0104-073 (AR) Title 24• 1 TITLE 24 REPORT I i • Title 24 Report for: The ANDERBERG Residence at: 44-425 Foxtail Circle i La Quinta, CA 92253 I • ; Project Designer: - CI OF LA QUINTA i BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. •� APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION i i DATEt BY k� I Report Prepared • ! Christopher Mc Fadden C.M. Energy Consulting 72-925 Ffe arin Suite 204 Palm Des , CA 92 • (760) 346-8014 I Nu er: i 0112.00 i • Date: 5/22/01 i • ! The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized.in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 1998 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. j i This program developed by Gabel Dodd/EnergySoft, LLC (415) 883-5900. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft Job Number: 0112.00 User Number: 1088 f K] • 4 • Mandatory Measures 'Checklist: Residential MF -1 R r NORE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component specifications. 10 10 110 10 is L] `., 10 i • 141 DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or enter N/A if not applicable. DESIGNER �ENFORCEMENI Building Envelope Measures '§ 150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation in wood frame assembly, or equivalent U -value. § 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturers labeled R -value. '§ 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in framed walls or equivalent U -value (does not apply to exterior mass walls). '§ 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in wood framed floors. § 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate < 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate < 2.0 permfinch. ® §118: Insulation specified or installed meets quality standards. Indicate type and form. ®§116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Manufactured fenestration products labeled with certified U -value, SHGC, and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. §150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. §150(0: Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Section 151 meets Commission quality standards. §150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have closable doors, outside air intake with damper and control, and Flue damper and control; 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures §110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. §150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. §150(1): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. §1500): Pipe and Tank Insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters with less than 0.58 energy factor shall be externally wrapped with R-12. 2. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined internal/extemal insulation, piping between heat source and tank insulated. 3.lnsulation on the first 5' of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems (R4 or greater), buried or exposed piping in recirculating sections of hot water systems, cooling system piping below 55 deg F. ®' §150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums constructed, installed, insulated, fastened, and sealed to comply with the ICBO 1997 UMC sections 601 603; ducts insulated to a minimum installed R-4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely within conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape aerosol sealant or other duct closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL181, UL181S, or UL181B and other applicable specified test for longevity given in 150(m). 2. Exhaust fans systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 3. Gravity ventilating systems servng conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. X] §114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. Certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof instructions, no pilot or electric resistance heating. 2. System is installed with at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater, cover for outdoor pools or spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. U §115: Central Furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no constant pilot light. Lighting Measures ®§150(k)1: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. ® 150(k)2: Rooms with a shower or bathtub must either have at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternative to this requirement allowed in 150(k)2.; and recessed ceiling are IC (insulation cover) approved. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Paget of 1 • INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Part 1'of 7) CF -6R Site ress Permit Number An installation certificate is required to be posted at the building site or made available for all appropriate inspections. (The information provided on this form is required; however, use of this form to provide the information is optional.) After completion of final inspection, a copy must be provided to the building department (upon request) and the building owner at occupancy, per Section 10-103(b). HVAC SYSTEMS: Heating Equipment Equip. # of Efficiency' Duct Duct or Heating Heatingg Type (pkg., CEC Certified Mfr Name Identical (AFUE, etc.) Location Piping Load Capacity heat pump) & Model Number Systems [>= CF -1 R Value] (attic, etc.) R -Value (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Cooling Equipment _ Equip. CEC Certified Compressor # of Efficiency, Duct Cooling Coolingg Type (pkg., Unit Mfr Name & Identical (SEER, etc.) Location Duct or Load Capacity heat pump) Model Number Systems [>= CF -1 R Value] (attic, etc.) R -Value (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) .I. >= reads Greater Than or Equal to. I, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above is: (1) the actual equipment installed; (2) equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1 R) submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings; and (3) the equipment meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Part 6), where applicable. Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner WATER HEATING SYSTEMS: CEC Certified Distribution If Recir- # of Rated2 Tank Effi-2 2 External Heater Mfr Name Type((Std, culation, Identical Input (kW Volume ciency Stand byy Insulation Type & Model Number Point-SUse) Control Type Systems or Btu/hr) Gallons (EF, RE) Loss (%) R -Value 2 For small gas storage (rated input of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list Energy Factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75,000 Btu/hr), list Recovery Efficiency, Standby Loss and Rated Input. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Recovery Efficiency and Rated Input. 3 R-12 external insulation is mandatory for storage water heaters with an energy factor of less than 0.58. Faucets & Shower Heads: All faucets & showerheads installed are certified to the Commission, pursuant to Title 24, Part 6, Section 111. I, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above my signature is: (1) is the actual equipment installed; (2) equivalent to or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1 R) submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings; and (3) equipment that meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Part 6), where applicable. Signature, Date COPY TO: Building Department Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner HERS Provider (if applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:1 of 7 iF- j INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Part 2 of 7) CF -6R fSite� resat -- - --- PermitNumber FENESTRATION / GLAZING: Product U- Product Interior or Value' SHGC' Exteror Shading (=<CF -1 R (=< CF -1 R # of Quantity Square Device or Comments/ Manufacturer/Brand Name value)2 valuey Panes (Optional) Feet Overhang Special Features ROUP LIKE PRODUCTS 1. 2. - _..._._. 3..... ..... 4. 5.. 6. - -- -- 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.-- 14. 15. 1. Manufactured Fenestration products use the values from the product label. Field fabricated fenestration products use the default values from Section 116 of the Energy Efficiency Standards. 