2024 11 05 HA Special MeetingLA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING Page 1 of 1 November 5, 2024 NOTICE AND CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY AND TO THE AUTHORITY SECRETARY: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the La Quinta Housing Authority is hereby called to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, commencing at 4:00 p.m. (or thereafter) at La Quinta City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 for the following purpose: CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED AUGUST 6, 2024 2. APPROVE REIMBURSEMENT FOR UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY COMPRISED OF 5.2 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (APN: 600-030-039) TO BP DUNE PALMS, LP, BY GENERAL PARTNER BLACKPOINT PROPERTIES, LLC Dated: October 31, 2024 /s/ Kathleen Fitzpatrick KATHLEEN FITZPATRICK, Chairperson Attest: MONIKA RADEVA, Authority Secretary DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, Authority Secretary, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the Special Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of La Quinta on November 5, 2024, was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on October 31, 2024. MONIKA RADEVA, Authority Secretary La Quinta Housing Authority HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA Page 1 of 4 NOVEMBER 5, 2024 SPECIAL MEETING HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2024 AT 4:00 P.M. (or thereafter) Members of the public may listen to this meeting by tuning-in live via https://laquinta.cablecast.tv/watch-now?site=1. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Authority Members: Evans, McGarrey, Peña, Sanchez, and Chairperson Fitzpatrick VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENT – AB 23 [AUTHORITY SECRETARY] PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Housing Authority on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the “Public Comments – Instructions” listed at the end of the agenda. The Housing Authority values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED AUGUST 6, 2024 5 Housing Authority agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web site: www.laquintaca.gov HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA Page 2 of 4 NOVEMBER 5, 2024 SPECIAL MEETING 2. APPROVE REIMBURSEMENT FOR UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY COMPRISED OF 5.2 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (APN: 600-030-039) TO BP DUNE PALMS, LP, BY GENERAL PARTNER BLACKPOINT PROPERTIES, LLC 7 HOUSING AUTHORITY MEMBERS’ ITEMS ADJOURNMENT *************************************** The next regular quarterly meeting of the Housing Authority will be held on January 21, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, Authority Secretary of the La Quinta Housing Authority, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Housing Authority was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on October 31, 2024. DATED: October 31, 2024 MONIKA RADEVA, Authority Secretary La Quinta Housing Authority PUBLIC NOTICES • Agenda packet materials are available for public inspection: 1) at the Clerk’s Office at La Quinta City Hall, located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253; and 2) on the City’s website at https://www.laquintaca.gov/business/city-council/housing- authority-agendas/, in accordance with the Brown Act [Government Code § 54957.5; AB 2647 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 971)]. • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777- 7123, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If background material is to be presented to the Housing Authority during a Housing Authority meeting, please be advised that 15 copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Authority Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA Page 3 of 4 NOVEMBER 5, 2024 SPECIAL MEETING PUBLIC COMMENTS - INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the Housing Authority on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in-person during the meeting by submitting 15 copies to the Authority Secretary, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to the Housing Authority, made public, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chairperson, a brief summary of public comments is asked to be reported. If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state “Written Comments” and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter. VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in-person during the meeting by completing a “Request to Speak” form and submitting it to the Authority Secretary; it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). Members of the public shall be called upon to speak by the Chairperson. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-027, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the Authority Secretary by completing a “Request to Speak” form noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers’ own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Chairperson. Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; 15 copies of such printed materials shall be provided to the Authority Secretary to be disseminated to the Housing Authority, made public, and incorporated into the public record of the meeting; it is requested that the printed materials are provided prior to the beginning of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Chairperson. All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City’s Internet Web site and any other Internet Web-based platform or HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA Page 4 of 4 NOVEMBER 5, 2024 SPECIAL MEETING other Web-based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 7920.000 et seq.]. TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY – INSTRUCTIONS Teleconference accessibility may be triggered in accordance with AB 2449 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 285), codified in the Brown Act [Government Code § 54953], if a member of the Housing Authority requests to attend and participate in this meeting remotely due to “just cause” or “emergency circumstances,” as defined, and only if the request is approved. In such instances, remote public accessibility and participation will be facilitated via Zoom Webinar as detailed at the end of this Agenda. *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES – PURSUANT TO AB 2449*** APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY IS IN EFFECT Verbal public comments via Teleconference – members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the “raise your hand” feature when public comments are prompted by the Chair; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the Housing Authority and general public and allow him/her/them to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note – members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Chairperson, in order to become audible to the Housing Authority and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Chair. ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82540879912 Meeting ID: 825 4087 9912 Or join by phone: (253) 215 – 8782 Written public comments – can be provided in person during the meeting or emailed to the City Clerk’s Office at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov any time prior to the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the Housing Authority, made public, incorporated into the public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chairperson, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk’s Office can accommodate such request. HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES Page 1 of 2 AUGUST 6, 2024 SPECIAL MEETING HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2024 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta Housing Authority was called to order at 4:20 p.m. by Chairperson Fitzpatrick. PRESENT: Authority Members: Evans, McGarrey, Peña, Sanchez, and Chairperson Fitzpatrick ABSENT: None VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENT – AB 23 was made by the Authority Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED JUNE 18, 2024 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Authority Members Peña/Sanchez to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROPRIATE FUNDS AND APPROVE FUNDING TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE TO AREA HOMELESS SERVICE PARTNERS FOR LOCAL HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAMS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 Management Analyst Kinley presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council expressed general support for the $300,000 annual allocation for these type of services; noted it was pleased that the maximum amount allowed to be expended annually from housing funds was increased from $250,000 to $500,000 via Assembly Bill 1782: Redevelopment: successor agencies: Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Asset Fund (Stats. 