CC Resolution 2024-040 Facility Naming PolicyRESOLUTION NO. 2024 — 040
WHEREAS, a facility naming policy establishes uniform procedures, eligibility
criteria, and allows for the consideration and acceptance of facility naming requests of
places, history, persons, and/or organizations that are undeniably significant to the City of
La Quinta; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta finds it appropriate to establish
a facility naming policy to provide guidance to City staff for vetting facility naming requests;
WHEREAS, the ability to accept, deny, or modify facility names are acts taken
solely for the common benefit of the City and its citizenry; and
WHEREAS, said policy shall be adopted by resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
La Quinta, California, as follows:
SECTION 1. The Facility Naming Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A and
incorporated herein by this reference shall govern the consideration of facility naming
requests in a matter that is for the common benefit of the City.
SECTION 2. This Policy, as applicable shall constitute the procedures and rules
governing the consideration of naming requests.
SECTION 3. Severability. If any provision of this Resolution or the application
therefore to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other
provisions or applications of this Resolution which can be given effect without the invalid
provision or application, and to this end of the provisions of this Resolution are severable.
The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Resolution irrespective
of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof.
SECTION 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City
Council held on this 5th day of November 2024, by the following vote:
Resolution No. 2024 — 040
Facility Naming Policy
Adopted: November 5, 2024
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AYES: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, and Mayor
NOES: None
City of La Quinta, California
WILLIAM H. IHRK1, City Attorney
City of La Quinta, California
City of La Quinta, California
Resolution No. 2024 — 040 EXHIBIT A
Facility Naming Policy
Adopted: November 5, 2024
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To establish uniform procedures for the naming or renaming of City facilities in a manner that
is compatible with community interest, the City's core values, and the enhancement of La
Quinta's legacy. The purpose of the policy is to establish criteria and processes to guide the
naming/renaming of City Facilities in a manner that ensures that Facility names honor places,
history, persons, and/or organizations that are undeniably significant to La Quinta.
The following guidelines have been established to provide for a consistent and uniform
procedure in the naming or renaming of City facilities, (collectively, "Facility(ies)") which
includes parks, park amenities, buildings, meeting rooms in City owned buildings, fire stations,
or recreational facilities.
A. General Guidelines
1. The City Council shall have the final authority to name and rename all Facilities.
2. The City Council shall have the final authority to designate commemorative Facilities
names and plaques.
3. Under extraordinary circumstances, the City Council may, with a super majority vote of at
least four City Council members, revoke the current name of any Facility.
4. No Facility shall be named after a seated elected or appointed official.
5. Current full-time La Quinta Residents may request the naming/renaming of City Facilities
by submitting a completed Facility Naming Application to the Community Services
6. City Facilities named/renamed after a person shall not be changed once established
unless the City finds the individual to be undeserving or the naming/renaming of the
Facility to be inappropriate subject to a revocation hearing.
B. Qualifications for Naming of City Facilities
Qualifying criteria include the following:
a. Facilities may be named or renamed after any group, individual, or family, living or
deceased that has made significant and substantial contributions of a service, cultural,
or historic nature to the City of La Quinta, as determined by the City Council. Significant
and substantial contributions encompass a variety of impactful actions and initiatives
that enhance the well-being and development of the community. These contributions
can include outstanding achievements in the following:
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Facility Naming Policy
Adopted: November 5, 2024
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i. Volunteer Work — Dedicating time and skills to support local organizations, charities,
schools, and community events.
ii. Educational Initiatives — Providing tutoring, mentorship, or educational programs that
improve literacy, knowledge, and skills among youth and/or community members.
iii. Economic Development —Supporting local businesses, creating job opportunities, or
developing projects that boost the local economy.
iv. Environmental Efforts — Leading or participating in sustainability projects, such as
community gardens, recycling programs, or clean-up drives.
v. Cultural Enrichment — Promoting arts, music, and cultural events that celebrate
diversity and foster a sense of community.
vi. Advocacy and Social Justice — Championing causes that address social inequalities,
support marginalized groups, and advocate for policy changes.
vii. Public Safety — Working with local law enforcement or organizing neighborhood
watch programs to ensure a safe community environment.
viii. Infrastructure Improvements — Initiating or participating in projects that improve
public spaces, such as parks, community centers, or public transportation.
ix. Youth Engagement — Creating or supporting programs that engage and empower
young people, providing them with opportunities for growth and development.