2. Installed U -value must be less than or equal to values from CFA R. Installed SHGC must be less than or equal to values from CFA R, or a shading device (interior, exterior or overhang) is installed as specified on the CFA R. Alternatively, installed weighted average U -values for the total fenestration area are less than or equal to values from CFA R. I, the undersigned, verify that the fenestration/glazing listed above my signature (1) is the actual fenestration product installed; (2) is equivalent to or has a lower U -value and lower SHGC than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1 R) submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings; and (3) the product meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from Part 6), where applicable. Item #s Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor(Co.Name) (if applicable) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner, OR Window Distributor Item #s Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) (if applicable) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner OR Window Distributor Is Item #s Signature, Date Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) (if applicable) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner OR Window Distributor COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider (if applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy - EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:2 of 7 la 1• 10 1• 0 0 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Part 3 of 7) CF -6R i��AdaressPermit um er DUCT DIAGNOSTICS 1 This buiding obtained compliance credit for: Duct sealing 1 Duct Area Reduction ACCA Manual D design and installation j CREDIT FOR REDUCED DUCT SURFACE ACCA Design AREA OR LOCATION Duct Location' Exterior Measured Surface Area Exterior Surface (CF -1R) Area J Attic F� Crawlspace F1 Basement Other Total Duct Design on Plans Installed duct diameters match plans TXV installed Access to TXV valve (if installed) — No TXV, Fan air flow (CFM) i" Duct Leakage Measured Measured leakage (CFM) HVAC fan air flow (CFM)_ (measured or calculated as 'Ignore ducts in conditioned space. CFM = 0.7 x Afloor for CZ 8 through 15 Only a check is CFM = 0.5 x Afloor for CZ 1 through 7 & 16 required for location or, it the equipment size is known, the larger of 1 or 2. credit. 1. CFM = 400 x Cooling Capacity in Tons or 2. i -.-'CFM = 21.7 x Heating Capacity in Thousands of Btu per hour) Leakage divided by HVAC Fan air flow (must be =< 0.06) For AEROSOL TYPE SEALANTS ONLY - The following diagnostic testing was completed: Duct Fan Pressurization at rough - in measured leakage CFM CHECK AFTER FINISHING WALL: JPressure Pan Test ❑ House pressuezation test ;_ Visual Inspection of Duct Connections Provide Follow-up Test Results or Inspection Results on a Separate Page 17 This certifies that the ducts surface area and duct locations were verified. When compliance credit is claimed for duct surface area reducitons and duct location improvements beyond those covered by default assumptions, builder employees or subcontractors shall certify that they have verified that the duct surface area and locations match those on the plans and shall indicate the duct surface area in each duct location on the CF6R. [­lThis is to certify that the above diagnostic test results and the work I performed associated with the test(s) is in conformance with the requirements for compliance credit. [The builder shall provide the HERS provider a copy of the CF -6R signed by the builder employees or sub -contractors certifying that diagnostic testing and installation meet the requirements for compliance credit.] Tests Signature, Date Performed COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider (if applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 InstallinggSubcontractor Co. Name OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner Job Number. 0112.00 Page: 3 of 7 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Part 4 of 7) CF -6R I ----------. _...- ---- - Site Address PermitNumber BUILDING ENVELOPE LEAKAGE DIAGNOSTICS This buiding obtained compliance credit for: Envelope sealing using diagnostic testing (CF -1R) Needed for Compliance Measured Blowerdoor Test (from CF -1R) Results 00 --- -- --- -Building Envelope Leakage (CFM @ 50 Pa) -Leakage level equivalent to an SLA of 3.0 from CF -1 R' -Minimum Building Leakage equivalent to an SLA of 1.5 from CF -1R (CFM @ 50 Pa) • j Yes ';No, Is design infiltration less than the SLA 3.0 equivalant (from CF -113)? (� Yes No Is mechanical ventilation installed? (Required if design is less than 3.0 SLA) ❑ Yes Cj No Is measured leakage (without fans operating) less than minimum in the above Table (1.5 SLA from CF -1R)? Yes U No Is mechanical supply ventilation installed to assure house pressure does not go below minus 5 Pascal relative to outside ambient with all exhaust fans operating? Mechanical Ventilation - Fill in Table if mechanical ventilation is installed Used for Compliance Measured (from CF -1R) Actual -Continuous Mechanical Ventilation (CFM -Continuous Mechanical Supply Ventilation - ,� (CFM) Required to maintain -5 Pa if building envelope leakage is less than minimum (see above) -Total Power Consumption of Continuous Mechanical Ventilation (Watts) 2 L This certifies that the building leakage was verified. When compliance credit is claimed for building leakage reduction below default assumptions, builder employees or subcontractors shall certify that they have verified that the building leakage level matches that used for compliance on the CF -6R and shall document the infiltration levels required for compliance and the tested infiltration values on the CF -6R.. �I This is to certify that the above diagnostic test results and the work I performed associated with the test(s) is in conformance with the requirements for compliance credit. [The builder shall provide the HERS provider a copy of the CF -6R signed by the builder employees or sub -contractors certifying that diagnostic testing and installation meet the requirements for compliance credit.] esus Signature, atm Installing ubcon rector o. Name) Performed OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider (if applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy 1. When mechanical ventilation is required, CFM less than 0.047 CFM per square foot of conditioned floor area indicates failure to achieve compliance 2. As determined from label on fan or manufacturers literature. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:4 of 7 `, r 0 10 INSTALLATION -CERTIFICATE (Part 5 of 7) CF -6R N ei Address _._. Permit NlumUe—r The following is an explanation of many of the input values required on this form: HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Type must be one of the following Furnace: ; Gas (including Liquefied Petroleum Gases) or oil -fired central furnace & Boiler:. Gas or oil -fired boiler PckgHeatPump: j Packaged central heat pump SplitHeatPump: l Split central heat pump RoomHeatPump: 1, Room heat pump LrgPkgHirge packaged heat pump (>=65,000 Btu/hr output) Electric: I Electric resistance heating (fixed HSPF = 3.413); radiant electric resistance (fixed HSPF = 3.55) CombinedHydro: Reference water heater under water heating systems below heater -CEC Certified Manufacturer Make & Model Number from applicable Commission approved appliance directory. "# of Identical Systems" is for those systems with the.same efficiency, duct location, duct R -Value and capacity. -Efficiency from applicable Commission certified appliance directory. -Duct Location is attic, crawl space, CVC crawl space, conditioned space, unconditioned space or none. -Duct (or Piping) R -Value from Directory of Certified Insulation Materials and/or manufacturer's data. -Heating/Cooling Load refer to Commission approved load calculation procedure. -Heating/Cooling Equipment Capacity from the applicable Commission certified appliance directory. Note: location elevations over 2,000 ft above sea level require a derating of output capacity (refer to manufacturer's literature). Cooling Equipment Type must be one of the following: SplitAirCond: Split system air conditioner I_PckgAirCond: j Packaged air conditio SplitHeatPump: ; Split system heat purr PckgHeatPump: Packaged heat pump i RoomHeatPump_ 1 Room heat pump I-- LrgPkgHeatPump: Large packaged heat `SEER when SEER is i RoomAirCond: j Room air conditioner. LrgPkgAirCond: I Large packaged air cc j SEER when SEER is �— EvapDirect: Direct evaporative coc i purposes, fixed values i ' SEER = 11.0; duct loc duct insulation R -value Evapindirect: Indirect evaporative cc purposes, fixed values SEER = 13.0; duct loc duct insulation R -value ier - p ump (> 65,000 Btu/hr output). Substitute EER for of available. Minimum SEER varies` nditioner (>=65,000 Btu/hr output). Substitute EER for not available. ing system. For compliance calculation ition = attic; = 4.2 oling system. For compliance calculation ation =attic; = 4.2 'Refer to California Energy Commission (CEC) publication Appliance Efficiency Regulations, P400-92-029 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:5 of 7 0 ri 7 0 10 10 n U INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Part 6 of 7) CF -6R Site A rens ­-- Permit Number The following is an explanation of many of the input values required on this form: WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Distribution