CC Resolution 1987-021 Street Vacation - portions of Avenue 52,5! DATE AGENDAITEM# 4PROVED DE1**lED oCONTINUED TO RESOLUTION NO. 87-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, VACATING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF AVENUE 52 AND WASHINGTON STREET WHEREAS, on April 16, 1985, the City Council did adopt its Resolution No. 85-30 vacating the herein described portion of Avenue 52; and WHEREAS, said street vacati*n action was ta ken fol lowin'* Planning Commission review and noticed public hearings all in accordance with app 1 i cab 1 e provisions of 1 a w; and WHEREAS*, at the ti*e of said hear in3s and action, it was the intent of the P1 anni n* Co*ITiissi on and City Council to additionally vacate the vestigial remnant portion of Washington Street between the abandoned section of Avenue 52. and the new successor alignment of Avenue 52; and LJHFF':EAS sa i ci intent is d e*onst* a ted by the ITia p s and cx hi bits for the Avenue 52 Specific Plan Amendment and Tentative Tract Map No 20328 and its successor No 21880; and WHE*EAS, said intent to vacate the vestigial remnant on Wash i n';jton Street was not provided for nor set out in Resolution No 85-38 vacating* certain portions of Avenue 52 which was a i*i nor err or due to inadvertence and excusable neglect t; and WHEREAS it is now necessary to C: ure and correct sa id minor error by adopting.* this correctin'3 resolution which also vacates said remnant port ion of Wash i nqton Street and rep laces and supercedes Resolution No. 85-38 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La *uinta does RESOLVE as follows: The City Council hereby finds and determ i,nes that the fol I owi n3'. described portions of Avenue 52 an d Wash in*ton St.(. ect are unnecessary for present or prospective public use and hereby orders said streets vacated and abandoned Said streets ordered vacated and abandoned are 1 Avenue 52 between Avenida Bermudas and a point I,321 feet west of Jefferson Street, and 2.) Wash in*ton Street between said vacated portion of Avenue 52 and the new realignment of BIB] 06-18-1998-U01 10:23:43AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 21-U02 ,5!RESOLUTION NO. 87-21 Page Two Avenue 52 ai* depicted on the *ventie 52. Specific: Plan Nos. 85-007A and 85-007B. Said real property i* pa*tic ularly ci e*c Y i bed 1. n x hi. bit * I' a tta C: hed hereto and inc or p or a ted herein by th ii:* reference * hap de*i3natinJ the portion of said avenue and street to be vacated is attached hereto as E. x hi bit II H and inc o* p or a ted her cm by th 1. s reference The City Council hereby finds and determj..nes that the i*tr ects hereby Va ca ted and a L) and oned are not useful as a non-motorized, transportation facilities as defined in Streets and Highways Code Section I 56, nor useful as a bicycle path or route pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5079. 4 Tb e City Co unc i I hereby finds and ci eter i* 1 nes that pub 1 ic C: onveni enc c and nec ess 1. ty require that the presently cx t st i n* public utility easements shall be either relocated and/or abandoned to the satisfaction of the affected public utilities prior to the recordation of this Resolution or in the alternative, City may in its discretion, accept written commitments........om the affected utilities relative to said relocation and abandonment. S Tb c port i. ons Of *ven uc 52 and Wash i n,jton Street hereby vacated shall not be closed ex*e*p* for limited periods of time for pub 1 ic safety and convenience by order of the City Manajer to pub Ii c u se nor sb all any construction or demolition occur thereon until the foil owi n* C: ond itions are compIeted and performed: a Access shall be provided from realigned Avenue 52 to the front of the Desert Club in accordance with City requirements and to the satisfaction of the Applicant the owner of the Desert Club and the City Council. 