1997 04 22 CC Minutes/ LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 22,1997 Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council of April 22, 1 997 was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Holt, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Holt ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF POLICIES AND PROGRAMS FOR THE ClTY*S 1997198 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that the Economic Development Plan EDP) is a component of the City*s overall planning process and finance program. Its priority target areas are the Highway 111 Corridor, The Village, and housing. He advised that staff is looking for Council*s input and direction on the EDP for the purpose of including it in the budget process and is making the following suggestions: 1 update the demographic data and background information; 2) add a financial-need implementation policy to clearly identify the need for financial assistance; 3) include an accomplishment section; and, 4) add KSL Recreation and marketing as two additional target areas and establish objectives for them. Council Member Henderson referred to the Implementation Policies and felt that the CitylAgency Private Project Investment Implementation Policy would be strengthened ifthe proposed financial-need policy was combined with it. In regard to regional transportation opportunities, she suggested a meeting between staff and Camarco, the agency hired to operate the Thermal Airport, to find out what they have in mind and perhaps encourage some type of marketing that will benefit the City. Council concurred. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Weiss advised that discussions have been held with County staff regarding annexation opportunities, but no BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 2 April 22, 1 997 particular areas have been identified. He confirmed that the accomplishments section would include the items listed under Accomplishments During Fiscal Year 1 996197" in the staff report, noting that this section would be inserted in the program at the end of each fiscal year and serve as a record to monitor the accomplishments and objectives that are being met. In regard to the Highway 111 Corridor Development Plan, he advised that there haven*t been any meetings held yet with the property and business owners. Council Member Adolph felt there should be an ongoing program where funds are set aside each year for the infrastructure improvements that are needed in residential areas. He also asked if being a charter city would affect the City's ability to reduce some of the costs under Private Project Investment Financial Need," noting that that was one of the reasons for doing it. Mr. Weiss advised that it would be reasonable to expect some savings for capital projects that are built completely with City funds because of the ability to expect a market bid as opposed to a prevailing-wage bid, but those savings would not be available whenever Redevelopment Agency, State, or Federal funds are involved. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that there may be some funding available through the ISTEA Re- authorization Program NEXT-TEA) for the Highway 111 Corridor infrastructure and he noted that outside funding is used whenever possible to reduce the effect on City funds. He pointed out, however, that in such cases, prevailing wages cannot be waived. Council Member Adolph felt that the City needs some innovative ways to reduce its initial costs for infrastructure such as providing tax credits when developers construct infrastructure up-front and Mr. Vogt advised that staff is looking at ways to apply credit toward development fees in such cases. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that there wouldn't be any efforts put into planning recreational facilities golf course) at the south end of the Cove until after substantial input is received from the community through a survey. Council Member Adolph felt that the staff development process needs expediting in some manner, pointing out that it's going to take a year to complete the Civic Center improvements. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Weiss advised that the Thermal Airport seemed to be Council's primary focus during previous discussions on BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 3 April 22, 1 997 regional transportation opportunities, but noted that other transportation opportunities" could be added to that section. Council Member Perkins questioned a statement under *`Annexation Opportunities Implementation Policy," noting that the City hasn't aggressively pursued annexations during his entire service on the Council and he felt that the City should actively pursue annexation of the area to the north and east of Washington Street. Council Member Sniff questioned the ability to accomplish such a large menu of ideas and felt it might be better to focus on a smaller, more-achievable menu. He agreed that annexation of the area to the north should be once again considered and felt that it should be a high priority, noting that the area's commercial growth would now make the annexation more feasible. He felt there would be minimal community support for any type of development at the south end of the Cove and advised that he wouldn't support it unless he hears something convincing from the public. He believed the natural terrain should be allowed to recover from past damage and remain as open space. In regard to infrastructure needs in the Cove, especially in The Village area, he agreed that it should be looked at in a more incremental manner in order to see some progress. He further believed that Thermal Airport has