Systems: Refer to Residential Manual for more details. Standard:: Standard - Supply prs Pipe Insulation ! Pipe Insulation on all POU/HWR: Point of Use/Hot W a b Recirc/NoControl: Recirculation loop wit Recirc/Timer: j Recirculation loop wit Recirc/Temp: I Recirculation loop:wit Recirc/Time +Temp: Recirculation loop wit Recirc/Demand: I Recirculation loop wit Water Heater Type Storage Gas, Oil or Electric Heat Pump Instantaneous Gas Instantaneous Electric Large Storage Gas Indirect Gas (Boiler) sure based system, no pumps 3/4 -inch pipes !r Recovery System i no controls i a timer i temperature control i a timer and temperature control i demand control Information Needed Energy Factor Recovery Efficiency Standby Loss Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes (AFUE) No FENESTRATION / GLAZING Fenestration: I Windows, sliding glass doors, fren& any door with more than one square I Operator Type ; Slider, hinged, fixed U -Value: ', Installed U -Value must be less than i OR Installed weighted average U -Value is less than or equal to value from C SHGC: Installed SHGC must be less than of OR Installed SHGC for the total fenestra from CF -1 R OR i An interior shading device, overhanc consistent with the CF -1 R STiaaing Device:' Include when the building complied opaque roller shades, blinds (do not device: woven sunscreen, louvered roll -down awning, roll -down blinds of overhang (include depth in feet) Rated Input No No No No Yes Yes doors, skylights, garden windows, and foot of glass )r equal to value from CF -1 R 'or the total fenestration area =-1 R equal to value from CF -1 R .ion area is less than or equal to value or exterior shading device is installed ising an interior shading device: blinds, list draperies), an exterior shading sunscreen, low sun angle sunscreen, slats (do not list bug screen), or an Energy Pro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1066 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:6 of 7 • INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Part 7 of 7) CF -611 Site Address , 'LTi iiliil•[EN— i . • The following is an explanation of many of the input values required on the Diagnostic portion of this form (page 3 of 6): TYPE OF CREDIT :] 10 G I* I* I♦ Refer to Residential Manual Chapters 4 and 5 for more details: Reduced Duct Surface Calculated as the outside area of the duct. Areas must be measured and Area: verified by HERS rater. Improved Duct Location: Supply duct located in other than attic, as verified by location of registers (does not require HERS rater verification). Catastrophic Leakage: Pressure pan test reading must be less than 1.5 Pascal at a house pressure of 25 Pascal. TXV: Access cover required to facilitate verification. Infiltration Reduction: Infiltration is measured without mechanical ventilation operating. • Mechanical ventilation is required for very tight house construction when • credits for infiltration reduction using diagnostic testing are beng used for achieving compliance. These very tight houses are defined as those with SLA of less than 1.5. The compliance documentation (CF -1R) will contain the measured CFM target value from a blower door test at 50 Pascal pressure difference that represents this SLA of 1.5. Mechanical ventilation is also required if the builder chooses to design the building to use mechanical ventilation and claims a credit for infiltration below an SLA of 3.0. The compliance documentation (CF -1 R) will contain the measured CFM target value that represents this 3.0 SLA. If the builder claims credit in a design for infiltration reduciton that is at an SLA of 3.0 or higher, and the actual measured SLA is 1.5 or greater, then mechanical ventilation is not required. If the SLA in this case were below 1.5, then mitigation (such as mechanical ventilation) would be required. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:7 of 7 771 . Certificate of Compliance . I . Certificate of Compliance . Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 2) CF -1 R The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project title Date 44-425 Foxtail Circle La Quinta 0.047 rotec ress C.M. Energy Consulting (760) 346-8014 Building ermi an Check / Date ocumen a ion u or a ep one Computer Performance 15 new uneCKa e Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Enforcement Agency Use Only GENERAL INFORMATION 0.047 Total Conditioned Floor Area: 1,909 ft2 Total Conditioned Slab Area: 1,909 ft2 Building Type: 0.387 (check one or more) Wood ® Single Family Detached (SFD) ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Single Family Attached (SFA) ❑ Existing Building ❑ Multi -Family ®Existing Plus Addition Front Orientation: (East) 90 deg Floor Construction Type: X❑ Slab Floor Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 ❑ Raised Floor is 10 10 16 BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Const. Component Frame Assembly Location/Comments Type Type U -Value (attic, garage, typical, etc.) C/R-2 (R.30.2x_.16) W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Solid Wood Door W-2 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Slab On Grade Slab On Grade C/R-1 (R.28.2x_.16) R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) W-2 Wall (W.19.2x.16) FENESTRATION Wood 0.047 Exterior Roof Wood 0.097 Exterior Wall Wood 0.387 Exterior Door . Wood 0.094 Exterior Wall n/a 0.756 Exposed Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Na 0.756 Covered Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Wood 0.037 Exterior Roof Wood 0.065 Exterior Wall Wood 0.064 Exterior Wall Shading Devices Type Orientation Area Labeled Fenestration Interior Exterior . Overhang Side Fins (SF) U -Value SHGC (roller blind, etc.) (shadescreen, etc.) Yes / No Yes / No Front (East) 17.8 0.87 0.59 Drapery Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ X❑ Front (East) 40.3 0.60 0.72 Drapery Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ X❑ Left (South) 30.8 0.60 0.72 Drapery Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ x❑ Rear (West) 74.6 0.59 0.87 Drapery Bug Screen x❑ ❑ ❑ x❑ Rear (West) 104.1 0.60 0.72 Drapery Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ x❑ Right (North) 6.0 1.01 0.53 Drapery Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ x❑ El El El El El F] El El F1 1:1 1:1 El ❑❑ El 1:1 El El El Run Initiation Time: 05/22/01 15:21:59 Run Code: 990562919 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Pagel of 3 • Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 2 of 2) CF -1 R The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project i itie Date HVAC SYSTEMS Note: input Hydronic or Combined Hydronic data under Water Heating Systems, except Design Heating Load. Distribution • Heating Equipment Minimum Type and Duct or Type (furnace, heat Efficiency Location Piping Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts, attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Central Furnace 78% AFUE Ducts in Attic 2.1 Setback Existing Residence Central Furnace 78% AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Residential Addition Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments • Split Air Conditioner 8.9 SEER Ducts in Attic 2.1 Setback Existing Residence Split Air Conditioner 8.9 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Residential Addition WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Water Heater Water Heater Distribution System Name Type Type Rated 1 Tank Energy Fact' 1 Extemal # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby Tank Insul. Syst. Btu/hr (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) R -Value Standard 40 gal Small Gas Standard 1 28,000 50 0.53 n/a • 1 For small gas storage (rated inputs of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75,000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS Ll .OM_IANC E STATEMENT 12 This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) Documentation Author Name: Name: Christopher Mc Fadden Title/Firm: Title/Firm: C.M. Energy Consulting Address: Address: 72-925 Fred Waring Drive Suite 204 Telephone: Lic. #: (signature) (date) Enforcement Agency Name: Title/Firm: Address: Telephone: Palm Desert, CA 92260 ' Telephone: (760) 34J6-8014 (si natu ) (date) (signature/stamp) date Run Initiation Time: 05/22/01 15:21:59 Run Code: 990562919 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number. 0112.00 Page:2 of 3 • Certificate of -Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -1R The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project Title Date , Special Features and Modeling Assumptions - The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Plan Field The DHW System "Standard 40 gal " Energy Factor = 0.530. An EF below 0.58 requires an R-12 External Blanket. HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS pruviuer. r ne nr-nQ rater must avcument the neiu vennt;auun anu uiagnusuc tesung ur mese measures un a runn a.r-or%. an le lar Run InitiationTime: 5 15:21:59 un Code: 990562919. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:3 of 3 n 0 3 Computer Method Summary (Part 1 of 3) C -2R The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 44-425 Foxtail Circle La Quinta • vrofect Aaaress C.M. Energy Consulting (760) 346-8014 D cumentation u eloni Author lep e C_ ompute_r Performance 15 omp lance e o ac age or ompu er ima a one Source Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin Existing+Addition Budget Adjustment Builffing Permit Plan CneclUuate Rela Checkmate Space Heating 4.00 4.17 Space Cooling 40.92 69.70 Domestic Hot Water 13.43 13.30 Totals 29.21 + 58.35—= 87.56 87.16 GENERAL INFORMATION 0.097 90 Conditioned Floor Area: 1,909 ❑ Building Type: Single Fam Detached Building Front Orientation: (East) 90 deg 0.387 Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 Existing Residence Existing Residence Wall 136 0.094 90 90 Wall 319 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION 180 Zone Name Floor Area Volume I* 10 I• s -0.16 Ratio F: 1621 / 1909 = 0.849 -28.78 Budget Adj: 0.849 X ( 95.16 - 60.76) = 29.21 0.13 0.40 The budget shown to the left has been Increased using this Budget Adjustment based upon Existing building information shown on the C -2R which follows this form. Floor Construction Type: X❑ Slab Floor ❑ Raised Floor Total Conditioned Volume: 16,911 Slab Floor Area: •1,909 # of Units Existing Residence 1,621 14,751 0.85 Residential Addition 288- 2,160 0.15 O OPAQUE SURFACES Act. Gains Type Area U -Val. Azm. Tilt Y / N Form 3 Reference Thermostat Vent Zone Type Type Hgt. Area Conditioned Setback 2 n1a Conditioned Setback 2 Na Location / Comments Roof 1,621 0.047 0 0 ❑ ❑ C/R-2 (R.30.2x_.16) W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Existing Residence Existing Residence Wall 30 0.097 0 90 Wall 254 0.097 90 90 ❑ W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Existing Residence Door 22 0.387 90 90 ❑ ❑ Solid Wood Door W-2 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Existing Residence Existing Residence Wall 136 0.094 90 90 Wall 319 0.097 180 90 ❑ W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Existing Residence Wall 286 0.097 270 90 ❑ W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Existing Residence Roof 288 0.037 0 0 ❑ C/R-1 (R.28.2x .16) Addition Only Wall 170 0.065 0 90 ❑ ❑ R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) W-2 Wall (W.19.2x.16) Addition Only Addition Only Wall 96 0.064 90 90 Wall 78 0.065 270 90 ❑ R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) Addition Only ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑❑ ❑ F-1 1-1 F1 F ❑ F-1 F-1 ❑❑ ❑❑ Run Initiation Time: 05/22/01 15:28:27 Run Code: 990563307 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:1 of 7 • Computer Method Summary (Part 2 of 3) C -2R n Ll 0 �M 1 • The ANIDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project Title - -- Date U -Value Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type Area SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments 1 Window Front '(East) 17.8 0.870 0.59 90 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84-91) Existing Residence 2 Window Front (East) 7.1 0.600 0.72 90 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84-'91) Existing Residence 3 Window Front (East) 26.1 0.600 0.72_ 90 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84=91) Existing Residence 4 Window Front (East) 7.1 0.600 0.72 90 90 Double Default (Mtl. '84-'91) Existing Residence 5 Window Left (South) 7.1 0.600 -0. 7,2 180 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84-'91) Existing Residence 6 Window Left (South) 16.6 0.600 0. ^_180 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84=91) Existing Residence 7 Window Left (South) 7.1 0.600 0.72 180 90 Double Default Mtl.'84291) Existing Residence 8 Window Rear (West) 37.3 0.590 0.87 270 90 Double Velault ( t l- Existing Residence 9 Window Rear _ _ (West 37.3 0.590 0.87 __ 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84=91) Existing Residence 10 Window Rear (West 7.2. 0.600 0.72 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84=91) Existing Residence 11 Window Rear (West) 15.7 0.600 0.72 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84- 91) Existing Residence 12 Window Rear -(We -st) 7.2 0.600 0.72 270 90 Double Default (Mtl. '84= 91) Existing Residence 13 Window Rear (West) 26.1 0.600 0.72 - 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84-'91) Existing Residence 14 Window Rear (West) 16.9 0.600 0.72 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84-91) Existing Residence 15 Window Rear - (West) 13.0 0.600 0.72 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.'84=91) Existing Residence 16 Window Right (North) 6.0 1.010 0.53 0 90 Double Default (Wd.) Addition Only 17 Window Rear (West) 18.0 0.600 _ 0.72 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Addition Only INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Interior Shade Type SHGC Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt.RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. rapery - -- -- 0.68 uE3-gcreed `2 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen - 0.76 - - - - - - - - - 3 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 4 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen _ 0.76 5 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 IFrapD ery - 0:68ug creen -- -' 0.16 -8:0 W0 -8:0 01 0:0 0:0 - - - - 9rapes_. ---- - --- 0.68 Bu- - 0.76 8.0 11.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 - - - -f Drapery - - - --- 0.68 Bug Screen - 1T Drapery ---- - ---- 00$ Bug Screen- TZrapery------- --68 Bug Screen - -- - 0 76 - - - - - T3 Drapery 0:6$ ug Screen ---- ---- 0 -.7Y - T4 Drapery 0.-M SugScreen - 0 7fi - - - - - - - 'f5 Drapery Bug Screen - -o m - - - - - - - T6 Drapery --"B ug Screen - - -0-7'6 - - - - - - -_ 17 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 _ Run Initiation Time: 0_5_/22/0.1 1_5:2_8:27 Run Code: 990563307 �- EnergyPro 2.1 g Ener Soft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:2 of 7 y-. _ -gY - - - ----- REMARKS 19 Run Initiation Time: 05/22/01 15:28:27 Run Code: 990563307 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:3 of 7 141 Computer Method Summary (Part 3 of 3) C -2R The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project Title Date THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN • Area Thick. Heat Inside Location Type (sf) (in.) Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments Slab Perimeter 26 0.76 0.0 0 Existing Residence Slab Perimeter 145 0.76 0.0 0 Existing Residence • Slab Perimeter 48 0.76 0.0 0 Addition Only HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiency and Location Duct Thermostat Location / • pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Central Furnace 78%AFUE Ducts in Attic 2.1 Setback Existing Residence Central Furnace 78%AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Residential Addition � Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 8.9 SEER Ducts in Attic 2.1 Setback Existing Residence Split Air Conditioner 8.9 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback Residential Addition WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Ratedl Tank Energy Factl 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) Ext. Standard 40 gal Small Gas Standard 1 28,000 50 0.53 n/a 12 1 For small gas storage (rated input <= 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS 19 Run Initiation Time: 05/22/01 15:28:27 Run Code: 990563307 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:3 of 7 141 • Computer Method Summary (Addendum) C2 -R The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions . The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies iaacu un LIM aucyua�y VI LIM MFUWa1 JUJUIWaUVIR a11u UVl:U111C111a11V11 DUUIIIILLUU. The DHW System "Standard 40 gal " Energy Factor = 0.530. An EF below 0.58 requires an R-12 External Blanket. 0 K) HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CF -6R. an ie 1! 