1998 04 14 CC Minutes^2) I LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 14, 1998 Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 1:30 p.m. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph 1:50), Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pen a ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT Jim Collins, 82-490 Requa Street, Indlo, Americans with Disabilities Act ADA) Compliance Specialist, spoke regarding the need for an assessment of City facilities, such as the maintenance yard, and the Title II commitmentsfor retrofitting those facilities to meet ADA requirements. In addition, he advised that an inventory of existing sidewalks and curbcuts is needed along with a plan to bring them into compliance by the December 31, 1999 deadline. He recommended the bus stop areas be addressed first and noted that the City failed to apply for grant funds last year to assist with the costs. Ron Di Grandi, La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Board Chairman, encouraged the Council to work closely with the Chamber in implementing their goals. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Genovese, City Manager, asked that Study Session Item Nos. 2 and 3 be taken up prior to Study Session Item No.1. BUSINESS SESSION None STUDY SESSION 2. DISCUSSION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1998/99 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that there were three terget areas identified in the Economic Development Plan EDP) in 1 996 Highway 111 BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) a, *. City Council Minutes 2 April 14, 1998 Corridor, The Village, and housing; three additional target areas were added in 1 997 KSL Recreation, annexation, and marketing. For FY 1998/99, a mission statement, implementation policies, an outline of accomplishments during FY 1 997/98, and implementation activities and target areas for 1 998/99 have been added. He advised that in the past, the City has worked with property owners in identifying suitable properties for the purpose of developing approvals and property entitlements within the Highway 111 Corridor and The Village with several developments having received those entitlements. There's been some discussion that perhaps the City should take a more proactive role in marketing these properties to specific retail or commercial users. Proposed in the staff report, are implementation policies that are specific to recreation uses and cultural resources. The policy on recreation uses raises the concept of possibly pursuing a municipal golf course or other recreational uses compatible with surrounding neighborhoods, as well as a comprehensive trail system linked to Lake Cahuilla. Under the cultural resources policy, the City would consider City/Agency investment in theater, art, or other proposals that feature unique architecture, preserve existing cultural and environmental resources, or promote cultural opportunities. These benefits would be evaluated in conjunction with the City's projected return on investment and the proposal's anticipated financial need. Also proposed are new implementation activities and target areas within the previously-outlined target areas, with the specific goals and objectives being consistent with implementation of last year's program. He advised that staff is looking for direction specific to these goals and objectives. Council Member Adolph joined the meeting at this time) Proactive Marketing* Council Member Sniff felt the City should be proactive in marketing the community and wished to see an economic opportunity and promotion division established that would be staffed with someone talented in that field and who would report to the City Manager or Assistant City Manager. We're in competition with other cities and need to be more active and work in concert with the Chamber of Commerce. An inventory of the City's available assets is needed that would be available to potential developers. Council Member Henderson agreed, noting that history in the valley has shown that people come when something is marketed. It's important for the development community to know what is here, what the potentials are, and what the City can do to assist them. She wasn't sure whether a full4ime staff BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) I City Council Minutes 3 April 14, 1 998 person would be needed or a team that could concentrate a portion of their time toward this effort. Council Member Adolph supported taking a more proactive approach and working in concert with the Chamber. Council Member Sniff felt a fijIl-time staff person is needed to show the City*s commitment and believed funds should be set aside to support potential public/private partnerships when appropriate. Mayor Pena whole-heartedly agreed with Council Member Sniff. He felt the effort would be well served and that the tools needed to attract people should be provided. He agrees with revenue enhancements and felt it's important to not only help existing businesses, but to take advantage of the window of opportunity and diversify the City's business space. Council Member Henderson felt the Robert Charles Lesser Report should be updated because it states that the market is not ready for an additional hotel and she disagrees. Council Member Perkins agreed and felt the City is in a good position to add a hotel soon. Council Member Henderson wished to see that reflected in the EDP. Council Member Sniff agreed and felt the emphasis should be on a medium- priced hotel that would supplement the market and not dilute the effectiveness