1996 04 30 CC Minutes+p LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 30, 1996 Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council on April 30, 1996 was called to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Holt, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Holt ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. William Longenecker Jr., 81-634 Shadow Avenue, lndio, felt that the cities of La Quinta, lndio, and Coachella should merge to reduce costs and to provide more effective planning. He advised that he made the same suggestion to the lndio City Council and hopes that each city will take it under consideration. Mr. Robert Hamilton, 54-775 Avenida Madero, asked the City to consider paving the area between the sidewalk and bordering rocks on the south side of Calle Tecate to eliminate the dog litter problem and construct an off-street parking area for hikers in that area to alleviate the safety hazard caused by cars parking on the street. He also urged the Council to reconsider the extension of natural gas lines to the upper Cove area as supported through a survey by 66-75% of the residents a few years ago, pointing out that it would reduce each household's annual water-heating costs by $1 32. He questioned why contractors are allowed to build identical houses next to each other since control over such action was one reason given to residents for incorporating and asked why Sunday construction restrictions aren't enforced. He was concerned about the dust caused by construction projects and the street sweeper running without water and questioned why the construction at Highway 111 and Washington Street is being done during the two busiest months of the year. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that the Economic Development Plan EDP), along with the other components of the City?s overall planning process, will be used as the City?s guide for short and long-term planning. He BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 2 April 30, 1996 advised that Council and public comments received at the workshops held in September and October, 1995, and March, 1996, were incorporated into the EDP. Mr. Frank Spevacek, consultant with Rosenow, Spevacek Group, advised that the City's resources, opportunities, and needs including its demographic characteristics, key assets and liabilities, projected market area characteristics, projected financial resources, real estate assets, and infrastructure needs are identified in the EDP. A market study conducted by Robert Childs Lesser & Company in October, 1 995, projects demand/absorption potential for various land uses in La Quinta and a summary of that information was used in the EDP to supply a realistic expectation of the type of land uses the City can hope to see developed. The business plan portion of the EDP includes a mission statement, implementation policies, and specific target areas and activities. The mission statement of the Economic Development effort is to actively recruit quality revenue-generating uses to La Quinta that diversify and expand the City's economic base, offer a variety of products and services, increase employment opportunities, enhance City/Agency fiscal resources, preserve and enhance La Quinta's unique environment, and contribute to the quality of life for La Quinta residents. He reviewed the following implementation policies identified in the EDP that will guide the overall implementation efforts by addressing resource and staffing commitments, annexation strategies, use of City assets, and refinement of City processes: * Financial Resources Commitment annually dedicated funds to support economic development and infrastructure improvement activities * Formulate an Economic DeveloPment Strike Team comprised of the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Community Development Director; to actively recruit developers?users to locate in La Quinta) * Engage in Business Retention and ExPansion working with the Chamber of Commerce to identify and facilitate expansion opportunities for existing businesses) * Require a Minimum 12%-i 5% Return on Investment with Investment RePaid Within 10 Years * Ensure Environmental ComPatibility balancing development needs and opportunities with the City's unique environment) * Pursue Regional TransPortation OPPortunities to provide additional City access for residents and resort and commercial users) * Pursue Annexation OPPortunities to possibly provide a window to Interstate 10) * Utilize Municipal Properties pursue the timely sale and or development of all City/Agency-owned surplus property with uses that achieve a maximum return on the City's initial investment) BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 3 April 30, 1996 * ExPand Recreational Activities leveraging private development with provision for additional recreational activities such as bike trails) * Enhance Streetscape Improvements to impart a distinct character to the City's streets) * Update Village and Highway 111 Specific Plans * Staff Development to improve the skills of existing staff as they relate to fulfilling the mission of the EDP) * PrePare Promotional and Communitv Documents preparation of new and updating of existing, promotional and community information documents for circulation by the Chamber of Commerce, Arts Foundation, KSL, etc. to potential users and developers) The EDP identifies three target areas wherein development would be focused during the next five years: the Highway 111 Corridor, The Village, and the City's housing strategy. He advised that large retail/commercial businesses in the Highway 111 Corridor would generate revenue by serving the surrounding communities as well as the residents of La Quinta and restaurants, art galleries, and retail services for local residents would make The Village a destination- oriented location. In regard to the