EA 2022-0012 Jefferson Square SP 2002-062 Amend 3 - Mitigated Monitoring ProgramJefferson Square Flora Residential Project Table 1 Jefferson Square Multi -Family Development Mitigation and Monitoring Program Section Mitigation Measures Responsible for Monitoring Timing Impact after Mitigation IV. 13I0-1: To ensure compliance with California Fish and Game Code and Biological the MBTA and to avoid potential impacts to nesting birds, vegetation Resources removal activities should be conducted outside the general bird nesting season (January 15 through August 31). Any vegetation removal and/or Planning construction activities that occur during the nesting season will require Department that all vegetation be thoroughly surveyed for the presence of nesting birds Prior to earth Less than by a qualified biologist. Prior to commencement of clearing, a qualified Qualified moving significant biologist shall conduct preconstruction surveys within 14 days. If any Biologist activities active nests are detected a buffer of 300 feet (500 feet for raptors) around the nest adjacent to construction will be delineated, flagged, and avoided until the nesting cycle is complete. The buffer may be modified and/or other recommendations proposed as determined appropriate by the biologist to minimize impacts. V. Cultural CUL-1: The presence of a qualified archaeologist and Tribal monitor Resources shall be required during all project related ground disturbing activities at and around the reinterred resource site. If disturbances to that location — Planning and potentially to the depth of eight feet — cannot be avoided, the applicant Department shall work with the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians regarding the possibility of moving the cremation remains to a different portion of the Qualified During grading project area, and shall demonstrate to the City in writing that this Archaeologist and other agreement has been executed and undertaken to the Tribe's satisfaction. Developer ground Less than The project applicant shall record a permanent 10-foot by 10-foot disturbing significant easement at the reinterred site at the southwest corner of the project, in Approved favor of the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians concurrent with recordation Native activities of the Parcel Map. American In the event that potentially significant archaeological materials are Monitor discovered, all work must be halted in the vicinity of the archaeological Developer discovery until the archaeologist can assess the significance of the find, and its potential eligibility for listing in the California Register of City of La Quinta Page 1 Initial Study Mitigation and Monitoring Program August 2024 Jefferson Square Flora Residential Project Section Mitigation Measures Responsible for Monitoring Timing Impact after Mitigation Historical Resources (CRHC). Should buried cultural deposits be encountered, the monitor may request that destructive construction halt in the vicinity of the deposits, and the monitor shall notify a qualified archaeologist (Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines), within 24 hours, to investigate. Additional consultation with the tribes may be required. VII. GEO-1: Overexcavation and Recompaction — Building and Foundation Geology and Areas Soils To reduce post -construction soil movement and provide uniform support for the buildings and other foundations, overexcavation and recomposition within the proposed building footprint areas should be performed to a minimum depth of at least twelve (12) inches below existing grades. The actual depth of the overexcavation and recompaction should be determined by the geotechnical field experts during Planning construction. The exposed subgrade at the base of the overexcavation Department should then be scarified, moisture -conditioned as necessary, and compacted. The overexcavation and recompaction should also extend laterally five feet (5') beyond edges of the proposed footing or building Project Soil During Less than limits. Any undocumented fill encountered during grading should be Engineer construction significant removed and replaced with Engineered Fill. This will apply to Buildings 1, 4, 5, and 6. For Buildings 2 and 3, recommendations presented in the Project Geotechnical Engineering Investigation should be followed. Construction Overexcavation and Recompaction — Proposed Parking Areas Contractor To reduce post -construction soil movement and provide uniform support for the proposed parking and drive areas, overexcavation and recompaction of the near surface soil in the proposed parking area should be performed to a minimum depth of at least twelve (12) inches below existing grades or proposed subgrade, whichever is deeper. The actual depth of the overexcavation and recompaction should also extend laterally at least three 3 feet beyond edges of the proposed paving limits or to the City of La Quinta Page 2 Initial Study Mitigation and Monitoring Program August 2024 Jefferson Square Flora Residential Project Section Mitigation Measures Responsible for Monitoring Timing Impact after Mitigation property boundary. Any undocumented fill encountered during grading should be removed and replaced with Engineered Fill. Any buried structures encountered during construction should be properly removed and the resulting excavations backfilled with Engineered Fill, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM Test Method D1557. Excavations, depressions, or soft and pliant areas extending below planned finished subgrade levels should be cleaned to firm, undisturbed soils and backfilled with Engineered Fill. Concrete footings should be removed to an equivalent depth of at least 3 feet below proposed footing elevations or as recommended by the Soils Engineer. Any other buried structures encountered, should be removed in accordance with the recommendations of the Soils Engineer. The resulting excavations should be backfilled with Engineered Fill. A representative from a professional geotechnical firm should be present during all site clearing and grading operations to test and observe earthwork construction. This testing and observation is an integral part of the service as acceptance of earthwork construction is dependent upon compaction of the material and the stability of the material. The soils engineer may reject any material that does not meet compaction and stabilityre uirements. GEO-2: During grading and construction of the site, the project shall use Planning the upper organic -free, on -site, native soils to backfill or replace removed Department soil. Should the project require imported soil and fill material, it should be tested to ensure any contaminants of concern are within DTSC's and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Regional Screen Levels Project Soil During grading Less than (RSLs) for the intended land use. To minimize the possibility of Engineer and construction significant introducing contaminated soil and fill material there should be documentation of the origins of the soil or fill material and, if applicable, Project sampling be conducted to ensure that the imported soil and fill material Construction meets screening levels outlined in the PEA for the intended land use. The Contractor soil sam ling should include analysis based on the source of the fill and City of La Quinta Page 3 Initial Study Mitigation and Monitoring Program August 2024 Jefferson Square Flora Residential Project Section Mitigation Measures Responsible for Timing Impact after Monitoring Mitigation knowledge of the prior land use. Additional information can be found by visiting DTSC's Human and Ecological Risk Office (HERO)webpage. XIII. Noise Planning Department N0I-1: The project construction contractor shall equip all construction During Less than equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained noise Project construction significant mufflers, consistent with manufacturer's standards. Construction Contractor Planning Department N0I-2: The project construction contractor shall locate staging areas During Less than away from off -site sensitive uses during project development. Project construction significant Construction Contractor Planning Department N0I-3: The project construction contractor shall place all stationary During Less than construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from Project construction significant sensitive receptors nearest the project site whenever feasible. Construction Contractor N0I-4: Once final plans are available to detail the exterior wall Planning construction and a window manufacturer has been chosen, a Final Department Acoustical Report (FAR) shall be submitted to the City to demonstrate the Once final plans Less than reduction capability of the exterior facades and to identify any specific are available significant upgrades necessary to achieve an interior noise level of 45 dBA CNEL or Project below. Applicant N0I-5: Should the commercial retail development plan be picked for PA2, the project proponent shall include prohibition on deliveries to Planning Prior to Less than Shops 1, Shops 2 and Pad C during the hours of 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. in the Department occupancy of significant project CC&Rs shall be submitted to the City Attorneys office for review buildings and approval prior to issuance of building permits. City of La Quinta Page 4 Initial Study Mitigation and Monitoring Program August 2024 Jefferson Square Flora Residential Project Section Mitigation Measures Responsible for Timing Impact after Monitoring Mitigation Project Applicant Planning NOI-6: The use of heavy equipment is prohibited within 15 feet of Department Prior to issuance Less than existing commercial structures, unless the provisions of NOI-7 are first of demolition or significant implemented. Project grading permits Applicant NOI-7: If heavy equipment is necessary within 15 feet of existing structure the following actions shall be implemented prior to issuance of grading permits : o Identify structures that could be affected by ground -borne vibration and would be located within 15 feet of where heavy construction equipment would be used. This task shall be conducted by a qualified structural engineer as approved by the City's Director of Community Development or designee. o Develop a vibration monitoring and construction contingency plan for approval by the City's Director of Community Planning Development, or designee, to identify structures where Department Prior to issuance monitoring would be conducted; set up a vibration monitoring of demolition or Less than schedule; define structure -specific vibration limits; and address significant the need to conduct photo, elevation, and crack surveys to Project grading permits document before and after construction conditions. Construction Applicant contingencies would be identified for when vibration levels approached the limits. o At a minimum, monitor vibration during initial demolition activities. Monitoring results may indicate the need for more intensive measurements if vibration levels approach the 0.2 PPV (in/sec) threshold. o When vibration levels approach the 0.2 PPV (in/sec) limit, suspend construction and implement contingencies as identified in the approved vibration monitoring and construction City of La Quinta Page 5 Initial Study Mitigation and Monitoring Program August 2024 Jefferson Square Flora Residential Project Section Mitigation Measures Responsible for Timing Impact after Monitoring Mitigation contingency plan to either lower vibration levels or secure the affected structures. City of La Quinta Page 6 Initial Study Mitigation and Monitoring Program August 2024