CC Resolution 1988-029^!6^ 149 RESOLUTION NO. 88-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING PERSONNEL SYSTEM RULES PURSUANT TO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 2.08.060 B). WHEREAS, the City Council is authori*ed and directed under the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2.08.060 B) to adopt rules for the administration of the personnel system created in said ordinance; and Cr) WHEREAS, the objectives of these rules are to facilitate * efficient and economical services to the public and to provide for an m equitable system of personnel management in the municipal government; and WHEREAS, these rules set forth in detail those procedures which insure similar treatment for those who compete for original employment and promotion, and define many of the obligations, rights, privileges and prohibitions which are placed upon all employees in the competitive service of the City; and WHEREAS, at the same time, within the limits of administrative feasibility, considerable latitude shall be given the City Manager and the Personnel Director in the interpretation of these rules. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, does hereby adopt the following rules: RULE I. DEFINITION OF TERMS The terms used in these rules shall have the meanings as defined below: SEC. 1. 1Advancement'1: A salary increase within the limits of a pay range established for a class. SEC. 2. Allocation'1: The assignment of a single position to its proper class in accordance with the duties performed, and the authority and responsibilities exercised. SEC. 3. Appointment Authority": The officers of the City who, in their individual capacities, or as a city council, have the final authority to make the appointment to the position to be filled. SEC. 4. Class": All positions sufficiently similar in duties, authority, and responsibility, to permit grouping under a common title in the application with equity of common standards of selection, transfer, demotion and salary. SEC. 5. 1competitive Service11: All positions of employment in the service of the City except those excluded by the Personnel Ordinance. BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 151 SEC. 6. Days": Means calendar days unless otherwise stated. SEC. 7. Demotion'1: The movement of an employee from one class to another class having a lower maximum base rate of pay. SEC. 8. Disciplinary Action": The discharge, demotion, reduction in pay, or suspension of a regular employee for punitive reasons and not for any non-punitive reasons. SEC. 9. Eligible": A person whose name is on an employment list. SEC. 10. Employment List": a) Open Employment List: A list of names of persons who have cy) taken an open-competitive examination for a class in the competitive service and have qualified. I) b) Promotional Employment List: A list of names of persons who have taken a promotional examination for a class in the competitive service and have qualified. SEC. 11. Examination" a) Open-competitive Examination: An examination for a particular class which is open to all persons meeting the qualifications for the class. b) Promotional Examination: An examination for a particular class which is open only to employees meeting the qualifications for the class. c) Continuous Examination: An open competitive examination which is administered periodically and as a result of which names are placed on an employment list, in order of final scores, for a period of not more than one year. SEC. 12. Lay-Off": The separation of employees from the active work force due to lack of work or funds, or to the abolition of positions by the City Council for the above reasons or due to organization changes. SEC. 13. Part-Time Employee": An employee who is appointed to work less than 40 hours per week. Part-time employees shall not be eligible to receive fringe benefits other than Workers' Compensation Insurance. SEC. 14. Personnel Ordinance": Ordinance No. 110 which creates a personnel system for the City. SEC. 15. Position": A group of duties and responsibilities in the competitive service requiring the full-time or part-time employment of one person. 2- PRSNL I PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 153 SEC. 16. probationary Period": A period to be considered an integral part of the examination, recruiting, testing and selection process during which an employee is required to demonstrate fitness for the position to which the employee is appointed by actual performance of the duties of the position. SEC. 17. Promotion": The movement of an employee from one class to another class having a higher maximum base rate of pay. SEC. 18. provisional Appointment": An appointment of a person who possesses the minimum qualifications established for a particular class and who has been appointed to a position in that class in the absence of available eligibles. In no instance shall a provisional appointment exceed six months. Cr) SEC. 19. Regular Employee": An employee in the competitive 0 service who has successfully completed the probationary period and has been retained as hereafter provided in these rules. SEC. 20. Reinstatement": The restoration without examination of a former regular employee or probationary employee to a classification in which the employee formerly served as a regular non-probationary employee. SEC. 21. Relief of Duty": The temporary assignment of an employee to a status of leave with pay. SEC. 22. Suspension": The temporary separation from service of an employee without pay for disciplinary purposes. SEC. 23. Temporary Employee": An employee who is appointed to a non-regular position for a limited period of time. SEC. 24. Transfer": A change of an employee from one position to another position in the same class or in a comparable class. RULE II. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 1. Purpose: It is the purpose of these personnel rules to facilitate efficient and economical services to the public and to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel management for the City of La Quinta. These rules set forth procedures for original employment and promotion, and define the obligations, rights, privileges, benefits and prohibitions which are applicable to all employees of the City. Sec. 2. Fair Employment Practices: Any technique or procedure used in recruitment and selection of employees shall be designed to measure only t*e job related qualifications of applicants. No recruitment or selection technique shall be used which, in the opinion of the Personnel Director, is not justifiably linked to successful job performance. 3- PRSNL I PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 155 Appointments of individuals will be made on the basis of merit and ability. No appointment of a qualified person to, or removal from, a position in the City's personnel system shall be affected or influenced in any manner by any consideration of handicap, race, color, ethnic or natural origin, age, sex, political or religious affiliation. Sec. 3. Conflict of Interest Code: City personnel may be required to file Conflict of Interest statements in conformance with Resolutions passed by the City Council. RULE III. