1997 01 28 CC Minutes-z LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 28, 1997 Special meeting of the La Cuinta City Council of January 28, 1 997 was called to order at the hour of 1:00 PM by Mayor Holt, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor HoIt ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT None STUDY SESSION 3. DISCUSSION OF SUMMER INTRA-CITY BUS SERVICE. Mr. Hartung, Building and Safety Director, advised that this matter was considered by the Council last spring, but decided that it was too late to implement it for last summer and decided to review it again this year. Council Member Henderson stated that she continued to wish to see a summer bus program implemented, referring to the City's recreation and senior programs and was impressed with the proposal submitted by Laidlaw She felt that with the Palm Desert Post, we could begin soliciting input from the community as to the kind of use that could be generated. Mayor Holt asked how close the bus service could come to the residences and Council Member Henderson assumed that there would be the possibility of being picked up at the door, but that kind of service would probably require more dollars. Council Member Perkins hoped that there could be a connection between this proposed service and SunLine. Council Member Adolph felt that we need to establish some method of determining the need and possible usage prior to implementing the program and agreed that the Palm Desert Post could be utilized for this purpose. He would support the program if we could make a determination as to the need. Council Member Sniff stated that he has not seen a Palm Desert Post delivered to his house for the past three months. He agreed that we need to determine the need and the days of the week and time it would be used. He also BIB] 02-05-1997-U01 08:21:35AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 28-U02 1997-U02 -zCity Council Minutes 2 January 28, 1997 questioned whether or not it would be provided free to the rider. He asked if any other providers were contacted, such as GreyLine and Mr. Hartung advised not. He wondered if there would be a duplication of services currently being provided by SunLine. If it goes forward, he felt that it could include shopping areas. He felt that the overall program needs to be more fully defined. Mayor Holt felt that this could be utilized for summer school which would be a very important link. Council Member Perkins didn't look at this as providing a bus service for the City of La Quinta, it would be a contract to provide a particular charter service. He wasn't looking at providing shopping services, but rather to go to the lake, senior center and parks. He doubted that there were any other bus services that would provide this particular kind of charter service. It will be difficult to project usage for something totally new that we need to take a chance on it and see if it works. We may be able to get some ideas by soliciting input through the Palm Desert Post. Council Member Henderson stated that this idea originally surfaced as part of the pool discussions as a means of transporting the youngsters from one activity to another that is being provided as well as providing service to the senior center and as it appears, there won't be a pool this summer either. Regarding costs, she advised that Palm Desert subsidizes their intra-city bus service. She felt that there is time to get the program more defined to get it implemented for this summer. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, questioned Council's desire as to the contents of a survey--whether it is just to measure the interest or to include a more defined service including routes. Council Member Henderson commented that the shopping opportunities are relatively close to the recreational opportunities and so it could possibly include both. She suggested that the matter should be brought back to the Council with a map so that the Council could map out a proposed route in which to solicit input for. * Council Member Perkins didn't have any objections to having those areas included, if they currently are not included in the SunLine bus route. Council Member Sniff continued to wish to have GreyLine contacted. He felt that with the severe summer temperatures, the pickup point is also important. BIB] 02-05-1997-U01 08:21:35AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 28-U02 1997-U02 -zCity Council Minutes 3 January 28, 1997 Mr. Genovese advised that within a month, staff will bring back a map with some of the points of interest as have been discussed along with the SunLine routes in an order to see how they can be meshed. Staff won't address the issue of cost until the route has been determined. Hours will also be explored. DISCUSSION OF FUNDING ALTERNATIVES FOR THE LA QUINTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S MUSEUM. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that as part of the Council's discussion in July in approving the contract services agreement with the Historical Society to subsidize their rent, Council directed staff to agendize this matter for a future study session to discuss a long-term funding solution for the museum. In discussions with Mr. Ned Millis, President, he advised that the asking price for the existing building and three parcels is $250,000 although there has been no appraisal). The Historical Society currently has $25,000 in their fund for this purpose and they are putting $6,000-$7,000 per year into that fund in addition to having ongoing efforts to pursue grants. Should the Council wish to consider purchase of the property, possible funding sources include the general fund emergency Reserve, Quimby Fees, Community Services fund, RDA Project Area No.1 funds, CDBG and Infrastructure funds. Council Member Adolph questioned the size of the parcels in question and Council Member Henderson advised that Mr. Yessayian said that the total acreage is 1.27 acres, to which Council questioned. Council Member Henderson commented that the problem with an appraisal is that there are no comps out there. Council Member Adolph felt that the asking price is extremely high and stated that he didn't think that the City belongs in the real estate business. It seems that the City has always bought high and sold low. Unless we know that we are going to break even on this down the road, he didn't think he could support it. Mayor Holt stated that she totally supports the Historical Society and what they've accomplished. She felt that the owner seems to be decent in their willingness to