1996 05 21 CC Minutes+ LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES May21, 1996 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council of May 21, 1996 was called to order at the hour of 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Holt, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Holt ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, thanked the City for getting started with the traffic signal installation at Adams Street and Miles Avenue and questioned the status of the Highway 111/Washington Street intersection project * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ms. Patty Newman, 36 Duke Drive, Rancho Mirage, Trustee of Palm Springs Desert Museum, spoke regarding their Raising the Roof" campaign and discussed the museum's expansion and success. She encouraged the City to support the museum's educational programs. * *** * * * * * * Mr. Michael Daily, 52-404 Avenida Rubio, of the Living Desert, thanked the City for its support and asked the Council to continue supporting the Living Desert, pointing out that La Quinta school children benefit by way of providing free field trips to the Reserve as well as the new after-school programs they sponsor at the Boys & Girls Club. Ms. Trice Healy, 54-455 Eisenhower Drive, continued to believe that a pool is still needed and she asked the Council to reconsider their recent reappropriation of some of the pool funds. * * * * * * * * * Mr. Dutch Dilsaver, 78-835 Dulce Del Mar, encouraged the Council to improve the City's entrance on Washington Street to draw new residents and businesses to the community. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 2 May 21, 1996 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the City Council Minutes of April 30, 1996 as submitted, Motion carried unanimously. Council Member Adolph advised of a correction on Page 5 of the May 7, 1996 Minutes. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the City Council Minutes of May 7, 1996 with Page 5, paragraph 6, corrected to read Council Member Adolph......recommended that the smaller sign on the side of the canopy be eliminated." Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS None PRESENTATIONS Mayor Holt and the Council presented Art Achievement Awards to the following students of La Quinta Middle School for their artwork displayed at the Civic Center: Grad?6 Grade7 Grade 8 Emily Boltinghouse Nathan Love Luke Freas Nathan Cook Paul Pescador Josh Gregg Paul Francis Thomas Johnson Hinano French Wendy McCoy Carol Pedraza James Patterson Nathan Quick Joey Reiver Matthew Ruiz Ilinca Vladescu Alex Schriener Marissa Zarate WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE None BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 3 May21, 1996 BUSINESS SESSION CONSIDERATION OF A RECOMMENDATION BY THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION TO APPROVE A PROPOSAL BY RANCHO LA QUINTA FOR ARTWORK TO BE INSTALLED AT THE CORNER OF AVENUE 48 AND WASHINGTON STREET AND TO APPROPRIATE $70,000 FROM THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ART PIECE. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the Art in Public Places Commission APP) has recommended approval of Rancho La Quinta's proposed artwork to be located at the corner of Avenue 48 and Washington Street. The developer will pay the artist, Mr. Bill Ware, a total of $70,000 for the artwork and is requesting a reimbursement of $35,000 paid to-date into the APP Fund and $35,000 in credits against future building permits. The developer's total contribution to the APP Fund is expected to well exceed $70,000 over the life of the development, noting that contributions will commence again after the $35,000 in credits are satisfied. He advised that the artwork would be made of layered aluminum, brass, and bronze and consist of a horse and conquistador Don" that extends 16 feet to the top of the Don" from the horse's hindquarters and 18 feet tQ the top of the flag. Fake boulders will be used to secure the artwork. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised that the location of the monument sign would not change and the sales sign would stay as long as the development is under construction. Council Member Adolph was concerned about the art piece not looking three- dimensional from all sides. Mr. Herman advised that it would be similar to the metal artwork in front of the Palm Desert Sheriff's Station. In response?to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Herman advised?that the top of the flag would be 24 feet above the level of the street and the setback for the artwork would be 1 5 feet from the sidewalk. Mr. Bill Ware, 73-891 Messon Street, Palm Desert, the artist for the project, advised that the slightly-curved art piece would be made of Y2" aluminum layers, resulting in a three-to-four-inch wide look. The horse will be made of solid aluminum and the Don" of bronze, brass, and copper, and if Council approves, the height of the flag will be extended some. He advised that the fake boulders would be used to secure the art piece. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 4 May21, 1996 In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Ware advised that he submitted his design to the APP after hearing that they were looking for submittals for this project. Council Member Henderson felt that the proposed artwork was synopsis with the development's logo, pointing out that it was referred to in the APP Minutes as their logo. She had a problem with crossing the line in permitting logos in artwork and felt that it gets into the sign ordinance regulations. She advised that according to the APP Minutes of April 1, Mr. Cullinan called the art piece a corner monument sign and pointed out that the City's monument signs will only be 7'-4' high and 1 6'-6" long. She was concerned about this project setting a precedent for future projects and was also concerned about ownership and responsibility for maintaining the artwork. She felt that it would be difficult to carry out the APP's purpose of providing art throughout the City, if the APP funds collected from a development are spent entirely on that particular project. She suggested holding a public forum as outlined in the APP Work Plan to gain input from the community regarding artwork for this project, hoping especially to gain input from the business community, given the logo concern of the art piece. She wished to be cautious in allowing the door to be opened to similar requests in the future. Mr. Ware displayed both the logo for Rancho La Quinta and the proposed artwork, pointing out what he felt was a drastic difference between the two. He felt that the artwork reflects the theme of the development and that there's a vast difference between a logo and a theme. He presented photos of other sites where artwork has been used to display certain themes. Council Member Henderson advised that Rancho La Quinta has used the Don very actively in their advertising campaign. Mr. Herman advised that under the APP Ordinance, the developer may provide artwork in-lieu of paying the APP fee or may apply for a 100% credit against the APP fees for the artwork and installation costs. An agreement would provide for the developer to maintain the artwork for public view for a minimum of 25 years. He advised that Rancho La Quinta is asking to be reimbursed for the $35,000 they've already paid into the APP Fund so that they can pay the artist $70,000 for the artwork. The remaining $35,000 will be issued as credits against their future building permits. Mayor Holt asked for clarification regarding the ownership of the artwork since the APP would be issuing a check for $35,000 toward the art piece. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 5 May21, 1996 Mr. Herman felt that Rancho La Quinta would probably own the artwork and be responsible for maintaining it for 25 years. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that the APP ordinance provides various ways to handle such arrangements. Mr. Tom Cullinan, 73-385 Juniper, Palm Desert, representing Rancho La Quinta, commented that they are also concerned about beautifying the Washington Street corridor. He advised that the artwork would reflect La Quinta's Spanish theme and be a real asset to the community. Council Member Perkins felt that this attractive art piece would set that corner off. He didn't have any problem with the height of the artwork and although he appreciated Council Member Henderson's concerns about whether or not it's a logo, he liked the project and wished to see it move forward. Council Member Sniff supported the APP decision and was pleased that the artwork was designed by a local artist. He felt that such an exciting and eye- catching art piece would reflect the spanish theme of the City, noting that the La Quinta Hotel has had two conquistadors at their entrance for many years. He didn't have any problem with the size or location of th& art piece and supported it 100%. Council Member Adolph was also pleased with the selection of a local artist and didn't have any problem with the size of the art piece. He felt that the spear should probably extend a little higher, but not as high as the drawing illustrates. He supported the APP's recommendation. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Herman advised that funds would not be issued until an agreement is signed between the City and Rancho La Quinta that provides for Rancho La Quinta to own and maintain the art piece for public view for a period of 25 years. Mayor Holt expressed appreciation for Council Member Henderson's hard work in researching the various issues that come before the Council. She also supports the APP. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the art piece as submitted and instruct staff to appropriate funds in an amount not to exceed $70,000 from the Art in Public Places Fund to construct the art piece $35,000 from future building permit credits and $35,000 from the APP Fund). BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 6 May21, 1996 Council Member Henderson advised that she would not support the motion. She felt that the art piece was magnificent and was not opposed to it, but she was opposed to the door that she believes the Council is opening by virtue of the avenue used to approve this project. Motion carned with Council Member Henderson voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-77. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST BY THE ART IN PUBLiC PLACES COMMISSION TO ALTER THE DESIGN OF THE ARTWORK FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND WASHINGTON STREET FOR THE ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that in 1993, the Council approved two art pieces for the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center. The art piece that will be located at the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street was approved with a concrete base and stainless steel pyramids with a gem in the middle. The second art piece is similar, but on a smaller scale and will be located near the future theater. The artist, Mr. Louis DeMartino, has requested a change in the material, using bronze instead of steel for the pyramids to better reflect the colors in the mountains. The change has been approved by the Art in Public Places Commission APP). The artist contracted with the developer to construct and install the two art pieces for $107,000, of which $95,000 will come from the APP Fund and the balance from the developer. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised that he wasn?t aware of any change in the material for the gem. Council Member Henderson pointed out that only $14,000 would be left for the second sculpture if $28,000 is transferred to the first art piece. She questioned how additional funds might be allocated for the second art piece should it be needed and asked if the theater and shopping center is expected to generate additional revenues for the APP Fund. Mr. Herman advised that the project is expected to generate additional revenues for the APP Fund. Any additional funds for the second art piece would have to be approved by the APP and the Council. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Herman advised that the current request is to shift monies trom one art piece to another. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 7 May 21,1996 Mr. Louis DeMartino, P.O. Box 391370, Anza, advised that there would be some change to the color of the cement and by using bronze for the pyramids, they would provide a variegated reflection of the mountain colors. A light wheel beneath the pyramid will provide a gravitational look at night. He felt that the project's landscaping is essential in providing the oasis appearance. Council Member Adolph supported the use of bronze and asked about the concrete finish to which Mr. DeMartino responded that it would be finished mostly with an acid-etching technique. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the request as submitted by the Art in Public Places Commission One Eleven La Quinta Center). Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-78. 3. CONSIDERATION OF DATE TREE GROVE LOCATION HAMMER TREES. Mr. Speer, Senior Engineer, advised that on May 7, 1996, the Council approved a Grant of Easement Deed Agreement that provided rights-of-way on the west side of Dune Palms Road and obligated the City to remove/relocate 80+ date palm trees from that right-of-way, and naming the grove of trees after the Hammer family if relocated. The three potential permanent sites discussed by the Council at the last meeting are: 1) the south side of Calle Tecate, 2) the Bear Creek Bike Path, and 3) the Civic Center campus. The Calle Tecate site would accommodate 80 trees 25 feet apart? at a relocation cost of $32,000 and irrigation installation cost of $10,000. The Bear Creek Bike Path would accommodate 60 trees at a relocation cost of $24,000. However, the Bear Creek Bike Path Urban Reforestation Project calls for California fan palms and not date trees. The 1993 Civic Center Master Plan calls for 100 ornamental palm trees, with date palms being intentionally omitted because of the thorns and dates. The relocation cost for moving 80 trees to the Civic Center would be $32,000 and $10,000 to install irrigation. The trees would possibly have to be moved a second time to accommodate revisions to the Civic Center Master Plan. If the trees are moved to City property north of the Fritz Burns Park for temporary storage, relocation costs would be $48,000 to $64,000 because of having to move them twice. Staff presented two alternative sites that are both located on the alluvial fan south of Calle Tecate. The first site is 900 feet south of Calle Tecate and south of the man-made drainage swale and the second site is on the west side of the alluvial fan near the rock croppings. If the Council decides to not relocate the trees, they may be disposed of by the School District's subcontractor who would probably recycle them into the market. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 8 May21, 1996 In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Speer advised that it would cost an additional $4,000 to $5,000 to install the irrigation if two separate Sites are selected. Council Member Adolph felt that the trees should be used at the Civic Center and Bear Creek Bike Path to keep the City from having to buy trees later on. He felt that any revisions to the Civic Center Master Plan could be worked around the trees. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, advised that some of the trees could be placed in a grove on the Civic Center site in accordance with the Master Plan and some along the Bear Creek Bike Path. Council Member Adolph didn't think the thorns and dates would be a problem if the trees were placed in a grove. Council Member Sniff stated that the Council had previously agreed during discussion of the Civic Center Master Plan, that date trees weren't appropriate for the Civic Center site. He would consider placing a small grove of date trees in a low-traffic area later on, but preferred using trees in better shape and more uniform in type, pointing Out that these trees are older and somewhat neglected, consisting of different varieties. He felt that the Calle Tecate site would be the best place to put the