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN Sec. 1. Preparation of Plan: The Personnel Director, or a person Cr) or agency employed for that purpose, shall ascertain and record the duties and responsibilities of all positions in the competitive service and shall recommend a classification plan for such m positions. The classification plan shall consist of classes of positions in the competitive service defined by class specifications, including the title. The classification plan shall be so developed and maintained that all positions substantially similar with respect to duties, responsibilities, authority, and character of work are included within the same class, and that the same schedules of compensation may be made to apply with equity under similar working conditions to all positions in the same class. Sec. 2. Adoption, Amendment and Revision of Plan: The classification plan shall be adopted by the City Manager and may be amended from time to time. During the process of consideration, any recognized employee organization affected shall be advised. Amendments and revisions of the plan may be suggested by any interested party, including any recognized employee organization, and shall be submitted to the City Manager. Sec. 3. Allocation of Positions: Following the adoption of the classification plan and consultation with any recognized employee organization affected, the Personnel Director shall allocate every position in the competitive service to one of the classes established by the plan. 4- PRSNL!PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 157 Sec. 4. New Positions: A new position shall not be created and filled until the classification plan has been amended to provide therefore and an appropriate employment list established for such position. Sec. 5. Reclassification: Positions, the assigned duties of which have been materially changed by the City so as to necessitate reclassification, whether new or already created, shall be allocated by the Personnel Director to a more appropriate class. Reclassifications shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding restrictions concerning demotions and promotions, nor to effect a change in salary in the absence of a significant change in assigned Y) duties and responsibilities. Sec. 6. Compensation: The compensation plan includes the basic m salary schedule as adopted by the City Council and subsequent amendments thereto, and the assignment of the various classes of positions to the appropriate ranges in the salary schedule. Sec. 7. Maintenance of the Compensation Plan: The compensation plan is intended to provide fair compensation for all classes of employees. Adjustments to the compensation plan shall be recommended by the City Manager and approved by the City Council. Sec. 8. Setting Salaries: All salaries and compensation of officials and employees of the City shall consist of their regular salary and compensation as set forth in the annual fiscal budget of the City as approved by the City Council. Salaries may be adjusted and amended in excess of that shown in the budget throughout the fiscal year, upon recommendation of the City Manager and approval of the City Council. Sec. 9. Payment of Salaries: Salaries shall be paid upon demands audited and allowed by the Director of Finance. Sec.lO. Compensation Range: where a range is assigned, the range shall include five 5) salary steps, each step approximately five percent 5%) higher than the preceding step. Sec.ll. Step Advancement in Rate of Compensation: A. Salary Steps 1. Step A shall be entry level step for new employees in all classifications in this unit. 2. Step B A unit employee who receives an evaluation that meets or exceeds standards should receive this step after completion of six 6) months of service in Step A in the same classification pursuant to Rule VIII. 5- PRSNL I PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 159 3. Step C A unit employee who receives an evaluation that meets or exceeds standards should receive this step after completion of one 1) year of service in Step B in the same classification. 4. Step D A unit employee who receives an evaluation that meets or exceeds standards should receive this step after completion of one 1) year of service in Step C in the same classification. 5. Step E A unit employee who receives an evaluation that meets or exceeds standards should receive this a) step after completion of one 1) year of service in Step D in the same classification. C*) 6. A unit employee who receives an evaluation that is below standards shall not be advanced to the next step Co until they receive an evaluation that meets or exceeds standards of performance. Unit employees so affected shall be reevaluated within ninety 90) days. Any employee denied a step increase shall be notified in writing of reasons for denial. Sec.12. Effective Date of Step Increases and Extra Compensation: All step increases and extra compensation shall be made effective at the start of the next regular pay period. Sec.13. Exceptional Advancement: In cases wherein an employee demonstrates exceptional ability and proficiency, such person may be advanced to a higher step within a range without regard to the minimum length of service provisions contained in this Rule. Sec.14. Periodic Performance Evaluation Review: After the first six 6) months of service, and annually thereafter, a performance evaluation review shall be prepared by the Department Head and approved by the city Manager. In the case of the annual performance evaluation review of the City Manager, the City Council shall prepare the evaluation. Sec.15. Promotion: An employee receiving a promotion to another position having a range number higher than the position he occupied shall commence service in the higher range at a salary step which is a minimum of five percent 5%) increase above the prior rate he/she was receiving when promoted. Sec.16. Demotion: When a personnel action, such as a demotion due to layoff, reallocation, or reclassification, or job rehabilitation results in the lowering of the incumbent unit employee's salary range, the affected incumbent's salary shall be set at the step rate in the lower pay range which provides the smallest decrease in pay. Sec.17. Payroll Period: The City payroll period shall be based on a bi-weekly basis. 6- PRSNL/PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 1(;1 Sec. 18. Part-time and Temporary Part-time Employees: Such employees shall be paid on an hourly rate unless otherwise provided at the time of hiring or at a later time. RULE IV. APPLICATIONS AND APPLICANTS Sec. 1. Announcement: All examinations for classes in the competitive service shall be publicized by such methods as the City Manager or the Personnel Director deem appropriate. Special recruiting shall be conducted, if necessary, to insure that all seg*ments of the community are aware of the forthcoming examinations. The announcements shall specify the title and pay of the class for which the examination is announced; the nature of the work of the class; the manner of making application; and other pertinent y) information. Sec. 2. Application Forms: Applications shall be made as prescribed on the examination announcement. Resumes shall require information covering training, experience, and other pertinent information, and may include certificates of one or more examining physicians, references and fingerprints. Resumes must be signed by the person applying. Sec. 3. Disqualification: The Personnel Director may reject any