2024 Onyx Paving Company Project 2024-12 FY 24/25 PMP - Notice of AwardNu September 19, 2024 Attn: Corey R. Kirschner Onyx Paving Company, Inc. 2890 E. La Cresta Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Subject: Notice of Award FY 24/25 PMP Fred Waring & Misc. Locations Project No. 2024-12 Dear Mr. Kirschner, W adda CALIFORNIA On September 17, 2024, the La Quinta City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $1,124,800 to construct the FY 24/25 PMP Fred Waring & Misc. Locations Project No. 2024-12 (Base Bid and Additive Alternates No. 1 & 2) to your firm. Enclosed please find one (1) original set of contract documents for signature by the principal(s) of your firm. Please execute the set of documents and return them to the City along with the bonds, City business license, and certificate of insurance with the City named as Additionally Insured. A fully executed set of documents will be forwarded to you upon final execution by the City. It is important that you contact me to schedule a preconstruction conference. I can be reached at (760) 275-2789. Please order any long-time lead items to help avoid delays. Please advise the City of any potential delivery delays or schedule conflicts. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, a[do Ayo r. ep 11, 202410:10 PDT) Ubaldo Ayon Public Works Assistant Construction Manager cc: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Project File 78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, California 92253 1760.777.1000 I www.laquintaca,gov 2024-12 Onyx Paving - NOA Final Audit Report 2024-09-19 Created: 2024-09-19 By: Carley Escarrega (cescarrega@laquintaca.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAcn2UUeOJw3wgtbhzZf8zro4ynwvjSifl "2024-12 Onyx Paving - NOA" History Document created by Carley Escarrega (cescarrega@laquintaca.gov) 2024-09-19 - 5:03:34 PM GMT Document emailed to uayon@laquintaca.gov for signature 2024-09-19 - 5:03:39 PM GMT Email viewed by uayon@laquintaca.gov 2024-09-19 - 5:04:26 PM GMT It Signer uayon@laquintaca.gov entered name at signing as Ubaldo Ayon Jr. 2024-09-19 - 5:10:00 PM GMT ala Document e -signed by Ubaldo Ayon Jr. (uayon@laquintaca.gov) Signature Date: 2024-09-19 - 5:10:02 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2024-09-19 - 5:10:02 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign