CC Resolution 1987-003,4 DATE AGENDAITEM# APPROVED oDENIED oCONTINUED TO RESOLUTION NO. 87-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated January 6, 1987. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 1987., ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: BIB] 06-17-1998-U01 04:18:11PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 03-U02 ,40L24U4 12/06/06 * DISBU**887 * PAGE 1 lATE OF IN FAVO* O* cHECk* AMOUNT EN*UM* IIE*CRIF'T1ON ISSUE NUM*FR AMOUNT NUM8E* 2/06/86 1A26 AFFAIRES TO k.ME-M*E* 371.16 371.16 X--MA* PARTY CATERING 2/06/86 1427 ALLEN, LARRY 0. 19.38 19.38 REFUND CANLI STMT-ELECTION 12/06*6 A42* *I'E.RICAN *.*NNING ASSOC. *5,00 35*.-* pLANNI**PU* 6 *UES 12/06/86 1429 ANDERSON TRAVEL SERV 250.00 250.00 TRAVEL & MEETINGS-COUNCIL 12/06/86 1430 *ILL'S SANITATION 171,20 171.20 2 UNIT RENT/BALL FLD-IIEC 12,06/86 1431 * *AL*-------------------------------------- 23-.-*0 23.'* T*AVE.L & *ET1*S*0OUt*CIL 12/06/86 1432 *RANDT, *IM 25,00 25.00 PLANNING COM MTG 11-25 508.00 WEED A*ATEMENT SERVICES 12/06/86 1433-- * ENTF**ISEC,DOU0LA?-, *79.80 71.80 WEED A*ATEMENT/Pti* *T WAY 12/06/86 1434 C.F,*D. COR*ORATION 105,00 105.00 REF-ATER SITE RENT JAN 12/06/86 1435 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 279,50 279,50 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT-OCT 12/06/86 1A3'-----CAk* & CAR* I* 26.1.2 26.12 FUEL AUTO 13,04 NOV SVC-WA1-ER-ISLAND 5.08 NOV SVC-WATER-ST TRLR 35.08 t*OV SVC--WATER-ISLANI' 2,40 NOV SVC-W*TEk--'-IlL-D(2- 2,40 NOV SVC-WATER-PLAN 2.40 NOV SVC*ATER-ENG 72.40 NOV SVC-WATER-ISLAND 12/06/86 1.437 COACHELLA VAlLEY WATER 139.12 5,44 NOV SVC-WATER-YARD 12/06/86 1438 *c*MF-r*CIAI.- *ADIO *f*OMF-'ANY 71.47 71.47 *ATTE*Y-*ADI0 CHARGER 1.2/06/86 1439 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDC 273,90 273.90 SIGNAL INSPECT CISEN/SO 12/06/86 1.440 COX, JUDITH A. 19.38 19.38 REFUND CAND STMT--ELECTION 12/06/86 1441----IlANNY'S PEST CONTR(IL. 45.10 45.00 PEST CONTROL SERVICES 12/06/86 1.442 DEMAN, RICHARD L. 200.00 200.00 LOT RENTAL JAN 12/06/86 1443 DEMO UNLIMiTED INC 3,577.50 3,577.50 REMOVE ENCROACH,-EISEN * 12/06/86-------1444 DESERT FI*E EXTINOUIS**R-- 207,87 207.87 694 EXTINGUI8*R Ct*O/REPAIR 12/06/86 1445 DOMINO GLOVE *N*l S,*FL Y 63.60 63.60 690 GLOVES PU* WORi*S DEPT 1-2/06/86 1446 DSL- *CCOUNTING UITE 200 10.00 10,00 SR CNTR OFFICE RENT JAN 1.4.00 FED EX CHROS-t*IEDR9WS*I 16,50 FED CX CHRGS-JENNINGS 12/06/96 1447 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. 188,50 1.58.00 FED CX CHRGS-CRUMF' 12/06/86-------144W *ENADY, *-----------------------------------,3*.-80--------2,-395.* *FIP.E *NT JAN 396.00 JANITORIAL SVC-DEC 1.2/06/86 1449 GENERAL CLEANING SERVICE 433.15 37.15 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES *-------I 137 12-----------*hONE SVC NOV 137.32 PHONE SVC-NOV-SR CNTR 12/06/86 1450 GENERAL. TELPHONE 1,312.48 38,04 ALARM SVC CHRG DEC 12/06/86 1-491---1'0*tE,- WILtIAM---------------------------i9.38 19,39------------REF*D EAND STflT-E*CTION 12/06/86 1452 1DM CORPORATION 307.00 307,00 MAINT AGREE COMPUTER-DEC 12/06/86 1453 ICMA 177.75 177,75 COUNCIL PUDS * DUES 12/06/86-------454--- ICMA------------------------------------- 40-.-70------40.70----------------S*ETY P* * **UES 150.00 SVC CONNECT CHRO CISEN/SO 53.87 NOV SVC-SR CENTER * t*i8tl/EISEN 80,-lo------------ 78.60 NOV SVC-COMM. DCV 91.83 NOV SVC-SUITE C 25,12 *TV 15'0-*IT F 10.17 NOV SVC-SUITE D 13,62 NOV SVC-SUITE C 29.72 *()V SVC*UITE D 22.83 NOV SVC-SUITE A 1.2/06/86 145.5 IMPERIAL TRR IGAT ION 81ST. 565.69 9.03 NOV SVC-YARD 12/06/86 *4*6 EAMPMAN & COMPANY----------------------------6-.-*O 6 20 Ar.*IN PUW-A 6 ItUES 1.2/06/86 1457 KIEOROWS!*I, RONALD L. 70.60 70.60 80'A INSURANCE MATTHEW BIB] 06-17-1998-U01 04:18:11PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 03-U02 ,4 3L2AUA *2/06/86 * DI*URSEME** PA*3E 2 rI*T* OF IN F*VOF" OF HEk *MOUN1 *N*IM* DESC*IF'TION ISSUF NUM**F* AMOHm NUM8ER 120.31 ArMIN SFE(: *FFT SUP 10.;4484----------------*AN*;*T *PEC D*T SUP SP* I*PT SUP 11. OS SR F.NTR * L* *LF I SUF 25.05 SAF*TY S*FF *I*PT SUP 43 *t*NNING SPE* * Stj**- 1-2/06/86 1458 LA O*jINT* 8UILDF-:R* SUPI*LY 275.77 96.01. PU* WOR** S*EC rIL PT SUP 12/06/86 1459 L* OUINTA VOLUN*EER 624,30 624.30 VOLUNTEEk FIRE S*RVICES 12/06/84 1460 LE**JF OF t.**IF. CITIES 9..* 29.00 TRAVEL * HEETINGS LEGAL 12/06/86 1461.. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES 978 *2S 978,25 GEO TEST AV 50/F-ARk IHPRV 12/06/86 1462- LOCk SHOP INC, * 33.65 33,65 683 LOCk 8LDG/SAFETY TRLR 12/06/*6 1-463 t*S *it4GELES TIMES 10.10 10.20 *.A.- TIME-S SU*SCRIF'TI* 12/06/86 1464 MEMINOEX INC 34.76 34.76 691 SMOkELESS ASHTRAY 25,00 PLANNING COM MTG 11-25 12/06/86 1465 * tt.*I* 50,00 25.00 F*ANNINP, COM MTG 12-09 12/06/86 1466 NOEL ERUSH AW*RD.'-: 140.87 140.87 686 PLAOUES RECOGNITIONS 3,047,51 MOVING CHc-.,RS CRUMP 12/06/86 1467 * AMf*P-TCAN VAN LINE-S 6,024.05 2,976.54 MOVING CHGRC kIEr'ROtJSkI 1.2/06/86 1468 OSTROWSkY. AUDREY 19.38 19.38 REFUNO CANIi *1MT ELECTION 12/06/86 1469 P j * OCSE*------RO-HIL-'-:.- 15,90 15.90 EMFLOYCF:-- N*M* 8ADOES 12/06/06 1470 PAl--H DESERT DISPOSAL 784.23 784.23 STREET SW*F* iNG 12/06/86 1471 P*CC 1- 49,74 49.74 MAIL MACHINF RFN1 122.43 POSTAGE METLh F'ENT 12,06/86 *1472 1*ITNEY *OWEb 252.96 130.53 *OST*E METER RE*L*CEHENT 12/06/86 1473 OUILL CORPORATION 18.14 18.14 685 ADMIN OFFICE SU*PLIES 12/06/86 1474 RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF 847.86 847,86 ANIMAL CONTROL SVCS NOV 12,06/86 147"'* RjVEr***TDF, *FNT* OF------------------------3,400.35----------3,400,35 ELECTISN SVCS RENDERED 12/06/86 1476 RMRS SYSTEM- 2,000.00 2,000.00 POSTAGE 624.33 REFRIGERATOR 12/86/86------147' *EARS ROF-8*k *ND C*MPANY 867.07 242,74 19" COLOR TELEVISION 12/06/86 1478 SECRETARY COP-FEE SERVICE 155,31 155.31 COFFEE & SUPPLIES 12/06/86 1.479 SNIFF, STANLEY 19.38 19.38 REFUND CAND STMT-ELECTION 25.00 F*ANNING COM MTG 11-25 12/06/86 1480 STFDING, SUf- 50,00 25,00 PLANNING COM MTG 12-0* 25,00 PLANNiNG COM MIG 11-25 l2'06/86**-1481-------THoRNEE**GH,**MAS *0,00 25.00 EIANNING CON MTG 12-09 12/06/86 1482 TRIAD ENTERPRISES 75.00 75.00 FACILITIES RENT JAN 12/06/86 1483 UNDERGROUND UNLIMITED 314.00 314.00 682 TRACTOR RENT TRAILER 12/O6*/8*6----------- *VAC*Y 11FFICE**E*IIr?*iENT 224.53 22-4.53 SHARP COPIER RENT 298.30 VISION INSURANCE * DEC 12/06/86 1485 VISION SERVICE PLAN 591.50 293.20 VISION INSURANCE JAN 25-00 *t*NNING * MTG 11-25 12/06/86 1486 WALLING, JCWIN 50.00 25.00 PLANNING CON MTG 12-09 12/06/86 1487 WELCH'S UNIFORM RENTAL 16,50 16,50 FLOOR HAT RENTAL 12/8-6/86****1488 * 1,,*LISFIT**MPANY----------------------------i,-462.80 l,-462.80 661 CAL-IF ANNO, C&*S 12/06/86 1469 WIGGINS *0300006015-1,LEE 150.00 150.00 FACILITIES RENT JAN 12/06/86 1490 WOODARD, DAVID 19.38 19,38 REFUND CAND STMT--ELECTION 12/06/86------1* * IlOR*ATTO'-*-----------------------------------424.20---------------4.20-------------------*-IER R*NT 1tt*C 12/15/86 5548* GOMEZ, ANNA 75.00 75.00 CHRISTMAS WINDOW PAINTING 12/15/66 5550* SHERRY'S PLACE---------------------------------283.91.