Catteries: COUNTY shall enforce the prohibition of kennels and catteries as referenced in City Municipal Code Title 10, and Title 9. 1.10 Issuance of Warnings and Citations: Enforce all appropriate provisions of CITY's municipal codes as necessary, including the issuance of warning notices or citations, for violations of the provisions of said municipal code. COUNTY shall only be responsible for administrative enforcement proceedings resulting therefrom. The COUNTY does not provide legal representation. 1.11 Service to Public: Provide service to the public on matters covered in this Agreement consistent with established policies and procedures that promote courteous and efficient service and good public relations. Other policies and procedures notwithstanding, COUNTY, in processing any type of complaint or request for service, shall indicate to the caller that a response can be expected as Page 4 of 14 166 described in Section 5 below. 1.12 Complaints: The CITY and COUNTY shall designate a primary and alternate contact person for the purpose of addressing complaints. "Complaint" as used herein shall mean any dissatisfaction or problem in the performance of services under this contract. When a complaint is received that requires a response from either PARTY, the CITY and COUNTY representatives designated for addressing complaints shall meet and confer to investigate and address the complaint within a reasonable time period. 2. Shelter Care and Disposition Services: The COUNTY shall shelter CITY's animals at the County Animal Shelter, or other COUNTY operated shelter at the COUNTY's discretion, as set forth in Exhibit "B-1." 3. Provision of Supplies. Vehicles and Radio Equipment: COUNTY shall provide animal control vehicle(s) and equip it with the appropriate animal control boxes mounted on the truck chassis and with an air conditioning unit mounted on the animal control truck boxes for use in the provision of services as set forth in this Agreement. Vehicles shall be replaced at the COUNTY's discretion. The COUNTY shall fuel and maintain said vehicles. COUNTY shall also provide all other supplies, medications, pharmaceuticals, and equipment necessary for the efficient and effective operation of animal control field services provided herein. 4. Missing or Stolen Animals: COUNTY shall file a report with the appropriate law enforcement agency within twenty-four (24) hours if an impounded animal is missing or suspected to have been stolen from an animal control vehicle or while in COUNTY's custody. COUNTY shall indicate on the police report the circumstances of the animal's disappearance. 5. Prioritypf Field Services: 5.1 Definitions: 5.1.1 "Services" are those enforcement activities rendered by COUNTY pursuant to the relevant sections of CITY's municipal code and related State law, and are assembled for into two categories: Emergency and Non -Emergency. 5.1.2 "Priority Ranking" refers to the order of priority with which a call will be handled. All calls shall go directly to the dispatcher or assigned clerical staff for relay to the Animal Control Officer. If a call is exceptional, as defined in Section 5.4 of this Exhibit "A-1," it shall be referred to the supervisor for evaluation and processing. 5.1.3 "Regular Service Hours" are the hours of 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, Holidays excepted. 5.1.4 "Limited Service Hours" are the hours of 5:00 pm to 7:30 am, Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday and on holidays. 5.1.5 "Holidays" are as those days as established by the COUNTY and the CITY wherein the CITY or COUNTY is closed for service on a day that would otherwise be a regular service day. 5.2 Field service activities shall be performed daily and are generally based on both the Priority Ranking and on Limited Service Hours. All calls involving imminent danger will be responded to within sixty (60) minutes if reasonably possible, subject to considerations involving the time of day, traffic conditions, or other circumstances. An Animal Control Officer shall respond to animal medical emergencies and other emergencies involving danger to humans within thirty (30) minutes or less during Regular Service Hours, and within sixty (60) minutes or less during Limited Service Hours and on Holidays. CITY acknowledges that response time may be affected by traffic congestion or other hindering circumstances. COUNTY shall provide a means for Page 5 of 14 167 responding to calls for service that take place during Limited Service Hours which are of an emergent nature pursuant to this Exhibit "A-1." Field service personnel shall be assigned to patrol and perform other service field tasks as defined by COUNTY and CITY. 5.3 Telephone service: The COUNTY shall answer all telephone calls for field services during Regular Service Hours. Calls shall be received by the COUNTY answering service during Limited Service Hours and on Holidays, as noted above. Calls answered by the answering service will be handled on an emergency basis as outlined in this Exhibit "A-1." The dispatcher and/or clerical support staff shall maintain a detailed record of all requests for service, both emergency and routine, received during Regular Service Hours and Limited Service Hours, including time and date, when the calls were answered, and the disposition of those calls. Records of these calls shall be maintained for at least thirty (30) days. The CITY and COUNTY agree that any incident reports to the COUNTY by residents or through emergency services involving a dangerous, aggressive, wild, injured or sick animal constitute an emergency and requires immediate action by the COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement. Calls for service received during Limited Service Hours that are not of an emergent nature shall be answered by an answering service and referred to call back on the next business day during phone center operational hours. These calls then be scheduled for response in accordance with this Exhibit "A-1." 5.4 Calls considered as Emergencies to be handled Without Delay: 5.4.1 Animals endangering health or safety of the community. 5.4.2 Police Department requests for service. 5.4.3 Sick or injured stray animals. 5.4.4 Animals in distress. 5.4.5 Humane investigations — life threatening. (Depending on immediate circumstance) 5.4.6 Venomous snakes 5.4.7 Dead animal removal, Summer months only between June 1 and August 31 during Regular Business Hours 5.5 Calls Considered as Non -Emergency to be handled during Regular Business Hours: 5.5.1 Pick-up confined, healthy, stray -animals. 5.5.2 Dead animal removal, between September 1 and May 31. 5.5.3 Quarantine investigations. 5.5.4 Leash law enforcement. 5.5.5 Nuisance animal investigations. 5.5.6 Permit investigations. 5.6 Exceptions: The Director of Animal Control or the deputies of the Animal Control Director may, on a case- by-case basis, authorize variations of priority when circumstances require. COUNTY shall provide a written report within five (5) business days of making a determination that a variation in priority was required. Qualifying incidents will be determined by the responding officer. 6. Quarterly Reports: COUNTY shall furnish to the City Manager, or designee, quarterly and annual reports detailing field services provided that quarter. Upon reasonable notice to COUNTY, CITY may inspect any facility or records to verify the data contained in the reports. Page 6 of 14 168 CITY OF LA QUINTA EXHIBIT `B-1" SCOPE OF ANIMAL SHELTERING SERVICES The County of Riverside, on behalf of its Department of Animal Services ("COUNTY"), agrees to provide the following Animal Shelter Services for the City of La Quinta ("CITY"). All capitalized terms set forth herein are defined in Section B below. A. COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER LOCATION 1. Shelter Location: The COUNTY shall maintain CITY's animals at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus ("Shelter"), or other shelter operated by COUNTY at COUNTY's discretion. The COUNTY shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of its shelters and the care of the animals on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. 2. Shelter Hours of Operation: COUNTY shall maintain hours of operation at the Shelter to provide maximum public access to the animals, to the extent possible. B. DEFINITIONS 1. Animal Shelter Services" shall include the following activities and services: a. Impoundment, admittance, receipt of, care of, custody of and/or feeding of any and all stray animals. b. Redemption, treatment, sale, adoption, and/or disposal of all animals. c. Counseling and advising animal owners. d. Posting on Shelter's website of photographs of all newly impounded animals and identifying each animal individually. e. Ensuring that all dogs, four (4) months and older, released from the COUNTY to a resident of County of Riverside are licensed, microchipped, and spayed/neutered and, if not licensed, to sell license to the owner or other person taking custody of such dog. In accordance with COUNTY ordinances, require the micro -chipping of released animals at the owner's expense. f. Humane euthanasia of animals as lawful and necessary, including the creation of a log detailing those animals that are euthanized and the reasons for such euthanasia on an animal - by -animal basis. This log shall include whether the animal was unhealthy and/or unsuitable for adoption. g. Proper disposal of dead animals at the rate as set forth in Exhibit "C-1," Payment Provisions. h. "Care" includes, but is not limited to providing a safe, temporary refuge for any animal impounded, and providing needed medical services for injured/sick animals or transfer of animal to the appropriate agency. 2. "Adoptable Animal" shall mean an animal eight (8) weeks of age or older that at or subsequent to the time the animal is impounded or taken into possession, has manifested no sign of disease, injury, or congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects the health or temperament of the animal, or that is likely to adversely affect the animal's health in the future. Dogs declared "vicious" or "potentially dangerous" under State and/or local laws shall be deemed unadoptable. 3. "Treatable" shall mean an animal with a medical condition such as skin problems, bad flea or skin infestations, a broken limb, abscesses, or problems that may be treated with appropriate resources, holding space, treatment and/or time. "Treatable" shall also mean an animal with behavioral Page 7of14 169 conditions that may be corrected with time and proper training, such as chasing animals/objects, food aggression, etc. 4. "Untreatable Animal" shall mean any animal that is irremediably suffering from a serious illness or physical injury or behavioral condition and shall not be held for owner redemption or adoption. 5. "Impounded Animal" shall include animals found running at large, removed from private property, or that are taken into the shelter by COUNTY or law enforcement. 6. "Seized Animal" shall include animals that are confiscated under Penal Code 597.1 from an owner when ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, whether the seizure was determined justified or not, when exigent circumstances exist. C. SCOPE OF ANIMAL SHELTER SERVICES 1. Treatment of Animals: COUNTY shall provide adequate care and treatment of CITY's animals whiles in custody of COUNTY to ensure that impounded animals are provided with humane and appropriate levels of care, including a clean environment, fresh water, adequate nutrition and appropriate medical care. 2. Level of Service Provided: COUNTY shall provide Animal Shelter Services as defined in this Agreement. COUNTY's policies and procedures for Animal Shelter Services shall be based on standards and/or guidelines derived from reputable animal care organizations including, but not limited to, the Humane Society of the United States, American Humane Association and American Veterinary Medical Association. 3. Feeding Protocols: All animals shall be fed in amounts appropriate to meet their nutritional needs. 4. Disease Control and Sanitation: COUNTY shall maintain the Shelter in a clean and sanitary condition. COUNTY's policies and procedures may include beneficial standards and/or guidelines derived from reputable animal care organizations including, but not limited to, the Humane Society of the United States, American Humane Association and American Veterinary Medical Association. 5. Provision of Personnel and Supplies: COUNTY shall provide personnel, supplies, materials, medication, pharmaceuticals, and equipment, including forms and reports, to perform all aspects of the Animal Shelter Services described herein. 