the potential of becoming a full-service airport and should be a part of the City's vision of the future and felt that the City should make a concentrated effort to retain one or more mic *ized hotels/motels. Mayor Holt stated that she felt the EDP is an aggressive plan, but basically responsive to Council's past requests. She agreed with the need for a mid- sized hotel/motel and with most of the comments regarding the Thermal Airport, but felt that it's important to keep an open mind about all types of transportation. She further agreed with looking at annexation of the area to the north and felt that a golf course in the south Cove area should be low priority, believing that most residents wouldn't support it. In regard to the development process, she felt that it's improved and that projects are now better prepared for presentation than in the past. She believed a new vision is needed for The Village and hoped that the EDP would provide the opportunity to come up with the needed funds which has been the biggest drawback. She further felt that dedication to business retention is essential for the City to go forward. * Council Member Sniff felt that a business liaison coordinator would have real significant value in providing communication between the City and its businesses and the position would work with or for the Chamber, but funded by the City as part of its funding of the Chamber. He pointed out that BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 4 April 22, 1 997 currently there isn't any particular Chamber staff person that is singularly responsible for this activity and he felt that it would fall right in line with business retention and information services. Mayor Holt noted that the Chamber is currently working on a program in which they are inviting the City to help them visit the businesses. Council Member Sniff felt that the program needs a full-time, fully-functional coordinator, noting that it could be added to the Chamber's scope of services and provide a basis for their funding requests. Mayor Holt noted that the Council could let the Chamber know during the budget sessions that the City wishes for more of their funding to be spent on economic development. Council Member Henderson felt that there's Council support for staff's suggested additions to the EDP and she hoped that any site planning activities engaged by KSL Recreation would enhance the City's work in The Village. She viewed the plan's big menu as an attempt to provide policy and direction for those items that could come up through the year. She pointed out that the golf course referred to in the EDP at the south end of the Cove is not a plan, but rather a historical-mention of a use of the property from many years ago which should perhaps be removed to alleviate any further concerns. Council Member Perkins reiterated his wish to aggre55iv*!, pursue annexation of the area to the north, noting that the City of Palm Desert is doing it and the residents and businesses in that area are opposed to it because of Palm Desert's failure to live up to their commitments on the west side of Washington Street. He suggested doing away with the specific plan for The Village since no progress has been made and start fresh with something new. He supported the EDP menu because it puts the City in position to move on the items as they come up. Council Member Adolph advised that he hoped the environmental compatibility section of the plan was more than a paper tiger" and that the City would take a stance on what it wants, environmentally speaking, concerning compatibility of the mountains. Mr. Weiss advised that the plan, including the charts, will be revised and brought back to Council for formal consideration. Council Member Sniff wished to see the environmental statement made firmer in regard to the value placed on the City's natural assets. BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 5 April 22, 1997 2. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF PROCESS FOR SERVICE CONTRACTS AND FUNDING REQUESTS. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that the Special Projects Contingency Fund expenditures for FY 1 996*97 are itemized in the staff report as well as the funding requests that were not funded due to funding limitations. The staff report also contains a list of items that were funded as separate line items in the budget and an outline of issues that Council has previously discussed for the purpose of determining, if Council wishes1 to establish a more formal process for both funding requests and contracts for services. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, Interim Director of La Quinta Arts Foundation, advised that she has gathered some information that Council Member Perkins has requested in the past in regard to the Art Foundation*s accounting of expenditures and that she would provide it to the City. She further advised that the Arts Foundation conducted an informal survey after the last Arts Festival for the purpose of determining the impact on area businesses and that a summary of that survey, along with a summary of the expenditures related to that event, would be forwarded to Council. Council Member Henderson noted that part of the purpose of this discussion is to determine whether or not Council wishes to have a formal procedure for service contracts and funding requests in order to provide clearer understanding and direction. She felt that it should be somewhat uniform in nature rather than the continual change in process and forms that has taken place in the past. She supported using a formal application process such as the orie used previously for Community Services Grants and wished to see a philosophy