2024, Ch. 85, Ta) approved by Governor Newsom on July 15, 2024, which CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 5 HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES Page 2 of 2 AUGUST 6, 2024 SPECIAL MEETING provides cities contribution flexibility; over the next year additional housing programs could be evaluated to determine if City funding is beneficial and warranted, as well as possible funding reallocations; and the local organizations receiving the funds provide much needed assistance to the community regionally, and these programs are highly valued. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Authority Members Peña/Sanchez to appropriate funds of $50,000 from the Low-Mod Housing Authority fund to account number 243-0000-60531; and approve funding to provide $300,000 in assistance to local homeless service providers and homeless prevention partners in fiscal year 2024/25 as follows: Coachella Valley Rescue Mission $100,000 Martha’s Village and Kitchen $100,000 Coachella Valley Association of Governments $100,000 Motion passed unanimously. HOUSING AUTHORITY MEMBERS' ITEMS Authority Member McGarrey requested that the Coachella Valley Association of Governments provide an update to the Housing Authority on their homelessness assistance program. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Authority Members Evans/Peña to adjourn at 4:30 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, Authority Secretary La Quinta Housing Authority 6 City of La Quinta HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING: November 5, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE REIMBURSEMENT FOR UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY COMPRISED OF 5.2 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (APN: 600-030-039) TO BP DUNE PALMS, LP, BY GENERAL PARTNER BLACKPOINT PROPERTIES, LLC RECOMMENDATION Approve reimbursement in the amount of $366,542 for utility work associated with certain vacant real property comprised of 5.2 acres, located on the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road (APN: 600-030-039) to BP Dune Palms, LP, by General Partner Blackpoint Properties, LLC. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •On January 17, 2023, the Housing Authority (Authority) approved an Agreement for Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions (PSA) with BP Dune Palms, LP, by General Partner Blackpoint Properties, LLC (Blackpoint) to purchase 5.2 acres of vacant real property located west of the Home Depot Center on Highway 111, on the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road (Property), for an affordable housing development. •The PSA requires the Authority to relocate and underground the utility lines abutting Dune Palms Road at its own expense or reimburse Blackpoint if they complete it instead. •Blackpoint is finalizing this work and requesting reimbursement from the Authority. FISCAL IMPACT Total reimbursement cost for the utility improvements is $366,542. Funding is available in fiscal year (FY) 2024/25 budget, supplemented by unspent funds carried over from FY 2023/24 (account no. 249-0000-80050). After the requested reimbursement is paid, approximately $132,000 will remain available in the account for FY 2024/25 for other affordable housing projects and planning expenditures. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On January 17, 2023, the Authority adopted Resolution No. HA 2023-001 approving a PSA with Blackpoint to purchase 5.2 acres of vacant real property located west of the Home Depot Center on Highway 111, on the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 7 Road, for an affordable housing development with a connecting thoroughfare to CV Link, as depicted in the vicinity map included as Attachment 1 . The Property was acquired using a mix of Successor Agency (Fund 249) funds and General Fund Unassigned Reserves. Development of the Property will support affordable housing development as part of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) requirement for the City, provide commercial opportunities for businesses, and further the development of the Highway 111 Corridor Plan, which emphasizes mixed-use development. In October 2023, Blackpoint recorded Final Parcel Map No. 38668 (DOC # 2023-031546) with the Riverside County Recorder, subdividing the vacant lot into three parcels in accordance with State and City laws under the Subdivision Map Act (Gov. Code, § 66410 et seq.). Blackpoint retained the southern portion of the vacant lot along Highway 111 comprised of two new parcels (parcels 2 and 3), and the Authority purchased the northern portion, the Property (parcel 1) that