6. Holding Periods: COUNTY shall hold all stray -impounded animals, not otherwise owner identifiable, for the holding periods as required by State law. 7. Euthanasia: Euthanasia is a non -preferred option and is to be used as a last resort when deemed there is no other outcome for an animal. Humane euthanasia services shall be provided as required for impounded animals held at the Shelter for the lawful number of days, if such animal is not reclaimed by the animal's owner and is deemed not adoptable by COUNTY. Untreatable Animals that are irremediably suffering from a serious illness or severe injury may not be held for owner redemption or adoption. Only euthanasia methods approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association shall be used. Records shall be kept for a period of not less than three (3) years on each euthanized animal shall include the following information: breed; sex; color; weight; other distinguishing characteristics; date, time and location where animal was found; method of euthanasia, and reason for use of method. COUNTY shall continue to work toward the goal of a 90% live release rate (commonly referred to as "No Kill" facility) and provide periodic updates through the Ad -Hoc approved by Riverside County Board of Supervisors on July 30, 2024. 8. Quarantine: COUNTY shall quarantine, as prescribed by the California Compendium of Rabies Page 8 of 14 170 Control and Prevention, State law, and COUNTY and CITY policy, all animals suspected of being rabid, or involved in a bite investigation. a. Impoundments and Quarantines: COUNTY shall house, feed and care for all animals impounded and/or quarantined at the Shelter. Quarantined animals may be quarantined at the owner's home or an alternate location. 9. Animals Surrendered by their Owners: Any pet surrendered by the owner to an Animal Control Officer and transported to the COUNTY shelter shall incur prevailing owner surrender charges. Such fees shall be collected from the owner and conveyed to the COUNTY or be charged directly to the CITY at the established stray animal rate. a. Animals Surrendered by their Owners: Owner Surrenders will be impounded on a case by case basis. Diversion programs will be offered to assist with pet retention. CITY shall direct their constituents to consult with COUNTY to surrender their pet. COUNTY will offer CITY's constituents assistance through diversion programs. 10. Any pet surrendered by the owner to an Animal Control Officer and transported to the COUNTY shelter shall incur prevailing owner surrender charges. Such fees shall be collected from the owner and conveyed to the COUNTY or be charged directly to the CITY at the established stray animal rate. COUNTY Animal Control Officers shall refer constituents requesting to surrender their animal to COUNTY for a diversion consultation. CITY shall not accept owner surrenders in the field prior to the constituent consulting the COUNTY. 11. Wildlife: COUNTY Animal Control Officers will work with constituents to ensure public safety while maintaining wildlife in the wild. COUNTY Animal Control Officers will triage wildlife reports to determine the appropriate response. Wildlife will be impounded if there is a public safety hazard, if the animal's welfare is at risk, if the animal is injured or orphaned, if the animal has been involved in a bite, or involved in an animal cruelty investigation. 12. Vicious and Potentially Dangerous Do2s: Any dog declared or determined to be vicious animal/dangerous animal, as defined and set forth in CITY's municipal codes (Title 10), and in custody of COUNTY either under impoundment or quarantine shall be deemed unsuitable for adoption and shall not be released except as required by State law or at direction of the CITY. COUNTY staff will be available to assist the CITY with any vicious or potentially dangerous dog prosecutions as required. 13. Incoming Animal Identification: Incoming animals shall be checked immediately for collar tags and scanned for microchip by qualified Shelter staff within one (1) hour of arrival to the Shelter. Shelter staff shall make all attempts to notify owners within twenty-four (24) hours of an Impounded Animal delivered by CITY to COUNTY. Animal Control Officers shall attempt to return animals in the field prior to delivering the impounded animal to the shelter. Animal Control Officers shall scan animals in the field for microchips, call phone numbers on tags or research license numbers in an effort to reunite animals in the field. 14. Incoming Animal Examinations/Assessments: A cursory exam of an animal shall be performed within twelve (12) hours, except during Limited Service Hours when the examination will be performed within twenty-four (24) hours. Incoming animal assessment shall include the following: a. A physical examination to determine if a medical condition exists which requires a veterinarian's attention b. Routine vaccinations and de -worming, as needed c. External parasite treatment, as needed d. Document the animal's incoming weight Page 9 of 14 171 e. Scan for microchip identification f. Establish unique identifier for the animal g. Document any identifying features or abnormalities. The COUNTY shall properly document on an animal -by -animal basis that an examination/assessment has been performed. 15. Enforcement: Enforce all relevant provisions of COUNTY and CITY's municipal code and State law as may be applicable to animals housed, kept or maintained at the Shelter. 16. Adoption: Animals identified as being available for adoption shall be up for adoption in the shelter or off-site location, or by posting online. 17. Spay and Neuter: COUNTY shall ensure that all dogs and cats adopted from the Shelter are spayed or neutered, or that adequate provisions are made for such spaying or neutering if COUNTY transfers any animals, or if an adopted animal is unable to receive spaying or neutering due to a medical condition. In accordance with California Food and Agricultural ("F&A") Code Sections 30503 and 31751.3, if veterinarian employed at the Shelter certifies that a dog or cat is too sick or injured to be spayed or neutered, the COUNTY shall collect a spay/neuter deposit from the adopter or purchaser and this deposit shall be deposited into a segregated fund maintained by the COUNTY. The deposit shall be fully refunded to the adopter or purchaser if proof of sterility is provided within thirty (30) business days from the date of surgery, at which the deposit is forfeited in accordance with F&A Code Sections 30503 and 31751.3. Spay and neuter deposits shall only be used by the COUNTY for canine and feline spay and neuter programs. 18. Microchippin2: In accordance with California Food and Agricultural ("F&A") Code Sections 31108.3 and 31752.1, COUNTY shall ensure that all dogs and cats being reclaimed, adopted, or transferred to a new owner are microchipped with current information prior to leaving the shelter. 19. Community Adoption Partners: COUNTY shall comply with F&A Code Sections 31108 and 31752 that provide that any stray dog or cat that is impounded "shall, prior to the euthanasia of that animal be released to a nonprofit, as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, animal rescue or adoption organization if requested by the organization prior to the scheduled euthanasia of that animal. The public or private shelter may enter into cooperative agreements with any animal organization or adoption organization. The public or private shelter or organization must be approved by COUNTY prior to the transfer of any animals. In addition to any required spay or neuter deposit, the public or private shelter, at its discretion, may assess a fee, not to exceed the standard adoption fee, for animals adopted or released." 20. Foster Care Placement: Certain animals may be placed in COUNTY's foster care placement program so to improve animal care, give certain animals a better chance of adoption, and lift the spirits and morale of staff and volunteers. 21. Community Cat Program (CCP): COUNTY shall determine a cat's eligibility for the CCP. If it is determined that a cat is eligible, the cat will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and eartipped. Once cat has recovered, the cat will be returned to place of origin. 22. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA): COUNTY shall comply with all Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regulations regarding storage, record-keeping, inventory, use, and disposal of all controlled substances. Page 10 of 14 172 23. Staffing and Volunteers: COUNTY shall recruit and supervise all necessary personnel for the office, kennel, veterinary and other areas of the Shelter. Staffing shall include any and all full or part-time personnel and shall include the recruitment, supervision and assignment of volunteers in suitable Shelter -related activities. Personnel employed at the Shelter in the performance of Shelter - related activities shall be designated as COUNTY employees and any and all volunteers engaged in Shelter activities shall participate in activities designated by COUNTY and shall be under the auspices of COUNTY. Use of volunteers at the Shelter shall be determined by COUNTY. 24. Missing Animals: COUNTY shall notify an appropriate law enforcement agency immediately of any animal missing from the Shelter that had previously been impounded and/or in protective custody. 25. CITY Access: COUNTY shall provide access of the entire Shelter to the authorized representatives of CITY during Regular Service Hours or at such other times upon written notice. 26. Livestock and Fowl Care: COUNTY shall provide food, care and shelter to livestock and fowl, either at the Shelter or at another location, when such animals cannot be cared for at the Shelter. Costs of housing any livestock or fowl, regardless of Shelter location shall be charged to the owner of the animal, if known. If the animal's owner wishes to redeem the animal, the owner shall first pay all applicable fees and charges at the Shelter; except as otherwise required by law, then and only, will the COUNTY authorize release of the animal. COUNTY shall notify CITY in writing when said expenses reach the amount of $5,000 or greater per incident. Such expenses shall not exceed the amount of $25,000 per incident unless authorized in writing by CITY. 27. Animal Disposal: COUNTY shall prohibit any animal whether dead or alive, which has been impounded, in custody, or in quarantine at the Shelter to be given away, disposed of, traded, sold or in any manner given over to another person, organization or entity for experimentation, regardless of purpose. COUNTY shall be responsible for the disposal of animal remains in its custody or control, subject to applicable State laws. 28. LICENSE FEES (Section 2 of Riverside County Ordinance 630): Licenses shall be issued upon payment of the license fees at the same rate as established in Section 2 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 630 and are subject to change as amended by COUNTY's Board of Supervisors, from time to time. 29. RABIES VACCINATION CERTIFICATE DATA: Rabies vaccination certificates shall be collected from area veterinarians and downloaded into COUNTY's database after the data has been scrubbed of inconsistencies. Reminders of licensing requirements shall be automatically generated and mailed to dog owners. Those owners who fail to comply may be subsequently issued administrative citations. Remittance options include the web licensing portal on COUNTY's website, www.rcdas.org. COUNTY shall verify dog license status when responding to requests for service or when responding to complaints. COUNTY shall also provide an automated or manual verification system whereby owners can verify the status of their animal's license by telephone. 30. COLLECTION OF LICENSE FEES: CITY authorizes COUNTY to issue and collect the fees for canine licenses and retain $11.92 per license on any and all canine license revenue generated by CITY residents during the term of the Agreement. All fees collected for canine licenses shall be accounted for by the COUNTY on a monthly basis and the COUNTY shall remit to CITY the net amount of license fees collected for each month. For purposes of this Agreement, the net amount of license fees shall mean the total amount of license fees collected in a month less the total of Page 11 of 14 173 $11.92 per each canine license issued and shall be separate and apart from the monthly compensation rate due and payable by the CITY as required in Section III. Compensation. CITY shall be responsible for a one-time conversion fee for new data entered into COUNTY's licensing database. D. COMPENSATION // / / / 1. Compensation for Animal Shelter Services: Additional compensation for Animal Shelter Services may be required. Additional costs for large animal sheltering are incurred at $21 per animal, per day for horses and cattle, and $12.60 per animal, per day for swine, goats and sheep in accordance with COUNTY's Animal Control Ordinances and shall be billed based on actual sheltering on a monthly basis. 