IID ECAC Bylaws (2023)
ECAC Bylaws – Adopted March 21, 2023
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Energy Consumers Advisory Committee
Section 1.01 The purpose for which the Energy Consumers' Advisory Committee is
organized is to provide advice and recommendations to the Board of
Directors of the Imperial Irrigation District (the Board) concerning certain
issues to be addressed by the Board, regarding fiscal, strategic
planning, and IID Board policy matters, to the extent such matters affect
the Energy Department.
Section 2.01 The Committee shall consist of twenty (20) members, all of whom shall
have equal voting privileges. Ten (10) of these members shall reside in
the Coachella Valley service area, and ten (10) of these members shall
reside in the Imperial Valley Service area. The Coachella Valley service
area is that portion of the IID electrical service area that is north of
Salton City and outside of the water district boundaries of the IID.
Section 2.02 Each Imperial Irrigation District Director shall nominate two members to
the Committee from people residing within the Imperial Valley service
area. Ten (10) members shall be nominated from the Coachella Valley
as follows: six members are to be nominated by the city councils of La
Quinta, Indio, and Coachella (two nominations each); one member to
be jointly nominated by the city councils of Palm Desert and Rancho
Mirage; and three members to be nominated by the County of Riverside
Board of Supervisor District 4 (County). All members must reside within
the IID’s electrical service area. All nominations are subject to
confirmation by action of the IID Board of Directors.
Section 2.03 One District representative shall be appointed by the Imperial Irrigation
District's General Manager and shall serve as Coordinator to the
Committee members. The General Manager, in an effort to ensure
compatibility, will work closely with the Committee's Chairperson in
appointing the Coordinator. The Coordinator shall serve at the will and
pleasure of the Imperial Irrigation District's General Manager.
Section 2.04 A four-year staggered term cycle shall be established such that one
quarter of the Committee membership is replaced or reappointed each
year. As such, the Committee shall be divided into four equal groups,
with each group to serve a distinct staggered four-year term. Once the
four-year staggered term cycle is established, the respective Director,
City Council, or County Supervisor shall appoint or reappoint a qualified
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person for a four-year term. In the event a member resigns or for some
other reason is unable to complete his/her term of appointment, that
seat will be filled for the remainder of the term by nomination of the
respective Director, City Council, or County Supervisor responsible for
filling that seat and appointment by the IID Board of Directors. In the
event a Director, City Council, or County Supervisor chooses to
nominate a person who has previously been removed from the
Committee for cause, ratification of the appointment by a majority vote
of the Committee is required. When a member of the Board leaves
office, his/her successor may replace or reappoint Committee members
appointed by their predecessor for the unexpired term of the Committee
incumbent. Committee member replacements and reappointments will
follow the appointment process identified in Section 2.02, above.
Section 2.05 If any member fails to attend three (3) consecutive Committee regular
meetings or five (5) meetings in any year during his or her term of office,
his or her position may be declared vacant by a majority of the remaining
members of the Committee making up a quorum at a regularly
scheduled meeting of the Committee upon a duly noticed agenda item
for removal. For purposes of this section, failure to attend non-regularly
scheduled meetings shall not be counted. Further, by a vote of the
majority of the remaining members, the Committee may recommend to
the respective Director, Board of Directors, City Council, or County
Supervisor the removal of a member for cause.
Section 3.01 Meetings of the Committee shall be held at either or both the Imperial
Irrigation District's William R. Condit Auditorium at 1285 Broadway, EI
Centro, California and in Imperial Irrigation District Board Room, 81-600
Avenue 58, La Quinta, California. Virtual/teleconferenced meetings may
be held as consistent with the provisions of California law.
Section 3.02. Each year at its regular meeting in December, the Committee shall
select officers and reorganize itself as required by these Bylaws. In such
case as a sitting officer is unable to carry out his duties, a replacement
shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at the next regularly
scheduled meeting with a quorum present.
Section 3.03. Regular meetings shall be held on the third Monday of each month, at
a time specified by the Committee, unless such day falls on a legal or
district holiday, in which event the regular meeting for that month shall
be held at the same hour and place on the following week provided a
quorum will be present.
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Section 3.04. Special meetings of the Committee may be called by the chairperson,
or, in his or her absence, the vice-chairperson, or by a majority of the
members of the Committee, consistent with state law. Special meetings
may be held in the same manner as regular meetings
Section 3.05. Notices of an agenda for each regular and special meetings of the
Committee shall be electronically mailed to each member and advisor
consistent with state law. Minutes of any preceding meeting will be
included in the packet if available at the time of mailing. Copies of the
agenda and minutes will be mailed to committee members who request
a hard copy of the agenda.
Section 3.06. All meetings shall be held in compliance with the requirements of the
Ralph M. Brown Act (Chapter 9, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government
Code) (the “Brown Act”), and shall be open to the public, unless
otherwise authorized by law.
Section 3.07. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the currently appointed and
confirmed members of the Committee. In the absence of a quorum, a
meeting of the Committee may be adjourned from time to time by vote
of a majority of the members present, and no other business shall be
transacted; however, the meeting may continue only for informational
Section 3.08. Each member is entitled to one (1) vote on each matter submitted to the
meeting. For all matters requiring a vote, voting shall be by roll call vote.
The Coordinator shall call the roll and duly record the votes of each
Committee member. There shall be no voting by mail or proxy voting.
Section 3.09. Meetings of the Committee shall be presided over by the chairperson,
or, in his or her absence, the vice-chairperson, or in the absence of both,
by a chairperson chosen by a majority of the members present.
Meetings shall be governed by the requirements set forth in the IID
Board of Directors Governance Manual, Policy Number G-8, Rules of
Order for Board, as may be amended from time to time, insofar as such
Rules are not inconsistent with or in conflict with these Bylaws.