------------283.91-------------------CATERING XMAS OPEN HOUSE 1271*/86 * LAIITTE*ICF *. 4,824.16 4,824.16 SALA*Y/r0PE*ATION 12/17/86 5552* CLUPPER, DENISL 300.00 300.00 SALARY ADVANCE 13.76 COUNCIL SPEC DEPT SUP. 253--------------------AIMIN SEEC DEPT SUP*.------------ 2.62 CASH OVER & SHORT GL24134 12/06/86 CASH DISBURsFME* PAGE 3 DATE OF CIEICX- IN FAVOR OF CI-*-*Ck AMOUNT l---:NCUM8 DE.'-.CHIF-*TIF)N ISSUE NUM8ER AN*UNT NUMF.*E*R' 1. Ol NUN DEF F/*CC DEPT UP 4 SF*, CN I F*/'*Pr-C DEPT SUP 1. /17/06 * Rt* TTY TA *! 116,10 108 *l COMM 5 TY/'MFC D* I*T SUP 1 /1 7/81* *4*' MI F*J Al FkF *(.AI IOF, LIlT. I OO 1 i() I I T *Ii i* I*i if II*1,j * 1 /17/86 U*E I--N-il- F**'ll'*'* *1 COMM 1 Al *AMl N**' INIF N' ON AND l*V*0* ii 0 F*iiNi I Tk-,-'l * Mt 1- / */Fl6 *` MAF* F* CiiM*ANY, M, 0 4(, 0O l'l-*D1 NI * IkAIL I *F* tl*T 1?/*'/86 60* TNDIII A*ITti E*flIlY 1, 95,36 1 III *( RI 0A IF YANTiAI 1 ZI Li TRUCkS 12/26/86 5561* RJYEF*S1 I'r L-,1UNV* EMP 1,946,3 1 *46, * Ill FijI lflN* FR F-F 1 6 86 12/26.186 5542* UNIT Iii I,lI** * IFIF DR'.-.ERT 35, Ac cc DI Ill I( TI i*N F I Fr l 6 86 12/1-.'.6/86 5563* TC MA RI T F*F M* N* CCII F- *i 9 IlL I'll ION'n I F F-F 1 6 86 12/21/8/' 5564* SF C*IR Y F A. 1 i RANk 2,96?-., 91 * * III IIUI T lIN I F t* *6 84 12/2-6/84 5545* CAl IF ORNIA, STATE OF-- 621.44 6 1 44 Dl DIlL I 1SF' F-F F 1 6 86 12/26/86 *66* r.t P' 5 3,006. 3 006. 8 Dl DUFTIFAN FR CF 1 6 86 GRANT TUI Al DF MAHI,'-------------------76-', 152. PAY*IIL PERIOD ElIIIIIIFID 12 26-86 25,C22.O1 BIB] 06-17-1998-U01 04:18:11PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 03-U02 ^"5 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 88-3 129 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND APPROVING THE WASHINGTON STREET CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN, AMENDMENT #2, TO RETAIN A PORTION OF WASHINGTON STREET'S EXISTING ALIGNMENT SOUTH OF EISENHOWER DRIVE SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 86-007, AMENDMENT #2 WASHINGTON STREET CORRIDOR PLAN a) ID y) WHEREAS, the City Council did adopt Specific Plan No. 86-007 on March 4, 1986, after holding at least one public hearing m and based upon the findings contained in Resolution No.86-14; and, WHEREAS, the City has initiated an amendment to the Specific Plan which is deemed necessary in order to further the intent of the original specific plan; and, WHEREAS, said Amendment has complied with the requirements of The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director has determined after initial study Environmental Assessment No. 87-078) that the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and that a Negative Declaration should be filed. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held at least one public hearing on Specific Plan No. 86-007, Amendment *2, as required by Section 65503 of the California Government Code; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on the Specific Plan Amendment No. 86-007, Amendment #2, and at said public hearing did make the following findings to support the Amendment: 1. Specific Plan No. 86-007, Amendment *2, is consistent with goals and policies set forth in the La Quinta General Plan. 2. Specific Plan No. 86-007, Amendment *2, is consistent with the intent and provisions of the original Specific Plan No. 86-007. 