application or resume which indicates on its face that the applicant does not possess the minimum qualif ications required for the position. Applications may be rejected if the application or resume indicates facts that show that the applicant is physically or psychologically unable to perform the job applied for, and no reasonable accommodation can be made for such disability; is addicted to the habitual excessive use of drugs or intoxicating liquor; has made any false statement of any material fact, or practiced any deception or fraud in an application. Whenever an application or resume is rejected, notice of such rejection shall be mailed to the applicant by the Personnel Director. Defective applications or resumes may be returned to the applicant with notice to amend the same, providing the time limit for receiving applications or resumes has not expired. Sec. 4. Criminal Conduct Ineligibility for Employment: Conviction, including pleas of guilty and nob contendere, of a felony shall be prima facie disqualification of an applicant for employment; provided, however, that the appointment authority may disregard such conviction if it is found and determined by such appointing authority that mitigating circumstances exist. In making such determination, the appointment authority shall consider the following factors: a) the classification, including sensitivity, to which the person is applying or being certified and whether the classification is unrelated to the conviction; 7- PRSNL I PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 163 b) the nature and seriousness of the offense; C) the circumstances surrounding the conviction; d) the length of time elapsed since the conviction; e) the age of the person at time of conviction; f) the presence or absence of rehabilitation or efforts at rehabilitation; g) contributing social or environmental conditions. An applicant who is disqualified for employment under this section may appeal the determination of disqualification. Such appeal shall be in writing and filed with the City Manager within ten 10) days of the date of the notice of disqualification. The City Manager shall m hear and determine the appeal within ninety 90) days after it is filed. The determination of the City Manager on the appeal is final. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an applicant for a peace officer position shall be disqualified, without right of appeal, from employment if the applicant shall have been convicted of a felony. RULE V. EXAMINATIONS Sec. 1. Examination Process: The selection techniques used in the examination process shall be impartial and relate to those subjects which, in the opinion of the Personnel Director, fairly measure the relative capacities of the persons examined to execute the duties and responsibilities of the class to which they seek to be appointed. Examinations shall consist of selection techniques which will test fairly the qualifications of candidates such as, but not necessarily limited to, achievement and aptitude tests, other written tests, personal interview, performance tests, physical agility tests, evaluation of daily work performance, work samples, medical tests, psychological tests, successful completion of prescribed training, or any combination of these or other tests. Th* probationary period shall be considered as a portion of the examination process. Examinations shall be designed to provide equal opportunity to all candidates by being based on an analysis of the essential requirements of the class, covering only factors related to such requirements. Sec. 2. Promotional Examinations: Promotional examinations may be conducted whenever, in the opinion of the Personnel Director, the needs of the service require. Promotional examinations may include any of the selection techniques mentioned in Section 1 of this rule, or any combination of them. Only regular or probationary employees who meet the requirements set forth in the promotional examination announcements may compete in promotional examinations. 8- PRSNL I PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 1*5 Sec. 3. Continuous Examination: Open-competitive examinations may be administered periodically for a single class as the needs of the service require. Names shall be placed on employment lists, and shall remain on such lists, as prescribed in Rule VI. Sec. 4. Conduct of Examination: The City Council may contract with any competent agency or individual for the preparing and/or administering of examinations. In the absence of such a contract, the Personnel Director shall see that such duties are performed. The Personnel Director shall arrange for the use of public buildings and equipment for the conduct of examinations. Sec. 5. Notification of Examination Results and Review of Papers: Each candidate in an examination shall be given notice of the results cy) thereof, and if successful, of the final earned score and/or rank on the employment list. m All candidates shall have the right to inspect their own test answer sheet within five working days after the notifications of examination results. Any error in computation, if called to the attention of the personnel Director within this period, shall be corrected. Such corrections shall not, however, require invalidation of appointments previously made. RULE VI. EMPLOYMENT LISTS Sec. 1. Employment Lists: As soon as possible after the completion of an examination, the Personnel Director shall prepare and maintain an employment list consisting of the names of candidates who qualified in the examination. Sec. 2. Duration of Lists: Employment lists other than those resulting from a continuous examination shall remain in effect until exhausted or abolished by the Personnel Director. Open-competitive lists created as a result of continuous examinations shall remain in effect for not more than one year after the last administration of the examination, unless sooner exhausted or abolished. Names placed on such lists may be merged with any others already on the list. Sec. 3. Removal of Names From List: The name of any person appearing on an employment, re-employment or promotional list shall be removed by the Personnel Director if the eligible requests in writing that the name be removed or if the eligible fails to respond to a notice of certification mailed to the last designated address. The person affected shall be notified of the removal of the name by a *otice mailed to the last known address. The names of persons on promotional employment lists who resign from the service shall aut*naticallybe dropped from such lists. 