affronts Dune Palms Road and the All American Flood Control Channel (Channel). On October 23, 2023, the Authority and Blackpoint executed Amendment No. 1 to the PSA which removed the Authority’s reimbursement obligations related to the construction of the Stormwater Outflow Line, including permits and approvals needed for the Northern and Southern Properties pursuant to Section 5.8.2; thus, the Authority is no longer responsible for these costs. On July 16, 2024, the Authority and Blackpoint executed a Side Letter Agreement, pursuant to Sections 5.8.1 and 5.8.4 of the PSA, requiring the Authority to reimburse Blackpoint for any costs associated with the utility relocation and undergrounding (A ttachment 2). The agreed upon amount is $366,542. The majority of work is already completed and Blackpoint has submitted a reimbursement request for $307,105.03 detailed in the invoices submitted as Attachment 3. Funding is available in FY 2024/25 budget. ALTERNATIVES As the Authority approved the PSA terms which require these improvements , staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Doug Kinley III, Senior Management Analyst, City Manager’s Office Approved by: Jon McMillen, Executive Director Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Side Letter Agreement with Blackpoint 3.Blackpoint – utilities relocation and undergrounding reimbursement invoices 8 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community City of La Quinta Design and Development Department PROPERTYACQUISITION DUNE PALMS AND HWY 111 December 2022 ® Planning DivisionDune Palms RdHighway 111 Walmart Coral MountainApartments La QuintaHigh School La Quinta Valley Plaza CVLink La Quinta DriveCostco Dunes BusinessPark ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. HA 2023-004 EXHIBIT A ADOPTED: OCTOBER 17, 20239 {BLKPNT/0026/AGR/02148814.DOCX 2} BP DUNE PALMS LP c/o Blackpoint Properties, LLC 1129 Industrial Ave, Ste. 205 Petaluma, California 94954 Phone: 415-601-2589 Email: jeff@blackpoint.com July 16, 2024 La Quinta Housing Authority 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Jon McMillen, Executive Director City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Gilbert Villalpando Director, Business Unit and Housing Development City Manager's Office Gvillalpando@laquintaca.gov Re: Parcels 1, 2, and 3 of Parcel Map No. 38668 filed October 25, 2023 as 257 PM 35, NEC CA Hwy 111 & Dune Palms Rd, La Quinta, CA 92247 (the “Property”) Dear Mr. McMillen and Villalpando: As you know, in connection with the development of the above-referenced Property, and pursuant to Section 5.8.1 of that certain Agreement for Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions dated January 18, 2023 (as amended, the “PSA”) by and between BP Dune Palms LP (“BP”), as the Seller, and La Quinta Housing Authority (“Authority”), as the Buyer, concerning the Authority’s purchase of that portion of the Property designated as Parcel 1 on the referenced Parcel Map, the Authority is obligated to complete the utility relocation and undergrounding of the Utility Lines (as defined in the PSA) abutting Dune Palms Road, at the Authority’s sole cost, and BP is obligated to complete the utility relocation and undergrounding of the Utility Lines abutting State Highway 111, at BP’s sole cost, as required by IID (as defined in the PSA). The PSA further provides, at Section 5.8.4, that in the event that, in connection with BP’s development of Parcels 2 and 3, BP completes the required undergrounding of Utility Lines along Dune Palms Road, the Authority shall reimburse BP for the cost of that work, including all related fees, costs and expenses for permits or other approvals, on the conditions set forth in Section 5.8.4. This letter constitutes the written notice by BP to the Authority, and when countersigned by the Authority below, the written agreement between BP and the Authority described in Section 5.8.4 of the PSA; provided, however, that if IID requires the Authority (or City of La Quinta (“City”)) and/or BP to enter into a separate utility relocation and reimbursement agreement or other similar form of agreement that would also govern the relocation and undergrounding of the Utility Lines along Dune Palms Road and/or appurtenant to Parcel 1, then BP, and Authority and/or City, will enter into such agreement. ATTACHMENT 2 10 {BLKPNT/0026/AGR/02148814.DOCX 2} BP hereby agrees to undertake and cause the completion of the utility relocation and undergrounding of Utility Lines abutting Dune Palms Road as required by IID (the “Dune Palms Road Undergrounding