carry the note and the interest rate they're asking. She asked if there are any time frames involved. Council Member Henderson was not aware that the owner was exerting any pressure on the Historical Society. She personally finds the dollar figure to be BIB] 02-05-1997-U01 08:21:35AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 28-U02 1997-U02 -zCity Council Minutes 4 January 28, 1997 high and probably is because of the liberal terms. She would not encourage the City to walk blindly into anything of this nature, but rather to sit down with the owner and see what can be arranged. She felt that CDBG and Quimby could be utilized and that the property could be brought into the City's park system and could be utilized to assist with the City's parking problems in that area and could possibly encourage some development of the downtown. Council Member Sniff also was supportive of the Historical Society, but felt that there are a number of considerations here including the need for an independent appraisal. If we purchase it, it needs to be made functional in order to be an asset to he Village, and in order to do that, it needs to be expanded. He suggested that it could be woven into the discussions of The Village. He felt that the price is out of line even though the terms are reasonable. He encouraged the Council to discuss The Village soon and until then, he didn't know how this discussion could go further. He suggested that the staff be directed to schedule a discussion of The Village. Mr. Genovese advised that staff is scheduling a discussion of The Village for late March or early April. Council Member Perkins felt that the biggest problem with The Village is the Specific Plan. Development there will happen when developers see the advantage of the area and not have the City dictate to them. He saw no difference in supporting the Historical Society than the City's support for the Chamber of Commerce and Arts Foundation, which the City has decided to heavily subsidize. He felt that this is an opportunity for the community, in that rt's something we could help preserve and expand the building and help make their relationship to the City as important as the Chamber and Arts Foundation. He asked how the City can help the Historical Society proportionately to the Chamber and Arts Foundation. He felt that the Chamber should be helping organizations such as this. He felt that the City staff has brought more businesses to the City than the Chamber has. He saw the Historical Society being important to the overall character and culture of the community and supported it wholeheartedly. Mr. Weiss advised that staff has determined that the lots are each 40' x 1OO. Council Member Henderson sees this as a commitment from the City to preserve an historical structure and referred to the City Code in which preservation of historical structures is discussed. She pointed out that there are not that many historical buildings in the community. She wished to see the City staff continue to meet with the Historical Society and the property owner. BIB] 02-05-1997-U01 08:21:35AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 28-U02 1997-U02 -zCity Council Minutes 5 January 28,1997 Council Member Sniff supported obtaining some kind of an appraisal and some discussions with the property owner after the appraisal. He felt that it could be an integral part of The Village. Council Member Adolph felt that we should do everything we can to save the building, but didn't want to pay an inflated price. If we purchase the building, he asked who would be responsible for the operation and maintenance? He felt that those issues will need to be addressed if we are going to look seriously at purchasing this building. Mr. Genovese stated that staff will move forward with an appraisal prior to studying any other issues. 2. DISCUSSION OF BOARIDSICOMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, referred to the staff report in which various actions taken by the Council during the past year concerning Boards/Commissions are outlined. Also outlined are various suggestions that have been discussed regarding different structures that might be applied to boards and commissions. Council Member Sniff stated that his first choice is to keep the commissions in- tact and up to full membership; and that meetings set for the evening hours allowing some latitude for commission choice and staff convenience). He felt that the Council needs to provide the commissions with more defined direction so that there is a better line of communication. Mayor Holt was happy with the modifications we have already made and she didn't wish to go back to a Community Services Commission; and the combining of the Human Services, Parks & Recreation and Cultural Commissions. She also didn't support eliminating their stipend even though many of them are willing do so if that would mean keeping the commissions. She did wish to see the Council meet with each Commission at least once each year for some one-on-one interaction. She felt that the more people in the community who are involved, the better off the City is. Carl Ingram, 78-865 Sanita Drive, believed that all of the Commissions are needed and there needs to be seven on each. If there is a budget problem, he was willing to forgo the stipend. He commented that they are still operating with an Interim Parks & Recreation Director and there is a need to get a full- BIB] 02-05-1997-U01 08:21:35AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 28-U02 1997-U02 -zCity Council Minutes 6 January 28, 1997 time, experienced Director. Council Member Sniff felt that the City needs to move forward in recruiting a new Parks & Recreation Director. Mr. Genovese, advised that staff is proceeding in all ways possible and any further discussions would have to be held in Closed Session. Council Member Henderson felt that all Commissioners are working diligently in pursuing their interests. In reviewing the ordinances, she sees some similarities. She felt that the Coachella Valley is blessed with the number of independent organizations filling the needs and desires of the community. We have very strong community organizations filling the needs of the areas defined for the Cultural Commission and we have a very active Parks & Recreation District, as well as our own Parks & Recreation Department. She felt that there is some over-lapping of responsibilities between the Human Services Commission and the Senior Center. She questioned the role of the previous Community Services Commission. Mayor Holt advised that on the previous Community