addressed in regard to the types of funding to be entertained and a deadline for applications and the reports of expenditures. She referred to a service contract from a neighboring city and pointed out that their accounting requirements depend on the level of funding. She felt that it*s a very extensive contract, but not a difficult one and wished to give staff direction to provide something similar for La Quinta. Mayor Holt commented on the number of changes that have taken place in the process over the last five years and how the Community Services Grants application process was somewhat viewed as solicitation for funding requests, but advised that she didn't see it that way because the City would receive funding requests regardless of the process. She felt that the Community Services Grant Program was a good attempt at providing the best process because it outlined the limitations and criteria for the program. She advised BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 6 April 22, 1997 that she supported giving the schools a set amount of money for the students and their leaders to distribute as they see fit. She advised that if a grant program is used, she wished to have staff review the applications and make recommendations, based on a scale related to the effect each program has on the City. As an example, she pointed out that The Living Desert is not in the City, but still has an effect here because of the number of La Quinta students that visit there. Council Member Henderson agreed and felt that it's critical for a filing deadline to be set so that the applications are considered only once a year. Council Member Sniff felt that there are two separate issues to ler. In regard to the grant program, he wished to maintain the $40; Special Projects Contingency Fund SPCF) which he felt should be used basically for small funding requests. He felt that it has been misused in the past for items that should have been budgeted. He didn't have a problem with using some type of application process and having staff review the applications for a report back to Council, but wished to maintain a reserve for requests that are received after the deadline because of unexpected needs or a lack of awareness of the deadline. In regard to contract services, he felt that it's worked well in the past and that the City should request reasonable and easily- understood accounting of expenditures related to those contracts. He wasn't sure that political activity could be defined with any degree of certainty and questioned what a perceived breach of contract is and how it could be enforced. He felt that past participants in contracts for services have been extremely responsible and he wasn't aware of any that have made an effort to endorse a specific cause or person. Council Member Adolph agreed and advised that in reviewing the summary of other cities' grant programs, he liked the philosophy of Indian Wells. He felt that a budget and schedule are both needed and that a minor reserve should be maintained*for special needs in the community that may come up after the deadline. Mayor Holt asked how much reserve was maintained last year to which Mr. Genovese, City Manager, responded $15,000 and she advised that she supported keeping a reserve each year for potential emergencies. What disturbed her about the program is how the funding decisions are made and she felt that some type of criteria should be established for staff to follow in making recommendations to Council and that, unless there's some significant reason for doing otherwise, those recommendations should be accepted. BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 7 April 22, 1 997 Council Member Henderson pointed out that Council has disregarded staff's recommendations on these grants in the past and advised that she wasn't comfortable with maintaining $40,000 or any amount in the SPCF for Council to grant throughout the year, noting that there are a number of infrastructure needs in the community that are not being met. She advised that she would be more comfortable with budgeting a limited amount for various needs prior to the budget being adopted and she didn't believe that tax dollars should be used for Council to pick and choose how to spend money as funding requests are received. Council Member Sniff felt that the $40,000 SPCF should be maintained, noting that there's no requirement to spend it all, and suggested that $20,000- $25,000 be used for grant requests and that the balance be reserved in a discretionary fund. He further suggested that October 1 be set as a deadline for filing the grant applications and he agreed that Council should deal with staff's recommendations unless there's a compelling reason to do otherwise. He felt that if there are any significant items that Council wishes to move forward with such as the Palm Desert Post La Quinta Page or contract items, that they should be dealt with separately during the budget process. He believed that the SPCF has significant, community value, particularly since the amount is limited. Mayor Holt appreciated and supported Council Member Henderson's way of thinking, but felt that it's important to help fund beneficial programs that are a part of the heart of the community. She believed in spending tax dollars for other needs in the community besides street improvements and beautification because the community is made up of people and didn't feel that $40,000 is a lot to put back into the community for services and programs. Council Member Perkins advised that he, too, liked Indian Wells' philosophy. He preferred a SPCF of $25,000, but felt that $40,000 is reasonable and advised that it's the decision-making process