2. Impound/Quarantine Fees: CITY shall be responsible for all costs associated with any and all animals seized within the CITY's boundaries and brought to COUNTY which are held in Shelter, including facilities that have agreements with the COUNTY to provide additional shelter services under the supervision of the COUNTY. This includes, but is not limited to, animals held in association with any criminal prosecution of animal abuse and welfare cases, animals being held as evidence in a court filing, or rabies quarantine. The COUNTY agrees to assist the CITY in seeking reimbursement from the owner by providing invoices for all services provided. All services provided to each animal involved shall be charged as of the current date including but not limited to the following: IMP 1 -collection; State Fine 1 -collection, Board collection- all fees due; QT Board collection -if applicable; Rabies Vaccination collection- if applicable; DA2PPV collection; Bordatella collection; microchip collection; any and all medications provided to each animal; and personnel charges. All fees will be in accordance with the COUNTY's current fee schedule. 3. Outreach Activities: CITY shall work with COUNTY to promote responsible pet ownership, lost and found animals, mutually agreeable animal welfare programs, Spay/Neuter Services, and through its own social media pages. If requested by CITY, the daily flat rates for vaccination clinics or spay/neuter clinics shall be billed based actual outreach days scheduled at the rates below: a. Vaccination or Spay/Neuter Clinic: The cost includes staff, vaccinations and microchips, free to constituents with two hundred (200) animal cap per event for vaccination clinic OR thirty (30) animal cap per event for spay/neuter. The clinics are billed on actual use. Page 12 of 14 174 CITY OF LA QUINTA EXHIBIT "C-1" PAYMENT PROVISIONS City of La Quinta ("CITY") shall compensate the County of Riverside ("COUNTY") on a monthly basis arrears, with a monthly billing and accounting thereof by COUNTY to CITY those fees as established by the CITY's Master Fee Schedule, as amended from time to time, and COUNTY's Board of Supervisors' fee schedule, as amended from time to time; relative to the services to be performed under this Agreement as follows: Field and Shelter Services Estimate Service Quantity Cost Annually Monthly Full Time Animal Control Officer 2,080 $286,790.40 ea. $286,790.40 $23,899.20 Estimated Overtime* 139.30 $178.66/hour $24,887.34 $2,073.95 Animal Sheltering** 1,216 $35.81/day $43,544.96 $3,628.75 Wildlife Impounds** 29 $144.90/per $4,202.10 $350.18 Deceased Animal Pick -Up and Disposal** 120 $73.50/per $8,820.00 $735.00 O&M ** 233 $11.40/impound $2,656.20 $221.35 License Processing*** 1,100 $11.92 per license $13,112.00 $1,092.67 Total Estimated Cost** $384,013.00/FY $32,001.10/month *Overtime/stand-by field services $178.66 per hour (minimum of two (2) hours per call, with a two (2) hour charge per each call). ** Cost will fluctuate based on actual overtime, wildlife calls and deceased animal pickups. Optional Services are not included in the total. **Rates are subject to change as adopted by the Board of Supervisors, as specified in Section III of this Agreement. ***License processing cost may vary based on number of licenses sold. COUNTY shall retain $11.92 for each license sold, and remaining balance of license will be credited back to the CITY on a monthly basis. Sheltering: Animal Sheltering costs at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus is $35.81 per kenneling day, and it would be billed based on actual impounds. COUNTY shall provide CITY with a monthly invoice that includes actual impound statistics. The invoice will detail the number of animals impounded and the total number of kenneling days, plus all other applicable fees. Operational and Maintenance (O&M): O&M is charged at $11.40 per stray dog or cat impound. Page 13 of 14 175 Livestock and Other Impound Fees: Large Animal Sheltering @ $21/animal (horses, ponies, cattle) per day of sheltering (additional cost billed on actual use). Large Animal Sheltering @ $12.60/animal (swine, goats, sheep) per day of sheltering (additional cost billed on actual use). Wildlife impound fee: $144.90 per impound Deceased animal pickup fee: $73.50 per animal Optional Services Daily flat rates for shot clinics and/or spay and neuter bus services will be billed based on actual outreach days scheduled. Compensation accounts for full staff time to provide service for one day. The maximum time possible will be afforded for actual outreach activity; however actual outreach activity time will be reduced by travel and preparation time the day of the event. Shot Clinic or Spay and Neuter Bus Services: $3,000 per event flat rate billed actual use** (The cost to provide three (3) clinic services staff and one veterinarian for 9 hours, to be billed based on actual usage as requested by CITY. Page 14 of 14 176 4,121d4tra — GEM grrbe DESERT — DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 1 MARKETING QUARTERLY REPORT July 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024 Print Marketing • Dreamscapes Magazine • 425 Magazine • NW Travel & Life • SouthSound OOH Campaigns • Palm Springs Airport Radio Campaigns • Recycle Ads • SB 1383 Ads • IRONMAN 70.3 LA Q[[[N'1'a ±.I.I jj (.t.tor14) 6.11 Eric ore La Quinta LA QUINTA'P DESERT LANDSCAPES OPFER 0171 lli ADITNI]1IiIi ANDVEBRAhT I'L13L1CAHT wITH A ikti411 {7[' LA MO HIS'IXH1Y e+ IF.b)PF Galin lusa ri bin pun.. MI 1.11 wale arsa M Ends mins IlJimcard mu Duuin Jun Sam nn Ulm hrl.ma �.n .gym rw.w Pim Musdr me. irnmunennunnb ewe.hd n.ed ea.A.+�.raia '1a!mal. .olInmWw !Mid ma [din gitltlncBuElywaxl!limey ryl—� I. ....y r..ir ...f r...... ns. mn 11.[I.nt .a.ltw eLiMxW winletm ra Mnn.iw..nn fty rimey1.y. s•We�ire M+� ne Norm/ n W nu.I.r.,,..Erdien.crnannin:1 pin! nu, innmu!. ran rAnn. Imo u, brig urn bacon Clialn 1.1X•13 Ical.crua r,n.ha am. �wn. aa.n TMYn. PLANNER h. u1w ..n.wne.e.w. r.. • Digital Marketing .Plrylhka iporvintl 4:11 d Meal rhe PexPle who Make the Gem of the Oestri Shins. Anita & Chris Chimlek RD RN N R DSRT CLUB Play In Le quints. Ment the People Who M-ke the Gem or the Pee 1 Shine. Uncover the Gems of LO Leenl Mere Linda Williams LA QUINTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Play In La tiuinta x k Could be tha COBChella VB4I.4 Bull, EUL brunch dates hit dlilnrpnt horn. Lars chalk that up to our charm. illaymlaqumte corn Sunshine Guaranteed Visit La Quintan CA Learn marc IDPlay In La 4uirrta X `.conn= ,, - Whether on the court or the terse, there are plenty of ways to play in La Quints- New, step up and owing away. pliylnlaqu[nta.tam Plenty of Ways to Play Play in La Quints Loam mon MISSION Event Promotion HUNTER LOPE/ LIGHTSABER VIGIL MONDAY, AUGUST 26 7:OOPM CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS Join us for a lightsaber vigil to honor Marine Cpl. Hunter Lopez and his fellow service members who lost their lives in the August 2021 attack at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan_ Let's come together to remember their sacrifice. el-" CANDLELIGHT VIGIL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 I 7:00 PM LOCATION CHANGE! LAC UINTA WELLNESS CENTER Sc.n the qF code to kam mine ebnutlht 9/H Alunument to LME Centel GmQvS es well it educarlon Ott. rtaprcaraetc Ihar n¢urre!:bat day. SEPTEMBER IS 7 la To Donate or volunteer Please visit "- www.findfoodbank.org Join us as we honor our La Quinta residents who have served in the military and recognize the sacrifices of all service members. Monday, November 11 19 A.M. City Hall Courtyard aarldr-g, x:a.ahko5To.orth and moth park.g 10% Swung it cn hrstoorrw, first sonic is Friday. August 9 at 73tlpm at Fritz Burns Fool. For mote Information, please SISIC { fa quintaca.govlfbpool. To learn rnors, viyib LaQui eta CA.g ov/i ronman LQ: ROCKET LAUNCH Saturday, October 5, 2024 I SAM -10 AM At 5ilverRock Park 151900 Silverrack Way, to Quinta, CA 92253 This wont is FREE 595 fun for ages Six and up. i�f{.�rtrty Social Media Campaign Facebook/Twitter/NextDoor/Instagram • City Council Meeting & Recaps • Road Improvements / Traffic Alerts • The Gem • Burrtec Community Tips • SB 1383 Education • Hunger Action Month • Dune Palms Bridge Project • Fritz Burns Pool Updates • Pillar of the Community Awards • Veterans Nominations • Veterans Program • 9/11 Candlelight Vigil • Hunter Lopez Lightsaber Vigil • SilverRock Resident Cards • Animal Services • Public Meetings New Website • Library/Creation Station Services • Museum Exhibits • Flag Repository • Wellness Center Services • Art in Public Places • New Business Shout Outs • IRONMAN 70.3 Save the Date • State of the City • Blood Drives • IID Conserve Alerts • Highway 111 Rehabilitation Project Phase • Park Installation Projects • Desert Recreation District Events • CV Link Updates City Nuglrlle-Gosernmema City al' ie Ousels-G'aremn1e11e4 GSIen b: SomV 5o[nl r'.,.: - More, Senna Graham • O 5ep.e.mr 11 a 7:9IAI5 a seolem6e. 9 •I 4 94x..0 La qunla Pad[ Playa roux! Cl[nur. The Ow:inaund sell Bo- [lased on Wempsday. 5cptember 11, 242e, farkphtmlallaliatal the shade [nuchae. Thank you .or your polienre as we irnprca% the park! The playground will be closed on Wed tlesday, Septe1tlher 11, 2024, for light installation at the shade structure. Thank you For your patience as we improve the parks �lN 2(412, Lily of La Lind Ma • lawful men! IF `u rvf SP,u"; x,• m:Nss.5 Celetrate ilallenel Fajen Deo a,llh a lrarla si Cees Meneiol.p r tl Le OCntaI ,/,} See°, lh5 euttrereir newts.' kaenicen isire thus eterernewilI love. Cane hungry,lenue happy! eLaquinra a 1MMiornalFaplanay J0ar rBnnc atm.!! Waging ourfort Iagpaci Iriands safe a6 [hararnparmurea crninuaee M•f hth1 NEVEfa leave pets in the car an a warn.. ssl}. car. on nem upw dengc.ousran.peratur°Ii1N' . minute, co, with the window a6ghth opal 9uSFedo I Imsrdi Tcfr+p [Fl TBV IFI 70 . ; e9° 104° 7s` , 94 709° 80' I ss° Wie 85" . 1045 119° 90° 109° T24° 95" 1W 129" 149 AiCity y 14. Err La i,ta• Government• htenH t5'sem,l Bo:,N • SenbmMr 9 almu].. yl Itlgh.rth, 111 upaaaa tC alra:n1tNaha Bip..0 Ill..amain karubltmlwn proper coral nUps I TP4w', xnw• ingln .ameang damslrem the tenternletan between La Cletla Cerner aria and Mems Stmel. LORnber i1IgFw&r ill ser ne..! LB O..Me C vner f]r.rt lixi Paem6 5[1581. 1.- See rme HIGHWAY 111 PA Ek REHABILITATION - ;ASE Tadayr we wlil begin removing plants from the Center median between 1,4 Quints Center Drive and Adams Street. We expect this work to take at least a week to complete. 4111 DPI if Ls QIP spcwrnment • »u, • Id 8 C4.64brasp La unix. Cpnen4nlly $[al;l 0. pau knew [ameam n La Punta who goes the mors ran to mato- o dHerencei The City.% refreshed torwnunity!mards Prograll is Y[ur [hrl[e M shin a it'll en 1hese'Germ d the D esert! .easter the teen laancl tuFn,erias 7.4 learn hat to narrineeeadeServimcnrthmuity 44.449. 1044e ✓ Award CalggMas INCISAL - —54•4 mora lb y.P lryw rg,rmOn• item r.. 4w,.rw.uy.d beans I. m.k$.adlv..n a In Lalyael.? Una edlaaMrs .pN[air. omm.srltf swards Progremarml 11.14.4 Taw yea, can raptor rilaqinla. au 413n Ino link babes rad mora mlormaban sn Enu nor uwaFC taxgores and hnw W nomnate n dadkated warn unify member. Tl.e'errcnhninager hrmrd.PIaIRam Inediens Pt.pa. al vrt[hmmlaia. mlunvuahed6lityn Jun ms IB41.iei6r, sag roam a;B:ra,...rr. „.p Rrnm,mdr e•mi, &wand CartaeI. ter rumrrunitl sa vkaa naperhnam Mr fn.,.Inramallnn. For more inlormaliee scan lha St code prarlard prey of La G enin - Government e V,NurrBI. sn'ns sn:,rl m • &eeemb CV a ar &Sa OA • • ret softness Irrfpmion ONrrFt1 Fye Medea . oorraen a Abet Bract ra [edgy glk]Jgh Fpdiy. $eplerIWn s 9y ee mming.m ergs, as con redFce stress m the energy grid, ensure nlutfe r.t. era id heel orb erd .°!china pare, [and. Phh4 r make lM elfttt b ten wart energy Mammas 4-51. It CONSERVE ALERT t a kC _.r..,lam . . �...; �...u.."..r.. . ............ Sat . ,: New. m.