RFP Hwy 111 Construction Management & Inspection Services Project 2022-25 - Addendum 1 DATE: November 7, 2024 TO: All Prospective Highway 111 Rehabilitation Construction Management Services RE: RFP Highway 111 Rehabilitation Construction Management Services ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 The following shall be considered as incorporated into the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the above- referenced services. Portions of RFP not specifically mentioned in this Addendum remain in force.  REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Question 1: Will Cyber security insurance be required for this project? Answer: No, Cyber security insurance will not be required Question 2: Page 1 of 18 of the RFP, it specifies submitting 1 original in a sealed envelope and emailing a PDF format. However, on page 10 of 18, there are no instructions regarding email submissions. Can you please clarify the following: How many hard copies are required to be hand-delivered? Is it necessary to email a PDF as well? If so, should the cost proposal also be included in the emailed submission? It also says on Page 10 that “Proposal packages are to be submitted to the City on/or before Monday, November 18, 2024 at/or before 5:00 p.m. Proposals received after the stated deadline shall not be accepted. Proposal packages are to be delivered to:” so can you please confirm if emailed proposal are acceptable or if physical copies need to be delivered? Answer: Please submit one hard copy of the proposal and one hard copy of the cost proposal in a separate envelope, as well as emailing a PDF copy of the proposal and a separate PDF copy of the cost proposal in the same email. Both email proposal and physical copies should be delivered on/or before Monday, November 18, 2024, at/or before 5:00 p.m. Question 3: Page 11 of 18 of the RFP, requests a list of complementary services offered by the proposer along with corresponding prices. Since the cost proposal is submitted separately, could you please clarify the expectations for this section? Specifically, should the prices listed here be included in the separate cost proposal, or are they intended to be detailed in this section as well? Answer: The description/discussion can be provided in the main proposal with the associated costs included in the separate cost proposal. Question 4: Will plans and specs be released to be reviewed? Answer: Yes, please download here: https://naiconsulting.sharefile.com/d- s726ad5057d3d4e539476c2ab8a0532cd Question 5: If emailed submission are allowed, does the Fee Schedule pdf need to be password protected to ensure that it is similar to a “sealed” “separate envelope” printed version? Or does the Fee Schedule need to be within its own section of the Work Proposal? Answer: Within same email include a separate PDF copy of the cost proposal Question 6: The RFP only lists the proposed improvement tasks and material quantities on page 5. Is any additional project information available such as plans, specifications, Engineer’s Estimate for construction and anticipated working days? Answer: See link in question 4. Question 7: Please clarify which information is being requested for Sections 5. Setup and Training Options/Procedure and 6. Integration Services/Options on page 11 since no description is given for each section and they reference things like training and integration that are not mentioned in the Scope. Answer: “5. Setup and Training Options/Procedure” and “6. Integration Services/Options” has been removed Question 8: Are there plans for a pre-proposal meeting? Answer: No Question 9: Does the City have an expected project schedule/timeline? Answer: Yes, project start date would be May 2025 with 90 working days for construction Question 10: Are we subject to providing the 700 Form? We acknowledge that Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) is required under the California Political Reform Act of 1974 for individuals involved in financial decision- making affecting the City, our scope of work does not include any decision-making authority or responsibilities that could impact the City's financial interests. Please confirm. Answer: Yes, the CM is involved in recommending financial decision making. Question 11: Is a detailed not to exceed budget required or would a fee schedule suffice? Answer: Fee schedule is required as a Time and Material set-up Question 12: What is the anticipated number of working days? Answer: 90 days Question 13: What is the total engineer's estimate? Answer: $7M Question 14: Does the project include day or night work? Answer: Day work with options for night work, please include night work fees in your fee schedule under separate approval needed Question 15: Does this contract have any DBE goals? Answer: Not for Construction Management but yes for the project Question 16: What are the traffic control lane closure hours limitations during day and night on Highway 111? Answer: Per Specifications Section 3000: Except as otherwise directed, as shown in the approved traffic control plan, and/or authorized by the City Engineer, two-way vehicular traffic shall be maintained at all times within a minimum of two, 12-foot-wide lanes, unless otherwise noted on the plans. At no time shall the Contractor be allowed to reduce the traveled way to one- way vehicular traffic. No reduction of the traveled way width shall be permitted between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., unless otherwise shown in the approved traffic control plans, or prior authorization to do so is granted by the City Engineer. No lane closures shall be permitted or allowed on any City street before 8:30 a.m. and after 3:30 p.m., unless otherwise shown in the approved traffic control plans, or unless authorization to do so is granted by the City Engineer. No reduction of traveled way width shall be permitted on any City street before 8:30 a.m. or after 3:30 p.m., on weekends or holidays, or when active work is not being done, unless otherwise shown in the approved traffic control plans, or unless prior authorization to do so is granted by the City Engineer. The Consultant is hereby notified; Addendum No. 1 must be acknowledged as required under Section 6, Addenda and submitted as part of the RFP. Failure to acknowledge and incorporate addenda will not relieve the proposer from the responsibility to meet all terms and conditions of the RFP and any subsequent addenda. END OF ADDENDUM NUMBER 1