These contributions demonstrate a commitment to the betterment of the community, fostering
a supportive, vibrant, and sustainable environment for all its members.
b. The area in which the honoree made the most contribution should be considered when
determining which Facility will be named after that person or group. That is, when
possible, there should be a correlation between the service provided by the honoree and
the Facility.
c. No Application shall be submitted to rename a Facility after an individual until at least
one (1) year following the death of such individual. This provision may be waived by a
super majority vote of at least four (4) City Council members. This guideline is
appropriate to establish a waiting period to ensure that an individual's accomplishments
and contributions will stand the test of time; and that decisions shall not be made on an
emotional basis immediately following a person's death.
d. When evaluating whether to rename a Facility, the party making the request shall
consider all factors he/she/they deem relevant, including whether some or all of the
Resolution No. 2024 — 040
Facility Naming Policy
Adopted: November 5, 2024
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following requirements accurately describe the person or organization for whom the
Facility is proposed to be renamed:
Requirements for Consideration:
i. The person or organization must be a full-time La Quinta resident for a minimum of
ten (10) years. Non -full-time residents and/or former residents who lived in La Quinta
at least ten (10) years but then relocated may be considered by Council on a case
by case basis.
ii. The person or organization must have dedicated a minimum of fifteen (15) years to
serving the community.
iii. In the event a person or organization of extraordinary qualifications does not meet
the requirements above, but otherwise bears or has borne a clear connection to the
City of La Quinta, the City Council may at its discretion waive requirements (i) and
(ii) above.
a. Extraordinary qualifications are those that are above and beyond that of
significant contributions and include, but are not limited to, sacrifice in the line
of duty as a member of the United States Armed Forces, Riverside County
Sheriff's Department, Riverside County Fire Department, or as somebody
who has made a historic or national contribution that has brought positive
attention to the City of La Quinta.
b. A clear connection to the City of La Quinta is to be determined upon the
judgment of the City Council, but can include school attendance or
employment within the City.
Supplemental Requirements:
i. The person or organization made lasting and significant* contributions to the
protection of natural or cultural resources of the City of La Quinta; or
ii. The person or organization made substantial* contributions to the betterment of a
specific Facility consistent with the established standards for the Facility; or
iii. The person or organization made substantial* contributions to the advancement of
recreational opportunities with the City of La Quinta; or
iv. The person or organization was associated with an economic development or
redevelopment activity; or
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Facility Naming Policy
Adopted: November 5, 2024
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v. The person or organization had a positive impact on the lives of La Quinta's
*Additional information as to how/why the contribution of the individual or organization was
significant or substantial is required and must be described in detail in the Facility Naming
e. Upon the naming or renaming of a Facility, the name shall not be used for any other
dedication or renaming within the city of La Quinta.
f. The City Council, in its sole and unlimited discretion, may remove or change the name
of any Facility at any time, unless contractually obligated otherwise.
g. The City Council reserves the right to revoke the naming of a facility if new information
comes to light about the individual that does not reflect the values of the City of La Quinta
or if such information would result in the individual not meeting the criteria outlined
above. In the instance that a name is revoked, the facility will revert to its original name.
h. Naming/renaming requests associated with financial or in-kind sponsorships will be
considered following the guidelines set forth in the City's Sponsorship Policy adopted
via Resolution No. 2024-005. Site sponsorship criteria outlined in the Sponsorship Policy
are distinct from Facility Naming Requests, as the former pertains to branding
opportunities linked to financial or in-kind contributions, while the latter involves the
official designation of physical spaces, independent of any sponsorship agreements.