Work”), including the work described in the J. H. Thompson & Sons, Inc. scope of work letter dated June 24, 2024 and attachments thereto (“Scope of Work”) attached to this letter as Exhibit A, at the Authority’s expense. Authority shall reimburse BP for, or at BP’s direction shall pay directly to BP’s contractor, all of the actual cost (including engineering, survey, staking, testing and inspection costs, and the cost of the work described in the Scope of Work including contractor’s reasonable overhead and profit) of the Dune Palms Road Undergrounding Work within ten (10) days following presentation of written progress payment applications therefor in commercially reasonable form. The total cost of the Dune Palms Road Undergrounding Work, excluding engineering, survey, staking, testing and inspection costs and Fees (hereinafter defined), is set forth in the Scope of Work. BP shall not approve any change order which has the effect of increasing the cost of the Dune Palms Road Undergrounding Work without Authority’s written approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. BP and the Authority further agree that the cost of all administrative, permit, and inspection fees and any other fees imposed by IID, by any government agency or by any other utility company in connection with the relocation and undergrounding of Utility Lines on or abutting the Property in Dune Palms Road and/or State Highway 111 (collectively, the “Fees”) shall be allocated between them as follows: The portion of the Fees included in the cost of the Dune Palms Road Undergrounding Work shall be equal to the total amount of Fees multiplied by that fraction in which the numerator is the number of linear feet of utility conduit used in the relocation and undergrounding of Utility Lines in or alongside Dune Palms Road, and the denominator is the total number of linear feet of utility conduit used in the relocation and undergrounding of Utility Lines on and abutting the Property. The Authority shall reimburse BP for, or at BP’s direction shall pay directly to the assessing authority, the portion of the Fees included in the cost of the Dune Palms Road Undergrounding Work within thirty (30) days following receipt of BP’s invoice therefor. The parties acknowledge that the Dune Palms Road Undergrounding Work will require an encroachment permit to be issued by the City of La Quinta (“City”), the application for which will be submitted by BP following execution of this letter agreement. The Authority agrees to use best efforts and facilitate, and work with the City, so as to expedite review and approval by the City of an encroachment permit (and any other City-issued permits), required for the Dune Palms Road Undergrounding Work, within ten (10) working days following submission of a complete application. Nothing in this letter agreement absolves or shall be deemed to absolve the City’s regulatory authority or legal obligations for processing of permits. Please confirm the Authority’s agreement to the above terms by returning a countersigned copy of this letter signed by Authority’s authorized representative in the space below. When signed by both parties, this letter shall constitute a binding agreement between the parties hereto. [signatures on next page] 11 12 {BLKPNT/0026/AGR/02148814.DOCX 2} EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK See attached 13 Page 1 of 6 14 Page 2 of 6 15 Page 3 of 6 16 Page 4 of 6 17 Page 5 of 6 18 T1241314-50'1241330-50'1241329-50'UN1159212SUN1171062SUN1036969SUN1171063HHIGHWAY 111DUNE PALMS RDCORPORATE CENTER RDUN1103106HUN1247107HNEW PMH-11UN1247106SUN1171064PPICK-UP EXIS. 6-6"(CSP 4004006)R1R3R4R4R3320'25250'25P85'25P70'25175'66185'66(1-6)430'66EXIS. 3-#1/0 ACN 7.2/12.5 KV (4008) D DE E G GG GG G G G D D D D D D E E E EG GE ED DSTUB-OUTSTUB-OUTR210' IID EASEMENTTO BE GRANTED10' IIDEASEMENT TOBE GRANTED10' IID EASEMENTTO BE GRANTED10' IID EASEMENTTO BE GRANTEDPICK-UP EXIS. 2-5"(CSP 4004006)P(A-B)P(1-6)P(1-6)P10' EASEMENT10' EASEMENTPUN1247335S75'25PSTUB-OUT150'25(A-B)R1R16'TO BE RELOCATEDUN1241302V1210783-35'255'46(7-10)PR4R4G GD DD DUN1247336S125'66(1-6)PPR4R4GG240'25PUN1247338HDESIGN'D:CKT:SERV. ORDER:DATE:SHEET OFIID1:50T.5, R.7, SEC.29SCALE:SERV. NOTIF.:SUB:FILE NAME:I.MILWARD60143304 N. LA QUINTACONDUIT LAYOUT04/23/202411BP DUNE PALMS LP403590840084035908 PROJECT SITEADAMS ST.WESTWARD HO DR.HIGHWAY 111DUNE PALMS RD JEFERSON ST.LARGE SWITCH PADREFER TO SHEETS 192-193, 210-212, 219-221 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020SUBSTRUCTURE MEDIUM VAULT EQUIPMENT ENCLOSUREREFER TO SHEETS 184-185, 210-212, & 235-240 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020STRUCTURAL DETAILS:1) TYPICAL, STUBOUTS ARE REQUIRED TO AVOID UNDERMININGTRANSFORMER PADS AND SEC. PULLBOXES IN THE FUTURE.CONDUIT NOTES:INSTALL 2-5" CND SCH.40 PVC PER SHOWN LENGTH.