CC Resolution 1986-016 Participate in Liability Program of CV JPIA^ 3U RESOLUTION NO. 86-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE LIABILITY PROGRAM OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta has been unable to secure liability insurance coverage, and; WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta has experienced continued increased costs of liability insurance coverage; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta is a member of the Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority CVJPIA); and WHEREAS, based upon the estimated initial premiums and the ion range stability of the program, it appears that cost savings can be realized by the City of La Quinta by participation in the CVJPIA Liability insurance program. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council hereby resolves: 1. To authorize participation in the CVAG-JPIA Liability Insurance program effective May 1, 1986; 2. To cancel the City's coverage with the Harbor Insurance Company as of May 1, 1986; 3. To authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement creating the CVAG Joint Powers Insurance Authority, if said Agreement has not yet been executed, and the Notice of Intent form. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 4th day of March 1986. ATTES** Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City Attorn BIB] 06-12-1998-U01 03:21:23PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 16-U02