that disturbs him. He believed there should be a deadline for filing applications and that late requests should be referred to the next year for application, unless it's determined to be an emergency, such as the trust funds recently established for the two deputies killed in the line of duty. Council Member Henderson advised that she wasn't prepared to support a dollar amount at this time and she felt that it's incredible that any amount could be considered without first discussing the ramifications of Proposition 218. BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 8 April22, 1997 Council Member Adolph agreed that an amount of $40,000 may be a little premature. Council Member Sniff felt that staff should be given some amount to include in the budget and continued to support $40,000, noting that it can always be changed later. Mayor Holt supported using a preliminary amount of $40,000. Council Member Perkins concurred and felt that staff should develop a method for distributing the funds. Council Member Henderson felt that perhaps a dollar amount should be used to determine if a funding request should be handled as a grant or as a contract for services. She felt that the contracts on file should be reviewed and that more-stringent reporting requirements should be established, noting that certain things may have been avoided in other communities if there had been proper oversight. Council Member Sniff asked what the reporting requirements are for the Chamber of Commerce and the La Quinta Arts Foundation under their current contracts for services. Mr. Weiss advised that the contracts contain a provision whereby the City may ask for a mid-year report. Council Member Sniff suggested that the City develop a reporting form for contract services to provide some consistency. Mr. Genovese noted that a form could be developed and reviewed by an outside accounting firm and advised that an independent audit could also be conducted to verify the expenditures. Council Member Henderson supported development of a form and noted that a form was included in the previously-used grant application. She suggested that audits be conducted for funding of $50,000 or more and felt that it's nothing more than oversight. Council Member Perkins didn't have a problem with staff developing a uniform reporting form, pointing out that banks require an application form and financial statement before granting loans. He didn't feel that the City has been receiving adequate finandial information from the Chamber of Commerce and Arts Foundation and advised that he supported both organizations and believed BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 9 April 22, 1997 that they perform very valuable services to the community. However, he felt that they should provide the City with an expenditure report without a lot of hassle and wished to see a financial statement from both organizations, not just a one or two-p*ge report. Council Member Sniff felt that the only pertinent information that the City needs is an accounting of the funds received from the City and that asking for an accounting of all expenses would be going too far. Council Member Perkins advised that he would find it easier to support these organizations if he knew how their money is spent and how they operate, noting that not receiving that information creates a lot of suspicion in his mind. He felt that it*s important to know that their funds are being well, spent and he didn*t understand why there would be any objection to sharing that information. Mayor Holt agreed with having a uniform form for contract services regardless of the dollar amount and felt that the questions about what the Chamber does might be due to the City not working as close with the Chamber as some of the other communities do. In response t6 Mayor Holt, Ms. Dallas, Executive Director of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, advised that the Chamber budget is always available for review in their office. Council Member Henderson noted that all non*profit organizations are required to have their budgets available and questioned why it couldn't be provided with the application. Mayor Holt didn't have a problem with asking for budgets if the Council so decides, but was more concerned about getting an accounting of the City*s funding and felt that the City should be more involved with both organizations because of their asset to the community. She felt that she has received plenty of information *n the past, but if Council wishes to have it in a more formal manner, then the reporting form should be clear as to what information is wanted so as to eliminate any further concerns. Council Member Sniff felt that a uniform form should be completed by everyone, no matter what the contract amount, and that it should only apply to the funds provided by the City because the other numbers are available if anyone wishes to review them. BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 10 April 22, 1997 Council Member Adolph felt that it's interesting that the City gives the CVB $343,000, but doesn't require an accounting from them. Mayor Holt advised that the CVB provides a full budget to the Council, but Council Member Adolph noted that it doesn't provide an accounting of what they actually spend on La Quinta. Council Member Henderson pointed out that the CVB is a JPA and that their expenditures are approved by the City's voting representative. Mayor Holt felt that the City should know how the Chamber is spending the $5,000 that they're given for economic development, but pointed out that Council has expressed a wish to have more of its $164,000 of funding spent on economic development to which the Chamber