CC Resolution 1987-022,5' F AGENDA ITEM DATE AGENDA ITEM # /;*PROVED oDENIED APPROVED DENiED CONTINUED TO RL--:*OLuTION NO 87-*':* *ONTINUED * A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, IN OPPOSITION TO ASSEMBLY BILL 2190. WHERF*S Assembly Bill 2190 has been introduced in the California State Assembly; and WHERE*S Assembly Bill 2190 would impose a State-mandated local program by requiring that members of the City Council be elected from single-member districts; and WHEREAS, this is one more example of the erosion of Home Rule by the California State Legislature; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, as follows; SECTION 1 The City Council is opposed to Assembly Bill 2190 for the following reason: Many small cities have a difficult time finding qualified people to run for seats on the City Council in at-larqe election. District elections would be more difficult. Every member of the City CounciI feels responsible to the entire City not just to the district in which they live. C- The City could have elected to select its City Council by districts instead of at-large if it were to decide district elections were better. D The gerrymandering of district lines in California has made a mockery of politics. F The best interests of the ci-ti zens of La Quinta are served by at-large elections for City Council. SECTION 2 The City Council requests that Home Rule in local elections be allowed to continue and not further eroded by a vote of the State legislature. SECTION 3 A certified copy of this resolution shall be sent to each member of the California State Senate and the California State Assembly *PPROVED and *DOPTED this rjth day of May, I 9*7, by the fo1lowin* vote: BIB] 06-18-1998-U01 10:24:28AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 22-U02 ,5'RESOLUTION NC) A Pa.4e Two *YF.S: Council Members Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. NOES None. * NT None. *E*ST4:L'N: None. *1 1 E *i *PPR VED *S TO F L*kM C*ity M*nager/f:.i e.v' k C*ity *itu* *i*y BIB] 06-18-1998-U01 10:24:28AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 22-U02