10 U Run InitiationTime: 5 15:28:27 Run Code: 990563307 1 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:4 of 7 • • Computer Method Summary (Part 1 of 3) C -2R The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 rojec Title -D—are- 44-425 a e 44-425 Foxtail Circle La Quinta ProjeCt Address Building Permit C.M. Energy Consulting (760) 346-8014 an ec a e ocumen a ion Author T-elep ons e Computer Performance 15 Field CrieclUvate Co lance Memou traCKage or Computer) imate zone Source Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Design Margin 10 Space,Heating Space Cooling Domestic Hot Water 19 I* I* 10 10 I• 10 0 Totals 3.78 4.16 -0.38 42.03 76.19 -34.16 14.95 14.80 0.15 60.76 95.16 --3.4-0 txisting buiiaing intormation INFORMATIONGENERAL Conditioned Floor Area: 1,621 Floor Construction Type: x❑ Slab Floor Building Type: Single Fam Detached ❑ Raised Floor Building Front Orientation: (East) 90 deg Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Total Conditioned Volume: 14,751 Number of Stories: 1 Slab Floor Area: 1,621 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Zone Name Floor Area Volume Existing Residence 1,621 14,751 # of Units -i–.0 —0 Zone Type Conditioned Thermostat Vent Type Hgt. Area Setback 2 Na Location / Comments Existing Residence Existing Residence Existing Solar Existing OPAQUE SURFACES Existing Act. Existing Gains Existing Type Area U -Val, Azm. Tilt Y / N Form 3 Reference Roof 1,621 0.047 0 0 ❑ C/R-2 (R.30.2x_.16) Wall 278 0.097 0 90 ❑ W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Wall 24 0.094 0 90 ❑ W-2 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Wall 254 0.097 90 90 ❑ W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Door 22 0.387 90 90 ❑ Solid Wood Door Wall 136 0.094 90 90 ❑ W-2 Wall ^11.2x.16) Wall 319 0.097 180 90 ❑ W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Wall 286 0.097 270 90 ❑ W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Thermostat Vent Type Hgt. Area Setback 2 Na Location / Comments Existing Residence Existing Residence Existing Residence . Existing Residence Existing Residence Existing Residence Existing Residence Existing Residence Run Initiation Time: 05/22/01 15:28:27 Run Code: 990563307 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoR User Number. 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:S of 7 i• U 10 I* 10 I* I* 19 I* 10 I* Computer Method Summary 4 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen _ 0.76 (Part 2 of 3) C -2R The ANDERBERG Residence at: fi Drapery 5/22/01 r�Tit e T_ Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 8 rapery X68 ug Screen - - 0-76 Date 9 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 11.0 -8.0-0.1 8.0 - U -Value 0.76 Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type T2 Drapery -- - --- ------ 0-68 Esug Screen Area - SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments 1 Window Front _(East 17.8 0.870 _0.59 90 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 2 Window Front (East) 7.1 0.600 0.72 90 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 3 Window Front (East) 26.1 0.600 072 90 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 4 Window Front (East) 7.1 0.600 0.72 90 _ 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 5 Window Left (South) 7.1 0.600 0.72 180 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 6 Window Left (South) 16.6 0.600 0.72 180 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 7 Window Left _ (South) 7.1 0.600 0.72 180 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 8 Window Rear (West) -.37.3 0.590 0.87 _ 270 90 Double Detault (Mtl.) Existing Residence 9 Window Rear_ 37.3 0.590 0.87 270 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 10 Window Rear -(Wesj) (West) 7.2 0.600 - 0.72 - 27 0 _90 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 11 Window (West) 15.7 0.600 0.72 270_ 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 12 Window -R'-e- Rear (West) 7.2 0.600 _ 0.72 270 90, Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 13 Window Rear. West 26.1 0.600 0.72 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 14 Window Rear (West) 16.9' 0.600 0.72 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence 75 Window Rear (West) 13.0 0.600 072 _ 270 90 Double Default (Mtl.) Existing Residence INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Interior Shade Type SHGC Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt.RExt.Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. f 6�apery ---- - - -- U.68ug Screen 2 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 - - - - - - - - - - 3 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 4 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen _ 0.76 - - - - - - - - - - 5 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 fi Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen ' _ 0.76 T_ Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 8 rapery X68 ug Screen - - 0-76 0-0 _f1-0 --8-0-0-1 -8 0 -8:0 - - - 9 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 8.0 11.0 -8.0-0.1 8.0 10 Drapery 0.68 Bug Screen 0.76 'IT 6-rapery - - - - __MuB g Screen - T2 Drapery -- - --- ------ 0-68 Esug Screen - 1 -3 Drapery ----- --- - -------- Obi$uiT-g c8reen ._..- - - - - '1arape6 ry --- -- 0 8uE ugcreed- 1-5 Drapery - ---- 0�8 Bug Screen -- - __T76 -- - - - - Run Initiation Time: 05_/_2.2/01 15:28_:27 Run Code: 990563307 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:6 of 7 REMARKS �0 Run Initiation Time: 05/22/01 15:28:27 Run Code: 990563307 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:7 of 7 0 Computer Method Summary ry (Part 3 of 3) C -2R The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project itle Date THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN • Area Thick. Heat Inside Location Type (sf) (in.) Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments PERIMETER LOSSES 4 F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments Slab Perimeter 28 0.76 0.0 0 Existing Residence Slab Perimeter 147 0.76 0.0 0 Existing Residence HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiency and Location Duct Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Central Furnace 78%AFUE Ducts in Attic 2.1 Setback Existing Residence Hydronic Piping pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 8.9 SEER Ducts in Attic 2.1 Setback Existing Residence WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Ratedl ` Tank Energy Fact! 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) Ext. Standard 40 gal Small Gas Standard 1 28,000 50 0.53 n/a 12 1 For small gas storage (rated input — 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS �0 Run Initiation Time: 05/22/01 15:28:27 Run Code: 990563307 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:7 of 7 0 • Construction Assemblies • LM • PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 PROJECT NAME DATE The ANDERBERG Residence at: I 5/22/01 IGUMPONENT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION WOOD FRAME R -VALUE OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM ASSEMBLY NAME C/R-2 (R.30.2x_.16) Roofing, Asbestos -Cement Shingles 2 Plywood ASSEMBLY Floor Air Space 4 TYPE Wall (check one) 5 W Ceiling / Roof 1.03 0 tL 0.36 8 aFRAMING MATERIAL yy� 0.54 z FRAMING %10 % Framing . 0.610 21.86 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Cell.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Cell.) FRAMING CEJ El • `NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials pene 01 THICK- NESS (in.) 0.250 0.500 9.100 6.000 0.500 SUBTOT� ,rated by v 0 R -VALUE DESCRIPTION WOOD FRAME R -VALUE OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Roofing, Asbestos -Cement Shingles 2 Plywood 3 Air Space 4 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-19 5 Gypsum or Plaster Board 6 1.03 7 0.36 8 2.08 9 0.54 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM FRAMING CEJ El • `NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials pene 01 THICK- NESS (in.) 0.250 0.500 9.100 6.000 0.500 SUBTOT� ,rated by v 0 R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Re) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 0.210 0.210 0.620 0.620 0.8001 9.009 19.002 5.940 0.450 0.450 1.03 2.021 0.36 0.73 2.08 0.26 0.54 0.610 . 0.610 21.86 17.01 'HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) ' SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) X 0.10 1 / Re 2.50 0.24 0.60 1.42 0.29 0.41 2.65 0.39 1.03 2.021 0.36 0.73 2.08 0.26 0.54 10,7 TOTAL HC 3.3 KC KT rood framing include the effects of the framing members. K -ME EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:1 of 5 [ 0.0457 X 0.90 ] + [ 0.0588 X 0.10 1 / Re 1 - (Fr-/. / 100) 1 / Rf Fe/611100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE K -ME EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:1 of 5 • • PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 PROJECT NAME DATE The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 .Ml DESCRIPTION ASSEMBLY NAME W-1 Wall (W.11.2x.16) ASSEMBLY Floor OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 • TYPE Wall (check one) Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-11 W Ceiling / Roof 4 W 5 2.60 6 FRAMING MATERIAL yy 7 8 =O z FRAMING % 15 % Framing INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12.59 5.05 • 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Cell.