IID Board Resoultion 42-2024 - IID ECAC DisbandedV IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 42•2024 DISSOLUTION OF THE ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the Imperial Irrigation District established the Energy Consumers Advisory Committee (ECAC) in 1994 to provide the Board with advisory input on power matters; and WHEREAS, over the years, the committee has provided recommendations from time to time concerning budgets, capital expenditures, operational improvements, and various initiatives; and WHEREAS, changes in law, governance, regulatory requirements, and organizational efficiency goals have reduced the need for this committee in its current form; and WHEREAS, the District has conducted assessments and implemented a new governance structure, delegating operational decisions to the General Manager, thereby lessening the need for Board-directed advisory input; and WHEREAS, specific forums and stakeholder groups, and meetings with representatives of customer classes pursuant to SD-4: Competitive Rates, now effectively represent customer interests and provide targeted feedback to the District, reducing duplication and optimizing staff time; and WHEREAS, the District acknowledges the contributions of both current and former ECAC members and commends them for their service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors: 1. Dissolves the Energy Consumer Advisory Committee effective December 31, 2024. 2. Directs the General Manager to, as she deems appropriate, recommend and implement more flexible and efficient processes for soliciting stakeholder input across all customer classes, in alignment with the District's strategic directives. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of November, 2024. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT Resolution No.42-2024 Dissolution of the ECAC Page 2 of2 Chairman Page No. 21 Imperial Irrigation District Board Meeting November 19, 2024 Page 1 of 3 REGULAR MEETING AGENDAR Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Boardroom 81-600 Avenue 58 La Quinta, CA 92253 Division 1―Alex Cardenas, Chairman Division 2―JB Hamby, Vice Chairman Division 3―Gina Dockstader Division 4―Javier Gonzalez Division 5―Karin Eugenio Jamie L. Asbury, General Manager Geoffrey Holbrook, General Counsel Raquel Najera, Secretary to the Board Our Mission Imperial Irrigation District provides water and power, essential to life and progress for the communities we serve. Our Vision As a community-owned utility, we are committed to providing reliable and cost- effective water and power. We will achieve this by protecting and maintaining our resources and assets while continuously improving the quality of service for our customers. We aim to be a trusted partner in the overall well-being of the communities we proudly serve. CALL TO ORDER— 1:00 p.m. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pastor Julie Hodges of Saint Andrew Community Presbyterian Church, Indio, CA PRESENTATIONS • Service Awards to 11 employees for a total of 225 worker-years (Marcia Rivera) ----------- 1 APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS (limited to 3 minutes per speaker and 20 minutes total) Speakers may address the Board of Directors on any item(s) on the agenda or under the jurisdiction of the board at the boardroom by submitting a completed blue speaker slip to the General Counsel. Only members of the public having completed a blue speaker slip prior to the time for public comment will be recognized. Speaker slips are located in the Imperial Irrigation District Board Meeting November 19, 2024 Page 2 of 3 lobby. Any action taken at this time as a result of public comment will be limited to direction to staff. CONSENT 1. Formation of a Public Benefits Workgroup (Vice Chairman Hamby/Director Eugenio/Jamie Asbury) ------------------------------------------- 3 2. Adopt resolution commending outgoing United States Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton (Vice Chairman Hamby/Director Dockstader/Tina Shields) ----------------------------------------- 5 3. Adopt resolution for final Mitigated Negative Declaration - Grapefruit 92-kV Switching Station Project No. 2.00285 (Donald Vargas) ----------------------------------------- 9 CONSENT ITEMS ADDED TO ACTION AGENDA ACTION 4. Adopt resolution in remembrance of Director Rodolfo J. “Rudy” Maldonado Jr. (Chairman Cardenas) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 5. Approval of board meeting calendar for 2025 (Chairman Cardenas/Vice Chairman Hamby/Jamie Asbury) --------------------------------------------- 19 6. Adopt resolution approving dissolution of the Energy Consumers Advisory Committee and the Agricultural Water Advisory Committee (Jamie Asbury) ----------- 21 INFORMATION 7. Evaluation of an Environment Department (Jamie Asbury) ------------------------------------ 25 POLICY MONITORING 8. SD-5: Financial Resilience and Access to Credit Markets (Jamie Asbury) ------------ 33 REPORTS As a general practice, Board of Directors reports are heard during the first regular meeting of each month, and staff reports during the second regular meeting of each month. 9. Water Department (Tina Shields/Mike Pacheco) ------------------------------------------------ 47 10. Power Department (Matthew H. Smelser) ------------------------------------------------------- 49 11. Support Departments (Sergio Quiroz) ----------------------------------------------------------- 51 12. General Manager (Jamie Asbury) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 53 Imperial Irrigation District Board Meeting November 19, 2024 Page 3 of 3 CONVENE CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Cal. Gov. Code sec. 54956.9(d)(2) & (e)(1)) (three items) 2. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES (Cal. Gov. Code sec. 54957(a)). REPORT ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION, IF ANY ADJOURNMENT All public records relating to an agenda item are available for public inspection at the time the record is distributed to all or a majority of the directors in the office of the secretary to the board located at 333 E. Barioni Boulevard, Imperial, California, during regular business hours, 7:30 AM―5:30 PM, Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays, or by visiting IID’s website (www.IID.com). Regular IID board meetings are live streamed at www.iid.com/livestream. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance to participate in the board meeting, please contact the board secretary during regular business hours at (760)339-9477. Notification received 48 hours before the meeting will enable the district to make reasonable accommodations.