2016 06 28 PC MinutesCALL TO ORDER
TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2016
A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00
p.m. by Chairperson Wilkinson.
PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, Wright and
Chairperson Wilkinson
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Manager Gabriel Perez, Principal Planner Jay Wuu,
Associate Planner Carlos Flores, Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney
Executive Assistant Wanda Wise -Latta, Management Assistant
Carla Triplett, and Office Assistant Carley Votaw
Commissioner Wright led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Approval of the minutes of June 14, 2016.
Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Blum to
approve the Planning Commission Minutes of June 14, 2016 as submitted with the
following amendment to page 2, paragraph 6:
Commissioner Wright stated his concern regarding the installation of landscaping not
adhering to the approved Landscape Plan.
AYES: Commissioners, Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, and Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT:
Chairperson Wilkinson. ABSTAIN: Chairperson Wilkinson. Motion Passed.
1. Site Development Permit 2016-0003 submitted by VTL Palizada, LLC for the
consideration of two recreational areas, landscaped common areas, walls, and
entry gates within a proposed 320 residential lot development, Tracts 31732
and 31733, on approximately 78 acres. Project: Bellaseno. CEQA: adheres to
previously approved Mitigated Negative Declarations for Environmental
Assessment 2003-492 and 2003-493; no further analysis is required. Location:
southeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 60.
Planning Manager Gabriel Perez introduced Associate Planner Carlos Flores who
presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Design and
Development Department.
Commissioner Bettencourt asked for clarification from staff regarding whether
the applicant was responsible for the Monroe Street median.
Staff said that the applicant is responsible for one half of the Monroe Street
median, but are conditioned to construct the Monroe Street median and will
receive funds from Trilogy to cover the other half of the median south of
Avenue 60 to the next adjacent development. A reimbursement agreement
will be drafted to provide the funds from Trilogy to this developer.
Commissioner Bettencourt asked staff to explain to the Commission the
utilization of an existing Environmental Assessment for this tract that is
somewhat dated and asked how the Commission is exempted from addressing
issues such as greenhouse gases regarding the determination before the
Staff stated that the CEQA document for this project was approved in 2005
prior to a requirement addressing greenhouse gases and at the time the CEQA
document was prepared it evaluated air quality, but as part of air quality some
greenhouse gases were analyzed and it wasn't analyzed in a separate section
like is done today. Staff noted that the City Attorney was consulted and a legal
precedent exists for not including a greenhouse gas analysis in the original
CEQA document and it does not require a new Mitigated Negative Declaration
or additional analysis. Staff said the City Attorney was comfortable moving
forward with this project under the existing CEQA document.
Commissioner Bettencourt asked if the proposed landscaping meets the
recently considered Landscape Ordinance that was recently considered by the
Staff stated that the landscaping material will be analyzed by staff with regards
to aesthetics and CVWD will analyze the water efficiency of the landscaping
material. The proposed landscaping utilizes as little turf as possible and is
consistent with the City's existing ordinance.
Commissioner Fitzpatrick noted that some of the non-native plants included in
the plant palette, although they are water efficient varieties of the plants, they
are not native to the desert. The Carissa is not a native plant.
Staff stated that there are a few trees that CVWD identifies as meeting the
threshold and citrus trees may not meet the water efficiency requirement of
the Landscape Ordinance and the Commission may wish to look at more
suitable alternatives to the citrus tree or any other inefficient tree.
Staff addressed Commissioner Bettencourt's questions regarding consistency of
the proposed onsite lighting and stated that the proposed lighting is completely
consistent with the City's outdoor lighting requirements per the Municipal Code.
It was also noted by staff that the Architectural and Landscaping Review Board
recommended adding additional accent lighting along the trails.
Staff addressed Commissioner Fitzpatrick's concerns regarding assurance that
when the Final Landscaping Plan is submitted that staff assures that the plants
are consistent with the plant palette and meet the water efficiency
requirements set by CVWD.
Commissioner Wright commended the developer for its plant palette and
stated that he hoped the landscaping will be planted according to the approved
plant palette.
Chairperson Wilkinson declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:25 p.m.
Public Speaker: Leslie Locken, Bermuda Dunes, CA - introduced herself and
stated that she is the Project Manager for Palizada and is with the Rilington
Public Speaker: Sarah Jimenez, Indio, CA - introduced herself and stated that
she is with RGA Landscape Architects. Ms. Jimenez addressed the
Commission's concerns regarding the retention basins in the south tract of the
proposed project and described the proposed landscaping, trails, shade trees,
use of native hydro seed, drainage with regards to the retention basins and
surrounding areas; and unguarded entrance gates and gate access.