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) .Ml FRAMING A • `NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials pene [Mi �1 • THICK- NESS (in.) 0.875 3.500 0.625 SUBTOT� rated by v R -VALUE DESCRIPTION WOOD FRAME R -VALUE OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Stucco 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-11 3 Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 0.37 5 2.60 6 0.68 7 8 9 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM FRAMING A • `NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials pene [Mi �1 • THICK- NESS (in.) 0.875 3.500 0.625 SUBTOT� rated by v R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 0.175 0.175 11.000 3.465 0.562 0.562 0.37 0.62 2.60 0.26 0.68 0.6801 0.680 12.59 5.05 'HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr-/./ 100) 8.46 0.20 1.69 1.68 0.37 0.62 2.60 0.26 0.68 12.7 TOTAL HC 3.0 KG KT rood framing include the effects of the framing members. 0.0794 X0.85 ] + 0.1979 X 0.15 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr-/./ 100) 1 / Rf Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VA EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Pagel of 5 I• Irl 1• I• 1• r C: is I• PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 rPROJECT'NAME DATE .The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 SUBTOTA R -VALUE ' DESCRIPTION FRAMING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM ASSEMBLY NAME VV -2 Wall (W.11.2x.16) Gypsum or Plaster Board 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-11 ASSEMBLY Floor Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 TYPE Wall (check one) 5 LU Ceiling / Roof i W 8 FRAMING MATERIAL yy FN-- co. INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 0.680 z% O FRAMING o 15 �o Framing % 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) 6.4 SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) SUBTOTA R -VALUE ' DESCRIPTION FRAMING OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Gypsum or Plaster Board 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-11 3 Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 I ' 5 2.08 6 i 7 8 s INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM SUBTOTA R -VALUE ' THICK- NESS FRAMING ❑ [XJ ❑ El ❑ El El 0.170 0.625 3.500 0.500 3.465 0.450 0.450 I ' 0.62 2.08 0.26 SUBTOTA R -VALUE ' CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 0.562 0.562 11.000 3.465 0.450 0.450 I ' 0.62 2.08 0.26 i 0.680 0.680 12.86 5.33 "HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) L 0.1877 X 2.60 0.26 0.68 1.68 0.37 0.62 2.08 0.26 0.54 6.4 TOTAL HC 1.8 Kc KT 'NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials penetrated by wood framing include the effects of the framing members. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:3 of 5 [ 0.0777 X 0.85 ] + L 0.1877 X 0.15 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr% / 100) 1 / Rf Fr°/a / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:3 of 5 • 10 0 0 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 PROJECT NAME DATE The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 �0 1 1• 1 IA 1 DESCRIPTION WOOD FRAME R -VALUE OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM ASSEMBLY NAMEIC/R-1 (R.28.2x_.16) Roofing, Built -Up 2 Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt ASSEMBLY Floor Plywood 4 TYPE Wall (check one) 5 WO Ceiling / Roof Gypsum or Plaster Board W 0.39 8 NFRAMING MATERIAL yy 1.33 2.08 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 0.610 Z O FRAMING % % 10 �o Framing % 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY - 10.2 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Cell.) �0 1 1• 1 IA 1 FRAMING A A 'NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials pene THICK- NESS (in.) 0.375 0.010 0.625 1.500 8.250 0.500 SUBTOT� rated by v R -VALUE DESCRIPTION WOOD FRAME R -VALUE OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Roofing, Built -Up 2 Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 3 Plywood 4 Air Space 5 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, Closed Wall 6 Gypsum or Plaster Board 7 0.39 8 3.64 9 1.33 2.08 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM FRAMING A A 'NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials pene THICK- NESS (in.) 0.375 0.010 0.625 1.500 8.250 0.500 SUBTOT� rated by v R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE ' 0.170 0.170 0.330 0.330 0.060 0.060 0.775 0.775 0.770 1.485 28.215 8.168 0.450 0.450 0.39 0.17 3.64 0.37 1.33 2.08 0.610 0.610 31.38 12.05 `HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) [ 0.0830 X 0.10 11= 2.19 0.35 0.77 0.06 0.35 0.02 1.77 0.29 0.51 0.44 0.39 0.17 3.64 0.37 1.33 2.08 0.26 0.54 10.2 TOTAL HC 3.3 KC mr rood framing include the effects of the framing members. [ 0.0319 X 0.90 ] + [ 0.0830 X 0.10 11= 0.037 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr% /100) 1 / Rf Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 PageA of 5 • jVKUF'U,tU I:UNJ I KUL; I IVN ASStIVIt$LY tNV-jI 1PROJECT-NAME DATE The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 10 KIM ®l r=1 10 1 7I LIM DESCRIPTION WOOD FRAME R -VALUE OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Gypsum or Plaster Board 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-17.8 3 Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 0.37 5 ASSEMBLY NAME W-2 Wall (W.19.2x.16) I 7 8 ASSEMBLY Floor INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 0.680 19.66 TYPE (check one) Wall WO I Ceiling / Roof W TOTAL HC 2.2 0 FRAMING MATERIAL W Z FRAMING %15% Framing 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" ox. Floor/Cell.) SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY 7% (24" ox. Floor/Cell.) KIM ®l r=1 10 1 7I LIM THICK- NESS FRAMING (in.) ❑ 0.625 5.500 El 0.500 ❑ ❑El I I El El SUBTOTA R -VALUE DESCRIPTION WOOD FRAME R -VALUE OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 Gypsum or Plaster Board 2 Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-17.8 3 Gypsum or Plaster Board 4 0.37 5 2.08 6 I 7 8 9 INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM THICK- NESS FRAMING (in.) ❑ 0.625 5.500 El 0.500 ❑ ❑El I I El El SUBTOTA R -VALUE CAVITY R -VALUE (Rc) WOOD FRAME R -VALUE 0.170 0.170 0.562 0.562 17.800 5.445 0.450 0.450 0.37 0.98 2.08 0.26 I 0.680 0.680 19.66 7.31 'HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) WALL WEIGHT (lbs/sf) SPECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-Ib) HC (A X B) (Btu/F-sf) 0.1368 X 0.15 ] _ • 0.064 2.60 0.26 0.68 2.63 0.37 0.98 2.08 0.26 0.54 7.3 TOTAL HC 2.2 KC KT 'NOTE: Weight and Specific Heat values for materials penetrated by wood framing include the effects of the framing members. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:5 of 5 [ 0.0509 X 0.85 ] + 0.1368 X 0.15 ] _ • 0.064 1 / Rc 1 - (Fr% / 100) 1 / Rf Fr% / 100 ASSEMBLY U -VALUE EnergyPro 2.1 By EnregySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:5 of 5 • Table 1-D Default Fenestration Product U -Values r ' P^'��:C,'�{�; 01 ZU-1-01.1 1 y, 'n Default�Fenestrat�onProduct U`Value �s�43 W A� Single Pane Double Pane Frame Type' Product Type U -Value U-Value2 Metal Operable 1.28 0.874 Metal Fixed 1.19 0.72 Metal Greenhouse/Garden window 2.26 1.40 Metal Doors 1.25 0.85 Metal Skylight 1.72 0.94 Metal, erma rea pera e Metal, Thermal Break Fixed 0.60 Metal, Thermal Break Greenhouse/Garden window 1.12 Metal, Thermal Break Doors '0 , 64 Metal, Thermal Break Skylight 0.80 Won- e a Operable Nori-Metal Fixed 1.04 0.57 Non -Metal Greenhouse/Garden window 0.99 0.55 Non -Metal Doors 1.94 1.06 Non -Metal' Skylight 1.47 0.68 ' Metal includes any field -fabricated product with metal cladding. Non-metal framed fenestration products with metal cladding must add 0.04 to the listed U -value. Non -Metal frame types can include metal fasteners, hardware, and door.thresholds. Thermal break product design characteristics are: a. The material used as the thermal break must have a thermal conductivity of not more than 3.6 Btu/inch/hr/ft2/°F, b. The thermal break must produce a gap of not less than 0.210", and c. All metal members of the fenestration product exposed to interior and exterior air must incorporate a r thermal break meeting the criteria in (a) and (b) above. In addition, the fenestration product must be clearly labeled by the manufacturer that it qualifies as a thermally broken product in accordance with this standard. 2 For all dual glazed fenestration products, adjust the listed U -values as follows: a. Subtract 0.05 for spacers of 7/16" or wider. b. Subtract 0.05 for products certified by the manufacturer as low -E glazing. c. Add 0.05 for products with dividers between panes if spacer is less than 7/16" wide. d. Add 0.05 to any product with true divided lite (dividers through the panes). 