trees, advising that more proper spacing would be 30 feet instead of 25 feet, and suggested placing smaller ones in clusters at each end. He felt that several of the trees would be lost during relocation. Council Member Henderson appreciated Council Member Adolph's economic concerns, but felt that any trees placed at the Civic Center site would be in the way of underground work. She liked the Calle Tecate site, but was also interested in the alternate site at the base of the mountain. She was concerned that some of the residents might complain about view obstruction if the trees are planted along Calle Tecate. Council Member Sniff felt that that's why significant spacing is important. He wished to place them along Calle Tecate first and then at the Bear Creek Bike Path, Civic Center, or base of the mountain if any are left. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Cosper advised that it would cost approximately $22,000 to install irrigation along Calle Tecate and out to the base of the mountain. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 9 May21, 1996 In response to Mayor Holt, Mr. Speer advised that the sight line from the north side of Calle Tecate to Martinez Mountain is approximately an 18% incline and the sight line below the palm fronds of a 25-foot tree would be a 25% incline. Mr. Cosper was concerned about the number of trees that might be lost during relocation and recommended that they be spaced 50 feet apart along Calle Tecate and if any are left, place them in the oasis. Council Member Perkins supported spacing the trees 50 feet apart, but was concerned that placing the trees on the plateau might obstruct the view and suggested that any surplus be placed along the Bear Creek Bike Path instead. Council Member Sniff was concerned that the natural environment of the plateau area would be disturbed during maintenance of the trees. Council Member Perkins didn't feel that the trees along the Bear Creek Bike Path would require much maintenance. Council Member Henderson advised that she was more interested in placing the trees at the base of the mountain instead of the plateau. Council Member Sniff supported placing the largest trees along Calle Tecate at 50-foot centers and the remainder along the Bear Creek Bike Path or in the Hidden Oasis area. Council Member Adolph didn't believe that the visual aspect would be a problem along Calle Tecate. He suggested using a few of the trees in the traffic areas in that area. Council Member Perkins was against placing any of the trees at the Civic Center because of the probability of having to move them again. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff/Mayor Holt to support Option No. 1, placing the Hammer trees immediately along the south side of Calle Tecate, using the largest and best ones for that area and that whatever are left over in suitable condition be located either along the Bear Creek Bike Path Reforestation Project or in a hidden oasis generally as outlined, south of Calle Tecate with the first priority being the Bike Path. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-79. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 10 May21, 1996 4. CONSIDERATION OF GOLF-CART CROSSING ON PARK AVENUE. Mr. Speer, Senior Engineer, advised that KSL Recreation has requested approval of a golf-cart crossing on Park Avenue, 700 feet north of Calle Tampico, to provide a golf-cart travel route for their members from Santa Rosa Cove and Duna La Quinta to the Citrus Golf Course Clubhouse. The proposed crossing meets the criteria set forth by the California Vehicle Code which requires it to be determined safe by the local law enforcement agency, perpendicular to the street, used only during daylight hours, and the golf course must be adjacent to the street. The sight distance at the crossing is 1,030 feet to the north and 700 feet to the south, providing 13-1? seconds for carts to cross the street and CalTrans' minimum recommendation is 7Y2 seconds. The traffic signals at each end of the street increases the average gap time of 8 seconds to 10-12 seconds for golf carts to cross the street during peak traffic hours. The Sheriff's Office recommends giving the right-of-way at the crossing to vehicular traffic instead of golf carts. Giving the right-of-way to golf carts could delay traffic on Park Avenue, cause golf-cart drivers to be less alert, and would be more expensive to implement due to installation of flashing warning lights. The City must grant an access easement back to KSL to implement this crossing. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Speer advised that the crossing meets the conditions set forth in the California Vehicle Code which allows golf carts to cross the street at the crossing without being registered for the street. Council Member Perkins supported giving the right-of-way to vehicular traffic and felt that all of the signs should be approved by the City Engineer. He was concerned about golf carts assuming that traffic would stop and suggested that vehicular right-of-way be posted. Mr. Speer advised that club members would be notified of crossing regulations on an annual basis by KSL. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, advised that right-of-way signage would be placed on each side of the street. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Cosper advised that the worse-case scenario for the number of carts crossing the street would be a maximum of two carts every seven minutes during peak golfing hours. Council Member Henderson pointed out that the crossing is for clubhouse access only and suggested using arrows in the crossing to indicate the proper crossing area for golf carts. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 11 May21, 1996 Mr. Cosper advised that the crossing would have curb openings to indicate the proper crossing area. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Speer reviewed the access route from Santa Rosa Cove and Duna La Quinta to the Citrus Golf Course. Mayor Holt supported Alternative No.1 as recommended by staff. RESOLUTION NO.96-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING INSTALLATION OF A GOLF-CART CROSSING ON PARK AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 700 FEET NORTH OF CALLE TAMPICO. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No.96-31 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR A PROPOSITION 70 URBAN FORESTRY GRANT TO PLANT TREES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE CITY. Staff report is on file in the City Clerk's Office. RESOLUTION NO.96-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR FUNDS FOR THE URBAN FORESTRY GRANT PROGRAM UNDER THE CALIFORNIA WILDLIFE, COASTAL, AND PARK LAND CONSERVATION BOND ACT OF 1988 FOR THE TREES FOR LIFE PROJECT It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No.96-32 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN APPLICATION FOR 5B821 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN PROJECTS GRANT FOR SIDEWALKS-BIKEPATHS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS ALONG CALLE TAMPICO Staff report is on file in the City Clerk's Office. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 12 May21, 1996 MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the application for SB821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects Grant for sidewalks at various locations along Calle Tampico. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO 96-80. 7. CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED TO COACHELLA VALLEY RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE DISTRICT BOARD. Ms. Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director, advised that in 1995, the Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District CVRPD) allocated $100,000 for recreation improvements within the La Quinta area and in April, 1 996, the Council approved 65,000 worth of improvements at the Sports Complex. A list of suggested improvements and estimated costs for the remaining $35,000 are included in the staff report. The items have been ranked in priority by the Parks & Recreation Commission. The Commission also expressed their concern about the lack of restroom facilities at the parks although the funding is insufficient to address the need at this time. Staff recommended that the Council approve the list of improvements and direct staff to forward the list to CVRPD. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Nicholson advised that the list has been discussed with CVRPD. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that many of the items have been contemplated by the City, but when funds were made available, they were added to this list. Council Member Adolph was supportive of the list of suggestions. In response to Council Member Perkins, Ms. Nicholson advised that two of the tennis courts are somewhat separated from the others and would be resurfaced for roller hockey and basketball. Additional funding may be requested in the future to install other improvements such as fencing around the roller hockey and basketball courts. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the list of capital improvements as recommended for additional improvements to be submitted to the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District for consideration. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-81. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 + City Council Minutes 13 May21, 1996 8. CONSIDERATION OF PARTICIPATION IN THE JULY 4TH GREATER DESERT FIREWORKS EVENT. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that the City allocated $1,000 for the event last year. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to contribute $1 000 from the Special Projects Contingency Account to the Greater Desert Fireworks Committee for the July 4, 1996 event. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-82. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MAY 21, 1996. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURY REPORT DATED MARCH 31, 19g6 FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY. 3. AWARD OF CONTRACT SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO.96-02. 4. APPROVAL OF COMMUNITY USE OF ATHLETIC FIELDS AGREEMENT. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff?AdoIph to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-83. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING DESIGN CONCEPT VARIOUS CITY-WIDE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO.96-04. Mr. Freeland, Senior Engineer, advised that on February 20, 1996, the Council awarded a contract to David Evans & Associates for landscape design services for the sound-wall extension on Washington Street and median improvements as follows: Eisenhower Drive Calle Nogales to Calle Montezuma), Washington Street Frontage Road, Calle Tampico Washington Street to Eisenhower Drive), Washington Street Avenue 47 to Avenue 48), CaIle Sinaloa Avenida Bermudas to Eisenhower Drive), Washington Street and east side right-of-way Avenue 52 to evacuation channel), and Avenue 50 Eisenhower Drive to Washington Street). BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 14 May21, 1996 He advised that the concept plans were approved by the Planning Commission on April 23, 1 996. The overall landscaping theme is consistent with the General Plan for primary-image corridors and secondary-image corridors and both corridors will have accent lighting and colored, brick-patterned, stamped concrete island noses. The primary-image corridor islands will have designated art-feature pads. Based on receiving authorization to receive bids on July 18, 1996, the bid opening will be held August 16, 1996 and construction will begin mid-September and end mid-December. Bids for the Washington Street medians from Avenue 52 to the evacuation channel and the Avenue 50 medians will be requested as add-alternates. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Freeland advised that provisions would be made for electrical and plumbing for the art-feature pads. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the conceptual design for the various City-wide landscape improvements Project No.96-04. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.96-84. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION OF CULTURAL COMMISSION. Council Member Perkins requested that this item be continued to June 1 8, 1996. Ms. Judy Vossler, 46-555 Cameo Palms, advised that the Cultural Commission made several revisions to the Minutes of their last meeting and they will approve those Minutes at their next meeting. Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency meeting and Closed Session to and until the hour of 7:00 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with labor negotiator, Tom Hartung. regarding negotiations with La Quinta City Employees Association pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Meet and Confer Process. 2. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) regarding potential litigation one case). BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 15 May21, 1996 3. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(3)(C) regarding potential litigation one case). 4. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) regarding on-going litigation Granite Construction, Case No. 086195. 5. Conf?rence with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) concerning on-going litigation Paul Berlier and Anthony Silva Case No.089180. 6. Evaluation of Council-appointed position City Manager pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. 7:00P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. WEED ABATEMENT/LOT CLEANING ASSESSMENTS FOR PLACEMENT ON 1996/97 TAX ROLLS. a. Stemmer, Joe W. & Vicky APN 774-301-005 $187.50 b. Feingold, Julian F. APN 774-301-006 $187.50 c. Patton, James J. & Eileen APN 773-174-002 $187.50 d. Santa Fe Designs APN 773-312-001 $187.50 e Raub, Sondra L. APN 773-242-002 $187.50 f. Nesman, Margaret A. APN 773-174-007 $187.50 g. Baza, Thomas P. & Nancy L. APN 773-171-011 $187.50 h. Richards, Charles & Ann APN 769-116-003 $187.50 i. Sobel, Harry & Jeffrey APN 773-222-002 $187.50 APN 773-222-003 $187.50 j. Riley, William R. APN 773-201-014 $187.50 k. Hamilton Supply APN 773-313-005 $187.50 APN 773-313-006 $187.50 I. Riley, William R. APN 774-295-015 $187.50 APN 774-295-016 $187.50 Mr. Hartung, Building & Safety Director, advised that payments have been received for Items b, e, i, and k. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 16 May21, 1996 The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO.96-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA, ASSESSING LIEN AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON TAX ROLLS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No.96-33 as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 2. PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 FISCAL YEAR 1996197. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, advised that on April 2, 1996, the Council adopted resolutions, declaring the City's intention to levy annual assessments for Landscape & Lighting Assessment District 89-1 for Fiscal Year 1 996/97 and scheduling two meetings a public meeting on May 21, 1996 wherein affected property owners are given an opportunity to ask questions regarding said assessments and a public hearing will be held on June 4, 1996 to receive public testimony and written protests at which time the Council may decide to lower the fees or maintain the fees as recommended in the Engineer's Report. The Engineer's Report includes a description of services provided through the District, necessary costs to provide such services, diagram of the boundaries of the various districts, and an assessment schedule. This year's Assessment District will have a City-wide benefit zone and six local benefit zones. The number of Equivalent Dwelling Units EDU) decreased this year from 23,522 to 23,207 and the assessment increased from $43/EDU last year to $43.34/EDU. The total revenue last year was $1,011,446 and this year it is estimated at $1,005,781. Parcels in Annexation Area No.9 have been given a new definition, Vacant and Remote Non-Residential Parcels, and the rate has been adjusted to 50% of the current Vacant Non-Residential parcel rate. The basement cap to the annual CPI adjustment was increased this year from 0% to 2.5% with a maximum CPI adjustment of 5%. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Cosper advised that the number of EDU's decreased because of the change in Annexation Area No.9. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 17 May21, 1996 The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. No action was taken. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Noted and filed. DEPARTMENT FIEPORTS C-i. COUNCIL SUMMER SCHEDULE. Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk, asked the Council for direction in regards to the summer meeting schedule. Council concurred on canceling the second meeting of August and the first meeting of September. A-2. REPORT ON LIBRARY FUNDING AND OPERATIONS. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that a copy of this report was forwarded to Ms. Atkins who is the City?s representative on the Library Advisory Board. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Genovese advised that CVAG's Technical Advisory Committee TAC) is looking into arranging some type of valley-wide meeting to review this issue and is talking to the County about releasing funds as well. F-i. THREE-MONTH UPDATE ON SUNLINE BUS PASS SALES. Council Member Sniff questioned the benefit of the program. Council Member Henderson supported having the passes available for the public, but questioned if it was worth the paperwork involved to collect the commissions. She suggested that the Chamber of Commerce be contacted about selling passes and making them available at the Senior Center. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 18 May21, 1996 Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that this program is viewed as a service to the community. The Chamber will be contacted regarding their possible involvement. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS....................continued 2. DISCUSSION OF LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS AND COMMISSION MEMBERS. Council Member Perkins asked if there is any provision of liability insurance for Council Members, noting that his personal liability insurance policy no longer covers him as a Council Member because his insurance company considers him an employee of the City. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the Council is covered by errors and omissions insurance. A report outlining that coverage will be presented to Council at the next meeting. 3. DISCUSSION OF SUMMER INTRA-CITY BUS SERVICE. Council Member Henderson advised that SunLine is not in a position to expand their programs at the present time, but she has looked into the possibility of an intra-city bus service as a temporary summer program that would help transport residents within the City. She asked if there was a consensus of the Council to have staff look into the possibility further. Council Member Adolph understood that SunLine was willing to work with the City on this program, but that the City would be responsible for the funding whether it's successful or not. SunLine has suggested that passes be sold up front to determine the viability of the program and if the temporary program is found unviable, the program could be dropped. Council Member Henderson advised that six trips a day through the City, five days a week would cost approximately $37,000 for a five-week period. In response to Mayor Holt, Council Member Henderson advised that no estimate has been made regarding reimbursement of revenues through bus passes, pointing out that that's one aspect of the program that still needs to be determined because the City might wish to fund it as a recreational program. BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02 +City Council Minutes 19 May 21, 1996 Mayor Holt pointed out that summer school might generate a lot of bus-pass sales. Council Member Henderson advised that the Lake Cahuilla pool is not open every day, but she hoped that would change and pointed out that the bus route could be adjusted according to the Lake's pool schedule. Council Member Perkins felt that it's worth investigating, but was concerned about the liability issues involved and who would be responsible for watching the children. Council Member Adolph felt that it might be a viable program for summer school. Council Member Sniff wasn't supportive of pursuing the program, pointing out that bus service to the high school pool last summer didn't work. He didn't believe that people would go to the Lake because of the heat and didn't feel that transportation for seniors or summer school students was a problem. Council Member Henderson advised that many seniors who previously attended the Senior Center on Highway 111 no longer attend because there no bus service. Council Member Perkins pointed out that this program might give us an idea of how much demand there is for a pool and supported looking into it. Council concurred on directing staff to report back to the Council within the next month on the pros and cons of an intra-city bus service. Council recessed to Closed Session as delineated on Page 14. Council reconvened with no decision being made which requires reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code Brown Act). There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, AUNDRA L. JUH LA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 06-18-1996-U01 07:30:09AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 21-U02 1996-U02