1998 04 28 CC Minutes^#2I LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING APRIL28, 1998 Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 1:30 p.m. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A RECOMMENDATION FROM THE CITY LIBRARY COMMITTEE CONCERNING LIBRARY OPERATIONS. Mr. Wilson, Management Assistant, advised that on April 21, 1998, Council directed the City Library Committee CLC) to meet and review various library alternatives in light of the current status of selecting a site for the library. The CLC met on April 24, 1998, and discussed several items, including the Mario's site which staff has since been informed is no longer available. The CLC also looked at the existing library location as well as the previously prioritized potential sites at Wal-Mart and the Von's Shopping Center. He advised that they had been contacted by Wells Marvin who was purchasing the existing library location and is interested in having the library stay in its present location. Mayor Pena noted that the CLC has recommended that this matter be referred back to them for further recommendation should the Mario's site become unavailable. Council Member Sniff felt it's time to move forward and give staff some direction. Although he would like to see a City library built as soon as practical, he didn't feel that it's practical at this time and suggested extending the MOU with the County for three more years, for a total of four years. He also suggested that, during that time, staff be directed to proceed with securing funding sources and moving forward to build the library on the Civic Center campus. BIB] 06-01-1998-U01 01:36:31PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 28-U02 1998-U02 ^#2ICity Council Minutes 2 April 28, 1 998 Council Member Perkins agreed with extending the MOU by three years and suggested necessary improvements be made at the current library location by expanding the existing building if the new owner was agreeable to this, with the goal of eventually constructing a City library on the Civic Center campus. Council Member Sniff supported expanding the existing location. Council Member Adolph supported extending the MOU for a total of three years instead of four years, noting that it could always be extended at a later date if needed. He wished to see staff come back with a preliminary plan by next fall to determine the best method to move toward building a City library on the Civic Center campus. Council Member Henderson supported staying with the County for an additional three years. She didn't feel it was necessary to go back to the CLC on this issue since the CLC's second option had been to extend the lease at the current site. She wasn't sure that the staff necessarily had to bring back preliminary plans by the end of the year, given the massive infrastructure projects that they have going on. Council Member Perkins noted that the only other location mentioned was in the Wal-Mart center and he was opposed to that location. He supported asking staff to bring back some preliminary plans and guidelines. He did not want to see the issue put off any longer. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Wilson confirmed that any decision to stay at the existing location and/or make any tenant improvements, would be subject to the County's approval. Council Member Adolph asked about renegotiating the MOU since the existing facility would be smaller than previously discussed and felt we should consider the yearly amount the City gives the County for library services in determining the number of years to extend the MOU because $500,000 a year for four years is a lot of money, some of which he felt could be used to construct a City library. He felt three years is more than adequate time to know where we're at on this issue and felt that the City's extensive infrastructure program would proceed regardless. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese, City Manager, confirmed that the City is bound in the Pass-Through Agreement to continue passing on those funds to the County even if we withdraw from the County library system. Only new tax increment would come back to the City. He felt a three-year limit would be the best direction to take at this time because we BIB] 06-01-1998-U01 01:36:31PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 28-U02 1998-U02 ^#2I City Council Minutes 3 April 28, 1 998 would want to renegotiate other parameters in the MOU such as the fact that they will be utilizing less money for alterations and possibly less money for ongoing operations. He felt it would be wise to try to garner some of that additional increment. MOTION It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to amend the MOU with Riverside County by extending and negotiating the term up to three additional years, that the City stay in the same location, and that the Council direct staff to identify funding sources and develop conceptual plans by December 1, 1998, for a new La Quinta library on the Civic Center Campus. In response to Wells Marvin, 51-370 Avenida Bermudas, Mayor Pena advised that Council's intent is to ask the County to renew the lease at the existing facility, but also to expand into the additional 1 500 sq. ft. area. Mr. Marvin advised that he's willing to install an elevator if the County wishes to lease the entire building. He's also purchasing the Bouganvillas building and is willing to talk to staff about enhancements that would help the entire area, and suggested the possibility of renaming the street to Main Street. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.98-64. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF TRANSFER STATIONS. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, reviewed some of the background related to this issue, noting that the mid-valley transfer station recommended by CVAG's MRF Task Force, was not formed and that the Coachella Landfill has since been closed and the Edom Hill Landfill has been given some expansion capabilities in height as well as tonnage acceptable. He then proceeded to review the following 5 transfer station proposals that have been identified since 1 997: City of Coachella has leased property at the Coachella Landfill site) from the Riverside County Waste Resources Management District with the agreement that the facility's waste be delivered to a County landfill for six years. They have signed an agreement with Burrtec Waste Industries. The agreement requires the processing of 200 tons per day. They are looking to process a minimum of 300 tons per day(tpd) and they are proposing to collect a tipping fee of $38.50/ton. BIB] 06-01-1998-U01 01:36:31PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 28-U02 1998-U02 ^#2ICity Council Minutes 4 April 28, 1 998 Cabazon/BLT The Cabazon Band of Mission Indians has joined with BLT Enterprises to build and operate a transfer station on Indian land on Dillon road between Highway 111 and Highway 86.1 They need approximately 200 tpd and are proposing a fee of $38.50/ton with a 5% diversion rate. * Otto/Sierra is a private transfer statjon, needing 400 tpd with a 5% diversion. Their tipping fee will be determined by the number of users. Palm Springs is working with P.S. Disposal. They are diverting 50% of their waste to this anticipated facility. Their tipping fee is $48 to $49 per ton; however, they*re not actively recruiting waste commitments from other cities in the valley. * lndio started a project with BLT, but stopped the project during the EIR process. He advised that there is a need for a transfer station in the valley. Cathedral City wants to close Edom Hill. They have determined that it is not in the best interest of their development scheme to have a landfill at Edom Hill. The other county facilities are approximately 50 miles away, which will increase transportation costs. In addition there is rumor that the District may be raising their tipping fees. Therefore, there is a need to pursue the most cost-effective transfer station available for the City of La Quinta. Staff is not seeking direction at this time. Staff will continue to obtain more information from the various transfer station alternatives that have been identified and bring back to the Council the best possible deal for the Council's consideration. Council complimented staff on the staff report, which they felt was very comprehensive, yet concise. Council Member Sniff advised that he*s heard the Otto/Sierra proposal may no longer be valid and asked staff to look into it. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Herman advised that, currently, the City is diverting approximately 40% of its waste. In response to Mayor Pen a, Ann Errebo, 41-575 Eclectic, Palm Desert, of Waste Management of the Desert, advised that Cathedral City is still transporting their trash to Edom Hill but are working to use a pod system which will then transport their trash to an Arizona landfill. Michael O*Connor, 1515 Sixth Street, Coachella, City Manager for Coachella, stated they would be glad to address any questions the Council might have. BIB] 06-01-1998-U01 01:36:31PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 28-U02 1998-U02 ^#2ICity Council Minutes 5 April 28, 1 998 Mr. O'Connor felt in the long run, the best deal for La Quinta will be found by their working closely with our staff, at which point he introduced Mr. Tobin of Burrtec Waste Industries. Chuck Tobin, 9880 Cherry, Fontana, Development Director for Burrtec Waste Industries, advised that Burrtec is a privately owned company and probably the largest municipal waste company in Southern California doing over $100 million business a year. They are the developer-operator of the Robert E. Nelson Transfer Station, outside Riverside. It serves the western end of Riverside County. It was selected through a competitive procurement process. They have signed a contract with Coachella to build and operate a transfer station at the Coachella Landfill site.) The environmental process for that site has been completed and they've received their State Waste Permit. It has a long-term ground lease with Riverside County for the site. They've been in active discussions with most of the most immediate cities and would like to talk to the City of La Quinta with respect to the 200/300 ton issue. They are at 200 and should be on their way. They feel that they're in a position to lock in the best long4erm price for the City for a period of at least 6-15 years or even longer at or below the number that was represented on the board. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Herman advised that the facility's commercial rate will be the same as the residential rate. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Tobin advised that they have operated an open-air transfer station, but noted that the proposed facility will be enclosed. He then presented elevations of their proposed facility. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Tobin advised that their Riverside facility processes 1 400 to 1 600 tpd and the Fontana operation processes approximately 1 200 tpd. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Tobin advised that their maximum capacity for Phase 1 will be 1 000 tpd and that they will accept green waste and self-haul loads. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Tobin advised that they will need the waste from lndio, La Quinta and Indian Wells to meet their minimum tonnage of 200 tpd and that the tipping fee will decrease as other cities are added. Coachella's trash is currently going to the Edom Hill Landfill. BIB] 06-01-1998-U01 01:36:31PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 28-U02 1998-U02 ^#2ICity Council Minutes 6 April 28, 1998 In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Tobin advised that self-haul loads under 600 lbs. will be charged a flat rate of $10. It was $31.77 in the case of Nelson Transfer. Council Member Perkins felt it might help to reduce illegal dumping if the self- haul rate is kept at a minimum. Tom Noble, 58 Lucerne Drive, Palm Desert, with the Cabazon/BLT joint venture, presented a site plan for the CabazonlBLT joint venture located on 1 5 acres on Dillon Road between Highway 86 and Highway 111. Their facility would be approximately 4Y2 miles closer to La Quinta than the Coachella Landfill site. It will be a fully-enclosed, 25,000 sq. ft. facility with self-haul capacity and a buy- back center for recyclables. They will also guarantee a 5% diversion from the waste stream. The anticipation is that it will be something over 10% in the facility. BLT's operation in Oxnard now diverts about 30%. Bernard Huberman, 511 Spectrum Circle; Oxnard, President of BLT Enterprises, Inc., advised that the facility will have separate entrances for self-haul and commercial loads. The building will be of concrete tilt-up construction because of the extreme heat and cold in the desert. There will be a sort line in the facility. They will get up to 5% as a guarantee. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Huberman advised that they operate facilities in Oxnard and East Los Angeles, built another facility in downtown Los Angeles that is currently operated by another vendor and have been recently awarded a contract with the City of Sacramento to construct a 100,000 sq. ft./1 500-ton facility. They*re also negotiating for several other facilities in California. They are a California-based company. Council Member Sniff asked how the tipping floor is cleaned, and Mr. Huberman advised that permit requirements require it to be cleared of material daily. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Huberman added that the East Los Angeles facility is 18,000 sq. ft. and the downtown Los Angeles facility is 45,000 sq. ft. and processes up to 4,000 tpd. Mr. Huberman advised that half of their waste will go to Edom Hill and the other half to the Badlands. They are prepared to go forward with the project immediately. They are taking into consideration not just the city*s volume, but also the self-haul volume. They are not looking for 200-300 tons. They are looking only for one city and their project will go. They expect to be up and running within six months of receiving one city's commitments. BIB] 06-01-1998-U01 01:36:31PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 28-U02 1998-U02 ^#2I City Council Minutes 7 April 28, 1 998 Mayor Pena asked if the County had been approached to consider a self-haul program at the Coachella Landfill site. Mr. Huberman advised that, due to seismic issues, the State has closed all landfill operations at that site. The Cabazon/BLT joint venture will not be charging a host fee which will allow the cities the flexibility of transporting their trash to a non-County landfill without incurring penalties. Council Member Sniff noted that the City will still have to deal with the County on the mitigation closing of the current landfills. In response to Council Member Adolph, Mr. Derry, with the Cabazon Indians, advised that the tribes are required to meet all Federal environmental laws. The tribe has a volunteer policy to meet State environmental standards for its environmental projects. They have a number of those underway. The Waste Board attitude is that an Indian Reservation is considered an out-of-state project. They do not think it's their jurisdiction. Roughly half of the tribe's land base is dedicated to recycling-based industries and facilities and the development thereof. Dan Rosenthal, 511 Spectrum Circle, Oxnard, Executive Vice President of BLT Enterprises, Inc., advised that their operating proforma for the facility is almost identical to State standards. The building will be engineered and constructed according to State and Federal standards. So the quality and maintenance of the operation will not be any different than other facilities in the State. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Rosenthal advised that this will be their first experience in operating a facility on sovereign land. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Rosenthal advised that, typically, they will be looking for 5- to 10-year commitments on up to 15 and 20 years with options. However structured, it will be flexible enough to allow for alternatives. They have discussed the possibility of forming a Board made up of participating municipalities. In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. O'Connor advised that Coachella foresees taking the same approach. Council Member Sniff pointed out that one of the main considerations would be the type, distance and cost of a landfill and some input into the length of contracts, etc. for that landfill. Also, if there is a means by which representatives of municipalities could have some input into the operation and a vehicle to express their concerns in a meaningful way. BIB] 06-01-1998-U01 01:36:31PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 28-U02 1998-U02 ^#2ICity Council Minutes 8 April 28, 1998 Mr. Rosenthal advised that in Oxnard, which is a close relationship between a public agency and a private company, they meet with the Oxnard board at least once a month to discuss any concerns the cities might have or upcoming special collection events. Council Member Sniff felt one of the great advantages of the CVAG proposal was the cities having input on selection of the operator and the landfill destination. Mr. Rosenthal advised that they review the landfill destination issue on a continual basis, watching for any environmental problems or upcoming rate increases and immediately looking for alternatives that are environmentally sound, more cost-effective and more stable in the long4erm. As waste volume increases in the valley, they*ll be looking for distant landfills. Mayor Pena noted that this issue would be directed back to staff for further recommendations. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS None Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk, advised that the Volunteer Firemens' Appreciation Dinner will be rescheduled for May 28th at 6:00 p.m. She also advised of a need to reschedule the dedication of the Fritz Burns Park Pool as the Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District will not be able to have the pool open on May 30th as previously planned because of previously scheduled lifeguard training. After a brief discussion, Council concurred on scheduling the pool dedication for May 23rd at 9:00 a.m. Council Member Sniff suggested a dedication plaque be jnstalled at the pool facility. There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Adolph to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Re tfully submitted, SAUNDRA L JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 06-01-1998-U01 01:36:31PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 28-U02 1998-U02