CC Resolution 1986-066^!44 RESOLUTION NO. 86-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ENDORSING THE CONCEPT OF ESTABLISHING A SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES WHEREAS, Chapter 14 of Division 3 of the Streets and Highways Code, Section 2550 permits the establishment of a Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies SAFE) if the Board of Supervisors of the county and the majority of the cities within the County having a majority of the population adopt Resolutions providing for the establishment of the authority; and, WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta finds that a freeway emergency motorist aid system is needed to enhance the safety of motorists traveling on freeways and expressways in Riverside County; and, * WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta finds that a freeway emergency mot6rist aid system will reduce the time spent by law enforcement officers responding to routine vehicle disablements; and WHEREAS, the SAFE would be responsible for implementing a freeway emergency motorist aid system in Riverside County; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AND O*DERED that the the City Council of the City of La Quinta in regular session assembled on July 15, 1986, does hereby endorse the concept of establishing a Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies pursuant to Section 2550 of the Streets and Highways Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of La Quinta designates the County of Riverside as lead agency with responsibility for drafting the documents necessary to establish a SAFE in Riverside County. BIB] 06-17-1998-U01 09:39:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 66-U02 ^!44 Reso1*tion 86-66 page 2 APPROVED an* ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 1986. ATTEST: 4- AIAIJM/ DEPUTY CITY*RK APPRUVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY *` CITY MANAGER / * BIB] 06-17-1998-U01 09:39:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 66-U02 ^!44 SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES sAFE* INFORMATION SHEET mi An Authority authorized by recent State legislation SB 1199) to implement a system of emergency call boxes on a county3s freeway system similar to the ones in Los Angeles County and other areas of the country. SYSTEM USAGE/PURPOSE* Based on experience in Los Angeles County, we could expect about * calls per month, l5-2*% for emergencies ambu- lance, CHP, etc.) and 8*-85% for disabled vehicles. HOW * INITIATE*. In order to create a SAFE, approval is required by the Board of Supervisors and a majority of the cities representing a majority of population. SAFE's have recently been created in Orange and San Diego Counties and are under consideration in Ventura and San Bernardino Cour*ties. * Two members appointed by County, five members appointed by cities. The seven-member RCTC could be designated as OCTC has in Orange County. That would save the trouble of creating a new, single purpose agency. SOURCE k * SB 1199 provides for a *l surcharge on vehicle registrations. This would generate about * in Riverside County. This should be sufficient to construct a system over the next two years and provide for ongoing maintenance, operation and capital amortization. No other revenue source would be required. SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY.* Three technologies are available: hard wire like Los Angeles County system), cellular, and radio. Preliminary examination shows a combination of radio and cellular technology would provide county-wide coverage at the least cost. * This must still be determined. However, initial examination indicates that an extensive and reasonably comprehensive system is financially feasible. It could range from 1/2 mile spacing on more heavily travelled routes to larger spacing on all routes. SYSTEM COST* Annual capital amortization would be about * and annual maintenance and operating cost would be about * per year. Costs appear to be less than the annual revenue from vehicle registration surcharge. IMPLEMENTATION: Provided revenue bonds or leasing mechanism is used, construction of a system could begin within 18 months and be oper ational within 24 to 3* months. BIB] 06-17-1998-U01 09:39:58AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 66-U02