•..at,r..a..:ne ra. Pn.s Awn', r4rer.n .awee.ry PA 1,1 ikR 179 Public Relations • 1st Quarterly Newsletter to National Media Partners • Visit California July "Stargazing Splendor" (Night Hikes) • Visit California August "Vegan Gastronomy" (Chula & Beautiful Day) • World Atlas August "9 Best Small Towns in California to Visit in 2024) eWoddAtJas LONTINENTI gpt/rlaTllri [iF.nCnAPlIT ram[anSel soetnIZCITNC1 F t r Ite 9 Best Small Towns }rf California To Visit In 2024 MEMIn bw il.s., csllramis it a fowl rasa dim earn rnma d mo Lmt smell lawns m mnodr for 2024 Mien a Sowed commercial tie lard flak/calor rieloWel tandmelke a] appeal al Lemon -ter all apna site lehka it a M(.dIearrsn.en oanai., R1a Ma 1536 ererymrq bin needs k.a'powder Woo. Thee On alibi the gatedtl hr nny lade lc dnq for oaaeasrq WorldAtlas CoarnnENTbi COiIXTRIEn DECOR...? ECUcETIOX 90CIIILSCETlCE: F f # Alb Iwuan r3 the-Geraof the Dcaeee.' La ouinra rt a defied resod deobESlon sulk earl- fasdnali g landmarks. have,!' may apart -dale La Quinla Hamm, ...Aiwa! aniardlnvk SMUT Ic. I InSon firni.anU tsr?, ala'mural pap[pgrapay Neat in rvninspart at 61. CahwIL2 Indian -lege sellJasnant days. Wt Let.CaFellfa Velsnees Necrnellen Area, nature loose can Galey ice 6991 memo camping aIlea end ammonia 051112011 oat somas MRllm C,'l?REIf. Valley Paa. terms Can atm to..? an the 1 IE Crider Cern pus 1111 TS awes of Selitade and peaceful plerIwraphy. Ma 15rr'a MC Theater ilea maty emmrlanmq raid .I imine Mbgluf Wain* thaw? far af!rues of fauasl; ileum hal eve as corning in October 20241 For goners, Siherpa&S Resat a a,nwsL. ..sit for Palm £prirgcaik. [peuly and is considered a 'meed. for spvt.g arahosr"^ who admire sprawling hole and polity sands. One ono ch..* wit lbw La OeiMaC4flhousa for Kew Animism cld6lne and tie Reel mourdelraiile mammy to- flmoi onandrlr 9bECVCour 0180'' a1+8r.garaanb. Ira no .raj, .I..al.n ..x.wu•.w.ra .r1/4.uarlwa• 1116.1 m. 44.14 • Stargealna Splendor irmrmiad4ar N1ua u,w a. sr. ti Le Lubin retia ...191 -1.o -n•..`. Lr.•,�m._,n.r o„n..>w.ir•n n0 •'�'Iw.....r. Gall" nit rrnrrinn•..ar .eu.nen. Wu .14aos'.ena car•nrt iee+¢s. ,.enc Vagan Gastronomy .I.16.,1.L,a� ~ VI .rc,l r.a.rNrprwryrrVrenr�arn rcrrar.1.2 'cN[[%[..,mn.a...iry.nm..oImyrt • Visit i I la Oulnta ea. Scottsdale If you're looking for a desert des.tlisatIon with all of the sun and none of the crowds, head to _r r. Ilrll.-. The slow pace of Ido, charming town and sunny weather make It en Ideal winter escape. Unlike busy Scottsdale, La 4ulnta offers a more relaxed and tranquil experience. Madden I Newsletter NEWSLETTER REVIEW Hidden Gem of the Coachella Valley • Topic: Discoverthe Charm of La Quinta, California • Recipients o Madden shared La Ouinta's media newslett2s to a curated database of egg writers. including local La Quinta contacts o Nateable Opens: • Samantha Leal (Freelance Writer, Wet! • Good the Zoe Report} • Susmita Dara} lEcfitor, Trove! • Leisure) • Chris Dong {Freelance Writer, Washington Post, AFAR Travel • Leisure} ✓ PeterTerzian (Features Editor, Travel+Leisure) • Open Rate o Open rate: 61.4% 'ciCafathtra, Gem of the Desert F.Y Yvan M wey.l r.t—snr. Iwo.* MY. rl .... r.W .. m, errKMb. PK a.h n.�..1.�.+a•a•h +k o.00f awsl. 180 Expanded Branding Elements MEN 4. Award quallrlenlorA I • [en ..M..e �nd«4' '.. .n lrr.,n.hl..N ..K.IM11TISM. •.rngrnyl 1••• ...NJ • m..r.d1•.41M ...i .. IaaMy,-froppna,urr earnkKai ••rr .nn.a ter:[ [[...wryOMR [�r p.vn Tara .. nanx rn.t. •.r..no-wi• PILLAR OF THE COMMUNITY Kral iu,:nx rm.. r. ■ vtaiaiocia rqun C[TY. vouw ous[n[ss roux .uiu Expanded Marketing Promotion BLOOD I DRIVE p. PROUDLY' H,7`TLD &v City of La Quinta at City Hall South Parking Lot Wednesday, Sept. 11 9 AM to 3 PM 78495 Calle Tampico, La Durnta in the bloodmobile For appaintinerns, call 800,.579. 4E4, vino THE CITY HAS A NEW WEBSITE TO VIEW PUBLIC MEETINGS The City at La Quinta has introduced new websites to view public meetings. Visit www-Laquintaca-gov/Iivenleetings and click the play button for live viewings. Visit www.I luintara.govipastmeetIngs to clew archived videos of public meetings. CYLINK CONSTRUCTION ALERT CROSSWALK IMPROVEMENT AT WASHINGTON 8 CHANNEL T. I•:;GHT7IME 4V!)•• JULY 7-3 2024 1 9-00 P.M. - 5_00 AM Inh.armrhAlrwf•rilyd.r... I • CHANGES IN PURCHASING SILVERHOCI( RESIDENT GOLF CARDS Q .RUNE$ GEN[E]S - 78[55 AtENNt LA 810 t0. 12111 at During holidays and on the first Saturday of each month from Ncivernber to April, residents can purchase their SilverRock resident golf cards by appointment To schedule an appointment, please call the Wellness Center at 760.564.0096. ` adifte. The splash pad at LA QUINTA PARK IS OPEN pp Daily From 8AM -SPM EISENHOWER DRIVE • PROPOSED ROAD DIET Awe d8 cam. Eisenhower c, South of CaILe Tarap is o A..SO . •Cal[e Tn-Ip,, 3 Ley�ns a 'lir Ciiy Is rrviowl.q MIM. In reduce }peed, r4 mn,nrlmn :aid IUCRovI Elul sa:a[h ...)/ Calle Sine ra. car. wo ld L a Ia prorlde Ir,p I ar reeduxi- we rouraao )Pit in alfr•nd rr.. July it t.Fy Chari marling Elsrr,lew.i Drive YrepPna.d Road OW 5iudy s.iilon T ur•4dvy. l 1 1b La Cabin City Holl 78895 Caile Trim Council Chowberr 182 Palm Springs Airport Commission September 12, 2024 Special Meeting Notes by Commissioner Geoffrey Kiehl REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEM NO. 31 Palm Springs Airport Commission Report — September 12, 2024 Special Meeting Discussion and Action Items: Strategic Plan Overview — InterVISTAS representatives presented an overview on 2025-2029 Strategic Plan: Vision, Mission, Values Strategic Priorities, Goals & Initiatives, and Performance Targets (KPIs). Emerging Vision, Mission and Values for PSP — A great deal of discussion took place regarding the need to get the mindset right in order to drive shared ownership of the values of customer service, safety, stewardship from the staff of employees from all groups (City staff, airlines, TSA and vendor), as well as considering the needs and interests of those employees in order to have their buy -in and cooperation. Emerging 5 -Year Strategic Priorities for PSP — Priorities: People & Culture; Operational Excellence; Partnerships; Infrastructure; and Sustainability. Next Steps — 3 -month plan explained by Harry Barrett: Seeking to get the immediate and longer-term initiatives and milestones through to the completion of the Strategic Plan by December 2024. Master Plan Workshop — Rental car facility concerns by City Council regarding visuals and traffic impacts of El Cielo, etc. is the key hold-up to getting any expansion / reconfiguration plan approved. Additionally, the Council has made it clear that any proposed plan needs to respect the current historic designation of the Wexler designed West facade - - that is non-negotiable. Developing North and South rental car location alternatives. The discussion focused on South location alternative. The Airport Commission has been designated to be the working group for making recommendations. The consultants' joint recommendation is to use the alternative with the Rental Car Facility being close to the terminal on the North side. Financial costs need to consider both capital and operating costs, i.e. property acquisition, shuttles, temporary relocations of some service areas, etc. The Commission agreed upon narrowing it down the location of the rental car facilities to one North option and one South option. The North option makes far more sense in all operational aspects and convenience to travels, though it poses concerns about height and aesthetics of the facility while maintaining the preservation of the historic west facade of the main building which significantly adds to the overall cost of the project. Capital Planning / Program Schedule — 5 -year capital program categories: Airfield Infrastructure (14 projects @ $100M); Landside Infrastructure (13 projects @ $467M, $448M for consolidated rental car facility); (13 projects @ $142 M); Airport Vehicles (9 projects @ $7M); Terminal (28 projects @ $594M); Airport Facilities (9 projects @ $142 M); and Planning, Environmental & Contingency (4 projects @ $33M). Next set of projects are planned to be ready to bid by May, 2025. Next Commission Meeting: September 18, 2024, 5:30 PM Attachment: 1. PS Airport Commission Special Meting Agenda, dated September 12, 2024 183 ripalm springs INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ATTACHMENT 1 AIRPORT COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Airport Conference Room, Palm Springs International Airport 3400 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262 Thursday, September 12, 2024 — 9:00am to 5:00 P.M. To view/listen/participate virtually in the meeting live, please contact Andrew LeCompte at andrew.lecompte@palmspringsca.gov or the following telephone number (760) 318-3832 to register for the Zoom meeting. There will be an email with Zoom credentials sent after registration is complete, in order to access the meeting and offer public comment. Registration is not required to attend the meeting in person. In addition, the meeting will also be teleconferenced pursuant to Government Code Section 54953 from the following location(s): TELECONFERENCE LOCATION(S): Commissioner Bryan Ebensteiner — Palm Springs 224 Hawthorne St. Brooklyn, New York 11225 Each location is accessible to the public, and members of the public may address the Airport Commission from any of the locations listed above. Any person who wishes to provide public testimony in public comments is requested to file a speaker card before the Public Comments portion of the meeting. You may submit your public comment to the Airport Commission electronically. Material may be emailed to: andrew.lecompte@palmspringsca.gov - Transmittal prior to the start of the meeting is required. Any correspondence received during or after the meeting will be distributed to the Airport Commission and retained for the official record. To view Airport Commission meeting videos click on YouTube. City of Palm Springs: Riverside County: Margaret Park City of Cathedral City: Christian Samlaska City of Palm Desert: Kevin Wiseman Kevn J. Corcoran — Chair David Feltman Dave Banks J Craig Fong City of Indian Wells: Robert Berriman City of Coachella: Denise Delgado City of Rancho Mirage: Keith Young Todd Burke — Vice Chair Ken Hedrick Daniel Caldwell Tracy Martin City of La Quinta: Geoffrey Kiehl City of Desert Hot Springs: Jan Pye City of Indio: Rick Wise Bryan Ebensteiner Samantha McDermott Palm Springs City Staff Scott C. Stiles Harry Barrett Jr., A.A.E. Jeremy Keating City Manager Airport Executive Director Assistant Airport Director 184 Airport Commission Special Meeting Agenda September 12, 2024 — Page 2 1. CALL TO ORDER — PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. POSTING OF AGENDA 3. ROLL CALL 4. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Limited to three minutes on any subject within the purview of the Commission 6. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS: 6.A Strategic Plan Workshop 6.B Master Plan Workshop 6.0 CIP Programming Workshop 7. COMMISSIONERS REQUESTS AND REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: The Airport Commission will adjourn to a Regular Meeting on September 18, 2024, at 5:30 P.M. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Harry Barrett, Jr., Airport Executive Director, City of Palm Springs, California, hereby certify this agenda was posted on September 9, 2024, in accordance with established policies and procedures. PUBLIC NOTICES Pursuant to G.C. Section 54957.5(b)(2) the designated office for inspection of records in connection with the meeting is the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 3200 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way. Complete Agenda Packets are available for public inspection at: City Hall Office of the City Clerk. Agenda and staff reports are available on the City's website www.palmspringsca.gov. If you would like additional information on any item appearing on this agenda, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at (760) 323-8204. It is the intention of the City of Palm Springs to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, or in meetings on a regular basis, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, the City will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact the Department of Aviation, (760) 318-3800, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible. 185 Palm Springs Airport Commission September 18, 2024 Meeting Notes by Commissioner Geoffrey Kiehl Palm Springs Airport Commission Report — September 18, 2024 Meeting Discussion and Action Items: Master Plan Landside Alternatives — South alternatives for the new Rental Car Facility — was narrowed to the one which puts a five -story above ground facility on a parcel which would still need to be acquired. The North alternative is still the alternative preferred by staff, the consultants and the Commission. Agua Caliente Concourse Activation Space —The latest renderings were reviewed and discussed. The customer experience is significantly increased from prior renderings. Comfort, utility and aesthetics are the priorities. No references to gambling. Revenues to the airport are expected to be around $800k higher than that received from the existing vendors. FY 24 Budget vs. Actuals — An excellent new summary report format was presented. Concessions Update — New concessions now open: Nine Cities, Hey Joshua, Las Palmas Oasis, InMotion, Cactus to Clouds, Uptown Essentials. Six more concessions are in progress thru the next nine months. Capital Planning / Program Schedule — 5 -year capital program categories: Airfield Infrastructure (14 projects @ $100M); Landside Infrastructure (13 projects @ $467M, $448M for consolidated rental car facility); (13 projects @ $142 M); Airport Vehicles (9 projects @ $7M); Terminal (28 projects @ $594M); Airport Facilities (9 projects @ $142 M); and Planning, Environmental & Contingency (4 projects @ $33M). Next set of projects are planned to be ready to bid by May, 2025. Next Commission Meeting: October 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM. Attachment: 2. PS Airport Commission Meting Agenda, dated September 18, 2024 186 ATTACHMENT 2 ripalm springs INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AIRPORT COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Airport Conference Room, Palm Springs International Airport 3400 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262 Wednesday, September 18, 2024 — 5:30 P.M. To view/listen/participate virtually in the meeting live, please contact Andrew LeCompte at andrew.lecompte@palmspringsca.gov or the following telephone number (760) 318-3832 to register for the Zoom meeting. There will be an email with Zoom credentials sent after registration is complete, in order to access the meeting and offer public comment. Registration is not required to attend the meeting in person. In addition, the meeting will also be teleconferenced pursuant to Government Code Section 54953 from the following location(s): TELECONFERENCE LOCATION(S): Commissioner J. Craig Fong — Palm Springs Summerfield, Defford, Worcestershire, England WR89BG, United Kingdom Commissioner Bryan Ebensteiner — Palm Springs 224 Hawthorne St. Brooklyn, New York 11225 Each location is accessible to the public, and members of the public may address the Airport Commission from any of the locations listed above. Any person who wishes to provide public testimony in public comments is requested to file a speaker card before the Public Comments portion of the meeting. You may submit your public comment to the Airport Commission electronically. Material may be emailed to: andrew.lecompte@palmspringsca.gov - Transmittal prior to the start of the meeting is required. Any correspondence received during or after the meeting will be distributed to the Airport Commission and retained for the official record. To view Airport Commission meeting videos click on YouTube. City of Palm Springs: Riverside County: Margaret Park City of Cathedral City: Christian Samlaska City of Palm Desert: Kevin Wiseman Kevn J. Corcoran — Chair David Feltman Dave Banks J Craig Fong City of Indian Wells: Robert Berriman City of Coachella: Denise Delgado City of Rancho Mirage: Keith Young Todd Burke — Vice Chair Ken Hedrick Daniel Caldwell Tracy Martin City of La Quinta: Geoffrey Kiehl City of Desert Hot Springs: Jan Pye City of Indio: Rick Wise Bryan Ebensteiner Samantha McDermott Palm Springs City Staff Scott C. Stiles Harry Barrett Jr., A.A.E. Jeremy Keating City Manager Airport Executive Director Assistant Airport Director 187 Airport Commission Meeting Agenda September 18, 2024 — Page 2 1. CALL TO ORDER — PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. POSTING OF AGENDA 3. ROLL CALL 4. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Limited to three minutes on any subject within the purview of the Commission 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Airport Commission Regular Meeting of March 20, 2024 and April 17, 2024 7. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS: 7.A Marketing and Air Service Update 7.B Master Plan Landside Alternatives 7.0 Agua Caliente Concourse Activation Space 7.D FY24 Budget Vs. Actuals 7.E Concessions Update 7.F Projects and Airport Capital Improvement Program Update 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT 9. COMMISSIONERS REQUESTS AND REPORTS 10. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTIONS: 10.A Past City Council Actions 10.B Future City Council Actions 11. RECEIVE AND FILE: 11.A Airline Activity Report June and July 2024 11.6 Airline Activity Report Fiscal Year Comparison 12. COMMITTEES: 12.A Future Committee Meetings 12.B New Committees Assignment Roster ADJOURNMENT: The Airport Commission will adjourn to a Regular Meeting on October 16, 2024, at 5:30 P.M. 188 Airport Commission Meeting Agenda September 18, 2024 — Page 3 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Harry Barrett, Jr., Airport Executive Director, City of Palm Springs, California, hereby certify this agenda was posted on September 12, 2024, in accordance with established policies and procedures. PUBLIC NOTICES Pursuant to G.C. Section 54957.5(b)(2) the designated office for inspection of records in connection with the meeting is the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 3200 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way. Complete Agenda Packets are available for public inspection at: City Hall Office of the City Clerk. Agenda and staff reports are available on the City's website www.palmspringsca.gov. If you would like additional information on any item appearing on this agenda, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at (760) 323-8204. It is the intention of the City of Palm Springs to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, or in meetings on a regular basis, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, the City will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact the Department of Aviation, (760) 318-3800, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible. 189 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 2024 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 15, 2024 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MICHAEL PHIPPS-RUSSELL BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - COMMENTS REGARDING RIVERSIDE COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER 20+ years ago, myself and others with the CVAG's Animal Commission, asked for your consideration to support and participate in what became the Coachella Valley Animal Campus. At that time, our valley worked collaboratively, focusing on improving shelter conditions, promoting adoptions, and spaying and neutering. And, as a community, we were successful in accomplishing many of the goals set at the time. Today, we need to build on those accomplishments by being more strategic with a focus on policies. So today I have provided information on a few items contained in the proposed contract to hopefully foster further discussion leading to the development of policies that will benefit the City of La Quinta and the entire region. I would like to begin with a statement that our valley has a mechanism in place to work collaboratively to develop and maintain policies to support the Coachella Valley Animal Campus. Specifically, we have the Coachella Valley Animal Campus Commission, complete with Bylaws, to help support the success of the Campus. There are 2 sections within the bylaws I would like to brief review: First: ARTICLE II: PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of the Animal Campus Commission is to provide direct input into the operation of the Coachella Valley Animal Campus to create a community of no more homeless, unwanted, or lost animals. The Animal Campus Commission pledges to the community to: A. Foster a caring environment of respect, responsibility and compassion for all; B. Provide humane sheltering; C. Provide education to undertake and collaborate with Animal Samaritans and other animal welfare organizations for educational programs for the care and treatment of animals; D. Reunite pets and owners; E. Promote an aggressive adoption campaign; and F. Promote vigorous spay/neuter programs within the Coachella Valley. Second: ARTICLE IX: DUTIES AND POWERS The Animal Campus Commission shall have the following duties and powers: A. Establish Mission Statement for the Animal Campus Commission; B. Establish the date, time, and place of regular meetings of the Animal Campus Commission ; C. Review and recommend a budget for the Animal Campus Commission; D. Recommend policies for the operation of the Animal Campus, receive public comments, and respond to complaints; E. Establish policies and Administrative Regulations for responding to complaints; such Policies and Administrative regulations shall include referring complaints to the Director of Animal Services as deemed necessary; F. Notify member jurisdictions of vacancies on the Animal Campus Commission; G. Advise Riverside County Department of Animal Services when amending any ARTICLES of this Chapter or repealing this Chapter in its entirety; and the Animal Campus Commission shall maintain current by-laws at all times; H. Appoint committees of the Animal Campus Commission or the members of these committees and fill any vacancies on any committee; I. Observe Conflict of Interest Code; and J. Undertake such activities as may be necessary in order to support animal control services within the serviced cities and unincorporated areas of the county and otherwise act in an advisory capacity for the Department of Animal Services. Regarding Item D. Recommend policies for the operation of the Animal Campus, ... Adoptions, spaying, and neutering are often the first things we think about when talking about animal welfare. But effective policies are an important and significant part of improving outcomes for our community and its animals. I have highlighted a few items in the proposed contract that I hope will demonstrate the need for a collaborative approach to developing effective policies for the operation of the Animal Campus. Review municipal code : Policy discussion: Dog License/Microchipping 1. Is the contract consistent with the municipal code? 2. Is there a barrier for constituents to comply? 3. Is there a CA State requirement? 4. Does this satisfy Article 2, D. - Reunite pets and owners? The following is a screenshot of the La Quinta municipal code 10.08 Dog Licenses. The City's municipal code consistently reads that a microchip be implanted by a CA licensed veterinarian. This requirement is not mentioned in the contract. 10.08.050 - Application. %G AE The owner shall state at the time application for licensing is made, and upon standard printed forms of applications provided for such purpose, the following information and documentation for each dog: A. Name, address, telephone number, and email address of owner; B. Address where dog is kept; C. Name, breed, age, sex, whether dog is spayed or neutered, and the color of the dog; D. Proof of microchip by written statement of a California licensed veterinarian and microchip number. The following is a screenshot from the contract: EXHIBIT B-1, C, 18: 18. Microchipping: In accordance with California Food and Agricultural ("F&A") Code Sections 31108.3 and 31752.1, COUNTY shall ensure that all dogs and cats being reclaimed, adopted, or transferred to a new owner are microchipped with current information prior to leaving the shelter. The following is a screenshot from the Veterinary Medical Board regarding Microchip Implantation. Please note the following in the final paragraph: The VMB accepted the opinion bya 4/2 majority; therefore concluding that the microchip procedure was not the practice of veterinary medicine. Microchip Implantation The VMB hopes that the following historical overview will help to clarify the current status of the microchip issue: The microchip procedure was deregulated in 1997. Currently, the microchip procedure is not considered the practice of veterinary medicine, it can be done by unlicensed persons and it does not require any supervision of a licensed veterinarian. The following is a historical overview of micro chipping procedure in California. In 1987, microchip implantation was a new technology for identifying ownership of animals, similar to tattooing and ear tagging. Because the implants were new, there were concerns regarding consumer protection and the potential for animal harm due to the size of the needle, infection, rejection, and possible migration. Legal counsel determined that the VMB would have jurisdiction overthe process only if it was a "surgical operation." Based on the fact that a 12 -gauge needle was