Staff addressed the Commission's question with regards to the median noting
that generally the median is turned over to the City after the one year warranty
and the perimeter landscaping is maintained by the developer and is accepted
into the Landscape and Lighting District.
Public Speaker: Sarah Jimenez, Indio, CA - Ms. Jimenez responded to the
Commission's question with regards to the hydro seed plan and the seed mix.
Public Speaker: Judith Collins, La Quinta, CA - introduced herself and stated she
is a resident at Trilogy. She shared her concerns regarding the height of the
towers and potential for flooding at the Split Rock Gate at Trilogy during heavy
rains due to the configuration of the surrounding area.
Staff stated that the height of the towers is 18 feet 8 inches and that with
regards to the drainage concern, the developer is responsible for the street
drainage related to the half width of the street adjacent to the development
and stated it would be engineered to a 100 -year flood standard.
Chairperson Wilkinson declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 6:37 p.m.
Commissioner Bettencourt said he supported staff's recommendation.
Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated that it is acceptable to her to have the
'resolution amended allowing staff to make the final determination on the
plant palette and would like to see an annotation indicating that the
landscaping for the retention basins in the southern tract mimic the
landscaping for the retention basins in the northern tract. She also stated that
her preference is not to see lighting installed along DG pathways.
Commissioner Wright said he would like to see a comprehensive list of what will
be in the hydro seed mix and concurred with Commissioner Fitzpatrick
regarding the lighting of DG pathways.
Staff requested Commission direction regarding the Final Perimeter
Landscaping Plan as to whether the Commission would like the plan to come
back to the Commission or be reviewed by the Architectural and Landscaping
Review Board.
The Commission concurred and directed staff to bring the Perimeter
Landscaping Plan back to the Planning Commission at a future date.
Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners
Fitzpatrick/Bettencourt to approve Resolution 2016-009 recommending
approval of Site Development Permit 2016-0003 with staff's recommendations,
and with the addition of the following conditions:
1. The final decision on the plants in the Landscaping Plan as submitted will be
made at the staff level;
2. Planning Commission will review and recommend for approval at a later date
the Perimeter Landscaping Plan;
3. Condition 48 which requires the accent light along the pathways is to be
removed from the resolution; and
4. There will be a notation on the landscaping plans that the retention basin
landscaping in the southerly tract will mimic the design of the retention basin
landscaping in the northerly tract.
AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, Wright and Chairperson
Wilkenson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed
Commission Blum thanked the applicant for their efforts.
Commissioner Wright said he would like to recognize and thank Chairperson Robert
Wilkinson for his ten years of service to the City of La Quinta on the Planning
Chairperson Wilkinson thanked staff for their efforts during his tenure on the Planning
Planning Manager Perez stated that it is possible that SilverRock may come before the
Planning Commission in August and staff will send an email inquiring about vacation
plans that the Commissioners might have in place. The Commission indicated that
most of them would be available in August.
Planning Manager Perez announced that at the June 21 Council Meeting,
Commissioner Wright was reappointed to the Planning Commission, new
Commissioner Paul Quill's term will begin on July 1 and there will be an item on the
July 12 Planning Commission agenda regarding the selection of officers. He also
noted that the Council discussed potential consolidation of the ALRB with the Planning
Planning Manager Perez noted that at the last Planning Commission meeting the
Commission had questions regarding landscape plans and what plants are installed at
the project site and if they match the approved plans. He said that there have been
discussions regarding streamlining the landscape review process; possibly utilizing
existing inspectors who are familiar with landscape plant palettes and irrigation; and
utilizing a currently contracted landscape architect who is familiar with the landscape
water efficient ordinance and who could provide an additional professional review of
the landscape plans. Landscape plans would still be review by the ALRB.
Commissioner Blum stated that he would like to see some methodology put in place
to verify that the developer is planting those plants that are on the approved
landscaping plan and is still interested in hearing how the theatre performed with
regards to the landscape plan and what was actually planted.
Planning Manager Perez stated that there have been some discussions regarding
potentially having the landscape architect who prepares the plans provide a
certification of what was installed at a project site.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Wright/Blum to adjourn this meeting at 6:59 p.m. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt,
Blum, Fitzpatrick, Wright and Chairperson Wilkinson. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None.
ABSENT: None. Motion Passed.
Respectfully submitted,
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WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant
City of La Quinta, California