CC Resolution 1985-030^ 2 RESOLUTION *O. 85-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated April 2, 1985. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of April, 1985. ATTEST: *YCLE7* APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:37:00PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 30-U02 ^ 2 CITY OF LA QUINTA DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER April 2, 1985 PAYROLL 3/9185 3/22/85 & 4013- $ 16,875.69 AUTOMOBILE COMPENSATION 4052 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 4053 649.00 Employees' Payroll Deductions for Payroll Period Ended 3/22/85. PETTY CASH 4054 233.33 Petty Cash Reimbursement. CASH 4055 100.00 Cash for Cash Register. FAMILIAN PIPE & SUPPLY 4056 79.45 Special Departmental Supplies, Streets & Highways Dept. GENERAL SERVICES 4057 13.40 Publication, Planning Dept. LAWRENCE 0. ALLEN 4058 100.00 Automobile & Telephone Compensation for March, 1985. SCEPP 4059 100.00 Earthquake Preparedness Planning Conference, April 17, 1985, Judith Cox, John Pena, Dale Bohnenberger, & Roger Hirdler Attending. BEST, BEST & KRIEGER 4060 188.00 Legal Services. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 4061 538.00 Flood Hazard Report on PGA West. COTTON/BELAND/ASSOCIATES 4062 6,9*0.00 Preparation of General Plan. DAILY NEWS 4063 76.84 Legal Advertisements. THE DESERT SUN 4064 86.20 Subscription & Legal Advertisement. DUCA & MCC*Y 4065 5,975.00 Professional Engineering Services for February, 1985. BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:37:00PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 30-U02 ^ 2Demand/Warrant Register April 2, 1985 Page 2 FEDERAL EXPRESS 4066 $ 108.00 Federal Express Charges. FOSTER TURF PRODUCTS 4067 149.88 Special Departmental Supplies, Streets & Highways Dept. PAUL GARDNER CORPORATION 4068 4,264.20 Traffic Signal, Eisenhower & Washington, Retention. GENERAL TELEPHONE 4069 857.38 Telephone Expense for Period 3/16/85 4/15/85. TOM GRAHAM 4070 350.00 Travel Advance for I.C.B.O. Exam for Plans Examiner, April l2th-l3th, 1985, Santa Barbara, CA. TOM HARTUNG 4071 350.00 Travel Advance for I.C.B.O. Exam for Plan Check Test, April 13, 1985, Santa Barbara, CA. ROGER HIRDLER 4072 39.19 Expense Reimbursement for Special Departmental Supplies, Public Safety Dept. HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 4073 9.01 Special Departmental Supplies, Non-Dept. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT 4074 256.91 Electric Expense for February, 1985. THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 4075 82.05 Publications, Administrative Services Dept. I C.E.O. 4076 60.00 Membership Dues for Year Ending 4/86. KMY, CO. 4077 855.84 Road Improvements, Washington/Eisenhower Signal, Retention. LA QUINTA VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY 4078 627.00 Fire/Emergency Support Services for March, 1985. PARKSIDE PHYSICIANS INC. 4079 105.00 Pre-employment physicals. PITNEY BOWES 4080 110.51 Postage Meter Rental for Period 5/1/85 7/31/85. BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:37:00PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 30-U02 ^ 2Demand/Warrant Register April 2, 1985 Page 3 THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE 4081 $ 182.04 Subscription & Legal Advertisement. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4082 2,502.74 Retirement Contributions for Period 3/9/85 3/22/85. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ROAD DEPARTMENT 4083 4,120.46 Road Repairs & Sign Maintenance. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE SUPPLY SERVICES DIVISION 4084 164.15 Office Supplies SHELL OIL COMPANY 4085 61.09 City Vehicle Operation & Maintenance for February, 1985. T. TUG" TAMARU, INC. 4086 2,950.00 Completion of Phase I, Information Systems Needs Assessment. THK ASSOCIATES, INC. 4087 4,000.00 Downtown Redevelopment Plan. VALLEY ANIMAL CLINIC 4088 64.00 Animal Control Services for February, 1985. WELCH'S UNIFORM RENTAL 4089 13.75 Special Departmental Supplies, Non-Dept. WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY 4090 115.98 Publications, City Attorney. XEROX CORPORATION 4091 611.12 Copier Rental for February, 1985. ROBERT H. ORTEGA 4093 800.00 Tamarisk Tree Trimming on Eisenhower Drive. KRIEGER & STEWART, INC. 4095 1,537.45 Preparation of Sphere of Influence Legal Description. TOTAL 57,262.66 BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:37:00PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 30-U02