2016 03 01 HPC MinutesCALL TO ORDER HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2016 A special meeting of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 1:32 p.m. by Chairperson Maevers. PRESENT: Commissioners Leila Namvar, Peggy Redmon, Linda Williams and Chairperson Kevin Maevers ABSENT: None VACANCIES: One STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Director Tim Jonasson, Planning Manager Gabriel Perez, Consultant Principal Planner Nicole Criste, Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney, Executive Assistant Wanda Wise -Latta, and Executive Assistant Monika Radeva Chairperson Maevers led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Redmon/Williams to approve the Historic Preservation Commission Special Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2015, as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Conditional Use Permit 2013-152 submitted by Case and Lisa Swenson for the consideration of a Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report prepared by CRM Tech for the Swenson residence located within The Enclave Mountain Estates (77-210 Loma Vista). Commissioner Maevers stated he has a conflict of interest due to a business relationship with persons related to the Swenson residence; he recused himself and left the meeting room. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 1 MARCH 1, 2016 Consultant Principal Planner Nicole Criste presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Commissioner Redmon said she would like to include a condition of approval requesting that a tribal member be present and/or consulted during excavation, entrenching, and other ground disturbing activity. The Commission discussed the height of the structure and visibility. Commissioner Williams noted that the report erroneously identified the La Quinta Resort and Club as the earliest development in the City, when in fact it was Point Happy. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Redmon/Williams to approve the Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report for Conditional Use Permit 2013-152, Swenson residence, as submitted, and with the addition of the following condition of approval: • The City shall consult with the local Native American tribal governments; and if requested, a tribal monitor shall be present during any excavation, entrenching, and other ground disturbing activity. AYES: Commissioners Namvar, Redmon, Williams. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairperson Maevers. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. Chairperson Maevers joined the meeting at 1:47 p.m. 2. Development Code Tune Up - Recommendation to eliminate Chapter 2.35 Historic Preservation Commission from the City of La Quinta Municipal Code. Planning Manager Perez presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. The Commission said they understand and support Council's efforts to streamline the development process and be fiscally responsible. However, they expressed a general disagreement with the Ad-hoc Committee's recommendation to eliminate the Historic Preservation Commission. The Commission addressed the following issues: • Importance of maintaining the Certified Local Government (CLG) status - placed emphasis on the prior efforts, funds, and staff time spent on obtaining the CLG status originally; explained that the benefits of the CLG status are scarce because the City has not identified and placed priority on any historic preservation projects that would qualify for CLG grants; the Commission is interested in many projects that have not been addressed due to a continuous HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 2 MARCH 1, 2016 change in staff and other priority City items, such as to work with residents and the La Quinta Historical Society to establish the Cove historic district comprised of 57 homes and to obtain a landmark status through the State, to place plaques on historical buildings of importance throughout the City, to complete a bicycle map, to mention a few. Further, obtaining a CLG status in the future might be a very difficult process; • Assembly Bill 52 establishes consultation requirements with all California Native American Tribes on the Native American Heritage Commission List and does not provide staff the ability to realize any time savings for the developer as staff still needs to allow for the 90 day notification period; thus, no actual time streamlining is achieved if the item is not presented to the Commission; further, some instances may require the presence of a tribal member or consultant as tribal notification will not suffice; • Frequency of meetings - the Commission met only five times during 2015/16; it recommended amending the bylaws to allow for quarterly meetings; • Possibility of combining the Historic Preservation Commission with another existing City Board or Commission that can assume its responsibilities and purview, and allow for the CLG status to be maintained; • The stakeholders' feedback received through the community outreach efforts of the Development Code Tune Up review were from developers and contractors; no comments were received from homeowners who own historic properties and are very interested to see them preserved, and will be concerned when they realize that historic preservation is not being taken seriously by the City; • Lack of appreciation of the City's historic resources in general, including underground, dwellings, as well as the beautiful mountains; • The Ad-hoc Committee Members, with the exception of Chairperson Wright, have never attended a Historic Preservation Commission meeting; there is a difference when evaluating the benefits of a Commission on paper and in action; • Financial savings would be minimal based on the limited amount of meetings the Commission has held over the last few years; further, the Commissioners have individually covered the majority of expenses associated with the required yearly trainings and conferences; • Other Coachella Valley local municipalities are currently in the process of establishing historic preservation commissions. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 3 MARCH 1, 2016 The Commission asked who will be responsible for historic preservation review if the Commission is disbanded. Staff replied the reviews will be completed by planning staff; additionally, the Ad-hoc Committee's recommendation was for staff to work in conjunction with the La Quinta Historical Society in the review of historical, archaeological, and paleontological reports. Staff noted that this item will be presented to the Planning Commission on March 8, 2016, and encouraged the Commission to attend and express their comments at the meeting. The Commission reached a unanimous consensus recommending that the City Council does not eliminate Chapter 2.35 Historic Preservation Commission from the La Quinta Municipal Code. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL - None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - None COMMISSIONER ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Namvar/Redmon to adjourn this meeting at 2:55 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, kaw,),e, ifob,1.& Aft, Wanda Wise -Latta Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 4 MARCH 1, 2016