required for implanting microchips, the VMB concluded that the procedure was surgical and could be performed only by licensed veterinarians. In 1993, the Marin County Humane Society, several other humane groups, and representatives from the profession and the microchip industry asked the VMB to allow veterinarians to delegate microchip implants to persons working under their supervision. Strong evidence was presented to the VMB that since 1987, the use of the microchip implantation system had become widespread at animal shelters and humane societies and that concerns regarding the needle size, infection, and migration had proved unfounded. Legal counsel cautioned the proponents of the change that if the procedure were not considered a "surgical operation," the VMB might not have jurisdiction to regulate the process at all. Despite the caution, the consensus was that it was a safe procedure and it would be more cost-effective for consumers if veterinarians could delegate the task. Based on testimony and evidence submitted, the VMB revised its policy removing the surgical designation on microchip implants, and allowing it to be delegated to persons working under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian. In June 1997, the VMS's authority to regulate microchip implants was challenged. The policy revision in 1993 to remove the "surgery" classification for microchip implants was the basis for this challenge. At the VMB's public meeting in San Diego on October 24,1997, the VMB's legal counsel submitted an opinion that concluded that the microchip procedure was not a veterinary treatment over which the VMB had jurisdiction. The VMB accepted the opinion by a 4/2 majority; therefore concluding that the microchip procedure was not the practice of veterinary medicine. Any questions regarding this policy, please contact the Board. Contract: Exhibit A-1, C. SCOPE OF ANIMAL SHELTER SERVICES, Item 1., 1.8. Policy discussion: 1. Should there be a policy on how new services will be added or changed at the Animal Campus? a. Is the online service meeting the needs of the community? b. Why should a change occur? c. What is the expected outcome? d. Can the service be improved? 2. Does this program satisfy Article 2, D: Reunite pets and owners? From the contract: 1.8 Return of Impounded Animals: Encourage the return of any lost/stray animal (impounded by field personnel) to the rightful owner in the field, subject to the payment of impound fees. Ensure an opportunity for members of the public to report lost and found animals online. Here is a screen shot from RCDAS website for the public to report lost and found animals online: 0.lovelost- Petco Love I Petco Love Adopt I Petco Love Care I ..; Espanol Lost Pet Tips Found Pet Tips How to Help About We're here to help you find your pet Petco Love Lost is a free and easy way to search 200K+ lost and found pets to help them return home. COD C IFoundaPet Contract: Exhibit B-1, C. SCOPE OF ANIMAL SHELTER SERVICES, Item 7. Policy discussions: 1. Is the 90% live release rate a benchmark, a policy, or goal? 2. If a policy, compare and contrast the policy to the State of California. 3. What are the supporting actions necessary to achieve the goal of a 90%? The last sentence of this section: COUNTY shall continue to work toward the goal of a 90% live release rate (commonly referred to as "No Kill" facility) and provide periodic updates through the Ad -Hoc approved by Riverside County Board of Supervisors on July 30, 2024. A screen shot of the contract discussing "No Kill": 7. Euthanasia: Euthanasia is a non -preferred option and is to be used as a last resort when deemed there is no other outcome for an animal. Humane euthanasia services shall be provided as required for impounded animals held at the Shelter for the lawful number of days, if such animal is not reclaimed by the animal's owner and is deemed not adoptable by COUNTY. Untreatable Animals that are irremediably suffering from a serious illness or severe injury may not be held for owner redemption or adoption. Only euthanasia methods approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association shall be used. Records shall be kept for a period of not less than three (3) years on each euthanized animal shall include the following information: breed; sex; color; weight; other distinguishing characteristics; date, time and location where animal was found; method of euthanasia, and reason for use of method. COUNTY shall continue to work toward the goal of a 90% live release rate (commonly referred to as "No Kill" facility) and provide periodic updates through the Ad -Hoc approved by Riverside County Board of Supervisors on July 30, 2024. The following screen shots are from Best Friends website, No -Kill 2025 No -kill: The goal of ending killing in shelters No -kill is a benchmark Best Friends has established to help guide where we focus our efforts to save the lives of the pets most at risk in shelters. For a shelter to achieve what we consider no -kill, 90% of the cats and dogs coming into the shelter must be saved. Typically, no more than 10% of dogs and cats entering shelters are suffering from irreparable medical or behavioral issues that compromise their quality of life and prevent them from being rehomed, so that's how we arrived at the 90% benchmark. Is Your Community No -Kill? » A portion of 3rd paragraph reads: No -Kill is a collaboration between shelters and their community. The first step is for individuals to understand the progress being made in their own community and to know how they can help. NO -KILL 2025 v National Overview Click on a state to select a specific community. flue, iqk • 1R4-i4k 06I -lgk ■ygk Data Por the nations I and state level Is Cased on collected 2023 data and predictive modeling CasedeH ulpredous years oldala and community characteristics TOP PRIORITY: • Texas • California HIGH PRIORITY: MEDIUM PRIORITY: NO -KILL: Help our shelters achieve no -kill in 2025 In 2016, 1 million cats and dogs were being killed in America's shelters because shelters didn't have the community support or the resources they needed to save them. That same year, Best Friends committed to change that in 2025, and while incredible progress has been made, we need your help now more than ever to get across the finish line. No -kill is a collaboration between shelters and their community. The first step is for individuals to understand the progress being made in their own community and to know how they can help. And that is the purpose of the pet lifesaving dashboard. Whether you have 20 minutes or 20 hours a week, North Carolina Alabama • Delaware you can save lives. Dive into the dashboard to find Florida Louisiana • New Hampshire out how. Contract: Exhibit A-1, C. SCOPE OF ANIMAL SHELTER SERVICES, Item 21. Policy discussion: 1. What should be the procedure to enact policies that materially affect the operations of the CVAC? Ex: Should all affected jurisdictions formally approve? 2. What are the identified support actions required of the city, community, principal territory, private and non-profit sectors? Screen shot from the contract: 21. Community Cat Program (CCP): COUNTY shall determine a cat's eligibility for the CCP. If it is determined that a cat is eligible, the cat will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and eartipped. Once cat has recovered, the cat will be returned to place of origin. Screen shots from RCDAS website: March 12, 2024 The Riverside County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously today (Mar. 12) to support two resolutions by Animal Services officials: one that would see healthy, uninjured cats returned to their native environments, and the other providing support for the 5 000 Cat Challenge—an initiative that seeks to improve live outcomes for cats in Riverside County in 2024. its • DewasserrarAMISICSfinies Home Adopt Lost & Found Services Support About Newsroom English v 4 g What is the 5,000 Cat Challenge? The 5,000 Cat Challenge is an initiative to improve the outcomes and promote the health of Riverside County cats. Riverside County Department of Animal Services is working toward this goal by reducing barriers to adoption, bolstering a robust community cat program, providing foster, rescue, foster and spay/neuter opportunities, as well as managing intake in a way that aims to keep cats out of Local shelters. Cats that are sick or injured will be accepted into the shelter system where veterinary staff will work to restore the animal's health, along with spay/neuter services, if available, so that they can then be adopted, fostered or returned to their owner. Ways we are helping cats in our community RCDAS supports free roaming cats through Trap -neuter -return services and does not impound healthy adult cats unless in need. Most "stray" cats are actually a part of the community and do not have owners, the best thing that can be done for them is Trap -Neuter -Return. This ensures that the cat is spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and returned back to their outdoor "home" where they are looked after and cared for. Despite our efforts. an animal shelter is an extremely stressful place for cats. so returning to a place they know is far better for healthy outdoor cats. Fewer than 2% of stray cats coming in to RCDAS are reclaimed by an owner. The main reason for this is that many cats are actually free roaming cats and don't have an indoor home. Kittens who are born to these community cats make up a very large part of our stray intake. so there is no one to come looking for them. There are some occas ions where an owner of an indoor -outdoor cat does not come looking for the cat before they have been adopted out because they are used to their cat being gone for a few days at time. For more information on not impounding healthy adult cats visit the National Animal Care and Control Association position statement here. The following is the National Animal Care & Control Association's position statement for Animal Control Intake of Free -Roaming Cats referenced by RCDAS. See page 2 for a listing of program requirements and exceptions. KiiJi NATIONAL. ANIMAL CA.1 F $r CONT ROI_ ASSOCIATION The National Animal Care # Control Association is committed to &ellIng The standard of prvtesslonallsm in animal welfare and public safety r,hrouglr M11111114E. Fir/working, .and bddhro[tfrCy. AnJma4 Control Intake of Free-RDarmirlgCatt It is the position [polity] of the National An irnal Care & Control AsSatibtion that. at every o pportunity, officers thou Id [will] work to educate the public regarding humane and responsible co -existence and care of pet and community Cats, to include education on the benefits and resources forspayfneuter and vaccination; responsible feeding and management practices for those Choosing to care for corn munity cats; and effective methods to humanely deter and exclude anima Is from hornesr structures and targeted areas. It is the position of NACA that indiscriminate pick up or admission of healthy. free -roaming cats, regardless of temperament, for any purpose other than TN RANK. fails to serve commonly held goals of community animal management and protection programs and, as such, is a misuse of time and public funds and should he ovafd ed_ + Impoundment of healthy adult tats reduces the likelihood of reuniting families with pets; Last rats are 111 -SO times more likely to be reunited with their owners if they stay in the neighborhood of origin than through an animal shelter_ In fact, the most successful reunification method for cats is the cat returning home on its own. A family may not consider their free -roaming cat lost anti I the praint when the cat is rernoved frim the neighborhood and transported to a shelter_ ❑ Impoundment of healthy adult tats roavdlsproportionately impact under -served and marginalized communities ■ Only 1E% of participants in a program supporting raw income pet owners have ever called o r visited an animal shelter. and only 3% of pets in the same demographic were adopted from a shelter {compared to 30-40% for the general U.S. population I. suggesting that impoundment is likely to be a one way journey for pets belonging to low income community members. ■ Only "40 % cif people in the lowest income bracket {e$30,1:1O0.annual income) that last Cts were reunited with them, compared to . $50% reunited for those making 550,E or mare per year. + Impoundment hall the potential to increase cat populations and impact: The haphazard removal of individual eats is not population management_ Removal of Cts without concurrent control of the food source has been linked to paradoxical increases in cat populations by as much as ❑ Kittens pose