Section 3.10 All full Committee meetings shall be open to the public and allow for
public comment with a limitation of three (3) minutes per speaker.
Section 4.01. The officers of the Committee shall be a chairperson and a vice-
Section 4.02. The Committee shall elect the chairperson and vice-chairperson
annually from its members. The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall
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alternate each year between Imperial Valley and Coachella Valley.
Elections shall be by a majority vote of those attending the annual
meeting, a quorum being present. Officers may be removed from that
position with cause, by a majority vote of the Committee, at any meeting
in which a quorum is present.
Section 4.03. The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Committee, and
shall, as required, serve ex officio as a member of all standing
subcommittees of the Committee.
Section 4.04. In the absence of the chairperson, or in the event of his/her inability or
refusal to act, the vice-chairperson shall perform all duties of the
chairperson, and when so acting shall have all powers of and be subject
to all restrictions on the chairperson.
Section 4.05 A recording secretary appointed by the Imperial Irrigation District will be
responsible for recording the proceedings of said meetings submitting
said minutes to the Committee for approval. The recording secretary
shall also be responsible for maintaining the originals of the Bylaws, as
well as amendments or any other alterations, after approval by the
Board of Directors and shall be maintained at the IID, together with the
book of minutes of all meetings of the Committee. The minutes of the
meetings shall include the time and place of the meetings whether it be
a regular or special meeting and of the proceedings conducted at said
Section 4.06 The Coordinator shall be responsible for the giving of all notices in
accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law
and the coordination of distributing presentation documents.
Section 4.07 The chairperson, with the advice of the Committee members, will
coordinate the preparation of the agenda with the Coordinator so that
appropriate notice can be given to the Committee, support staff, and as
required by law. All agenda items must be approved by the IID Energy
Manager or General Manager.
Section 5.01. Committees. The Committee, from time to time, may designate two or
more of its members to investigate and report on such matters as the
Committee deem appropriate. Committee appointees shall constitute
either ad hoc subcommittees (appointed to investigate and report on a
specific, non-recurring matter) or standing subcommittees (appointed
with continuing responsibilities on specific, recurring matters). All
standing committees shall comply with the Brown Act. Without prior
authorization by the Committee, no subcommittee action will be
presented to the Board unless approved by a vote of the Committee
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Section 5.02. Budget and Strategic Planning Subcommittee. Without limitation, one
of the standing subcommittees to be appointed by the Committee shall
be the Budget and Strategic Planning Subcommittee. This
Subcommittee shall consist of five members, two each from Imperial
and Coachella valleys and the Committee chairperson, who shall work
with the IID Board, annually, in reviewing the Energy Department
budget and related strategic planning. This Subcommittee shall submit
its recommendations to the full Committee and if no further review is
necessary, the full Committee will submit its recommendation directly to
the IID Board.
Section 5.03. Presentation Format. Items submitted to the Committee shall be in
executive summary format which includes: (1) a clear statement of the
problem or definition of the work, (2) all alternatives for completing the
work or solving the problem, (3) a cost-benefit analysis for each
alternative, and (4) staff's recommendation, which shall include all
reasoning and assumptions.
Section 5.04 Committee Analysis. Issues to be brought to the Committee shall
include: (1) budget and budget amendment issues, (2) strategic
planning issues, (3) policy issues to the extent they affect the Energy
Department, (4) Energy rate structure issues and (5) any other matters
deemed by the IID Board of Directors to be critical to the organization
and its customers.
Section 5.05. Fiscal Year. For purposes of these Bylaws, the business of the
Committee shall be conducted on a fiscal year basis commencing
January 1 of each year. All terms of office shall be deemed to begin on
January 1 and end on December 31.
Section 5.06. Compensation or Expense Reimbursement. Members shall receive no
compensation, salary, or other stipend for their service as members.
Expenses incurred by members, if any, in connection with their service,
shall not be reimbursed unless pre-approved by the IID and in
accordance with IID policy. Expenses may include mileage
reimbursement to and from Committee meetings and/or tours
(reimbursed at the maximum allowed by the Internal Revenue Service
at the time of travel) or expenses incurred while attending energy
Section 5.07 Committee Minutes and Communications. Copies of all minutes of the
Committee meetings will be forwarded, upon preparation, to all
members of the Imperial Irrigation District Board. Any other
communications with the Board of Directors by the Energy Consumers
Advisory Board shall be in writing, approved by a majority of those
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present at the Committee meeting at which the statement or report is
prepared. Reports to the IID Board shall include a minority report at the
request of any member voting in the minority.
Section 5.08 Effective Date of Bylaws and Amendments. Bylaws shall become
effective upon their adoption by the Imperial Irrigation District Board of
Directors. Amendments may be recommended by the Committee, by a
majority vote, for approval by the Imperial Irrigation District Board of
Section 5.09 Construction. As used in these Bylaws the masculine gender includes
feminine and neuter, singular number includes the plural, and the word
"shall" is mandatory and the word "may" is permissive.
Section 5.10 The Bylaws shall be reviewed at a minimum of every three years.
Section 5.11 No actions expressing Committee opinions will be presented by the
Committee unless approved by the IID Board of Directors.
Any requests for information or requests for action by members of the
Committee shall be made to the Chairperson, who shall use his or her
discretion to communicate the request to staff or put the matter on the
agenda for a Committee recommendation.
Section 5.12 Governance. To the extent any provision in these Bylaws contradicts
or is otherwise at odds with the IID Board of Directors Governance
Manual, the provision(s) of the IID Board of Directors Governance
Manual then in effect shall be the controlling document.
To the extent any provision in these Bylaws contradicts or is otherwise at odds with the Brown
Act, the provision(s) of the Brown Act then in effect shall control.
Adopted: March 21, 2023.