1. • Table 1-E Default Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 3 ,.n— titrra ytw •a+sse .. ��.�i',.?�^-. �af.;t?'z. f..-,.r.+s, ...+J � r,o.n,..„aC....1.:P.r, �,4i' h3.k `xi�i._'ne" . t�7.ss'Shci;:k..:�.�"v IN,'' -l ' o u-14,ypey xM 'sv `7.n �a�lt.«u'tW^._,_raY`'?��.H xU Product r. , +.t-.'.'3a+.IN Glazing : ior tµa� cTj rtrLi.n,3l`y o�✓w'3arf70 ,�bPane yam ; Paned Metal Metal Operable Uncoated 0.80 0.70 Metal Fixed Uncoated 0.83 0.73 Metal Operable Tinted 0.67 0.594 Metal Fixed Tinted 0.68 0.60 Mea , erma rea * pera a ncoa e Metal, Thermal Break Fixed Uncoated 0.78 0.69 Metal, Thermal Break Operable Tinted 0.60 0.53 . Metal, Thermal Break Fixed Tinted ' 0.65 0.57 on -e a pera a ncoa e Non -Metal Fixed Uncoated 0.76 0.67 Non -Metal Operable Tinted 0.60 0.53 Non -Metal Fixed Tinted 0.63 0.55 SHGC =. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient r7 Table 7-3: Default Assumptions for Existing Buildings. Default Assumptio for Y Feature INSULATION (U -VALUE) Roof Wall Raised Floor - Crawlspace Raised Floor - No Crawlspace Slab Edge (F2) Ducts LEAKAGE Building (SLA) Ducts FENESTRATION U -value SHGC Shading Device SPACE HEATING EFFICIENCYZ Gas Furnace (Central), AFUE Heat Pump, HSPF Electric Resistance, HSPF SPACE COOLING EFFICIENCY All Types, SEER WATER HEATING Energy Factor Rated Input, MBH Z ilt Before 1978 to 1984 to �` 1992 to 1978 1983 1991 1998 t 0.076 0.047 0.047 3 0.047 0.386 0.096 0.096 0.088 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.037 0.239 0.239 0.239 0.097 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 R-2.1 R-2.1 R-2.1 R4.2 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 28% 28% 28% 28% Use Table 1-D, Title 24, Part 6, Section 116 r all vintages Use Table 1-E, Title 24, Part 6k Section 116 or all vintages Use current value for installed evice 0.75 0.780.78 0.78 5.6 5.6 t 6.6 6.6 3.41 3.41 f 3.41 3.41 8.0 8.0 8.9 9.7 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 1. Based on historic data and utility (Residential Conservation Service) 2. AFUE = Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency HSPF = Heating Seasonal Performance Factor SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio MBH = 1,000 Btu/hr If no actual information is available, existing Select the values from the table column that buildings constructed in or after 1978 or corresponds to the year that the building or buildings with previously constructed additions previous addition was constructed. constructed in or. after 1978 may be assumed to have the values listed in Table 7-3 for insulation, fenestration U -values and solar heat gain coefficients, space -conditioning systems and water -heating systems. Additions and Alterations I July 1, 1999 7-15 12- ell bedroom Siaster Bed— q O —`� �AI —21— 'Sit :iia h' 1* At- -iLb Z.—vice Car x )e\ 10 C3 I• 1• I• C. M. ENERGY CONSULTING Tei: (760)' 346-8014 Fax (760) 568-0963 ; 727925 Fred Waring Dr. #204 Palm Desert, Co. 92260 , Square Footage R -Value: Attic Area Walls Total Perimeter 0 A _1 Ceiling GLASS AREAS See Accompanying Glazing Takeoffs Total Glazing Area= '2--0- . k or \-i % Floor Tile= \ (-2 Tile Edge= 28 Carpet Edge= Weighted Average Ceiling Height= � _ 1 "11 ` gz�' ® S`15V- LQ �,-/ \�2� _ CA.\�2 CON STRU CTION ASSEM BLIES W-1 (Ext)= 113-1. `� N%2 (Garage)= W-3 (Veneer)= S.C. Doors= C/R-1 (Flat)= -1 \ C/IR-2 (Vent)= IZ1Ca2 C/R-3 (Vault)= Skylights - WALLS CEILING I0 ,. C.M. ENERGY CONSULTING , 101 Tel: (760) 346--8014 Fox (760) 568-0963 101 s 72-925 Fred, Waring Dr. #204 Palm Desert, Co. 92.260 , G L A Z I N G A R E A S • SUBSTANTIALLY SHADED—OVERHANG LENGTH HAS BEEN SET TO GLASS HEIGHT AS OVERHANG EXCEEDS C.E.C. RESTRICTIONS North East symbols size sq. ft. overhang III symbols size sq. ft. overhang W-2= 0"s �cbF �-� X S� Q \ G c F 63 0. G. Wµ-1= 25A_4 WL -2— 3c. * C.I. ENERGY CONSULTING # Tel: (760) 346-8014 Fax (760) 568-0963 * 72-925 Fred Waring Dr. #204 Palm Desert, Ca. 92260. GLAZING AREAS * SUBSTANTIALLY SHADED—OVERHANG LENGTH HAS BEEN SET TO, GLASS HEIGHT AS OVERHANG EXCEEDS C.E.C. RESTRICTIONS s- South est symbols size sq. ft. overhang I I symbols ' size sq. ft. overhang 10 K] .] �. VIF-1�311,2 W-•2= 7 VIS 1= 2- .� W-2= - * C. M. ENERGY CONSULTING * Tel: (760) 346-8014 Fax (760) 568-0963 ; 72-925 Fred Waring Dr. #204 Palm Desert, Ca. 92260 , iai%ot� 1.Y. a Square Footage R—Value: (� Attic Area Walls Total Perimeter 'Ceiling GLASS AREAS .9 s • L� 0 Floor Tile= Tile Edge= Carpet Edge= See Accompanying Glazing Takeoffs Total Glazing Area= or 13.E 96 Weighted Average Ceiling Height= 8 2, co s. 2304 CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLIES C/R-1 (Flat)= C/R-2 (Vent)= C/R-3 (Vault)= Skylights= W-1 (Ext)= .""1 W-2 (Garage)= SIC. W-3 (Veneer)= ..� S.C. Doors= WALLS CEI LING • :7 • 1• %j * C. M. ENERGY CONSULTIN G * Tel: (760) 346-8014 Fax (760) 568-0963 * 72-925 Fred Waring Dr. #204 Palm Desert, Ca. 92260 G L A ZI N G A R E A S * SUBSTANTIALLY SHADED—OVERHANG• LENGTH HAS BEEN SET TO GLASS HEIGHT AS OVERHANG EXCEEDS C.E.C. RESTRICTIONS N orth East symbols size sq. ft. ovefiang symbols size sq. ft. overhang W-2= —_`' 2— � • , C.M. ENERGY CONSULTING # . Tel: (760) 346-8014 Fax (760) 568-0963 * 72-925 Fred Waring Dr. #204 Palm Desert, Co. 92260 ; GLAZING. AREAS * SUBSTANTIALLY SHADED—OVERHANG LENGTH HAS BEEN -SET TO GLASS HEIGHT AS OVERHANG EXCEEDS C.E.C. RESTRICTIONS w South West symbols size aq. ft. ovefiang symbols size sq. ft. overhang 0 w` r 1 ,.J 19 •: y_ 1= t 2= W - w .o Heat Gain and Heat Los's Calculations • 1HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY IF%ROJECT-NAMif-"--'-'-'-----" The ANDERBERG Residence at: SYSTEM NAME Existing Residence DATE 5/22/01 FLOOR AREA 1,621 ENGINEERING CHECKS I[SYSTEM LOAD I lNumber of Systems COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM 'Sensi Latent CFM Sensible Heating System :1 Output per System 1 80,0000 i Total Room Loads I 1,506 37,385 6,247 940 35,534 I Total Output (13tuh) 68,00011 Return Vented Lighting 0 1 Output (Btuh/sqft)41.91 Return Air Ducts 5,234 4,975 Return Fan u 01 Ventilation0� 0 01 Supply Fan 0 0 1 i 01 0 Supply Air Ducts •4,97 TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 47,8521 67,24]7 1 45,4841 i Cooling System Output per System 60,000] Total Output (stun) 51,0001 Total Output (tons) 4.211 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) Total Output (sqft[Ton) 31.5"' 381.41, Air System.HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION CFM per System Airflow Airflow (cfm) Airflow (cfm/sqft) 2,00011 1,700 1.05; Existing . 5 Ton - (Table 7-3) 44,184 0 68,0001 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 400.0lilL__ Total Adjusted System Output ' 84 1 68,0001 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) 7 44,11T =::]O TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am] Outside Air (%) 0.0; Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.001 Note: values above given at ARI conditions EATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS (Airstream I emperatures at Time of Heating Peak) 24.0 OF 67.3 OF 67.3 OF 105:k, Supply Air Ducts S I Outside Air 0 cfm Supply Fan Heating Coil102.3 OF 1700 cfm ROOMSJ'! 70.0 OF 67.3 OF Ii Return Air Ducts < COOLING SYSTEM PSYMOMETRICS (Ai'rstream I emperatures at T—im-e-BoT =oo ing Peak) 114.1 180.3 OF 80.9; 64.1'F 801.9,164. 55.0 53.5 OF' O Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 0 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 57.9 54.6 OF 1700 cfmI 43.9% R.H. ROOMS'i 80.9 64.1 of 78.0 63.2 OF Return Air Ducts EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page: 1 of 2 • I• �U • 10 U • • L �0 0 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECt NAME The ANDERBERG Residence at: DATE 5/22/01 SYSTEM NAME Existing Residence FLOOR AREA 1,621 IROOM LOA SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Existing Residence Existing esi ence 11 1,506 37,3851 6,247 1,506 37,385 6,247 940 35,534 I I I I i I I j i I I 1 I i � I I i• I i I l PAGE TOTAL 1,506 37,385 6,247 940 35,534 TOTAL 1 1,506 37,385 6,247 940 35,534 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page -1 of 2 • RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY I* 10 0 0 The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Conduction KW3 11.2x.16) oorlt (Mtl. '84=91) lt (Mtl. '84=91) 11.2x.16) lt (Mtl. '84291) - Area DETD 1 - 1,629AI X i- _889. 1 X __22.