a greater risk than adult cats for shedding and spreading parasites with wildlife and/or public health implications ]e_g_ t0000plasmosis,Toxacara €ati, Ancylostoma. spp.M, o therefore removing adult cats and destabilizing population age structures further increases risks to the environment. • Impoundmeretfalls toresolve the inciting factors for nuisance situations: if cats are simply impounded, community members may not be motivated to identify and remedy factors such as open garbage containers that may be attracting cats as well as nuisance wildlife_ TNR programs that leave cats where they are have been associated with significant reductions in nuisance complaints. worm .r aranet CNK P 913 76&1319 I f, 413,76..1378 INIE0 California Oaks Rd. r l2 Murlerta, CA 92562 NATIONAL ANIMAL The Mkabonal Animal Care &€antral Association is.cornrnhtied to ses[ir/ tMre standard ofi professkonatlsm m animal welfare 46d publk ii cti USeOugh &M eang., fl tw0tkirit. arld bevoutey. • Impoundment of healthy free roaming cats reduces capacity to respond to critical community needs: historically "stray mts" have made up the majority of intake at North American shelters. This can leave shelters overwhelmed, overcrowded and less able to provide appropriate care and outcomes for those animals that do require sheltering (such as sick and injured animals. those whose owners can no longer keep them, and animals that have been neglected Of abused). Impounding healthy cats is not the best way, to provide services to these cats and the residen13 in the area in which the cats are found- NACA advises officers to take proactive steps to divert intake of "stray cats" while offering services that support the goals of community animal management and protection programs: • Refer the public to local organizations or other staff/programs within the shelter that focus on trap - neuter -return, low-cost spay/neuter clinics, or utilize a return -to -home program within the agency if outside resources are not available or accessible. • Support ongoing care of community cats with information on best feeding practices, referrals to pet pantries and sources for outdoor cat shelters, etc- to reduce likelihood of future complaints and contribute to the wellbeing of the individual community cats. Feeding bans are not effective strategies for dispersing congregations of cabs or mitigating complaints. • Work with residents to mitigate nuisance cam plaints, deploying a range of available tools (e.g., humane deterrents) and collaborating with caregivers and local TNR and rescue groups. Exceptions to this policy should be made to mitigate exigent risk or to alleviate significant nuisance situations that can't be otherwise remedied (e.g. with counseling/education of caretakers, sterilization and vaccination of cats, use of humane deterrents). These circumstances are best identified through a managed admission program that includes contact and counseling prior to intake. Staff should be informed and encouraged to use their judgement on a case by case basis- Exceptions may include the following: • Evidence of a barrdonmentr Most rats in good body condition are receiving care, however in some circumstances it may be known that a cat has been recently abandoned, e.g. because it is known that the former owners moved and are riot returning to care for the cats, or because the structure where the cat was known to be living was recently, destroyed. • Evidence of being last and unable to reunite: While cats are more likely to return home on their owri or through posting in their neighborhood of origin, it may be appropriate to admit a healthy, free roaming cat if efforts have already been made to reunite it with the owner (e,g- pasting in neighborhood of origin and social media without results; cat has been seen for an extended time without encouragement by feeding). • Issues with larger groups: Large aggregations of cats may, be associated with greater nuisance and risks than individual free roaming cats. A multi -faceted approach should be taken in these cases that leads to gradual reduction or elimination of the group, such as: a combination of caretaker education, sterilization and gradual removal to adoption, and relocation to working cat homes. • Specific risks identified for wildlife: Removal may be part of a multi -faceted approach to cat management ii protected habitats far sensitive wildlife species. However, even in these cases, ad hoc www.ni+tinet.ow ! P 913.763.1319 I f, 513,768,13x8 413960 Cal ifornra asks Rd 11742 Murletta, CA'32562 NATIONAL. ANIMAL CART €= }NT POI AsSOC'rA i !o% The Natior►al Animal' Care fi Control Association n 4ornmlIted Co 50-eing the standard of protesslonalisan in animal weriare and pyhir# safety ehrOugh trOlnIrkg, networking. jrtid 0+64)04.r. removal lethal or non -lethal} has. not been demonstrated to be effective and in some cases has led to paradoxical papulation increases in target areas. Unless new arrivals tan be excluded by fencing, remorval must be sufficiently intensive and sustained to outpace new immigration and breeding, the natural consequence of a decrease in population density. Community buy -in is critical for success and a multi -faceted approach i5 required that includes input from natural resource personnel, animal services staff and mit advocates_ CONTRIBUTOR CREDIT Dr. Kate Hurley REFERENCES; 1. Lord, LK., et al., Search and identification methods that owners use to find a lost tat_ J Am Vet Med Assn; 2007. 230(2): p. 217-20. 2. E. Weiss, 1JI. Slater, L. Lord, et al. Frequency of Lost Dogs and Cats in the United States. and the Methods Used to Locate Them_ Animals (Basel). 2012 Jun; 2(211: 301-31E_ 3. pets For Life 2017 Program Report_ 2017. p_ 16 4. Hill, et al_ Humans and Animal Vulnerability Study_ S. Lazenby, R.T., Mooney, NJ_, and Dickman, C.R. i2U14). Effects of low-level culling of feral cats in open populations: a case study from the forests of southern Tasmania. Wildlife Research, 41, 401-470. 6. Finkler H, Gunther I, and Terkel J. "Behavioral differences between urban feeding groups of neutered and sexually intact free -roaming cats fallowing a trap -neuter -return procedure_" Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 23E, no. 9 (2011); 1141-1149. 7. Levy 7K, Isaza NM, Stott KC. Effect of high -i mpa€t targeted trap-rersuter-return and adaption of community cats on cat intake to ashelter. VeL J. 2014 Sep;201(3):269-74_ E. National Feline Research Council: feral cat feeding bans: The reasoning, risks, and results, 2020 w*rer.rratanet. : P 913.751-131.9 I f, 411768,1378 4o950 California Oaks Rd. rQd1.2 Murlett . CA 92562 Policy Discussion: Contract: Exhibit B-1, B Definitions, Items 2 and 3 The definitions contained in the contract for Adoptable Animal, Treatable, and Untreatable Animal are different than contained in Civil Code 1834.4 and Food and Agricultural Codes 17005 and 17706. Policy discussion: Definitions: 1. Are these definitions used uniformly in CVAC's principal territory? 2. When using these definitions, what are the potential or possible implications and outcomes for a contractor, staff, constituents, and the animals? 3. How will these definitions be used and for what purpose? 4. Why are these definitions different from CA Civil Code and the Food and Agricultural Code? 5. Can we compare and explain the difference in language between the CA codes and contract? Here is a screen shot from the contract - Exhibit B-1, B Definitions, Items 2 and 3 2. "Adoptable Animal" shall mean an animal eight (8) weeks of age or older that at or subsequent to the time the animal is impounded or taken into possession, has manifested no sign of disease, injury, or congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects the health or temperament of the animal, or that is likely to adversely affect the animal's health in the future. Dogs declared "vicious" or "potentially dangerous" under State and/or local laws shall be deemed unadoptable. 3. "Treatable" shall mean an animal with a medical condition such as skin problems, bad flea or skin infestations, a broken limb, abscesses, or problems that may be treated with appropriate resources, holding space, treatment and/or time. "Treatable" shall also mean an animal with behavioral Page 7 of 14 169 CLICK HERE to Return to Agenda conditions that may be corrected with time and proper training, such as chasing animals/objects, food aggression, etc. 4. "Untreatable Animal" shall mean any animal that is irremediably suffering from a serious illness or physical injury or behavioral condition and shall not be held for owner redemption or adoption. Here screen shots from California Legislation Information website: 1 LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION skip to content home accessibility FAQ feedbeek sib login Home Bill Information California Law Publications Other Resources My Subscriptions My Favorites P Quick Search: ( Bill Number :1 0 ilaurel. Law » Code Search» Cods Section Code Search Text Search Code: SalmiCodat] Section: tie^ « Previous Next» cross-reference checkered bile PDF Add TO My Favorites li CIVIL CODE - CIV DIVISION 3. OBLIGATIONS [1427 - 3273.69] ( Heading ofDivisian 3 amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 160, Sec. 14. ) PART 4. OBLIGATIONS ARISING FROM PARTICULAR TRANSACTIONS [1738 - 3273.89] (Part 4 enacted 1872. ) TITLE 3. DEPOSIT (1813. 1681.21 ( Title 3 enacted 1872. ) CHAPTER 2. Deposit for Keeping 0633 -1807] ( Chapter 2 enacted 1872. ) ARTICLE 1. General Provisions [1833 . (1840.1] (Article 1 enacted 1872. ) Search Phrase: 1834.4. (a) It is the policy of the state that no adoptable animal should be euthanized if it can be adopted into a suitable home. Adoptable animals include only those animals eight weeks of age or older that, at or subsequent to the time the animal Is impounded or otherwise taken into possession, have manifested no sign of a behavioral or temperamental defect that could pose a health or safety risk or otherwise make the animal unsuitable for placement as a pet, and have manifested no sign of disease, Injury, or congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects the health of the animal or that is likely to adversely affect the animal's health in the Future. (b) It Is the policy of the state that no treatable animal should be euthanized. A treatable animal shall Include any animal that is not adoptable but that could become adoptable with reasonable efforts. This subdivision, by itself, shall not be the basis of liability for damages regarding euthanasia. (Added by Stats. 1998, Ch. 752, Sec. S. Effective January 1, 1999.) LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION skip to content home accessibility FAQ feedbacksib lAgIn Home Bill Information California Law Publications Other Resources My Subscriptions My Favorites P Quick Search: 6811umber Mamie Lew » code Search as Code Section Code Search Text Search Code: ( Select coda l) Section: yg^ ec Prevlcus fig! a> Lroa-reference chaptered bins 8Gb I Add To My Favorites Search Phrase: FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL CODE • FAC DIVISION 9. ANIMALS GENERALLY [16301 -19700] (Division 9 enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15. ) PART 1, ANIMALS AT LARGE [16301 • 17153] ( Pad 1 enacted by Stats 1967, Ch. 15 ) CHAPTER 7. Estrays [17001 -17128] (Chapter 7 enacted by Stats 1967. Ch. 15. ) ARTICLE 1. Definitions and General Provisions [17001 •17006] (Articfe 1 enacted by Stats 1967. Ch. 15. ) Highlight 17000. Animals that are irremediably suffering from a serious illness or severe injury shall not be held for owner redemption or adoption. Except as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 31108 and subdivision (c) of Section 31752, newborn animals that need maternal care and have been impounded without their mothers may be euthanized without being held for owner redemption or adoption. (Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 194, Sec. 1. (A8 2791) Effective January 1, 2019.) LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION skip to content home accessibility FAg feedbacksib logic P Quick Search: ( Bill Number : ) C come Bila Information California Law Publications Other Resources My Subscriptions My Favorites Marcia caw as Cod. Search » Cod. Section Code Search Text Search Code: xc Prevlally Nod » rma-mrefence chdn vlcd bills EGO I Add To Me Favarttes FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL CODE - FAC DIVISION 9. ANIMALS GENERALLY [16301 -19700] (Division 9 enacted by Stats. 1967, Ch. 15. ) PART 1. ANIMALS AT LARGE [16301 - 17153] ( Part 1 enacted ty Stars. 1967, Ch. 15. ) CHAPTER 7. Estrays [17001 • 17128] (chapter enacledby Slats. 