City's housing strategy, he advised that California Redevelopment Law requires the Agency to insure the availability of affordable housing, making it necessary to proactively seek developers to construct housing for very-low, low and moderate-income households. The City would use the Agency's revenue resources to underwrite the affordable housing projects and locate them for best return. He advised that any additional input received from the Council and/or public would be incorporated into the draft document and the final document would be presented to the Council for final consideration and adoption and upon adoption of the EDP, the implementation policies and mission statement would be used to proactively pursue economic development activities Mr Tam Cullinan, 73-385 Juniper, Palm Desert, representative of Rancho La Quinta Country' Club, pointed out that the City has gained national recognition from the various golf events held here and he urged the Council to consider using the November, 1996 Skins Game to further promote the City by using a promotional video similar to that used by Palm Desert during the Skins Game last year. Mayor Holt encouraged him to present Palm Desert's video to the Council sometime in the near future as an example of what can be done. Ms. Audrey Ostrowsky, P.O. Box 351, spoke regarding the need for street improvements and off-street parking in The Village. BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 4 April 30,1996 In response to Mayor Holt, Mr. Spevacek advised that most homes sold in La Quinta are to families, making it a family-oriented community with the lowest median age and highest household size of all the other cities in the valley. In response to Mayor Holt, Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that an opportunity to establish a municipal golf course came up a few years ago and property at the top of the Cove is currently being looked at as a potential opportunity for the Council to consider sometime in the future. In response to Mayor Holt, Mr. Spevacek advised that the City/Agency resources of $12.3 million listed in the report for housing consists of approximately $8 million from the remaining proceeds of the $22 million bond issue sold by the Agency in 1 995 wherein a portion of the tax-increment revenue from Project Nos. 1 and 2 was committed to be used for affordable housing opportunities to pay bond debt service. The remaining $3 million is tax- increment revenue that the City currently receives in excess of the bond debt service payments and money on hand in the housing fund. At the present time, the $12.3 million has not been earmarked for any particular housing program, but it must be used to promote affordable housing opportunities, including infrastructure needs that such a housing project would require. Mayor Holt felt that the mission statement was excellent, but believed that the Council felt strongly that support for existing businesses.should be included in that statement. Council concurred. Council Member Sniff made the following comments and suggestions regarding the EDP: * felt the lack of vision statement was too extreme * advised the City was incorporated inI?, not 1983 * felt that notorious should be deleted from the description of the La Quinta Hotel * believed residents should be listed as assets * sensed a contradiction in the document because it mentions the possible elimination of the need for traditional retail centers, but discusses regional shopping stores on Highway 111 on page 1 2 of the document * believed a strate?v should be developed for dealing? with infrastructure needs for The Village and Highway 111 Corridor areas to ensure development * believed a specific plan should be develop?ed for the HiGhway 111 Corridor BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 5 April 30, 1996 * agreed with the need for a municiPal golf course, but was concerned that the natural environment of the proposed location south of Calle Tecate be maintained * suggested the possibility of develoPing an access road from the Cove to Lake Cahuilla * believed that intermediate-priced hotels/motels should be promoted on Highway 111 * recommended limiting the un?front use of redeveloPment funds as incentives for new DeveloPment limiting it to very?significant infrastructure needs and shortening the repayment period if possible * encouraged a wide range of housing to ensure that businesses would have consumers * felt that some type of incentive to draw outside consumers to The Village should be developed historical museum, golf hall of fame, moderate-priced motel, etc.) * felt it's important to encourage existing businesses * concerned about any consideration to attempt an annexation of the Bermuda Dunes area * recommended alternative strategies to regional malls be explored * felt that the Highway 111 Corridor should have a special annearance design that would set the City apart, identifying its boundaries with attractive monument signs * requested further clarification regarding the near-term action nian * concerned about the continual mention of art in The Village; believed the market would make that determination In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Genovese advised that no correlation analysis between the City's revenue increase and its 10.4% population growth had been done. During the City's early years, revenue growth was supported primarily through building permits and infrastructure fees with very little commercial revenue. He advised that most of the City's current revenue is generated by commercial development along Highway 111 and the La Quinta Hotel. If the current residential growth trend continues, more revenue will be needed which is what the EDP is designed to address. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Spevacek advised that the City's financial resources are limited to approximately $1.7 million in unencumbered funds in Project Area No.2 and $12.3 million in housing funds. The funds that are dedicated to the Capital Improvement Program budget will work in conjunction with the EDP and assist in constructing infrastructure which will support further development in the City. He advised that the costs for infrastructure in The Village and Highway 111 areas are based on 1 996 costs. BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 6 April 30, 1996 Council Member Adolph questioned why rezoning is not mentioned in the EDP because he felt that rezoning would be necessary to accommodate such things as light industrial to achieve diversity. Mr. Genovese advised that light-industrial zoning would be addressed in the Highway 111 Specific Plan which will move forward after the adoption of the EDP. Council Member Adolph recommended that staff work with the Chamber of Commerce and KSL in the preparation and updating of promotional documents for the City. Mayor Holt felt that it's important to note that La Quinta is a very desirable city, having issued more building permits than any other city in the valley during the last year. Council Member Sniff agreed that some areas should be rezoned as light industrial/business park. Council Member Perkins was pleased with the draft EDP and advised that he looks at it as a basis for moving forward. He was concerned about getting locked into specific plans" which fail to move forward, pointing out that only one building has been built in The Village since the specific plan was adopted six years ago. He's against setting specific plans for specific areas without consulting the property owners and felt that the specific plan for The Village should be abandoned and that the City should start over, helping the property owners to determine what businesses are viable for that area. He believed that it's important for the City to work with the property owners to help draw outside consumers to The Village area. He also felt that maintaining a balance between commercial and residential is important because of the increased demand on City services that new residential brings without fully financially supporting that demand. He supported actively seeking new commercial development, but believed that it's extremely important for the City to work with existing businesses to retain them, being careful that existing businesses are not put out of business by bringing in new ones. Council Member Henderson agreed that it's an excellent report and was pleased that the Thermal Airport is recognized as a resource to the City. She felt that the recreational opportunities at Lake Cahuilla should be highlighted as a key asset and supported the idea of having a mid-priced hotel/motel in the City. She agreed that approval of the CIP directly relates to the success of the EDP, especially in reference to retaining existing businesses and that some type of drastic incentive is needed to draw consumers to The Village. She strongly BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 7 April 30, 1996 supported the promotion of Lake Cahuilla and wished to see that area linked with the Cove through some type of marathon races from the lake through the top of the Cove and down to The Village through connecting bike trails. She intends to seek the initiation of an intra-city bus line which she feels will help pull the community together. In regard to street scape, she suggested that the City capitalize on the historical obelisks in the Cove by restoring them and using them City-wide to carry out the historical charm that they encompass, including them in the monument signs at the City?s entrances as well. She, too, was concerned about using the word specific" when planning development in specific areas and agreed that perhaps The Village Specific Plan should be thrown out. She believed that development of The Village would depend greatly on the ownership of the park and consideration may have to be given to moving the ballfield to another location to further the business development of that area. Mayor Holt commented that putting the DP together was a difficult task because of the varying comments and wishes that were submitted by the Council as well as the public. She supported having a light-industrial zoning designation and was sensitive to the concerns regarding the word *?specific" in specific plans, but felt that some type of vision is needed and that the community should be involved in making those decisions. She believed that the Council is extremely supportive of development in The Village and felt that it?s a challenge that will take a lot of creativity. Mr. Genovese advised that the Council?s comments would be incorporated in the EDP and staff would bring it back to Council for further consideration. Ms. Chris Clarke, 10100 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, advised two years ago, her company determined that the window of opportunity in La Quinta is five years and now there are other sites becoming available, i.e Del Webb, and if we lose retail to the freeway frontage, that will make commercial on Highway 111 even more difficult. In referring to comments in the EDP, she advised that she's been working on a regional shopping center for some time, but has decided that it's impossible for the next five years, advising that there are none currently under construction in the United States. What is happening are power centers" like Desert Crossings in Palm Desert. She then reminded the Council of an effort of hers two years ago, in which she tried to garner support of the other property owners to form an assessment district. At that time, the figure given by the City for infrastructure costs was between 22-$23 million and yet this report indicates a much lesser figure and questioned the reason why. She then referred to the Mission Statement and the fact that the Council is adding a provision for existing businesses and suggested adding existing property owners. Regarding the Strike Team, she suggested that it BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 8 April 30, 1996 should include property owners. Regarding the return on the Agency's investment, she suggested using the term average return", as a development's return the first year may be considerably different than year five. Regarding a specific plan, she felt that a vision" would be more appropriate noting that development should be market and user driven. Regarding a business park and light manufacturing, she felt that the City needs to be very careful about where it's placed and should get input from the property owners. 