1996 10 30 CC Minutes, LA QUENTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 30, 1996 Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 1:00 pm by Mayor Holt, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Holt ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA None STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF VARIOUS CITYWIDE PARKS IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, presented staff report outlining past actions taken relative to park improvement funds. He advised that the 1996/97 CIP included funding for two, unspecified citywide park improvements totaling $700,000. Those funds consisted of $1 81,41 1 in Infrastructure Funds and $518,589 in Community Project Funds. As directed by Council, staff took the issue of prioritizing potential park improvement projects to the Parks & Recreation Commission for a recommendation. On October 23, the Commission concluded that task and presented a prioritized list of potential projects totaling $1,272,400 as contained in the staff report on file in the City Clerk's Office. Council Member Sniff referred to the $518,589 in Community Project Funds and commented that that amount has remained stagnant for sometime where it should be somewhat higher as it should be in a fund drawing interest. Mr. Genovese advised that he would see that the Council receives an updated figure on those funds. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Cosper advised that the lighting for the Sports Complex is new lighting for one or two additional ballfields on the north side of the complex. He added that, when installed, it will be compatible with the up-grade recently completed. BIB] 12-17-1996-U01 10:40:48AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 ,City Council Minutes Page 2 October 30,1 996 In further response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Cosper advised that the drainage project at Adams Park is intended to handle the nuisance water and was intended to be a part of Phase II, but needs to be dealt with sooner. Council Member Sniff stated that there is a need to give staff some direction with regard to the building of a community pool that can be functional by next summer. He questioned whether or not the Council is supportive of a pool to be built with the $518,000 and if not, then the Council can proceed to determine other uses for the funds. In response to Mayor Holt, Mr. Cosper advised that all of the Quimby Funds have been used except for some possible minor amounts. He added that none of the projects on the list are intended to be completed with Quimby Funds. Projections indicate that there will no Quimby Funds available for the next three or four years. Council Member Henderson felt that in looking at the list compiled by the Parks & Recreation Commission in addition to all of the other parks improvement needs, it's a serious issue and felt that the $518,000 could be spread out to produce far more recreational services for a larger part of the community and that part of the funds could be used to enhance the pool at Lake Cahuilla, even if that means re-surfacing the transportation issue or building a trail over the mountain at the top of the cove going over to the Lake. She understood that the direction given in June was for the Commission to consider uses for the $518,000 and now learns that they were also given direction to consider the additional $181,000 of which some has been used for the parking lot at the Senior Center). Mayor Holt stated that she has not changed her mind regarding the pool she continued to support it. Council Member Perkins stated that most of the complaints he hears about the Fritz Burns Park is relative to lack of picnic facilities and shade. He was concerned that by building a pool, there won't be enough funds to provide for picnic facilities along with shade, restroom facilities and playground equipment. There are only so many dollars and they need to be used for the best advantage. Council Member Adolph stated that with him, it's never been an issue of a pool, but rather economics. If we can't build a pool for the $518,000 then he couldn't support it. We need to know for sure what the CVRPD will do for us in operating the pool he supported a small subsidy for operation) and wished to see a surety policy to guarantee that the City won't be hurt financially, if it BIB] 12-17-1996-U01 10:40:48AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 ,City Council Minutes Page 3 October 30, 1 996 doesn't work out. He believes that we can have a nice size pool for $518,000 including a fence, restroom facility and a shade structure within the pool area and possibly have some left over for playground equipment. He urged that we proceed to get some cost estimates as we'll never know until we do. He added that he has talked to architects who will donate their services to do the layout. Council Member Perkins stated that he originally opposed the pool because it started out as a $2 million project, and felt that the Council never received all the hard facts. However, if a decent sized pool along with restrooms, and a shade area can be done for $518,000, he could support it. Council Member Sniff stated that he would like to see a pool built and if it can be done along with surrounding amenities, then that should be done. He suggested that staff be directed to come back to the Council within 30 days with cost estimates. If we can't get something reasonable and functional, then the funds can be re-allocated to other projects. He asked that Council Member Adolph provide staff with the names and addresses of the architects and builders he's been talking to. Mr. Genovese advised that staff will be back at the second meeting in November with that information and will explore the matter of the surety. Mayor Holt asked if passage of the City Charter will make a difference in how this pool could be built and Ms. Honeywell advised not, except that the City could then pay fair market wages as opposed to prevailing wages for the work. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Cosper advised that there are different requirements for a public pool as opposed to a private pool. Council Member Perkins pointed out that a pool is a limited-use facility, being operated about four months of the year and in looking at the priority list, he wondered if that is the best use of the funds. 2. DISCUSSION OF INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS RELATED TO THE NEW ADAMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Mr. Cosper, Public Works Director, presented an update on the improvements planned and scheduled relating to the Adams School. He advised that the traffic signal at Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive is currently underway and BIB] 12-17-1996-U01 10:40:48AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 ,City Council Minutes Page 4 October 30, 1996 should be completed by the first of January. Curb, gutter and sidewalk are currently being constructed on Desert Club and should be completed by November 1 5, 1 996. The sidewalk on the south and north side of Tampico will be going to bid soon and should be completed by the first of January. Nelda Esmeralda, 52-404 Avenida Rubio, Principal of Adams School, advised that they will be moving some of the classes into the new school in January in order to comply with the new regulations requiring classrooms to scale down to 28 students per classroom by February 4, 1997 or else they will lose their $650 per student allotment from the State. She further advised that the District does not bus students within Y2 mile of the school, so there will be many young children walking to school and she was concerned that they will have safe walking paths to the school. She also felt that if Four Seasons Way could be made one-way, it would help. Council Member Sniff also expressed concern about the loading and unloading of students, especially on the north side of the street, so that the children won't have to cross the street. He suggested encouraging a one-way in and one-way out during school hours. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Cosper suggested directing people to enter the school area at the senior housing project which will be signalized and have them exit by Desert Club and advised that staff can assist in preparing maps for distribution to the parents. He also suggested having the City's Traffic Committee review the situation. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, expressed concern about the foot traffic that will occur between Calle Tampico and Chihuahua. She advised that Kindergartners and first-graders will be bused if they live within a 3/4 mile radius of the school, but the rest of the children will be walking and the only street with sidewalks all the way is Eisenhower, so she was concerned with them walking in the streets and asked how they can be protected. She suggested establishing pedestrian paths in which parking will be restricted during the hours of school. Council Member Sniff felt that we need to think about some recommended access streets that the Sheriff's Department could monitor during the times they will be impacted. He suggested that a route to explore might be Desert Club. Mr. Genovese advised that the matter will be taken to the Traffic Committee at the earliest possible time. BIB] 12-17-1996-U01 10:40:48AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 ,City Council Minutes Page 5 October 30, 1996 3. DISCUSSION OF JOINT POWERS AUTHORITIES AND THEIR POWERS. Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that the Council has received a copy of Government Code Section 6508 relating to Joint Powers Authorities. Basically, this type of organization is probably the most flexible type of governmental entity there is. A JPA may exercise any of the powers that its members commonly hold that have been delegated in the JPA itself. So if you have a JPA made up of cities as its members, then basically, anything those cities can do, the JPA can do unless the agreement itself, by its nature delegates limited powers with a few specialized exceptions, notably, on condemnation of property owned or otherwise subject to use or control by any public utility. Council Member Henderson stated that there is a need to talk about the reporting process in which individual Council Members can use to report back to the Council as a whole. Mayor Halt felt that perhaps if something significant transpires at one of the Committee/Board meetings, that the Council make a brief report at the following Council Meeting especially when something is getting close to coming to a vote. Council Member Henderson suggested a listing of the Council's assignments on the agenda so that the opportunity to make a report is readily available. Council concurred. In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. Honeywell stated that the member of the JPA is representing the City and any actions taken by the Board does obligate the City. However, she pointed out that many of the agreements they enter into have indemnification clauses that purports to say that the legal entities that are the individual members are themselves responsible for the actions of the legal entity, which is the Joint Powers entity. However, in an action to enter into a contract or spend money, if the entity becomes responsible for something, they will have to turn to the individuals members for obligations they are incurring. This is the reason why the powers of a JPA should be limited when it is established so that there is a clear understanding of their purpose. This is why, in the case of SunLine, an implementation agrement is required before