1997 03 25 CC Minutes. LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL
MARCH 25, 1997
Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council on March 25, 1997, was called to order
at the hour of 1:00 PM by Mayor Holt followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Holt
Gloria Hell, 78-990 Miles Avenue, addressed the Council on the need for street
improvements in the area of Vista Dunes Mobile Home Park, noting that all of the
surrounding properties have street improvements except for the area in front of the
Mayor Holt advised that staff would be in contact with her.
Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, presented the Council with a draft Capital
Improvement Program CIP) for Fiscal Year 1997/98 through Fiscal Year
2001/2002. He advised that there are some carry-overs from the current year
as well as the following additions: 1) monument signs for the City's east and
west entrances at an approximate cost of $52,000; 2) eight bus stops on
Highway 111 at an approximate total cost of $203,000; 3) a structure cover
for the parking lot at the Civic Center at an estimated cost of $20,000; and,
4) as a deferred project,. a childcare facility as requested by the Human
Services Commission at a cost of $500,000. He pointed out that any new
construction scheduled for operation through the Lighting & Landscape
Assessment District, is subject to change due to the provisions of Proposition
21 8 and advised that only cash-in-hand funds will be used for preparing the
1 997/98 portion of these projects.
.City Council Minutes 2 March 25, 1 997
Council Member Adolph felt that the estimated costs for the bus stops are
extravagant and Mr. Vogt advised that the costs are based on the plans that
were recently submitted to Council which included drinking fountains and art
Council Member Adolph felt the funds could be better used for needed
Council Member Sniff wished to see the Dune Palms Crossing moved up on the
list as much as possible because it could handle a lot of traffic in the northern
part of the City.
Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that it has already been funded and is
scheduled for construction in May or June.
Council Member Sniff felt that the Washington Street Bridge-Widening Project
south of Avenue 50) is really important, especially if the Tradition project goes
forward and he hoped that it could be done next year. He also suggested that
an additional mini-park be constructed in the Cove and/or the current one
enlarged, noting that the City owns the adjacent 1 Y2 lots. Lastly, he wished
to see some consideration given to the issue that surfaced during the Public
Comment period regarding improvements to Miles Avenue.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Vogt stated that the Miles
Avenue improvements are included in the 1 997/98 CIP. The costs for the
Miles AvenuelWashington Street Widening Project increased from last year's
figure because of additional improvements.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Freeland, Senior Engineer,
advised that Dune Palms Crossing should go to bid in May, barring any
unforseen happenings.
Council Member Henderson felt that the bus stops are part of the Highway 111
Corridor vision that the City has been working on and she asked if RDA funds
could be used for part of it.
Mr. Genovese advised that Project Area No.2 funds could be used for the bus
stops instead of the General Fund, but the utilization of infrastructure funds
would have to be checked out
Council Member Henderson felt the project is vitally important to the economic
benefit of the community, but preferred to see it funded from somewhere other
than the General Fund if possible and she agreed that the Washington Street
. City Council Minutes 3 March 25, 1997
Bridge-Widening Project should be moved forward. She asked if there was a
substantial increase in cost for the Civic Center Campus Improvements to
which Mr. Vogt responded no.
Mr. Genovese advised that the amount listed in the CIP is actually less and that
this project will use multiple funding sources.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Vogt advised that the Jefferson
Street improvements are included in the CIP, but the funding is spread out
amongst a variety of funding sources. He recommended that the
improvements be completed as an overall project to get a better bid, to be sure
of the 50% reimbursement from CVA*, and to qualify for Federal funding
should it become available.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese advised that the
amounts listed in the CIP for the Highway 111/Jefferson Street Vicinity
Improvements are actually payments pursuant to the Development Agreement
with Home Depot.
Council Member Henderson felt that the traffic signal at Westward Ho Drive
and Dune Palms Road should be watched closely as there may be a need to
move it up on the priority list and Mr. Vogt advised that traffic signals on the
deferred list are brought up for consideration as traffic warrants are met and
their need becomes a health and safety issue.
Council Member Henderson didn't feel that she could support a new mini-park
in the Cove, but could support expansion of the existing one and felt that the
funds set aside $518,000) for the City-wide Park Improvements could be used
for some of the deferred improvements.
In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Vogt advised that the Washington
Street Bridge-Widening Project would be designed in FY 1 998/99 and
completed by 2001 as currently scheduled in the CIP. The current bridge will
be expanded and the project will require a major detour or phasing if the traffic
flow is to continue on Washington Street. He doubted that there would be any
State funding available to retro-fit the existing bridge and advised that an
analysis would determine if it's necessary.
