BSOL2022-0591 Structural CalcsMcPherson. En.girteering Structural Analysis Report For Photovoltaic System Addition to Existing Structure At The Kaintz Residence 81325 Columbus Way La Qu i nta, CA 92253 Digitally sealed by RJM on 2/6/23 Designed in Accordance with CBC 2022, ASCE 7-10, BSOL2022-0591 Date: 2/6/23 Job #: 22-14064 E.O.R.: Ryan McPherson, P.E. 9240 Limonite Ave Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 Mobile: (909) 566-0066 Email: SE@mcpe.group CI TY OF LA QU N TA BULDNGDVISCAN REVI EVED FOR CCCE CCLI AV CE BY: Deisy Mendez E: 0311412423 20.5kW PV SOLAR - (50) 410W PANASONIC EVPV410 MODULES + TESLA BATTERY BACKUP SYSTEM 14KWH. [1000SF] 2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. 1 of 7 2/6/2023 9:40 AM ©McPherson Engineering McPherson Engineering By: F.A. Date: 2/6/23 Table Of Contents Project Info 3 Gravity Loads 4 Lateral Loads 5 Wind Uplift Design 6 Summary 7 2 of 7 2/6/2023 9:40 AM ©McPherson Engineering Location: L McPherson Engineering By: F.A. Date: 2/6/23 81325 Columbus Way La Quinta, CA 92253 Existing Structure Info: Number of Stories = Aroof = A3rd flr = A2nd flr = Site Properties: 1 12000 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. Lattitude = 33.670262 Longitude =-116.245688 Ss = 1.560 Si = 0.641 Exposure Category = C Ult. Wind Speed = 130 m.p.h. P.V. Array Info: Project Info Roof Square Footage Third Floor Square Footage (if applicable) Second Floor Square Footage (if applicable) Model = EVPV380 Height of Panel = 67.80 in. Width of Panel = 40.00 in. Area of Panel = 18.8 ft.2 Number of New Panels = 50 Number of Exis. Panels = 0 Total Area of Array = 941.7 ft.2 Spacing of Anchors = 4.0 ft. max. on center rows of racks per panel = 2 Panel Tilt = 0-7 deg 3 of 7 2/6/2023 9:40 AM ©McPherson Engineering E McPherson Engineering By: F.A. Date: 2/6/23 Existing Loads: Roof Design Loads: Roofing = Sheathing = Framing = Misc = DLri = Ceiling = DLr2 = 2.0 p.s.f. 1.5 p.s.f. 1.5 p.s.f. 1.0 p.s.f. 6.0 p.s.f. 2.0 p.s.f. 8.0 p.s.f. LLr = 20.0 p.s.f. SL = 0.0 p.s.f. Floor Design Loads: (if applicable) Flooring = 10.0 p.s.f. Sheathing = 2.2 p.s.f. Framing = 2.0 p.s.f. Interior Partitions = 15.0 p.s.f. Ceiling = 5.0 p.s.f. Misc. = 0.8 p.s.f. DLf = 35.0 p.s.f. Proposed Loads: Gravity Loads TPO roofing 1/2" Plywood 2x Rafter/Truss Framing Roofing Dead Load (applied to top of rafters/trusses only) Drywall and 2x framing Total Existing Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load (Per C.B.C, Table 1607.1) Snow Load Weight of floor finish 3/4" plywood 2x framing or manufactured floor truss 2x framed walls with drywall finish each side Drywall ceiling finish below Total Existing Floor Dead Load Panels = 2.8 p.s.f. weight of panels including rack system DLr1_proposed = 8.8 p.s.f. Proposed Roof Dead Load (applied to top only) DLr2_proposed = 10.8 p.s.f. Total Proposed Roof Dead Load LLr_proposed = 0.0 p.s.f. Roof Live Loads need not be applied to the area covered with by PV panel where the clear space between the panels and the roof sureface is 24in or less, 1607.13.5.1 item 1 Exception Check Proposed Gravity Loads: Total Existing Roof Load Wex = (DLr1 + LLr) (Aroof) = 312.0 kips Total Proposed Roof Load Wprop = (DLr1 + LLr) (Aroof - Aarray) + (DLr1_proposed + LLr_proposed) (Aarray) = 295.8 kips Proposed Load Demand Wprop - Wex Wex = -5.20% TOTAL DECREASE IN GRAVITY LOADS, PANELS OK! 4 of 7 2/6/2023 9:40 AM ©McPherson Engineering E McPherson Engineering By: F.A. Date: 2/6/23 Seismic Design Parameters Risk Category = 2 Site Class = D Ss = 1.56 S1 = 0.64 S.D.C. = D Fa = 1.20 Fv = 1.70 SMS = SDS Fa = 1.87 SM1 = SD1 Fv = 1.09 SDS = 2/3 (SMS) = 1.25 SD1 = 2/3 (SM1) = 0.73 Lateral Loads Per Table 1-5-1 R = 6.5 Per 11.4.2 le = 1 Short Period P.G.A. 1-Sec Period P.G.A. Seismic