CC Resolution 1985-046^ 3 RESOLUTION NO. 85-46 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO SEU' INSURE FOR *I**:RS C*PENSATION AND A**RIZING THE CITY *GER TO ACT IN THAT *FFFD FOR THE CITY. *HEREAs, it is in the best interest of the City of La Quinta to provide workers compensation insurance coverage for its employees at the lowest cost to the City; and *HEI*EAS, efforts are being made by City staff to form a Joint Powers Insurance Agency JPIA) to provide it*rrbers the advantages of jointly managing risks and acquiring risk management services for workers c*tpen sat ion insurance; and *HERE*S, a necessary step toaard self insurance within the proposed JPIA is acquiring permission to self-insure fr*n the Departxr*t of Industrial Relations. N*, TH*RE, BE IT RESOL* by the City Council of the City of La Quinta that the City is authorized to self insure for workers compensation insurance and that the City Manager is authorized to act for the City in this regard. APPRCOOD and ADOPTED this 21st day of May 1985. APP**7ED As TO FO*: APPROVED AS TO CONTh:**: w**(jj CITY * BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:49:44PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 46-U02