Services Commission, there were two Commissioners assigned to each of the components of that Commission, i.e., Human, Culture and Parks & Recreation. The Commissions are now made of more doers" and are doing more for the community than was previously being done. Council Member Adolph was opposed to forming another Community Services the only combination he could possibly support would be combining the Human Services Commission with the Parks and Recreation Commission. He would not support reducing the membership on the commissions to five or eliminating their stipend. He favored meetings starting at seven in the evening to allow for more community involvement and was not supportive of ad hoc committees. Council Member Sniff stated that initially, there was a Human Relations Committee which evolved into theCommunity Services Commission comprised of seven members. Council Member Henderson advised that one of the problems all of the Commissions face is communications with the Council as well as the community. No one attends their meetings, attendance of members is a problem and would function very well at five members and when the Council makes appointments, people are being considered who have never attended a meeting. The Planning.Commission was increased to seven when the Design BIB] 02-05-1997-U01 08:21:35AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 28-U02 1997-U02 -zCity Council Minutes 7 January 28, 1 97 Review Board was eliminated and added to the functions of the Planning Commission. The City Council functions well with five members and everyone feels a commitment to attend the meetings. If a commission finds itself unable to function because people can't find the time to attend the meetings then maybe we don't need that commission. She commented that the Parks & Recreation and Human Services just had a joint meeting and are looking to holding a joint workshop and she felt that they could function as one Commission very well. A significant number of the needs we wished to see addressed by all these commissions are currently being addressed by the various community organizations. She felt that it would be much more important for this community to have a commission in place to operate as a go-between with the organizations already in place. When she first came on the Council, she felt that funding requests should be run through the commissions first and that never happened. Therefore, she felt that a new Community Services Commission should be put in place with their main function to be to communication with the community organizations. Mayor Holt agreed that the various commissions need to be better utilized and continued to believe that the City needs maximum community involvement. Regarding the time of the meetings, she felt that should be left up to the individual commissions to decide. Council Member Perkins advised that he has served on both five-member and seven-member commissions and felt that a five-member commission can accomplish much more in a shorter period of time. Regarding attendance, when people are appointed, they understand the date and time of meetings and it's their responsibility to be there. He agreed that the time of meetings should be left up to the individual commissions. He believed that some consolidation is needed and pointed out the amount of staff time required and the City's staff is already overloaded and these commissions are taking them away from work they were hired to do. Council then proceeded to review staff's options and came to the following consensus: 1. NO on creating a new Community Services Commission comprised of the current Human Services, Parks & Recreation and Cultural Commissions. 2. NO on combining the Arts in Public Places with Cultural Commission. 3. YES on combining the Parks & Recreation with Human Services. 4. NO on combining the Parks & Recreation with Cultural Commission. 5. NO on reducing the members from seven to five. 6. NO on eliminating remuneration for members. BIB] 02-05-1997-U01 08:21:35AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 28-U02 1997-U02 -zCity Council Minutes 8 January 28,1 997 7. NO on setting time of meetings leave it up to the Commissioners). 8. POSSIBLY allow for ad hoc committees when needed, but not as a normal practice. 9. YES on Council providing more Council direction. Council Member Henderson felt that we should start each fiscal year with the Chairmen of each commission having a joint meeting to learn what's going on in other areas. She then referred to the Investment Advisory Board and said that when she served on the Investment Task Force there seemed to be a number of financial issues that the Task Force didn't feel was fully understood by the Council. She is now finding that she's receiving a number of financial reports that she doesn't't understand and she depends on the lAB to have reviewed them first and they are not because they are not within their charge. She wished to see a change in the ordinance in order to get a little more input from the lAB. Mr. Genovese advised that the Council has periodically dealt with the matter of which reports are to be transmitted to the lAB and have made a distinction between financial versus investment-related matters. Council Member Henderson felt that the matter should be revisited to determine if there are some financial documents that should be reviewed by the lAB. Council agreed to re-visit the issue, while not stating that they would be willing to make a change without some compelling reason. Council Member Henderson felt that there should be some pre-qualification for applicants for any Board/Commission, such as attendance at two or three meetings of the Board/Commission they are applying for. Council concurred on directing the Clerk to hold any appointment in abeyance and advising them that they are required to attend two meetings of the Board/Commission. Council also directed the City Clerk in advertising for all vacancies so that positions can be filled prior to July 1, 1997. Council also directed staff to bring back consideration of combining the Parks & Recreation Commission with the Human Services Commission. BIB] 02-05-1997-U01 08:21:35AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 28-U02 1997-U02 -zCity Council Minutes 9 January 28, 1997 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned upon motion by Council Members Sniff/Adolph and carried Res pctfully submitted 46 AUNDRA L JUHOLA City Clerk City of La Quinta California BIB] 02-05-1997-U01 08:21:35AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 28-U02 1997-U02