has essentially agreed. Therefore, she felt that the City does have a *art in how the Chamber spends the money. She also felt that it's important *he City to work close with the Chamber because of their role in the City's *`omic development process and in regard to the Arts Foundation, she felt that it's very clear how their funding is spent. Mayor Holt felt there was a consensus that staff should develop a uniform form for all contract for services and that it should include an accounting of the City's funding. Council concurred. Council Member Sniff felt that $40,000 should be budgeted for the SPCF and modified later on if needed. Mayor Holt suggested that Council review the form once it's developed. Council Member Sniff felt that it should be straight-forward and simple and Council Member Perkins suggested that staff look at Paragraph C responsibilitiesof the contractor) of Palm Desert's form. Mr. Genovese advised that staff would develop a form as well as criteria for the grant program and language for the contract. Council Member Sniff reiterated his opposition to the political activity clause and Mayor Holt felt that it might be better to deal with any such issue on an individual basis because of the difficulty in developing any type of formal criteria. BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 11 April 22, 1997 Council Member Henderson referred to the recent audit of the McCalIum Theater and felt that perhaps not having proper adcounting procedures in place had caused some of the supporting municipalities to have some concern and to request that safeguards be added. She advised that that's what she's looking for in the City's contracts and she didn't feel that it should be offensive to anyone. She also didn't feel that a political activity clause should be offensive or that there should be any concern about enforcement if there's nothing to enforce. Council Member Sniff suggested that the form include a statement about the information being subject to audit and Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that such a statement is already included in most of the City's contracts. 3. DISCUSSION REGARDING INTERVIEWS OF APPLICANTS FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that there are no laws governing the interviewing process for boards and commissions and that the process is left up to Council's discretion. Mayor Holt advised that she didn't have a problem with asking the applicants questions as long as they're taken from a list agreed upon by Council because she felt that some of the questions in the past have been inappropriate. She pointed out that the applicants are volunteering to serve the City. Council Member Perkins didn't like asking the applicants questions because they're already so nervous, but would agree to a pre-selected list of questions. He questioned the requirement for applicants to attend at least two board meetings as a pre-qualification for appointment. Council Member Sniff suggested that the interviews be conducted in a special meeting and that the applicants make a brief, three-minute statement. He supported using a pre-selected list of questions to provide some consistency and felt that each Council Member should be allowed to ask one question and, if appropriate, one follow-up question. Council Member Henderson asked how the questions would be derived. Mayor Holt felt that attendance of at least one board meeting is important for the applicants to understand what they're applying for and suggested that staff and each Council Member bring back a list of questions for Council to review. BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 1 2 April 22, 1997 She felt that the entire Council should be comfortable with the selected questions, otherwise, she wouldn't support asking questions at all. Council Member Sniff preferred Council develop the list of questions and stated that he didn't feel*any of them would be inappropriate. Council Member Perkins suggested giving the applicants three or four questions ahead of time so they'll have time to review them before responding and to give them one minute to respond to each question. Council concurrE: Mayor Holt felt the Council should have a pool of questions to pull from so the same questions aren't used every time. Council Member Perkins didn't have a problem with both Council and staff coming up with questions. Robert Tyler, 44-21 5 Villeta Drive, advised that he found it offensive to be sequestered and interviewed in alphabetical order and suggested that the sequestering process be eliminated or that the interviews be conducted in random order. He felt that some of the questions in the past were offensive and that providing applicants with the questions ahead of time would be a giant step forward. Mayor Holt supported giving the applicants the questions ahead of time and randomly selecting them for interviews. Council concurred on conducting the upcoming interviews during a special meeting. Mr. Genovese advised that staff would bring back options regarding the questioning process for Council's consideration within the next two to four weeks. Council recessed to Closed Session. CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c), anticipated litigation. BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02 / City Council Minutes 1 3 April 22, 1 997 Council reconvened with no decision being made which requires reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code Brown Act). There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R ectfully submitted, AUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 06-19-1997-U01 10:45:59AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 22-U02 1997-U02