1998 03 10 CC Minutes^1 I
MARCH 10, 1998
Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 1 2:40 pm by
Mayor Pena.
Council Roll Call:
PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena
BoardiCommission Attendance:
Cultural Commission: Honey Atkins, Susan Benay, John Detlie, Kathryn Hull, Judy
Vossler, Patrick Welch
Human Services Commission: Nicole Nard, Victoria St. Johns, Joan Rebich, Kay Wolff
Parks & Recreation Commission: No one was in attendance
Art in Public Places Commission: Charrie Chappie, Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein,
Gloria Mucciolo, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis
Investment Advisory Board: Diana Brown, Jim Bulgrin, Joe Irwin, Tom Lewis, Lee
Planning Commission: Jacques Abels, Richard Butler, Wayne Gardner, Tom Kirk, B.
J. Seaton, Robert Tyler, Stewart Woodard
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Council briefly discussed the format for this meeting concluding with the
decision to allow each board*commission to express their opinion about the
following issues: 1) possible consolidation of various commissions; 2) response
to the role they see for themselves; and 3) change in the number of members.
Cultural Commission
Ms. Hull-
* Commission can function with five members, but the current seven are
working well together;
* There is an advantage to having the broad representation that comes
with seven members.
* La Quinta is looked upon as a leader in the valley culturally, and so this
commission should not be combined with others, adding that the
guidelines for each is different.
* Culture needs to be defined better, as it actually includes lifestyle, foods,
the way we co-exist, etc.
Mr. Welch
* The term culture" could be stretched to mean just about anything, but
here he felt that it means the arts."
* La Quinta being one of the fastest growing cities in the State, he didn't
understand the desire to pare down.
Mr. Detlie
* Commented on the benefits of an arts alliance that combines several
disciplines in the arts. He believed that La Quinta is the center of
creativity in the whole Coachella Valley.
Ms. Benay
* Opposed merging the three commissions as proposed,
* They are more compatible with the Art in Public Places Commission than
any others,
Commented on the dynamics of cultural tourism in that a focus on the
arts stabilizes a community and they prosper,
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* Was opposed to diluting the commission or paring down,
* The Cultural and Art in Public Places Commissions should be working
together. She felt that a Cultural Ants Commission would provide a
better focus.
Ms. Atkins
* The perception in the Valley is that La Quinta is the leader in the arts,
* Didn't see how three committees within a commission could be
* They could operate with five members but didn't see the cost savings.
Ms. Vossler
* Her first reaction was emotional, but now sees it from a management
point of view. She understood the concept of a nine-member
commission made up of members with expertise in all three areas, but,
didn't understand why the City has a Parks & Recreation Commission
when we have a separate department for that. She was adamant about
any new commission having the word cultural in its title. She felt that
the term culture encompasses more than just art. She was also
concerned about reducing the membership by attrition. If the Council
restructures the commissions, all members should lose their terms and
be required to re-apply. She concluded that they will always need
support from City Hall for the arts.
Council Member Perkins agreed that the word culture" has to be included in
whatever is done. He felt that the APP should be under a cultural commission,
as he felt that there's some duplication in the two, noting that art is part of the
culture of the community.
Council Member Sniff said that he would consider all comments made and that
he had mixed emotions about combining the commissions. He was hopeful we
can arrive at a solution that will be effective and pleasant for everyone.
Human Services Commission
Ms. St. Johns
* Wished to keep the commissions separate,
* Intergroup relations is one of the things in their workplan- they are a
liaison to the community which makes the number of commissioners
Whether their number is five or seven isn't important.
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Ms. Rebich
* One of the things they're working on is the childcare issue. Most of the
jobs being created are in the service industry for people coming off of
welfare so childcare is needed for evenings and weekends,
* Five commissioners is workable,
* Concerned about combining commissions because the groups are so
Ms. Nard
* They are also providing music and entertainment for the City's
Community Picnic and sh& is busy lining up some youth bands and kids
to do face painting,
* Five commissioners is okay,
* Combining with Parks & Recreation would work best.
Ms. Wolff
* They are trying to help with the problems of Coachella Valley Housing
Coalition as part of their inter-community relationship program,
* Five commissioners is okay, but more work could be done with seven,
* Combining commissions would dilute their effectiveness.
Council Member Adolph asked if they do anything with the Senior Center and
Ms. Wolff advised that since the senior center has staff and are tending to the
needs of the seniors, they feel that it is pretty much covered.
Council Member Perkins commented on the childcare issue advising of a joint-
venture program in Culver City where childcare is provided around the clock.