1 If an a *reement sat i * actory tO the *pp 1. icant and the owner of the Desert Club cannot be a cc: omp Ii shed th en public road access shall be provided b The AppIicant shall be responsible to pay aII costs associated with the relocation of Avenue 52 in accordance C? with the provisions and conditions of approval for Specific Plans Nos. 85-005A and 85-005B. These costs shall incIude, but not be limited to the construction or installation of road improvements, noise barriers, landscaping and traffic control devices. BIB] 06-18-1998-U01 10:23:43AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 21-U02 ,5! RESOLUTION NO. 87-21 Pa*e Th*ee c The portion of Avenue 52 approved for vacation shall not be closed except for limited periods of time for public safety and convenience by order of the city manager to the public use nor shall any construction or demolition thereon until the following conditions are completed and performed: *i 1 imp* ovements shown on Exhibits B" and D", as contained in the Community Development Department's file for Specific Plans Nos. 85-005A and 85-005B, and as amended by those conditions of approval, shall be completed by the applicant for acceptance by the City including: 1 Full-width improvements to an ultimate width of 100 feet for that portion of Avenue 52 between Desert Club Drive and Washington Street, in accordance with Specific Plan Exhibit B. 2) Full-width improvements to an ultimate width of 110 feet for that portion of Avenue 52 between Washington Street and a point 662 feet west of Adams Street, in accordance with Specific Plan Exhibit B". 3) Interim 28-foot-wide paved road between the point 662 feet west of Adams Street and a point 1,321 feet west of Jefferson Street, in accordance with Specific PIan Exhibit D". 4) One-half width improvements to an ultimate width of 100 feet for that portion of Avenue 52 between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive. 5) One-half width improvements to an ultimate width of 42 feet for that portion of Avenida Nuestra between Washington Street and Calle Rondo 6) Closure of Avenida Nuestra at Washington Street. BIB] 06-18-1998-U01 10:23:43AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 21-U02 ,5!RESOLUTION NO. 87-21 Page Four 7) Installation of noise buffers and landscaping along Avenue 52 and Avenida Nuestra as required by the provisions and conditions of Specific: Plan Nos. 85-005A and 85-005B. * Installation of improvements to the intersection of Avenue 52. and Avenida Bermudas ci Improvement plan drawings for road improvements shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Transitional pavement for intersections and lane reduction areas, channelization or striping plans and traffic control devices shall be submitted for review and approval with the Street improvement plans 1) Any required encroachment permits shall be secured prior to beginning any work within r ights-of-way. 2) All necessary right-of-way dedications shall be made. e Prior to the closure of existing Avenue 52, the Applicant shall dedicate a site and contribute to the construction of a new fire station, in accordance with the conditions of approvaI for Tentative Tract Map No. 20328, Revision No. 1. Provision shall be made to assure that adequate access to and from the existing fire station is maintained during construction of improvements. f Specific Plans Nos. 85-005A and 85-005B shall be adopted and in effect prior to the vacations herein provided, and the access, construction of improvements, and other actions required to be performed by this Section 5 shall be in accordance with said Specific Plan and in accordance with the conditions of tentative Tract 21880. Provided, however, that to the extent amendments to said Specific Plan or Tract 21880 conditions, or amendments to the Circulation Element of the General Plan, change or amend any of said requirements, said performance shall be in accordance with the latest adopted amendments. BIB] 06-18-1998-U01 10:23:43AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 21-U02 ,5!RESOLUTION NO. 87-21 PaI.*e Five J City shall retain interim responsibility. and liability for maintenance and operation of said vacated Avenue 52 and Washington Street until said streets are actually closed to public use as herein provided. 6 The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County at such time as the conditions set forth in Sections 4 and 5 hereof are satisfactorily completed and performed or committed to be completed and per formed *PPROVED and *Dc'PTE:D this 5th day of May, * by the followin.3 vote *YIL** Co unc ii Memb * * *oh * e* * *u x * ena * * and Mayor HoyiE** NOES. None None *E*ST*IN None* 4Y(** *TT* ST *PPROVED *S TO FORM **(,*I1Y M*N*(;ER/C*1Y * CITY *TTORNE BIB] 06-18-1998-U01 10:23:43AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 21-U02