9- PRSNL/ PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 343 RULE VII. METHOD OF FILLING VACANCIES Sec. 1. Types of Appointment: All vacancies in the competitive service shall be filled by transfer, demotion, re-employment, reinstatement, or from eligibles certified by the Personnel Director from an appropriate employment list, if available. In the absence of persons eligible for appointment in these ways, provisional appointments may be made in accordance with these personnel rules. Sec. 2. Notice to Personnel Director: If a vacancy in the competitive service is to be filled, the appointing power shall notify the Personnel Director in the manner prescribed. If there is no re-employment list available for the class, the appointing power shall have the right to decide whether to fill the vacancy by reinstatement, transfer, demotion, appointment from a promotional employment list, or appointment from an open employment list. m Sec. 3. Certification of Eligibles: If the appointing power does not consider it in the City's best interest to fill the vacancy by reinstatement, transfer, or demotion, or if it is not possible to fill the vacancy by re-employment, certification shall be made from an appropriate employment list, provided eligible workers are available. When the appointing power requests a vacancy be filled by appointment from a promotional employment list or from an open employment list, the Personnel Director should certify from the specified list the names of all individuals willing to accept appointment. whenever there are fewer than three names of individuals willing to accept appointment on a promotional employment list or on an open employment list, the appointing power may make an appointment from among such eligibles or may request the Personnel Director to establish a new list. When so requested, the Personnel Director shall hold a new examination and establish a new employment list. Sec. 4. Appointment: After interview and investigation, the appointing power shall make appointments from among those certified, and shall immediately notify the Personnel Director of the persons appointed. The person accepting appointment shall report to the Personnel Director, or the personnel Director's designated representative, for processing on or before the date of appointment. If the applicant accepts the appointment and reports for duty within such period of time as the appointing authority shall prescribe, the applicant shall be deemed to be appointed; otherwise, the applicant shall be deemed to have declined the appointment. Sec. 5. Provisional Appointment: In the absence of there being names of individuals willing to accept appointment from appropriate employment lists, a provisional appointment may be made by the appointing authority of a person meeting the minimum training and experience qualifications for the position. Such an appointment may be made during the period of suspension of an employee or pending final action on proceedings to review suspension, demotion or discharge of an employee, and such vacancy may be filled by the 10- PRSNL/PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 345 appointing authority subject to the provisions of this ordinance and the personnel rules. A provisional employee may be removed at any time without the right of appeal or hearing. No provisional appointment shall exceed six months. A provisional appointee shall not accrue benefits while serving in a probational appointment. If a provisional appointee is selected for a full-time position with the city, the time served as a provisional appointee shall be counted as time toward the fulfillment of the required probationary period. No special credit shall be allowed in meeting any qualifications or a) in the giving of any test or the establishment of any ID open-competitive promotional lists, for service rendered under a Cr) provisional appointment. m RULE VIII. PROBATIONARY PERIOD Sec. 1. Regular Appointment Following Probationary Period. All original and promotional appointments shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period of not less than six months actual service, to be determined for each class by the Personnel Director. The appointing authority may extend such probationary period up to six additional months. The Personnel Director shall notify the appointing authority and the probationer1 two weeks prior to the termination of any probationary period. If the service of the probationary employee has been satisfactory to the appointing authority, then the appointing authority shall file with the personnel Director a statement in writing to such effect and stating that the retention of such employee in the service is desired. If such a statement is not filed, the employee will be deemed to be unsatisfactory and his employment terminated at the expiration of the probationary period. Where a statement of satisfactory service has not been filed, notice of the termination shall be served on the terminated employee by the Personnel Director after the expiration of the selection period. Sec. 2. Objective of Probationary period: The probationary period shall be regarded as a part of the selection process and shall be utilized for closely observing the employee's work and for securing the most effective adjustment of a new employee to his position. Sec. 3. Rejection of Probationer: During the probationary period, an employee may be rejected at any time by the appointing power without cause and without the right of appeal. Notification of rejection by the appointing authority shall be served on the probationer. Sec. 4. Rejection Following Promotion: Any employee rejected during the probationary period following a promotional appointment, or at the conclusion of the probationary period by reason of failure of the appointing power to file a statement that the employee's 11- PRSNL/PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 349 services have been satisfactory shall be reinstated to the position from which the employee was promoted unless charges are filed and the employee is discharged in the manner provided in the Personnel Ordinance and these rules for positions in the competitive service. If there is no vacancy in such position, the employee may request to be placed on a re-employment list. RULE IX. TRANSFER, PROMOTION, DEMOTION. SUSPENSION AND REINSTATEMENT Sec. 1. Transfer: No person shall be transferred to a position a) for which that person does not possess the minimum qualifications. U) Upon notice to the Personnel Director, an employee may be transferred Cr) by the appointing power or designee at any time from one position to another in a comparable class. For transfer purposes, a comparable m class is one with the same maximum salary, involves the performance of similar duties and requires substantially the same basic qualifications. If the transfer involves a change from one department to another, both department heads must consent thereto unless the City Manager orders the transfer. Transfer shall not be used to effecuate a promotion, demotion, advancement, or reduction, each of which may be accomplished only as provided in the Personnel Ordinance or these Rules. Sec. 2. Promotion: Insofar as consistent with the best interests of the service all vacancies in the competitive service shall be filled by promotion from within the competitive service, after a promotional examination has been given and a promotional list established. If, in the opinion of the Personnel Director, it is in the best interests of the municipal service1 a vacancy in the position may be filled by an open-competitive examination instead of promotional examination, in which event the Personnel Director shall arrange for an open-competitive examination and for the preparation and certification of an open-competitive employment list. Sec. 3. Demotion: The appointing power may demote an employee whose ability to perform the required duties falls below standard, or for disciplinary purposes. Upon request of the employee, and with the consent of the appointing power, demotion may be made to a vacant position. No employee shall