CC Resolution 1986-032^ 3 RESOLUTION NO.86-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 83-6, ADOPTING REVISED FEES RELATIVE TO SUBDIVISION MAP CHECKS AND PLAN CHECKS AND ENCROACHMENT PERMITS. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Resolution No. 83-6 is hereby amended, and revised fees, as shown on the attached Exhibits A", B", and C", are hereby adopted, relative to subdivision map checks and plan checks and encroachment permits. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 6th day of May 1986. ATTEST: APPR*AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY *TY *AGER BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02 ^ 3 EXHIBIT A" FEE SCHEDULE Engineering Division of the Community Development Department During the construction or development of property in the City of La Quinta, the payment of certain fees, payments, deposits, bonds, etc., are required. The following is a list of those that are required as a result of the requirements enforced by the Engineering Division: a. Final Map Checking 1. Tract Maps $1,000 plus $8 per lot deposit. Final costs to be actual plus 25% City administrative overhead charge. 2. Parcel Maps $500 plus $50 per lot deposit. Final costs to be actual costs plus 25% City administrative overhead charge. b. Improvement Plan Checks 1st $150,000 of Public or Private Improve- Engineer's estimated ments, including water, construction cost sewer, storm drain, grading at 3%, next $150,000 at and street plans, where plan 2%, remainder at 1% for check is not performed by deposit. Final costs to another public agency.) be actual costs plus 25% City Administrative overhead charge. c. Plan check for grading 1st 25,000 CY $0.03/CY plans. Next 75,000 CY $0.01/CY Next 100,000 CY $0.005/CY Remainder $0.002/CY d. Encroachment Permit and See Exhibit B" Inspection of Improvements Fees for Work Under $5,000 e. Encroachment Permit and 1st $150,000 of actual Inspection of Improvement contract construction Fees for work over $5000 cost 3%; next Public or Private $150,000 2%; Improvements) remainder over $300,000 1% BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02 ^ 3FEE SCHEDULE Cont'd) f. Check Legals $350 deposit. Final Easement dedications, costs to be actual deeds, vacations, certi- costs plus 25% City ficates of compliance, administrative over- etc.) head charge. g. Bonds 1) Faithful Performance 100% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 2) Labor and Materials 50% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 3) Guarantee/Warranty 10% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 4) Grading 100% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 5) Survey Monumentation As determined by City Engineer or designee upon review of estimate submitted by design engineer. NOTES: 1. Fees based upon 3 checks, subsequent checking fees, if required, to be as determined by Community Develop- ment Director or Designee. 2. The attached Itemized Unit Cost Estimate for Subdivision Improvements" shall be used to determine Engineer1 5 estimate of construction cost. 3. Actual costs shall be those set forth in billings to the City pursuant to the approved billing schedule set forth in engineering services contract. 4. The City does not collect encroachment permit fees for work performed by public utilities with their own personnel in the public right-of-way. In addition, in calculating cost of improvements for encroachment permits for work by developers which is primarily inspected by other public agencies, the cost of the other agency's improvement is not included. 2- BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02 ^ 3FEE SCHEDULE Cont'd) 5. The City administrative overhead charge shall not exceed $2,000. 3- BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02 ^ 3 EXHIBIT B" ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEES For Minor Work Under $5,000) CONSTRUCTION PERMITS $10.00 Ea., Plus the following: Barricades $19.00 Each Catch Basins 19.00 Each Cleanouts 19.00 Each Cr088 Gutters 19.00 Each, Plus 20 Lin.Ft. Over 50 Lin.Ft. Curb or Curb & Gutters 20 Per Lin.Ft. Demolition 35.00 Driveway Approach Coninercial 35.00 Residential 20.00 Manholes 20.00 Each Minimum Total Permit Fee 20.00 Permit Fee 10.00 Pavement New) 50 to 5,000 Sq.Ft. 36.00 5,000 Sq.Ft. or More 08 Sq.Ft. Pavement Remove & Replace) 35.00 Penalty Fee 90.00 Pump Stations 250.00 Each Sewer Connections 20.00 Sewer & Storul Drains 25 Lin.Ft. Sidewalks Commercial 08 Sq.Ft. Residential 08 Sq.Ft. BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02 ^ 3ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEES Cont'd) Spandrel. 19.00 Street Cutu for Utilitie. 08 Lin.Ft. Street Cut. for Lateraiu 19.00 Street Light. 19.00 Each Structures 19.00 Each 2- BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02 ^ 3 EXHIBIT C" ITEMIZED UNIT COST ESTIMATE FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS Unit Price List for Bonding STREET PAVEMENT A.C. $46.00/Ton or $0.28/SqFt Per Inch Thickness A.B. $23.00/Ton or $0.11/SgFt Per Inch Thickness PAVEMENT STRIPING SKIP STRIPE CALTRANS DETAIL 1 09 LF ONE DIRECTION NO PASSING CALTRANS DETAIL 15 15 LF TWO DIRECTION NO PASSING CALTRANS DETAIL 21 15 LF MEDIAN ISLANDS CALTRANS DETAIL 28 50 LF TWO-WAY LEFT TURN CALTRANS DETAIL 31 20 LF 4" SOLID CALTRANS DETAIL 24 17 LF 12" CROSSWALK 50 LF PAVEMENT ARROWS 10.00 EA FURNISH AND INSTALL REFLECTIVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS CALTRANS TYPE D" AND TYPE G" 4.00 EA FURNISH AND INSTALL CALTRANS R18(RT) SIGN & POST 135.00 EA FURNISH AND INSTALL CALTRANS R26S) SIGN & POST 110.00 EA FURNISH AND INSTALL CALTRANS W56 SIGN & POST 135.00 EA REMOVALS Existing Pavement $0.60/SqFt Existing Core Pavement 1.70/SqFt Existing Redwood Header 0.50/SqFt Existing Curb 3.00/LF Existing Curb and Gutter 4.00/LF Existing Block Wall 6') 10.00/LF BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02 ^ 3Unit Price List for Bonding Cont'd) CURBS 6" Curb $ 8.00/LF 6" Curb and Gutter 10.00/LF 8" Curb 9.50/LF 8" Curb and Gutter 11.00/LF 4" A.C. Berm 6.00/LF 6" A.C. Berm 6.75/LF 8" A.C. Berm 8.75/LF SIDEWALK 4" P.C.C. 2. 50/SqFt PEDESTRIAN RAMP 750.00/EA DRIVEWAY 4" P.C.C. Private) 2.50/SqFt 6" P.C.C. 3.50/SqFt CROSS GUTTER AND SPANDRELS 6" P.C.C. 3. 50/SqFt WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES 4" A.C.P. $10.00/LF 6" A.C.P. 12.O0/LF 8" A.C.P. 16.00/LF 10" A.C.P. 18.00/LF 12" A.C.P. 22.00/LF 14" A.C.P. 25.00/LF 6" Steel Pipe 14.00/LF 2- BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02 ^ 3Unit Price List for Bonding Cont'd) MAINS AND APPURTENANCES Cont'd) 8" Steel Pipe $ 17.00/LF Relocate Fire Hydrant 1,600.00 EA Fire Hydrant Assembly 2,500.00 EA SEWER 4" Sewer Lateral $ 10.00/LF 6" Sewer Lateral 12.OOILF 6" VCP 12.00/LF 8" VCP $ 16.00/L* 10" vCP 21.00/LF 12" vCP 24.00/LF 15" vCP 32.00/LF 6" or 8" Stub & Plug 105.00 EA Adjust Manhole Rim to Grade 260.00 EA Sewer Cleanout 650.00 EA Sewer Manhole 48" 1,400.00 EA Sewer Manhole 60" 1,800.00 EA MISCELLANEOUS $ 1.75 CY Less Than 60,000 CY Site Grading 1.50 CY Over 60,000 CY Permanent Barricade/Guard Rail 30.00 LF MONUMENTATION As determined by City Engineer upon review of estimate submitted by design engineer. 3- BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02 ^ 3Unit Price List for Bonding Cont'd) STORM DRAIN FACILITIES As determined by City Engineer upon review of estimate submitted by design engineer. 4- BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:31:33AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 32-U02