1957, Ch. 15. ) ARTICLE 1. Definitions and General Provisions 117001 -17006] (Article 1 enacted by Stats. 1967. Ch. 15. ) r!, (select Coda :) Search Phrase: Section: Search Highlight 17005. (a} It is the policy of the state that no adoptable animal should be euthanized if it can be adopted into a suitable home. Adoptable animals include only those animals eight weeks of age or older that, at or subsequent to the time the animal Is Impounded or otherwise taken into possession, have manifested no sign of a behavioral or temperamental defect that could pose a health or safety risk or otherwise make the animal unsuitable for placement as a pet, and have manifested no sign of disease, injury, or congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects the health of the animal or that is likely to adversely affect the animal's health in the future. (b) It is the policy of the state that no treatable animal should be euthanized. A treatable animal shall include any animal that 15 not adoptable but that could become adoptable with reasonable efforts. This subdivision, by Itself, shall not be the basis of liability for damages regarding euthanasia. (Added by Stats. 1998, Ch. 752, Sec. 10. Effective January 1, 1999.) Policy decisions discussions - Special considerations: 1. Effect of policy decisions by a city and the surrounding cities. 2. Are the policies meeting the needs of the citizens of the jurisdiction? Differing policy decisions can have a material impact on adjacent and neighboring jurisdictions. Here is an overview of the intakes on a jurisdiction adjacent to the CVAC. Specifically, how the Palm Springs Animal Shelter (PSAS) compares to CVAC. There is strong evidence to support that policies can affect constituent behavior and preferred animal welfare service provider. Policy information provided by PSAS from their website: 1. The following is a screenshot of a portion of the mission from the Palm Springs Animal Shelter's website: https://psanimalshelter.org/about/mission-and-history/ Committed to being a humane and compassionate animal care and adoption center, the shelter does not euthanize for space, or for length of stay. As a public, open admissions shelter we provide a safe haven for ALL animals; adoptable, those who require rehabilitation and training and those requiring minor to critical medical treatment. 2. Also, PSAS reports that the Live Release Rate (LRR) is a meaningful parameter to indicate a community's progress toward improving outcomes for its animals. Please see PSAS's 2023 statistical reports below. The following charts show that strays and owner relinquished animal rates are significantly higher in Palm Springs than any other Coachella Valley city. The reason for the significant difference can be attributed to the differing policies between the shelters. PSAS is considered a shelter that will treat the animals in their care. The following information has been taken from the published 2023 Riverside County By City Impounds report and the published 2023 PSAS Shelter Statistics: Stray Intakes in 2023: Summary of ALL Coachella Valley Cities STRAYS - 2023 Cathedral City CATS DOGS TOTAL COUNT % COUNT % COUNT % 291 14% 262 13% 553 13% Coachella 335 16% 318 16% 653 16% Desert Hot Springs 7 0% 8 0% 15 0% Indian Wells 10 0% 1 0% 11 0% Indio 362 17% 546 27% 908 22% La Quinta 75 4% 97 5% 172 4% Palm Desert 130 6% 78 4% 208 5% Rancho Mirage 36 2% 15 1% 51 1% Palm Springs 846 40% 726 35% 1,572 38% Total for all CV Cities 2,092 100% 2,051 100% 4,143 100% The Palm Springs Animal Shelter accounted for 38% of all stray cats and dogs brought into the 2 shelters (CVAC and PSAS). Owner Surrender Intakes in 2023: Summary of ALL Coachella Valley Cities OWNER SURRENDERS 2023 Cathedral City CATS DOGS TOTAL COUNT % COUNT % COUNT 9 3% 19 5% 28 4% Coachella 15 4% 46 13% 61 9% Desert Hot Springs 0 0% 3 1% 3 0% Indian Wells 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% Indio 3 1% 45 13% 48 7% La Quinta 21 6% 21 6% 42 6% Palm Desert 23 7% 12 3% 35 5% Rancho Mirage 2 1% 0 0% 2 0% Palm Springs 265 78% 205 58% 470 68% Total for all CV Cities 338 100% 351 100% 689 100% The Palm Springs Animal Shelter accounts for 68% of all Owner Surrendered cats and dogs brought into the 2 shelters (CVAC and PSAS). Owner Surrender & Stray Intakes in 2023: Summary of ALL Coachella Valley Cities STRAYS & OWNER SURRENDERS 2023 Cathedral City CATS DOGS TOTAL COUNT % COUNT % COUNT 0/0 300 12% 281 19% 581 12% Coachella 350 14% 364 25% 714 15% Desert Hot Springs 7 0% 11 1% 18 0% Indian Wells 10 0% 1 0% 11 0% Indio 365 15% 591 40% 956 20% La Quinta 96 4% 118 8% 214 4% Palm Desert 153 6% 90 6% 243 5% Rancho Mirage 38 2% 15 1% 53 1% Palm Springs 1,111 46% 931 63% 2,042 42% Total for all CV Cities 2,430 100% 1,471 100% 4,832 100% The Palm Springs Animal Shelter accounts for 42% of all Owner Surrendered and Stray cats and dogs brought into the 2 shelters (CVAC and PSAS). Animal Shelter Annual Activities and Live Release Rate atm t23Ia 12J3tf23 Arhv Iy CO Dy Ot1wr Gamirllc 'MINN Total tam,. A r, W, . (F..-w.d. rrah Ob morin - v is Mho e.rort J11od.L crlililliUnin by AO ....i) G Claimelm. 6urrrrii 285 c_ : :3 R Aziiiim Raw. 113 Irt 4 0 Stray B45 50 01 Truwhr In 20 .•1` a TNR 1(.pt by 11U15R 112 •a .NIA 141 483 SOS 3,7+9 2111 1 37 113.T.4L:WA ES I 4,3.76 I '.461 I 93 I if 3,013 &arra 56 11 6 t2 1. 21 C. 1 0 2 0 22 :r a- 0 41 0 C Iydrtolyd 986 1,..312 Bird 151 25 Irl. FhMGR 9$ 25 Mhevlor 0 4 Oni[.JI137 Mondalad•An nut Comm.: 0 1 RNLLRIR. F.N3FBRRawlldl:raF 1,351 113A, MlurnaaGuardian 49 SCO Tranefar 79 104 Aairrin ftr,rlarriOthsa 0 4 2,077 153 Q 110 1 7,.183 362 222 e TOTAL °OTO331.ES 2,592 [ 1.468 I 79 I 11]11 .1, 347 IOOU s rd.YlaN =Mod} ea 27 16 58 dO.4i j3.53di rrj 52 0.1 3 2 166 108 IJ.. rbl.n.. Rr. a cefr•rrarsk'r prograra Ic+uard irnp"ovi9 Po-SAS erre kee Uwe who dr. or ereeulh.yln¢ed (a ere crit, Arm or:rraols only, a-.s c crnelnod lir:. s Fie Fcldde MRnurrbors. Paro Sp-r5 A....,Sheller LMa 114aka44 Pala t FPI: LIAR is a mees•ngful paremaler torndGele OuLGorrre 3.7 de anima. 1FRac,4Glaeled by dine..:drpo the rnPberor#rrnFs Ihel erfia kstk bj 1ha MAI nun6rr 1 Wa smlmds riciIy .i R8IS 7racka LRt ter coli only dogs mottled protiously reprirad for rrporUna la BOO FrIonds Ankrial &l one: does ret Car Dy U11rar Dorn rile 7alalri Taus!' PSA S Similar OP 1 01.074 1 06 6V• 01 ax i2 6-% a4 $% `hoe: Tour LIN le noI incA1dlIQ WA, In The F6brr13..' Tierr4uler#r11rn Mg Rrc1111arn Iu Gigh0 r 'MYl14r 1.4r1 +73e re.. Trl4 p11C1 Plr Item tyhleler ro-r_rn In RwN 4527 13[ 95 . 79N {4raF1s 0 0 t1'k til. *10 0 ittilaso iyji0 117 swarms! torl •- 1,861 4 Bid 3 22 !u1}elriroad lleesorw 26 8 -Ab14.0 20 Ai Orrtaomma-• 1,409 12. PUS Tek Program OR I 09.074 I 7; +% I 0..061, I 90 2% JAR Cars: t,.527 7r4i eats R1raRrd' otiniag 2027. 77.31 r r h.r Yr1P' ry .Rrlr..4wr• pj7 MRrets .rllarc4rr t,...-.q 2on. 1254.40z 04iGOrnR.11 #O2S $Mnr4'4 few. 0,22 nils.srsr r..a:i71`41. kr Ms psoke &apart Ow...e :2r 24 41 T-113 df' 39: f S 003 POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 15, 2024 October 15, 2024 1 City Council Regular Meeting October 15, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting October 15, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT – MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA 11/15/2024 1 2 October 15, 2024 2 City Council Regular Meeting October 15, 2024 CLOSED SESSION IN PROGRESS Pledge of Allegiance 3 4 October 15, 2024 3 City Council Regular Meeting October 15, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT – MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA 11/15/2024 5 6 October 15, 2024 4 City Council Meeting October 15, 2024 P1 – Coachella Valley Association of Governments Arts and Music Line Project Update Arts & Music Line Project Status Update 7 8 October 15, 2024 5 CVWD Coordination Design Right-of-Way Environmental 9 10 October 15, 2024 6 Project Cost Design Right-of-Way Construction ATP 55.6% CVAG 33.3% Indio 7.4% La Quinta 2.8% Coachella 0.9% $65.6 million Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 CVWD Complete Plans Caltrans Approval Bidding Award Finish EDUCATION PROGRAM 2024 2025 2028 11 12 October 15, 2024 7 Avenue 48 Washington St – Dune Palms Rd 13 14 October 15, 2024 8 15 16 October 15, 2024 9 Avenue 48 Dune Palms Rd – Van Buren St 17 18 October 15, 2024 10 19 20 October 15, 2024 11 21 22 October 15, 2024 12 Ave 48 at Dune Palms Rd Ave 48 at La Quinta Evacuation Channel 23 24 October 15, 2024 13 Ave 48 at La Quinta Evacuation Channel Ave 48 at La Quinta Evacuation Channel 25 26 October 15, 2024 14 Ave 48 at Hjorth St Ave 48 at Hjorth St 27 28 October 15, 2024 15 La Quinta Evacuation Channel La Quinta Evacuation Channel 29 30 October 15, 2024 16 Ave 48 at La Quinta Evacuation Channel 31 32 October 15, 2024 17 La Quinta Evacuation Channel Connection to CV Link 33 34 October 15, 2024 18 CV Link Update Completed Segments 1/2 Segments 3/4/5 Segment 6 35 36 October 15, 2024 19 West Valley 11-mile uninterrupted pathway from Palm Springs Visitor Center to downtown Cathedral City East Valley 14-mile uninterrupted pathway from Washington Street in La Quinta through four other jurisdictions to Avenue 56 in Thermal Palm Springs 37 38 October 15, 2024 20 Palm Springs Palm Springs 39 40 October 15, 2024 21 La Quinta La Quinta 41 42 October 15, 2024 22 Indio Indio 43 44 October 15, 2024 23 Indio Coachella 45 46 October 15, 2024 24 Coachella Coachella 47 48 October 15, 2024 25 Substantial Completion December 2024 Closeout & Cleanup June 2025 City Council Meeting October 15, 2024 P2– November 2024 La Quinta Art Celebration Presentation 49 50 October 15, 2024 26 City Council Meeting October 15, 2024 P2– November 2024 La Quinta Art Celebration Presentation City Council Meeting October 15, 2024 P3 – Talus Development Project (Formerly SilverRock) – Status Update 51 52 October 15, 2024 27 City Council Meeting October 15, 2024 B1 – Approve Amendment No. 1 with The American Express Golf Tournament for FY 25-27 53 54 October 15, 2024 28 •La Quinta has hosted the tournament at PGA West and La Quinta Country Club since 2012. •Council approved a sponsorship contract for the golf tournament through 2027, not to exceed $800,000 in January 2022. •Since 2023, additional services from Police/Fire have been recommended by Police to ensure minimal impact to residents from the event and concerts. The Amex Golf Tournament •Amendment No. 1 proposes changes to the agreement that includes those additional services and the estimated increase cost of Police and Fire. •Other additional services include waste and recycling, post event requests, and facility use. The Amex Golf Tournament 55 56 October 15, 2024 29 Amex Economic Impact Public Safety Costs American Express Public Safety Costs Five Year Total Estimate 2027 Estimated 2026 Estimated 2025 Estimated2024 Actuals2023 ActualsPublic Safety $546,999$128,500$116,818$106,198$105,313$90,170Police $152,152$33,900$31,981$30,171$28,734$27,366Fire $326,519$78,210$71,753$65,828$57,838$52,980AMR $1,025,759$240,610$220,551$202,197$191,885$170,516Total $807,360 Projected Total Cost by 2026 $50,000 Public Safety Contingency 2025-2027 $74,240Other In-Kind Services 57 58 October 15, 2024 30 City Council Meeting October 15, 2024 B2 –APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER, FIELD, AND LICENSING SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 59 60 October 15, 2024 31 Animal Services Amendment Terms • July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025 • One full-time animal control officer • After-hours emergency services • RCDAS dog licensing services • Sheltering at Coachella Valley Animal Campus (CVAC-Thousand Palms) • RCDAS vehicle and equipment • Optional services of shot and spay/neuter clinics Estimated Cost FY 2024-25 $384,013 Contract Rates Field and Shelter Services Estimate MonthlyAnnually CostQuantityService $23,899$286,790$286,790 ea.2,080Full Time Animal Control Officer $2,074$24,887$179/hour139Estimated Overtime $3,629$43,545$36/day1,216Animal Sheltering $350$4,202$145/per29Wildlife Impounds $735 $8,820$73/per120 Deceased Animal Pick-Up and Disposal $221$2,656$11/impound233Operational and Maitenance $1,093$13,112$12 per license1,100Licsense Processing $32,001/month $384,013/FY Total Estimated Cost 61 62 October 15, 2024 32 Amendment Highlight • City of La Quinta incorporated language to affirm that euthanasia is to be used as a last resort when deemed there is no other outcome for an animal. Additional Spay and Neuter Services • Riverside County Animal Services • Mobile Clinic – May 2024 – Coachella Valley Campus - August 2024 – Next clinic date TBD • Working with other organization to secure additional clinics throughout the year 63 64 October 15, 2024 33 Questions 65 66