be demoted to a position who does not possess the minimum qualifications. Disciplinary demotion action shall be in accordance with Rule XI hereof. Sec. 4. Suspension: The appointing power may suspend an employee from a position at any time for a disciplinary purpose. Suspension without pay shall not exceed thirty calendar days, nor shall any employee be penalized by suspension for more than thirty calendar days in any fiscal year. Department heads may suspend a subordinate 12- * IPP**PIT BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 347 employee for not more than three working days at any one time, and not more than once in a thirty calendar day period. Intended suspension action shall be reported immediately to the Personnel Director, and shall be taken in accordance with Rule XI hereof. Sec. 5. Reinstatement: With the approval of the appointment power, a regular employee or probationary employee who has completed at least six months of probationary service and who has resigned with a good record may be reinstated within two years of the effective date of resignation, to a vacant position in the same or comparable class. Upon reinstatement, the employee shall be subject to the probationary period prescribed for the class. No credit for former a) employment shall be granted in computing salary, vacation, sick Lf) leave, or other benefits except on the specific recommendation of the y) appointing authority at time of reinstatement. m RULE X. WORK SCHEDULES A*m OVERTIME Sec. 1. Work Schedules: The work hours for unit employees shall consist of a forty 40) hour work week schedule consisting of seven 7) consecutive days and exclusive of any meal periods assigned by management, except as otherwise provided for in this agreement. Sec. 2. Overtime Provisions: The following provisions shall be considered overtime, except as otherwise specified in this article. A. Regular Overtime: 1) Overtime for non-exempt employees is time worked in excess of forty 40) hours during a 7-day work week. The workweek for nonexempt employees is generally a fixed period of 168 hours 7 consecutive 24-hour periods, which is established by City. B. Call Back Overtime: Call back work is performed by an off duty unit employee called back to work after they have completed their normal work schedule and have left work or are on their day off. Sec. 3. Overtime Compensation Rate: A. Regular Overtime: 1. Overtime pay will be paid at a rate of not less than one and one-half times the nonexempt employee's regular rate of pay for each hour worked in excess of forty 40) hours per week. 2. Unit employees may choose to receive overtime compensation as compensatory time off in lieu of cash payment, at the rate of time and one-half off for each hour of work in excess of forty 40) hours per week. 13- PRSNL I PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 361 Cash payment of overtime shall be limited to fiscal budgetary restrictions, and employees are encouraged to receive overtime compensation as compensatory time off in lieu of cash payment. Payments are outlined in this article. B. Overtime Accrual: 1. All overtime worked in less than one hour increments in a work shift shall be compensated for in the following manner: a) Time Overtime Compensation ID C*) 0 15 minutes 1/4 hour 16 30 minutes 1/2 hour 31 44 minutes 3/4 hour 45 60 minutes 1 hour C. Standby Assignment: Unit employees occupying a position designated by the City Manager as appropriate for standby pay are required to be subject to call by telephone or other methods approved by management. Said standby assignments shall be scheduled, in advance, by the appropriate department head and shall be automatically forfeited by a unit employee if said employee is unavailable when called for duty. Said employees when not otherwise rendering service shall be compensated for such standby time as follows: 1. Standby compensation shall be paid at the rate of $15.00 per day, with time and one-half compensation from time of call-out until completion of the required work. D. Overtime Compensation Accumulation and Payment: Unit employees may accumulate and be compensated for accumulated hours under the following conditions: 1. Compensatory Time Accumulation: Hours worked in excess of forty 40) hours per week may be accumulated by unit employees, pursuant to Federal regulations and the Fair Labor Standards Act, with a cap of forty 40) hours compensatory time accrual. E. Taking Compensatory Time: Use of compensatory time shall be determined by appropriate department heads upon consultation with employee and shall be based upon the overall departmental and/or City needs. 14- * I***C*T1 BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 383 F. Exempt Positions: Compensatory time of f and overtime provisions of this section shall not apply to department heads and confidential professional employees. Such positions, requiring attendance at numerous extra-hour meetings and conferences, are designated as follows: 1. City Manager 2. Community Safety Director 3. City Clerk Administrative Services Director) 4. Finance Director 5. Planning Director 6. Public Works Director/City Engineer a) 7. Principal Planner Ii) 8. Associate Planner 9. Assistant or Associate Engineer C[*) LEAVE POLICY Sec. 1. Holidays Recognized: Full time unit employees are eligible for a paid 8 hour) leave of absence for the following ten 10) holidays: New Year's Day first day of January) Martin Luther King's Birthday 3rd Monday in January) Washington's Birthday 3rd Monday in February) Memorial Day last Monday in May) Independence Day Fourth of July) Labor Day 1st Monday in September) Veteran's Day eleventh day of November) Thanksgiving Day fourth Thursday in November) Friday following Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day twenty-fifth day of December) Sec. 2. Floating Holidays: Two 2) days of each calendar year are designated as floating holidays". Floating holidays shall be approved at such time as is mutually agreeable to the employee and the employee's division head. In the event of the employee's failure for any reason to exercise such floating holidays during any calendar year, or prior to their termination of employment with the City, the employee shall be entitled to compensation for said floating holiday(s). Sec. 3. Friday Holiday: The Friday immediately preceding any regular holiday that falls on a Saturday shall be deemed to be a holiday. Sec. 4. Monday Holiday: The Monday immediately following any regular holiday that falls on a Sunday shall be deemed to be a holiday. 15- PRSNL/ PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 351 Sec. 5. Vacation: A. Vacation Earned: Unit employees who have served in a full time capacity for six consecutive months and are compensated on a monthly basis shall be provided with vacation earnings based on the following schedule: Annual no. of Years of full days eligible time service to earn 0) 0 1 10 days Beginning year 2 11 days ID Beginning year 3 12 days Beginning year 4 13 days Beginning year 5 14 days m Beginning year 6 15 days Beginning year 7 16 days Beginning year 8 17 days Beginning year 9 18 days Beginning year 10 19 days Beginning year 11 20 days No vacation days may be accrued or used during an employees first six months of service. At the end of six months, vacation in an amount which would have been earned during the first six months period will be credited to the employees leave account in a lump sum. B. The City Manager shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of fifteen 15) days per year the first year of service and adjusted annually as the unit employees in Section 5 A). C. Limitations: 1. Vacation is earned annually and is computed on the basis of number of months, or major portion of a month, worked within a calendar year. 2. Additional days of vacation are earned on the anniversary of the full-time hire date of the unit employee. 