� X 35.6 310 ': 37.0 X _157.2 136.0 X 74.6 37.01 SldgGlsDr (3) (West) FxdGls (H) (West) - - 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded U -Value 0.0470 0.0972 0.3872 j 0.8700 j 0.6000 �- 0.0942 0.5900 Existing Residence 78°F 115°F 37°F x x x X X X X DETD 1 = = = = = = Btulhr 56.0 4,271 35.6 3,080 35.6 310 ': 37.0 573 37.0 _ 3,490 456 1,629 i- 35.6 37.01 1�1 Unshaded Page Total 13,808 Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr SIdgGlsWdw (A) (East) FxdGls B) (East) - SIdgGlsWdw (C) (East) FxdGls (D) _ --� 1 (East) _- FxdGls (E) ;1 (South) SIdgGlsWdw (F) ---- -- - 11 (South). FxdGls (G) __ I (South)_ - SI dgGIsDr (2) (West) ' SldgGlsDr (3) (West) FxdGls (H) (West) - - 0.0 l X 1 + 8 X 73) x 0.62 = 807 ( 0.0 x I 1 + 7.1 x - 73 ) X 0.724 = 375 ( 0.0i x _ 1 + I- 26.1 x I- 73)X 0.724 = 1,380 X 1+ 7 1 X 1 73) X 1 0.724 = 375 (. __.___i O.Ox I 1 + 7 X I 32h x724 = 165 . J L- ( 0.01 X: 1 + II- 16.6 x 32)'X 0.724 = 385 (; - " 0.0 X 1 + I 7.1 X 32)X 0.724 = 165 ( _29.4 X, jJ+ 7.9 x 1 73)X 0.757 = _ 772 ( L- 29.4 X 15 + 7.9 X 7 ) x 0.757 = 772 (1 0.0 X 7.2 x 73)X 0.724 = 381 Sched. Page Total 5,576 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr 11-ights 1.00 X 1,6211X ; '0.5001 Watts/sqft x ' - 3_41 Btuh/Watt = 2,766 r._.... ._ __- .. .._.._ ... _ ..... ___ ...-_ -.- Occupants -- 1.00 X 1,621Ix : 2551 Btuh/occ. / 333 sqft/occ. _ 1,241 Receptacle .00 X 1,6211x ` -. 0.00j Watts/sqft x F 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 'Ll .00 x�- 1,621 x ! 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 BtuhMatt = 0 Infiltration: II 1.Oo x 1.080 x I 1,621] x 1 9.10 x 1.00 / 60] i 37 = 9,820 1`sc rF-e u e it Sensible rem- Ceiling FRi-e g - AUH p Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 37,385 Sched. • Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants -- 1.00 X 1,6211x _ -- _ 225 Btuh/occ. I _ 333 sqft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 x 1,6211 x ; 0.000 Watts/sqft x I 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process I 1.00 x 1,621)x i- 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Waft = 0 Infiltration: 1.001 x L - 4,840 X 1,621 x 9^10 x 1.00 60J 0.00433 = - 5,151 r=sc�dute Air a en - Area Ceiling HeigF AC pW • Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 6,247 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:1 of 3 L 19 10 lu lu Ll RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project Title Date Room Name Existing Residence Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: - Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design, Temperature Difference: 78°F 115°F 37°F Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btu/hr X x X X X x X __J X X X X I J x X X x X x 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. 01 Shaded -Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGIF Area SGF SC Btu/hr SldgGIsWdw (1) (West) 0.0 xx 73)x 0.724 = 830 12 — FxdG1s UJ_ (West) T 0.0 x 1� + -7.2 x 73)x 0.724 = 381 FxdGIs (K) 1 0.0 X + 26. x 73)X 0.724 = 1,380 0.724 = S1dgG1sWdw (L) —0-0] X 15 + 1 894 1– ____ r----- 16..91 x –.-.-.-73 _0 dGis (M) (West) 0.01 xi 11 + 13.0(•x i 731)X .724 = 687 !X. . (i. x! x )x x t+ x )x X i+ x )x X + 1XI )x Sched. Page Total L_ 4,173 Internal Ga* in Frac. - Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Pig: 1.001 x 1 1,621! x 0.5001 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh[Waft = 2,766 .. .... ...... . Occupants ....... L_-1.00 X 1 1,6211x i 25Btuh/occ 333 sqftlocc. = 1,241 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,6211x 0.000 —Watts/sqft x 3.413 BtuhMatt -0 1.00 F 1,6211 !L qft x F --i-413 BtuhMatt Process x x 0.000] Watts/s 0 Ix x x E� 60� =37 Infiltration: x c�loo C e �Loeo Air Sensiole Ceal—i.9 FFUW�10 Z_\ I Fraction ITOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 37,3851 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants x x 225 Btuh/occ. I 333 sqftlocc. Receptacle x x 0.000 Watts/sqft x M Btuhatt = Process x x L 0.000 Watts/s.qft x Btuh[Watt = El 1,621 x x 601 E 0.004331 L____ 5,1511 -a ng -H, Q-91 Infiltration: x F 4,840 x ifiltration: C_ ;e n —A—rea"' cFiIF AC H W • —Ai­r;j 1i 00 Fraction ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 6,247 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number:, 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page: 2 of 3 0 0 0 0 E 0 10 0 Ll 0 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY 1PROJECT NAME DATE The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA Residential Addition 288 PENGINEERING CHECKS ISYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 0!1 1 COIL COOLING PEAK COIL;HTG. PEAK CFM !Sensiblel Latent COIL Sensible i lHeating System I Output per System 80,000:!:: Total Room Loads 2081 5,168 949 166 6,2651 1 Total Output (Btuh) 12,000!H Return Vented Lighting 01 Return Air Ducts 258 3113 Return Fan 0 0 0 Output (Btuh/sqft) j 41.7; i lCooling System I Output per System 60,000 Ventilation F_0 01 F—o o Supply Fan 0 0 Supply Air Ducts 258 313 TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 5,6851 949 [=6,892 - ------ Total Output (Btuh) 9,0001 Total Output (Tons) 0.8;!; Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 31.2; Total Output (sqft/Ton) 1 384.0:'L—.,. Air System _ HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION CFM per System , , ­_­_ --- - - i Airflow (cfm) 3001 Existing 5 Ton (Table 7-3) 1 7,7041 12,0001 1 Ii Airflow (cfm/sqft) Airflow 1.04 400.01 ir (cfm/Ton) Outside Air -------- - 0.0i, Total Adjusted System Output (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) 77041 01 12,000 II Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.00 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 Jan 12 am it r Note: values above given at ARI conditions PENG SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRIGS (Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak) 24.0 OF 69.0 OF 69.0 OF 10.5 Outside Air Supply Air Ducts 0 cfm 104.0 OF 100 Supply Fan 300 cfm Heating Coil ROOMS I 70.0 OF 69.0 91F Return Air Ducts 1COULING SY MUMtrs ream Temperatures aFT-ime o=oolIng Peak) �11 14.1180.3 OF 78.8163.4 OF 78.8! 673.4 55.0/53.6 OF F–Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 0 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 55.8 53.9 OF 300 cfm 43.7%R.H. ROOMS III 0 1 78.8 63.4 F 78.0 163.1 OF Return Air Ducts F_ EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number- 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 i• i• • • I• 1• I• 1• • • ROOM LOAD SUMMARY' PROJECT NAME The ANDERBERG Residence at: DATE 5/22/01 SYSTEM NAME Residential Addition FLOOR AREA 288 LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK • COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Addition Only 1 ion Only 1 208 5,168;: 949 208 5,168 949 166 6,265 I I I I • • I —f I I I I I . I I I i I � • i I i i t I I i I I I I PAGE TOTAL 1 208 5,168 949 166 6,265 TOTAL 1 208 5,168 946 166 6,265 EnergyPro 2.1 . By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page:2 of T71 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD -SUMMARY The ANDERBERG Residence at: 5/22/01 Project Title Date Room Name Addition Only Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 78OF Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 115°F Design Temperature Difference: 370.F Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btu/hr /R -i (R.28.2x_.16) 288 0.0370 X 56.0 = 56J6 Cx x x X x R-19 Wall (W.19.2x6.16) 248.q 0.0655 X 35.6 = 578 Double Default (Wd.) 6.0 1.0100 x j 37.0 = 224 W-2 Wall (W.19.2x.16) 96.0 0.0638 X 35.6 = 218 Double Default (Mtl.) 0.6000 X 37.0 = 400 X X x X x X __j A L i A 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total E777zo 16 , Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF - -Area SGF SC Btu/hr Glass at Man Door Fixed (A) (North) (West) I. 6.0 x I + . 6.0 X [:7.-15 X 0.558 0.0 x 11 + L_L8-J0 x 73) 0 10 x + x L---- ---- J )x I x + x x x + x )x X + x X Ji x + x �_�)x Ix + ix P x x + X1 Ix Sched. Page Total LF 1,002 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Lights 2881 X 0.5001 Watts/sqft x i 3.41 � BtuhfWatt 49' X 288" x 255 Btuh/occ. 3*�3] sqft/occ. J21 Occupants 1.00 X a 0 F��&epiak`le• 1.00 x 2881 X o.000 Watts/scIft x I'-- BtuhfWatt Process !_1_.00 x 2881x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 1 3.41 BtuhfWatt • Infiltration: x x i- 2881 x 7.# x /60 37] LLS_CFrJ�&],� Air Sensible'Area Cening Heigh AJ �_00 _j Fraction [TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 5,168 Sched. • Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr ........ .. Occupants 1.00�X,L.___._ 288!x', 225 Btuh/occ. p sqft/occ.= 195 jRecepujc��____ 1.00 x :� X 0.000 Watts/sqft x�:_. 3.41 BtuhfWat t = 0 0 Process ; -1.00 x x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = Infiltration: 1.001 x x x /60, E 1 1,840 X 280 7.501 0.004331 Sc-hedule Air C_.Ctle!00 Area 'C-eili-ng H-e-igWl /\W Fraction ITOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 949 lEnergyPro 2.11 By EnergySoft User Number: 1086 Job Number: 0112.00 Page: 3 of 3