Council Member Henderson commented that CalWorks is going to revolutionize
welfare and she also complimented the Commission on the Youth Accountability
Parks & Recreation Commission
Council Member Henderson advised that the members were unable to be
present and that they understood the desire to combine commissions and had
faith in whatever the City Council does.
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Art in Public Places Commission
Ms. Kennedy
She served on the previous Community Service Commission and felt that
the various commissions are now too diverse to combine. She preferred
to see them kept separate and perhaps cut down to five members.
Ms. Reynolds
* Her goal has been to bring art to La Quinta. She felt that they can fill the
city with art, given the chance. Every member brings something to the
Ms. Chappie
* Felt strongly that they should remain separate,
* Seven members is good, but could live with five.
Ms. Shamis
* Referred to the master plan and the unique job the APP did in preparing
it. She did not believe they could be effective if they were combined
with any other commission.
Ms. Mucciola
* Felt that the city, growing as it is, needs a wide range of input. She felt
that La Quinta has the potential of becoming known as an art community
comparable with Laguna Beach.
Ms. Klein
* felt strongly about remaining separate as she felt that to combine them
would be difficult for the commission members,
* To reduce the membership to five would be a mistake. They are willing
to give up their stipend if that is a problem.
Council Member Henderson commented that there seemed to be several voices
from the Cultural Commission who felt that they could work well combined with
the APP. Also discussed, was the importance of taking a stand on what is
meant by culture." She felt that there is a need to define culture as the arts
and that Human Services and Parks & Recreation Commission focuses on the
human cultural aspects. She also commented on the fact that we have a
Building & Safety Director who is in charge of two commissions 14 members)
and a Community Development Director in charge of three commissions 21
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members) and a Finance Director and Ass't. City Manager, each in charge of
one commission. Council has consciously not expanded staff and the workload
is too much given the normal day-to-day functions. She commented that
Proposition 218 required the City to remove $375,000 worth of maintenance
from the City's Lighting and Landscape District and last year we brought on-line
an additional $119,000 in maintenance, all of which was absorbed by General
Fund. These kinds of things are part of the big picture when she's looking at
commissions. Her intent is certainly not to do away with anyone or to infer that
any commission is not doing a good job, because they all have. She thanked
them all for their input.
Investment Advisory Board
Mr. Osborne
* Commented on the diversity of the make-up of this Board and felt that
the seven members work well.
Mr. Lewis
* Agreed and said that he has been on the Board since its inception and
has, therefore, served with a five-member and a seven-member board.
He felt that you get more perspective with seven members.
Mr. Irwin
* He, too, has worked with both five and seven members and both work,
but there is a real benefit having the diverse viewpoints that come with
being a seven-member board. He added that he wished to see an annual
meeting with the City Council prior to preparation of the investment
Mr. Bulgrin
* Felt that seven members is a good working number in order to get
different points of view. He also commented on the diversity of the
backgrounds that make up the Board.
Ms. Brown
* Commented on the talent that would be lost if the board were to be
scaled down to a five-member board.
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Planning Commission
Mr. Butler stated that he wished to see Planning Commission study sessions re-
activated for design review purpose. He felt that to do the design review during
the regular meeting, he has a tendency to make hasty decisions because some
members have a better understanding of the design review issues than others
and if there's a study session beforehand, that would provide all members an
opportunity to fully understand the design review issues. He didn't see the
need to have the study sessions on a regular basis, only when there's a need
for design review. He felt that they would be invaluable. Regarding
conferences, he felt that they are invaluable.
Mr. Abels agreed on the need to do the design review during a study session
format and he also felt that the commission should remain at seven members.
Mr. Gardner wished to know the Council's direction and goals for the City so
that the Planning Commission isn't approving projects that are ultimately denied
by the Council. He had mixed emotions about the study sessions. Regarding
the issue of limiting commissioners time to speak, he didn't feel that is an
appropriate thing to do, that the Chairman needs to control that. He agreed that
conferences are invaluable.
Regarding his comment about direction and goals, Council Member Henderson
asked if the Zoning Code and General Plan doesn't provide that and Mr. Gardner
felt that in some areas they are too specific.
Mr. Abels suggested the possibility of holding joint meetings with the City
Council on controversial issues.
Ms. Seaton felt that seven members is better in order to get the diverse
backgrounds on the commission. She said that she didn't understand the
concept of study sessions. She felt that the staff submits excellent reports for
Commissioners' review.
Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that one possibility is to separate out the
design review functions from the Planning Commission functions. A separate
board could be appointed that only does design review that could meet earlier
in the day and then make a report to the Planning Commission during the public
hearing on their design recommendations. Another option is to name a separate
entity and have all of the Planning Commissioners be members of the board.
Another option is for the Commission to appoint a standing committee on
design review that makes a report to the Commission during the public hearing.
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She said that there are no problems with the Brown Act by having the design
review portion of a public hearing item discussed earlier on the same day as
long as the meeting is properly noticed.
Mr. Woodard stated that he appears before many different Planning
Commissions and has never seen a design review function combined with the
planning functions. He felt that there needs to be a separation because of the
inherent conflict.
Ms. Seaton advised that she sees the role of the Planning Commission as an
advisory capacity to the City Council.
Mr. Kirk felt that the issue is that of design versus re-design and asked what it
is the Council wants. He felt that the Planning Commission should be focused
on design and the City's design guidelines and whether or not a project meets
those guidelines If this is the case, then he would disagree with an afternoon
meeting as he sees it as an opportunity to meet in *pflvate."
Mr. Abels felt that they are a design group and not a re-design group. He felt
that as long as a project meets all the City's codes/guidelines it shouldn't be re-
Mr. Woodard felt that if redesign is necessary, then it is crucial for it to be done.
He was very concerned about fast-tracking projects because it sounds like
expediency is more important than quality of life.
Mr. Tyler spoke of the value of conferences and annual meetings with the City
Council. Regarding study sessions, he felt that there's a need for them in some
form or another. He then responded to some of the written comments in the
staff report.
Council Member Adolph agreed that conferences are important. Regarding
design review, he stated that he has always supported having that function
separate from the Planning function. He supported allowing the Planning
Commission to hold study sessions for design review functions.
Council Member Perkins agreed that conferences are invaluable. He had a
problem with the Planning Commission redesigning projects. He wished to see
diversity within the City and not have all buildings look alike. He felt there
needs to be a blend of design and re-redesign. He didn't have a problem with
the Planning Commission having a committee to look at the design review
aspect of a project prior to the public hearing. He also supported having semi-
annual joint meetings between the City Council and the Planning Commission.
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He felt that staff needs to assume part of the responsibility by making sure that
the developer is guided through the process properly and given a complete
Council Member Henderson addressed the issue of design versus re-design
stating that she didn't like seeing developers go the Planning Commission and
finding out about standards they did not know about previously. If a developers
goes through the process arid meets all the City's guidelines and standards,
then it should be approved. If we don't like the standards, then we should
change them. She believed that the package given to the developers in the
beginning of the process should be more complete and concise.
Council Member Sniff believed that the City needs to provide clear, up-front
guidelines and did not believe that we should be re-designing projects and there
shouldn't be a need to if the guidelines are clear up-front. He didn't wish to go
back to a separate design review function as it didn't work. He stated that he
feels a strong commitment to protecting the mountains and hillsides because
they are an important part of what makes La Quinta what it is, and it's
important to deal with it in a business-like way. He wished for the Commission
to consider the issue of placing fill-material up next to the slopes which he felt
should not be allowed.
Mayor Pena supported remaining with seven members on the Commission. He
said that he's looking for the Commission's recommendations and opinions on
various issues as they relate to planning and development and is there any way
to shorten the process and make it easier. We need to have a clear set of rules
when developers come in. He didn't believe they would mind the City being
tough as long as it's fair. He also felt that we need something unique that will
set La Quinta apart. The mountain sides are a real concern, we need to take
a close look at the need to be as tough as we can while recognizing that people
have property rights too. Landscaping is an absolute major issue living walls
like at Rancho La Quinta is so much nicer than block walls. He suggested that
the Planning Commission have study sessions to consider some of these issues
and make recommendations to the City Council.
Mr. Woodard believed that when the City is doing design review for single
family tracts, that the approval process should go beyond the walls.
Mayor Pena felt that staff bares some of the responsibility for the elevation
changes and plotting.
Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that the City does not have any design
reqt:iirements for single-family dwellings other than heights and setbacks, etc.
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Some cities that are doing design review are requiring projects to get a CUP
whether or not it's a planned community.
Council Member Henderson advised that the County is going to put up new
Lake Cahuilla signs and she's also working with the County on doing some sort
of reciprocity on recognizing our sign ordinance.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned upon motion by Council
Members Perkins/Adolph. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Commissioners AbelsiSeaton to continue this meeting of the Planning
Commission. Motion carried unanimously.
City of La Quinta, California