C. Facility Naming Criteria
1. City Facilities
a. For purposes of this Subsection C.1, City facilities refer to parks, park amenities,
buildings, meeting rooms in City owned buildings, fire stations owned by the City, or
recreational facilities.
b. City facility names shall be selected to either recognize natural features related to the
La Quinta community or to recognize a person or organization that made a lasting and
significant contribution to the betterment of the City of La Quinta.
c. Areas within City facilities that may be named separately from the main building include
points of entry; rooms/patios within a City building; facility features (such as a column or
fountain); walkways; trails, recreational facilities (such as group picnic areas, sports
fields, water features, recreational amenities, or park monuments); physical features
(such as mountains, hills, or vistas); drive -ways; or other related items. Only City -owned
properties can be renamed.
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Facility Naming Policy
Adopted: November 5, 2024
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d. City Council retains discretion to name an alternative Facility or area within a Facility to
the Facility requested.
e. The following City facilities are considered ineligible for renaming:
• La Quinta City Hall — Including the Council Chambers, lobby, meeting rooms,
hallways, and entryways.
• *La Quinta Library
• *La Quinta Museum
• *La Quinta Wellness Center
• Civic Center Campus
• Fred Wolff Nature Preserve
• Bear Creek Trail
• Wolff Waters Place Apartments
*Areas within the above facilities, such as rooms, courtyards, etc. remain eligible for renaming
2. Commemorative Plaques
a. If a facility is named or renamed after a person or organization, a commemorative plaque
shall be placed in the public facility at the discretion of City Council.
D. Facility Naming Procedure
1. Requests for naming and/or changing the name of a City Facility shall be submitted to the
Community Services Department in writing via the City's Facility Naming Application. If
the proposed Facility is in recognition of a person or organization, the applicant is required
to provide clear evidence that the person or organization to be honored has made lasting
and significant contributions to the betterment of the City of La Quinta.
2. All submittals, whether from an individual, or organization must include the name, phone
number, email, and address of the submitter. No anonymous submittals will be accepted.
Sitting City Council Members and Commissioners are not permitted to submit facility
naming requests.
3. Upon receipt of the application, the Community Services Department shall review the
application. If the application meets all requirements, the request to name/rename the
facility must follow the three-step public meeting process as follows:
a. Arts and Community Services Commission (ACSC) Meeting No. 1:
Staff will add the facility naming/renaming request to an upcoming ACSC
meeting agenda as a Presentation Item. Items listed on public meeting agendas
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Facility Naming Policy
Adopted: November 5, 2024
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as Presentations are for informational purposes only. The ACSC will not take
an official action at the conclusion of the Presentation.
ii. Submitting party will present their request including the location of the proposed
renaming, information about the person/organization for whom the Facility is
proposed to be renamed and their contributions to La Quinta, why the facility
should be renamed, and any public outreach that was conducted to gather
community input about the proposed renaming.
iii. If a consensus to move forward is reached, staff will add the renaming request
to an upcoming ACSC meeting as a Business Session Item.
b. Arts and Community Services Commission (ACSC) Meeting No. 2:
The ACSC will consider the proposed facility renaming as a Business Session
Item and evaluate the impact the person/organization has had on the
community of La Quinta.
ii. The ACSC will examine the information provided in the Facility Naming
Application, including the letters of support and resident signatures
requirement, and make a recommendation to City Council.
iii. If the ACSC approves the renaming request to be presented to Council, staff
will add it to an upcoming Council meeting as a Business Session Item. If the
ACSC does not recommend the naming/renaming, their decision will be
reflected in the meeting minutes, however at staff's discretion, the request may
go to City Council for consideration.
c. City Council Meeting No. 3:
City Council will consider the ACSC's recommendation and discuss the
proposed facility naming/renaming as a Business Session Item to evaluate and
determine if the person/organization for whom the Facility is proposed to be
renamed has had a significant impact on the community of La Quinta.
ii. City Council will make the final decision to name or rename a City facility. If the
request is denied by City Council, no further action is taken. If the City Council
approves the request, staff is directed to go forward with implementing the
naming of the Facility. The steps taken to implement the request will be
developed as an internal City process. The decision of the City Council will be
final. Designation of the new Facility name will be approved by City Council and
reflected in the minutes.