3. Environmental impacts associated with Specific Plan No. 86-007, Amendment #2, are substantially equivalent to those associated with Specific Plan No. 86-007. MR/RESOCC.008 1 BIB] 06-19-1998-U01 03:59:05PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 03-U02 ^"5130 4. Retention of the existing alignment of Washington Street, south of Eisenhower, will serve to increase traffic safety in the area. 5. Retention of the existing alignment will avoid costly relocation of existing utility systems already in place and under construction. 6. Retention of the existing alignment will not affect previously existing or approved access for development along the Washington Street corridor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true an correct and constitute the findings of the Council in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 87-078, in that the approval of this Amendment will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment, and that a Negative Declaration is appropriate for filing; 3. That it does hereby approve Specific Plan No. 86-007, Amendment *2, Washington Street Corridor Study'1, as amended and in accordance with attached Exhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 19th day of January, 1988, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Bohnenberger, Pena, Sniff NOES: Mayor Hoyle ABSENT: Councilwoman Cox //<'/<&aor ABSTAIN: None WILLIAM R. HOYLE, M City of La Quinta, California SAUNDRA L. JU*LA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: BARRY BRANDT, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California MR/RESOCC.008 2 BIB] 06-19-1998-U01 03:59:05PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 03-U02 ^"5 SPECIFIC PLAN 86-007, AMENDMENT No.2 EXHIBIT A CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 88-3 JANUARY 19, 1988 A. Amend the Conclusions" section paragraph 6) on Page 3 to read as follows: The horizontal curve in Washington Street, south of Eisenhower Drive, should be maintained in order to aid in reducing traffic speed and avoid costly utility relocations which are unnecessary for development of the corridor." B. Amend Page 35 first paragraph) to read as follows: The horizontal curvature of the roadway in this area is viewed as a benefit, in that it serves to reduce the dragstrip" effect usually associated with lengthy arterials designed for higher speeds, such as that designated for Washington Street." C. Delete Figure 13, entire Page 36), relative to realignment of Washington Street, south of Eisenhower Drive. D. Revise Table VIII, Page 42, Priority Project *9, to read as follows: Widen Washington Street to six lanes between Highland Palms Drive and Avenue 50, with Avenue 50 signalized." E. Revise Figure 14..." to read Figure 13...", and Figure 15..." to read Figure 14..." pages 44 and 46, respectively). F. Amend Page 43 paragraph 5) to refer to Figure 13". G. Amend Page 46 paragraph 5) to refer to Figure 14". H. Amend List of Figures" section to reflect previously described Figure changes. I. Amend Appendix A Estimated Right-of-Way Requisition Requirements" as follows: ASSESSORS LI*EAR ULTIMATh EXISTING TOTAL PARCEL ZONING PRONTAGE 1/2 IDTh 1/2 WIDTh S*.PT.LO.W ESTIMAThD $ COS NO. DRSIG. FEET) FR* CIL R.0.W. ACQUISITION $10 PER SQ.FT) am-anna anna--an n-nannnnnnnnnn-an. na--n........n-nan South of Zige,,hcwcr & Last of Washi*gton: 617-283-04 R-2 716 30 0- 21.480 $214.800 617-31-23 R-3 657 N/A N/A 617*8*1 R-3 gi? N/A N/A liNK UNK 617-32-17 R-1 0 UI* 0 liNk 611-32-18 R-1 380 UNK 0 UNK * na-n*-nnn-n-nam-n---anam-nannnna*nnn. BIB] 06-19-1998-U01 03:59:05PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 03-U02