and productivity of the La Quinta Hotel. Council Member Perkins felt we should encourage some type of suite hotel as opposed to one like the Travelodge in lndio that isn*t doing very well. Council Member Henderson noted that staff worked with a developer on a mid- priced, motel/suite concept this last year, but the developer expected more from the City than it was ready to give at the time and perhaps we should look for a developer who doesn't expect quite so much. Council Member Sniff advised that that*s one reason he suggested preparation of a master plan for the Miles Avenue and Washington Street area. Mayor Rena noted that the outcome of the Newsweek Tournament in Indian Wells should be known soon and that it could have an impact on that area. BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) I City Council Minutes 4 April 14, 1998 Recreational Opportunities Mayor Pena commented on the number of golf courses in the City and suggested the City consider contracting with one of them for reduced fees for residents at certain times of the year instead of building a municipal golf course. Council Member Perkins suggested a driving range be included with a municipal golf course if it*s built. Mayor Pena suggested the possibility of developing a driving range in the wash area behind the bus barns, either by the City or by a developer. Council Member Adolph noted that it would probably be available year-round since the wash gets very little water and that the lighting wouldn't disturb anyone. Council Member Sniff pointed out that it would require dealing with CVWD. Council Member Henderson wished to have the information brought back, noting that CVWD has supported such uses in the past. Council Member Perkins wished to see more bike lanes in the City and Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the City's approved bike lane plan is being implemented in pieces. Council Member Perkins wished to see the implementation moved more quickly. Council Member Sniff asked if there was any interest in a municipal golf course in the area south of Calle Tecate. Council Member Henderson noted that it's in the General Plan, but felt Council has moved away from that concept because of the complexities in developing around the hillside areas. She believed the concept still has some viability and wished to look at the feasibility of creating a clubhouse site within The Village and transporting golfers to the golf course along the bike path, thus eliminating that traffic through the Cove. Mayor Pena felt a course in that area would have limited access and wished to see hiking trails developed instead and noted there's some concern as to how the Big Horn Sheep designation is going to affect that area. Council Member Sniff continued supporting enhancement of the trail from the south end of the Cove to Lake Cahuilla. BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) I * City Council Minutes 5 April 14, 1998 Cultural Investment. Mayor Pena commented on the saturation of the movie theater market and suggested using the City's funds for something more unique. Council Member Perkins felt the City has a tremendous opportunity to wQrk with the Arts Foundation in promoting a cultural center that would include an amphitheater. He, too, was hesitant about promoting a movie theater, but supported considering a small auditorium. Council Member Adolph supported having a cultural theater. Council Member Sniff felt if a more acceptable movie theater proposal is presented that the City should consider it, but was opposed to providing a large subsidy. In regard to an auditorium, he commented on the financial difficulties that the McCallum Theater has experienced and pointed out the availability of an auditorium at the high school and multi-purpose rooms throughout the schools. He didn't feel that a theater would prove to be a realistic investment when there are other significant priorities. Mayor Pena noted that the City contributed funds toward the enhancement of the multi-purpose room and outdoor amphitheater at the middle school. Council Member Henderson felt the residents have been looking forward to having a movie theater in the City, but the market has changed. Council Member Sniff noted that the City made a good-faith effort to work with a movie theater developer and it didn't work out. Highway 111 Corridor Council Member Adolph was displeased with the *`cloned" look of the fast-food restaurants and felt the streetscape concept created by Eagle Hardware is what * the City is looking for. Council Member Henderson believed*the City has been working with Home Depot on enhancing their streetscape and noted that the landscaping on the north side of Highway 111 is starting to blend. Mayor Pena felt the City should work with Wal-Mart in cleaning up their parking lot and the area fronting Adams Street. BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2)City Council Minutes 6 April 14, 1998 Council Member Sniff supported some type of partnership effort in cleaning up the Wal-Mart area and, although total uniformity may never happen along Highway 111, he felt the City should try to make it blend from Jefferson Street to the westerly City limits. Mayor Pena felt our staff should meet with lndio's staff to discuss design guidelines on Highway 111 since they have highway frontage at Jefferson Street. He advised that the property owner at Jefferson Street and Highway 111 is willing to work with both cities in developing their design guidelines. Council Member Sniff noted that the monument signs have been in the planning stage for a long time