(REFER TO SHEETS 10-11,111-123 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020)25PTRENCHING DETAILS:G GCOMPACTION BACK FILL MULTI PRI. DUCTREFER TO SHEETS 116 & 122-123 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020D D2-4 PRI. DUCT CONC. ENCASEDREFER TO SHEETS 116 & 122-123 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020E E5-9 PRI. DUCT CONC. ENCASEDREFER TO SHEETS 116 & 122-123 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020STUB OUT MARKER DETAILREFER TO SHEETS 124 & 125 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020INSTALL 6-6" CND SCH.40 PVC PER SHOWN LENGTH.(REFER TO SHEETS 10-11,111-123 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020)66PCAUTION: IID ENERGIZED STRUCTURES & CABLECURVE DATA TABLE<# RADIUS LENGTHTRENCHING NOTES:TYPICAL: CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL2" LINE GUARD TAPE (RED)"CAUTION: BURIED ELECTRIC LINE BELOW."(REFER TO SHEET 122 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020)TYPICAL: 7'-8" FROM FACE OF CURBTO CENTER OF TRENCH.CONDUITS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 10' P.U.E.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTES.(REFER TO SHEET 113 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020)R112.5' 90° 19.63'INSTALL 6-6" CND SCH.40 PVC PER SHOWN LENGTH.(REFER TO SHEETS 10-11, 111-123 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020)66PSTUB-OUTPRIMARY RISER POLEREFER TO SHEET 120 & 262 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 202012.5' 45° 9.81'R2R3INSTALL 2-5" CND SCH.40 PVC PER SHOWN LENGTH.(REFER TO SHEETS 10-11,111-123 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020)25PSTUB-OUT25.0' 45° 19.63'R425.0' 90° 39.26'INSIDEOUTSIDEVAULT DETAIL:VAULT: UN1159212S LOOKING: NORTH----XXX-1XX324X5--6-12XXXXXX3456--------INSIDEOUTSIDEVAULT DETAIL:VAULT: UN1247106S LOOKING: NORTH----15--326A4B------341265--------------INSTALL 4-6" CND SCH.40 PVC PER SHOWN LENGTH.(REFER TO SHEETS 10-11,111-123 OF THE D.E.P.G. REV. 5.24 2020)46PINSIDEOUTSIDEVAULT DETAIL:VAULT: UN1247335SLOOKING: EAST----15--326-4-------341265--AB----------INSIDEOUTSIDEVAULT DETAIL:VAULT: UN1247336SLOOKING: NORTH----79---810---------341265--------------CITY OF LA QUINTA IID SCOPE:CONSTRUCT AND PROPORTIONALFEESDEVELOPER TO CONSTRUCTHATCHED AREA - CITY RESPONSIBLEFOR PROPORTIONAL IID FEES(UN1247106S TO SOUTH CORNER)345'440'Page 6 of 619 Date:9/1/2024 BP Dune Palms, LP City of La Quinta Vendor Expense Amount 100% JH Thompson GC General Contractor 164,099.70$ Truxaw & Associates - Staking Civil Engineering 3,496.67$ ACBI - Cultural Monitor Special Inspections 575.00$ TOTAL 168,171.37$ 168,171.37$ ATTACHMENT 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 - Single Mobilization for City IID Work 27 28 Charge Date Charge Code Description Fixed Charge Quantity Unit Price Amount Sales Ta x 8/15/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 4.00 125.000000 $500.00 8/25/2024 Monitoring Admin Fee $75.00 0.00 0.000000 $75.00 Invoice Payment Terms: Net BP Dune Palm s LP 11 29 Industrial Avenue Ste 205 Petaluma, CA 94952 $0.00 Ag ua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians 8/25/2024 Billing Address 30 Sales Tax: 5401 Dinah Shore Drive Palm Springs, CA 92264 Phone 760.699.6800 Fax 760.699.6808 Service Address Make Checks Payable to Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Contract 03-003-2023-001 To tal:$575.00 If you would like your invoice by email, let us know at accounting@aguacaliente.net BP Dune Palms LP Highway 111 & Dune Palms Mixed Use Dev 79520 & 79580 Hwy 111 La Quinta, CA If you have any questions concerning this invoice, please contact Accounting at accounting@aguacaliente.net 5410 Days 29 Date:10/1/2024 BP Dune Palms, LP City of La Quinta Vendor Expense Amount 100% JH Thompson GC General Contractor 123,294.60$ CRM Tech Archeology Special Inspections 2,325.00$ ACBI - Cultural Monitor Special Inspections 13,314.06$ TOTAL 138,933.66$ 138,933.66$ 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Invoice Date 8/29/2024 Invoice # 6067 Bill To Blackpoint Properties, LLC Attn: Clement Balser 1129 Industrial Avenue, Suite 205 Petaluma, CA 94952 Ship To Tentative Parcel Map No. 38668 Project In the City of La Quinta Riverside County, California CRM TECH Project No. 4102 CRM TECH 1016 E. Cooley Drive, Suite A/B Colton, CA 