2 DISCUSSION REGARDING THE FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, FISCAL YEAR 1996/97 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2000101. Mr Dan Miller, consultant with Rosenow, Spevacek Group, proceeded to review the projected 1 996/97 resource allocation plan, advising that the total resources amount to $46.5 million and of that $26.6 million are operations operating; debt service and RDA pass through; $2.3 million are for affordable housing City's housing program; assessment subsidy program and housing development assistance; $4.6 million is the proposed CIP with $13 million remaining affordable housing bond proceeds & cash; 1996197 infrastructure fee revenue and unencumbered Project No.2 funds. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, reviewed the purpose of the CIP as follows: 1. Long-range program for construction of capital projects. 2. Integral part of the City's strategic financial plan. a. Annual operating budget b. Resource Allocation Plan C. Economic Development Plan d. Capital Improvement Plan 3. Coordinates financing and timing of capital improvement needs to maximize return to the public. The Capital Improvement Program has specific areas as follows: 1. A statement of the City's goals, objectives and priorities for a five-year capital expenditure plan. 2. The first year of the CIP is called the Capital Budget which is incorporated into the annual operating budget and is the only year to receive expenditure authority. 3. Subsequent years are approved on a planning basis only and do not receive expenditure authority until incorporated into the capital budget. 4. Includes a listing of projects by fiscal year priority and type of improvement project; project description; project cost funding; and estimated annual costs for service/maintenance. BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 9 April 30, 1 996 Physical types of projects include street improvements, drainage improvements, traffic signal improvements, landscape and lighting improvements, city facility improvements, and parks improvements. Mr. Cosper then reviewed the projects that have been completed or are in progress or carried over, as follows: Street Improvements: Fred Waring Drive Widening, Adams Street Improvements Ave. 47/Hwy. 111), Adams Whitewater Channel Crossing, Adams Street Extension, Washington Street/Hwy. 111 Interim Improvements, Washington/Hwy. 111 Widening, Jefferson Street Overlay, Citywide Slurry Seal Program, Parc La Quinta Utility Underground. Drainage Improvements: Coachella Drive Swale Improvements. Traffic Signals: Dune Palms/Miles, Adams/Miles, Adams/Fred Waring, Eisenhower/Fernando, Washington/Village Shopping Center, Jefferson/Fred Waring. Landscape & Lighting: Urban Forestry Program in the Cove, Citywide Landscape Medians, and Eisenhower Drive Median Improvements Ave. 50/Coachella Dr.) City Facilities: Completion of Senior Center, Sports Complex Light Rehabilitation, Senior Center Parking Lot Expansion Project. Parks: Palm Royale Park, Fritz Burns Park. Carry-Over Projects: Fritz Burns Pool. The Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 1 995/96 was funded at $6,968,000. The Capital Improvement Program proposed for Fiscal Year 1 996/97 is at $4,595,930, with a total of $13,677,550 planned for the next five years. Mr. Cosper then reviewed the proposed improvements in the FY 96/97 CIP as follows: Street Improvements: PM 10 Improvements Streets South of La Fonda, Avenue 48 Extension Project, and Dune Palms Road/Whitewater Channel Crossing. Drainage Improvements: Washington Street Storm Drain. Traffic Signal Improvements: Washington/Avenue 48, Washington/Avenue 52 and Highway 111/Jefferson Interim Improvements. Facility Improvements: Community Drop-Off Facility for Recycling, Civic Center Campus Improvements Phase I, and Public Works Fueling Station. Mr. Ed Kibbey, representing the Building Industry Association, Desert Chapter, advised that anytime the City uses infrastructure funds for ar?ything other than BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 10 April 30, 1996 a specified use, it must be considered a loan and repaid with interest, noting that the City is loaning the City of lndio $187,000 for improvements at Highway 111/Jefferson. Secondly, he stated that infrastructure funds are not to be used for storm drain improvements, pointing to the Washington Street Storm Drain Improvements. Regarding the fueling station, he noted that the County of Riverside will be using it and asked if they are going to participate in the funding. He also cautioned use of Landscape & Lighting District funds for such things as power costs for traffic signals. Otherwise, he fell that the CIP was very well done. Ms. Trice Healey, 54-455 Eisenhower Drive, urged the Council not to abandon the community pool in the five-year plan. Mr. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta, urged the Council not to incur any additional debt service. He also urged the City to pursue the use of golf carts on City streets in order to reduce traffic congestion. Mr. Carl Ingram, 78-625 Sanita, urged the Council to look toward projects for the young families in the community. He felt that the City has enough golf courses. The future growth of the City is going to happen in the north end so consideration should be given for a community center in that area. He felt that the high school is under-utilized. He also commented that there are still people in the area of the Civic Center on septic tanks so thought should be given to improving the infrastructure and landscaping medians. He also urged that a decision be made regarding the pool. Mr. Jeff Smith, 54-631 Alvarado, advised that the Economic Development Plan clearly states that the median age of the City is 32 50 the need for a pool still exists with the growing number of young families moving into the community. H? didn't believe that Lake Cahuilla and the pool at the high school are going to fill that need. Regarding a golf course in the south end of the cove, he stated that those are fighting words it goes against the natural state of that area. Ms. Audrey Ostrowsky, P.O. Box 351, La Quinta, questioned where the funding is for the infrastructure in The Village. Mr. Cosper responded to some of the concerns mentioned, advising the imposition of interest on use of infrastructure fees could be explored. Regarding the use of those funds for the improvements at Highway 111/Jefferson, he advised that only 25% of that project is in the City of La Quinta, however, it's clear that if the project is going to get off the ground, La Quinta is going to have to be the lead agency. Regarding the Washington Street Drainage Improvements, he felt that the title of that project is a misnomer, the project BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 11 April 30, 1996 actually involves construction of a retention basin, which will serve as a park, which is allowed under the infrastructure program. Regarding the fueling station, we have asked the County to participate in order that the City can receive the bulk rate on fuel and there have been some preliminary discussions about them assisting in the construction costs. Regarding the use of Landscape & Lighting District Funds for traffic signals, he believed that it's clearly an acceptable use of funds. Regarding placement of golf carts on City streets, staff is already looking into it. Regarding the median improvements, Council will be authorizing staff to receive bids on May 7th. Regarding The Village, he pointed out that improvements to La Fonda are included in the CIP. Mr. Miller and Mr. Genovese referred to the comment about debt service and advised that the debt is on bonds previously issued and is primarily related to the Redevelopment Agency. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Cosper advised that the intersection of Washington/Avenue 52 does meet warrants. Council Member Perkins advised that there is a serious situation at the Vons Shopping Center, noting that once the Washington Improvements are installed, access on Washington will be limited to right-in, right-out only. The entrance currently existing on Highway 1 11 is a hazardous situation and he suggested that that entrance be moved toward the east to line up with the entrance to the parcel across the street and be signalized. This action will not only improve the safety of the area, but assist the center in being able to market their store- fronts. He has talked to the owner of the Center and he was informed that they are currently concluding negotiations with Thrifty to cancel their lease, so they are hopeful to be able to sign another lease within the next 60 days. He suggested that the infrastructure funds currently allocated to the pool project be re-allocated to this project. Council Member Perkins also commented on the Fritz Burns Park, stating it needs to have more amenities to be complete. He continued to have a problem with the pool, commenting that a million dollars isn't going to build a pool or maintain it and that what happened in Cathedral City should be an indication. This money should be used to save property and lives. Council Member Henderson supported the improvements at the Vons Shopping Center as proposed by Council Member Perkins commenting on why we would support growth along Highway 111 if we're not going to support what we already have. She supported moving funds around to accomplish these improvements. BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 12 April 30, 1996 Mayor Holt inquired if emergency funds are available for such a use and Mr. Genovese advised that they would be. Council Member Henderson strongly supported having the Council determine the dollar amount to leave in the Community Service Fund and relieving some of the funds for other recreational facilities. The parks are going to need restrooms and other amenities. She pointed out that we do have pools at Lake Cahuilla, the High School, the CVRPD will soon be operating the pool at Palm Desert Country Club and another is proposed at the new church at Fred Waring/Washington. She advised that she has had conversations with Dick Cromwell of SunLine about establishing an intra-city bus service that would run from the high school to the hotel and out to Lake Cahuilla with other stops in between at the rate of six runs per day, six days per week for six weeks during the summer at a cost of $35,000. Council Member Adolph believed that the Council needs to move forward and make a decision about the pool. He said that he made several phone calls to determine the community sentiment about a pool and found that most people feel that there are better needs for the funds. The on-going maintenance and operation were major concerns. He also commented on the number of traffic signals being proposed and was concerned that we're going to end up being like Los Angeles he felt that oftentimes, stop signs work just as well. Regarding the fueling station, he questioned the rationale for a concrete