and wished to see staff directed to get it completed. Council Member Henderson agreed. Mr. Genovese advised that the challenge has been in getting a concrete concept. In regard to Wal-Mart, he advised that it has taken a long time to get them to plant new trees and ground cover in the tree wells. The Village Mayor Pena advised that he is pleased with the direction staff is taking in the demonstration project and felt perhaps Council should wait until that's brought back for review. Council Member Henderson agreed. Council Member Sniff wished to see it brought back as soon as possible and felt a demonstration street on Calle Estado should be done, not only with new curbs/gutters and sidewalks, but also with alcoves, archways, etc. to attain a Spanish Mediterranean look. He also supported reducing the size of The Village by half. Council Member Adolph agreed with the demonstration project and felt it would help in getting development to move in that area. KSL Recreation Mr. Weiss advised that staff has had several discussions with KSL regarding their expansion plans for the La Quinta Hotel, PGA West, and The Ranch" quasi village project. They've also discussed some creative financing plans, wherein some of KSL's revenue resources would be used to front costs of improvements along Jefferson Street that could, ultimately, become the debt BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) I City Council Minutes 7 April 14, 1998 obligation of the Redevelopment Agency. They've taJked about promoting a lodging/recreation project, possibly at the east end of the existing village with a link to the La Quinta Hotel. This could provide an opportunity to enhance The Village and the idea would be for their project and The Village to compliment each other. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Weiss confirmed that the Ahmanson Ranch is KSL's target site. Bermuda Dunes Annexation Council Member Henderson didn't support any annexation move into Bermuda Dunes at this time. Mayor Pena agreed, but wished to keep the City's options open and to keep Palm Desert on the west side of Washington Street. Council Member Perkins felt it should be kept in mind because of the access to railroad and interstate 1 0. Council Member Sniff wasn't sure it's worth pursuing at this time and wished to see some type of superficial analysis of the benefits of having railroad and Interstate 10 frontage. He suggested the City consider annexation of a corridor along Washington or Jefferson Streets instead of all of Bermuda Dunes. Mayor Pena felt the opportunities might be greater with a Jefferson Street corridor. Council Member Sniff agreed and felt there would be less potential for opposition to annexation. Ridge line Annexation Mayor Pena questioned spending staff time on annexing the ridge line area given the Federal and State problems involved. Council Member Sniff felt it should be kept under consideration. Council Member Henderson wished to see a feasibility analysis done on annexing the area southeast toward and including the Thermal Airport. Council concurred. BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) a City Council Minutes 8 April 14, 1998 Council Member Perkins felt the City should take a hard look during budget session at increasing staff to handle these extra responsibilities. Council Member Adolph agreed with pursuing annexation southeast and asked if there's been any indication from Indian Wells as to whether or not they're interested in annexing the area up to Washington Street and Mr. Weiss advised that they had indicated some interest a few months ago, Mr. Genovese noted that Washington Street is one of their points of entry and, therefore, will probably attempt to annex their entire sphere of influence. Council Member Perkins agreed that it's an area La Quinta should also consider annexing. Marketing Mayor Pena advised that he likes the web page and feels it's important to keep it updated. In regard to targeted marketing, he suggested using some local TV advertising to market the community as well as new development. Council Member Perkins supported trying it. Council Member Sniff felt it might be useful in attracting shoppers, but questioned its use for marketing potential businesses. Mayor Pena felt the radio ad sponsored by La Quinta merchants during the Arts Festival was good. Council Member Henderson felt it would be best to do such advertising when there's an event going on in the City. She wished to see the items listed in the staff report under Activities to Accomplish in 1 998/99" to come back incorporated with the ideas expressed today, such as the thought for additional personnel. Council Member Adolph supported the City being represented at selected types of local trade shows. Mayor Pena agreed and expressed concern that the booth at the Date Festival wasn't always manned. Council Members Adolph and Perkins suggested using senior volunteers to man the booths. BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) a City Council Minutes 9 April 14, 1998 Mayor Pen a referred to Page 12 of the EDP and stated that he wished to see the Strike Team expanded and for the City Manager to take a more active role in it so prospective developers meeting with the team know that they are dealing with people who are capable of making those type of decisions. Council Member Henderson agreed, but felt this type of concept would get more emphasis from having a marketing expert participate as well. Mayor Pena suggested changing the paragraph for Environmental Compatibility on Page 1 3 to read *..unique natural desert and mountain landscape" the paragraph for Regional Transportation to read expansion of rail/air services.... Council Member Henderson noted that the City is already very active in joint efforts for air services. 