92324 P.O. No. Progress billing.Total Balance Due Payments/Credits Serviced Description Qty Rate Amount 7/29/2024 Monitoring 8 95.00 760.00 7/30/2024 Monitoring 8 95.00 760.00 7/31/2024 Monitoring 7 95.00 665.00 7/31/2024 Field documentation 0.5 80.00 40.00 8/1/2024 Field documentation 0.5 80.00 40.00 8/2/2024 Field documentation 0.75 80.00 60.00 $2,325.00 $2,325.00 $0.00 40 41 42 43 44 Charge Date Charge Code Description Fixed Charge Quantity Unit Price Amount Sales Ta x 7/29/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 7.50 125.000000 $937.50 7/30/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 7.50 125.000000 $937.50 7/31/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 6.50 125.000000 $812.50 8/1/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 5.25 125.000000 $656.25 8/5/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 8.00 125.000000 $1,000.00 8/6/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 5.50 125.000000 $687.50 8/7/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 7.00 125.000000 $875.00 8/8/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 7.50 125.000000 $937.50 8/11/2024 Monitoring Admin Fee $1,026.56 0.00 0.000000 $1,026.56 Invoice Payment Terms: Net BP Dune Palms LP 11 29 Industrial Avenue Ste 205 Petaluma, CA 94952 $0.00 Ag ua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians 8/11/2024 Billing Address 30 Sales Tax: 5401 Dinah Shore Drive Palm Springs, CA 92264 Phone 760.699.6800 Fax 760.699.6808 Service Address Make Checks Payable to Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Contract 03-003-2023-001 To tal:$7,870.31 If you would like your invoice by email, let us know at accounting@aguacaliente.net BP Dune Palms LP Highway 111 & Dune Palms Mixed Use Dev 79520 & 79580 Hwy 111 La Quinta, CA If you have any questions concerning this invoice, please contact Accounting at accounting@aguacaliente.net 5389 Days 45 Charge Date Charge Code Description Fixed Charge Quantity Unit Price Amount Sales Tax 8/28/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 4.00 125.000000 $500.00 9/4/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 4.00 125.000000 $500.00 9/5/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 4.00 125.000000 $500.00 9/8/2024 Monitoring Admin Fee $225.00 0.00 0.000000 $225.00 Invoice Payment Terms: Net BP Dune Palms LP 1129 Industrial Avenue Ste 205 Petaluma, CA 94952 $0.00 Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians 9/8/2024 Billing Address 30 Sales Tax: 5401 Dinah Shore Drive Palm Springs, CA 92264 Phone 760.699.6800 Fax 760.699.6808 Service Address Make Checks Payable to Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Contract 03-003-2023-001 Total: $1,725.00 If you would like your invoice by email, let us know at accounting@aguacaliente.net BP Dune Palms LP Highway 111 & Dune Palms Mixed Use Dev 79520 & 79580 Hwy 111 La Quinta, CA If you have any questions concerning this invoice, please contact Accounting at accounting@aguacaliente.net 5492 Days 46 Charge Date Charge Code Description Fixed Charge Quantity Unit Price Amount Sales Ta x 9/9/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 6.50 125.000000 $812.50 9/10/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 7.50 125.000000 $937.50 9/11/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 7.75 125.000000 $968.75 9/12/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 8.00 125.000000 $1,000.00 9/16/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 8.00 125.000000 $1,000.00 9/17/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 8.00 125.000000 $1,000.00 9/18/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 6.00 125.000000 $750.00 9/19/2024 Monitoring Cultural Monitoring $0.00 6.00 125.000000 $750.00 9/22/2024 Monitoring Admin Fee $1,082.81 0.00 0.000000 $1,082.81 Invoice Payment Terms: Net BP Dune Palm s LP 11 29 Industrial Avenue Ste 205 Petalum a, CA 94952 $0.00 Ag ua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians 9/22/2024 Billing Address 30 Sales Tax: 5401 Dinah Shore Drive Palm Springs, CA 92264 Phone 760.699.6800 Fax 760.699.6808 Service Address Make Checks Payable to Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Contract 03-003-2023-001 To tal:$8,301.56 If you would like your invoice by email, let us know at accounting@aguacaliente.net BP Dune Palms LP Highway 111 & Dune Palms Mixed Use Dev 79520 & 79580 Hwy 111 La Quinta, CA If you have any questions concerning this invoice, please contact Accounting at accounting@aguacaliente.net 5513 Days 47 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 48