3. No vacation shall be credited for time during which a unit employee is absent from duty without pay. 4. All vacations shall be taken at such time as approved by the department head for which the employee works. 5. Each vacation day shall be considered eight 8) hours. 6. Vacation leave may be taken in increments of one 1) hour or more approved by management. 16- *D*MT /*;`***TT BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 353 7. Illness during a vacation period shall not be considered as sick leave. 8. Employee absence due to sick leave or other approved leave of absence shall not affect vacation computation unless such absence exceeds one 1) month, in which case that month or more shall be excluded from vacation accrual computation. D. Vacation Accumulation: Employees who do not take their vacation in any calendar year, may1 subject to a) approval of the City Manager, be allowed such vacation Ii) during the succeeding calendar year. In no event, however, shall any employees' vacation with pay exceed thirty 30) working days in any calendar year. m E. Holidays Within Vacation Period: Holidays falling within an employees' vacation period shall not be considered as part of the employees' vacation, and an extra day may be added to the employees' regular vacation period or used at the discretion of the employee with the approval of the appropriate department head. F. Vacation Cash-Out at Termination: Any unit employee who is eligible for vacation benefits and wishes to terminate employment with the City shall be paid at the base hourly rate then being received, for any unused vacation accrual to which the employee is entitled. Sec. 6. Sick Leave: 1. Use of Sick Leave. Sick leave shall be used for illness, off-duty non-work connected injury, physical examination, including eye examinations, dentist appointments or other commonly accepted health related matters 2. When Eligible. All full-time employees are eligible for sick leave after completing six months of service. At which time, sick leave in an amount which would have been earned during the first six months period will be credited to the employee's leave account in a lump sum. Part-time employees are not eligible unless otherwise provided at the time of hiring or at a later date. 3. Number of Days Sick Leave-Allowed. The employees shall be credited with one 1) day per month of work, or major fraction thereof. 4. Sick Time Pay Back. A. City agrees to provide sick leave pay back upon e*p1oyees te*m*nation, as follows: 17- PR*NL/P***RU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 355 2 to 5 years service 25% 5 to 10 years service 50% 10 years service and up 75% B. A maximum sick leave accrual of 30 days shall be established, to coincide with long-term disability benefits established. After the maximum accrual of sick leave has been reached, at the end of each fiscal year, employee shall be reimbursed for the number of sick leave days that would have been accrued and unused above the maximum during the fiscal year, according to a) the formula used for sick leave pay back upon employee ID termination, as above. Cr) C. City agrees to provide long-term disability insurance coverage which would take effect after an CD employees' absence from work during an illness or injury of 30 days 5. Filing Statement of Cause. An employee who is absent because of illness shall be required to file a written statement describing his illness or reason for absence, which then must be approved by the City Manager. If an absence because of illness or disability extends beyond three consecutive work days, the employee may be required to file a statement from his physician. 6. Effect of Absence on Sick Leave. Absence due to sick leave or other approved leave of absence will not affect computations for sick leave unless such absences exceed one month, in which case that month, or more, shall be excluded from computation. Sec. 7. Administrative Leave. The following employees shall be granted eighty 80) hours administrative leave per year. Said time of f shall accrue January 1st of each year, and shall not be accumulated beyond the calendar year in which it is earned. Said administrative leave time off shall be allowed at the discretion of the City Manager. 1. City Manager 2. Community Safety Director 3. City Clerk Administrative Services Director) 4. Finance Director 5. Planning Director 6. Public Works Director/City Engineer 18- %nrLrr *nVflcnl? BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 357 Sec. 8. Maternity: Any employee who is pregnant may receive a leave of absence on account of such pregnancy for a reasonable period of time for a period not to exceed four 4) months. Such leave need not be taken in one continuous period of time. The employee may utilize any accrued vacation, or other paid leave during this period of time. Reasonable period of time" means that period during which the female employee is disabled on account of pregnancy, child birth, or related medical condition. Any employee who plans to take leave pursuant to this Section shall give the City reasonable notice of the date such leave will commence a) and the estimated duration of such leave. At the conclusion of the leave, the employee shall be entitled to cy) reinstatement to the employee's original job, or a substantially * similar one in accordance with California Administrative Code, Co Section 7291.2(d)(3)(c) Regulations of the Fair Employment Housing * Commission), which reads as follows: 1. Right to Return to Original Job. Any employer must return an employee to her original job, when the employee is able to return to that job, after she has gone on a pregnancy disability leave up to four months or has been transferred to a less strenuous or hazardous position because of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, unless either: a.) The job ceased to exist because of legitimate business reasons unrelated to the employee's pregnancy disability leave, or b.) Each means of preserving the job for the employee such as leaving it unfilled or filling it with a temporary employee) would substantially undermine th employer's ability to operate the business safely and efficiently. 2. Right to Return to Substantially Similar Job. If the employer is excused from returning the employee to her original job, the employer must then provide the employee with a substantially similar job, unless either: a.) There is no substantially similar position available; or b.) A substantially similar position is available, but filling the available position with the returning employee would substantially undermine the employer's ability to operate the business safely and efficiently. 