3. DISCUSSION OF DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1998/99 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. Mr. Vogt, Public Works Director, advised that the Draft Capital Improvement Program CIP) includes projects that have been prioritized for the next five years as well as those that have not been prioritized. Staff has taken a conservative approach in regard to the infrastructure fees, utilizing only funds which are currently available, without utilizing projections. Once the development fees are completed and included in the CIP, they will affect the cash flow. He further advised that the first year of the CIP will become part of the budget and that the capital improvements for 1 997/98, which total over $6 million, are all in various stages of completion except for the following projects which will automatically rollover: * Washington Street Improvements the four-acre detention basin south of the St. Francis of Assisi Church will be a condition of approval for the La Quinta Arts Foundation project; * Community Drop-Off Facility site is yet to be selected; * Civic Center Campus Improvements construction phase) design consultant was recently approved by Council; * City Yard Fueling Station a carryover from previous years that may not be needed if the Lapis Energy project is built; and * City-wide Infrastructure Improvements the $1 50,000 set aside last year for future infrastructure is not included in this year*s CIP because of the Phase V Cove improvements that have been added. BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) 5 City Council Minutes 10 April 14, 1 998 He further advised that when Council discussed their goals in January, the following projects and cost estimates were added to the CIP: * The Village prototype at $500,000; Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trail head at $200,600 estimate is based on park costs of $120,000/acre and would basically cover landscaping, irrigation, and signage; * Calle Rondo Drainage Ditch De-Watering Project at $265,000; and Phase V-B Improvements at $8.4 million. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Vogt advised that the cost estimate for the drainage ditch project is for a sand filter with a submersible pump and it includes soil testing, inspections, design, and administrative costs. KSL will provide the landscaping once the sand filter is installed. Council Member Henderson noted that all of the projects will come back to Council with firm figures. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that any of the projects requiring matching funds from a developer or another agency will have to be solidified before the project moves forward. Mr. Vogt advised that Phase V will include the commercial area improvements in The Village, improvements in the north Cove and Westward Ho areas, as well as the Sagebrush, Bottlebrush, and Saguaro improvements. This will complete the Cove improvements. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese advised that the assessment district amount and CVWD contribution is not included in the cost estimate listed in the staff report. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Freeland, Senior Engineer, advised that the cost estimate includes curbs/gutters, sidewalks, and drainage, as well as new water and sewer lines which have not yet been confirmed with CVWD. Mr. Genovese advised that the improvements will be completed in accordance to current standards and not necessarily include sidewalks on every parcel in the Cove. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Freeland advised that the North Cove Improvements are bounded by Washington Street on the east, Calle Tampico on the north, and Eisenhower Drive on the west. The commercial section is included separately in the CIP. BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) I City Council Minutes 11 April 14, 1998 In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Vogt confirmed that the improvements proposed in the CIP will cover all those areas that currently lack curb/gutter and sewer improvements. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Vogt advised that the improvements total $8.4 million which is the amount that is currently available. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Freeland advised that the right-of- ways will be replaced with grass or whatever exists prior to the street improvements. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Freeland advised that the Frances Hack Park area is included in the commercial improvements for The Village. It will include curb/gutter and street improvements, but CVWD will make the final decision on including water and sewer. The costs are less than the original estimates for infrastructure in The Village because it only includes street improvements over to Avenida Bermudas. In reviewing the unprioritized projects, Mr. Vogt advised that the cost of purchasing land and making improvements to a second mini-park in the Cove is estimated at $80,000 and the cost estimate for landscaping the Oleander Reservoir levee is $1 50,000. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Vogt advised that CVWD doesn't have a problem with the City landscaping the levee as long as the City maintains it. Council Member Henderson pointed out that Project ADi 1 could be minimized or eliminated entirely since the Historical Society has purchased the museum. She noted that the amount is $125,000, not $275,000, should Council wish to consider leaving it in as potential contributions to help pay their mortgage. Mayor Pena suggested reducing it at least by that like amount. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Vogt advised that the levee improvements will include irrigation and full landscaping with shrubs. Mayor Pena wished to see that project moved up on the priority list. Council Member Henderson felt there might be other areas with landscaping needs that have higher visibility. BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) I City Council Minutes 12 April 14, 1998 Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, suggested landscaping some of the well sites throughout the City and using them as mini-parks if CVWD will allow the City to landscape and maintain them. Mayor Pena agreed that that's an area to check into. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Vogt advised that the City will have to work out an easement if we wish to maintain landscaping on the levee because it's outside of our right-of-way. Mayor Pena asked if CVWD has any financial arrangements with other government agencies for maintenance to which Mr. Vogt responded that he didn't know, but would check into it. Mr. Vogt advised that staff is also proposing to widen Washington Street by adding an additional lane from Fred Waring Drive to the north City limit at Darby Road for an estimated cost of $252,000. The City of Palm Desert plans to provide two southbound thru-lanes with separate left and right-turn lanes at Fred Waring Drive and La Quinta will provide the same going north. Council Member Adolph asked if there would be any reimbursement from future development. Mr. Vogt advised that he wasn't sure since the additional lane would be added prior to any development agreement, but noted that the proposed improvements will not include curbs and gutters. Those will be the responsibility of future development. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Vogt advised that staff is working with the County on reconfiguring the intersection at Washington Street and Miles Avenue and expects to bring that project before Council on May 5th Council Member Perkins suggested increasing the length of the northbound, left- turn pocket at Fred Waring Drive. Mr. Vogt advised that there is $383,000 yet unappropriated in FY 1998/99 for Council to consider using when prioritizing additional projects or moving projects up in priority. The new development fee will affect next year's CIP. The amount proposed in the FY 1998/99 capital budget is $12,067,896 and the total amount for the Five-Year CIP is $14,019,152, with no projection for infrastructure development fees. Additional projects without available funding total $31,950,953 BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) I City Council Minutes 13 April 14, 1998 Mr. Genovese advised that construction of Phase V-B is not expected to begin until the latter part of FY 1 998*99. Council Member Sniff felt it*s imperative that the City move forward with the improvements for Phase V-B, Westward Ho, Washington Street, and Sagebrush and Bottlebrush areas. The medians and drainage ditch improvements can be done with any remaining funds. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese confirmed that all four projects are expected to be done due to the complexities of forming assessment districts. Council Member Henderson noted that $2 million will still be available for economic development. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Genovese confirmed that it's all predicated on refinancing of the bonds which is expected to close in mid May. Council concurred on moving forward with all four areas. Gary Avice, President of Parc La Quinta Homeowners Association, was pleased with the discussion on economic development and hoped, since the City has come to an agreement with Barcon Development, that the undergrounding of utilities on Washington Street along the west boundary of Parc La Quinta, will be done. Mr. Genovese advised that $243,250 has been set aside in the CIP for that project. Council expressed their appreciation and satisfaction with the CIP. Mr. Genovese noted that there's $383,000 yet available for appropriation. Mayor Pens preferred having that amount remain as a contingency fund. Council Member Adolph agreed. Council Member Sniff wished to see $30,000 allocated to purchase land for a mini-park. Mayor Pena noted that there's also been a request to make some road improvements on Avenue 54. BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02 ^2) a City Council Minutes 14 April 14, 1998 1. DISCUSSION OF COUNCIL GOALS. Mayor Pena advised that he was disappointed that the City Attorney wasn*t present during staff's goal setting, noting that 8 number of the items cail for legal reviews. Council Member Perkins was seriously opposed to a police substation because of the police personnel it would require and suggested eliminating that goal. Council Member Henderson felt it should remain on the list for future discussion. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that a substation is one of the components to fund in the developer fees and pointed out that we are charged for staffing of the lndio station. Council Member Sniff agreed that the need for a substation is not eminent, but felt it could be needed in the future. There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 05-12-1998-U01 02:10:56PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 14-U02 1998-U02