Design Category Per 11.6 Site Coefficient per Table 11.4-1 Site Coefficient per Table 11.4-2 Short Period M.C.E. Per Eq. 11.4-1 1-Sec Period M.C.E. Per Eq. 11.4-2 Short Period Design Parameter Per Eq 11.4-3 1-Sec Period Design Parameter Per Eq 11.4-4 Approximate Fundamental Period (Per T = Ct (hn)x hn = 15 ft Ct = 0.02 x = 0.75 T = 0.15 sec TL = 8 sec Seismic Response Coefficient (Per Cs = (SDS le)/R = 0.19 Cs1 = 1.5*(SD1 le)/R T = 1.10 Cs2 = 0.01 Cs2 = 0.044 SDS le = 0.05 Cs3 = 0.5 Si le/R = 0.05 Cs = 0.19 Check Additional Base Shear Wexisting = Wpaneis = Vexisting = Cs Wexisting = Vpaneis = Cs Wpanels = Vpaneis Vexisting Response Modification Factor (Table 12-2.1) Seismic Importance Factor (Table 1.5-2) ASCE 7-16 Supplement #1 Tables used for Fa and Fv (note: section 11.4.8 Exception #2 calc used) per Eq. 12.8-7 (per table 12.8-2) (per table 12.8-2) Approximate Fundamental Period Long -Period Transition Period per Figure 22-12 Seismic Response Coefficient Per Eq. 12.8-2 Max. Seismic Response Coefficient Per Eq. 12.8-3 if T <_ TL Min. Seismic Response Coefficient Per Eq. 12.8-5 Min. Seismic Response Coefficient Per Eq. 12.8-5 Min. Seismic Response Coefficient Per Eq. 12.8-6 if Si >_ 0.6g Design Seismic Coefficient 96.0 kips 2.6 kips 18.4 kips 0.5 kips 2.73% < 10% Weight of Existing Structure Weight of Proposed Panels Roof Level Shear of Existing Structure Additional Roof Level Shear of Proposed Panels PER I.E.B.C. 1103.2 Exception #2, STRUCTURE DOES NOT REQUIRE SEISMIC RETROFIT, PANELS OK! 5 of 7 2/6/2023 9:40 AM ©McPherson Engineering E McPherson Engineering By: F.A. Date: 2/6/23 Wind Uplift Anchorage Rooftop Solar Panels Wind Pressures (Section 29.4, ASCE 7-16) Vuit = 130 mph KZt = 1.00 (sec 26.8.2) h = 15 ft Exposure Category = C KZ = 0.85 (sec 26.10.1) Roof Zone = 2 Kd = 0.85 (sec 26.6) Roof 0 = 0-7 deg Ke = 1.00 (sec 26.9) qh = 0.00256 KZ KZt Kd Ke V qh = 31.26 (eq. 26.10-1) GPp = -2 uplift YE = 1.5 (sec 29.4.4) Ya = 0.78 (fig 29.4-8) Flush Mounted Panels - ASCE Section Flat Roof Panels - ASCE Section 29.4.3 29.4.4 (where applicable) (where applicable) YE = 1.5 FIG 29.4-7) vc = 0.94 (fig 29.4-7) hpt = 0 Ya = 0.78 (fig 29.4-8) Yp = 0.9 (fig 29.4-7) w = 7.00 deg (panel tilt) GPp = -2 uplift GCrn, = 2 uplift P = qh (GPp) YE Ya (eq 29.4-7) p = -73.0 p.s.f. Check Anchorage to Existing Structure 0.6DL - 0.6W DL = W= Areaiag = SPanc = p = qh (GCrn) YE Yc Yp (eq 29.4-6) p = 79.2 p.s.f. controlling load combination (eq. 16-15 for ASD) 2.8 p.s.f. 79.2 p.s.f. 11.3 sq. ft. 4.0 ft. Puplift = Areaiag (0.6DL - 0.6W) = Material = Diaiag = Penlag = Wiag = CD = Ct = N °screws = dead load of panel (inlcuding rack system) wind load normal to face of panel area tributary to each anchor spacing of anchors 518.4 Ibs total uplift on anchor DFL lumber 5/16 in. 3 in. 266 lb/in. 1.6 0.8 1 anchor material diameter of screw min. penetration to existing framing withdrawal load per in. of penetration per NDS Table 11.2A load duration factor for wind per NDS Table 2.3.2 temperature factor per NDS Table 2.3.3 number of screws in withdrawal Pallow = Penlag (Wlag CD Ct) * Noscrews = 1021.44 Ibs total allowable withrawal on anchor Puplift Pallow = 0.51 < 1.00 Anchor is OK! Anchorage = USE (1) 5/16IN. DIA. LAG SCREW(S) AT 4FT. MAX. O.C. W/ 3.IN. MIN. PENETRATION 6 of 7 2/6/2023 9:40 AM ©McPherson Engineering E McPherson Engineering By: F.A. Date: 2/6/23 Summary Gravity Loads: DEMAND DECREASED BY 5.2% = OK! Lateral Loads: DEMAND INCREASED BY 2.73% < 10% = OK! Anchorage: DEMAND OF 518.4LB. < CAPACITY OF 1021.4LB. = OK! USE (1) 5/16IN. DIA. LAG SCREW(S) AT 4FT. MAX. O.C. W/ 3.IN. MIN. PENETRATION Summary: STRUCTURE IS ADEQUATE FOR THE PROPOSED PV ARRAY ANCHORS ON EAVES/OVERHANGS ARE OK! 7 of 7 2/6/2023 9:40 AM ©McPherson Engineering