19 BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 169 3. Right to Return to Job If Pregnancy Disability Leave Exceeds Four Months. If an employee disabled by pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions has taken a pregnancy disability leave for longer than four months, an employer must treat the employee the same regarding reinstatement rights as it treats any other employee who has taken a similar length disability leave. 4. Date of Return. If the employer and the employee have agreed upon a definite date of return from a pregnancy disability leave or job transfer at the beginning of a leave or transfer, the employer has an obligation to a) reinstate the employee on this definite date of return if she notifies the employer she is able to return on or before that date. If the length of a leave or a transfer Y) has not been established or it differs from the employer and employee's original agreement, the employer must return the employee to her job within a reasonable period of time but no later than thirty days after her notification of her readiness to return. 5. Verification of Ability to Return. An employer may require a written verification from the employee's physician or other licensed health care practitioner that her disability has ceased before the employee returns to work if it has a similar policy or practice for other temporary disabled employees. RULE XI. DISCIPLINARY ACTION Sec. 1. Policy: Prior to the suspension, demotion, reduction in pay, or discharge of a regular employee for disciplinary purposes, the procedure set forth in this rule shall be complied with. Sec. 2. Written Notice: Written notice of the proposed disciplinary action shall be given to the employee. Such notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for the proposed action and the charge(s) being considered. Sec. 3. Employee Review: The employee shall be given an opportunity to review the documents or materials upon which the proposed disciplinary action is based, and, if practicable, the employee shall be supplied with a copy of the documents. Sec. 4. Employee Response: Within five 5) working days after the employee has had the review opportunity provided above, the employee shall have the right to respond, orally or in writing, at the employee's option, to the appointing authority concerning the proposed action. Sec. 5. Relief of Duty: Notwithstanding the provisions of this Rule, upon the recommendation of the Personnel Director, the City Manager may approve the temporary assignment of an employee to a status of leave with pay pending conduct or completion of such investigations or opportunity to respond as may be required to determine if disciplinary action is to be taken. 20- BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 3*5 Sec. Appeal: Regular employees may appeal disciplinary actions to an administrative hearing before the City Manager by filing a written request with the City Manager within five 5) days of the imposition of the action. RULE XII. LAYOFF POLICY AND PROCEDURE Sec. 1. Statement of Intent: Whenever, in the judgernent of the City Council, it becomes necessary to abolish any position or employment1 the employee holding such position or employment may be laid off or demoted without disciplinary action and without right of a) appeal. ID Sec. 2. Notification: Employees to be laid off shall be given, C*) whenever possible, at least 14 calendar days prior notice. Co Sec. 3. Vacancy and Demotion: Except as otherwise provided, whenever there is a reduction in the workforce, the appointing authority shall first demote to a vacancy, if any, in a lower class for which the employee who is the latest to be laid off in accordance with Section 6 is qualified. All persons so demoted shall have their names placed on the reemployment list. Sec. 4. Employee Rights: An employee affected by layoff shall have the right to displace an employee in the same department who has less seniority in a lower class in the same class series or in a lower classification in which the affected employee once had permanent status. For the purpose of this section and Section 5, seniority includes all periods of full-time service at or above the classification level where layoff is to occur. Sec. 5. Seniority: In order to retreat to a former or lower class, an employee must have more seniority than at least one of the incumbents in the retreat class and request displacement action in writing to the Personnel Director within five 5) days of receipt of notice of layoff. Employees retreating to a lower or similar class shall be placed at the salary step representing the least loss of pay. In no case shall the salary be increased above that received in the class from which the employee was laid of f. Employees retreating to a lower or similar class shall serve a probationary period in the new class unless they have previously successfully completed a probationary period in the position previously. Sec. 6. Employment Status: In each class of position, employees shall be laid of f according to employment status in the following order: temporary, provisional, probationary and regular. 21- 1'rbe.L*r * nvnrnt* BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 367 Temporary, provisional and probationary employees shall be laid of f according to the needs of the service as determined by the appointing authority. In cases where there are two or more permanent employees in the class from which the layoff is to be made, such employees shall be laid off on the basis of the last evaluation rating in the class, providing such rating has been on file at least 30 days and no more than 12 months prior to layoff as follows: First, all employees having ratings of improvement needed;" a) Second, all employees having ratings of competent;" Third, all ID employees having ratings of outstanding.1' Cr) Employees within each category shall be laid off in inverse order of seniority in City service. Sec. 7. Re-employment List: The names of persons laid of f or demoted in accordance with these rules shall be entered upon a reemployment list. Lists fro*n different departments or at different times for the same class of position shall be combined into a single list. Such list shall be used by every appointing authority when a vacancy arises in the same or lower class of position before certification is made from an eligible list. Sec. 8. Duration of Re-employment List: Names of persons laid of f shall be carried on a reemployment list for one year, except that persons appointed to permanent positions of the same level as that which laid of f, shall, upon such appointment, be dropped from the list. Persons who refuse reemployment shall be dropped from the list. Persons reemployed in a lower class, or on a temporary basis, shall be continued on the list for the higher position for the one year. RULE XIII. SEPARATION FROM ThE SERVICE Sec. 1. Discharge: An employee in the competitive service may be discharged at any time by the appointing power. Whenever it is the intention of the appointing power to discharge an employee in the competitive service, the Personnel Director shall be notified. Disciplinary discharge action shall be taken in accordance with Rule XI. Sec. 2. Resignation: An employee wishing to leave the competitive service in good standing shall file with the appointing authority a written resignation stating the effective date and reasons for leaving at least two weeks before leaving the service, unless such time limit is waived by the appointing authority. A statement as to the resigned employee's service performance and other pertinent information shall be forwarded to the Personnel Director. Failure to give notice as required by this rule shall be cause for denying future employment by the City. 22- BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 369 Sec. Disability: An employee will be separated from City service when no longer able to perform the required duties of his/her class because of physical or mental impairment. Disability separation action shall be taken in accordance with Rule XI. RULE XIV. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVES. REPORTS AND RECORDS Sec. 1. Attendance: Employees shall be in attendance at their work in accordance with the rules regarding hours of work, holidays, and leaves. All departments shall keep daily attendance records of employees which shall be reported to the Personnel Director in the form and on the dates he shall specify. Failure on the part of an a) employee1 absent without leave, to return to duty within 24 hours ID after notice to return shall be cause for ii!Iflediate discharge, and *) such employee automatically waives all rights under the Personnel * Ordinance and these rules. The depositing in the United States mail of a first class letter, postage paid, addressed to the employee's last known place of address, shall be reasonable notice. Sec. 2. Military Leave: Military leave shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of state law. All employees entitled to miliary leave shall give the appointing power an opportunity within the limits of military regulations to determine when such leave shall be taken. Sec.3. Leave of Absence Without Pay: The City Manager, in his unrestricted discretion, may grant a regular or probationary employee leave of absence without pay or seniority for a period not to exceed three months. After three months, the leave of absence may be extended if so authorized. No such leave shall be granted except upon written request of the employee, setting forth the reason for the request, and the approval will be in writing. Upon expiration of a regularly approved leave or within a reasonable period of time after notice to return to duty, the employee shall be reinstated in the position held at the time leave was granted. Failure on the part of an employee on leave to report promptly at its expiration, or within a reasonable time after notice to return to duty, shall be deemed to be discharged. The depositing in the United States mail of a first class letter, postage paid, addressed to the employee's last known place of address, shall be reasonable notice. Department heads may grant a regular or probationary employee leave of absence without pay for not to exceed one calendar week. Such leaves shall be reported to the Personnel Officer. Sec. 4. Jury Duty: Every classified employee of the City who is called or required to serve as a trial juror, upon notification and appropriate verification sUb*itted to his/her supervisor, shall be entitled to be absent from his/her duties with the City during the period of such service or while necessarily being present in court as a result of such call. The employee's normal pay shall be lowered by the amount of pay received for jury duty. 23- BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 17* Sec. 5. Personnel Records: The Personnel Director shall maintain a service or personnel record for each employee in the service of the City showing the name, title of position held, the department to which assigned, salary, changes in employment status, and such other information as may be considered pertinent by the Personnel Director. Sec. 6. Change-of-Status Report: Every appointment1 transfer, promotion, demotion, change of salary rate, or any other temporary or permanent change in status of employees shall be reported to the Personnel Director in such manner as he may prescribe. 1) Sec. 7. Leaves of Absence With Pay: r) 1. Family Illness Leave. If an employee requests to be absent from duty because of an illness in his immediate 0 family which requires his attendance, he may, at the discretion of the City Manager, be granted leave from his accrued sick leave not to exceed 6 days per year. For purposes of this action, the following are considered members of the immediate family: mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, children, grandparents, in-laws and legal guardians. 2. Bereavement Leave. Bereavement leave with pay, not to exceed 3 days, shall be granted full-time employees at the discretion of the City Manager. This shall be the maximum time allowable based on demonstrated need and shall be limited to death within the immediate family. For the purposes of this action, the following are considered members of the immediate family: mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, children, grandparents, in-laws, aunts, uncles, nieces nephews and legal guardians. 3. Subpoenaed Absence. An employee who is subpoenaed, or required to appear in court as a witness, may receive his regular pay during his absence if, in the opinion of the City Manager, the serving as a witness is deemed to be in the best interests of the public. Paid leave of absence shall not be granted when the time is spent in court for personal reasons not connected with the employee's official duty. 24- PRSNL/PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02 ^!6^ 175 Sec. 8. Industrial Accident Leave: Whenever any regular employee is absent on account of injuries arising out of and in the course of his employment, such employee shall receive full compensation during the first seven 7) days of such absence. Thereafter, compensation shall be paid in accordance with and under the provisions of the Worker's Compensation Insurance and Safety Act of the State of California. The City shall, in addition thereto, compensate any employee who is still absent between the amount said employee receives from the Worker's Compensation Insurance Fund and the amount of his regular compensation, provided that the circumstances contributing to the employee's injuries and prolonged absence from duties are such that in the opinion of the City Manager the employee is justly entitled to receive the maximum allowance as provided herein. This additional compensation shall be for a maximum period Y) of one year. The one year period need not be consecutive if the employee's absence is directly traceable to a single accident. m A. Any period of time during which an employee is required to be absent from his position by reason of an injury or disease for which he is entitled to receive compensation under the provisions of Division 4 commencing with Section 3201) of the Labor Code is not a break in his continuous service for the purpose of his right to salary adjustments, sick leave, vacation of seniority. RULE XV. VIOLATIONS Sec. 1. Violation of Rules: Violations of the provisions of these rules shall be grounds for rejection, suspension, demotion, dismissal, or other disciplinary action. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED, this 5th day of April 1988. May r City of La Quinta, California City of La Quin a, California 25- PRSNL/PERSRU BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:17:53AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 29-U02