Council Member Perkins supported moving this project up on the priority list
due to the development of the Cove. He asked if there were any funds
committed for bicycle lanes to which Mr. Vogt responded no, but advised that
they can be done through striping. Council Member Perkins asked staff to find
out if sidewalks can be designated as part of the bicycle path system and
.City Council Minutes 4 March 25, 1997
advised that he felt a third fire station will be needed on the north side of the
City sometime in the future.
Council Member Sniff agreed and pointed out that the City owns land in the
northern section.
Council Member Henderson suggested identifying it in the CIP for a future year.
Mr. Genovese advised that staff has discussed the need with the County and,
although, the City will do whatever is needed to see that the services are met,
the construction of another fire station would b* their responsibility and would
not be addressed in the CIP. It's the City's contention that since the County
retains all property tax dollars to provide fire protection, it's their responsibility
to construct fire stations as they are needed. He advised that the County has
discussed relocating some of their fire stations if the City will provide the
Mayor Holt hoped that the bus stops could be done for less than currently
estimated and supported expansion of the existing mini-park in the Cove and
the moving up of the Washington Street Bridge-Widening Project on the priority
list. However, she felt that moving it up on the list would be difficult because
of the cost.
Mr. Genovese advised of two developer contributions of $460,000 and
$300,000 that he felt may have a significant impact on moving the project
Council Member Adolph referred to the Washington Street improvements and
Mr. Vogt advised that the Church and the Arts Foundation are currently
discussing this property, but since that area is prone to flooding, the City has
contracted with Berryman & Henigar to design a flood facility within the right-
of-way and possibly look at parking and improvement of the intersection,
taking away the frontage road. However, the right-of-way is less than one
acre and the design shows a two-acre basin for a 1 00-year storm, but he felt
that a four-acre basin would handle future development. It's not known at this
time whether this will be accomplished through development fees or if a
developer will build it, but it's included in the CIP until a decision is made in
case it's needed for flooding purposes.
In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Vogt advised that the traffic signal
at Avenue 52 and Washington Street would be funded 50% by the Tradition
development with the remaining funds coming from the Infrastructure Fund.
In regard to potential sound barriers, he didn't know of any except for the one
. City Council Minutes 5 March 25, 1997
at Washington Street and Avenue 50. He advised that an analysis of all the
City streets was prepared to determine the possible need for other sound
barriers which resulted in a guestimate of $21 million, but that figure has been
reduced to $1 5 million by including only those areas along major corridors
where development currently exists. He advised that staff is looking at
requiring developers to install sound walls as a mitigation measure.
Council Member Adolph felt that residents prefer openness to walled corridors
which he felt was unnecessary if adequate setbacks exist. However, he
recognized that the current problem at Montero Estates should be addressed.
Council Member Sniff supported the recommended allocation of funds for the
bus stops, pointing out that it may not all be used. He felt that whatever is
done on Highway 111 should be first-class and that it should make a very
strong statement to tourists. He agreed with expanding the existing mini-park
and wished to see it done this year with additional play equipment and felt that
perhaps additional mini-parks could be considered in the future. He also felt
that walls should be de-emphasized and that more emphasis should be placed
on landscaped berms that are more attractive and less visually offensive.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Speer, Senior Engineer, advised
that the west side of Jefferson Street adjacent to Home Depot) will be
widened to handle three southbound lanes and dual left-hand turn lanes onto
Highway 111, but it will only be striped for two lanes until the bridge on the
south side of the highway is widened. Highway 111 will also be widened to
have the capacity for three westbound lanes, but there will be no additional
improvements on the south side of the highway. The storm channel
embankments will be lined with concrete and two traffic signals will be
installed, one at Jefferson Street and Vista Grande and the other on Highway
111 at the most*westerly entrance to Home Depot.
Council Member Henderson understood that the improvements at Jefferson
Street and Highway 111 were going to be a joint effort between La Quinta and
lndio with La Quinta taking the lead.
Mr. Speer advised that there was a joint application for Federal funding, but the
funding was awarded to another project and it will be a few years before
another application is submitted. The improvements planned here amount to
approximately 25% of the overall improvements.
In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Speer advised that the
improvements do not call for median construction on Highway 111 at this time,
.City Council Minutes 6 March 25, 1 997
but rather a painted median because any median construction in that area
would be a joint venture with lndio.
In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Genovese advised that the
landscaping along the wall on Washington Street would be included in
Council's consideration of a bid award sometime within the next few meetings.
Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that on October 1, 1 996, Council
directed staff to investigate the possibility of using obelisks for street signs
throughout the City. In reviewing the design, he advised that the obelisk
would be about six feet high and have a solar panel on the top that would
create illumination for approximately six hours. The cost of the solar panels
and light fixtures, including installation, is approximately $106. He advised
that the City currently has about 270 obelisks that can be retro-fitted by staff
for about $106 each and new obelisks can be purchased and installed for
about $306 each. A total of 500 obelisks will be needed to place one at each
intersection, resulting in a total estimated cost of $99,000 and $13,250 for
annual maintenance. He recommended starting the program with major arterial
streets, followed by collector streets and local residential streets, noting that
all future developments could be required to install the obelisks as part of their
conditions of approval. He advised that for $30,000, the existing obelisks can
be retro-fitted in a pilot program which would allow staff an opportunity to
review them for efficiency and effectiveness, obtain public opinion, and
evaluate any occurrences of vandalism. He further advised that no funding
source has been identified for this program.
Council Member Henderson was opposed to modifying the appearance of the
existing obelisks and wouldn't support placing solar fixtures on the top unless
they substantially conform to the existing design. She noted that the City's
Economic Development Plan calls for a street scape that creates a sense of
arriving and she felt that this program would provide an identity and unifying
factor for the community. She advised that both the Historic Preservation
Commission and the Art in Public Places Commission support the program and
seven different corporations, both small and large, have written letters of
support in regard to forming a sponsorship program; one of them has even
made a commitment to purchase the first five obelisks. She didn't feel that
anything should be done until there's a lot of input and support received from
the community and suggested that an ad hoc committee be formed to work
with an engineer for the purpose of getting a firmer sense of the overall costs
and the feasibility of using a solar fixture on top and to put together a
. City Council Minutes 7 March 25, 1997
sponsorship program. She believed that the obelisks should be optional and
not required for gated communities.
Council Member Perkins believed that it's an excellent identification program
for the City because of its uniqueness, but felt that the obelisks should be
somewhat taller at major intersections. He also felt that reflective lettering
should be used instead of solar panels and that the obelisks should be installed
as close to the corner as possible. He further felt that putting a donor's name
on a small plaque at the base would provide incentive for the sponsorship
program. He advised that he could readily support the program if the solar
panels are eliminated because it would reduce the costs and he supported
starting the program with major intersections, then moving to the residential
Council Member Sniff felt that the obelisks have a significant uniqueness and
historical charm and that the basic concept has merit, but he was concerned
about the cost and the ability to secure them from vandalism. He suggested
placing a solar panel on top of the existing street signs, noting that they're
difficult to read at night due to their height. He supported the idea of the
obelisks and was willing to work with an ad hoc group, but felt that more
information was needed before taking any action.
Council Member Adolph advised that he couldn't support anything that would
modify the design and that's what he felt the solar caps would do. He didn't
have a problem with the obelisks themselves and agreed with using
reflectorized lettering, noting that it would help retain the dark sky that is
exemplary of the Cove.
Mayor Holt agreed with not changing the obelisk design and wished to see a
pilot program budgeted for the next fiscal year.
Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that staff would outline a pilot program
without the solar panels and with reflectorized lettering.
Council Member Henderson felt that the obelisks shouldn't be any taller than
five feet without the solar cap except for those located at major intersections.
Council Member Sniff pointed out that not all of the existing obelisks are of the
original design; some have been modified and others are facsimiles created by
a different company. He didn't have a problem with staff bringing it back to
Council, but questioned what direction they should be given.
.City Council Minutes 8 March 25, 1 997
Council Member Henderson felt the consensus was that nothing should be
done to disturb the integrity of the original obelisks except to clean them up as
necessary. In regard to a pilot program, she felt that discussions should
continue with the business community and that firmer costs should be
Mayor Holt felt that staff should present Council with a few different options
for a pilot program.
Council Member Adolph asked if staff had contacted any manufacturers of
concrete statues and Mr. Vogt responded no, but advised that they would do
so when formulating a pilot program for Council's consideration. He added
that staff would also incorporate the possibility of using plaques on the
obelisks for donor's names in an effort to enhance a sponsorship program.
Council Member Sniff commented on the importance of firmly securing the
obelisks to the ground in order to keep them from tipping over.
Council Member Adolph suggested using an earth-toned colored concrete as
opposed to grey.
Council concurred.