they can do something new. BIB] 12-17-1996-U01 10:40:48AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 ,City Council Minutes Page 6 October 30, 1996 4. DISCUSSION OF FUNDING POLICIES FOR THE SPECIAL PROJECTS CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, presented staff report advising that the City currently has $71,700 budgeted in the Special Project Contingency Account of which $40,000 is in a general" account with the remainder designated for specific services. The Council wished to see this item agendize for discussion as to a process or perhaps a criteria for review of the applications received. Council Member Henderson stated that her concern is more encompassing than just the Special Project Contingency Fund, but also includes the service contracts. She referred to an attachment in the staff report outlining the history df the grant program, and noted that the grants and service contracts over the past eight years total $1,748,383. She didn't believe that the City should be in the business for grants, but supported a contingency account to cover un- anticipated expenses such as capital improvement or municipal-involved projects. She felt that the proper format for giving away funds is by use of a service contract which includes a scope of services outlining what the City expects to receive. She felt that the Council needs to look closely at the scope of services, but nonetheless, these contracts are handled during the budget process and that is where it should be. Council Member Perkins stated that he's been critical of the grant program and the funding of the various contracts for some time. He has a serious concern about the use of taxpayers money for these kinds of things. The City has to tightened its belt and get out of the grant and contract program. He pointed out that there is new legislation that says that upon a request, non-profit organizations must give an accounting of their funds. The City has never received a proper accounting from the Chamber of Commerce nor the Arts Foundation. He then related his past experiences working with non-profit organizations and the work they did to raise funds without going to local government. Mayor Holt believed that the City Council needs to be fiscally responsible and sensitive to the municipal dollars, but she also believed in a grant program as that is what community is all about---about people and children. She commented on the work the coaches are doing in helping these programs and keeping the kids off the streets. Council Member Adolph agreed---we have a small, cohesive City and all of these activities are part of the City which we need to support. Without the City's support, we aren't going to have these activities. He recognized that the City BIB] 12-17-1996-U01 10:40:48AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 ,City Council Minutes Page 7 October 30, 1 996 needs to be selective and there needs to be a grant process in which the Council is limited to a certain amount of funds to give away. Council Member Sniff stated that the only issue before the Council is the community service grant process----not the service contracts. He advised that he has been on the Council ever since the grant process began and while it's not perfect, it's reasonably good. He felt that the Special Project Contingency Fund is needed because you never know when something worthy comes before the Council. He believed that Government is more than lust tangible things--- sometimes it's the intangible things and it does and should serve the people. He felt that the Council needs to follow through with a joint meeting with the School Board since many of the requests the Council receives are children- related. In the meantime, as imperfect as it may be, it's the best we can do at the moment. Therefore, he supported the status quo. Council Member Henderson agreed that government exists people, but it wouldn't exist without the people paying taxes and if there's excess money, then there's too much money being collected. People should have a choice of having their dollars the way they choose. She does not believe that when she's writing a check for her taxes that she is paying a portion to come back to the City for five people to select what organization will receive a portion of it. She pointed out that the City is a long way away from completing its infrastructure and while she agreed that government at all levels need to have some heart, but if you haven't completed your duty then, there should not be extra dollars. Mayor Holt felt that each Council Member probably has a different perspective on what their duty" is and that is probably why they answer to a different constituency. Council Member Perkins disagreed that these organizations cannot find funds elsewhere, reiterating his past experience in working with non-profit organizations and assisting with their fund-raising efforts. Council Member Henderson felt that since the consensus is to continue with the grant program, she wished to have some input as to how future decisions will be made noting that the CVRPD requires matching funds when approving grants. She also felt that the City should be receiving all the appropriate documentation from these organizations. There are ways to distribute funds and we need to adopt a policy to do so. BIB] 12-17-1996-U01 10:40:48AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 30-U02 1996-U02 ,City Council Minutes Page 8 October 30, 1996 Mayor Holt suggested that staff be directed to research policies of other cities. Council concurred. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:1 5 PM upon motion by Counci Members Sniff/Adolph and carried unanimously. submitted, AUNDRA L JUHOLA City Clerk City of La Quinta California BIB] 12-17-1996-U01 10:40:48AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 30-U02 1996-U02