tank. Mr. Cosper advised that signals are planned only at intersections that we think will meet warrants. He agreed that sometimes even when warrants are there, the use of stop signs is a better solution. He added, however, that most of the ones proposed in the CIP are identified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Regarding the fueling station, he said that it's easier to maintain an above-ground tank, and it's not wise to spend funds on an under-ground tank when we know that this isn't the permanent site of the corporation yards. Mayor Holt advised that she has not changed her mind about a pool and has talked to a great many people who continue to feel the same way. She believed that the proposal submitted by the CVRPD was an excellent way to build and maintain a pool. It would be a wonderful facility for the community; however, it didn't look like there's going to be support for it, so we need to move on with those funds. Regarding the park, she understood that everyone has been doing their best, but it looks terrible right now. She suggested that some of those funds be taken out of the pool fund and some play equipment and water features be put in. She believed that the CIP is an excellent document and expressed appreciation for staff's efforts. BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +p City Council Minutes 13 April 30, 1996 Council Member Sniff felt that everyone would support some improvements at the Von's Shopping Center; however, he understood that in order to get Caltrans approval that it could take up to a year to which Mr. Cosper responded that since the project is under $1 million that he felt certain it could be done through an encroachment permit process which could be obtained within a matter of a few months. Council Member Sniff had no desire to use Community Service Funds for anything other than recreation. He said that he walked the Fritz Burns Park and found no one using it and agreed that it needs a lot of work and questioned the status of the work to which Mr. Cosper advised that the matter was just recently before the Council and will be again on May 7th for consideration of canceling the contract with Mr. Dunphy, at which point we will be going after his bonding. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Cosper advised that there were notices posted asking the public not to use the parks until notices of completion were filed. Council Member Sniff agreed that additional amenities?are needed in the park like play equipment, shade over the picnic restroom facilities and a fence around the park to keep children from running out into the street. He continued to support a community pool in that location even if has to be on a smaller scale than originally planned. He, too, felt that the proposal submitted by the CVRPD was an excellent way to proceed. He would not object to using some of the remaining million dollars to enhance the entrance to the Von's Shopping Center. Council generally concurred on fencing the park and adding amenities. A brief discussion ensued regarding the types of fencing that could be utilized. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, suggested that the Council may wish to re-visit the Fritz Burns Park Master Plan. MOTION- It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Perkins to reallocate out of existing Community Service Funds, $479,668 into the Infrastructure Fund with $518,589 to stay in the Community Service Funds. Following discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Discussion ensued in which Council Member Perkins stated that he could support some kind of water feature in the park, but would not support a pool. and he wished to see the remaining funds considered for other parks as well as the Fritz Burns Park. Council Member Adolph did not wish to see an additional BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 +pCity Council Minutes 14 April 30, 1996 Discussion ensued in which Council Member Perkins stated that he could support some kind of water feature in the park, but would not support a pool and he wished to see the remaining funds considered for other parks as well as the Fritz Burns Park. Council Member Adolph did not wish to see an additional feasibility study done on a smaller pool and Mayor Holt advised that she would not support any action to take any money out of the pool funds at this time. Discussion ensued regarding the process from this point, but the Council concluded that staff should return with a modified CIP processed through the Parks & Recreation Commission). MOTION- It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Perkins to direct staff to come back with recommendations regarding the million dollar Community Service Funds to reallocate $479,668 into the infrastructure fund leaving a balance of $518,589 in the Community Service Fund. Following discussion, the motion was withdrawn. MOTION- It was moved by Council Members Perkins/Henderson to direct staff to consider the Community Service Project Fund and come back with a recommendation for the use of those funds at the earliest possible time for both parks). Council Member Sniff stated that he could not support the motion. Council Member Perkins also asked that staff pursue the improvements discussed at the Von's Shopping Center with Caltrans. Motion carried with Council Member Sniff and Mayor Holt voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-64. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to direct staff to prepare the necessary resolution for Council Agency adoption approving the 1996/97 Capital Improvement Program. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-65. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. Resp fully submit S SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 05-24-1996-U01 07:39:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 30-U02 1996-U02