Mr. Hartung, Building & Safety Director, presented the staff report and
submitted a map depicting SunLine's current routes as well as a potential route
that would be 25 miles long. The route would cost about $8,400 for five
hours a day, five days a week.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Hartung advised that there is
only a few dollars difference in cost between a 44-passenger and a 20-
passenger bus. He further advised that there shouldn't be any problem using
the larger bus at Lake Cahuilla.
In response to Council Member AdQlph, Mr. Hartung advised that it was staff's
intent to utilize some of Sun Line's bus stops to provide easier transition for
transferees, but it will have to be confirmed with SunLine.
Council Member Adolph suggested having a next stop" indicator on the front
to keep passengers from getting on the wrong bus. He also asked if a survey
had been done in an attempt to estimate the usage to which Mr. Hartung
. City Council Minutes 9 March 25, 1 997
responded no but advised that the recreation brochure could be utilized for
advertising and if there's insufficient usage, the service could be canceled.
Council Member Sniff felt that it's important to have some indication of who
will be using this service and where they might want to go and then determine
the timing along the routes and the location of the bus stops. He felt that
liability should be considered and asked if there would be a charge for the
service or if it would be free. He questioned who would monitor the program
and make sure that it's run effectively, that the buses are clean, and that the
drivers are courteous. In regard to a bus stop at Adams Park, he pointed out
that the residents there don't want to encourage use of the park by people
outside of the neighborhood. He asked why the Fritz Burns Park and the
shopping areas aren't included on the route and he wished to see a survey
done to confirm the need before implementing the program.
Mayor Holt felt that user fees could offset some of the costs. She also noted
that the original purpose of the program was to provide bus service to areas
that aren't currently serviced by SunLine and since there are no SunLine bus
stops near Adams Park, she felt that this would accommodate residents in that
area who may need transportation to other locations in the City. She felt that
the program is worthwhile enough to try for four weeks.
Council Member Perkins didn't feel that shopping areas should be included in
the route since they're already serviced by SunLine and he felt that the
program should be put in place for 30 days to find out what the need is instead
of circulating a survey. He believed it's important for the bus service to Lake
Cahuilla to get people there and back in a reasonable time period and within a
reasonable distance from their homes. He didn't know how a potential
ridership could be determined unless it's through a questionnaire with a return
postcard or through advertising. He felt that there should be a minimal charge
for the bus service and didn't have any qualms about trying it as an added
service to the residents to further enhance the City's recreational opportunities.
Council Member Sniff felt that a minimum of two bus stops would be needed
in both the Cove and the northern section. He questioned how the residents
were supposed to avail themselves of this service and asked where the bus
stops for the Cove would be located.
Mr. Hartung advised that the proposed route was for discussion only and that
he felt Fritz Burns Park would be an excellent bus stop for the Cove.
. I,
City Council Minutes 10 March 25, 1997
Council Member Sniff pointed out that some residents may have to walk 1-1112
miles to avail themselves of a bus stop to go only a 1/2 mile or so further down
the road.
Council Member Henderson noted that would be the case, regardless of
the bus service provided. She noted that the argument for a pool at Fritz Burns
Park has been that Cove residents could walk there and she pointed out that
the original intent in providing this service was to pick them up at the park and
transport them to either Lake Cahuilla or the La Quinta High School pool.
Council Member Sniff felt*that it's important for the bus service to be as
functional as possible to give a maximum opportunity for success. He asked
what months the service would be provided and Council Member Henderson
felt that June and July would be best because it's too hot in August.
Mayor Holt suggested checking with the La Quinta Hotel to find out if any of
their guests would utilize the bus service.
Mr. Hartung advised that part of the intent of the proposed routes and bus
stops was to provide easy transition for SunLine transferees.
Mr. Genovese advised that staff would bring back a report to Council that
includes dates of the program, finalization of routes, and user fees.
Council concurred on charging a nominal fee.
Council Member Adolph felt that it's important to advertise the service to give
it a good chance of being successful and asked for a report on how it will be
advertised to the community.
Mr. Hartung advised that the Desert Sun, Palm Desert Post, Chamber of
Commerce Newsletter, and the Parks & Recreation brochure could be utilized
for advertising.
Council Member Henderson suggested sending a notice to all of the
Council Member Perkins was concerned that adding too many stops would
affect the amount of time it takes to get to Lake Cahuilla and back and Mr.
Hartung advised that it's about 53 minutes.
.City Council Minutes March 25, 1997
Council Member Sniff asked if staff planned to access SunLine's bus stops and
Mr. Hartung advised that he would check with SunLine to see if there are any
problems in doing that.
There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to
Re* ectfully submitted,
City of La Quinta, California