CC Resolution 1985-040^ 3 RESOLUTION NO.85-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING RESOLUTION NO. 85-8 INTERIM COMMUN- ITY INFRASTRUCTURE FEE TO BE IMPOSED ON NEW DEVELOPMENT) FOR AN ADDITIONAL 30 DAYS. WHEREAS, on February 19, 1985, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 85-8, establishing an interim community infrastructure fee to be imposed on new development, as an urgency measure. The provisions of said resolution are incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 1985, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 85-25 extending the provisions of said resolution for an additional period of 30 days; and WHEREAS, by its term said Resolution No. 85-25 expires April 18, 1985, and it is the intent of the Council to extend the provision of Resolution No. 85-8 an additional period of 30 days until May 18, 1985; and WHEREAS, a noticed hearing on said additional extension has been conducted in accord with the provisions of state law; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. All provisions of Resolution No. 85-8, including the establishment of an interim community infrastructure fee, are hereby extended for an additional period of 30 days until May 18, 1985. 2. This Resolution is adopted as an extension of an urgency measure as an interim fee to protect the public health, welfare and safety. The reasons for this urgency action are set forth in the t'Whereases" to this Resolution and Resolution No. 85-8 coupled with the fact that: a) The City's public facilities and services are at capacity and are not available to adequately accomo- date the additional need for public facilities and services resulting from proposed new development; b) City cannot and will not make required findings that public facilities and services are available to meet the demands of future development without financial developer assistance to pay for such services and facilities; and c) Developers with developments totaling many hundreds of units are presently in a position to request and obtain building permits and other development entitlements and, unless this Resolution is adopted as an urgency measure, such developments may escape payment of their pro-rata fair share of the cost of said needed public facilities and services. BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:45:12PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 40-U02 ^ 3RESOLUTION NO. 85-40 APPROVED and ADOPTED this 18th day of April 1985. ATT*:I(**.M<ERMx APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:45:12PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 40-U02